GM Wolf |

"Rogarvia has been missing for 10 years, due to some nefarious curse, though with the right evidence I hope to claim the crown but not very powerful right now at all. Surtova has been the regents of Brevoy for the past 9 years, growing stronger every year they have much impact over all of Brevoy and most of the nobles." Alexandria continues, though looks upset when telling the truth about her family's position now.

GM Wolf |

Those with healing would know that a lesser restoration spell would go a long way for both Sable and Koldur. With that they will be ready to go the next morning with a Fortitude Save DC 10, without it they will need to beat a 20. If you have any more questions feel free to spoiler them.
If you wish to do anything else this night please spoiler them.
The next day meets many of you with a difficult decision. A messenger brings word that a couple more mounts laden with some gear is waiting for those who have the charter at the West gate. Alexandria would have left the charter with Brother Henric.

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1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14 Fortitude Save...

Koldur of the Axe |

Fort Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Koldur groans as he attempts rest, however much of that rest goes towards healing his lesser wounds.
As he gingerly gets up, he reaches for his axes to assure himself they are there.
"So what do I missed?"

Brother Henric |

Happy Holidays everybody
Here is a couple heal rolls for Koldur and SableKoldur: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Sable: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Info about Stolen LandKnow Local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26know Geo: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
I would like to see what comes of these rolls before Henric says much

Razaniel |

Knowledge (Local/History?): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Razaniel listens in silence at Alexandria Rogarvia's words - he is quite familiar with most of the story of the region - as a Rostlander, he holds no particular love for the current Surtova move for power, after the mysterious dissappearance of the Rogarvia, ten years ago - even more surprising to him is the fact that a descendant of the now vanished hose is there in front of them, asking their help on investigating a seemingly new plight on the land, as if her mere presence was nothing out of the ordinary.
He did want to go into the Stolen Lands though, and he could not dismiss what he had just witnessed mere hours ago - something definitely needed to be done, so he adds no more questions.
Knowledge(Local?) regarding the Temple of Erastil: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Knowledge(Local?) regarding the Stolen Lands: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

GM Wolf |

The stolen lands... do you have the player's handbook? Pretty much everything in there you know, if I need to be more specific please just let me know.
Is there a specific question that you are asking for your checks, or just general information?
Anyone going to fill Koldur in on what is going on? What do you do for the next day since Koldur and Sable should rest, since no one has lesser restoration? With the new day if you cast lesser restoration on one of them, they would be able to act normally from that point on.

Xara Ozolins |

Well, Xara doesn't have the Heal skill to know about the needed spells, but if she did know about them, she'd point out that they were currently surrounded by clerics with a rich grateful princess in their midst.

GM Wolf |

The night that you arrived at the temple of Desna, the priests checked on each of you, mending basic wounds. Once they realized that there was a priest in your group that could tend to the two severe cases, they left.
Your group is in a side room in the temple of Desna, you think it is a prayer or quiet room. Not a normal room used for those that are hurt. You might wonder why the group was not taken to the healing ward. Sable and Koldur are on makeshift beds made of a thin mattress and robes. The room is sparse with a large mirror on one wall above a basin filled with water, a bookcase with a few books and scroll cases on it, a tapestry of a butterfly, a woven floor mat, and eight wooden simple chairs.
What do you do? Do you stay in the room, venture into the temple of Desna, head out to get some resources, go to the West gate, wait for Sable and Koldur to be walking?

Xara Ozolins |

If Brother Henric is not up to the task of tending our two injured, Xara will head out to find a friendly priest of Desna, and ask if he or she would be willing to come and look in on the two men.

Xara Ozolins |

Exactly, so since Henric isn't able to help them other than feeding them chicken soup, Xara heads out to find somebody willing and able to do what he cannot. And she does it before this princess vacates the area, in case the Desnan clerics want money in exchange for the spellcasting.

Razaniel |

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
Anyone going to fill Koldur in on what is going on? What do you do for the next day since Koldur and Sable should rest, since no one has lesser restoration? With the new day if you cast lesser restoration on one of them, they would be able to act normally from that point on.
Razaniel is trying mostly to recollect whatever he knows about any reference to a temple in the Stolen Lands, and whatever related to it, namely if its occupants are hostile or friendly, what God it is dedicated to (if in fact Erastil), the best way to travel there, etc.
As far as the Stolen Lands go, he is really trying to remember what he knows about its inhabitants, motivations, if there are tribes or some other sort of organization, if it is fully wild, etc.
Even without formal introductions, as he notices Xara's concern with the wounded, he approaches her - "Apologies for the brunt introduction, but since we have not yet been formally presented..." - he bows - "I am Razaniel. And I wanted to ask you if there has been any development in the state of the wounded - how are they?"

Koldur of the Axe |

He feels weak no matter what. Feels just like a trainee back down all those years back. He wonders if Sable might be feeling better, the elf must have gave as good as he got remembering the night before.
Wait...Moonshine was here and the burning question is why....
He struggles to get up but find that strength lacking. He curses his body's weakness..............

Xara Ozolins |

Xara returns the greeting. "This whole affair has been rather hurried, but no offense is taken. I am Xara Ozolins, a faithful servant of Lady Andoletta, known to many as Grandmother Crow. I serve to protect the people from whatever ill fate beseiges them, even if that fate is an arrogant elf and his ill-conceived machinations."
She nods at the paladin's words. "Apparently they need advanced healing magic to recover quickly, and the treatment we are getting from the Desnan's is most peculiar. Perhaps they are simply hiding us for our own safety."

GM Wolf |

With Xara's prompt and a quick promise from Alexandria the priests perform the necessary spells to make sure that both Sable and Koldur will be able to move the next day. Though both will have ache's and feel as if they are old men, though will not need full bed rest for the day. Even with more restorative magic they feel sapped, as the priests try again in the morning.

Koldur of the Axe |

Koldur thanks the others for their efforts and apologises for being such a burden.
"Ach..I'm sorry for all of this. We should be moving now and see what's got my former charge so worked up and why would those vampires be targeting us? I have not left Iron Peaks for the last decade or so until now. Sable old friend, you have got to explain things to us. We canna not be groping about in the dark here? We need information. I dinna know anything about these lands. Mayhaps some of us here know something or have managed to glean something from their own travels?"

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"Hey, your not the only one." Sable jokes. "That vampire, Lord Yelrick is an old rivial, and since I basically unveiled that he was a vampire, lost most of his rights as a lord. The Stolenlands, I know of them. I have been doing some research and wondering if I should pick up a development charter from the swordlords to expland my domain. This looks like just the kind of adventure I was looking for."

Koldur of the Axe |

So he was another old enemy...
"Sable......Next time do give us a headstart...you fool of an elf....Stop collecting enemies already....Not all of us would like to battle tooth and nail every single time....Any other lords or former lords that have joined your enemies charter as yet?"
"Pray tell....I'm rusty and bored......"
Koldur grins to take the sting of his words out.....

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"Well it looks like I can take you off that roster," He smiles and smacks Koldur's shoulder, then groans in pain. "There are plenty more on that roster but most are dead, just a few undead, D get me something for the pain. It looks like they can fill us in on our way, where are we heading by the way?"
"Hey, you remember that slimy rogue that called himself 'Black Death', he finally died of the plague, how ironic!" Sable laughs at remembering an old rival or enemy.

Koldur of the Axe |

Koldur winces from that slap.
As Sable tells of another old enemy dead and his method of dying, he grins.
"Aye, He loves those disease coated daggers of his doesn't he? Good riddance."
Koldur nods a the brief summary given by Brother Henric and with a deep breath jumps out of his bed to land on his feet.
"Well now what are we waiting for? Let us make haste!!"
Fort Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Upon his landing however, his legs crumple beneath him as he falla face face with a groan. Waving his hands to assure his companions, he lies there and his muffled voice comes forth.
"It's ok....the floor looks inviting....Give me a moment to finish greeting the floor....."

Xara Ozolins |

Xara snorts in exasperation as the dwarf rushes his recovery and face plants for his troubles. As she stoops to help Sir Oscar pick up the burly warrior, he can see the small smile that belies some amusement.

Brother Henric |

Henric studies the charter making notes in his own journal. I cannot say whether or not the temple you seek is in this region. There are many old shrines and abandoned temples throughout the wild places of the world from olden days and other peoples. Henric shakes his head. I am familiar with this territory your highness, and will do what I can to aid you. I know things grow no better with the absence of the rightful rulers on the throne.

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Sable staggers up then sits back down. He starts putting on the clothes and hole ridden armor with the assistance of his ever present man, D.
Once that is done the labor of armoring and snickering at the dwarf's antics. "Anything else we need to do before we head off down to the Stolenlands? Gear perhaps?"

Koldur of the Axe |

With Xara's and Oscar's Help, Koldur manages to strap on his armor and weapons, looking at Sable.
"We should see about getting some spells from this Desna Priests here first.The way we are right now, we're burdens."
He stands up to his full height and takes a deep breath.
Letting it out.
"Healing first, Gear next, rations and then maps if any of this place we be going."

Xara Ozolins |

"Wow!" Xara comments dryly. "Sense!"
The disbelief in her tone is palpable.

Koldur of the Axe |

Koldur grins at Xara's Jab.
"Grant this old dwarf his follies. Maybe not the Elf though....."

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"Hey I took care of that vampire, I did not know he was behind the foxtails, stake through the heart, and cut the head off, then threw it in the channel. He should not be bothering us anymore, too bad he and his minions took so much out of me. Potions and scrolls are apart of gear. D, how much money do we have in the chest still? Who can cast healing and restorative spells?" Sable grins and says in all seriousness his pain throbbing body will let him.

Xara Ozolins |

"From the look of this charter, and the descriptions we have of the area, we shall probably be living off the land for a good long while."
Knowledge-Local: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 to know of any outposts or villages in the area of the Stolen lands.

Koldur of the Axe |

Koldur grumbles....
"You forgot burning the body, old friend. Nevertheless you got rid of him."
At Xara's words.
"Well looks like many two weeks worth of rations might be good enough. Maps if you can get any would be good."
Standing and painfully moving towards the door.
"Me? I be finding me & Sable a priest....."

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"Yes, yes I should have burned the body but there were the dozen spawn around me at the time so I didn't have the time. Enough said, yes let's go talk to those priests." Sable says to Koldur.
"Wait didn't the charter say we are to explore and make a map, well any map we can find will help us, yes off with you to collect maps and supplies as we hobble around, until we feel better." Sable says to the rest of them...
"Two weeks should be fine, we will be living off the land, and more supplies should arrive by then at Oleg's. The only civilization nearest to the stolen lands!" Sable says to Oscar.

GM Wolf |

Xara you don't know of any outposts or villages, those are wild lands.
The one place of civilization in the stolen lands is Oleg's outpost, a trading station more than anything, where Oleg and his wife live.
There are other towns and villages but most are clear of the Stolenlands, fey and bandits rule there. To the north of it some farms and villages canbe found. The old fort which used to be Olegs was taken over by some dwarves after bandits killed Oleg.

Koldur of the Axe |

Koldur is patient.
Koldur is slow.
Koldur is looking for a Priest.
Koldur aches all over.
Koldur wants a priest..like NOW!!!
Koldur looks around for a priest with Sable. Every step a protest. He force each one through sheer will power.
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

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"Of course we want it, pain is one thing, but this is just wrong. Also if you can give us the ingrediants we might be able to bring some back as we tend to our own wounds when away and bring back generous tithes."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14 to persuade the priest to divulge the secrets of the healing remedy.

GM Wolf |

The priest comes back with several jars and explains how to use each of them, what is in each one and how to make it.
Koldur and Sable get fixed up and then geared up. After some more bartering with the priests they have, two jars each costing 5 gp total, a wand of lesser restoration with 3 charges for 250 gp and a wand of CLW with 15 charges for 200 gp. Thus sapping most of Sable's reserves.
You either go out and collect what resources you need on your own or with others. Feel free to buy standard equipment at normal rates.

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"D, tell me good man were we meeting the group at a specific place before heading out?" As Sable starts to shop for the expedition.
Who else besides D and Koldur are with Sable?

Xara Ozolins |

Is there anybody who can attempt those Knowledge Local checks? Xara's result of 2 isn't passing muster.

Koldur of the Axe |

You could take 10. I'm afraid Koldur's checks will be worse.
Feeling his strength return, Koldur tests all his limbs before going into some sort of dance swinging his arms and moving forwards, backwards and sideways. It's similiar to his fighting style but this one is more to loosen up his stiff limbs.
"Now that that is done, what's next after gear?"

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Sable, Koldur, D, and anyone else with them go to the stores. These are suggestions he is not buying them for you.
Each person should have at least one: (price for one item and its weight)
Blanket, winter: - - - - 5 sp 3 lbs.
Case, map or scroll: - - 1 gp 1/2 lb.
Flint and steel: - - - - 1 gp —
(3) Oil (1-pint flask): - - - - 1 sp 1 lb.
(5)Rations, trail (per day): - - - - 5 sp 1 lb.
Shovel or spade: - - - - 2 gp 8 lbs.
Signal whistle: - - - - 8 sp —
Torch: - - - - 1 cp 1 lb.
Waterskin: - - - - 1 gp 4 lbs.
Climber's kit: - - - - 80 gp 5 lbs.1
Healer's kit: - - - - 50 gp 1 lb.
Desna Holy symbol, wooden: - - - - 1 gp —
Extra Traveler's outfit: - - - - 1 gp 5 lbs.
For every two people:
Rope, hemp (50 ft.): - - - - 1 gp 10 lbs.
Or Rope, silk (50 ft.): - - - - 10 gp 5 lbs.
Tent: - - - - 10 gp 20 lbs.1
Whetstone: - - - - 2 cp 1 lb.
Suggested to have one of each:
Acid (flask): - - - - 10 gp 1 lb.
Alchemist's fire (flask): - - - - 20 gp 1 lb.
Holy water (flask): - - - - 25 gp 1 lb.
Sunrod: - - - - 2 gp 1 lb.
Thunderstone: - - - - 30 gp 1 lb.
Tindertwig: - - - - 1 gp —
He buys these for D:
Bucket (empty): - - - - 2 lbs.
Crowbar: - - - - 5 lbs.
(4)Ink (1 oz. vial)
(15)Parchment (sheet)
Pot, iron: - - - -4 lbs.

Koldur of the Axe |

Koldur browsing through the store purchases the following:
Waterskin: - - - - 1 gp 4 lbs.
Climber's kit: - - - - 80 gp 5 lbs.1
Healer's kit: - - - - 50 gp 1 lb.
(10)Rations, trail (per day): - - - - 10 sp 1 lb.
Signal whistle: - - - - 8 sp
Tent: - - - - 10 gp 20 lbs.
Whetstone: - - - - 2 cp 1 lb.
Traveller's Tool (magical) 250gp
This implement at first seems to be nothing but a 12-inch iron bar lined with small plates and spikes. It can be folded, twisted, hinged, and bent, to form almost any known tool. Hammers, shovels, even a block and tackle (without rope) are possible. It can duplicate any tool the wielder can clearly visualize that contains only limited moving parts, such as a pair of scissors, but not a handloom. It cannot be used to replace missing or broken parts of machines or vehicles unless a mundane tool would have done the job just as well.
The any-tool counts as a set of masterwork artisan’s tools for most Craft or Profession skills (although very specialist crafts such as alchemy still require their own unique toolset). It is an ineffective weapon, always counting as an improvised weapon and never granting any masterwork bonus on attack rolls.
Total Currency Spent: 391 Gp, 9 sp 2 cp
Total Currency Left: 217 Gp, 0 sp 8 cp
To be updated in Char sheet once Purchases and gifts from Moonshine all recived.