Legends in the Making: Slayers of Renown

Game Master BloodWolven

Varnhold Jail/Dungeon

Varnhold Stockade

Map of the lands that is cleared.
NPC Codex
Kingdom Stats
Bounty Board

Current Fight

Tomb of the Wight Warlord

Treasure Tracker

Rivers Run Red - Troll Fight

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Hp 37/37 AC 17 / 10 / 17 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10)

oscar is with Koldur and Sable

Vital Stats:
Monk 2 HP: 22/22, AC: 17/T: 17/FF: 13, Perception +8, Sense Motive +7, Initiative: +5, F: +5/ R: +6/ W: +6, CMB: +6, CMD: 22, Speed: 30
see profile

"It looks as if you gentlemen have neglected hygene supplies, mending kits, pack animals, comfort food supplies, and your supplies of writing equipment are woefully under represented if we are going to make maps." D stops shakes his head and rises a single eyebrow "And is that my life savings your are spending Koldur? Gentlemen I have very little use for material goods but one would like to be asked for a contribution before the money is gone. In any case I will like receipts and will expect to be recompensed at a future time. No I have no objection to it being spent, but it is not limitless and should be spent wisely."

Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

Koldur raises an eyebrow.
"Nay Laddie, tis is my own gold I be Spending. What use of writing supplies will I need being that I can almost not read my own writing. Nay. I'll leave that in more capable hands. And your words point you to be rather narrow minded. Has it occured to you to check first or did you assume all to be petty thieves? A mindset like yours will not gain us any allies at all though I commend the sharpness of your tongue."

Turning to Sable.
"I can see why you hired this one. He's a good man to be sure, looking out for your interests in this."

Koldur has 600 or so gold and the additional supplies are from his own pocket. :P

Vital Stats:
Monk 2 HP: 22/22, AC: 17/T: 17/FF: 13, Perception +8, Sense Motive +7, Initiative: +5, F: +5/ R: +6/ W: +6, CMB: +6, CMD: 22, Speed: 30
see profile

sorry at a glance the amount looked like the amount I had letf as well

Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

lol No problem. I didn't have alot to spend at the start cause I didn't know what to purchase. Now I do. :P Besides every party has got to snipe each other from time to time. A party that instantly gets along from different backgrounds tends to get boring don't you think?

Half-orc brawler 1/warpriest 5 (AC:29 [T:23 FF:17] | HP: 31/52 (0NL) | F+10*, R+11*, W+8* | Init: +6 |Perc: +11*)

Razaniel goes along with Xara, if she is making any purchases, debating about the considerations at hand, where they should be heading first, and details about settlements in the area.

Character sheet updated with recent purchases.

When the group gets back together vehiculates the information he can recollect.

Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

"While we were out gathering the necessary supplies, I had the chance to think some more about the questions that we had pondered earlier, regarding the Stolen Lands" - he commments - "The only single pieces of useful information I can recollect are the fact that there is rumor of a temple of Erastil in the Stolenlands, but I believe it to be decently far away and central to the whole region, so this may not be immediately accessible to us"

Absent mindedly checking the pull on his bow he adds - "As far as survivability... The one place of civilization in the stolen lands is Oleg's outpost, a trading station more than anything I guess. Oleg and his wife live, and trade from there - it may be a good first option as to where se should head"

Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

Koldur doesn't take his eyes of the keenstone as he put a fresh edge on his axes.

"We need to be there. As for why I don't know. If you say this Oleg's Outpost is a good place to start then we should head there unless,anyoen else have objections?"

Vital Info:
AC: 19, touch 13, FF 16; F/R/W: +5/+4/+6; HP: 26/26; Init: +3
Skills 1:
Acrobatics +0, Climb -3, Diplomacy +13, Handle Animal +9 (+11 with Reafan), Heal +2, Intimidate +11
Skills 2:
Perception +11, Ride +5 (+7 to stay in saddle), Sense Motive +2, Stealth +0, Survival +2, Swim-3

"A trading station sounds perfect," Xara says.

Silver Crusade

DR 3/magic HP: 43/61 _ AC: 22 _ T: 16 _ FF: 19, Perception +6, Sense Motive +9, Initiative: +4, F: +8 _ R: +6 _ W: +6 (+8 vs ench) _ CMB: +11, CMD: 25/26, Speed: 30 ft.
Acrobatics +4, Bluff +1, Climb +10, Diplomacy +7, Heal +8, Escape Artist +3, Handle Animal +8, K(eering) +6, Linguistics +2, Ride +8, Stealth +3, Survival +9, Swim +10

Sable laughs then does a soft punch on D's arm, "That's why I have you, to remind me of such things plus it is your domain, I can read a map but I can't make an accurate one. Plus I thought you had those mending kits already?"

Once Sable got back to his room he collected his own chest and gear, with his and D's horse. Also his man at arms who watches the horses and tends them.

Now that everyone has collected gear for their travels, the group starts to head out.

Hp 37/37 AC 17 / 10 / 17 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10)

Well our current goal is the temple. nods oscar

Half-orc brawler 1/warpriest 5 (AC:29 [T:23 FF:17] | HP: 31/52 (0NL) | F+10*, R+11*, W+8* | Init: +6 |Perc: +11*)

"Then let us get moving along" - Razaniel adds with a smile from atop his horse.

As the group heads out the West Gate, do any of you do anything besides just heading out?

Male Human Taldane/Kellid
Vital Stats:
HP 16/17, AC 17 T13 FF14, Perception +7, Init +3, Fort +6/ Reflex +5/ Will +5, CMB +1, CMD 13, Speed 30'
Ranger 1 / Cleric 1 (Erastil)
Other Skills:
Diplomacy +7, Handle Animal +6, Heal +7, Know(Geog) +5, Know (Local) +6, Know (Nature) +5, Know (Relig) +5, Perception +7, Ride +7, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +7, Survival +7

I'm afraid Oleg's isn't run by Oleg and his wife any more Raz. Oleg was killed by bandits some time back. Dwarves run the old fort now. I haven't been there since they took over the place so I'm afraid I can't tell you much more than that.Henric looks the lot over as they head out the gate; an obvious air of relief shows on the young man, as they head out of the city.

Vital Info:
AC: 19, touch 13, FF 16; F/R/W: +5/+4/+6; HP: 26/26; Init: +3
Skills 1:
Acrobatics +0, Climb -3, Diplomacy +13, Handle Animal +9 (+11 with Reafan), Heal +2, Intimidate +11
Skills 2:
Perception +11, Ride +5 (+7 to stay in saddle), Sense Motive +2, Stealth +0, Survival +2, Swim-3

Xara alternates between letting Reafan fly overhead in broad circles, and walking alongside the horses. He can't keep up with the horses on foot for very long, however, so if anybody wants to have a conversation with Xara, she'll dismount and ride on his (is everybody else a guy??) horse, letting Reafan soar on his own.

Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

Afraid so. Xara is the flower amidst thorns.

As Koldur adjusts to the rather uncomfortable Saddle, to him that is, he looks out to see if there's anyone following them and also to listen out for interesting tibits. He would also arrange for a messsenger sent out to Iron Peaks to inform them of his whereabouts and for them to keep running as usual.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

"Dwarves eh? Nice to know I'll be going to see some kinsman. Is there anything else we should know about tis stolen lands? Bandits ye mentioned?"

Hp 37/37 AC 17 / 10 / 17 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10)

Bandits shouldn't be too much of a problem

Half-orc brawler 1/warpriest 5 (AC:29 [T:23 FF:17] | HP: 31/52 (0NL) | F+10*, R+11*, W+8* | Init: +6 |Perc: +11*)

"I did not know that Oleg's had been assaulted by bandits - living in the Stolen Lands is not easy for sure..." - Razaniel shakes his head - "Koldur, do you believe we have a good chance that these dwarves will be friendly towards our intentions?"


Noticing the alternating travel that Xara has adopted, the man addresses her with a polite smile - "Milady, if you would accept travelling with me, I believe Biel should be able to carry us, as long as we do not intend to gallop throughout the day - It would allow your raven companion to fly freely above us? An extra pair of eyes in the sky may prove very useful as we move into untamed lands"

If Xara accepts:

The man carries on a conversation as they move along - "I apologize for my ignorance in these matters, but I would ask you - is the creature male or female? And what of his... or her name?"

Male Human Taldane/Kellid
Vital Stats:
HP 16/17, AC 17 T13 FF14, Perception +7, Init +3, Fort +6/ Reflex +5/ Will +5, CMB +1, CMD 13, Speed 30'
Ranger 1 / Cleric 1 (Erastil)
Other Skills:
Diplomacy +7, Handle Animal +6, Heal +7, Know(Geog) +5, Know (Local) +6, Know (Nature) +5, Know (Relig) +5, Perception +7, Ride +7, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +7, Survival +7

Henric canters forward leading his mule along behind him. Henric nods to Oscar as he passes him. Bandit's can be quiet the problem. A pestilence worse than locusts to the common man. Some are just desperate men that is true enough those tend to evaporate when resistance shows up. The ones who like it though now they can be fierce opposition. Henric smiles But with the likes of this company I think we shall have the advantage. Henric then listens as he too is interested in Xara and her giant crow.

Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

Koldur shrugs at Razaniel's question.

"Let us hope they are. Fighting them may not be a good thing. If I know my kin, chances are they would have reinforced the trading outpost. I know I would."

The group has left Restov and continue on the way to the Stolenlands. None of you get your presents from Moonshine, for none of you stopped at the West Gate, perhaps they will arrive later for you.

After the five day trip, you can all see what looks to be a fort in the distance.

Perception DC 15:

You can see humans or humanoids around the fort, some huddled together as others walk around.

Perception DC 20:

The humans seem to be destitute, by their state of clothing, they seem to have rags. They huddle together in small groups but you don't see any fires.

Perception DC 25:

You believe that they are all infected with some horrible disease or... undeath.

Everyone subtract 5 days of rations from your packs.

Half-orc brawler 1/warpriest 5 (AC:29 [T:23 FF:17] | HP: 31/52 (0NL) | F+10*, R+11*, W+8* | Init: +6 |Perc: +11*)

Damn... The gifts...

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

"I see what seem like people around the fort" - Razaniel informs the others - "They seem huddled around each other, and from the state of their clothing they look like vagabonds or vagrants, probably in search for food?"

Vital Info:
AC: 19, touch 13, FF 16; F/R/W: +5/+4/+6; HP: 26/26; Init: +3
Skills 1:
Acrobatics +0, Climb -3, Diplomacy +13, Handle Animal +9 (+11 with Reafan), Heal +2, Intimidate +11
Skills 2:
Perception +11, Ride +5 (+7 to stay in saddle), Sense Motive +2, Stealth +0, Survival +2, Swim-3

To Razaniel: Xara gracefully accepts his offer of company. "His name is Reafan. A servant of Andoletta led me to his egg, fallen from its nest. I tended the hatchling and reared him, and the two of us have traveled together ever since."

Ummm...did I miss an in character instruction someplace telling us to stop at the West Gate? I thought the stuff was just on the riding horses that were waiting there for them.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

"There are people walking and huddling around the fort. I don't think they're attacking, but something's off, unless it's just the dwarves inside being extra inhospitable. Give me a moment."

She pulls out her silent whistle and calls Reafan down.

Vital Info:
AC: 19, touch 13, FF 16; F/R/W: +5/+4/+6; HP: 26/26; Init: +3
Skills 1:
Acrobatics +0, Climb -3, Diplomacy +13, Handle Animal +9 (+11 with Reafan), Heal +2, Intimidate +11
Skills 2:
Perception +11, Ride +5 (+7 to stay in saddle), Sense Motive +2, Stealth +0, Survival +2, Swim-3

Staying well out of bow shot from the fort, Xara leads Reafan closer to the fort to give herself a better look at the humans.

As Xara on the giant raven circles around the fort, you may look at all the spoilers above.

Vital Info:
AC: 19, touch 13, FF 16; F/R/W: +5/+4/+6; HP: 26/26; Init: +3
Skills 1:
Acrobatics +0, Climb -3, Diplomacy +13, Handle Animal +9 (+11 with Reafan), Heal +2, Intimidate +11
Skills 2:
Perception +11, Ride +5 (+7 to stay in saddle), Sense Motive +2, Stealth +0, Survival +2, Swim-3

Upon seeing something very disturbing, Xara takes a deep breath and dives down, risking bow shots from the fort to get a closer look at the humans outside, trying to determine which alternative from that last spoiler is the truth, before wheeling Reafan around and returning to the group.

Male Human Taldane/Kellid
Vital Stats:
HP 16/17, AC 17 T13 FF14, Perception +7, Init +3, Fort +6/ Reflex +5/ Will +5, CMB +1, CMD 13, Speed 30'
Ranger 1 / Cleric 1 (Erastil)
Other Skills:
Diplomacy +7, Handle Animal +6, Heal +7, Know(Geog) +5, Know (Local) +6, Know (Nature) +5, Know (Relig) +5, Perception +7, Ride +7, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +7, Survival +7

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16to supplement the rations while traveling.

Understand that you are going to find 1/4 of food in the plains between Restov and the Stolenlands, as opposed to normal scavenging. Basically you will only need to eat one Ration Henric.

Hp 37/37 AC 17 / 10 / 17 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10)

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Survival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19 to supplement the rations while traveling


Oscar will climb down from his horse, draw his weapon with one hand, holding the end of the blade down If they are indeed undead, then i shall cleanses them and put their soul to rest. if they are just infected with a disease, I will do what i can.

he slowly, in order to give enough time to the party to react, move up to the fort not really trying to hid his presence

Scourge of Evil:
You have always had a mission in your mind of defeating evil and staying to the tenements of good the best you can. You know you may have to pay for atonement, but as long as evil is expunged the celestials will sort it out. You have gained the ability to smite evil and later to detect evil. If you already have this ability gain it once more per day. You can never turn off your detect evil, and will never ask questions before smiting an evil entity. -5 to diplomacy checks or other social checks done with evil aligned individuals for your party, as they hold you back and want to smite it. Though you will follow your group's actions by holding you back, never harming them physically. :)

Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

lol on the gifts. I too thought they'll be waiting for us once we start moving.

Survival to Supplement Rations.: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

"My kin, the dwarves maybe under siege. Mayhaps we shall aid them bit only after proper scouting. Perhaps Xara can fly in and ask them?"

Looking at his axes.
"Or we could just charge them if they're proven hostile."

Vital Info:
AC: 19, touch 13, FF 16; F/R/W: +5/+4/+6; HP: 26/26; Init: +3
Skills 1:
Acrobatics +0, Climb -3, Diplomacy +13, Handle Animal +9 (+11 with Reafan), Heal +2, Intimidate +11
Skills 2:
Perception +11, Ride +5 (+7 to stay in saddle), Sense Motive +2, Stealth +0, Survival +2, Swim-3

Xara takes out a white hanky and ties it to her longspear. "I shall go see if I may speak with the dwarves, and learn what I can."

Xara heads back into the air, waving her white flag clearly as she approaches the fort. She circles over the fort several times, looking for signs of life inside. If she sees dwarves, she will call down for permission to land inside.

Male Human Taldane/Kellid
Vital Stats:
HP 16/17, AC 17 T13 FF14, Perception +7, Init +3, Fort +6/ Reflex +5/ Will +5, CMB +1, CMD 13, Speed 30'
Ranger 1 / Cleric 1 (Erastil)
Other Skills:
Diplomacy +7, Handle Animal +6, Heal +7, Know(Geog) +5, Know (Local) +6, Know (Nature) +5, Know (Relig) +5, Perception +7, Ride +7, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +7, Survival +7

Henric slides off his horse nocking an arrow he looks off toward the fort. Can someone tell me what we are looking at here? I couldn't make them out myself.Henric furrows his brow in frustration shading his eyes trying to get a better look.

Xara you believe you see more of the undead or diseased within the fort, perhaps twice as many with almost no signs of dwarves.

Oscar once you get within 60 feetof the first humanoid you believe it to be an undead and can sense evil.

Silver Crusade

DR 3/magic HP: 43/61 _ AC: 22 _ T: 16 _ FF: 19, Perception +6, Sense Motive +9, Initiative: +4, F: +8 _ R: +6 _ W: +6 (+8 vs ench) _ CMB: +11, CMD: 25/26, Speed: 30 ft.
Acrobatics +4, Bluff +1, Climb +10, Diplomacy +7, Heal +8, Escape Artist +3, Handle Animal +8, K(eering) +6, Linguistics +2, Ride +8, Stealth +3, Survival +9, Swim +10

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13 survival supplementing rations during the travel with the rest of them.

Sable dismounts, not wanting the beautiful creature to become diseased. He flicks out his curved great sword from his back sheath. "Well shall we see if they are friendly? ... Ah yes sounds good we will wait until you get back Xada!"

Hp 37/37 AC 17 / 10 / 17 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10)

Oscar will turn back toward the party and yell

They are all unfriendly undead before moving forward and then charging

Round 1

charge, Fighting def

PA Great Sword: 1d20 + 7 + 2 - 4 - 1 ⇒ (13) + 7 + 2 - 4 - 1 = 172d6 + 9 ⇒ (4, 4) + 9 = 17

Current AC 17

Vital Info:
AC: 19, touch 13, FF 16; F/R/W: +5/+4/+6; HP: 26/26; Init: +3
Skills 1:
Acrobatics +0, Climb -3, Diplomacy +13, Handle Animal +9 (+11 with Reafan), Heal +2, Intimidate +11
Skills 2:
Perception +11, Ride +5 (+7 to stay in saddle), Sense Motive +2, Stealth +0, Survival +2, Swim-3

Xara flies back, shouting down, "Undead have taken the fort, and we are seriously out-numbered."

Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

Koldur checks his axes as Xara flies back with her warning.

"Too late lassie, Oscar went in swinging. A Man after my own heart though I'm curious though......There're friendly undead? Haven't met any in my life or is that because I swung first and tried to make friend later......"

Moving slower doeesn't hurt too much here, there's plenty of foes and leaving the horses where they are Koldur ambles off behind his party members to give them support.

Silver Crusade

DR 3/magic HP: 43/61 _ AC: 22 _ T: 16 _ FF: 19, Perception +6, Sense Motive +9, Initiative: +4, F: +8 _ R: +6 _ W: +6 (+8 vs ench) _ CMB: +11, CMD: 25/26, Speed: 30 ft.
Acrobatics +4, Bluff +1, Climb +10, Diplomacy +7, Heal +8, Escape Artist +3, Handle Animal +8, K(eering) +6, Linguistics +2, Ride +8, Stealth +3, Survival +9, Swim +10

Sable still a bit sore lets the others take the fight to the undead, pacing himself next to Koldur as he draws his curved greatsword from his horse. "Jimmy stay with the horses and yell if you notice any threats that approach them, standard protocol. Koldur let us get the meat grinder started again." Sable says with mirth as he stretches from the long ride and his recent wounds.

Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

Koldur cracks his neck as he stretches, swingin his arms to loosen them up and then a series of hops to ensure his movement isn't impeded.

Half-orc brawler 1/warpriest 5 (AC:29 [T:23 FF:17] | HP: 31/52 (0NL) | F+10*, R+11*, W+8* | Init: +6 |Perc: +11*)

Razaniel follows Oscar from bowshot range, leaving his horse behind - "Why does he risk so much like that?" - he comments to the others, closing the distance quickly as he notices his companion has engaged their foes.

Vital Info:
AC: 19, touch 13, FF 16; F/R/W: +5/+4/+6; HP: 26/26; Init: +3
Skills 1:
Acrobatics +0, Climb -3, Diplomacy +13, Handle Animal +9 (+11 with Reafan), Heal +2, Intimidate +11
Skills 2:
Perception +11, Ride +5 (+7 to stay in saddle), Sense Motive +2, Stealth +0, Survival +2, Swim-3

So exactly how many zombies are we talking about?

Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

I actually dread the answer based on Xara's scouting. lol

There appears to be less than a dozen zombies on this side of the fort. The main gate that faces South is closed, thus keeping in many of what Xara saw.

Oscar makes it to the zombies slicing the first one and it falls. The others begin to realize you are there and stand if they were sitting, or advance on you. Now three zombies are next to Oscar threatening him.

I should have a map up, when I get home today, sorry I have just been out of it and lack of internet hasn't helped.

Xara do you land or just fly near them? Koldur, Sable, D, Brother Henric and Razaniel all begin to advance on the zombies, now 50 feet away from Oscar.

Heroes first, then the zombies.

Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

Well, Can't let the laddie have all the fun.

Koldur charges with his axes swinging despite his saddle sore buttocks.

attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 101d10 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Silver Crusade

DR 3/magic HP: 43/61 _ AC: 22 _ T: 16 _ FF: 19, Perception +6, Sense Motive +9, Initiative: +4, F: +8 _ R: +6 _ W: +6 (+8 vs ench) _ CMB: +11, CMD: 25/26, Speed: 30 ft.
Acrobatics +4, Bluff +1, Climb +10, Diplomacy +7, Heal +8, Escape Artist +3, Handle Animal +8, K(eering) +6, Linguistics +2, Ride +8, Stealth +3, Survival +9, Swim +10

Sable takes one stride for every two by the dwarf but keeps his pace to be beside him, it looks weird but rather natural for the elf, he must have had much practice doing it. He charges right in with Koldur. "Some good exercise to stretch the sore body!" He exclaims slamming his blade into a zombie, though the blade just bounces off.

1d20 + 8 - 1 ⇒ (2) + 8 - 1 = 9 Elven Courtblade attack, 2d8 + 7 + 3 ⇒ (8, 2) + 7 + 3 = 20 damage with PA.

"Aarrgghh, come on, not even a clean slice, I need to practice." Sable complains.

Hp 37/37 AC 17 / 10 / 17 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10)

Round 2

May your soul find peace in the afterlife says oscar as he attacks yet another undead

PA Great Sword: 1d20 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (10) + 7 - 1 = 162d6 + 9 ⇒ (5, 4) + 9 = 18

Male Human Taldane/Kellid
Vital Stats:
HP 16/17, AC 17 T13 FF14, Perception +7, Init +3, Fort +6/ Reflex +5/ Will +5, CMB +1, CMD 13, Speed 30'
Ranger 1 / Cleric 1 (Erastil)
Other Skills:
Diplomacy +7, Handle Animal +6, Heal +7, Know(Geog) +5, Know (Local) +6, Know (Nature) +5, Know (Relig) +5, Perception +7, Ride +7, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +7, Survival +7

Henric advances another 30 feet then picks a target of those circling Oscar and lets fly attack: 1d20 + 61d8 + 1 ⇒ (12) + (5, 3, 4, 8, 2, 4, 4, 1, 8, 7, 7, 1, 3, 7, 3, 1, 8, 8, 2, 1, 1, 6, 4, 7, 1, 5, 3, 4, 7, 8, 2, 5, 3, 6, 3, 7, 1, 5, 6, 8, 5, 2, 1, 3, 6, 1, 8, 8, 5, 3, 8, 6, 2, 6, 4, 7, 8, 2, 2, 3, 5) + 1 = 287
whoops ok that should be an 18 on attck then a 6 on damage.The arrow sinks into the zombie, but looks to do very little real damage to it.

Vital Stats:
Monk 2 HP: 22/22, AC: 17/T: 17/FF: 13, Perception +8, Sense Motive +7, Initiative: +5, F: +5/ R: +6/ W: +6, CMB: +6, CMD: 22, Speed: 30
see profile

D moves forward and attacks with his temple sword attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 for damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Vital Info:
AC: 19, touch 13, FF 16; F/R/W: +5/+4/+6; HP: 26/26; Init: +3
Skills 1:
Acrobatics +0, Climb -3, Diplomacy +13, Handle Animal +9 (+11 with Reafan), Heal +2, Intimidate +11
Skills 2:
Perception +11, Ride +5 (+7 to stay in saddle), Sense Motive +2, Stealth +0, Survival +2, Swim-3

Xara stays airborne, and performs a strafing run.

Ride: 1d20 + 8 - 3 ⇒ (19) + 8 - 3 = 24

Xara guides Reafan with her knees, aiming at the zombie Henric hit with his arrow. She thrusts with her spear while Reafan snaps with his beak. They use Fly By Attack so they are out of melee range at the end of their move.

Spear: 1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 + 1 = 17 (higher ground)
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 Like Henric's arrow, her piercing spear has very little effect.
Reafan bite: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 4 + 1 = 16 (higher ground)
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11 The ripping of his beak has a lot more effect.

Half-orc brawler 1/warpriest 5 (AC:29 [T:23 FF:17] | HP: 31/52 (0NL) | F+10*, R+11*, W+8* | Init: +6 |Perc: +11*)

Razaniel stops his movement at no more than thirty feet from the creatures, and lets two arrows fly in quick succession at one of their foes.

Rapid Shot 1: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Rapid Shot 2: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

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