Jade Regent (Inactive)

Game Master dunebugg

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Grand Lodge

Male Halfling
Level 1 Male Halfling Paladin | HP 12 | AC 19 | T 14 | FF 16 | CMD 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +4 | Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 | Sense Motive +6

Khelvor says with a very matter-of-fact tone, "Well, looks like we wait till he returns!" and has a seat somewhere free of muck and grime, pulling out a bundle of leftovers from breakfast and quickly putting an end to their existence.

"I don't really like waiting, but I suppose we don't have much choice." Louise states as Caerwyn sneaks off into the distance. "Hopefully he leaves some of the goblins for us."

Caerwynn do you want to describe what you go scouting for in the village? And what you're doing in there.

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens/1 (HP: 11 of11)

Krojan sighs as the scout skulks off, "It is dangerous to predict whether a creature is fated to do good or ill. I will help with those who are dangerous now to the town, but I will not be helping anyone kill anything that is helpless. You do not kill ALL the deer when they are too numerous and harmful, you reduce them to managable numbers."

Male Half elf Rogue (Scout) 3/Fighter 1
Character Information:
[HP: 36/36]; [Armor Class: 18; Touch: 14; Flat Footed: 14]; [BAB: +3; CMB: +5; CMD: 19]; [Saves: Fortitude: +7*; Reflex: +8*; Will: +3* (+2 Racial bonus against enchantment spells or effects)]; [Immunities: Sleep]; [Initiative: +10]; [Low-light Vision, Perception: +10]; [Exploration: Scout]

I'm not going into the village, just checking around the perimeter. Looking for the reason why the gate might be off it's hinges.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Upon closer inspection.. You have no idea what's happened to the village gate. With a Knowledge (Engineering) check you might be able to glean more information. The village is eerily quiet - the only noises around are that of the marsh wildlife, and the halflings voraciously devouring their food.

Female Ratfolk Rogue (sniper) 4 / HP 15 / AC 18/16/13 (+2 Against Animals) (+2 If HP is Half or Less and No Conscious Ally Within 30 ft.) / F-1 , R+9, W-1 / Speed 20/ Stealth +24 (25 if hills or rocky)/ Per +10 / Bluff+13/ Initiative +5

Jix cocked her head curiously at the destruction of the gate for while it could be said with some certainty that most all goblin villages were ramshackle shanty towns at best they were never in such open neglect unless utterly abandoned, which goblins hardly ever did unless driven out by nearby human populaces.

She was about to investigate the strangeness of this all when her ear twitched as she heard all the other party members discussing the plans to enter the village and more importantly their plans to deal with the younglings and women. She couldn't help but snicker as she turned her head to face the party and loaded a bolt into her heavy crossbow. "Take it from a girl who's had more than a little experience with these kinds of creatures. While all beings have the ability to choose between good and evil I have yet to meet a single goblin who has chosen to follow a righteous path. Not that there are none. But certainly not in this village. Anything living in there is abiding by the rules of the pack. It's beaten into them from a young age. And believe you me, a young greenskin see's ya? First thing its gonna do is try to gnaw you're damned shins off. They're even worse than the adults! Haven't learned patience before feeding yet. And the women will be tryin' to stab ya in the back while their warriors preoccupy you. Let's not forget that these are raiders and bandits. They would do no less for us and in the past they have not for all the children of the families killed by these scum I ain't never seen one left alive and uneaten after a successful gobbo raid."

"I suppose you could say that, in conclusion. I actually agree with our little paladin friend here once. Jix shot the paladin a wink and playfully smacked him on the rear with her tail to get a rise out of him firm though not very loud so as not to give away their position before focusing back on the eerily silent surroundings and pulling out her notched rope and grappling hook and swaying it back and forth as if testing it as she began to head off 30 feet to the side of the group informing the group as she went. "'Sides the bounty never said what size those ears had to be. We may be dealing with another issue altogether here though. Goblin's almost never this quiet nor hard to see. I'mma climb up high, see if I can't get another perspective on this place."

With that she twirls her rope and hook expertly in her hands and secures it to a tree near the wall. After giving it a simple tug test or two she carries on to scale the rope.

climb: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

And embarrassingly looses her footing for a moment in mud taking a second for her to stabilize herself.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling
Level 1 Male Halfling Paladin | HP 12 | AC 19 | T 14 | FF 16 | CMD 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +4 | Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 | Sense Motive +6

Khelvor calls over, between bites, "Careful there Jix! That mud is a bit slippery!" Having shown his support he finishes off the remainder of his snack and gets to his feet. He lost sight of Caerwyn some time ago and begins to show some concern. "Shouldn't we go investigate? I mean, the place looks empty and the gates are in ruins. Maybe something bigger and meaner than the goblins came in and ate them up?" He ponders his own words for a moment and adds, "Isn't it unlike goblins to be quiet? I mean, from all the tales I have heard of them they are a noisy and obnoxious bunch, prone to getting themselves into just as much trouble as they cause others. If there were gobs here I would think we would have heard from them by now." With that he picks up his bow, fits his arrow back in the nock, and begins a steady pace towards the front gates, trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible.

Stealth: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Female Ratfolk Rogue (sniper) 4 / HP 15 / AC 18/16/13 (+2 Against Animals) (+2 If HP is Half or Less and No Conscious Ally Within 30 ft.) / F-1 , R+9, W-1 / Speed 20/ Stealth +24 (25 if hills or rocky)/ Per +10 / Bluff+13/ Initiative +5

Nodding and calling, "Aye." back to her cohort, Jix cursed several times in Draconic at her failure, to really give it some emphasis, and attempted to male her way up the rope again.

climb: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

And succeeds without any issues at all.

Making her way up to a sturdy branch and drawing her crossbow Jix surveys over the wall for any potential threat pulling the rope up after her.

stealth: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28

Perception to see any creatures within the walls: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Perception to search for traps in the city: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

Knowledge Local to know if anything is out of place by the local customs of these goblins or figure out a potential goblin ambush: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens/1 (HP: 11 of11)

Krojan draws his mace and follows a good distance behind the halfling. With his armor, he knows better than to try to be sneaky.

Jix knows that the goblins in these areas are renowned for being the noisiest of all the goblins in the Sandpoint area. The party is able to approach the village without issue, even with some of the less stealthy members.

"Something's obviously wrong here, maybe the goblins are actually attacking Sandpoint, or maybe someone or something already did the goblins in, but something here just isn't right." Louise says, following behind Krojan, leading his horse from the ground as he does.
Survival (untrained) to look for foot prints, goblin or otherwise: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15

Louise is able to tell that there are multitudes of footprints near the gate, both goblin and something else. It's hard to make out what the second set is.

Player driven right now, let me know what you wanna do :)

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling
Level 1 Male Halfling Paladin | HP 12 | AC 19 | T 14 | FF 16 | CMD 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +4 | Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 | Sense Motive +6

Khelvor continues to approach the gate. If he gets there without any sign of a goblin onslaught he slowly moves into the village looking for signs of all these nasty goblins, a bit deflated that he hasn't found any ears yet.

Female Ratfolk Rogue (sniper) 4 / HP 15 / AC 18/16/13 (+2 Against Animals) (+2 If HP is Half or Less and No Conscious Ally Within 30 ft.) / F-1 , R+9, W-1 / Speed 20/ Stealth +24 (25 if hills or rocky)/ Per +10 / Bluff+13/ Initiative +5

Jix sneers in discontent and slides back down the rope following the group into the town. "Nobody home. This was a waste of time. Looks like someone must got here before us the question is. Who?" she growled in a hushed tone as she began to examine the village.

"I imagine whomever these footprints belong to." Louise says, pointing to the footprints that he can't quite figure out. "Anyone know what they belong to?"

Female Ratfolk Rogue (sniper) 4 / HP 15 / AC 18/16/13 (+2 Against Animals) (+2 If HP is Half or Less and No Conscious Ally Within 30 ft.) / F-1 , R+9, W-1 / Speed 20/ Stealth +24 (25 if hills or rocky)/ Per +10 / Bluff+13/ Initiative +5

Jix strolls over seriously to the footprints Louise was referring to and examines them with a disconteneted look on her face.

knowledge dugeoneering to see if she can determine what the footprints are: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

knowledge local to attempt to detrime the kind of foot prints: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Male Halfling Bard 1 | AC 18 T 15 FF 14 | HP 10/10| F +2 R +6 W +2 | Init +4 | Perc +2

Lipp scratches his head, unsure what to make of all this.

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