Rilka Featherfeet |

”This should only be for a day or so. This merchant is a man with connections, no doubt."
Rilka nods in resignation.
”Good luck in your bout, Ares,” she says.
You have any ideas?
As she studies the manse, she is filled with memories of being taught how to break-in to places by her father. She takes a relaxing breath.
”If we climb over the walls and such, then getting out while you’re carrying a body is going to be difficult. Most people are alone when they’re sleeping or when they’re doing their daily necessity. So that seems like the best time to strike. Do you know where her bedroom is?” Do you have rope? I could probably climb the wall, secure it, and you could climb up onto the roof. You can’t carry a person through town without raising some suspicions. Do you know this woman’s name?” About what time of day is it? I assume the manse has a wall around it. Is that a safe assumption?
DM Omen |

He scratches at his stubble. "I haven't staked the house out, just know it's where Yugulk and his family lives. Don't know the layout of the house, but I always got a bit of rope on me." He cricks his neck. "As long as she's unconscious I can probably pass her off as a slave. You'd be surprised with what you could get away with." He looks around at the house. "Don't know her name either. Damn, your questions make me feel under prepared for this. We might have to gather some info first."
Around the manse is a rough stone wall. It would certainly slow somebody down, but it's fairly uncut stone and looks easily climbable.

Toramin Gearsmith |

Is the silk urumi the same place where our elven contact works?

Dalton Barrowwheel |

So she desires to meet us. An interesting twist. Not desiring to reveal the nature of that contact to the mercenary though, Dalton instead makes chat with him as they enter the tavern once more.
"How long have you been in that line of work? Looks damn dangerous to me."

DM Omen |

Malley seems completely disinterested in whatever the note has to say, rubbing his shoulder and shrugging. "More dangerous for the other guy than me. I'll admit it gets me more scars than serving drinks or trading, but with a partner like Fuero you got a better chance to survive. Have to trust somebody in these lands, can't survive alone."

Rilka Featherfeet |

”Well the fact that you’re under prepared shows you normally don’t go around kidnapping people. That’s a good thing, yeah?” Rilka says. ”How many people are in his family? Were you going to hit her on the back of the head to knock her out? If we kill anyone he’s going to want revenge. I’m sure he has friends in the Shifting Sands that will help him. Are you leaving the city? I can’t imagine he’ll want to hire you again if he thinks you can’t be trusted. Where are we taking her?”
The halfling isn’t looking at the man as she speaks. She’s inspecting the manse for details. ”You were after his wife, right? Does she know you? Would it be possible to approach her, say that Yugulk has been magically injured and wants her to come to him?”

DM Omen |

Fuera barks a laugh. "I suppose that's a small consolation. If I remember he has a couple kids, but they're too young to be a problem. My ideal end game is knocking her out and nobody dying, but I'll kill anybody that sees what we're doing." he scratches at his stubble again. "Yeah, but I was intending on leaving the city soon anyways. Targ is heading here for the tournament and I don't want anywhere near him." He jerks his head to the south. "Got a little cave Malley and I use to hide out in every once in a while. It's one of many, so I don't mind giving you its location. Especially for the price we're getting."
"Hmm, she's seen me in passing this morning so she'd probably recognize me. Right now she should remember me as hired muscle for Yugulk. Good thinking Anafa. But where would we take her to isolate her without raising her suspicion?"

DM Omen |

So who is going to the Silk Urumi? Lindale would. Or see if the other faction meeting place is open.
I haven't heard anybody say they were going yet. It seems an open invitation to a busy establishment, so anywhere between 1 person to the whole party could probably go.
Lindale and Toramin would know from the previous night that the Circle of Stone is open every night.

Dalton Barrowwheel |

Dalton orders a round of drinks for the group, specifying a potent liquor. "This'll hit the spot after today - and I daresay we won't feel the pocket pinch soon!" He ordered Toramin and Bjorkus a double, due their size and resilience. "And a double for you, Malley - I want no more wrinkles or complaints after that hassle in the sand earlier. Let it not be said I'm miserly with the drink!"
At one point during the night, Toramin catches Dalton's ear to express his critique of the situation. The wizard shakes his head. "Desna took a walk from us there - neither choice would have ended well. Let's hope it turns-out for the best." Truth be told, Dalton didn't feel like arguing with a stubborn Dwarf - about as useful as talking to stone itself, it was said - but he understood the man's dislike of his choice. But I just hope he doesn't think I was having a good time with it - damned if I did, damned if I didn't!
Shortly thereafter, Barrowwheel felt it was time to retire himself. These old bones aren't made for treks through the desert. He gestured to Lindale. "If Ares has some pep left in him, maybe you'd like to take him out for a stroll. Another big day soon - hate for him to feel cooped-up in here instead of getting the fresh air he needs, see some new - or old - faces and the like."
Bluff to innuendo message: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

DM Omen |

Malley gives a broad grin. "Well now I think we're gunna git along just fine." The big man makes his way to the bar where Kahina is pouring the drinks. He quickly bangs his and Bjorkus's cup together, then starts talking about the men they fought today. "Wiry little s$+%s they were, just like Fuero. Feel like you gotta break their legs just so you can hit 'em."
As Dalton is beginning to move towards retiring for the evening, Jaware brings him a drink that he didn't order. As he passes close the tavern keeper whispers "Your slave you left here is getting rowdy. He caught the attention of some passing Dark Gaunts and tried to get them to release him. I don't want any trouble."

Rilka Featherfeet |

”Does she have a servant to watch her children? She’d probably be willing to leave them and go with us if they’ll be cared for. We could say her husband was injured by magic and he’s requested her presence as he gets healing in the temple.”
The halfling looks at the sky, judging how much daylight remains. ”Do you know of an alley or ‘short-cut’ where we could subdue her without people seeing?”

Bjorkus |

Ares enjoys the drink provided to him by his master and morosely answers Malley's toast whenever he makes it.
Take 10 Sense Motive: 10 + 9 = 19
The bull grunts and nods in agreement with the suggestion. "I'd like to see these dancers for myself", he rumbles.

Rilka Featherfeet |

Thinking, Rilka remains silent for a moment. She nods slowly to herself. ”I’ll be here and follow you. Keep an eye out for trouble. Not far, twenty to thirty yards away. Closer at intersections. Don’t worry about me trying to run. My master’s a wizard. He can find me. Besides even if he wasn’t, where would I go? Escape into the desert to die of heat stroke and dehydration?” She chuckles in a humorless way.

Lindale Assa |

"Haha seeing is ALL you'll be doing. Rewards are for winners and you haven't won yet bull. Save that energy for the arena tomorrow." Lindale looks 'down' at Bjorkus. "As your master wishes though a walk would do you good. Let's go see what we can find." Lindale walks outside with Bjorkus towards the Silk Urumi.
What's her name again?

DM Omen |

Seen from a distance, Fuero knocks on the door. Either a servant or slave answers the door, and after a brief conversation Fuero steps inside and the door is shut. A few minutes later a light-skinned woman with dark hair exits the building behind Fuero, her face showing grief. But behind her is some other man at arms, an armored human with a curved sword at his waist and a shield on his back.
Fuero subtly glances towards your location with wary eyes, then he presses two fingers to his legs for a moment before continuing his stroll. After a few blocks he turns to the woman and the man, says something, and they turn down an alley. The armed man glances about briefly before following in the rear.
Lindale and Bjorkus make their way to the gambling house/brothel, and inside they find it as busy and crowded as it was the last time. There are different dancers today, a trio of halflings, and the air is much thicker with smoke as pipes are lit at various tables. After a moment of glancing about Naome's hair gives her away as she slides between tables, dishing out drinks.

Dalton Barrowwheel |

Dalton yawns tiredly. Even with the magical healing provided him, he still had aches from the battler earlier. "This old man's eyes grow tired. On the morrow, we'll sort issues with this trader. For now though, I must take care of a small task, then get some shuteye. If you'll excuse me."
Fishing through his things, Dalton grabs a quill and parchment, scribing a message he then delivered to the elven hostage. One thing after the next. "You've been meddlesome, I hear. Be silent and read this." He thrusts the document in front of the man. It reads, in Elvish:
Sometimes one picks battles they shouldn't have. This was the case with you. Fortunately for you, I don't have the desire to be unnecessarily cruel. I do not plan on branding you. I do plan on returning you to your family. But, for reasons I cannot explain, you will need to wait a short while longer.
You will also need to perform a task.
If you complete the task and cause no problems, submitting to me as your slave-master in the interim, you will receive both your tome and time with your loved ones again before too much longer.
Let me know you understand by handing me back the letter and apologizing for causing a ruckus to the me and those watching you here.
Afterwards, Dalton returned to the group, shredding the letter. "Like I said, time for bed. Good morrow."

DM Omen |

The elven wizard quickly scans the note (wizards do read fast, don't they?) and in the end seems to have conflicted feelings. There is fear, distrust, hope, but above all confusion. Finally he takes in a deep breath, then hands back the paper and hangs his head. "I'm sorry for being bothersome. It won't happen again." Most of the other patrons either ignore the comment or give a confused look, but Jaware gives a small smile and a nod of approval.
Dalton, you can add Jaware as a contact with a level of 7.

Dalton Barrowwheel |

Dalton fishes out a gold piece and hands it to Jalware on his way back to the room. "I appreciate a man kind enough to keep my things from injuring themselves while I'm away. Sorry for his trouble."

Lindale Assa |

As he enters the Silk Urumi Lindale peruses the room for familiar faces. He doesn't even care to glance at the halflings, surely she wouldn't try to disguise herself as such he hoped. "I'll know her when I see her," he tells Ares, "hopefully." When he finally sees the long flowing hair gliding between customers and patrons he nods. "Let's order some drinks." and he looks for a spare table off to the side.

Bjorkus |

‘Ares’ follows his master’s partner to a private table. The bull snorts and cocks an eyebrow when the beautiful elven woman approaches. ”I’ve seen what I’ll be havin’”, he rumbles.

Lindale Assa |

"Anything you want is on me. Except for that." Lindale looks at Naome and smiles warmly. "Our contestant for tomorrow here needs a drink. And some 'company'."
Bluff secret message: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

Naome |

Naome gives a flirtatious smile, then has another serving girl (a dark skinned human with white hair oddly enough) see to Lindale while she takes Bjorkus into the back.
Bjorkus is led to a backroom that has a door every few feet and from behind are muffled sounds of...well use your imagination. She lightly pushes him into a room and enters herself, closing the door behind her...then her face turns to business. "Targ is coming to Akropash earlier than we thought. He might even be here tomorrow morning. Acera is with him. I don't know how you intend to proceed, but you need to let me know how I can help. And I need a report, you left the city for several hours."

Bjorkus |

Bjorkus frowns as things fall into place in his mind. He's equal parts surprised their contacts attractive curves and frustrated that this was turning into a business trip.
"So you're Naome?" the bull rumbles. "Well you're a lot easier on the eyes than that dwarf..."

Naome |

Naome cocks her head. "And you're Bjorkus, who is a lot harder on my mind than the drow." From her once over she gives Bjorkus it appears she's not impressed by somebody who's all muscle and no brains. "I need to know what happened outside the city. And I need you to either tell me what supplies or help you need, or bring the message back that we are concerned about Targ's early appearance and that we want to provide whatever help is necessary." She leans back against the wall, adjusting her silks. "You left with a well known merchant but returned with a stranger. What is that about?"

Bjorkus |

"It's complicated", Bjorkus explains while scratching at his bovine chin. "He got bewitched by a Soul Trapper or somethin' like that. Stole his body and made off with somethin' in his cart."
"If Targ's as close as you say, we need a way to get his interest and keep me popular with the crowds. We had some ideas but nothin' that'll work in such a short time."

Naome |

Naome's eyes narrow. "What did he make off with." She breathes out and rubs at her temples. "Listen, I'm not your mother asking how your day was. You can't be vague with me." She ponders the second bit. "I could arrange a private meeting with one of the gangs. Easiest way to spread a rumor, and we can get you popular by that. But that would take at least a day."

Bjorkus |

"Lead cube with smooth sides", Bjorkus explains while holding up his big hands for scale. "Some kinda artifact of Lolth's."
"Getting the gangs spreadin' rumors is better than nothin'. Unless you have a way to make me a hero overnight, that's all we got."

Bjorkus |

Confident it's the size of his hands that has the girl's attention, Bjorkus continues.
"Ya, artifact. Exactly what artifact our wizard didn't know. The Soul Trapper said he was gunna use it to conquer the city."

Naome |

The elf's mouth opens once, but she is stricken speechless. She closes her eyes and leans back, running a hand through her black and red hair. Finally she exhales slowly. "Lovely. I'm sure the Council will be thrilled to hear about drow artifacts being in the hands of body snatchers." Her blue eyes open. "I've got nothing else for the time. Make sure somebody checks in with me tomorrow night. I should be able to set up any meeting at that time as well." She opens the door, ushering Bjorkus out as she messes up her hair, then begins fixing it as the two walk into the main room.
Lindale is having a quiet drink, the only disturbances being a few suspicious glances at his skin color but nobody bothers him. Naome has her coy, flirtatious smile on again as she whisks a clear drink from the bar and pushes it into Bjorkus's hand. Then she leans down and whispers in Lindale's ear with a volume just loud enough for those nearby to hear. "I do hope you come visit me yourself sometime again." She gives a wink to Bjorkus then goes back to serving drinks.
Rilka still has her own little adventure to sort out but the rest of the party has no more obligations for the night. Do you intend to do anything before tucking in for bed?

Lindale Assa |

Lindale enjoys his drink but mostly keeps to himself, watching the room closely.
When they return he stands and replies quietly with a wink, "Business is tough. I'll try to get away soon." He watches her leave for a second before nodding to Bjorkus and leaving the Silk Urumi.
"I need to go meet someone, see if I can find any information that might help us find our lead."
Lindale intends to go to the gang meetup area place thing.

Lindale Assa |

He looks back over his shoulder when he notices Bjorkus hesitate to follow. "Come along, I don't have all night," he says without stopping or slowing down.

DM Omen |

Lindale and Bjorkus find their way to the Circle of Stone but find it deserted at this time of day. After waiting about for an hour or so and watching the sun go down people begin filing in, and after being stripped of their weapons Lindale and Bjorkus enter as well. Inside they see their furry acquaintance setting up the bar. He gives them a smile and a wave. "Just couldn't stay away, could you?" Yix is dressed in his typical brows and green silks.

Bjorkus |

I don't think Bjorkus has met this guy.
‘Ares’ stares down the guards but doesn’t struggle as he’s searched and disarmed. Aside from the occasional snort and the rumbling from his heavy breaths, the bull remains silent and follows behind the drow.