Legends in the Making: Slayers of Renown

Game Master BloodWolven

Varnhold Jail/Dungeon

Varnhold Stockade

Map of the lands that is cleared.
NPC Codex
Kingdom Stats
Bounty Board

Current Fight

Tomb of the Wight Warlord

Treasure Tracker

Rivers Run Red - Troll Fight

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The dwarves plan to make this outpost back into a proper fort. First they wanted a good place to forge and they found the vein of metal, so they killed two birds with one stone! They have not had much dealings in trade recently, but their stock should still be available unless the necromancer took it all. The necromancer was the one doing trading for the dwarves for the past month or so. They plan on sending a small group to Restov to get more supplies.

Oleg was killed by bandits, his wife Svetlanna moved back to the city to live with her sister.

Koldur you see their maps and recognize you know more than them. The dwarves have been out of it, solely focusing on crafting and construction for the last month they have no rumors really. Perhaps bad mouthing the sorcerer/necromancer, and the wired things they can come up with, but those are very fantasiful.

Silver Crusade

DR 3/magic HP: 43/61 _ AC: 22 _ T: 16 _ FF: 19, Perception +6, Sense Motive +9, Initiative: +4, F: +8 _ R: +6 _ W: +6 (+8 vs ench) _ CMB: +11, CMD: 25/26, Speed: 30 ft.
Acrobatics +4, Bluff +1, Climb +10, Diplomacy +7, Heal +8, Escape Artist +3, Handle Animal +8, K(eering) +6, Linguistics +2, Ride +8, Stealth +3, Survival +9, Swim +10

Sable drinks with the dwarves and impresses many of them with his strong handle of their language, songs, customs and such. Of course he keeps praising and blaming it all on Koldur 'how he spoiled this elf'! All in good jest and he has a merry time with them all until he passes out beside the fire with the dwarves.

Hp 37/37 AC 17 / 10 / 17 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10)

oscar will ask if they have any information on a lost temple of erastil

Vital Stats:
Monk 2 HP: 22/22, AC: 17/T: 17/FF: 13, Perception +8, Sense Motive +7, Initiative: +5, F: +5/ R: +6/ W: +6, CMB: +6, CMD: 22, Speed: 30
see profile

D spends some time talking with the dwarves and his friends. He also cleans, minds, repairs and cooks.

Vital Info:
AC: 19, touch 13, FF 16; F/R/W: +5/+4/+6; HP: 26/26; Init: +3
Skills 1:
Acrobatics +0, Climb -3, Diplomacy +13, Handle Animal +9 (+11 with Reafan), Heal +2, Intimidate +11
Skills 2:
Perception +11, Ride +5 (+7 to stay in saddle), Sense Motive +2, Stealth +0, Survival +2, Swim-3

Xara spends the evening in polite conversation. She has one cup of wine, which she nurses throughout the evening. When it's time to retire for the night, she chooses a room in the guest house, and Reafan hunkers down outside the main door to the building, keeping guard.

Diplomacy to be friendly: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30

Male Human Taldane/Kellid
Vital Stats:
HP 16/17, AC 17 T13 FF14, Perception +7, Init +3, Fort +6/ Reflex +5/ Will +5, CMB +1, CMD 13, Speed 30'
Ranger 1 / Cleric 1 (Erastil)
Other Skills:
Diplomacy +7, Handle Animal +6, Heal +7, Know(Geog) +5, Know (Local) +6, Know (Nature) +5, Know (Relig) +5, Perception +7, Ride +7, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +7, Survival +7

Henric sits round with the rest exchanging stories and will with the others try and fish out what he can of the local goings on. Do the trappers of the region still come to the outpost, have they had any trouble other than the necromancer, do they intend to run the upper part of the business themselves now or seek another partner. If they do seek a partner Henric would be happy to contact some hearty trustworthy folk he knows from his circuit of wandering priest.

Half-orc brawler 1/warpriest 5 (AC:29 [T:23 FF:17] | HP: 31/52 (0NL) | F+10*, R+11*, W+8* | Init: +6 |Perc: +11*)

Razaniel cheerfully accepts the dwarven welcome, joining in on the celebration, but only after he scoured the yard and grounds around it for any recoverable arrows.

During the evening, he will check with the dwarves for the need of assisting with the watch, try to gather information regarding the temple of Erastil they are looking for, and regarding what kind of trade they believe they will be focusing on when they are fully operational.

But above all, he spends time with his companions, being away from the battle is a welcome respite, and a better chance to get to know his travel mates.

No mention of any temples.

Friendly! Pah! They are helpful with that check Xara!

Yes they are sure trappers and hunters still swing by for they have the pelts and meat to prove it. They are going to take over the trading business and use the profits to make this place a decent Dwarven fort!

The dwarves welcome all trade, any special materials, pelts, heads of big game, general gear, potions, and possibly even magical gear.

The next morning finds the group well rested, and there should be no hangovers with the amount of water and food they had you eat before you could make it to a bed. You were escorted to the rooms upstairs in the guest house if you needed assitance.

Four rooms and six beds, though if you wanted to you could claim the large bed in the main building.

Silver Crusade

DR 3/magic HP: 43/61 _ AC: 22 _ T: 16 _ FF: 19, Perception +6, Sense Motive +9, Initiative: +4, F: +8 _ R: +6 _ W: +6 (+8 vs ench) _ CMB: +11, CMD: 25/26, Speed: 30 ft.
Acrobatics +4, Bluff +1, Climb +10, Diplomacy +7, Heal +8, Escape Artist +3, Handle Animal +8, K(eering) +6, Linguistics +2, Ride +8, Stealth +3, Survival +9, Swim +10

I would have accepted D's help with getting me to a bed. Otherwise I just slept with the dwarves in their drinking hall.

The next morning either way, with the bustle of the dwarves or with D waking me up with a glass of water. Soon enough I am exercising and helping my aching body get better by putting the ointment on it.

Anyone leaving the guest rooms would see me exercising and stretching.

Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

Koldur would be enjoying a cup of mead mixed with ale.

Hp 37/37 AC 17 / 10 / 17 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10)

In the morning Oscar prays as he does everyday. he is cheerful and ready to set out rapidly after breakfast.

Male Human Taldane/Kellid
Vital Stats:
HP 16/17, AC 17 T13 FF14, Perception +7, Init +3, Fort +6/ Reflex +5/ Will +5, CMB +1, CMD 13, Speed 30'
Ranger 1 / Cleric 1 (Erastil)
Other Skills:
Diplomacy +7, Handle Animal +6, Heal +7, Know(Geog) +5, Know (Local) +6, Know (Nature) +5, Know (Relig) +5, Perception +7, Ride +7, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +7, Survival +7

Henric rises early, prays and then heads out to the courtyard where he spends an hour or so target shooting for practice before he begins his search for breakfast.

About an hour after most wake up, thus after morning prayers, the dwarves bring up a simple breakfast, of mead, bread, and sausages.

Silver Crusade

DR 3/magic HP: 43/61 _ AC: 22 _ T: 16 _ FF: 19, Perception +6, Sense Motive +9, Initiative: +4, F: +8 _ R: +6 _ W: +6 (+8 vs ench) _ CMB: +11, CMD: 25/26, Speed: 30 ft.
Acrobatics +4, Bluff +1, Climb +10, Diplomacy +7, Heal +8, Escape Artist +3, Handle Animal +8, K(eering) +6, Linguistics +2, Ride +8, Stealth +3, Survival +9, Swim +10

Done with morning exercises he takes a quick bath in the main building. He arms up with his armor and weapons, then joins in the breakfast.

Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

Koldur is already helping to himsefl to breakfast as the others arrive.

"What's the plan from here? Any ideas?

Male Human Taldane/Kellid
Vital Stats:
HP 16/17, AC 17 T13 FF14, Perception +7, Init +3, Fort +6/ Reflex +5/ Will +5, CMB +1, CMD 13, Speed 30'
Ranger 1 / Cleric 1 (Erastil)
Other Skills:
Diplomacy +7, Handle Animal +6, Heal +7, Know(Geog) +5, Know (Local) +6, Know (Nature) +5, Know (Relig) +5, Perception +7, Ride +7, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +7, Survival +7

I suggest we pick a direction and start exploring. If we circle round the immediate area we could be back here in a few days, knowing that either the area around the fort is secure or have our next target. From there we might have a better idea where we go next. Henric suggests waiting to hear others ideas as well.

Hp 37/37 AC 17 / 10 / 17 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10)

well since we have no idea about the location of the temple of erastil, it does make sence to explore the area around here since this is now secured and well maned.

Half-orc brawler 1/warpriest 5 (AC:29 [T:23 FF:17] | HP: 31/52 (0NL) | F+10*, R+11*, W+8* | Init: +6 |Perc: +11*)

After returning from the walls, where he surveyed the surrounding area for any signs of activity, Razaniel meets the others for breakfast - "Sounds logic - we could simply choose a direction and head that way, but we would not know what we are leaving behind, so I agree with the circling movement, it will provide a solid idea of the areas around us" - he adds while finishing his meal.

Vital Info:
AC: 19, touch 13, FF 16; F/R/W: +5/+4/+6; HP: 26/26; Init: +3
Skills 1:
Acrobatics +0, Climb -3, Diplomacy +13, Handle Animal +9 (+11 with Reafan), Heal +2, Intimidate +11
Skills 2:
Perception +11, Ride +5 (+7 to stay in saddle), Sense Motive +2, Stealth +0, Survival +2, Swim-3

Xara chimes in with her support of the circling plan.

Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

Finishing his meal, Koldur looks to the others, waiting for them to finish.

"Well then it seems we are decided. Once you have eaten your fill, we shall mount up and explore the surrounding areas then. I'll go saddle up the horse first."

Hp 37/37 AC 17 / 10 / 17 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10)

Right then!

Silver Crusade

DR 3/magic HP: 43/61 _ AC: 22 _ T: 16 _ FF: 19, Perception +6, Sense Motive +9, Initiative: +4, F: +8 _ R: +6 _ W: +6 (+8 vs ench) _ CMB: +11, CMD: 25/26, Speed: 30 ft.
Acrobatics +4, Bluff +1, Climb +10, Diplomacy +7, Heal +8, Escape Artist +3, Handle Animal +8, K(eering) +6, Linguistics +2, Ride +8, Stealth +3, Survival +9, Swim +10

"Excellent!" Sable says in support of the plan.

After finishing the meal, packing up the mounts, the group heads out.

Do you wish to explore the 'Hex' the fort is presently in first?
If so, after that do you want to head NorthWest or SouthEast?
Who is taking lead and who is assisting him or her, with survival checks?

Vital Info:
AC: 19, touch 13, FF 16; F/R/W: +5/+4/+6; HP: 26/26; Init: +3
Skills 1:
Acrobatics +0, Climb -3, Diplomacy +13, Handle Animal +9 (+11 with Reafan), Heal +2, Intimidate +11
Skills 2:
Perception +11, Ride +5 (+7 to stay in saddle), Sense Motive +2, Stealth +0, Survival +2, Swim-3

Xara has a minimal amount of skill with Survival; however, she can use Reafan to scout, and call down the lay of the land to those down below.

She shouldn't be mailing any checks for the group, though.

Male Human Taldane/Kellid
Vital Stats:
HP 16/17, AC 17 T13 FF14, Perception +7, Init +3, Fort +6/ Reflex +5/ Will +5, CMB +1, CMD 13, Speed 30'
Ranger 1 / Cleric 1 (Erastil)
Other Skills:
Diplomacy +7, Handle Animal +6, Heal +7, Know(Geog) +5, Know (Local) +6, Know (Nature) +5, Know (Relig) +5, Perception +7, Ride +7, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +7, Survival +7

Survival +7 here I am guessing that may be our best If it is more convenient GM wolf please feel free to make a skill roll as necessary to keep from slow down if you wish.
I suggest we get the full lay of the lands here bouts. After one direction is as good as another to start as far as I am concerned it all must be explored I just prefer a widening circle at least for the immediate future. Henric says as he secures his pack mule.

Silver Crusade

DR 3/magic HP: 43/61 _ AC: 22 _ T: 16 _ FF: 19, Perception +6, Sense Motive +9, Initiative: +4, F: +8 _ R: +6 _ W: +6 (+8 vs ench) _ CMB: +11, CMD: 25/26, Speed: 30 ft.
Acrobatics +4, Bluff +1, Climb +10, Diplomacy +7, Heal +8, Escape Artist +3, Handle Animal +8, K(eering) +6, Linguistics +2, Ride +8, Stealth +3, Survival +9, Swim +10

Let's explore the immediate area and continue NorthWest." Sable says as he mounts up on his heavy warhorse, barded in chainshirt.

Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

With Brother Henric, Sable and Koldur all having a +7 on survival, any of those could take the lead. With the other two assisting if not others, it is guaranteed you will not get lost and likely find advantageous points along the way.

The area directly South of the fort and in the 'Hex' you find: simple plains, taking you a day to explore it. (-1 ration)

As you travel NorthWest you find a portion of forest which seems mostly uninhabited, a few deer trails but that seems to be it, though still mostly plains. (-1 ration)

Trying to keep the fort in sight you go NorthEast finding the South Rostland Road and plains. A burnt out farmhouse and a field that looks to be plundered, nothing of much interest. (-1 ration)

Traveling East you find yourselves staying to the North of South Rostland Road for most of the day. There is plains and a farm house far in the North of this area, the people are nice though have no information for you. At the end of this day you could stay at the fort for a night, or be better prepared for the next day?

Map of the lands... This will also be in campaign info.

Hp 37/37 AC 17 / 10 / 17 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10)

Let's keep move there is no need to head back to the fort

Oscar will use his survival skill to supplement his rations (if possible)

Vital Info:
AC: 19, touch 13, FF 16; F/R/W: +5/+4/+6; HP: 26/26; Init: +3
Skills 1:
Acrobatics +0, Climb -3, Diplomacy +13, Handle Animal +9 (+11 with Reafan), Heal +2, Intimidate +11
Skills 2:
Perception +11, Ride +5 (+7 to stay in saddle), Sense Motive +2, Stealth +0, Survival +2, Swim-3

"If our food is holding out, then I agree, no need. I will quickly fly over just to check in and make sure things are fine, then rejoin you."

Xara does just that. At a speed of 80, it shouldn't take too long to fly a couple miles and back.

Half-orc brawler 1/warpriest 5 (AC:29 [T:23 FF:17] | HP: 31/52 (0NL) | F+10*, R+11*, W+8* | Init: +6 |Perc: +11*)

Razaniel is down to 7 rations - how is everyone doing?

Hp 37/37 AC 17 / 10 / 17 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10)

Before today : 4

Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

Koldur will supplement rations with game from the wilds.
Taking 10 for a total of 17. If the rest of us do so, we could help with the others?
Using Survival: Get along in the wild. Move up to half your overland speed while hunting and foraging (no food or water supplies needed). You can provide food and water for one other person for every 2 points by which your check result exceeds 10.

"We should go about mapping the surrounds areas around the fort. That way it'll make it easier for us to guess what's further out. I'm sure the rest of us can help with foraging or hunting. It'll help conserve out rations."

Since you have chosen to take the slow and steady route of foraging, hunting and looking for food as you explore, you may gain your rations back.

As Xara checks in with the Fort.:
You have a shipment from the princess, the items that was gifted to each of you as well as three mules, supplies for a few weeks and four guards. Captain Kesten Garess and his three guards are to supplement the fort's defense. Two laborers to help as they can, and a priest of Erastil named Jhod Kavken. Presently you will only be able to take 10 rations and the gifts to not overburden your mount.

All is good at the Fort, they rejoice in seeing you. Waving at you and cheering. They have been reinforcing the fort in the past few days. You can't see any sign of the undead or corpses. One of the catapults looks like it is operational. The gate looks much sturdier.

The group waits for Xara's return as they set up camp in the wilderness.

Who has first watch? Second watch? Third watch? Fourth watch? and Fifth watch? Please don't just post which watch you do, but also explain how you make camp with the others, and what you doing your watch. If stare out into the darkness you might just fall asleep.

Vital Info:
AC: 19, touch 13, FF 16; F/R/W: +5/+4/+6; HP: 26/26; Init: +3
Skills 1:
Acrobatics +0, Climb -3, Diplomacy +13, Handle Animal +9 (+11 with Reafan), Heal +2, Intimidate +11
Skills 2:
Perception +11, Ride +5 (+7 to stay in saddle), Sense Motive +2, Stealth +0, Survival +2, Swim-3

Back at the Fort:

Xara greets the new arrivals and explains that her group is a few miles to the north and checking in with the dwarves. She asks Jhod Kavken if he's aware of any temple to Erastil in the Stolen Lands.

Back at camp...

Xara arrives back at camp and hands out their presents, "Compliments of the princess," and tells the others that reinforcements have arrived to help the dwarves, and that there are three mules back at the fort waiting for them, if they wanted to swing by and pick them up the next day

Silver Crusade

DR 3/magic HP: 43/61 _ AC: 22 _ T: 16 _ FF: 19, Perception +6, Sense Motive +9, Initiative: +4, F: +8 _ R: +6 _ W: +6 (+8 vs ench) _ CMB: +11, CMD: 25/26, Speed: 30 ft.
Acrobatics +4, Bluff +1, Climb +10, Diplomacy +7, Heal +8, Escape Artist +3, Handle Animal +8, K(eering) +6, Linguistics +2, Ride +8, Stealth +3, Survival +9, Swim +10

Sable would take the Third and Fourth watch, anyone who wants to do it with him, he happily accepts. He only meditates for four hours, so he would be awake for the last shifts.

First he would armor up and arm himself. Then he would walk around the camp several times, limbering up as he goes. He would stretch as he moves and try to remember stories he was told as a youngling. If someone is on watch with him, he would talk with them about anything and everything.

He would keep walking around the camp, keeping his ears alert. He of course would be whispering to himself and saying a story or quietly talking with the other person. After the first hour he would set up a target of some sort and shoot a couple of arrows, working on his aim. He misses his chess set and will order one as soon as possible. He takes some time to start making simple pieces, about an hour out of his shifts, walking and whittling.

At the start of making camp he would help with the horses. Brushing them down, checking their hooves, getting them fed and so on. Most of the time the rest of the camp would be made and he occupies his time with asking others how they feel and checking on his equipment.

No Jhod actually would ask that when you do find one, to mark it on your map so that he can visit it later. He knows there is likely to be sites of Eristil's in the area, but he does not know where they are.

Hp 37/37 AC 17 / 10 / 17 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10)

Oscar will take the last watch.

He starts his camp by taking his gear oof the hors, setting up his tent and then goes to care care of him. He participate in any chore that needs to be done (boiling water / gathering wood)

During his watch he stays close to the fire and walks back and forth trough the camp. Pausing every now and then to stretch his muscles.

Male Human Taldane/Kellid
Vital Stats:
HP 16/17, AC 17 T13 FF14, Perception +7, Init +3, Fort +6/ Reflex +5/ Will +5, CMB +1, CMD 13, Speed 30'
Ranger 1 / Cleric 1 (Erastil)
Other Skills:
Diplomacy +7, Handle Animal +6, Heal +7, Know(Geog) +5, Know (Local) +6, Know (Nature) +5, Know (Relig) +5, Perception +7, Ride +7, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +7, Survival +7

For those of you who have never lived on the road with brother Henric seeing him set a camp is an amazing event. He truly is a man of nomadic life. He starts by unburdening both his horse and pack mule and setting them a lead line so they may graze. He uses his 4 sq yrds of canvas to make a lean two for his animals then sets up his large tent (he is happy to share with anyone who does not have a tent of their own). He also has a campsite kit which includes a cooking kit so if up to three others are in need of bedding or a mess kit. Once that is taken care of if someone else has seen to the main fire pit he will make small pits 5-6 yrds from the edge of the camp in a radius around the camp explaining this helps with night blindness and discourages non sentient beasties from becoming too curious. Henric has several games to play around camp;he is very proud of his little collection and happy to play any with whoever wishes to play. Henric will volunteer to take first watch. On his watch he periodically patrols the small "warning" fires feeding them as need be. In the morning he has a sack that he gathers any animal dung in in case wood is scarce for the next nights fires.

Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

Koldur watchs in amazment as Henric shows off his expertise of living on the road. Taking off his armor, he helps with the fire and the fruits of his labour from foraging and hunting.

During the first watch to third watch, he'll take his rest and awaken during the fourth to fifth watch, sharpening his weapons, and greasing his armor. One that is done, he'll give his armory time to settle in before donning them and then patrolling around the camp perimeter, his eyes sharp for danger.

Vital Info:
AC: 19, touch 13, FF 16; F/R/W: +5/+4/+6; HP: 26/26; Init: +3
Skills 1:
Acrobatics +0, Climb -3, Diplomacy +13, Handle Animal +9 (+11 with Reafan), Heal +2, Intimidate +11
Skills 2:
Perception +11, Ride +5 (+7 to stay in saddle), Sense Motive +2, Stealth +0, Survival +2, Swim-3

Xara's camp activities centre around rubbing Reafan down, unburdoning him of his saddle and barding, and making up her bed, which, despite her often high-born demeanour, consist of a bed roll and her cloak as a pillow. When she settles down to sleep, Reafan comes over, lies down next to her, and covers her with a wing.

While on watch (especially if there's somebody on watch with her), she does a bit of needlepoint, getting light from her ioun stone torch, and practices with a few of her cantrips. Finally, she softly hums very soothing peasant lullabies and folk tunes if anybody seems restless in their sleep, and she moves about, tucking in blankets that have slipped and making sure everybody is warm and toasty.

Xara takes the middle watch.

The next day Xara finds a small cottage all by itself. How do you approach it?

Since there will be lots of traveling in this campaign, I would suggest keeping a copy of your camp activities in your crunch. Just spoiler it at the bottom.

Hp 37/37 AC 17 / 10 / 17 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10)

of course, we are looking for information.

Vital Info:
AC: 19, touch 13, FF 16; F/R/W: +5/+4/+6; HP: 26/26; Init: +3
Skills 1:
Acrobatics +0, Climb -3, Diplomacy +13, Handle Animal +9 (+11 with Reafan), Heal +2, Intimidate +11
Skills 2:
Perception +11, Ride +5 (+7 to stay in saddle), Sense Motive +2, Stealth +0, Survival +2, Swim-3

Xara flies back to the group to tell them about the cottage.

Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

"A Cottage? Was there anyone in it? If so even if there's no one, we should check on it in principle. There maybe someone or even clues to point us to what we must be seeking."

Koldur shifts on his mount as he ponders their next option. Suggesting the next step seems logical.

Male Human Taldane/Kellid
Vital Stats:
HP 16/17, AC 17 T13 FF14, Perception +7, Init +3, Fort +6/ Reflex +5/ Will +5, CMB +1, CMD 13, Speed 30'
Ranger 1 / Cleric 1 (Erastil)
Other Skills:
Diplomacy +7, Handle Animal +6, Heal +7, Know(Geog) +5, Know (Local) +6, Know (Nature) +5, Know (Relig) +5, Perception +7, Ride +7, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +7, Survival +7

Let us head for this cottage and see who is in residence. Henric agrees with Koldur.

Basically I was giving each of you a chance to roleplay how you advance to a site.

The group slows their pace as Xara returns with a site within view, a cottage. The group takes a slower pace advancing towards the cottage, then within 200 feet slow the horses to a walk. Does anyone dismount at this point?

Upon closer inspection it looks like the cottage has a resident for there are herbs and other plants in pots, planters and other such recepticals. Knocking at the door there is no response.

Male Human Taldane/Kellid
Vital Stats:
HP 16/17, AC 17 T13 FF14, Perception +7, Init +3, Fort +6/ Reflex +5/ Will +5, CMB +1, CMD 13, Speed 30'
Ranger 1 / Cleric 1 (Erastil)
Other Skills:
Diplomacy +7, Handle Animal +6, Heal +7, Know(Geog) +5, Know (Local) +6, Know (Nature) +5, Know (Relig) +5, Perception +7, Ride +7, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +7, Survival +7

Henric looks around for any signs of recent activity, fresh tracks, signs of a recent cook fire or the like. He will then begin to circle round the cottage to see if maybe someone is round back.

Vital Stats:
Monk 2 HP: 22/22, AC: 17/T: 17/FF: 13, Perception +8, Sense Motive +7, Initiative: +5, F: +5/ R: +6/ W: +6, CMB: +6, CMD: 22, Speed: 30
see profile

D listens closely at the door to see if he can hear anyone inside 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19.

Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

Koldur dismounts for his sore backside demands it.
Looking around, he shrugs and then he does what is best.
He yells.

"Hail owner of cottage. We're travellers and could do with some news and will pay for refreshments."

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