
Oscar Cray the III's page

507 posts. Alias of Algar Lysandris.


Hp 37/37 AC 17 / 10 / 17 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10)

About Oscar Cray the III

Back of Oscar


Oscar is a rather nice person, even tough he is a act first think later kinda person. It has gotten him into trouble in the past.

Being Rich Dilettante who had little interest besides anything

Oscar's love of his life got killed during a home robbery

it induced a long period of Heavy drinking. He went down a path of self destruction and gambling. During this rather long period of time (5-6) years

During a search on paranormal activity he meat a ghost of his girlfriend who told him that there was nothing to forgive and that she was disappointed in what he has become. She also told him she was controlled by a necromancer

And so he started to rebuild himself, to further understand the calling he heard. He eventually tracked down the necromancer who was using ghostly spirit to pass himself as a diviner and was scamming rich people.

He killed him. And on Iran's spirit he vowed to fight the undead hordes and their necromancer. He would live in the light, and Uphold the Natural Laws of Life. Once its Dead it Stays Dead. He would serve as a Guardian and Protector of the Living.

OSCAR Cray the III

Paladin 3 Sacred Servant of Abbadar

LG Medium Human / Humanoid (Human)

Init +0; Senses Perception +5

AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor)
hp 37 (3d10+6)
Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10
Armor Banded Mail, Heavy

Spd 20 ft/x3
Melee Greatsword +8 (2d6+6) 19-20/x2 CM +1

Str 19, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 18

BAB +3, CMB +7, CMD +17

Feats Armor Proficiency (LIGHT / MEDIUM / HEAVY) (PFCR 118), Greater Mercy (PFUM 152), Power Attack (PFCR 131), Shield Proficiency (PFCR 133), Weapon Focus (Greatsword) (PFCR 136-137)

Diplomacy +10 (+3 Rank, +4 Cha, +3 Class)
Knowledge (nobility) +4 (+1 Rank, +0 Int, +3 Class)
Knowledge (religion) +4 (+1 Rank, +0 Int, +3 Class)
Perception +5 (+2 Rank, +3 Wis)
Ride -2 (+1 Rank, +0 Dex)
Survival +4 (+1 Rank, + 3 Wis)
Sense Motive +8 (+2 Rank, +3 Wis, +3 Class)

SQ Aura of Good (PFCR 60), Detect Evil (PFCR 60), Lay on Hands [5] (PFCR 61) Mercy: Sickened (PFCR 61)

SU Divine Grace (PFCR 61), Smite Evil [1] (PFAPG 116)

MC Code of Conduct (PFCR 63-64)

Traits Birthmark (Faith) (PFAPG 328), Magical Knack (Magic) (PFAPG 329), Scourge of Evil (+1 Smite Evil)

Scourge of Evil:
You have always had a mission in your mind of defeating evil and staying to the tenements of good the best you can. You know you may have to pay for atonement, but as long as evil is expunged the celestials will sort it out. You have gained the ability to smite evil and later to detect evil. If you already have this ability gain it once more per day. You can never turn off your detect evil, and will never ask questions before smiting an evil entity. -5 to diplomacy checks or other social checks done with evil aligned individuals for your party, as they hold you back and want to smite it. Though you will follow your group's actions by holding you back, never harming them physically. :)

Languages Common

Gear Mercenary Kit (This includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.) A small tent, Light warhorse (AC 11, Hp 15) Wand of CLW (CL1-25 charges),


Cash 304 gp


Daily Resources Left:

Su 5/5 LoH (1d6), 2/2 Smite Evil (+4 To Hit / +3 Damage, +4 Deflection)

Current Effect


Old Stuff:

Names: Oscar
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Occupation: Dilettante (18+, Skill: Gamble, +1 Reputation, +6 Wealth)
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Hair: Salt and pepper
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5.7
Weight: 135

Class Levels: Thinker 4
Current XP/Next Level: 0/1000 XP
Banked CPs: 0

Scholarly pursuit: Knowledge Technology

Reputation Bonus: +8 [+6; +2 Synergy when it comes to Chess]

Allegiance: Free Spirit

Speed: 30 ft.

Initiative: -1

Action Points: 6
Power Points: 1d12 per level (with max for 1st-Level)

Power Points: 37 (12+12+3+10)

Mass Damage Threshold: 40 (10 Con x 4 Levels)
Knockback Threshold: 10 (10+(-1) Str+1 Fort)

Defence Score: 13 (10+(-1) Dex+1 Class+equipment bonus+size modifier)
Hit Points Total: 1d4+Con per level (with max for 1st-Level)

Hit points Total: 12 (4+4+1+3)
Lethal Damage:
Non-Lethal Damage:
Damage Reduction:

Strength 8 (-1) +0 [8 (-1)]
Dexterity 8 (-1) +0 [8 (-1)]
Constitution 8 (-1) +0 [10 (+0)]
Intelligence 14 (+2) +0 [14 (+2)]
Wisdom 14 (+2) +0 [14 (+2)]
Charisma 17 (+3) +0 [17 (+3)]

Saving Throws:
Fortitude +1 (0 Con+1 Class)
Reflex +2 (1 Dex+1 Class)
Will +10 (2 Wis+4 Class+4 Feats)

Base Attack Bonus: +2
Melee Attack: +1 (+(-1) Str)
Ranged Attack: +1 (+(-1) Dex)

Weapons and Attacks:
Unarmed Non-Lethal Attack [5 ft.] +2 [1d6+(-1) Str, 20/x2]


Skill Points Remaining: 0
Bluff +10 (+7; +3 Cha)
Computer Use +9 (+7; +2 Int)
Craft: Electronics +11 (+7; +2 Int +2 Synergy)
Craft: Structural +2 (+0; +2 Int [+2 Synergy if Identifying Weak Points])
Diplomacy +11 (+7; +3 Cha +2 Synergy)
Disable Device +9 (+7; +2 Int [+2 Synergy if Electronics])
Disguise +5 (+0; +3 Cha+ 2 Synergy)
Forgery +9 (+7; +2 Int)
Gamble +5 (+0; +2 Wis +2 Synergy, +1 occupation)
Gather Information +10 (+7; +3 Cha)
Intimidate +5 (+0; +3 Cha +2 Synergy)
Investigate +9 (+7; +2 Int)
Knowledge: Behavioural Sciences +6 (+4; +2 Int)
Knowledge: Business +6 (+4; +2 Int)
Knowledge: Technology +15 (+7; +2 Int + 6 Scholarly pursuit)
Powercraft +4 (+0; +2 Int +2 Synergy)
Profession: Chess Player +9 (+7; +2 Wis)
Repair +3 (+1; +2 Int [+2 Synergy if locks, security devices, etc.][+2 Synergy if Electronics][+2 Synergy if Supertech])
Search +7 (+5; +2 Int)
Sense Motive +7 (+5; +2 Wis)
Sleight of Hand +2 (+0; -1 Dex +2 Synergy)
Survival +2 (+0; +2 Int[+2 Synergy if Tracking])
Use Device +3 (+0; +3 Cha [+2 Synergy if Supertech])


Origin: Biological (Mutation)
Telepathy (1 rank, 16 CP)
Activate: 1PP; move action, Sustain: per round/hour; varies by use
Save: Will 16 (negates, Charisma-based), Range: 30 feet
Enhancements: Psychic Scream (1 rank, 2 CP), Short-Term Reading (1 rank, 3 CP), Long-Term Reading (1 rank, 3 CP), Telepathic Inflience (1 rank, 2 CP)

Description: This power grants you the ability to monitor the surface
thoughts of a subject, as they flash past the subject's conscious
mind. Subjects get a Will save either every round (in combat) or
every hour (as per the activation cost). If they fail, you can sense
whatever they are thinking in that moment, including imagery
and sensory information (a picture, a smell, a sound) or abstract
data (numbers, words). If they succeed, they block your attempt
to Listen, but don't notice that you tried. If they succeed by more
than 5, they recognise your attempt for what it is and act
You can sense the surface thoughts of only living, biological
creatures that have organised thoughts. In essence, you can read
the mind of anything with language. If you attempt to read any
creature with an Intelligence score of 5 or below, you default to
the Empathy limitation (see below) because such creatures
thoughts that are ordered enough to read in detail.
You do not hear voices or read thoughts like text, but instead
holistically sense what the subject thinks; therefore, language
barrier is not an issue. If you spoke only Japanese, and the
subject spoke only Swahili, you could still sense her thoughts. In
this way, you can sense untranslatable concepts, for which you
personally might not have words.
No physical barrier blocks Telepathy. It reaches to its
maximum range regardless of what's in the way. Regardless of
Origin, the feat Closed Mind grants a +2 to any save against this

Activate: 3PPs; standard action (attack)
Save: Will 16 (negates), Charisma-based
Description: You can direct a psionic cacophony straight into a single
target's mind and potentially render them stunned for 1d4 rounds.
Targets get a Will save to resist the effects. People who are
stunned get no actions, drop anything they hold, lose their
Dexterity bonus to Defence (if any), and take a -2 penalty to
Defence for standing there like slack-jawed morons.

Activate: 1PP per round; move action
Sustain: move action
Save: Will 16 (negates), Charisma-based
Description: You can dig past surface thoughts and examine a subject's
memories and impressions. You have access to the subject's
short-term memory (about the last week). You can call up what
she had for breakfast or what conversations he had yesterday, for
example, but not long-term memories like bank account
numbers, childhood memories, or knowledge that's a result of
In a move action, you can collect 4 specific pieces of
information about a subject, which take the form of four
questions you can ask the GM. You can ask each question after
you hear the answer to the previous question, and thus tailor
them to hone in on a particular piece of information, but every
question you ask about the subject counts toward your total,
including clarifications of previous questions.

Activate: 2PP; move action
Save: Will 16 (negates), Charisma-based
Description: You can dig past the short term and examine a subject's longterm memory to retrieve extremely personal information about
the subject's life, like old phone numbers, the smell of a former
lover, formative childhood experiences, or a book he or she has
read. In a single move action, you can collect
In a move action, you can collect 4 specific pieces of
information about a subject, which take the form of four
questions you can ask the GM. You can ask each question after
you hear the answer to the previous question, and thus tailor
them to hone in on a particular piece of information, but every
question you ask about the subject counts toward your total,
including clarifications of previous questions.

Activate: 2PPs per rank; standard action
Save: Will 16 (negates), Charisma-based
Description: You can attempt to influence anyone you can see within your
Telepathy's range, as per the Diplomacy skill. Every rank in the
power grants one level of attitude shift (i.e., hostile, unfriendly,
indifferent, friendly, helpful). Target's need to be both in range
and line of sight. They get a Will save (see above). You can also
combine this power with a normal Diplomacy check, in which
case you both talk to someone and nudge their mind at the same
time. Doing this grants a +10 circumstance bonus to your
Diplomacy roll per rank in the enhancement.

Technopathy (1 rank, 22 CP)
Activate: 1PP; move action, Sustain: per round/hour; move action
Range: 30 feet (60 ft. with Increased Range)
Enhancements: Wireless (1 rank, 4 CP), Sense Computer (1 rank, 3 CP), Remote Control (1 rank, 4 CP), Increased Range (1 rank, 2 CP), Data Core (1 rank, 4 CP)

Description: You can make mental contact with computers, including
desk-top machines, laptops, and PDAs, but not to anything that is
considered supertech, so no bionics, alien technology, androids,
or Gadgets. Any computer that has some form of human
interface is vulnerable to this power. The computer in question
must be on, but it does not need to have an active wireless
connection. You connect with it directly. You still interact with
the software of a given piece of technology, though, so you
essentially have a virtual suite of input/output devices in your
head. You see the screen in your mind and enter data with your
This power does not automatically grant you Computerrelated skills, nor can you download data into your mind. You
can glean as much information using this power as you could if
you were to sit down in front of the computer and it takes just as
much time to do so. You must spend a move action to mentally
"log in," but after that you need pay only as much attention as
you would to perform a given operation. However, you can do it
covertly and at a distance, although you must already know that
there is a computer there to connect to. Someone using the
computer to which you're connected gets a Computer Use check
(DC 20) to possibly notice that files are moving, data is being
accessed, memory is activated, etc., and therefore might conclude
that someone is covertly connected to the computer. If they are
actively searching for such activity, the DC is only 15.

Description: You can connect to the internet using just your mind as if you
were using a standard suite of browsers and internet applications.
You can connect from anywhere that has a wireless network. You
can use public networks without a problem, but private networks
still require an ID and a password. Of course, if you have a
sufficient Computer Use bonus, you can just try to hack the
connection, as well.

Description: You can now sense the presence of any computer—laptop,
desktop, PDA—within 20 feet. This sense is blocked by 1 inch of
steel or other dense metal and/or 6 inches of concrete. You can
take this enhancement up to four times. Each time after the first
add 10 feet to the distance (i.e., 30 feet at 2 ranks, 40 feet at 3
ranks, etc.).

Description: You can now connect with simple electrical devices that are
capable of receiving remote-control signals, everything from RC
cars to televisions.

Description: Increase the range of your Technopathy by 30 feet. You can
take this enhancement up to 3 times for a total range of 120 feet.

Description: You can download data into your head and upload it to
another computer at a later time. The data is not accessible while
stored in your mind. Your brain, a far more complex memory
storage/retrieval system than the average computer, can record
data as fast as a given computer can output it, and vice-versa.
Up/download speed is, therefore, based on the computer in
question, not you.
In most cases, you have plenty of room in your head, but
GMs are within their rights to limit you in truly outrageous
situations. You cannot, for example, download the entire Library
of Congress into your head, but a couple of books of plain text or
a CD are no problem.
You can, using this enhancement, upload a file to a computer
and execute it.

Force Field (1 rank, 6 CP)
Activate: 1PP; move action, Sustain: per round/hour; free action
Save: special, Range: self

Description: You can project a bubble of solid energy around you. The
bubble surrounds you at a distance of 3 or 4 feet (i.e., it's a
sphere, but it takes up a 5-foot cube on the battlemap). It
protects not just you, and not just what you're wearing, but also
anything you might be carrying that fits in that space and anyone
who might have squeezed into it with you. A maximum of two
people can fit in a single bubble (unless you take the appropriate
enhancements, see below).
Force Field bubbles are visible but fully transparent. You
can see through them with no penalty, but their shape and
position are discernible to the eye. They can appear, for example,
as a shimmering veil, a wall of blue energy, or a crystal barrier.
As always, the specifics are entirely up to you.
The bubble blocks all attacks from passing through it,
including gasses, energy attacks, or Super attacks and Phased
people or objects cannot pass through it. It does not block
mental attacks of any kind (mystical, psionic, or otherwise).
You can hear sound through it, but sonic-based attacks are
blocked. If anyone or anything tries to batter down your bubble by brute force, you must make a Will save, the DC of which
equals the damage of the attack. If you fail the saving throw,
your bubble falls until you can reactive it.
Your bubble has a Defence score of 10. Your personal
Defence bonuses (Dexterity, powers, armour/shields) are all
inside the bubble so they're no help to its Defence. If you're
running, falling, or flying, then its Defence rises to 12 because
the bubble is a moving target. Flanking a bubble does not grant a
+2 to hit because it's not a living creature, so splitting its
attention does no good. A bubble cannot be caught flat-footed.
However, the bubble is a separate target from you. Attacks
directed at you strike the bubble instead, and attacks directed at
the bubble do not strike you at all. Area effects that cause
damage, like a Burst Energy Attack can potentially affect you
when you're inside a Force Field bubble. If you fail your Will
save (see above), the bubble falls and the area effect acts upon
you normally.
Your bubble traps any gasses that are in its radius. If you
create it an NO2
environment, then it will have enough air to
breath for 4 hours. At the end of 4 hours the environment is
poisoned by carbon dioxide, at which point you must make a
Fortitude save (DC 20). If you succeed, you manage to remain
unaffected by the lack of oxygen. You must make another
Fortitude save (DC 20) every hour thereafter. The first failure,
however, makes you fatigued, the second makes you exhausted,
and after a third failure you fall unconscious, at which point the
Force Field drops. Succeeding at any of these checks merely
keeps you in your present state, either unaffected, fatigued, or
exhausted. You don't get better until you either refresh your air
supply or leave the carbon-dioxide environment.
You can submerge a bubble in water or other liquid, but it's
a weightless globe of buoyant air so if it is submerged, it
immediately ascends at a speed of 30 feet per round. However,
while submerged, you must make a Fortitude save every round to
resist the pressure of the water. The DC of the check is 10, +2 for
every 10 feet of depth. Thus, at a 50-foot depth, the DC would be
You can maintain a Force Field bubble in a vacuum, as
well. This requires a DC 15 Fortitude save every round. If you
fail, the Field drops.

Defensive Power Leech (3 ranks, 12 CP)
Activate: free; use-activated (take damage)

Description: Allows you to absorb energy-based, Super
attack damage and convert it into PPs. In any given round and
for every rank in the power, you can absorb 3HPs of damage, and
you gain 1PP for every 3HPs you Leech. You must forgo your
Saving Throw in order to use this mode. You cannot retain any
PPs beyond your personal total. You retain them until the end of
your next turn, at which point they dissipate harmlessly. You
Leech PPs reflexively, whenever you take damage from a Super
attack. You cannot direct powers at yourself in order to recharge.


Benefit: +1 Bonus on Unarmed attacks, 1d6 + Str bonus non-lethal damage

Iron Will
Benefit: +2 Bonus to all Willpower saving throws

Awesome Will
Benefit: Additional +2 Bonus to all Willpower saving throws

Plot Device
Benefit: Once per session, you can dig into your pockets and
find a single, extremely useful mundane tool or device. The exact
nature of the device is unspecified until such time as you invoke
the feat, but it can become virtually anything you happen to need
—an electronic lock-pick, a grappling hook gun, a re-breather, a
compact motorcycle repair kit, etc.—up to Purchase DC 15. For
the remainder of the session, the Device stays as whatever you
wanted it to be, but at the beginning of the next session, it is once
again unspecified and ready to be something else that you
miraculously just happened to have with you. Invoking the Plot
Device does not require a purchase roll and it does not affect
your Wealth score because you had it the whole time (wink,
wink). You can take this feat up to three times. Each time, you
get one more plot device per session.


Proficiency: Firearms
Benefit: You can attack with a Handgun or Longarm without

Proficiency: Armour
Benefit: : You can apply your armour's Defence bonus without
any penalties, that's everything from a leather jacket to full-plate.


Class Features:
Brawl (Ex): At level 1, you get the Brawl feat for free
because all superheroes need to throw the occasional punch.

Jack of All Trades (Ex): At level 1, Thinkers can use all
"trained only" skills as if they were trained. However, when
using those skills untrained, a roll of 1 is a Critical Failure, which
can result in breaking a tool, hurting themselves, or otherwise
royally screwing up whatever they're trying to do. Regardless of
the specifics, the failure will be spectacular and unfavourable.
GMs are encouraged to toss some good natured disaster at those

Renaissance Man (Ex): At level 2, all skills are considered
Class Skills for the Thinker.

Special Ability (Ex): Scholarly Pursuit (Knowledge Technology)

Plot Device (Ex): At level 4, Thinkers gain one Plot Device,
as per the feat (see Chapter 4: Feats).


Database (2 ranks, 4 CP)
Your database or library grants a +2 circumstance bonus to all Knowledge, Profession, and Craft checks. You must spend one hour researching in the library/on the database to get this bonus, and you can research only one answer to one question, involving one skill, at a time.

Ally (2 ranks, 4 CP)
[Science/Technology, Local History/Pop Culture]
Your ally is relatively well off and well placed. She might be a police captain, a well-known newspaper columnist, a crime boss, or a veteran military officer, for example

Skill Points (1 rank, 1 CP)
You gain 4 skill points. This Ad does not raise your Max Ranks, nor does it change your Class skills. It merely grants more skill points. You can take this Ad multiple times.

Accelerated Metabolism (1 rank, 3 CP)
You must eat at least one meal every twelve hours or become automatically fatigued. Double all penalties for fatigue and other states of lack of food or rest. Last but not least, you body distributes chemicals so fast that you take a -2 penalty to all rolls to resist drugs, chemicals, poisons, and their effects; these are usually Fortitude saves.

Chemical Dependency (1 rank, 2 CP)
[Alcohol (PDC 6), +2 Cha, -2 Str, -2 Int]
You must receive at least one dose of this substance every 24 hours or you suffer a -1 penalty to all die rolls, including but not limited to attack rolls, skill checks, saving throws, and damage rolls. You suffer another -1 penalty every 24 hours that you're deprived of the substance. Eventually, craving and withdrawal will effectively leave you helpless.

Forsworn From Firearms (1 rank, 2CP)
You steadfastly refuse to carry or use firearms, although you grudgingly acknowledge that other people might have legitimate reasons for doing so. In extreme cases, you may pick up a firearm and use it for a purpose other than shooting someone (e.g., cutting a rope, detonating an explosive, throwing it to an ally, etc.). The GM may call for a Will save (of at least DC 15) before allowing you to do so.

Notoriety (1 rank, 2 CP)
[Chess Player]
Any time you're in public, there is a 10% chance that some random fool walks up and challenges you. It is your responsibility to remind the GM to make this roll. If you forget, the GM will double the percentage chance the next time. If you enter a specific environment, the GM will increase the percentage chance based on that environment. If you enter a pool hall and you're a pool player, you're going to be challenged, for
example. Challengers can be friendly or rude, at the GM's discretion, but they are always insistent. If you refuse a challenge, a crowd will inevitably gather and goad you until you leave or take the challenge.
Every time you don't take a challenge, the next time you're in public, the percentage chance of being challenged goes up by 10%. If your percentage change reaches 50%, you reputation flips from "the one to beat" to "the one who's a total chicken" and the percentage itself keeps going up. You do not flip back to "the one to beat" until you win a challenge. If your percentage reaches 100%, you literally cannot leave your house without some bozo telling you you're a huge 'fraidy-cat. You cannot take this Comp unless you have a Reputation rating higher than 5. The higher your Reputation, the more powerful the challengers will be.


Relevant Carried Equipment:

-Top of the last next gen smartphone
-Wallet with Personal ID
-Wallet with BPD Special Investigations Division Badge
-Folded Emergency hero kit with baseball cap and motorcycle mask

Body armor Insert Heavy (PDC 20): +4 Defense
-master craft
-Ultra light

Van (PDC 30)
-Best Handling
-Fastest Engine
-Hardened X3
-Body Armor Professional
-Robust Components X5
-Install Surveillance / Computer Tech

1 Rented Appartment + garage(serving as lair)

-Bullet proof glass
-Reinforced Steel Door
-Top of the line Security system
-Top of line Computer hacker lair

-Work Backpack:
-Laptop computer with bluetooth, wifi access
=> loaded with computer hacking software
-Digital Audio recorder
- Digital Camera
-Disposable cell phone
- Tablette
-Portable video camera
-Black box
-Evidence kit Deluxe
-Lock pics set

Black briefcase:
-Black box
-Caller ID defeater
-Cellular interceptor
-Lineman’s Buttset
-Tap Detector
-Telephone Tap
-Line Tap
-Telephone Line Tracer


Wealth: 25 (current 23)

2d4+6 (4,2) +6(Occupation Bonus)+1 for each Profession rank (+2 for 5 ranks in profession), then make 3 Profession checks (1 for each level beyond first)
Wealth does not indicate how much money you have. It isn't notes in your pocket, or gold pieces in your backpack. Instead, it symbolically represents how much buying power you have access to at a moment's notice. It's designed to replicate the modern world; whether you have a certain amount of money in a bank has relatively little to do with what you can go out and purchase right now. Thus, Wealth is an abstract number measured as a bonus, just like BA or Saves, and it is fluid; it decreases when you buy expensive things and increases when you level up or come into money.

Wealth is a combination of liquid capital (money), credit (credit cards, credit rating, lines of credit, IOU's), investments, and your debts (i.e., car payments, student loans, etc.). The amount you can buy at a moment's notice is almost undoubtedly very different than the amount of actual capital you own. You can be broke, but have a dozen credit cards in your pocket. Such is the mystery of modern finance. Being in debt is already factored into your Wealth score. In fact, making large purchases on credit is the most common way to reduce your Wealth. Climbing out of that debt takes time; hence, you don't regain that Wealth until you come into money or level up.
