Jade Regent, presented by DM Hamied - Campaign Thread

Game Master Hamied

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Lisabett nods. "I understand," Lisabett. "I would prefer you go with Alazandru, if only at a distance," she continues. "I do not wish to see another fall today."

AK is correct on detect evil and I am running it that way. The creature you encountered earlier met at least one of those criteria, but the goblins may not. That doesn't mean Sorin, being himself a relatively inexperienced adventurer, wouldn't use it left and right.

The imprint in the mud was made by a skeletal foot. Either somebody is constructing an elaborate hoax, or the dead have walked here.

You stand on the outside of one of the huts, finding cover in it's shadow. You look below the walkway. Nothing. You carefully slink around the hut to peer beyond it. Nothing.

And then there is a sound, from one of the farther huts: a momentary chattering. You concentrate, trying to locate it, but it's gone. It may have been a bird, or some other creature. It's even possible that you imagined it.

But then again...

Male Human (Varisian) Paladin of Shelyn (Warrior of the Holy Light) 3
Alazandaru Viorec wrote:
Not sure I can really 'select' who sees me and who doesn't Sorin so you may have to pass a perception check to see Alazandaru. I'll roll with it for now as its not really important.

I had missed that you had stealthed your way over; my mistake.

Alazandaru Viorec wrote:
Sorin just in case your not aware (lots of people don't always know this so I felt it was worth mentioning) unless anything here either has an evil aura (Demon, Devil, Daemon mostly), is an evil cleric or antipaladin or is 5HD or higher, evil won't register. You could be scanning dozens of goblins but they likely don't meet the HD requirement.

You're right, but Sorin has absolutely no idea what's going on here and he wasn't sure what Lisabett was trying to warn him about. I can't really pretend that Sorin thinks of enemies in terms of HD so he simply falls back on what he knows and can do. That's partly why he said that even though he detected no evil, it didn't mean it wasn't there.


Imagining all sorts of horrific monstrosities as he slowly makes his way back, Sorin finally reaches the others. Turning to Lisabett he whispers, "What's wrong? What did you see?"

Male Human Gunslinger 03

"That Alezandru fellow seems good at sneaking around... you on the other hand are not and you would probably just slow him down. Let him do his thing we need to stay close to each other and move slowly inside this palisade, the silence is omnious, the goblins are either dead or hidden, ready to jump on us, I suggest we move in, me and Sorin first, brother Holhiem and you, Lisbet, behind us, and we search for them"

People? Seriously better to move in all togheter: all it takes is a couple of bad rolls and we are in trouble, even if they are goblins we are 1st lvl characters. Besides that it's way easier to make the story work if we are all in the same place. Sorry, I had to say it


I've Knowledge: engineering as a class skill, but unfortunately I'm not trained in it

Sorin Nicusor wrote:
You're right, but Sorin has absolutely no idea what's going on here and he wasn't sure what Lisabett was trying to warn him about. I can't really pretend that Sorin thinks of enemies in terms of HD so he simply falls back on what he knows and can do. That's partly why he said that even though he detected no evil, it didn't mean it wasn't there.

That's how I was interpreting Sorin's behavior. I think AK was just making sure the detect evil rules were totally understood (and they are) so the party didn't make any assumptions. I have seen the spell/ability regularly misinterpreted.

Lisabett gestures to the gate with a nod, then looks to Brother Holheim. "This compound is not defenseless." she answers Sorin. "Do not wander."

Lisabett simply nods in agreement with Alamar, and will move with the group.

Almar Ashfield wrote:
People? Seriously better to move in all togheter: all it takes is a couple of bad rolls and we are in trouble, even if they are goblins we are 1st lvl characters. Besides that it's way easier to make the story work if we are all in the same place. Sorry, I had to say it

I think things are still moving with you guys spreading out. The village is small enough. Beyond that, I want people to feel like they can split.

Whether or not it's safe to do so...well...that's another matter...[evil]smile[/evil]

But let's set up placement. Indicate where you are on the map

The orange building is the demolished one. Also, a quick question: is the spreadsheet showing up as squares to you guys, are are the columns spread out? I modified the length, but that may only be registering on my computer.

Male Human Gunslinger 03

Part of the problem is we post at different times, if Alezandru moves in and we wait for him to find something (assuming he passes all hi stealth vs perception checks and doesn't get swarmed by goblins with none of us able to hear it) we need to wait for him to post to do anything significant, cause we are waiting for him to scout the area for us. Almar is on G3 btw

Lisabett is at F2

Male Human (Varisian) Paladin of Shelyn (Warrior of the Holy Light) 3
DM Hamied wrote:
I think AK was just making sure the detect evil rules were totally understood (and they are) so the party didn't make any assumptions. I have seen the spell/ability regularly misinterpreted.

Oh, I agree. AK's comment was perfectly valid; you never really know how experienced the other players are in a PbP. Plus, when you've got a core book that's had 4 errata's and all but the most recent books at least one, it's easy to forget/miss something.

Sorin will be at E3.

"An ambush?" Sorin whispers straining, but failing, to see anything. This gate should be fairly defensible... Sorin waits uneasily.

I've taken down the "gate" on the map so that Almar and Sorin can stand in the opening (it's not obstructed)...that's what the northern gap is. Because we have two characters whose names start with "Al", I'm going to use "M" to represent Almar and "Z" to represent Alazandaru.

Male Human Gunslinger 03

"Well then... let's get in, and may Lady Luck smile upon us all", says the gunslinger starting to move towards the pit in front of the group.

Perception check:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Lisabett's mouth opens and a breath escapes as though she means to protest, but she arrests herself, gripping the haft of her spear tighter. Alamar's directness was grating, and his apparent inability to control his mouth when others were minding the possibility that they may be set upon was foolish, but after a moment's thought Lisabett recalled his profession.

He is one who protects. Like Sandru, Alamar has little time for words, he simply decides and acts. His way is harder, leading and expecting that we will follow to support... Lisabett's eyes widen briefly with the thought, then inhales and loosens her grip on her spear. Too tight a grip, and her reaction to danger would be slower. It might be only a fraction, but she could not fail Alamar again.

Is Lisabett's original Mage Armor from the encounter at Warden Proudstump's still active at this time? Has it been over an hour?

It's been half an hour since you cast Mage Armor, so it is still active.

The pit is fulled of charred goblin bodies, but they were not wholly consumed by fire; far from it. The burnt flesh stings your nostrils.

Lisabett moves forward with Alamar, keeping a distance between them that will allow her to flank with him with her reach weapon, if needed. As his voice was not particularly soft, she does not try to be silent when she moves. Lisabett does maintain her wits and trains her eyes to study the details of the scene as carefully as her guarded stance will allow.

Lisabett Perception 1d20 ⇒ 17
Lisabett Survival 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Alazandaru and Lisabett:
Though you do not stand near each other, you both notice the pair of eyes looking out the window of one of the huts (C9). The face disappears.

Updated Map

It sounds like Lisabett is moving, but I'm not sure where specifically to put her. Which squares do Raziel and Alazandaru occupy? I imagine the latter along the huts/walkways somewhere, because that is the only cover to be found.

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My mistake. When someone narrates that they move forward to check things out, I think "it's go time" and do the same. Lisabett would now be at H6 as she was investigating the pit, too.

Noticing the pair of eyes watching them, Lisabett looks to Alamar, and gestures with nod of her head in the direction of the hut, then shifts her weight and her arms to brace against attack. Lisabett's heart slows, and she feels her magic thrumming just beneath the surface of her skin. She parts her lips slightly when she exhales and embraces the source of her power, she imagines it lies just above her heart, and her cool blue appear to frost.

HP 45/45, AC- 18, Touch- 14, Flat- 14, CMD- 21, Fort- +6, Ref- +9, Will- +2, Percep- +7, Init- +4

Sorry theres a lot of posting while i'm asleep; Alazandaru was expecting Sorin's behaviour to attract attention so he was remaining hidden until he was out of the way before he continued to look around. Lets have Alazandaru in G10.

Noticing the pair of eyes looking out, Alazandaru looks for any possible entrances into the hut (B,C,9,10). If he finds one, he attempts to sneak inside as quietly as possible, peeking round the corner first to assess any threats.

Yes, posting on off times does make it hard to keep up with the group.

Raziel walks cautiously behind Lisabett, his scimitar ready and his other hand free.
He gestures to Sorin to move up close also.

Move to H5.
AC is currently 16 because Raziel is not using his buckler, but keeping his hand free for spell use.

I hope you two don't feel left behind. I know that different time zones/schedules can cause some difficulties, but I don't feel as if that fact is causing any real hold-ups so far. For instance, we waited a bit to resolve Raziel's Knowledge (Religion) check after Lisabett had moved on from the footprint, but I don't think that created any continuity issues.

There were many posts this weekend in particular. I know that I was posting a great deal because I was stuck inside with a research paper.

There is a small open door into the hut (B, C, 9, 10) entrance on the walkway. Alazandaru also notices openings in the floor of other huts, five feet off the ground. Perhaps the building in question has a similar trapdoor beneath.

It takes a move action w/ a successful Climb or Jump check to get onto the walkway or up through one of the openings.

HP 45/45, AC- 18, Touch- 14, Flat- 14, CMD- 21, Fort- +6, Ref- +9, Will- +2, Percep- +7, Init- +4

I'm GMT+2, but I play and GM for people all over the world in different time zones and i've never had anyone say its an issue before. My unexpected loss of Internet before my move to Ukraine obviously didn't help but i'm trying to post at my normal rate now.

My Last Post wrote:

If he finds one, he attempts to sneak inside as quietly as possible, peeking round the corner first to assess any threats.

Was trying to help save people's time with an IF statement DM :). Alazandaru's going in, all stealthy-like.

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18 Stealth

I know, just giving you another option for an approach :). Since I don't see an Acrobatics check from you, I'll assume you're going across the walkway. It's a bit out in the open, but it has cover from the building you're entering.

GM Screen:
Alazandaru - 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Goblin - 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0

Alazandaru moves silently across the walkway and peers in the open doorway. A goblin crouches beneath the window, but takes no notice of Alazandaru, who squeezes into the hut without so much as a sound.

You're right behind the goblin, but it appears to be totally unaware of your presence.

HP 45/45, AC- 18, Touch- 14, Flat- 14, CMD- 21, Fort- +6, Ref- +9, Will- +2, Percep- +7, Init- +4

Alazandaru rushes the goblin and guts him with his right hand dagger, as silently as he can. He plunges his dagger expertly up into the creature's ribs, wielding his weapon with extraordinary finesse.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17 (VS FF AC)
1d4 + 2 + 1d8 ⇒ (4) + 2 + (8) = 14 (SA included)

Wow, what an awesome sneak attack :)! Assuming that drops the Goblin...

Alazandaru finally reveals himself in the window of the hut to the group, putting a finger to his lips and gesturing to the dying goblin he is lifting up to show the group they are not alone.

Lisabett exhales, her frosty breath misting on the air, and some of the moisture beads on her lips and face and cools. She nods to Alazandaru and assumes a full defensive stance.

They have likely seen us. It is only a matter of time until they descend.

The goblin tries to scream, but there is not enough air in its punctured lungs to allow more than a tiny squeal. Alazandaru finds its lifeless body easy to lift to the window.

But his is the only motion the rest of the group sees. The rest of the village is as quiet and still as before.

Male Human Gunslinger 03

[ooc]Almar moves to H7 while checking the pit in fron t of him

Perception check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

There is no movement coming from the pit. You can't tell how many bodies lie within, but you do count at least sixteen.

Male Human Gunslinger 03

all goblins?

"Mmmmh, quite the carnage... I wonder who did this... Internal strife? The other hunters? Unknown creatures like the one who attacked us at the Warden's? Too many questions and too little evidence, for now... we need to investigate this further I wonder if teh black robed bastard is involved... this fits his modus operandi...

"Let's get in one of the barracks, people... we need to know if there are any survivors" Almar whispers to those near him

I grow weary of this waiting, but- "They are hiding in the buildings," Lisabett replies.

Yes. All goblins.

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Male Human (Varisian) Paladin of Shelyn (Warrior of the Holy Light) 3

Move to E6

Sorin is relieved to see Alazandru but Raziel's mention of possible undead makes it hard for Sorin to take his eyes away from the pit even though he has detected no evil.

These goblins are very patient. Maybe they've setup some kind of crossfire situation or a killing field. How far do we dare move forward without allowing that to happen? How can we draw them out to us?

Which is the hut that was burning; the orange-y one?

Male Human Gunslinger 03

"Is that so? Well then, let's get into one of these huts and let's deal with the survivors, I guess they are not at their full strength after all..."

Let's move into one of these huts and start searching... the one in D5 could do for me...

"Agreed," Lisabett says simply, and moves with Alamar. She spares a glance for Alazandaru as she does, and will come to rest in F7 so that she might provide aide to Sorin with her spear, and still have some sight of Alazandaru hopefully with her javelins and magics should he need support as well.

Raziel follows along behind Lisabett, watching the huts for signs of activity.

Move to G7.

The peach colored hut is the demolished one. While it looks as if it was destroyed by fire, at least in part, it is no longer aflame.

Updated Map

I've added indications of where there are short ladders to get from the muddy ground to the walkway (5 feet up). These are marked with a black | on the side of the squares to which they are connected. Using the ladder to move up to the walkway requires you to be in the square that borders the ladder and costs 3 squares of movement. An Acrobatics check (Free Action) can put you on any walkway square adjacent to the one with the ladder; otherwise, you enter the walkway square directly connected to the ladder.

You can also get yourself on to the walkway sans ladder with a successful Climb or Acrobatics (Jump) check. This is a move action. It doesn't cost you any movement or cause any damage to move off the walkway.

Nothing catches your eye in this room, save a few dirty rags.

Sparing a moment to look around, you see nothing but a few broken fishing nets and a pile of rags.

Male Human (Varisian) Paladin of Shelyn (Warrior of the Holy Light) 3

Sorin will move to the ladder between E9 and E10 and climb up. He'll head for the small hut in spaces J+K, 9+10. During this move, he'll jab his glaive into the ground and pull out his warhammer and shield (AC 17 now). If he gets there uninterrupted, he'll cautiously go inside.

"I cannot decide which is the worse idea," Lisabett says to Raziel. "That they are each spread apart, and now otherwise occupied, or that we have become the easiest targets in the yard."

For what seems an eternity to her, Lisabett looks between the direction that Alamar disappeared, and Sorin. The knight had proved himself an able warrior, but the strange weapon at Alamar's side... Lisabett knew not what it did, and the walkway was so narrow. She would be a greater detriment to him there, she supposed, simply occupying space.

"Come," she says finally, and takes a single move action to walk to G9 and then uses a standard action to take a full defensive stance with her spear.

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You step into the hut. There are no goblins within, but the trapdoor in the floor is open. A strange, curved sword is stuck in the floorboards; it has cut deep into the wood at the sharp angle that frames the opening, as if an attack came from below. Though it is licked by rust, the blade is sharp and does not look as if it has been disturbed since it became wedged there.

The chattering begins. You cannot tell what they are saying, but you can tell that there are many. Their reasons for keeping silent before is a mystery, but that quiet has come to an end.

Alazandaru - 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Almar - 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Lisabett - 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Raziel - 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Sorin - 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Goblins (1-6) - 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Goblins (7-12) - 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Both sides are aware of each other. There is no surprise round. The goblins from A-J are Goblins (1-6). Those from K-T are Goblins (7-12).

Initiative Order:
Goblins (7-12)
Goblins (1-6)

Battle Map

Male Human Gunslinger 03

I'm assuming the goblins are comiung out for us

Almar comes out of the hut, puzzled by the fact his companions didn't follow him and by the rapidly increasing chattering noise. Put him at F7 please, with his pistol in hand.

They haven't moved out yet, but initiative starts when the goblins begin calling across camp to one another. Because a few of them are now openly watching from the windows and because of the amount of noise they are making, you all are fairly certain of their basic location.

Because you were searching a hut in hostile territory, I'll assume you had your pistol drawn, but you'll have to wait until your turn to move.

Rows of red eyes appear in the windows. Their high pitched barking changes in tone. It sounds like laughter.

Sorin is up first.

Male Human (Varisian) Paladin of Shelyn (Warrior of the Holy Light) 3
DM Hamied wrote:

They haven't moved out yet, but initiative starts when the goblins begin calling across camp to one another. Because a few of them are now openly watching from the windows and because of the amount of noise they are making, you all are fairly certain of their basic location.

Because you were searching a hut in hostile territory, I'll assume you had your pistol drawn, but you'll have to wait until your turn to move.

Rows of red eyes appear in the windows. Their high pitched barking changes in tone. It sounds like laughter.

Sorin is up first.

I hate to make more work for you but could you indicate on the map where the doors are into the huts? I don't want to move somewhere that I could be easily surrounded but stepping in a doorway makes a nice chokepoint.

Ha! That's fairly crucial. Sorry about the omission. For now, let's use the same black | that we use for the ladders. If the black | borders a hut instead of a walkway, it's a door. Hopefully that doesn't get too confusing...

Battle Map

HP 45/45, AC- 18, Touch- 14, Flat- 14, CMD- 21, Fort- +6, Ref- +9, Will- +2, Percep- +7, Init- +4

A key below the battle map often helps to avoid confusion when using these google doc style maps.

Male Human (Varisian) Paladin of Shelyn (Warrior of the Holy Light) 3

Sorin walks to K12 and shouts thorugh the door (really hoping that these goblins speak common), "Throw down your arms; you are outmatched. If you are not of that band that attacked the caravan there is no need for your blood to be spilt - you can tell us what you know and, as long as you are no threat to the town or those that journey to and from there, you will have nothing to fear."

Diplomacy 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Well, that's not going to do it

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Sorin sees four goblins in the hut, chattering noisily amongst themselves. When he speaks to them, however, they stare at him in abject silence until he finishes. At that point they all begin to cackle. The one in front holds a red cylinder.

Goblin 7 holds a small torch to the back of the cylinder. Sparks begin shooting out and showering the room.

Goblins 8 and 9 shriek with laughter.

Goblin 10 levels the cylinder, seeming to aim it at Sorin. (Full-Round Action)

Goblins 11 and 12 do not appear to move.

Battle Map

Lisabett is up next.

Why would he stray so far? Lisabett seethes as she watches Sorin pass out of sight. Hearing his declaration followed by the eerie laughter, Lisabett turns to Raziel and speaks Free Action "Sorin has made our decision for us. We must bring the battle to them!"

Lisabett moves and will ascend the ladder at E9 and use her last five feet of movement if possible to move to F10 and use her standard action to assume a full defensive stance at that intersection of walkway, holding the haft of her spear before her to ward off any forthcoming attack, but also free the ladder for Brother Holheim to climb.

Goblin 1 runs out the southwestern hut and goes straight for Lisabett, ending adjacent to her in F11. I think Lisabett is wielding a longspear...if so, this provokes an attack of opportunity from her when the goblin leaves F12.

Goblin 2 runs out of the southwestern hut after the other, but he jumps off the walkway and continues running beneath it. He ends in D9. This goblin does not provoke from Alazandaru because they are on different levels with a walkway in between.

Those are all double moves.

Goblin 3 is the last out of the southwestern hut. She jumps off the walkway as well and runs underneath, ending her movement in D11.

Goblin 4 leaves the southern hut and runs to F16. She pulls out a red cylinder.

Goblin 5 follows closely behind, brandishing a torch. He ends his movement in F17.

Goblin 6 runs out of the southern hut but takes the another path on the walkway, ending up at B17. Another double move.

I think Lisabett might have an AoO. Alazandaru is up next, though.

Lisabett AoO on Goblin 1 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14 for 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 damage, if applicable.

The goblin rolls past Lisabett's spear, successfully avoiding the attack.

HP 45/45, AC- 18, Touch- 14, Flat- 14, CMD- 21, Fort- +6, Ref- +9, Will- +2, Percep- +7, Init- +4

To clarify, i'm on the upper level of a hut with a goblin below me and i'm still hidden, right? I believe I also have a window on my level from which I could attack with a ranged weapon?

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