Gashka |
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It would seem that Henry is trying to get sick on me, so I don't know how much he'll be on today. I don't want him sitting by the drafty old window on his laptop all day. I gonna make him take some medicine, have some chicken noodle soup, brew him some tea, make him take his vitamine C and zinc and work on getting hims better.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Gashka |

He was texting his mom the other night about starting to get sick and she texted him and said that it was okay because Karen can cure him. When he told me that this morning I just about died laughing.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Gashka |

Okay, gave him his vitamins, mucinex, and some cough syrup. He had two bowls of chicken noodle soup and seemed to do alright with it so now he's still hungry and thinks he wants pancakes, so I guess I'm gonna make my baby some pancakes and then I got some phone calls I need to make, addresses to figure out, and cards to write. I'll check things every so often with my phone though and try not to get behind. I just gotta get these cards done though so they're not hanging over my head. I also have to get the dishes done before I go messing more up. Lol

Gashka |

Well...finally finished all the dishes, still have all those phone calls to make, cards to write, and apparently I need to go out and get some more cough syrup for Mr. Boobear at some point since my supply is running dangerously low...though I could make him suffer through some of my own home remedies. He's lucky I'm not forcing his ass to stay in bed and right I have him taking a hot shower to breath in the steam. Apparently when we were at my sisters house, the baby they thought wasn't contagious was actually very contagious with some head snotty kid disease. However, I just sorta shrugged it off cuz I thought it was due to the weather changing constantly like it has for the past few weeks, and that might have something to do with it. I'm leaning more towards the kid now though since I'm not as bad off as Henry and I was holding the little snot factory. Thank you to my oh so wonderful family who forced us to spend time with the sick.
Since leaving UAMS I've been overall sick much less. Just my usual sinus stuff that I usually have this time of year. That's easily treatable though with lots of fluids, and some sinus sudafed stuff. I've just been a little stuffy, but I'm not hacking and coughing like Henry. I think we'll be alirght as long as I can keep it from getting to his bronchials. I'm gonna cure him, if it kills em'. Hehehe

Christophe Debroux |
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That's already taken as one of my GM names.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Gashka |

OKay...first Boobear is my special name for Henrykins, and it is one of his GM names....
Now...don't anybody get mad at me but, I think I mighta just done something really really bad....well, a couple things really, but I was only trying to help.
So, here's what happened. Henry's been stuffed up and the shower steam idea gave me the idea to use this Liquid Vicks stuff to help further clear out our sinuses...however, my steamer thingymajigger isn't worth a flip and a friend told me to just put some water in a pot and pour a little of the Vicks stuff in it and heat it on the stove so the menthalated steam could get through the house.......
Well...I did that and it got like super super strong really fast. So much so that Ella's eyes started watering. So, I turned off the heat under it and opened up a window to try and let it escape.....but, I didn't know what to do with the stuff in the pot on the stove....soIusedreallyreallyhotwaterandpoureditdownthesinkwhilepouringhotwa terafteritandusingthegarbagedisposal. Was that bad? I don't know...I wasn't really thinking and then Henry said something about the water supply but it was too late cuz I had already done it.
Now here's my question: Since I used that pot to steam that stuff in, is it safe for me to use again? I mean for like cooking and stuff? I've washed it out several times with hot soapy water, but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas. Obviously I will never be doing that again. I should know better than to listen to anything Cindy says to do....ever, but I was really just trying to help. Oy vey.......

Tikkle |

I still think we should do a one-shot adventure with anthropomorphic animal characters.
Whaaaaaa??? Crazytalk! Who would wanna play an anthropomorphic animal?
-Posted with Wayfinder

Lo'Laan Jin |

Tikkle |

Anyone wanting to make a Rocket Raccoon-like character. Or one based off of Sly Cooper.
I already have the stats somewhere
-Posted with Wayfinder

Gashka |

Craig was my mostest favorite though. He always said exactly what he wanted to and didn't give a damn about what anyone else thought. I just loved him to pieces and there's no way I can replace my most favorite Scotsman. *Sad pouty face*
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Gashka |

No worries, Gashka always has a plan. Tehanna is finally starting to trust and love again, not to mention what it's doing for Chris.....I haven't worked this hard to get two wonderful people together for this long for you to interject your silly notions Mr. Ashcoat. I don't know what you have in mind in that furry head of yours, but Tehanna and Chris will be together. You can bet my sweet ass on that. Hehehe
-Posted with Wayfinder

Gashka |

Okay...super sleepy now. Medicine and everything has been taken care of and just need sleep now. It's like I don't know when to sleep anymore.
Night night everyone.

Gashka |

So....it doesn't matter what time I go to bed. Apparently I'm not allowed to sleep after 9am anymore. I was having......disturbing dreams to say the least and woke up sweating, even though it's only like 67 in the damn apartment. I got up, went to the bathroom, and though still tired as hell....can't go back to sleep. Even though I can still breath through my nose, my throat is all sore and my head....from like the bridge of my nose up, feels like it's compacted. Henry gets up, does what he has to do and falls right back asleep.......how does he dooo that? I just wannaa go back to sleep too. *Sssad sicckies sigh* I want sleep.
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Gashka |
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Women are not so rational, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Not to mention how close she is to a mental breakdown right now. If she thinks that Tikkle is trying to.....what's the word I'm looking for......mess with that or whatever.....she won't have it. As far as Gashka is cincerned they've been tested enough and she won't stand for them being put through more crap. Love is not about being rational, look at Gashka and who she loves.....Chris and Tehanna have already been through enough, so unless Tikkle can offer a "reasonable " reason why he's forcing them to endure more crap.....then no, she's not going to understand it or be "okay" with it. The girl is pretty f%@$ing far from okay as it is. These people have through more trauma in the last....what, couple of weeks? Than most see in an entire lifetime....which was kicked off by a traumatic event when they were much younger. It's just been one thing after another with very little time to cope inbetween. Does that make any sense....I'm more of an emotionally charged person by nature....so, so is Gashka. She is literally at her wits end because no matter how hard she tries to keep everyone safe....it seems like more people just die. Trying to look at things from her perspective, it doesn't bode well for the home team. That's why with all the nerves and freaking out at least once to twice a day. Not to mention my own self getting this damn head cold.....doesn't help with the rational thinking.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Gashka |

Here's the thing, Gashka doesn't recognize the need to test two people who have obviously already been through hell and back. Gashka never asked Tikkle to prove himself or put him through some silly test to prove that he was worthy of her love.....yet, that's what it feels like he's doing to Chris and Tehanna right now. It's hard to say how she reacts to certain things cuz I usually go with my gut most times. I don't know.....there's just too much going on at once and it feels a little like she's being overloaded.
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Tikkle |

With the exception of you, Tikkle cares about nothing in the world more than his crew. As much as he would like Chris and Tehanna to be together, he will not allow it to get his boys killed. Besides, Chris seems to want a "labor of love" type thing to prove his devotion, and this seems to fit nicely.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Gashka |

Okay....I'm going to try and force myself back to sleep, otherwise I'm gonna feel like total crap for the rest of the day. I lit the candle I keep by the bed, don't worry it's in a jar, and I'm gonna stare at it till I go back to sleep. I just hope this works.....
-Posted with Wayfinder

Gashka |

Then explaine it that way to Gashka cuz in case you haven't noticed, your wench is about to implode. Lol I called meself a wench.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Gashka |

It's not strictly all you either Tikkle...frainkly there's a lot going on that she doesn't understand and in trying to make sense of it might have inadvertently upset Chris. She's just thinking about getting answers and not seeing anyone else.....butchered.
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Tikkle |
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I get it, Tikkle will have an idea on how to say that when next I can spend a minute on a post :)
This is getting humorously close to real life for me. My level headed, information oriented personality (which carries into Tikkle) sometimes leaves me very confused at my emotionally charged girlfriend... I wish real life had a discussion thread to get OOC tips :/
-Posted with Wayfinder

Gashka |

Lol.....well these games tend to take on a life of their own....all good intentions and wotnot aside. Trying to force myself back into a sleep state didn't really work and now I'm just dizzy and nauseated on top of the crappy head cold.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Gashka |

Well hope he feels better. His mom sounds hilarious.
She can even be pretty crazy and downright scary sometimes....but I think that has more to do with the way she was raised than just a cultural thing. We'll just say that both she and I have very strong personality types and while sometimes she'll start s~#! but not want a confrontation, Ill get in her face and make her deal with confronting it. Things have been better since we don't live with her anymore.....cuz that was a grave misstep on my part.....even after all that, here we are and though she still acts a little crazy sometimes....she's the one that's been the most supportive of us.....on an emotional level anyways. I don't know.....it's weird and I don't really know how to explain it.....but anytime something would happen to me at work or the people there were driving me crazy I could always talk to her about it and she would understand. Anyways, it's painfully obvious that I'm not gonna get any more sleep right now, so I might as well drag my ass outta bed and try to get s&!% done.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Gashka |

GM Scary Ceiling Voice wrote: Anyone wanting to make a Rocket Raccoon-like character. Or one based off of Sly Cooper. I already have the stats somewhere -Posted with Wayfinder
I don't know if I know how to play an animal...
.it looks really cute though. The closest I've come is like my kitty/kitsune sorta kinda girl......you mean like that......or, are we talking full on animal animal like a bunny? I think I'm outside my knowledge base on this one. Henry tried to explain it, so when he was trying to get me to understand he asked me what kind of animal I would wanna be if I could be an animal.....I popped off with, "Unicorn!!!" And then he sorta just looked at me, lifted an eyebrow and said, "So....you don't wanna exist?" I don't know.....I think I'm more confused now.-Posted with Wayfinder

Flynt |

Tikkle wrote:GM Scary Ceiling Voice wrote: Anyone wanting to make a Rocket Raccoon-like character. Or one based off of Sly Cooper. I already have the stats somewhere -Posted with WayfinderI don't know if I know how to play an animal...
.it looks really cute though. The closest I've come is like my kitty/kitsune sorta kinda girl......you mean like that......or, are we talking full on animal animal like a bunny? I think I'm outside my knowledge base on this one. Henry tried to explain it, so when he was trying to get me to understand he asked me what kind of animal I would wanna be if I could be an animal.....I popped off with, "Unicorn!!!" And then he sorta just looked at me, lifted an eyebrow and said, "So....you don't wanna exist?" I don't know.....I think I'm more confused now.-Posted with Wayfinder
I think our GM means something akin to the first option. Tikkle is an example as well.

Gashka |

Oohhhh......well on a completely different note, spending 45 minutes on the phone with my mother is not helpful to anything. I just called to ask about addresses and get dragged into a.....conversation. Anyways, now I have to call other people to get the information that she didn't have. yay....
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Gashka |

not funny Mr. Chuckles.... These people are crazy, like for real. It's a bloody miracle that I'm not bat s@~$ crazy right along with the rest of em. Then again, maybe I am. Hmph....*sad pouty lip face* One Aunt is driving around with my Uncles sister and they're in Prescot, AZ right now headed to New Mexico to be with my other cousin for Christmas. The one who was electrocuted at work and might lose his arm? So, she'll call us later. Left message with our "other mother" Noel, people like to adopt us and I have no idea why....but, will have to wait to hear back from her. That leaves Aunt Fawnette, Tami, and Wakana on facebook that I have to get ahold of. Sheesh......
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Gashka |

One more down, two to go...then we'll see what else to do. I'm just tired of trying to "explain" things to people....but, I can't hide it either. I'm no good at hiding things from these people....it's not all bad...just...I can sort of "feel" them worry when I actually tell them whats going on, which then adds to my anxiety...but just a little. I think I'm doing okay controlling it.....mostly. >;oP