Legends of Katapesh - Legacy of Fire

Game Master justaworm

Date: Arodus 26th
In the bowels of Bayt Al-bazan
Ymeri's breath found.
Shazzathared and Iavesk friendly.
Karambagya friendly, as much as his sworn service will allow.
3 days to recover Impossible Eye before the Vizier orders party's death
Aliya friendly, currently with party

Loot Spreadsheet: Link
Xotani Tales: Tale 1, Tale 2, Tale 3,
Jahavhul Tales:Argbadh's Tale, Shazzathared's Tale,
Impossible Eye lore: Post
Wish Spell usage: Shazz post

Player Files: Maps and art


Mah'ysa Alandir

Fem Half-Elven Cleric L13+Bard L1 | HP 99/107 | AC (26) 23 T17F18 CMD27 | Saves F11R13W18 | Percep +14 | Channels: 7/7 | Bard Perform 6/6 | Endure Elements | Status: OK | Grace (+2 saves)
(1,154 posts)

Eric Swanson

Hazreem Al'Shakar_1

Current form: Human; +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and Will saves and a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against poison and fear effects Male Human (Desert) Druid 15 HP 160/160 + 1d8+7 temp hp | AC 23 , T 13, FF 20 | F: +13, R: +9, W: +18 | CMD 21 | Perc. +23 | Init. +0 | Stealth +4
Heat Shimmer 10/10 | Wild Shape 7/7 |Rod x2 4/6

(1,681 posts)
Eric Swanson


Thassilonian Ambassador
Efreat 'al Inferis

Male Human (Keleshite) Sorc (Efreeti) 14 l AC 20(ff15/t17) l F9 l R10 l W12 l HP(117) 117 I Percep +0 l Stealth +3 l
(1,010 posts)
GraynoreDM Gray


Paellat 'Pae' Silvertongue XXIV

Rogue Abilities:
Trapsense, Trapfinding, Imp. Uncanny Dodge, Imp. Evasion || Finesse, Ledge-walker, Resiliency, Surprise Attack, Befuddling Strike, Offensive Defense
Halfling Rogue 14 | HP -42/123 | AC/T/F 24/19/19 (+4 v. traps) | Saves FRW +9/+18/+8 (+5 v.Fear) | Percep +26 | Stealth +24 | Init +9 Spd.20 | CMB+14; CMD+24 | SQ: Res. Fire 10 (ring)
(86 posts)

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