The Fifth Archdaemon

Azdan, the Lord at the End's page

25 posts. Alias of Steven T. Helt (RPG Superstar 2013).

Full Name

Azdan, the Last One, the Lord at the End, the Unmaker, the Last to Die


Lesser God of Death, Evil, and Shadow


N (N, LE, NE)

Strength 32
Dexterity 37
Constitution 45
Intelligence 31
Wisdom 48
Charisma 44

About Azdan, the Lord at the End

Azdans decrees and powers:

Cosmic Decree (5) All things must Die (+5 fear, +5 time)
Modify Decree (1) Death is mysterious and fearsome (+1 evil, +1 fear, +1 shadow)
Create Plane: Shadow (5) (+5 darkness, +5 shadow)
Create Sanctum: Shadow Palace (3) (+3 darkness, +3 shadow)
Modify Decree (1) Not all dogs go to heaven (+1 entropy, +1 fear)
Create Artifact: Skull of the First Murderer (3) (+3 evil, +3 murder, +3 undeath)
Uh...what'd we call this? Create Undeath (3, points spent by Yidhra) (+3 evil, +3 undeath)
Gather Pantheon: the Iwujit (2) (+2 darkness, +2 entropy)
Create Sentient Life: the Unlit (+2 evil, +2 murder, +2 darkness)
Make Land: the World Below (+1 darkness, +1 fire)
[b]Assume Domain (darkness)

Assume Domain (evil)
Apotheosis: lesser deity (+5 time)
Cosmic Decree: Time (+5 time, +5 entropy)
Assume Domain: Time 3
Assume Domain: Entropy 3

Total points spent: 40
Total points gained: 65 (15+(7 weeks fledgling+3 weeks lesser=38)+7 pantheon)

Domain Progress
Corruption 5
Fear 7
Fire 1
Murder 5
Shadow 9
Undeath 6