Last Hope for Korvosa: A Curse of the Crimson Throne PbP (Inactive)

Game Master James Martin

The Queen has taken the reigns of power and Korvosa is about to experience its worst challenge yet! But can the heroes triumph against a plague?

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Female Human (Varisian) Cleric of Desna 8 | HP 30/57 | AC 24 T 17 FF 19 CMD 26 | F +9 R +9 W +12 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | Status: Normal

When Slumper gets next to her, Ruperta, without turning to see him, takes his hand, without speaking.

After a minute, while keeping her even on the sky, she tells in a low voice.

"They are beautiful"

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Tayce, obviously feeling uncomfortable, speaks up. "Well, we tried to go the Grand Vault of Abadar, but it was closed. They had a long line outside anyway. We had to go to the Cailean Alehouse. There were a lot of people there, but one of the priests took pity on Brienna and moved her to the front of the line. He told us that the Abadarians were sick as well." She smiles, a pretty smile and pleasant to see on a lovely woman.

Gnome Illusionist 14 HP 83/110; AC 14(18); F +12 R +11 W +14; Init. +7; Perc. +16

"Tayce, did the priests at the Alehouse seem to be healing a great deal of the crowd, the way they were with Brienna? I wonder if they have a cure we might be able to mass produce for the rest of the townsfolk?"

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Tayce shakes her head. "They were only healing the worst cases. The rest they were offering herbs. They said they only had a handful of priests of skill enough to heal diseases."

Female Human (Varisian) Cleric of Desna 8 | HP 30/57 | AC 24 T 17 FF 19 CMD 26 | F +9 R +9 W +12 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | Status: Normal

After staying outside for some time, she sights and tells Slumper:
"Can you please tell the others to come? It's time for us to rest. Tomorrow I need to start early checking the tailor and his wife."

M Human Fighter 14 a.k.a Percivel a.k.a Alexi | 175/175 hps | AC 31 | F 15 R 11 W 9(+6 if Fear) | +5 Init +13 Percp

Slumper goes back in to round up the group.

"It's time to move on, we have a job to do."

Bonekeep Slides

Tayce thanks you again, hugging each of you and nearly crying as she watches Brienna nod off leaning against her brother's shoulder. "Thank you. I mean that. Thank you. I can't possibly repay you, but if there's anything you need, anything, name it." She does manage to send some leftovers with you, so you're bound to have a good snack at some point.

Heading back across the bridge you can see that the number of Guards has been doubled, but they also seem to have been joined by some women in grey armor with red cloaks and full helms covering their faces. They all look competent as soldiers, and the Guard seem to be deferring to them.

By the time you get back to the Citadel, most lights are out and your beds are beckoning. You sleep late the next morning, but you are shocked to see some of the Guards leaving have evidence of Blood Veil blisters on their faces and necks...

The next couple days are much the same. You visit the tailor and his wife, who report that they had no luck getting cured, but the Abadarians gave them herbs to aid them in recovery. All around town there are more and more people infected, and most disturbingly, carts escorted by Guardsmen and the grey armored women begin appearing, carrying bodies wrapped in white linen. The mood of the city is paranoid and frightened, but at least the riots have stopped, as no one wants to be around anyone else.

On the afternoon of the second day, you recieve a message from Ishani Dhatri, the Abadarian priest who was trying to help Brienna. It reads simply: "Need your aid. Please come to the Grand Vault. Ask for me. - Ishani"

Gnome Illusionist 14 HP 83/110; AC 14(18); F +12 R +11 W +14; Init. +7; Perc. +16

Pai looks around at the others. "Goodness gracious. What else could go wrong? I pray there's been no worsening of the plague."

Female Human (Varisian) Cleric of Desna 8 | HP 30/57 | AC 24 T 17 FF 19 CMD 26 | F +9 R +9 W +12 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | Status: Normal

Ruperta tries her best to help people on those days.
As soon as she gets the message her face get ashen again.
"I pray Desna they found a cure."

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As you approach the Grand Vault of Abadar, the first thing you notice are the crowds: people everywhere, some with covered mouths, some with weeping bloody sores on their faces. It's nearly impossible to move anywhere without encountering one of these people. They're all looking expectantly toward the doors of the Vault, and when it opens to let out a harried looking Abadarian initiate, they mob forward, clutching and pulling at him and his robes, while he fights to maintain order. "Please! Please form an orderly line and you will be seen in the order in which you arrived!" His words don't seem to have much effect, however, and in the end he simply grabs a nearby sick person and drags them in before slamming the door shut hard.

What are you all doing? And is anyone openly displaying a holy symbol, such as Ruperta?

M Human Fighter 14 a.k.a Percivel a.k.a Alexi | 175/175 hps | AC 31 | F 15 R 11 W 9(+6 if Fear) | +5 Init +13 Percp

Slumper will be watching the crowds wearily. no way on the holy symbol unless there was a symbol on the ring Ruperta gave me

Gnome Illusionist 14 HP 83/110; AC 14(18); F +12 R +11 W +14; Init. +7; Perc. +16

Pai has no religious symbols on her person. "How do we get inside there without being crushed by the crowds?"

Female Human (Varisian) Cleric of Desna 8 | HP 30/57 | AC 24 T 17 FF 19 CMD 26 | F +9 R +9 W +12 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | Status: Normal

Ruperta, of course, proudly displays Desna's butterfly on her.

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As soon as the crowd spots the holy butterfly, they surge toward Ruperta, grasping her cloak, pulling at her, demanding, begging, pleading to be healed. She's soon mobbed and disappears from sight as the crowd vies to be healed.

M Human Fighter 14 a.k.a Percivel a.k.a Alexi | 175/175 hps | AC 31 | F 15 R 11 W 9(+6 if Fear) | +5 Init +13 Percp

Slumper dives into the crowd after her. Using more brutal means if necessary with the flat of his sword and shield.

Gnome Illusionist 14 HP 83/110; AC 14(18); F +12 R +11 W +14; Init. +7; Perc. +16

Pai casts Stinking Cloud, as a spray of noxious gas emits from her, engulfing the crowd manhandling Ruperta.

Dc 17 Fort save

Even if Slumper and Ruperta might fail the save, we can grab them and get them out of the area safely, I am thinking. Hope that's okay with everyone.

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Pai's greasy green cloud of poisonous fumes erupts in the crowd near the mobbed Ruperta and the valiantly struggling Slumper. People begin to retch and sounds of heaving can be heard.

Slumper Fort: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Ruperta Fort: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Slumper manages to cover his nose, but Ruperta, trying desperately to calm the crowd, takes a full breath and is soon gasping and retching herself. Slumper grabs her, and slowly, steers them both out of the mob scene and the cloud of gas. From a small door next to the main stairs, you see Ishani Dhatri, the cleric from Brienna's house, waving at you to come in, quickly.

As soon as you are in, Dhatri slams the door and bars it as fists hammer at it from outside and cries of 'heal me, mercy!' echo from outside.

He leans tiredly against the stone wall and sighs heavily. His eyes are puffy and swollen and bags rest beneath them. He appears pale and tired, and his uniform is grubby, quite unlike the usual Abadarian garb.

"Thank the Vault Keeper you've come! Things have been getting worse and worse since I saw you last. Full three-quarters of our numbers have the Blood Veil, and it's all the remaining clergy can do to keep them alive, let alone heal the masses! We're fighting a losing battle, but I believe I can help. I know you're close with Marshall Kroft; can you secure an audience with her? If we could coordinate the response between the temples and the Guard, I think we may be able to set up quarantines, perhaps halt the spread of this disease."

Gnome Illusionist 14 HP 83/110; AC 14(18); F +12 R +11 W +14; Init. +7; Perc. +16

"I'm so sorry, Ruperta. It was the quickest way I could think of to keep you safe from the throng of people!"

As the group enters and meets with Dhatri, Pai responds, "We've actually grown fairly close to Marshall Kroft. She's our boss and has been keeping us pretty busy the last few days. If she can spare a few minutes, I'm sure she would be happy to help in any manner possible. I'm afraid halting the spread might be the only answer, as our search for possible cures seem to have come up empty."

Female Human (Varisian) Cleric of Desna 8 | HP 30/57 | AC 24 T 17 FF 19 CMD 26 | F +9 R +9 W +12 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | Status: Normal

A green tinge to her face, Ruperta makes signs that she is ok, and there is no problem, but is unable to speak yet.

Bonekeep Slides

Dhatri smiles and thanks you, and suggests you use a tunnel leading from the Grand Vault to a nearby warehouse. "It is meant as a means of last resort in case of assault. I am not supposed to be showing it to outsiders, but may Abadar forgive me, for I believe these days are worth the risk!"

Surprisingly, the walk from the Grand Vault to the Citadel is uneventful. The streets are strangely quiet, as if people have decided the best way to avoid the sickness is to stay inside and be very quiet, hoping death will pass them by. Still, it makes for a quick march.

However, when you arrive at the Citadel, the gate guards smile and tell you that if you wish to meet the new physicians, you need to hurry into the courtyard.

The echoes of forcefully spoken but still just-missed words resound off the imposing granite and iron walls of Citadel Volshyenek’s outer curtain. Dozens of red-and-silver-armored guards stand in assembly upon the pitted stone mustering ground here, mumbling in hushed, somber tones. Before them, atop a weathered wooden platform, paces Field Marshal Kroft, her eyebrows arched sternly as she momentarily tolerates the crowd’s murmurs. Behind her upon the scaffold stand three grizzled veteran guardsmen at attention, as well as an ominous-looking group. These men wear cowled robes of oily-looking leather, supple gloves, and wide black hats. Some grip heavy canes, others dark satchels. Each of them, though, wears a dark-goggled mask tapering to a pointed beak. Among them stand two others. The first is a middle aged gentleman in a simple black overcoat with streaks of white gracing the sides of his short dark hair . He watches the gathered guards with a soft, concerned expression, his hands tightly clasping a heavy-looking doctor’s case. The second figure is an imposing one indeed—a woman dressed in full-plate armor, a longsword and shield at her side, and her blank-faced full helm sporting a bright red plume.

The Field Marshal’s fierce tone cuts through the rumble of whispers. “You will escort Doctor Davaulus and his men in their royal duties wherever those might take them. Furthermore, you are to consider orders from any of the queen’s new order of Gray Maidens to be as binding as any superior officer in the Korvosan Guard or Sable Company. You are guardsmen of Korvosa. You will not balk. These are dire times and your city needs these healers. Your city needs you. Your patrol leaders have your assignments. Dismissed!”

As the throng disperses, Marshall Kroft begins to head inside with the man in the overcoat, Doctor Davaulus, as the woman in grey armor silences any whispers with a harsh barked command. You call out to Kroft, who stops and turns to see you. "Good morning. I'm in a hurry, I have to meet with the Doctor here. Is there something I can do for you?"

Ishani Dhatri steps forward and introduces himself, bowing to the Marshall. After his introduction, he offers his services and Marshall Kroft nods to him. "We're heading in now to discuss treatments and quarantine. You're welcome to join us, Brother Dhatri. As are any of you who wish to. If not, check with the Grey Maiden; I believe they have tasks that need seeing to."

As you stand deciding, one of the strange men in the bird-like mask steps over to you and hands you a flyer. It is a decree from the Queen that states: "By Decree of Her Royal Majesty, the Radiant Queen Illeosa I, all citizens and members of the Korvosan Guard are to aid and admit the newly established Queen’s Physicians in this time of urgency. These royal agents will extend healing to the sick and organize defense against the spreading affliction known as “blood veil.” They are to be allowed access to any home or building they deem necessary in the course of their duties. All those suffering from disease or disorder are to submit themselves to the Physicians for treatment.
To aid in the duties of the Queen’s Physicians, know that the order of the Gray Maidens has been established to provide military support as needed. The Maidens answer directly to the Crimson Throne, and will be called upon as necessary to augment and strengthen the peace where simple city guards will not suffice.
Impeding or distracting the duties of the Queen’s Physicians or the Gray Maidens is punishable by imprisonment. Impersonating one of the Queen’s Physicians is punishable by death. Knowingly harboring or hiding the infected is punishable by death. Purposefully spreading blood veil is punishable by torture, then death.
The Queen’s Physicians will be making rounds of every city district henceforth until Her Majesty deems this misfortune abated."
It bears the royal seal of Korvosa on the bottom of the paper.

Female Human (Varisian) Cleric of Desna 8 | HP 30/57 | AC 24 T 17 FF 19 CMD 26 | F +9 R +9 W +12 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | Status: Normal

After reading the pamphlet Ruperta brow hardens.

"Harboring or hiding a sick person? Do you realize they are not criminals? They are scared children, frail old people, husbands and wifes? Why hide them? How are you curing them? Are are taking them away from their families? To where? Do you have a cure?

After getting her answers she will go with the Marshal and the doctor to see what they are discussing.

Bonekeep Slides

The bird-masked doctor doesn't stick around to answer questions; he simply hands you a flyer and moves on to distribute more. Doctor Davaulus, however, is close by...

Female Human (Varisian) Cleric of Desna 8 | HP 30/57 | AC 24 T 17 FF 19 CMD 26 | F +9 R +9 W +12 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | Status: Normal

She questions the doctor then..

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As you approach the Good Doctor, he smiles at you benignly. Upon hearing your question, he nods looking saddened. "I will agree that the language is strong, miss, but I am assured that it only is thus in order to encourage people to seek treatment earlier rather than later. We are not forcibly removing them, though we are planning to set up hospitals in which to relocate the sick to minimize time between treatments for the ill. Travel time to individual homes is time I fear we do not have. I assure you, and I hope you will join us, miss, in reassuring the people of Korvosa that they have nothing to fear. Fear will only make the experience that much worse for them! In addition, placing the patients in a centralized location will minimize their risk of spreading the disorder further to the uninfected. While I am in the process of studying the disease thoroughly and while we do not currently have a cure, my men and I are working toward one. Perhaps with your assistance we may arrive that much faster?" He smiles at you, eager to hear your thoughts on the disease.

Female Human (Varisian) Cleric of Desna 8 | HP 30/57 | AC 24 T 17 FF 19 CMD 26 | F +9 R +9 W +12 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | Status: Normal

"When someone gets ill in a caravan or a camp, we make them lie down and rest, we don't tell him to travel to a "centralized" location. It's better if people remains in their home, at least until we have a cure. After we have a cure we can tell them to go fetch it, but not before. Other than that, I am completely at your disposal to try and find a cure, in the little that I can do to help you, and I thank you, in my name and the name of the city, for your efforts. "

She will try and get in the meeting with him and the Marshall.

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The Doctor smiles. "I understand my dear, but a city is different than a caravan and a plague even more so! Rest will not us avail us with a plague, for it spreads through contact and it erodes the very fortitude that the patient needs to recover, thus making mere rest no fit cure at all! In a plague, you must make hard choices, difficult decisions, for you are not only saving the life of a patient, you are saving the lives of everyone that patient could come across in their daily lives! And unfortunately, the poor souls who are sickened are not the sort to understand why they must remain in their homes, they are the sort to continue about their lives if not stopped from it. I respect your compassion, miss, but I must override it; too many lives are at risk already. But by all means, you and your companions are welcome to join our discussions." He nods to you and your comrades, then heads with Marshall Kroft inside with Dhatri to discuss the response.

Gnome Illusionist 14 HP 83/110; AC 14(18); F +12 R +11 W +14; Init. +7; Perc. +16

Pai turns to Ruperta and the others before rushing in. "Do we trust the new physicians well enough to tell them about the church of Abadar's plans? Or do we wait until the meeting is over to mention their request?"

Female Human (Varisian) Cleric of Desna 8 | HP 30/57 | AC 24 T 17 FF 19 CMD 26 | F +9 R +9 W +12 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | Status: Normal

"Right now we need everybody's help, and I can't imagine the doctor being here, taking the risks, without a genuine interest in helping others."

M Human Fighter 14 a.k.a Percivel a.k.a Alexi | 175/175 hps | AC 31 | F 15 R 11 W 9(+6 if Fear) | +5 Init +13 Percp

Slumper shakes his head. "His version of helping others may be different than yours. He seems interetsed in the well more than the sick"

Female Human (Varisian) Cleric of Desna 8 | HP 30/57 | AC 24 T 17 FF 19 CMD 26 | F +9 R +9 W +12 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | Status: Normal

At Slumper's words Ruperta gets serious.

"Maybe you are right, we will need to keep an eye open"

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It sounds like you want to follow the leadership in to discuss the plague, so I'm going with that...

The Marshall, the Doctor and the priest head to a small room off of Marshall Kroft's office, in which a large table is set. On the table the Marshall spreads a map of Korvosa, very detailed and obviously done at some expense. The Marshall and Ishani Dhatri begin speaking about the levels of sickness in each district. The Doctor listens very carefully, nodding and asking pertinent questions. After the briefing is done, he begins to outline a plan.

"I have full support of the Queen, who has been quite concerned with the health of Her subjects and their well-being. I believe our first step is to identify locations to act as district headquarters for the treatment of the ill. From there my doctors and your guard, Marshall, can work together to help find and gather the sick into these hospitals. Of course, we'll also need to dispose of the bodies of the dead, a process which I fear, while necessary, will not be pleasant. I suggest a central location, here, in the Grey District, which will serve as a crematorium for the dead. Daily carts will be sent out each morning and afternoon to collect bodies and register the names and numbers of the dead. I would also suggest, Brother Dhatri, that we coordinate with the temples and my doctors to best spread our resources across Korvosa. Perhaps you might be best for this task? I am an outsider and you have experience with these faiths." He pauses, then looks up to Ruperta, Pai, and the others. "Do you have any suggestions or ideas to add? I am told you've been on the ground since this began; your insights are valuable."

Female Human (Varisian) Cleric of Desna 8 | HP 30/57 | AC 24 T 17 FF 19 CMD 26 | F +9 R +9 W +12 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | Status: Normal

"Besides dragging all the sick people outside their homes what are we doing to get a Cure for the disease? I don't think I hear something about getting a cure."

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Doctor Davaulus raises an eyebrow. "Of course we'll be looking for a cure! I have my doctors gathering herbs, researching cases and testing possible remedies on patients now. The hospitals will simply make the testing of cures easier and more effective: we will not have to hunt down 100 people across 100 addresses. Instead, we will have them in one location where we can minimize time between discovery of a cure and administration of that cure." His faces takes on a concerned, paternal look. "My dear, it is clear you are concerned and greatly compassionate, but I fear you may be overtaxing yourself. When was the last time you had a good rest? If the healers are not well, they cannot help the sick."

DM rolls:

Sekrit DM Rolls: Ruperta: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Sekrit DM Rolls: Slumper: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Sekrit DM Rolls: Pai: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Sekrit DM Rolls: Paxs: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Sekrit DM Rolls: Corbyn: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

The Doctor frowns at the band gathered there. "Your friends, miss," he points toward Slumper, Pai and Corbyn, "You may wish to see to them first."

Female Human (Varisian) Cleric of Desna 8 | HP 30/57 | AC 24 T 17 FF 19 CMD 26 | F +9 R +9 W +12 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | Status: Normal

Ruperta turn to look at her friends, and after seeing the signs of the Blood Veil in all of them except Paxs, she has to grab the table to prevent her from falling. With her normally tan face turn white as a ghost she answers the doctor.

"May Desna bless your work, and let you find the cure. Please, consider me at your service, at anything you need or want. I am completely at your disposal, my abilities, resources and whatever is can do to help you cure this disease."

Gnome Illusionist 14 HP 83/110; AC 14(18); F +12 R +11 W +14; Init. +7; Perc. +16

"What do we need to do first, doctor? All we've been able to discover about this sickness is the first infected. There was some tainted coins apparently. Since then, we've just ran into walls."

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"Infected coins?" He says, looking somewhat bewildered. "How were they infected? Were they dipped in something?"

As Ruperta looks, she does indeed see faint patches beginning to blossom along the neckline of her friends. It's clearly the very early signs of blood veil...

Female Human (Varisian) Cleric of Desna 8 | HP 30/57 | AC 24 T 17 FF 19 CMD 26 | F +9 R +9 W +12 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | Status: Normal

"It seems some people found coins in the beach. We have the box that carried the box, but the box is not infected. We can get the box for you."

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The Doctor nods. "It would be useful to see the method of infection. It could offer clues as to the origins of this plague."

Gnome Illusionist 14 HP 83/110; AC 14(18); F +12 R +11 W +14; Init. +7; Perc. +16

"Do you want us to bring the box here? I'm not sure that would be wise. How about sending an envoy with us...less chance of everyone getting exposed."

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The Doctor ponders this, then nods. He steps outside and in a few minutes, returns with one of the bird-masked doctors in tow. "This is Garven. He'll go with you to collect the specimen."

Gnome Illusionist 14 HP 83/110; AC 14(18); F +12 R +11 W +14; Init. +7; Perc. +16

Pai nodded at the fellow in the strange mask. She started to speak but for just a second, a strange dizzy feeling overtook her. She swayed just a bit before righting herself.

"Nice to meet you, Garvin. Follow us.

Symptoms are starting to set in!

M Human Fighter 14 a.k.a Percivel a.k.a Alexi | 175/175 hps | AC 31 | F 15 R 11 W 9(+6 if Fear) | +5 Init +13 Percp

Slumper will follow the group and act like nothing is amiss, although clearly he is starting to feel uncomfortable constantly pulling at his neckline and readjusting his armor.

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Garven steps forward, catching Pai as she swayed. His voice, coming from under the mask is muffled slightly. "Perhaps it would be best if you lean on me, miss." He pulls the mask up so that it sits on his forehead, revealing an older human male's face, around 50ish, with blue eyes and greying hair. A slight smell of sweet herbs wafts from the mask.

Female Human (Varisian) Cleric of Desna 8 | HP 30/57 | AC 24 T 17 FF 19 CMD 26 | F +9 R +9 W +12 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | Status: Normal

Ruperta can't hhid the worried look at seeing his friends sick, while going to fetch the box.

Bonekeep Slides

Let's handwave the rest here...

The box is fetched and Garven is off, taking the box to his fellow doctors for study. As Ruperta examines her patients, they begin to feel the effects of the disease...

Slumper Con damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1 and Cha damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1
Pai Con damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1 and Cha damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1
Corbyn Con damage: 1d3 ⇒ 3 and Cha damage: 1d3 ⇒ 2

Keep in mind that you only take a -1 to each score for every 2 damage you have. So 1 damage results in no penalty, while 3 damage results in -1 until you have an even number, then it goes up.

Corbyn seems the worst hit by the disease, the red splotches rising quicker on him than the others.

What would you like to do? Stay in and recuperate? Power onward? Poke the diseased with sticks while shouting 'UNCLEAN!'?

Gnome Illusionist 14 HP 83/110; AC 14(18); F +12 R +11 W +14; Init. +7; Perc. +16

"Um, Ruperta...this doesn't look good," Pai exclaims as she stretches out her arms, and the telltale red blotches were there for all to see. "I'm feeling terrible and I'm afraid we are up against the clock. I don't know how much longer we are going to be up to trying to find a cure. Maybe you should stay away from us."

Female Human (Varisian) Cleric of Desna 8 | HP 30/57 | AC 24 T 17 FF 19 CMD 26 | F +9 R +9 W +12 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | Status: Normal

Can the poking option be accepted as a Chaotic Good behavior? :P

Ruperta, verging on tears, whispers to them:

"I'll do everything in my power to help you. You are not alone. I won't abandon you."

She then proceeds to embrace Pai and kiss her softly in the cheek.

"We don't have much time, let's look for the doctor and help him develop a cure."

Hope everybody wants to press on.

Gnome Illusionist 14 HP 83/110; AC 14(18); F +12 R +11 W +14; Init. +7; Perc. +16

"Let"s get to it then. If you plan on hugging and kissing on us, you are going to get eaten up with it too, Ruperta. I guess we'd best cure everyone, since we've now got skin in the game. I'm with you. To the doctor's," Pai exclaimed with bravado, hoping Ruperta didn't notice just how false it was.

Female Human (Varisian) Cleric of Desna 8 | HP 30/57 | AC 24 T 17 FF 19 CMD 26 | F +9 R +9 W +12 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | Status: Normal

Ruperta, of course, doesn't notice, or is wise enough to fake she didn't.

M Human Fighter 14 a.k.a Percivel a.k.a Alexi | 175/175 hps | AC 31 | F 15 R 11 W 9(+6 if Fear) | +5 Init +13 Percp

Slumper shoulder's his pack and hitches his shield up on his arm.

"The only way is forward"

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