Kingmaker- A New Start (Inactive)

Game Master Daniel Stewart

Kingmaker - Stolen Land

Roll20 Maps

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Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

As you round the final bend, the now familiar view of the burned out ferry greets you. The sun is slowly sinking in the west and the long shadows from the trees on the far side of the river makes the area look dark and foreboding.

As you approach the riverside, the water begins to froth and, like before, you see the end of a pike break the water's surface, quickly followed by the shaft of the polearm, and then the skeletal figure holding it.

"You have brought the body. Give it to me! Toss it into the water so that I might have my vengeance!"

Female Human Fighter 5
HP 52/52; AC 20, T: 14, FF: 16; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 (+3 vs fear, mind affecting) CMB+7, CMD 21, Perception +4

Brigid spares a glance to Kent before dismounting and moving over to the packhorse that carried the Stag Lord's savaged corpse. She pulls it off but doesn't remove it from the burlap sack. She drags it a few paces towards the shoreline but stops and looks to Svetlana.

Does your goddess vish you to do or say anything?

Bluff +10 (+11), Diplomacy +11 (+12), Disguise +20, Intimidate+10, Perception+11, Prof: Courtesean+8, Sense Motive +11 Stealth +9 AC 13, Hp: 32/32, Init+1, Fort+4, Ref+2, Will+8 Copy Cats Left 7/7, Dazing Touches Left 7/7, Channels Left 8/8

Svetlana was quiet and contemplative as the group returned to the ferry with the Stag Lord's body. Though not a typical demeanor for the priestess, by this time the group had come to expect her ever-changing moods. As the party arrived, Svetlana gave a curtsey to the skeletal figure as it emerged and a nod to Brigid at her query. We have indeed returned. A plea for rightful vengeance shall never be turned aside by the Savored Sting. You shall have this body, and let your spirit be in peace. Calistria has heard you. Svetlana then made a motion to Damen and Ulryk to throw the body into the water.

male Humen wizard(foresight)
Init +7 // HP 23/23 // AC:11/T:11/FF:10 // Percep: +4 // F +2/R +3/W +5 // CMB +2 - CMD 13 // Speed 30

"We haven't bumped into anyone else that wants it."

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Without a word the creature motioned to the body and it twists and turns until it is out of the sack you placed it in for travel. The body looks the same, but you are sure that before it disappears beneath the river water the face has transformed into a vision of terror.....

"The pact is complete. I can now rest. Thank you adventurers. Take this, my last worldly possession."

The pike the creature had held is now lying on the riverbank just a few feet from where you stand. As he turns to retreat back into the water, a transformation occurs. The burned, rotting corpse that was standing before you now looks to be a man in his 40's. As the water begins to cover his head, he turns and gives you a sad smile...then is gone.

The pike is a +2 weapon

Female Human Fighter 5
HP 52/52; AC 20, T: 14, FF: 16; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 (+3 vs fear, mind affecting) CMB+7, CMD 21, Perception +4

Brigid observes stone-faced as the undead creature claims his prize and sinks below the water. She slowly touches her bow to her forehead.

She leaves the polearm for Ulryk to claim, giving him an affirmative nod in case he looks toward her. She then moves back to her horse and gets ready to ride.

Big weapon for our resident polearm-wielder! Nice!

Bluff +10 (+11), Diplomacy +11 (+12), Disguise +20, Intimidate+10, Perception+11, Prof: Courtesean+8, Sense Motive +11 Stealth +9 AC 13, Hp: 32/32, Init+1, Fort+4, Ref+2, Will+8 Copy Cats Left 7/7, Dazing Touches Left 7/7, Channels Left 8/8

Agreed! That's a great weapon for Ulryk. Hopefully he rejoins us soon.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

For Rangnar Blowsard - Introduction

The trip from Restov was long, hot and rather boring. The only excitement was when a donkey broke free of its pen during a thunderstorm the 4th day out. Otherwise it has been a weary, long and boring trip.
Finally ahead of you the caravan seems to be stopping at a wooden walled fort. Many tents and a few new looking buildings are scattered about, and the number of people is rather surprising. This must be Oleg's Trading Post.

Please feel free to start playing, talking to people or whatever you would like!!

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

30 Gozran 4707 A.R.

Travel from the old ferry back to Olegs was both swift and uneventful. You stopped by and spent the night with the Sootscale Kobolds, and then to the small hut of Bokken the hermit. Finally, just a bit before noon you come upon a startling sight...Oleg's Trading Post.

What once, not very long ago was a simple wooden fort has grown to a small village of tents, and even the start of a few permanent buildings. About 100 people of all races have descended onto the Trading Post. You are actually stopped by a "guard" wearing a white tabard who asks you your business. You are taken aback by this, and stammer to come up with an answer....has it only been a few weeks since you were last here???

Bluff +10 (+11), Diplomacy +11 (+12), Disguise +20, Intimidate+10, Perception+11, Prof: Courtesean+8, Sense Motive +11 Stealth +9 AC 13, Hp: 32/32, Init+1, Fort+4, Ref+2, Will+8 Copy Cats Left 7/7, Dazing Touches Left 7/7, Channels Left 8/8

Svetlana took in the sizable encampment around Oleg's with a bemused smile. As the "guard" approached the group, the priestess dismounted from her horse and approached the man with her usual saunter and smile. Why darling we are back from our ordeal in removing the Stag Lord as a threat to these lands. I can assure you that Oleg will be quite happy to see us, not least of which because of the valuable items-in-trade we bring. Turning the tables she added, now, young man, tell me your name and what all has been happening around here.

male Humen wizard(foresight)
Init +7 // HP 23/23 // AC:11/T:11/FF:10 // Percep: +4 // F +2/R +3/W +5 // CMB +2 - CMD 13 // Speed 30

"It seems that our efforts to make the land safe are bearing fruit"

Female Human Fighter 5
HP 52/52; AC 20, T: 14, FF: 16; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 (+3 vs fear, mind affecting) CMB+7, CMD 21, Perception +4

Brigid travels in her customary silence. Always alert and maintaining her vigil against possible enemies, she sometimes would ride ahead or to a ridge to watch out for danger. She would alternate between eschewing the Stag Lord's helm or wearing it to improve her vision.

As they neared Oleg's trading post, Brigid took the helm off and stored it in Ulryk's wagon. The helmet's prominent antlers would be visible from a far distance, and she did not want to alarm Oleg or the soldiers stationed at the post. Brigid surveys the changes that have occurred since they left stoically. She arches an eyebrow at the guard's demands, but remains silent and lets Svetlana speak.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

The "guard" sputters and stammers, but is rescued by a familiar figure.

"Well yer back I see!", the stout form of Oleg appears out of the hussle and bussle of people.

"Welcome back! I kept your room just as you left it. Svetlana will be happy to see you all back and well. That priest too, if I can find him! This is all his doing...sorting the people and setting up a guard."

With this he slaps the stunned guard on the shoulder and ushers you into the relative calm of the Trading Post.

Bluff +10 (+11), Diplomacy +11 (+12), Disguise +20, Intimidate+10, Perception+11, Prof: Courtesean+8, Sense Motive +11 Stealth +9 AC 13, Hp: 32/32, Init+1, Fort+4, Ref+2, Will+8 Copy Cats Left 7/7, Dazing Touches Left 7/7, Channels Left 8/8

Svetland turns her attention to Oleg before the guard could get out a response. With a slight curtsey she added, It is a delight to see you again Oleg! It does seem that a few things have changed around here. We bring good tiding: the Stag Lord that led the brigands in these lands is dead at our hands and his forces routed or killed. We also happily bring quite a few items we would love to trade with you for other goods of more use. Some are valuable indeed. But first, would you happen to have room to stable our horses. I would die for a hot bath as well!

Female Human Fighter 5
HP 52/52; AC 20, T: 14, FF: 16; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 (+3 vs fear, mind affecting) CMB+7, CMD 21, Perception +4

When Svetlana mentions bringing an end to the Stag Lord, Brigid pulls out the helm and holds it up for all to see. Then she dismounts and starts to lead Zelter to the stables.

male Dwarf Monk (sensei) lvl 5
character overview:
Health 35/42 AC 19 (24) FF 17 T 17 Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 9 CMD 20 Perception +9 Snatch Arrow 2/2 Advice rounds 7/9 Key points 5/6

Rangnar will exit the stable, where he has taken lodging with the animals If that is alright , upon hearing the voices of new arrivals to Oleg's perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Ahhh crap!!! System just ate my last post!!! Will post again.

As you make your way towards the new and larger corral situated off to the side of the Trading Post, you notice a dwarf exiting the newly built barn.

Oleg smiles and introduces you to the dwarf.

"Ah my friends, let me introduce Rangnar Blowsard, a new arrival from Restov. Rangnar these are the people who are making the area safe for all these settlers! Now, if you will excuse me, Brother Jhod is around here somewhere and I am sure he will want to greet you as well!"

With a quick wave, Oleg heads off into the swirl of people and tents, leaving you facing the dwarf.

Female Human Fighter 5
HP 52/52; AC 20, T: 14, FF: 16; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 (+3 vs fear, mind affecting) CMB+7, CMD 21, Perception +4

The tall, red-haired northerner nods in greeting to the dwarf. She says nothing while she leads her riding horse toward the stables while carrying a large helmet with antlers under one arm.

male Humen wizard(foresight)
Init +7 // HP 23/23 // AC:11/T:11/FF:10 // Percep: +4 // F +2/R +3/W +5 // CMB +2 - CMD 13 // Speed 30

"He looks like a simpleton with more wisdom than brains. His name is even a palindrome"

Bluff +10 (+11), Diplomacy +11 (+12), Disguise +20, Intimidate+10, Perception+11, Prof: Courtesean+8, Sense Motive +11 Stealth +9 AC 13, Hp: 32/32, Init+1, Fort+4, Ref+2, Will+8 Copy Cats Left 7/7, Dazing Touches Left 7/7, Channels Left 8/8

Now, now Kent...let's see what Rangnar here has to say. Turning to the dwarf with a wide smile she adds, My name is Svetlana and these are my traveling companions: Brigid, Kent, Damen and....where did Ulrych go? The warrior's absence seems to throw off the priestess for a moment, but only that. No matter, we have just returned from a quest of great import and are happily back to the nearest anyone could call civilization in these lands. Now then, what brings you this way?

male Dwarf Monk (sensei) lvl 5
character overview:
Health 35/42 AC 19 (24) FF 17 T 17 Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 9 CMD 20 Perception +9 Snatch Arrow 2/2 Advice rounds 7/9 Key points 5/6

Rangnar will turn slightly and notice the rear end of the tall mysterious red head.
Turning to a speak to Kent I will never claim to be more than a simple man, but I am glad to hear others can see a little wisdom in me.
Finally addressing Svetlana I am traveling where my feet may take me searching for the right sight to setup a temple of learning. For the last six months I have found little resistance to my teachings in those I have met, on my path to this place, a sure sign from Irori that my feet are taking me in the correct direction.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Anyone else wish to talk to the dwarf...anyone??

Brigid you get to the new barn and stable you horse. The others come in a few minutes later and care for their mounts. Just as you are finishing a young girl burst in, breathless.

"Sorry! I was suppose to help you with your mounts. Do you need anything else?"

male Humen wizard(foresight)
Init +7 // HP 23/23 // AC:11/T:11/FF:10 // Percep: +4 // F +2/R +3/W +5 // CMB +2 - CMD 13 // Speed 30

"For some odd reason I feel that you should join our group. We are trying to take back the stolen lands."

Bluff +10 (+11), Diplomacy +11 (+12), Disguise +20, Intimidate+10, Perception+11, Prof: Courtesean+8, Sense Motive +11 Stealth +9 AC 13, Hp: 32/32, Init+1, Fort+4, Ref+2, Will+8 Copy Cats Left 7/7, Dazing Touches Left 7/7, Channels Left 8/8

Svetlana smiled even more broadly at the thought. Why, that is a delightful idea Kent! I've notice that Ulryk seems a bit...more distant lately. He may decide to leave the adventuring life behind. Perhaps you would like to join us. After a brief pause the priestess went on. Well, you give it some thought and let us know. Regardless, it was delightful to meet you!

Svetlana then departs the group to meet with 'Lana and Oleg. Well, we certainly acquired a number of items we hope to sell or barter in exchange for others we might better use. Shall we handle that now or later? I haven't forgotten about that bath either, I do hope it is still available.

Female Human Fighter 5
HP 52/52; AC 20, T: 14, FF: 16; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 (+3 vs fear, mind affecting) CMB+7, CMD 21, Perception +4

Brigid puts on a soft face when she sees the girl. I vas going to rub him down. Do you know how? she asks gently. Handing her a brush, she guides her through the process, giving her gentle encouragement. Vhat is your name? she asks, mid-way through the task.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

"Alice, and my parents run this stable...or will be running it once they pay off the moneylender back in the city! Who are you? Thanks for the help! My da is a blacksmith and once we get the OK from Oleg, we will be adding a farrier shop to the stable! This is going to be a great town once all the plans are made!"

Female Human Fighter 5
HP 52/52; AC 20, T: 14, FF: 16; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 (+3 vs fear, mind affecting) CMB+7, CMD 21, Perception +4

My name is Brigid. I come from the northlands, where there are no great horses like these. All ve had vere shaggy-haired ponies.

She listens to the girl prattle a bit about hopes and dreams, and what the town might be like in several years. When Zelter was properly stabled, she pats the girl on the shoulder. You are very skilled. Thank you for taking care of Zelter here. He is in good hands.

She moves back into the main building of Oleg's, to find the others, and perhaps take advantage of the bath that Svetlana had no doubt ordered. She also longed to see if the armor she had ordered had arrived. Her mail was in such tatters she could scarcely consider it protection.

male Dwarf Monk (sensei) lvl 5
character overview:
Health 35/42 AC 19 (24) FF 17 T 17 Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 9 CMD 20 Perception +9 Snatch Arrow 2/2 Advice rounds 7/9 Key points 5/6

Rangnar will unabashedly follow the group as they go about their business, as anything interesting is better than going back to sleeping in a barn.

Male Human Ranger 5
Init +3 // HP 31/45 // AC:20/T:14/FF:16 // Percep: +10(+4vHuman, +2vMag.Beast/Forest) // F +4/R +7/W +3(+1vFey,+2vFear) // CMB +7 - CMD 20 // Speed 30

Damen smirked at the changes at Oleg's tradepost, running his fingers through hair stained with the dirt of the road. "Nice to see things coming along here. You know a river by its banks, and you know the wilds by the walls of cities... or, ah... tradeposts."

He smiled again, more sincerely this time, at Oleg's introduction to Rangnar. He offered a traditional greeting in the dwarven tongue, fist raised as though about to use a mining pick. He listened as he tended to his mount, and at the dwarf's comment about little resistance to his teachings, Damen rejoined the conversation. "I'd think that you'd want challenge and roughness in your road! A victory's only worth the blood you spilled to overcome it." Unexpectedly he chuckles at a memory, slapping his thigh. "Endurance overcomes all!" he crowed, laughing all the while.

Female Human Fighter 5
HP 52/52; AC 20, T: 14, FF: 16; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 (+3 vs fear, mind affecting) CMB+7, CMD 21, Perception +4

Brigid whips her head in the direction of Damen laughing as she passed by. Not certain of what had transpired, she passes by him and the dwarf and moves through the trading post to stow her gear. After a short while of checking her equipment and weapons, she takes advantage of a rare moment of relaxation.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Both Brigid and Svetlana end up at the main building at the same time, and are greeted by 'Lana with hugs and kisses on the cheeks.
"I am so glad to see you all back safe and sound. Oleg is in his office with Ulryk talking over your adventures. I have a surprise for you both, however. With all the new people arriving we needed a better method of keeping clean, so I had Oleg build a proper bathhouse around back! It is wonderful, with a cool and warm pool, as well as individual bathing rooms. And we only charge a copper, but of course you need not worry about paying. I also received a shipment from Restov and purchased you each a little gift to show our appreciation."
Lana goes to her storage closet and returns with two beautiful dresses in a similar style to the one she wears.
"I thought you might be more comfortable around the village in these than your armor, which I will have cleaned while you bath. Now come on, and lets get you two clean...then boys can take care of themselves I am sure!"

Bluff +10 (+11), Diplomacy +11 (+12), Disguise +20, Intimidate+10, Perception+11, Prof: Courtesean+8, Sense Motive +11 Stealth +9 AC 13, Hp: 32/32, Init+1, Fort+4, Ref+2, Will+8 Copy Cats Left 7/7, Dazing Touches Left 7/7, Channels Left 8/8

Svetlana was practically bouncing on her toes, with a face reminiscent of a young girl on a feast day. Oh 'Lana, that all sounds delightful, yes and yes! The priestess beamed her broad smile at Brigid and grabbed the archer's hand, practically dragging the northern woman along with her. Let's go!

At the bath house, Svetlana took her time to soak. Eyes closed, she glanced around the room and shook her head. To Brigid she said, I used to have this every day growing up. And far more luxurious. But in such a context you never appreciate, never think it special. With a laugh she added, but I don't take anything for granted now, and this bath, right now, seems the most opulent thing a mind could imagine.

The priestess stayed in the bath house for quite some time, literally soaking in the self-pampering. After completion, she put on the new dress 'Lana had procured, again thanking the woman profusely for the gift. As she did it, she also coaxed the lady of the house into assisting her with a few alterations: to show a bit more leg here, a bit more shoulder there. With a wink she said, must keep the men off balanced, best to get them to where you want that way, yes?

Female Human Fighter 5
HP 52/52; AC 20, T: 14, FF: 16; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 (+3 vs fear, mind affecting) CMB+7, CMD 21, Perception +4

Brigid eases herself into the steaming water slowly. Before long, she had worked out the twists in her braid and her long red hair floated around her pale skin turning ruddy in the hot water. Ve had a steam house in Vhitehelm. It vas nice, but my favorite part vas running through the snow back to the houses. Ve looked like ve were on fire! She pulls herself out of the hot bath and splashes into the cold tub with a shriek. She flicks a few of the cold drops on Svetlana's backside. When she turns, Brigid sinks down under the water up to her nose to hide her smile.

male Dwarf Monk (sensei) lvl 5
character overview:
Health 35/42 AC 19 (24) FF 17 T 17 Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 9 CMD 20 Perception +9 Snatch Arrow 2/2 Advice rounds 7/9 Key points 5/6

Rangnar will track down the potentially crotchety wizard Kent. Although he has some trepidation about bothering the wizard he will do so anyway. Kent, I have done some small study of the magical arts, but nothing practical. What spell have you found most practical for the everyday usage?

male Humen wizard(foresight)
Init +7 // HP 23/23 // AC:11/T:11/FF:10 // Percep: +4 // F +2/R +3/W +5 // CMB +2 - CMD 13 // Speed 30

"For you Mage Armor. I know regular armor restrict your fighting style. Mage Armor is a long lasting simple spell to protect yourself."

male Dwarf Monk (sensei) lvl 5
character overview:
Health 35/42 AC 19 (24) FF 17 T 17 Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 9 CMD 20 Perception +9 Snatch Arrow 2/2 Advice rounds 7/9 Key points 5/6

A good bit of advice, perhaps ill take you up on it. But you misunderstand me, what spells do you find most useful in your everyday?

male Humen wizard(foresight)
Init +7 // HP 23/23 // AC:11/T:11/FF:10 // Percep: +4 // F +2/R +3/W +5 // CMB +2 - CMD 13 // Speed 30

"I have found Detect thoughts to be very useful. Really speeds up all interactions like if I was using it right now I would not have misunderstood you. I wish I could have it up all the time."

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

The bath was warm and inviting, and the rest of the party explores the new "Town" of Oleg's Trading Post (or Olegstown, as some are calling the small settlement).
By dinner time, the group is brought back together within the walls of the Trade Post. All are present, except Ulryk. When asked about their friends absence, Oleg shakes his head and say, "He was recalled to the capital. A messenger came a few days ago looking for him. I have no idea what it was about, but he seemed as surprised by the message as anyone. He said he needed to leave immediately, but would be back, if possible."
Lana steps out of the kitchen with a large tray of food and sets it on the table. She returns a few moments later with two pictures of foaming ale.
"So tell us, what did you find out there?", she asks as she takes a seat by her husband.

male Humen wizard(foresight)
Init +7 // HP 23/23 // AC:11/T:11/FF:10 // Percep: +4 // F +2/R +3/W +5 // CMB +2 - CMD 13 // Speed 30

"12 dirty bandit,
11 kobolds marching
10 radishs eaten
8 weak mites
4 spiders waiting
and fallen Paladin in the shuddery"

male Dwarf Monk (sensei) lvl 5
character overview:
Health 35/42 AC 19 (24) FF 17 T 17 Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 9 CMD 20 Perception +9 Snatch Arrow 2/2 Advice rounds 7/9 Key points 5/6

Rangnar claps excitedly and calls Bravo! I can hardly imagine the fear in that paladins heart. In what circumstances did you find a frightened paladin, I have seen them in many states but affected by fear isn't one of them.

Female Human Fighter 5
HP 52/52; AC 20, T: 14, FF: 16; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 (+3 vs fear, mind affecting) CMB+7, CMD 21, Perception +4

Fresh from her bath, Brigid shows a side never before seen by any of her companions. She has left her brilliant red hair out of its braid, and it falls in waves down her shoulders and back. She eats heartily and drinks deeply, and her face shows a conscious effort to will away the heavy burden she carries, at least for a time.

When asked about her unusual state of mind, she simply replies, It is the dagur sigri. Ve have returned; our chosen enemy is defeated. I vould not be of Vhitehelm if I did not revel in our victory.

When she learns of Oleg's departure, she frowns and excuses herself from the merriment. She runs to the start of the road and scans the dusky horizon for signs of Ulryk's cart. As the gloom deepens, she remains on the outskirts of Olegstown staring at the road.

Bluff +10 (+11), Diplomacy +11 (+12), Disguise +20, Intimidate+10, Perception+11, Prof: Courtesean+8, Sense Motive +11 Stealth +9 AC 13, Hp: 32/32, Init+1, Fort+4, Ref+2, Will+8 Copy Cats Left 7/7, Dazing Touches Left 7/7, Channels Left 8/8

Svetlana too emerges from the bath looking much more like an out-of-place debutant than an adventurer, but this is much less surprising to those with even a passing familiarity with the priestess compared to Brigid's metamorphosis. Svetlana works the room with ease, chatting and flirting with members of the group as well as strangers with abandon. She showed little reaction to Ulryk's departure, and appeared to accept the man's abrupt change of plans as if such were perfectly normal. And perhaps for a whimsical creature such as herself, it was.

Though apparently oblivious to anything else going on, Svetlana was more aware of her surroundings than casual observation would suggest. Only a barely perceptible sideways glance and a slight tightening of the mouth gave away her detection of Brigid's change of heart and retreat. Shortly after, the priestess breezily excused herself and followed the northern archer outside. Out at the road, she stood by the taller woman for a moment before speaking. Sometimes our paths split after a time, another voice calls and we must go. It is the way of things. But perhaps it is something else that has sourced your mood?

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

As you exit the confines of the Trading Post, you notice Ulryk's cart sitting beside the new stables, all his many polearms and other sundry items still in the back. You see no one on the road leading from the town, but you do catch the notice of a pair of guards and some of the other new arrivals.
They look amused to see you dressed as you are, and one of the guards seems on the verge of saying something, when a figure detaches itself from the gloom and walks over to you. The others seem to quick loose interest and find somewhere else to be.
"By old dead eye, it is good to see you again Brigid auf Whithelm!", says the familiar figure of Brother Jhod.


You arrive outside just as the guards and other 'interested' men fade away at the arrival of Brother Jhod.

Female Human Fighter 5
HP 52/52; AC 20, T: 14, FF: 16; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 (+3 vs fear, mind affecting) CMB+7, CMD 21, Perception +4

It is good to see you again, priest, Brigid says with a nod of her head. I am surprised you have not left to see the shrine you dreamed about.

She glances at the retreating figures, her face unreadable in the night. Then she turns to Svetlana, her lips pressed together. I do not know vhat you mean. It troubles me that Ulryk vould not have... I mean, should ve not ride after him? Our charter is completed. Ve could help if he is facing trouble.

Bluff +10 (+11), Diplomacy +11 (+12), Disguise +20, Intimidate+10, Perception+11, Prof: Courtesean+8, Sense Motive +11 Stealth +9 AC 13, Hp: 32/32, Init+1, Fort+4, Ref+2, Will+8 Copy Cats Left 7/7, Dazing Touches Left 7/7, Channels Left 8/8

Svetlana smiled at Brigid as she responded, No, I do believe Ulryk would have asked had he desired our help. Some challenges need to be faced alone, or at least with a change of scenery. With a pause she added, and who knows, perhaps other adventures await us here!

Brother Jhod arrived just as Svetlana finished speaking. Svetlana looked as if she wanted to say something to the man, but Brigid spoke first, and instead of adding to her question waited to hear his response.

Slight retcon...meant to have Svetlana say something in response to Lana's question about the group's adventures before she left.

Svetlana, not for first time, winced slightly in response to Kent's "answer" to Lana's question. Idly, she allowed herself to bemused by the irony: back at House Orlovsky it had been her usual role to shock and cause heads to shake. Now she found herself in the role of diplomat, one she trained unwillingly for and could not seem to avoid. Ah, yes, well...allow me Lana to elaborate on that...answer. the priestess said after a moment of stunned silence at the wizard's answer. The bandit threat was of course our first and foremost concern, and I am happy to report that we believe the threat as been addressed. The "Stag Lord", as their leader was called is now deceased at our hands. His minions were killed or scattered to the winds. We did also encountered a tribe of kobolds, but was able to established cordial relations with them, again no threat. Finally, we dealt with denizens of the First World, the fey, who were rather pesky but posed no malicious risk of harm. Overall, the land remains wild but markedly safer for settlement than it was before. We believe we have satisfied the charter that brought us to these lands. Our next steps are as of yet unknown.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

The next few weeks pass in a bit of a blur. Helping out around the Trading Post and assisting in the many day-to-day problems takes a great weight off Oleg and Jhod, as it seems that these 2 men were shouldering most of the work.
New buildings crop up, and even some small, outlying farms spring up as the settlers claim the territory for themselves. A loose militia is also formed, surprising under the leadership of ex-paladin and former bandit, Akiros Ismort.
All seems to be going well for the new settlement, and even the Sootscale kobolds send a representative to the town to start a trade in silver for finished goods and food.
All seems fair and good as later spring blossoms into a beautiful summer then fades into a golden autumn. The settlement of Olegstown holds some 100 permanent residents, and with your help has been molded into a fine community.

Ok, speeding things along, I want to know from the group what kinds of buildings the town should have and what sort of industry should be invested in. As your questions and lets build this town!!

male Humen wizard(foresight)
Init +7 // HP 23/23 // AC:11/T:11/FF:10 // Percep: +4 // F +2/R +3/W +5 // CMB +2 - CMD 13 // Speed 30

Kent is starting to feel his age and as long tradition dictacts it is time for him to start passing down his knowledge.

Kent makes a point of going though town doing a breath mind scan in order to gauge peoples intelligence.
2nd Round: Number of thinking minds and the Intelligence score of each.
not even a saving throw

When he finds some one with at least 18 int he offers then a full ride scholarship at his new school. Kent is gathering and training apprentice wizards.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

LOL..I can just picture him wandering down the street staring at people in a very intense way until he actually locates let me see what I can do..

Bluff +10 (+11), Diplomacy +11 (+12), Disguise +20, Intimidate+10, Perception+11, Prof: Courtesean+8, Sense Motive +11 Stealth +9 AC 13, Hp: 32/32, Init+1, Fort+4, Ref+2, Will+8 Copy Cats Left 7/7, Dazing Touches Left 7/7, Channels Left 8/8

Over the two weeks, Svetlana went about making herself the best known face (and body) in town. Endlessly chatting and flirting with the varied residents and newcomers, her likable nature endeared her to most of the people, with the possible exception of a few jealous wives. Over time, she began referring longingly to shops and accessories that would be available in large cities. A free spirit by nature, Svetlana would at times dive headlong with interest into setting up trade houses and other mercantile shops, but then on some days lose interest and not pursue the project. Lacking knowledge in these area, she primarily relied on establishing close connections with the right townsfolk to push these projects forward.

Subtly too, the priestess push forward the tenants of the Savored Sting: live life passionately, take revenge in the situation calls for it and don't deny your lusts. Towards the end of the two weeks she privately took stock of how her efforts had taken hold, and looked to recruit devotees to her cause.

@GM: not sure if you want us to reference any particular rule set or finite list of buildings. Svetlana would focus on getting trade established and mercantile houses: blacksmiths and general goods, but also fine clothing, jewelers, gem cutters and magic item purveyors. She isn't really intent on setting up any sort of codified religion but if she can get assistance would set up a shrine to Calistria. More important to her than that though would be getting the tenants of the religion more broadly accepted into the peoples' philosophy.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

I am just looking for input by the players as to what they might be trying to do in the new town. Kent, for example, is looking for a student and might go so far as to open a school. From the sounds of it, Svetlana is attempting to get trade moving between the hamlet and the cities to the north and west, so a merchant house might be what she spends her time (and money!?)on. The NPC Jhod has already started a small church to Erastil, as well as wanting to restore the temple you found in the wilds. Akiros is building the militia and perhaps roadwardens to ensure the new growth in the region is protected...
Those are some examples...just want to give you all the chance to place your personal "stamp" on the town.

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