Lords of Creation

Game Master stringburka

Deities creating a new world where the old was destroyed.

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Male Fledgling Deity

Nes cocks his head quizzically at the sounds. “No apology is necessary and you are always welcome. I'm sure I've got canals around here somewhere... Anyway, communication is a cornerstone of civilization, so I’ve always had an ear for new tongues. Besides, after listening to my fellow gods forget to use indoor voices,” he says playfully, “I can handle a little leviathan. It is certainly not disrespectful to use the bird to talk through. I’ve done it myself.”

“It is always a pleasure to meet a representative of a new intelligent species. I hope you are planning on breeding extensively and establishing a culture young man!” Nes says with a wagging finger like a sarcastically scolding father-figure.

Female Greater Deity Domains: Chaos (Love, Hate), Charm (Beauty), Art (Wonders), Sin (Lust, Pride), Dreams (Dreamland), Magic (rituals), Civilization (culture), Murder (ritual sacrifice)

In the streets of the metropolis of Nes a new music was starting to diffuse. Drums and tambourines and flutes and strings and chants playing an exotic wordless song of gold, incense, ecstasy and passion.
The music drew near as the musicians entered the very hall of the party, fanning out to make room for the rest of the parade. Beautiful man and women with olive skin and perfect features played and sang the songs of the Jezites. At the end of the parade, a dozen men carried A complex triple throne over their shoulders. The thrones appeared to be surrounded by the Forests of the Jezite empire made gold. magnificent trees were sculpted into the gold along with images of Jezite architecture and the tales of the empire.
In the left throne sat a Jezite woman, her skin, paler than the norm of the Jezites, gave her a supernatural beauty, a couple of overdeveloped canines clearly visible every time she smiled.
In the right a beautiful red-winged angel with silver hair, braided and intertwined with strands of gold and silk.
On the topmost and central throne sat Jezebelle. a crown and a series of pin made out of reddish bronze made her hair spread out behind her head like the tail of a peacock.
A large necklace of yellow and blue gold descended from her neck covering her breasts. A chain of gold on her waist held a loincloth of crimson silk.
Her bare feet were adorned by Jewelry from her middle toe to her ankle.
As the thrones was gently put down, Jezebelle and her two escorts stood up, the goddess approached Nes and smiling he handed to him a big scroll of paper.
"Thank you for having me... I bring to you the poetry of the Jezites as a gift. I hope you will find it as touching as I do.
Allow me to introduce to you Ellazariel, first of the fallen. And Yaretzi, one of the seven blood queens of the Jezites."

The two bowed a little as Jezebelle offered the back of her hand to the Kingmaker.

Male Fledgling Deity

Nes turns an ear towards the great open windows where the sounds of music, not of his making, drift in. He sets his glass down and rises to his feet as the procession makes their way up through the winding paths to the audience hall.

“Welcome, to you all,” he sweeps gracefully forward to grasp the offered scroll in one hand, and Jezebelle’s palm with the other. “It is I who am thankful, for both your gift and presence. It would have been a true tragedy to hold a party for gods lacking both beauty and passion,” he says, bending down to delicately kiss her hand in a genteel manner perfected in countless courts. The scroll is deftly slid into his sleeve. “I will enjoy this poetry thoroughly, once I have a moment to myself. I have little doubt that it will move me, and I don’t want anyone’s first impression of a god to include sobbing,” he says wryly.

When Nes pulls away, he smiles wide, and motions towards the table. “I offer all my memories made manifest for your pleasure. I recommend the varied fruits of the seldom flowering Pomielat tree or the magical confections of the archmagus Maraciel. Perhaps your honored guests might enjoy the flesh and blood of a child-emperor or nymph?”

The Kingmaker motions towards the tapestries which begin moving, displaying perfectly captured renditions of a lost world’s events, complete with sounds. “If you require entertainment… maybe the final frenzied moments of passion from the most hedonistic nations, or the reputedly lost plays of the old world’s greatest bards?”

Female Fledgeling Deity Domains: Open Water(Oceans, Seas), Weather( Wind, Lightening, Clouds, Rain), Monsters (Sea, Sky)

Thank you Kingmaker, I will, your's and my lady's leave, find one of the canals nearby. The shadow in the water bows his great head as the bird finishes speaking. Yir steps down from her perch and waves her hand, freeing the water to the control of Asildon. The water clears and his true form can be seen. He is massive, even larger than the leviathans who he commands.
"You have my leave, feel free to explore the city. Just don't bump into anything, this city is quite magnificent and I am sure that Lord Nes would be positively thrilled to tell you stories of its past."

Asilodn bow deeply, or as deeply as he can given his aquatic form and flowed away out of a window with the albatross still contently nestled on one of his tentacle.

Yir smiles sheepishly and looks to Nes
"I apologize for my volume, being out at sea tends to not lead to much need of 'indoor voices'. Additionally, you are free to speak with him, or any of my creations about civilizations provided they ask about them. I know little of them, nor especially want to. They do not seem to... suit my personality."

She turned towards the window to watch her demigod in his search of a large enough canal, and let her mind lose itself in thought. Until the drumming started, burrowing its way into her skull. Her hands clench into fists, for just a moment before relaxing again. The slight smile that once played across her lips and shone in her eyes is now gone, replaced with steel. She turned stiffly towards the sound and watched as Jezebelle and her ungodly noisy procession entered.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady of Passion, I have heard rumors of you on the wind blowing out to sea. It is nice to finally put a face to the name." She offers a rigid bow before stalking off towards the food and drink.

Nes, really do free to build cultural structure in Yir's creations, she honestly won't mind. She understands that is not her area of expertise and if they ask for help with building a civilization she has no problem allowing for another god to interact with them, the same with Jezebelle and art, and others that I can not think of off the top of my head.

Male Fledgling Deity

“No apology is necessary. I just enjoy being a cad who pokes fun at his fellow gods,” Nes says jovially. “Azdan, especially. If I don’t do it, who will?” he remarks pointedly.

“I would love to regale Asildon with tales from the past. I would probably talk his ears off… assuming he possesses them,” he nods politely at the idea of Yir not being especially prone to civilizing her creations. “Thank you for your permission milady. It is greatly appreciated, and ties well into my reasons for drawing you all here. I have grand arrogant plans, and want to make my goals clear to all that care to listen,” Nes says hesitantly. He appears like he might go on, but stops himself. “I am not trying to be secretive or suspenseful, but perhaps I should wait a little longer for any other potential guests to arrive. I am happy to try entertaining you all in the meanwhile.”

One of the tapestries begins to display a great underwater kingdom built from living coral and the bones of long dead sea monsters. In the water swim fantastically colored creatures herded by beautiful mermen and mermaids. They sing strange ethereal songs meant to travel through water, instead of air.

Female Greater Deity Domains: Chaos (Love, Hate), Charm (Beauty), Art (Wonders), Sin (Lust, Pride), Dreams (Dreamland), Magic (rituals), Civilization (culture), Murder (ritual sacrifice)

Jezebelle, amused, smiled to Nes.
"Why not, I find a sobbing god a way more endearing sight than a judging one, and I assure you, not many gods are afraid to appear Judgmental as a first impression. Anyway, I believe Yaretzi had her fill before coming here. Not many of your guests appreciate her kind. I barely have faith that they will keep civil as it is, I fear to think at their reactions at the sight of her feeding upon an infant."
Not worried at all, Jezebelle actually giggled thinking about those reactions.
"and as much as I would enjoy viewing the glorious days of the past, I feel they are sights for a more private meeting. With so many gods of the new creation present here, I would rather think about the future."
Jezebelle smiled again as Yir approached her.
"The pleasure is mine. I'm glad to see you made it through the end of the universe, I always loved that wonderful work on those coasts and wonderful blue seas in the past worlds. I feel there are a lot of things we three could accomplish together, I could see coastal cities prosper and grow, filling the world with wonders. trading through the sea... we should really think about that one of these days.. Besides I kinda said to that stern looking guy that I would join him. But I don't feel like being alone with him. Also .. in the north they have this thing going on, I would like to build something with a warmer feel... with sandy shores, the sounds of cicadas in the summer. Why don't you think about it?"

While Jezebelle was entertaining herself with the two gods, the red winged angel approached Aeon and his flock of angels.
"Father... brothers... we meet again..."

Female Fledgeling Deity Domains: Open Water(Oceans, Seas), Weather( Wind, Lightening, Clouds, Rain), Monsters (Sea, Sky)

Yir stops with a forkful of some kind of fish inches from her mouth. She clears her throat, buying time to get rid of some of the redness in her cheeks.
"As always I will be more than happy to create coast lines and natural harbors of high rock faces to keep the worst of the weather at bay. And as always, what is done with those lands is up to the other gods, I take no credit for the people who populate them or their advancement. I simply give them a safe place to bed down. You may do with them what you wish as long as they respect my creations. After all, some can be rather fearsome in appearance, and others meek and easy prey."
She watches the tapestry, as the waves from above gently sway the plants and the hair of people who she believed to be long since forgotten, erased with the world that once was.
"I will take both of you up on your offers, the seas and skies have been silent for far too long."
She blinks back a tear before grinning.
"But today is a party, so how about when discuss this business and some other time, in greater depth? That way we may go over what each of us plans to do without boring the other guests."

Aeon watched the procession of others arrive, studying the massive leviathan with interest before it leaves.

The manner of Jezabelle's arrival doesn't suprise him, nor does her off hand remarks about judging. They were who they were.

He smiled as his silver haired daughter aproached him. The other angels didn't quite know how to respond to her, at her greeting they turned to him and spoke "Father, the red winged one comes, our sister, wrath and fallen." There was no question in their voice, just statement of events as they saw them.

Aeon brushed past them and wrapped Ellazariel in a warm embrace. Holding her close and brushing her hair he spoke. "Good to see you my Ella. Are you well?"he asked with concern in his voice.

Male Fledgling Deity

“I am one of the least judgmental creatures in creation,” Nes says with no small amount of amusement. “It is not my place to dictate whether a good society should triumph over an evil one, or vice versa,” his voice puts sarcastic tones on the words good and evil. “In my experience, good is the word people use when referring to themselves, and evil is the word they apply to enemies,” the Kingmaker rolls his eyes. “There is only some cosmic morality if the gods wish it. I, for one, thought that was a horrid idea in the last universe. Unfortunately, I was hardly in a position to debate with Good and Evil when they divvied up creation,“ Nes says, somewhat bitterly. “Perhaps I should make a decree out of that at some point,” he muses.

“In any case, it wouldn’t really be an infant, just a really convincing facsimile,” Nes explains. Although that does beg the question of how he knows what that sort of stuff tastes like. “I do hope everyone remains civil while in my realm no matter what disagreements you may have. This should be a safe gathering place for all; a neutral ground for the airing of grievances, diplomacy, and socializing. I may not be the most physically imposing deity, but I did once literally raise revenge to an art form.”

Nes smiles as Yir and Jezebelle converse. He seems quite open to any suggestion of working together with anyone, but then that is kind of his deal. “I hope nobody becomes bored at any event I host, milady. If that were to happen, I believe I would be forced to find a sword to throw myself upon,” he says, but then turns to give Azdan a wink. “That was, of course, a jest, Lord Death.”

Female Greater Deity Domains: Chaos (Love, Hate), Charm (Beauty), Art (Wonders), Sin (Lust, Pride), Dreams (Dreamland), Magic (rituals), Civilization (culture), Murder (ritual sacrifice)
Aeon, The Heavenly Light wrote:
Aeon brushed past them and wrapped Ellazariel in a warm embrace. Holding her close and brushing her hair he spoke. "Good to see you my Ella. Are you well?"he asked with concern in his voice.

"I am... father" she responded.

"You were right in saying that I was similar to Jezebelle, she gave me free will and taught me her way of life. I feel I understand her now, more than before. I sometimes miss the sense of purpose that you gave me at birth. But I think I can say I'm happy most of the times. I roam through the world and see it's beauty. And though sometimes I am confused and cannot see the path to take, I do enjoy the freedom."
Ellazariel blushed a little lowering her eyes.
"she... she seems afraid of you. And I think she feels you don't trust her judgement. I do hope you come to an understanding. You are my father, and she's now a mother to me. I love you both and I hope you will learn to get along..."

Aeon seems happy with Ellazariel's happiness, and concerned at her mention of Jezabelle's fear.

"Oh my child, you still have purpose, you only must find it yourself now. And know that when you have many paths before you and cannot see the right one, remember that all paths lead somewhere and whichever you tread upon, I am with you." he sighs "As for your mother, she is right, I don't trust her judgment. Not because she is unable to make sound judgment, but because she is afraid, one cannot act soundly from a place of fear, though her fear is the fear of a mother for her children and not truly a fear of me. She fears what I may do if I stand in judgment of her children, for I always have worn the robe of a judge, and as a God have a right to kill without cause, to offer those she makes to Azdan." he chuckles to himself. "It saddens me that she has so little hope and belief in my mercy. It's ironic that through sin and death there are those in the world that are contemplating murder as I sit here educating you in mercy. I wish to give all the means to believe in hope. I'll keep feeding the other Gods, your Mother included, the proof that they need, but they'll spit it out to further their doubt."

He looks solemnly at Ella "The true reason I sent you with Jezabelle is that I want your nature to help her. I gave you my eyes so you could see through fire, my strength so you could stand strong. My heart so you caould feel the compassion for the world and know right from wrong. Your mother has given you her will and mind that you may choose for yourself the path, but I have given you the steadfastness to walk the path." he sighs again, "I must speak to your Mother, we must reach a peace."

Melehan begins preparations to leave the Amaranthine and the Last Tribunal in operation while he's away. He searches among the dead, striding up the Peak and seeking among the souls of the virtuous that resided there. There, he noticed a large congregation of them gathering. There among them stood the soul of a woman, orating to the departed.

"May I pass?"

The souls did so, allowing Melehan to approach the speaker.

"I remember you. You were a wise-woman of the North, one of the most virtuous to be placed here. You could have ascended to the summit of the Peak easily. Why do you remain here?"

"I remember you too. He-Who-Stands-In-The-Smoke, who takes the spirit from their pyre to this place. You were a guide to my people, and that inspired me to guide those among the living. And I will do that here as well. I need no enlightenment or reward. Doing what you have taught me to do, that is reward enough."

"...Good answer."

In an instant, they shift from the Peak to Melehan's throne in the Final Tribunal. For a moment, the woman's spirit is stunned and confused, but once she gets her bearings, she straightens up and nods.

"You are among the most admirable mortal souls to pass through my halls. And rather than seek reward from me for it, you have continued in service to others and in providing counsel and judgment even in this life beyond life. You will stand as my servant here, judging the dead in my absence. There is no need to tell me your name, for now you will have a new name: Artioa, the Black and White Warden."

Silvery light swirls around her, surrounding and suffusing her and when it dissipates, she has changed. She now stands at twice the height of any mortal, her clothes somber robes of black and white artfully intermingling. Her hair is a glittering gray, her expression stern yet kind.

Artioa nods and turns to her duty, while Melehan takes his leave and begins travelling to Nes' domain to answer his invitation.

Create Demigod (Artioa, the Black and White Warden) -5 points

Female Fledgeling Deity Domains: Open Water(Oceans, Seas), Weather( Wind, Lightening, Clouds, Rain), Monsters (Sea, Sky)

Yir pokes absently at the food before her. He head is swimming with memories and plans for the future, all mixing and crashing upon her psyche. Like waves in a storm they pound against the inside of her skull, but they do not make a sound. Silently they torment her, refusing to be ordered, or even calmed for a moment. She puts a hand up to her temples and smiles weakly at her company, almost apologetically, and moves over to a empty, and quiet, balcony.

My lady, is everything alright? You seem troubled.

The voice is soothing and the waves in her mind calm ever so slightly.

I am fine Asildon, just a lot of things going on at once. I am having issues remembering how I dealt with them before the rebirth.

If you insist my lady, I only wish the best for you. I hope that if there is anything I can do to help you will let me know. I am more than indebted to you--

She shakes her head,

I gave you life so that you may have a choice, not for you to serve me in every aspect. All I can ever ask of you and your kind is that you protect those in the ocean that are weaker than yourselves. You owe me nothing.

An albatross lands on the railing next to her, from his beak, barely louder than a whisper,

"then please allow my people to give you our song, as our thanks for your kindness."

With that her mind was racked with sound, garish and sharp. She closed her eyes and gripped the railing for support. In a matter of moments, which felt like an eternity in her mind, the sounds harmonized and created a soft, low song.

She relaxed and allowed herself to open her eyes. Her head had stopped throbbing, she could start to separate the past from the future again and calm the raging ocean of her mind. She breathed a sigh of relief. Now she remembered why her head was so full of music.

"Thank you, Deep One, your gift is much appreciated."

Melehan strides into Nes' hall and he notices there are more new faces here than he expected. But first, he presents himself to his host.

"Maker of Kings and Father of Civilization, you honor me with your invitation."

He bows politely.

Male Fledgling Deity

Nes turns to Melehan when he arrives. The fey god smiles both broadly and warmly. “Melehan, you old so-and-so! The honor is mine,” he says with an impish grin. “I invited every god in the cosmos, so I paid you no particular honor, but I am sincerely glad you came. I feel like out of all, I can have the most fun at your expense,” he says with a wink.

“This should be enough for me to start. Any late comers shall hear these words and are equally welcome to join the Games,” says Nes. “I promised all of you not only a party, but a challenge.” The Kingmaker plops down onto his antique wooden throne.

“I am a terrible father,” he admits with sad but earnest tones. “I learned it the hard way. I created many powerful immortal children,” he sighs. “I expected each to stand upon my shoulders to reach heights I could not dream of, but all were terrible disappointments,” he plucks up a purple berry. It gets flicked by his thumb into a long arc towards his mouth and he chews thoughtfully. “It was always the mortals, not of my making, that intrigued me most. Weak, stupid, and short-lived, they constantly strived to better themselves, and succeeded. I imagine that if they’d had more time,” he glances over at Adzan, “…then they might be here instead of us.”

“I will speak plainly of my motives; I desire unique new children to guide. Mortals whose like I have never seen, but who can surprise me for an eternity. I, however, lack the power, and admittedly the talent, to create them by myself. I am hoping that by offering a strong incentive that I can convince most of you to help me,” he says with a shrug. “The most beautiful board is useless without pieces to move.”

When Nes speaks again, it shakes the walls of the Metropolis like a minor earthquake, “To the god or goddess that can create the most novel and interesting race of mortals, brimming with potential for the Games of Divinity, I will give a major boon. I swear to grant the winner of this first contest any reasonable request within my spheres of influence, short of a cosmic decree.

“Each new race would be created to represent you in future Games, so the more power invested, the greater your ongoing advantage. Future challenges would build upon, and depend on, your chosen people. For example, perhaps in future Games we each craft a challenge that must be faced by a champion from each race, or we test each other’s chosen people to see which best perseveres against adversity,” Nes waves his hand like there are endless possibilities and he won’t go into them right away.

“Now, I am sure at least some of you are tempted to refuse without even giving it due consideration. Gods of death might see little purpose in creating life. That is the heart of the challenge. How can you win while furthering your own goals? What mortal race would befit the Lord of Death more than say… a people constantly aware of their own mayfly existence? They age a year for every day, but can steal the years of life left to others. Ultimately, Azdan’s scales are balanced or even tipped in his favor,” Nes waves his hand, like he is just throwing out one example. “Such a people are a fitting homage to the Lord of Death, and by winning my offer he has me do some great act to further his own plans,” the Father of Fey smiles in a sardonic manner. “He furthers my goals by creating a weak, flawed race, driven to succeed or die.”

Female Fledgeling Deity Domains: Open Water(Oceans, Seas), Weather( Wind, Lightening, Clouds, Rain), Monsters (Sea, Sky)

Yir listens from the balcony. Her heart sinks when she hears Nes suggest pitting races against each other. She has never been a fan of war. Ships inevitably will sail across her waters, filled to the brim with soldiers, both those destined to kill and to die. Then the favors come. Gods asking her to destroy the armada of another, shifting the blood on to her hands instead of their own people's. The wars at sea were the worst, endless yelling and screaming from both the participants and their gods. She shakes her head, she will not go through that again.

She moves towards Nes as he continues his speech, standing silently off to the side until he finishes. Once his last words stop ringing through the quiet halls she steps forward.

"Brother, sisters, friends and those I have just meet. I am Yir, Lady of the Sea and I have a request to make of all of you here. Do not take your wars on to my domain. I will not tolerate ANY solders fighting on my waters without a just reason for the purposes of this competition. In the old world too many souls were lost amungst the waves for petty reasons. I do not wish for that to happen again. Thank you all for your understanding."

She bows her head and then takes a seat back at the banquet table.

Male Fledgling Deity

“Wars? Who said anything about wars?” Nes asks with some confusion. “I mean, sure, I suppose it is inevitable, but war is a lot more severe than what I am talking about. When I say competition I mean just that… like sports. Friendly competition, that nevertheless gets people riled up and passionate.” He chuckles in bemusement. “Don’t get me wrong, I am not adverse to a good war every once in a while, but I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings about what I was talking about. I am not suggesting that we create a bunch of mortals just so they can kill each other. That would be a pointless waste.”

Female Fledgeling Deity Domains: Open Water(Oceans, Seas), Weather( Wind, Lightening, Clouds, Rain), Monsters (Sea, Sky)

Yir nods along with what Nes is saying.

" I did not believe that you, Kingmaker, would desire the competition to descend into war between the races of the gods, as you said creating a bunch of mortals to then have them kill each other is a pointless waste. That being said, there are some who feel as though might is the only attribute that matters and will subject others to their will through force. I just wanted to make it know that I will not support that kind of 'competition' in my domain."

She almost spits the word out of her mouth as if the suggestion of war being a competition was a bitter taste upon her tongue.

"I would be more than happy to host or even act as a referee for competitions regarding my domains. Talents should be show cased and not condemned, regardless of the source. I am more than willing to provide an environment in which that may happen."

Far from the places where others had gathered, Yidhra quietly continued to tally her options - madness working on a form of sense, such as it was. Of course, something else seemed to be growing inside her... a change she could feel coming and was rather looking forward to. "Ia, Ia, the Yidhra wakes, your truthful lies and lives she takes~"

I got 2 (or 3, if you count Ilja's conditional approval. I only get the conditional approval if everybody feels that Lagdorn isn't stepping on anyone's toes) so that means I'm in. As Yihdra would say: Yaaaaaay!

The cosmos were weaving, and creative energy flew throughout all of the universe. When there was too much, the remainder disappeared. Nobody knew what happened to it. Except Lagdorn.

Lagdorn coalesced from all the spare creative energy, and he knew two thought-to create and improve. So he smithed a new world, independent of the one created by Oenar and the rest of the gods. It was a world of metal, a world of industry, a world of progress. Smog choked the sky, and the compact, hardy inhabitants worked day in and day out, always trying to better themselves. This world was devoid of magic. It had science and progress instead.

Lagdorn watched in satisfaction. The industrious Oreads were working hard at their craft. In the space of twenty years in mortal time, they far exceeded the technology of the Old Cycle. Once in a while, he gave them a nudge, but he was always working on creating new devices, new monuments, new relics. He was the greatest inventor, after all.

The Oreads progressed farther and farther. Soon, Lagdorn became aware of other divinities, and drifted to the palace of Nes to take a look.

AP Actions:

Forge Planet=9 AP
Create Sentient Life: 2 AP
Form Society=1 AP
Advanced Concept: Steam Tech (exactly what it sounds like)=2 AP

Whew! Had no idea that creating a planet and a space-faring race was so hard!

Female Fledgeling Deity Domains: Open Water(Oceans, Seas), Weather( Wind, Lightening, Clouds, Rain), Monsters (Sea, Sky)

As the conversation dies down, Yir excuses herself from the table.

"As much fun as I am having hear, I fear I need to return back to the material plane. After all, there is a contest to win." She says with a cheeky smile.

"If any of you wish to contact me, you know where to find me."

And with a thunderclap she vanishes.


Back on the material plane Yir floats above the ocean, far from any of the god's lands. Here the currents of warm water flows from the tropics, heated by the newly formed Sun, and the earth beneath the ocean was stable, no cracks that could possibly threaten her plans.

She starts by raising up the ocean floor, making shallows and gently sloping floor to prevent any hard shelf close to shore. Then she raises the island. The horseshoe shaped spit of sand grows, a mountain range makes up its spine while the interior of the cove is walled off by 100ft rocky cliffs leaving a gap just large enough for a pair of large ships to pass through.

With a wave of her hand, tropical plants, towering and full of colorful blooms cover the surface of the island, except for the sandy shore of the cove. In the light blue water she dropped a hair pulled from her head and thousands of silver fish sprung forth. Each one capable of feeding a family for a day. On the exterior of the island she created a great coral reef, full of sea-life and danger for any ships that may try and approach any other way than the cove. As the water grew deeper she raised a great kelp forest from the sea bed. In the center, she made a city, modeled after the one she saw in the tapestry, shaping the seabed stone to her will.

She stood atop the spire of the tallest building, which sat just below the water's surface, and spoke.

With my voice I call you back from the depths of memory and into this new world. You are people of the sea and I am your god. Come forth and live once more.

The bubbles of air that formed when she spoke writhed and stopped floating upward. They grew in size and the inside of the bubble grew opaque and turned dark brown. All at once the convulsions ended and all was still. Then, one by one the bubbles burst open and relieved their contents.

These new people were no larger than the barbarian people of the North; however, there were many striking differences. The first, and most prominent was their large powerful tail instead of legs. The tails were covered in shining scales of varying hues and a pair of lateral ventral fins attached to their hips. All of them had gills running the length of their neck, and their ears looked more like small fins than the surface dweller's. Their hands were well formed but webbed with the same kind of membrane as their fins and ears. Some possessed a dorsal fin, running anywhere from the base of their neck to half way down their tail. Others had flowing tails that swayed like silk in the currents. Their faces all posses an unusual beauty, as though the water had softened all of the harshness from their features.

"People of my voice, I have created you and this city. There is an island with a cove, surrounded by a reef to the South. There will be strange people who walk upon the land that come. You are to welcome them to the land and show them the secrets of ocean. Show them what the can eat and what will make them sick, teach them which creatures hold precious treasures. Let them teach you of their world, there is no need to fear them."

They all nod, swimming closer to Yir, staring at her in awe.

"There are protectors that swim in these waters, the Leviathans, IF you should ever come under attack they will protect you. They are also not to be feared, they are kind, gentle and wise beings that can teach you much of this listen to them and heed their advise."

The sad look in her eyes returns and the corners of her mouth turn up in a sad smile.

"I am here, as always, as your goddess, call to me in your time of need, just as you did in the time before now."

With that she leaves.


-1 AP alter land (build island (approximately same size as the big island of Hawaii), creating coral reef, kelp forest and the city of the Merpeople.) +1 Open water, +1 Travel
-2 AP create sentient life (Merpeople) +2 Open water, +2 Monsters
-1 AP Form society +1 Trade

Current AP: 1

With a sound like a thousand hammers on a thousand anvils, Lagdorn appears in Nes' palace. "Kingmaker," the Steamwright boomed. "You do not know me. I am Lagdorn, the first inventor. Direct your attention to my planet." With a wave of his hand, Lagdorn gives Nes a view of his planet, named Mirrodin. "This is a planet of technology, where my people have prospered even without magic. They have created a great thing: technology. On a world almost devoid of life, a world of metal and oil instead of earth and sea, they have prospered. The People of Darksteel, or the Oreads, have created technologies that have far exceeded the standards of the Old Cycle, as I understand it. That is my creation."

Turning to the rest of the gods, Lagdorn thunders "My people are on the brink of a great discovery. They will soon find your unnamed planet, and they will soon discover its inhabitants. So, here is what is to happen: The Oreads and the other peoples will forge a combination of magic and science, which will create a prosperous era. Be forewarned, however: my people may make war upon yours because of their differences. I will do everything I can to steer them from this path, but I am weak from the forging of Mirrodin and the creating of the People of Darksteel. You must prepare your peoples for war, should it come to that."

Turning to Aeon, Lagdorn's face takes on a particularly grim cast. "My people will find the most conflict with yours, Aeon. If there will not be war, there will be disagreements at the very least. Please do not hold it against them. Progress has hardened their souls to most virtue, and they will not embrace your teachings."

Lagdorn looks at each of the gods and says "I must go soon. I have much work to do." A grin splits the forge god's big, craggy face. "But I still have time for merriment!"

Eventually, Yidhra's gaze turned to some incredibly small little things that were moving in places she'd never seen mortals go before. Up until now, mortals had been confined to the land... but now they were moving out into the void, the nothingness... wherein the madness dwelled. She's help them out in due time, though... because already, their apparent emphasis on order and progress meant that she wanted to introduce a little chaos to their lives. She had something else to do first, though. "Ch'n'ghft, uh'e? Vulgtlagln Lagdorn. Yidhra wgah'n shogg." she said, tone light and cheerful.

Turning to the mysterious, ethereal voice, Lagdorn sees Yihdra. "I heard my name spoken, goddess of paradoxes, though I do not understand your speech. What saith thou, Yihdra?"

"Did I say something?" Yidhra asked, tilting her head and looking rather confused. She threw up her hands a moment later. "New buddy! Yay!" She cartwheeled through space until she was next to Lagdorn, where she paused, upside-down. "Oooooh... you look like you make stuff. Psst!" he voice changed to an incredibly audible stage whisper. "Trust me, don't make stuff to extend lives! The death gods'll get mad!" And her voice promptly went back to normal. "So, what brings you to our home? Wanna bask in the rays of my totally awesome star? It's probably healthy or something." she gestured to the demiplane that was now serving as a sun.

Male Fledgling Deity

“Of course, Yir. Thank you for coming, and good luck,” the Lord of Civilization says cheerfully as the goddess departs.

Nes blinks at Lagdorn’s sudden and unexpected arrival. “The First Inventor? I like the sound of you already,” he remarks with a bright smile. “Sorry for not sending you an invitation, but you must either be new… or very good at keeping quiet,” he says with a chuckle, before turning towards one of his tapestries. He stares at it thoughtfully for a moment, before the colors begin to swirl and run with a wave of his hand.

When the tapestry settles, it shows a grand view of a world of endless metal and progress, with the People of Darksteel going about their daily toils. He watches it for a while, as pieces of the picture rapidly focus on various aspects of their lives and society.

“Mirrodin,” he says softly, a few times, as if tasting the name. “I’m impressed,” he concludes with a grin, turning around to nod cheerfully. “I like this science and technology thing you cooked up. Anyone can study something to understand it, and gain power over it through understanding. As long as they have competent recording of information and review of results, it seems like it works pretty well. I mean, I like magic, but the guidelines were pretty arbitrary. People kept making new spells, but nothing ever really revolutionized the system. The idea of set, logical, but hidden rules of the universe, that the mortals can potentially discover, is delightful! Like a puzzle within a game,” Nes literally applauds.

“Good show, sir. I definitely approve of whatever magics we come up with working the same way. If you don’t do it, I sure will at this point. I think it would be especially marvelous if we can keep the rules hidden from ourselves so we can share in the joy of discovery?”

Nes doesn’t appear to be concerned with the idea of potential war or aggressions. He motions towards the thrones and table. “Take a seat if you care to, First Inventor. All the food and drink of a lost world is at your fingertips for as long as you can stay. I am happy to make recommendations, or, you can…” he glances back towards the Mirrodin tapestry for a moment, “… experiment.”

Female Fledgeling Deity Domains: Open Water(Oceans, Seas), Weather( Wind, Lightening, Clouds, Rain), Monsters (Sea, Sky)

I do believe it is time for our weekly AP paycheck. :D
+4 AP (weekly allowance, of the Gods)

Yir laid down on the cliffs surrounding the cove, the cool rock causing a chill to creep through her back while the warm, newly formed sun warmed her face. She closed her eyes and basked in the light, letting it warm her and the cliff below her. She let her eye shut and drifted off to sleep.

She dreamed of many things, of battles, of horrible storms, of the festivals that used to dot the coasts. But these all flitted by, barely stopping on one topic long enough for her to focus on the memory, on one thing her mind's eye finally rested. Great beast of the sky at home among the storm clouds that command the sky. She could see them steering the clouds over areas of parched land that had not seen rain in weeks if not months or year. The the sound, she could hear them sing in low and sweet sounds, punctuated by clicks and chirps.

The cries of seabirds settling in for the night woke her from her slumber. their high pitch sound cutting through the air. She sat up, slowly, so as to not spook the birds coming in to roost on the rocks below. She knew what she was missing.

Yir stood at the very edge of the cliff facing out to sea as the sun dipped lower and lower and as the moon just started to peek over the waves behind her. In this twilight she called the clouds down from the sky and shaped them into the creatures she had seen in her dream. Their bodies, like baleen whales long with large heads and mouths. She gave them over sized flippers that lined the better part of their bodies like wings, and at the tail she enlarged it to better suit motion through the air as opposed to the sea. Once she was satisfied with the exterior she gathered the shaped clouds around her and with a deep breath, exhaled with the force of a gale. The clouds held fast, neither moving nor dispersing into the air around them.

I have sculpted you from the clouds in the sky and with my breathe I grant you life. May the fire within and the wings without keep you flying through even the worst storm. Whales of the Sky, awaken from the slumber of my mind.

Tufts of clouds begin blowing away as though caught in a tempest, reveling the creatures beneath. Each are more massive than any native sea life, their wings baring both a mix of fins and feathers lining their body and their tails large enough to flatten a mansion. As they breathe steam escapes their mouth, and a faint glow can be seen from within. The stay, suspended in the sky, softly clicking to one another, with a nod they turn towards Yir and all at once belt out a symphony of sound, both chaotic and harmonious. The die down as Yir waves her hand, motioning that she wishes to speak

Children of the Sky, I request that you go forth and take to you duty as Heralds of the Storm.

One swims forward, chosen by the others as their spoke whale.

"Mother of Storms, we are grateful for not only the life you have given us but the freedom of choice. We wish only to make you proud of our kind and will do as you have requested. We hope to see you among the clouds with us one day."

The others voice their agreement and tip their mighty heads to Yir before flying off into the sky and dispersing into smaller groups, singing to one another their farewells, and well wishes.


-3 AP (Created Sky Whales) +3 Monsters, +3 Sky

2 AP left over

Actually, AP gain is on Tuesdays... XD

Female Greater Deity Domains: Chaos (Love, Hate), Charm (Beauty), Art (Wonders), Sin (Lust, Pride), Dreams (Dreamland), Magic (rituals), Civilization (culture), Murder (ritual sacrifice)

During the festivities Jezebelle approaches Nes shortly after he explained his plans for the games
"When you mentioned the game I assumed it would have been among us. I guess it still is, but it requires to involve our creations. As you may know I give great importance to the free will of my creatures, and although I value their deeds and their legacies more than their mortal lives, one thing is to give them a fair chance in the world, another is to put them deliberately into uncomfortable situations for a contest.
If it's ok for you, I will actually ask them if they are willing to participate. Then only the one who agreed will be involved, and of course, since you are putting your divine powers as ante, If my champions win I'll see that the boon you offer comes to their way. Is that acceptable?"

Meanwhile the dark haired shard of Jezebelle was back into the temple of the Jezites. Almost all of the people who was part of the Jezite empire assembled at the feet of the huge Ziggurat. The aspect of Jezebelle herself was geared as one of the high priestess of her cult.
Men started to climb the long ladder that lead to the summit of the Ziggurat were an altar was prepared.
Among them cripples helped by their family, the terminally ill, the ones who lost too many dear ones, or simply, some of the more fanatic followers of Jezebelle came to receive the kiss of Jezebelle, teh last and supreme bliss a Jezite could hope to obtain in life, and threw themselves on the altar as a blood sacrifice.
It could have been done in other ways, the priest could have done the ceremony for her, but Jezebelle made sure to look each and everyone of his sacrifices in the eyes, to remember forever each and everyone of them, to give them her kiss to wash away as much pain and fear as possible, and most of all, she would make sure no sacrifice of her was unwilling.
As the blow flew upon the altar the beating of an immense heart could be heard, and someone would swear that the temple itself was throbbing.
The blood of the sacrifices was constantly flowing, bathing the temple, and the hands of Jezebelle. Powerful magic built up in the altar, magic like has never been seen in this world or the world before.
The goddess took a basin, were copious amount of the blood of every blood sacrifice was collected, she raised it above her head and she poured it over her head.
The temple almost looked like it exploded in a blast of divine power.
The Jezites were in complete awe before the event.
In a single flash of light, all the blood disappeared and the shard of Jezebelle appeared even more beautiful than ever, something nobody anticipated could even be possible.
The powerful blood magic she summoned was never discharged, instead it became part of her divine essence.
She looked down at her people and declared.
"This blood you shed for me will never be forgotten. I swear to bleed ten time as much to ensure you, my children, will be protected. I swear to gift you with the tools to prosper and to never put you in chains, for you are my children, not my slaves, and you are mine to be loved, not to be used. You are born free, and free you will live. Do not allow anybody to take your freedom from you. not even your goddess."
The priests of Jezebelle issued a month of celebrations after the event. a Holy book was written, half filled with omens and half with poetry dedicated to the goddess. Blood magic was still used by the Jezites and seemed to be more powerful than ever, even a meager sacriice of small animals of a few drops of blood seemed to produce a great power for that month, as if Jezebelle herself was bleeding herself to make it work.
Jezites started to say... magic dosn't comes as much from the sacrifice, but from Jezebelle herself.


Promotion to lesser deity (6 ap)
Gain Ability: Source of Arcane (5 ap)

AP Gain: 4 points. Total AP: 9. 5/7 Sun Domain.

Power continued to flow into Yidhra's body as she gathered her energies and thoughtfully considered the universe. The idea of traveling through the void without encountering anything was a bit saddening, wasn't it? A whole universe with nothing at all in it... sigh. Or at least not enough to really call it filled. Hmm... "I wounder what the most fun thing to do would be?" the paradoxical goddess of madness mused. Even she didn't understand her own thoughts, so there was no telling what mad idea she might come up with... or not. Hmm.

The universe twisted as its craziest inhabitant finally obtained enough power, rising up through the ranks of divinity and achieving a noticeably higher level of power. Not that it was a HUGE amount of difference, really - but it was an effect that would be felt over time, for the Goddess of Paradoxes was not content to remain in the bottom ranks of the gods... and the little girl laughed as ideas continued to pour into her head.

Promotion to Lesser Deity (6 AP). 3 AP remaining. 5/7 Sun Domain. 6/7 Strength (Resolve) Domain.

Lagdorn felt fresh power surge into his veins. Turning to Mirrodin, he plants the final ideas, the final solution, to allow the People of Darksteel to travel to the other fledgling world.

In a blink of the eye, in two centuries, space travel was created, then perfected. And then Lagdorn saw something completely unexpected. The Oreads created their own race, a race of metal goliaths. They were completely autonomous, completely powerful, completely new. These warforged were created as a contingency for other life. Yet they were not perfect. Lagdorn sighed, then put some of his own divine power in them, to give them the divine power to help the Oreads on their quest through the cosmos.

Create Advanced Concept: Space Travel (-2 AP)
Bless Warforged: Infuse the Warforged race with divine power. (-2 AP)

Male Fledgling Deity

“I am sorry, Jezebelle. I did not mean to mislead. I certainly do enjoy activities that can be done in pairs, but I take the philosophy that having more, makes for merrier,” he roguishly raises a brow. “And this is only the first of many challenges. It is perhaps more of an incentive to set the board with appropriately interesting pieces. I am sure many future games will stay just between us.”

“I am a huge fan of free will… to a point. Obviously, a baby doesn’t have any more free will than a rock, but if you feel your creations are mature enough to make their own decisions, then that is none of my business,” he politely and respectfully bows. “Just remember, victory goes to the most novel, the most intriguing, and those with the greatest potential. I spent eons playing with humans, elves, dwarves, and so on. I don’t want to say that I am bored with them, per se, but a new universe is about new beginnings. I feel like broadening my horizons,” he makes a wide gesture with his arms outstretched.

“If you are the winner, then the boon becomes yours to do with as you will. You can spend it straight away, keep it forever, gift it, or trade it. It is a favor. My children used to use them as currency,” he says fondly. “I would like to reinstate such a tradition amongst the gods, and must start somewhere.”

Lesser God of Death, Evil, and Shadow

Azdan observes the interaction among the gods and conceives a plan for Nes' invitational.

"Noble One, I am grateful for the opportunity to explore the memories of your great hall once more. I have souls to gather in my cloak, and must take my leave. However, I find the challenge of creating mortals who must enforce mortality. With recent events, I have need of such minions who do not blur the lines between life and death. I will return with my offering."

The Lord at the End gestures broadly to the assembled divinity. "Farewell my friends. Until next time."


The Last Candle observes his subterranean races and receives their worship. Mortals the world over pass into his cloak and are delivered to Melehan for judgment. As the system for passing and movement into the planes beyond continues apace, Azdan surveys his realm and gains divine confidence.

He then observes the lives on every continent. The venerable pass in peace. The wicked perish on the swords of the just, or of their own enemies. Life is sustained by death throughout the natural world. The arrival of Nes and Lagdan disturbs him over the first few generations, as civilization and knowledge provide new mechanisms for extending the life of mortals and kingdoms. But in time, civilizations take stands against one another, and new knowledge is used to kill with increasing efficiency. In time, Azdan sees that increasing reliance on casual magic and machines undermines the value of life. Humans becomes soft and prone to disease. The undesirable and simple are put to the sword, first by hard cultures bent on breeding strength for survival, and then by softer people who define life with a higher aesthetic. Every advancement for the cause of life is accompanied by new complications for mortals.

His decree is secure. The Lord at the End grows strong.

Now, the shadows whisper around him, reflecting his own thought. "We need new life. Ordained for the cause of death, but not immortal or in violation of the edicts of their master. But I loathe the creation of actual life. Such belongs to the others. How, then, can I achieve my purpose and keep my own commandments?[/i]

I intended to do this before the weekend, but spent all my time writing an adventure to turn over Sunday night. :(
Ascend to Lesser Deity: 5 points

Male Fledgling Deity

“Of course, my Lord Death. Thank you for attending! I would say that you are always welcome, but that would be a lie… and I never lie,” he says with a smile that gives nothing of his true feelings away. “Excellent! I am thrilled to hear you are participating. I figured that you’d be the hardest sell, but your involvement adds a great deal of spice to the proceedings. Not only does the threat of you gaining my favor act as extra incentive for everyone, but I eagerly await seeing the mortal life that Death dreams up,” Nes says, as he waves farewell.

Melehan immediately thinks of an idea for a new race. A people who will value death, for they will have a long life, and not fear the end. A people who will stand as an example to the others.

"I thank you for your invitation, Lord of Civilization. I think you will find my children...intriguing."

He departs and returns to the North, and finds a piece of fertile land by the sea. There he draws silver up from the ground, and wood from the trees, water from the sea and uses them to sculpt his people. Similar to the men that now populate the world, but taller, slimmer, and more angular. He then starts a fire and breathes the smoke into the people, filling them with life. Longer life than those of men, but...perhaps they should share this life with the people. They would be able to interbreed with Men, to make something greater.

He called these people the Sidhe.

For a time, Melehan walked among the Sidhe, and taught them how to be civilized like the other people of the North. He taught them justice, which pleased him. He taught them art, to please the eyes of Jezebel. He taught them mercy, to please the eyes of Aeon. He taught them respect for the land, to please Oenar. He taught them civilization, to please Nes. He taught them respect for death, to please Azdan. Under his guidance, the Sidhe built their first city, there on the shore where Melehan made them. A great and beautiful city, that they called El. The people of the North met with the Sidhe here, and soon gave them a new name, after their city. They called them Elves.

Create Greater Life (The Sidhe): -3 AP
Form Society (Elven): -1 AP
Bless (Uplift the Sidhe to civilization): -1 AP

Any suggestions as to what Domain I should put these actions towards?

Regain 1 AP, because ascension costs less...? 4 AP remaining. 5/7 Sun Domain. 6/7 Strength (Resolve) Domain.

Yidhra stretched widely as she considered her options. The other gods were all busy and stuff, while she was focused on... other matters. Which was fine, of course - she was happy to see how things played out, but at the same time, it was a little bit lonely. With that, she vaulted through space, landing in front of Nes and pointing at him. "Farmers!" she suggested.

On the unnamed world, the People watched in awe, horror, and curiosity as the great metal monstrosity touched down on the earth. With great geysers of steam, a walkway lowered, and the Oreads and Warforged stepped down and observed the natives. The Oreads in their massive energized suits of armor and the Warforged in all their crackling glory, they were truly sights to behold.

One of the larger Oreads, with his accompanying Warforged, stepped down from the walkway and faced the leader of the People. At first, his speech sounds like the grinding of rocks and stone, but with the fiddling of a few dials on his helmet, the meaning is projected directly into his head.

Greetings. I am Lokar of the Darksteel People, or Oreads. We come in peace, if you help us learn of this place, or war, if you choose to fight us. Which do you choose?

Watching from the Heavens Above, Lagdorn sighs and shakes his head. It has begun, he thinks, and takes a seat to watch events unfold below.

Male Fledgling Deity

Nes still plays host for his remaining guests. His many important tasks include making excellent food and drink recommendations while regaling them the greatest triumphs and tragedies from a dead cosmos.

When Yidhra appears suddenly in front of him, he flinches in surprise, dropping his glass which disappears before it can shatter on the ground. “You all and your entrances… I should create a giant door just so there is an incentive to knock,” he says with a wry smile.

“Lady Chaos. Welcome. I was starting to think you were not going to be able to make it.” Nes bows gracefully in greeting. “Agriculture is a necessary ingredient for true civilization. It is hard to cram thousands of mortals together and allow some to specialize in interesting ways, if each worries about the next meal,” he says nodding, like he actually understands what the heck she means.

“Can you hear the echoes of my challenge?” Nes asks, motioning to the grand city below where the voices of the gods are still reflected. “Are you interested in competing?”

"What? Oh, yeah... mortals need to eat, don't they? That's so weird." she said, tilting her head. "I mean, the death guys want mortals to breed so more things can die, right? Making it possible for things to starve to death before they breed sounds like it's against their long-term interests, and yet they put up with it. Between you and me, I don't think they make any sense at all." She nodded sagely. "Anyway! Kings need followers, and followers need food. If we have more farmers, we can have more people, and more people competing to be Kings." she put her hands on his shoulders and stared into Nes' eyes. "It's the perfect trick."

Male Fledgling Deity

“It is weird, but I’m sure they don’t have to, my dear. We could always make it so that they don’t. Plant people who eat sunlight, perhaps, or mortals that subsist on magic, memory, or emotion,” Nes says with a fond, but slightly patronizing smile, like a proud father talking to a beloved child. “Some of my children in the old world would subsist solely on fear. They would play the most delightful games with the emotions of others, just to drink deeply.”

“Just between you, me, and the wall… I simply doubt I will ever understand the Gods of Death, so can offer no real explanation. The tasks they set for themselves seem incredibly boring to me; I cannot imagine any situation where I use my near-omnipotence to become an eternal bureaucrat,” Nes shrugs and grins dismissively. “To each his own, I suppose.”

Nes appears somewhat surprised but not upset at Yidhra’s touch to his shoulders. He silently ponders her words for a few moments. “Quite true. It certainly needs to be added to the docket, or we could always just replace their stomachs with some of Lagdorn’s steam engines.”

"Or we could make them hungry when they eat..." Yidhra mused. "So the more they gave into their feelings, the more they'd ultimately suffer..." That might be kinda mean, though, and she simply shrugged. To her, acting and not acting were the same, and equally meaningful. Or meaningless. It depended on how you looked at it, really. Her way of doing things was simply going for whatever looked like the most fun, and she hopped back a few times before idly spinning around. "Hmm... competitions..."

Male Fledgling Deity

“I am not sure it would be… what is the word… sustainable? I saw a disease once that did something along those lines. People infected would just rapidly eat themselves to death,” Nes says, seeming more bothered by the long-term viability, than the minor detail of people dying gruesomely. “It is better for a creature’s root sufferings to be more emotional than physical, at least in the short term,” he speaks as if he has ample experience with this sort of thing. “For example, hunger in general is a positive motivating force for action, and only kills if it is not satiated for a long while. It builds and builds, desperation increasing slowly, until the mortals go to gloriously desperate lengths for the barest scraps,” he says, with academic tones.

“Why yes, my dear; a competition of creativity and creation. I feel that you are uniquely suited in both areas,” Nes says with a chuckle, as he watches her spin. “I’ve promised to do almost anything the winner asks of me.”

Captain's Log

Date: Month 11, Day 12, 1561
We have been on this planet for over a month now. After the natives gawked at us, they started venerating us-probably out of fear. After all, we did kill the primitive's chieftain.

There is a strange science here, more advanced than any we have on our planet. The primitives understand it not, yet they use it expertly. What a paradox.

At any rate, we have top scientists discovering the inner workings of what the primitives call "magic." It is powerful. Extremely powerful. Weapons testing on combining magic with our technology is underway. When we begin our conquest of the planet, it will undoubtedly prove useful.

Our newly dubbed "Tekmagi" are working on imbuing even more power into our gravity hammers to make them more effective, and all of us are learning how to manipulate this magic. So far, we have proven adept at shaping and wielding rock and metal.

Now that we have learnt the basics, we can progress on our own. The locals have outlived their usefulness.

1. Bring new magitech weapons to the Council for approval.
2. Subdue locals. Eradicate them if they resist.
3. Establish mines.
4. Call for extra personnel.
5. Begin conquest.


"People are complicated." Yidhra observed. "I don't really get why everyone's so hung up on suffering anyway. Isn't it better to have fun?" she really did not understand the many reasons people had for things... but hey, it could have been worse. She actually seemed quite content to simply watch for now, and utterly uninterested in any form of competition. Which was probably for the best... it was questionable whether she'd even be able to understand the rules.

Erande watched the march of time and people, moving about them and experiencing what they do. Everywhere he went, he met someone who was inspiring hope in others. When he felt that he knew enough, he gathered them all together on his continent and allowed them to meet and know each other. He taught them songs that would allow them to talk to each other over great distances, and gave them a common purpose: the protection of hope. To that end, he named them Chevron. After allowing them to meet, he returned them to their homes, richer for the experience.

On the continent of his creation, Erande created a race of eight legged creatures that would be useful as mounts. Feline like, they could climb and leap, and travel long distances. Bred by the people of the trees to be protectors, the felines, called Coels, flourished.

To The People, he gave Pegasi, winged horses that would allow them to fly like the angels.

To the Jezites, he gave Elephants, massive beings that they could ride around on at their leisure.

To the changelings, he gave Mung, Amorphous beings that would serve as companions to their masters, as they bonded their lifeforce with them and would live as long as their masters did.

With all of these actions, Erande became visible amid the gathered gods in Nex's domain and said "How's that for interesting life?"


Form Order: Chevron, protectors of hope -2 AP
Create monstrous life: Coel 0 AP (travel domain 5/7)
Create monstrous Life: Pegasi 0 AP (Travel domain 6/7)
Create Mundane monstrous Life: Elephants 0 AP(travel domain 7/7)
Create monstrous Life: Mung 0 AP (life domain 7/7)
Gain Life Domain: -3 AP
Gain Travel Domain: -3 AP
0 AP remaining.

Female Greater Deity Domains: Chaos (Love, Hate), Charm (Beauty), Art (Wonders), Sin (Lust, Pride), Dreams (Dreamland), Magic (rituals), Civilization (culture), Murder (ritual sacrifice)

Jezebelle projected her gaze on 4 Jezites being dragged around as they tried to capture and tame an elephant, clearly with no great success.
"I guess they may ease the Jezites labor .. once they manage to tame them."
The goddess Chuckled amused.
"I have a favor to ask you Erande. I would really like to let the Jezites branch out a little. I know that you gave knowledge of ships to your future king. Would you mind to allow my Jezites to do the same? I'm pretty fond of them but I would like a change of scenery. Of course... I would gladly return the favor... "

Lagdorn watched from above as his creations slaughtered the village. The god's face contorted into a mask of rage, and he decided that it was time to end things, to start anew.

With a tear in his eye, Lagdorn started to withdraw the divine power that he had invested in the Oreads and Mirrodin, in the Warforged. It was time to start anew. Lagdorn drew back the concepts that he had placed in the Oread's minds, and he felt a fraction of the original divine power that he had put into his experiments return. The very existence of the Oreads was wiped from the universe's history, and he watched the industrial waste of Mirrodin shrink away into nothing, and the people the Oreads had slaughtered climb back up.

Turning to the fresh, wild expanse of Mirrodin, Lagdorn crafted a new race, one not quite so ambitious. He called them the Narzion.


Since creating Mirrodin only cost 5 AP, I regain 4 AP. Because I wiped the Oreads and all that was associated with them, I calculated 1/4 of the AP that I put into them, I figure I got 3 AP back, so I have 7 AP to rebuild.

Create Sentient Race: Narzions (2 AP): The Narzions are mysterious creatures, imbued with the mysticism of Dark and Light. They appear as tall humans, with shining white skin and jet black hair. The Narzions live a diverse, varied life: Those who can master both their good and evil are neutral, and carry the most power, those who conquer their darkness are good, and they use healing magic, and those who destroy their light are evil, and use destructive magic. They live nomadic lives, and the leader of their tribes are the Balance Shamans, whose job is to watch over the tribe and further its interests. The good Narzions are called the Minlings, the evil Narzions are called the Diozkils, and the neutral Narzions are called the Enlightened.
Create Society: Tribes (2 AP)
Create Magical Concept: Light, Dark, and Balance Magic (2 AP): These types of magic can only be used by Narzions of the respective alignments. Light magic focuses on healing and restoring, but has little offensive potential. Dark magic focuses on blighting and smiting, but has no healing capabilities. Balance Magic is a powerful combination of both, enhancing and building upon the principles of Light and Dark magic. A Balance user can use Light and Dark magic separately, or at the same time, multiplying its power. A good example of a Balance spell would be to smite the enemy with a fireball, while rendering yourself immune to fire.

Melehan, after wandering among his Sidhe for a while, is startled by the sudden disappearance of the Oreads and Warforged. He'd been aware of Lagdorn's movements, but had avoided getting involved, avoided provoking the newcomer as he had with Jezebelle, but this act was dramatic. He travelled to Mirrodin and sought the First Inventor out.

"Hail, First Inventor. I would speak with you of the passing of your peoples and the births of the new..."

Lagdorn turns to the Final Arbiter. "Hail, Melehan," the forge god says. "What do you wish of me? I felt that the Oreads were endangering the other god's work. These people" Lagdorn gestures to the new, wild Mirrodin. "are much more at peace-at least most of them. I created them to please the other gods, as an offering of peace for the atrocities the Oreads committed. Darkness for Azdan, Light for Aeon, Paradox for Yihdra, and Conflict for Nes. I find that these people, while they have their conflicts, will not endanger the species of the World-they will most likely make alliances with the various races."

Just realized I needed to add some domain points and that Tribes are actually what happens without points spent into society-and that Magical concepts are 3 AP. So, I'm replacing Tribes with a Stone Age technology level.

Balance (2 AP for Narzions, 3 AP for Balance Magic. 5/7 AP)

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