
Rangnar Blowsard's page

59 posts. Alias of Gimbo11.

Full Name

Rangnar Blowsard




Monk (sensei) lvl 5

character overview:
Health 35/42 AC 19 (24) FF 17 T 17 Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 9 CMD 20 Perception +9 Snatch Arrow 2/2 Advice rounds 7/9 Key points 5/6












The green Belt


Dwarf, Common, Lebedan Merchant Cant

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 19
Charisma 8

About Rangnar Blowsard


Rangnar is a guru traveling far and wide is search of a location where he can teach his disciples in the way to enlightenment. Rangnar found enlightenment one day while training with with his master. His master fractured his skull with a mighty blow, and when he awoke he found the world and the actions of those within it made prefect sense.


Str 10 (10)
dex 14 (14)
con 16
int 10
wis 19
cha 8

attack and defence:

HP 42
AC 19 (24) {tempe bonuses haste 1, Ki 4} (+2 dex, +4 wis, +1 Shield, +1 Class +1 Natural) FF 17 T 17
+4 dodge bonus vs giant subtype
Fort +8
Ref +7
Will +9
+2 vs poison, spells, spell like abilities.
+2 vs enchantment
Immunity to all diseases

Speed: 40ft, 8 Squares

Bab +3
CMB +9 (+4 wis, +5 bab=lvl)
CMD 20 (+4 Wis, +2 dex, +3 bab, +1 class) (24 vs Bullrush and Trip)

Unarmed strike +7 (+4 wis, +3 bab), 1d8+0
Improvised weapon +3, 1d3 (rock)
+1 attack vs humanoid of the goblinoid or orc subtype
+1 attack on Op. attack with unarmed strike
Stunning fist uses 4/5

special abilities:

Traits: bullied, Improvised Defense (+1 Shield to ac when wielding an improvised weapon)
Feats: Improved unarmed strike, stunning fist (dc 16, 5/day), Cranes style, combat reflexes, stand still, Step Up
Advice (ex) identical to bardic performance (using oratory), allowing him to inspire courage +2 , inspire competence, and inspire greatness at 9th level, as a bard of the sensei’s level, usable a total number of rounds per day equal to his level + his Wisdom modifier (9 rounds/day).
Ki Pool (su) (6 points) As long as he has at least 1 point in his ki pool, he can make a ki strike. magic weapons for overcoming damage reduction.
By spending 1 point from my ki pool as a swift action I can do one of;
Increase his speed by 20 feet for 1 round.
Give himself a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
Slow Fall (Ex) (20ft) a monk within arm's reach of a wall can use it to slow his descent
High Jump (Ex) a monk adds his level to all Acrobatics checks made to jump, always counts as having a running start. By spending 1 ki point as a swift action, +20 bonus on Acrobatics to jump for 1 round.
Purity of Body (Ex) a monk gains immunity to all diseases
Items: Snatch Arrows feat, 2 uses per day
+5 competence bonus on Acrobatics
+1 resistance bonus on all saving throws
+1 natural armor


✓ Acrobatics______________________1 rank (+11) (+20 Jump)
+ 5 competence bonus from boots of elvenkind
+ lvl (5) on jumps, always considered to have a running start
+ 4 racial bonus to jump for extra movement speed.
✓ Climb___________________________1 rank (+4)
_ Appraise
(+2 on non magical items including precious metal and gems)
_ Craft
_ Bluff
✓ Craft
_ Craft
✓ Diplomacy________________________1 rank (+3)
_ Disable Device*
_ Disguise
✓ Escape Artist
_ Fly
_ Handle Animal*
_ Heal
✓ Intimidate
✓ Knowledge (arcana)*________________1 rank (+4)
✓ Knowledge (dungeoneering)*_________1 rank (+4)
✓ Knowledge (engineering)*___________1 rank (+4)
✓ Knowledge (geography)*_____________1 rank (+4)
✓ Knowledge (history)*_______________1 rank (+4)
✓ Knowledge (local)*_________________1 rank (+4)
✓ Knowledge (nature)*________________1 rank (+4)
✓ Knowledge (nobility)*______________1 rank (+4)
✓ Knowledge (planes)*________________1 rank (+4)
✓ Knowledge (religion)*______________1 rank (+4)
✓ Linguistics*_______________________1 rank (+4)
✓ Perception_________________________2 rank (+9)
(+2 to see unusual stone work such as traps and hidden doors, always get such a check)
✓ Perform
_ Perform
✓ Profession* Teaching_____________1 rank (+8)
_ Profession*
✓ Ride
✓ Sense Motive____________________1 rank (+8)
_ Sleight of Hand*
_ Spellcraft*_____________________1 rank (+1)
✓ Stealth
_ Survival
✓ Swim____________________________1 rank (+4)
_ Use Magic Device*


Monk's outfit
fist size rock
Potion of jump
potion of hide from animal lvl 3
Potion of hide from undead lvl 3
Pearl of power (1st)
gloves of arrow Snaring
amulet of natural armor +1
boots of elvenkind