GM Sam |

You awaken to darkness. Dust cakes your bodies and obstructs your lungs. Your head hurts so much you can barely think, but already it seems to be clearing up. All that you can hear is moaning, coughing, and rocks grinding. Upon moving your limbs, you find that your body feels like one massive bruise.

Caisramriel |

Caisramriel ignores his body, he stands up using his zweihander as leverage. " Is anyone hurt? Is anyone here?" He says with concern
Caisramriel takes a deep breath to collect himself, he manifest a glimmering halo to pierce the darkness. now that light fills strikes against the darkness he will look around, where ever he is.
perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

"Sarah" |

Sarah groans, then sits up abruptly calling out into the darkness.
Ellit, none the worse for wear, meows. Sarah calms down visibly, for those with darkvision. When the halo pierces the darkness she gasps. The sound seems to echo into laughter, and she shivers, pulling her things around her.
"No, Yes, I mean I'm here. I'm Sarah, and this is Ellit. What happened? The last thing I remember I was leaving mistress Ran's clock."
Sarah stands and looks around again as her eyes adjust. After a moment, she pulls the last of her pack together. There's not time to count it, but it seems to all be there.
"Where are we?"
Ellit settles in Sarah's pack.
Perception Sarah LLV: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Perception Ellit LLV, Scent: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Eldric Lightbringer |

Eldric lies on the ground, holding his ring close to his chest. His entire body ached, and the family heirloom brought him comfort.
"I have no idea..."
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Luckily he could see in the dark, and he used that to his advantage, taking in his surroundings. He got to his feet, his bow in hand. He was glad that he still had it.
"...but if I had to guess, I would say nowhere pleasant."

Caisramriel |

"Perhaps the divine has brought us here for a reason, perhaps we're being tested."
Caisramriel ponders this for a moment.
Once his thoughts have cleared, Caisramriel returns to the others. Now was not the time for theology.
"How rude of me, my name is Griffith Leodian, of house Leodian. No need to call me lord or anything, we're all equals here. What matters is no one here is harmed."

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I assume that the battle and the events prior have occurred and we saw the dragon fight prior to the fall?

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before all went black, in Kenabres...
the lone figure draped in a worn yet old cloak, keeping most of her features concealed wandered the markets of Kenabres, It had been a long time since the exiled crusader was in this city. how she would be received lingered in her mind, recalling the inquisitions during her last visit.
then suddenly there was an explosion, a battle in the skies. disaster had struck. she barely had the chance to realize why she was sent to Kenabres by the spirit that had saved her only a couple of days earlier in what remained of her old home in the Worldwound.
Suddenly the lone knight was falling, then everything went dark...
onto the present situation...
Sabrina was the last, or at least near the last, to regain consciousness. slowly she pulls herself to her knees. feeling what she thought was sweat on her forehead, she wipes it away to reveal blood on her hand. Sabrina was cut on her forehead.
that would explain it she whispered.
She takes a moment to check her surroundings but the darkness is suddenly pierced by a light. She was not alone.
She gets to her feet and adjusts her cloak once more. is anyone hurt? she asks to all that can hear. Sabrina immediately looks for others in the room.
perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

"Sarah" |

"Ah, I'm Sarah, and this is Ellit."
Sarah looks up, peering at the ceiling.
"How? I don't think we're in Kenebras anymore."

Belg Slagback |

It was all happening again. The earth opening and swallowing him whole. The screams of terror. The enveloping darkness. All Belg could see was his wife holding up their daughter, and then they were gone.
His eyes opened and has gasped for air. He sat up panting, unable to catch his breath. Sweat rolled down his face soon followed by tears. "Mirabella" was the only word that escaped his lips. He wiped his face with both hands when suddenly light erupted and filled the cavern. He clambered to his feet as the others began talking. Glancing around, he checked his surroundings, not bothering to dust himself off.
"Belg I am. Under the city we are. Swallowed by mother earth, but not how, why? She must have plans for us."

Edmund Ollivero |

Pulling debris from his body Edmund rolls over onto his side, trying in vain to see through the darkness.
He reaches into his belt pouch feeling with practice the number of folds to find the correct component. He pulls forth a small Firefly. With his other hand he feels around the area for a object and finds a rock of some sort.
أنارأشعلوضح ترجلأحرقضاء
As the phrase leaves his lips and the Firefly is consumed by the arcane magic, he touches the rock and feels the mystic energies running through his body towards the rock. Just as he finishes, another light penetrates the shadows and he starts to hear voices. His Light spell helps to cast light into the darkness. He takes in what has happened and where he is located. He stands up slowly
Hello....what happened....anyone?

GM Sam |

before all went black, in Kenabres...
the lone figure draped in a worn yet old cloak, keeping most of her features concealed wandered the markets of Kenabres, It had been a long time since the exiled crusader was in this city. how she would be received lingered in her mind, recalling the inquisitions during her last visit.
then suddenly there was an explosion, a battle in the skies. disaster had struck. she barely had the chance to realize why she was sent to Kenabres by the spirit that had saved her only a couple of days earlier in what remained of her old home in the Worldwound.
Suddenly the lone knight was falling, then everything went dark...
onto the present situation...
Sabrina was the last, or at least near the last, to regain consciousness. slowly she pulls herself to her knees. feeling what she thought was sweat on her forehead, she wipes it away to reveal blood on her hand. Sabrina was cut on her forehead.
that would explain it she whispered.
She takes a moment to check her surroundings but the darkness is suddenly pierced by a light. She was not alone.
She gets to her feet and adjusts her cloak once more. is anyone hurt? she asks to all that can hear. Sabrina immediately looks for others in the room.
Technically, you are not supposed to remember that until a tiny bit later, but who cares.

"Sarah" |

"If anyone has a torch, I could light it, but lacking that..."
She gestures, and a rock flies to hand, another gesture and it lights.
"Ah, this will do for now."
Mage hand, then light on a suitable rock
The rest of the nearby rocks shift, either settling or disturbed by the passage of the first rock.

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I think we have lots of light right now (three sources counting Sarah) plus several with darkvision. lets see what else is in here

Caisramriel |

"Glad none of us are hurt, the light will give us guidance."
Caisramriel will brush off the dust off of his cloak.
"We should carry on, carefully. Who knows who else or what else is in this cavern."

GM Sam |

Okay, looks like everyone is done interacting.
The ceiling and far walls of this vast cavern recede into darkness.
On one side, the wall has collapsed in an enormous mound of
rubble—here and there the arms or legs of victims who didn’t
survive the fall protrude. In the back of the cavern, a disturbing
shape looms. Nearly the size of a horse, what appears to be an
immense black spider crouches silent and still on the ground.

GM Sam |

As you look around, it appears that several others have survived the fall. One, a short-haired woman, seems to have just awoken, and is trying to dislodge her leg from a heap of rubble. An unconscious elf lays nearby, an odor of burnt flesh coming from his face. On the other side of the mound of rocks, a stocky human man is curled up on the ground. The moaning noises seem to be coming from him.

Caisramriel |

Caisramriel's eyes open wide, he rushes over to the women and attempts to dislodge the rock from her leg.
His body ached, he ignored for the sake of other.
Strength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
"Let's get these survivors to safety, then quickly deal with that spider."

Eldric Lightbringer |

Seeing the giant spider, Eldric prepares his bow and whispers a prayer to Erastril. He holds back on attacking just yet, as it hasn't made any overtly hostile actions.
Casts his once per day ability: divine favor. Now at +1 hit and +1 damage for the next minute. Also moves to be within 30ft of the spider, but preferably not being the closest threat

"Sarah" |

"How can I help?"
Sarah moves to the elf, looking him over professionally, her bow in hand in case the spider shaped rocks move.
heal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
bow if needed: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
CLW if needed: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
"If I had my kit, but if I was wishing for things I might as well wish we were all safe at Mistress Ran's clock and the wound closed."
Sarah peers at the burned flesh, then continues in flawless formal Elven, her voice calm and warm.
"Let me help you, my name is Sarah and I serve Shelyn. You are among friends, but it is not safe."

Caisramriel |

Overhearing Sarah while moving the rock.
"I have a healer's kit if you need it, it might be better served in your hands than mine at the moment."
Caisramriel looks up towards the ceiling.
"What in Ragathiel name are we doing here? How deep are we?"

Eldric Lightbringer |

Seeing how nobody else was paying any attention to the giant carnivorous spider, which at any moment could pounce on them, Eldric's nerves snapped. Already claustrophobic by being trapped below ground where he couldn't fly away, he notched an arrow to his bow and let it fly at the giant spider.
Hit with Flurry: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Hit with Flurry: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

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Sabrina gets to her feet, a quick survey of the scene, she looks at what she has to work with.
The spider may be the most immediate threat, she whispers. a quick look she sees the archer get his bow ready.
Sabrina then takes note of those helping the injured. Archer, that bow will be useless if that thing gets up on you, I'll hold it at bay to give you a better chance.
Sabrina draws her blade and positions herself between the archer and the spider.
Any among you are healers, please do what you can to help any survivors.
Sabrina, seems to have a bit of a commanding presence like an experienced soldier or rather Crusader.
with her in a battle position, her cloak removed, more is revealed about her.
Sabrina's armor is rather old, it's symbols date back to the first, maybe the second Crusade.
Her crest is definitely that of a knight of Iomedae, but it is an older design. a crest that has not been around for a very long time
not sure if I should post any knowledge check spoilers or just let things come out in role-play

Caisramriel |

As Caisramriel pushing the rock off of the women's leg, picking up his Zweihander off the ground.
He puts his arms out, surrounded by a glowing light, armour appears to manifest outs of the heavens and appear over his old robes of Ragathiel. The armour appears as brilliant set of Mithral fullplate, the front breastplate of which takes the form of a muscular body. With winged and feather motifs, his priestly robes hide his celestial greaves, only revealing a pair of winged sabatons from under the gold trimmed robes. His pauldrons take on the motif of a gold dragon and the other pauldron that of a silver dragon. Lastly, resting upon his head is beautiful winged helmet.
Caisramriel gracefully walks over to Sabrina , clicking his sabaton.
"Griffith reporting for duty." He said adamantly, taking confidence in her leadership.

Belg Slagback |

Seeing the woman and the elf being tended to, Belg made his way over to the moaning man. He knelt down beside the man. Looking him over, he asked "hey there lad, you alright? Best get to your feet now."
As he waited for the man to rise, Belg glanced over at the others to see what the commotion was about. Some had weapons drawn and were taking up defensive positions. He couldn't really see the threat from his vantage point. "What are ye on about?" he shouted.

Eldric Lightbringer |

Hit: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Hit: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Confirm: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Crit Damage: 2d8 + 8 ⇒ (5, 3) + 8 = 16
Watching in disgust, Eldric raises an arrow to fire, but drops due to his shaken nerves. Quickly recovering, he pulls out another arrow and fires it at the closest creature. It lands home with a resounding thud.
"We're not alone! Quick, kill them!" The horror was evident in his voice. Being underground was bad enough as it was, but being trapped with a giant spider and its' parasitic larvae was too much for the young aasimar.

Caisramriel |

Caisramriel rushes over to the large spider with his zweihander in hand, raising it to the heavens and then down upon the creature that sickens Eldric.
Hit: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21 Damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (6, 1) + 4 = 11

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Sabrina makes her move as quickly as she can, reacting with the speed and deliberateness of a soldier.
looking to outflank the creatures Sabrina attacks with her family blade.
attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18 (+2 more if flank is possible)
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Edmund Ollivero |

in the mass confusion everyone just seems to be doing this or that, some are even listening to others...
She is trying to rally the others..not very effective.
A young man steps forward with a rock held high in his hand, light shinning like a beacon in the night. He looks around as people scrambles around in confusion. Seeing a knight of Iomedae give some commands and seeing a very few respond..
You heard her...let's go.
Those that can fight, secure the perimeter. Cover us while we try to save those that we can. Anyone with healing start to work on the wounded....stick with the critical first. Someone...anyone...Master Dwarf can you figure out if the stone around us is safe or are we in danger of another rock slide, cave in or whatever the hell happened to us.?

Belg Slagback |

Knowledge (dungeoneering): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Profession (miner): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Belg spared a glance around at the cave walls as he waited for the moaning man to respond. With a shrug, he responded to the human man "hard to say. Mother earth moves when she wants. Walls look stable enough, still though...might want to spread out some. Too much weight in one spot and ye might find a sinkhole."

"Sarah" |

Sarah looks away from the elf for a moment as the distinct sound of arrows fills the room, but immediately goes back to treating the burns after she realizes they're not under attack from the archers. Even still, she flinches with each twang. At the angel's offer of help she smiles, and grabs his kit gratefully.
Elven"Sir, can you understand me? You are among friends but we are beneath or below Kenebras in some kind of cavern. If you cannot understand me, we will do our best to carry you."
She tries again in Common.
Sir! Can you understand me?"
Finally she takes a long breath, and tries once more in flowing Sylvan.
"Sir, you are among friends but we are beneath or below kenebras in some kind of cavern. If are unable to respond soon, we will do our best to transport you in comfort."

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With the creatures now dead, Sabrina sheaths her blade. rushing to the wounded she does a quick look to determine who is the worse off.
heal: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Unable to make any accurate determination She moves to aid the woman with the trapped leg. please relax, I will try to help get you free. she says trying to reassure the woman.
diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
strength check to free her foot: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18