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Japes perception: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 2
Septa hears a slight 'bump'. Realizing that the noise was Jape has bumping into a particular crate floating in the bilge water, Septa moves forward, dagger in hand, knowing where Jape is.
Despite the amount of noise he makes moving forward, Jape is oblivious, staring bboward into the fog, his back to Septa.
Septa at G3. Jape in F4, flatfooted.

Septa |

Already, Damn!
Put my dagger back where I found it. Hide their two daggers, stabbed in the stern, below water line in the hull.
Tie Jape up with his shirt. Use Profession Sailor (+10) to use the right knots.
Tie up: 1d20 ⇒ 14 Plus or minus whatever
Pump the bilge and wait for Jape to wake up.
"We have some choices Jape, we can say what happened and we both get keelhauled, we can say she fell and something landed on her and she died. Sound familier?
I don't like you and you hate me.
Cast Cultural Adaptation
If the Bosun comes down here and sees you tied up, he will know the both of you lost to me and I did not have weapons. Lets come up with a story we will tell him in front of witnesses that he will believe or I will just kill you now, I might be keelhauled for Shivika, Take her Soul Besmara but they cant keel haul me to death anymore for killing both of you, And I will, but I bet Besmara will save me or kill me quick.
Lets come up with a story that will save both our skins. When are they suppose to take the weight off the hatch? At the end of the shift, or a special knock or what?
Diplomacy to convince Jape to work with me: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
Pump the Bilge: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14 +2 if Jape helps

Septa |

Kick Jape in the crotch to knock him out.
Kick 1d3 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0 Min 1 point
Pull him under water and make sure his nose and mouth are below water line and drown the unrepentative horse cousin. Stepping on his neck if needed.
I have given him three tries and he wants to be a bad guy, if nothing else he wont bug the group run by Sandra when I am gone.

Septa |

I would have untied Jap and put his clothing back on. Then pulled both of them to the ladder and laid them out. A presentation for the Bosun if nothing else.
Then taken the knives and put one on Japes stomach and the other stuck in the wood of the hull under the water line near the hatch.
Then take 20 and hide my knife away from the hatch and pump.
Then knocked on the hatch as much as I could, alternately while pumping the bilge. Knocking every hour at least.
I guess I don't get +2 for Jape helping. :)
(I know his a plot device and Hostile forever, but being beat every time and helpless and knowing hes lost and he still tries to plot and I roll a 27.. I know, I am not mad, just blabbing)
I want to plan whats next but is the hatch usually closed and does the Bosun usually tell me its time to stop himself?

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The hatch is not usually closed; Normally you can come and go as part of the job of hauling garbage up top and throwing it overboard. The end of the workday and the beginning of the "bloody mast", is signaled by the ringing of the ship's bell
Septa feels the rocking of the ship ease, as if it is being brought to anchor like most evenings. After a pause of a half hour or so, he hears the ringing of the ship's bell, muffled by the three decks above.
About five minutes after the bell, Septa hears scraping sound as the footlockers are moved, and the hatch opens. Peppery Longfarthing, the Sailing Master pokes his head and an arm holding an oil lamp through the hatch, saying "What are you three still doing down....fish-heads and gibbits!!!"
The Sailing Master stands suddenlyand begins shouting "Murder! Murder! Master of Arms to the bilge!" while Master Scourge shifts his kneeling position near the hatch so he can make eye contact with Septa and grins.
Mr Pugg, Master Scourge, Mr. Longfarthing, Stichman the Carpenter/Doctor, Master Gunner Krine and the riggers Maheen and Narwhale all come down the hatch. Stichman checks the two bodies while Krine, holding a set of manacles, shouts "Stick out ya'@%#$@$% wrist, ya' jack-souled, crew killing bastard!". Mr Longfarthing, his hand on his spell component pouch, says calmly "It's best you don't fight, son."

Septa |

Septa holds out his hands for the manacles.
So everyone can hear as quickly as possible:
"If you notice on Japes gut there is a knife he carried down to the bilge, there are still his ties he used to hide it attached on his right calf. Over Midships Starboard just below the large dark knot about two inches below the water line, stuck in the hull is Shivika's poniard. On her right leg are two straps of leather with holes in to hold it under her pants leg. I brought no weapon down to the bilge and if you ask what happened earlier, they both tried to bring others knives and those were taken. I offered for them to search me if I get to search them. My request was denied.
About a half hour after work started they both told me they were going to kill me and took out their hidden knives and started to attack me. I tried to talk them out of it but they were intent on killing me. I tried to defend myself as best I could and tried to get out to the main decks but it was blocked as you saw when you came down to get us. I then asked for Besmaras blessing to help me.
They continued to attempt to kill me. Besmaras blessing and judgement was swift and final. You will find no knife wounds on them, and as you saw a few days ago I cant punch my way through a window pane much less Japes Iron jaw. I was stabbed in my right leg by Jape, Besmara has since healed it, but you can compare the size of the stab in my leather pants to Japes wide dagger.
When they were both beyond any medical help, I put Jape and Shivika as comfortable as I could and attempted to knock again on the hatch to get attention, nothing. I went to pump the bilge so I did not drown, I knocked on the hatch about every hour attempting to get attention, to no avail, look at my knuckles, raw from the wood.
Are they dead, yes. Was I here when they died, yes. Did I kill both of them on purpose, no. Did I kill them, with Besmaras aid they died while I was defending myself.
I formally request a Captains Mast so he may hear and decide my case. I ask all of you to be witnesses to what you saw when you came down here."
Watch the Bosun for his reaction.

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Krine hands the manacles to Maheen, who places them on Septa's wrist.
The group listens to what Septa has to say. Stichman sighs. Mr Longfarthing commands Narwhale to search for the daggers you mention, which he finds after a search and hands over to Mr. Longfarthing. Krine says "A Cap'ns Mast ye' want, and a $!%^%# Cap'n Mast yeh get." Krine directs Septa to follow her up the gangway and for the two riggers to carry the bodies. Master Scourge and Mr Plugg cast a glance to each other and grin. The remainder follow as Septa is lead onto the deck.
As Septa emerges on deck in chains, Sandara lets out a sound of surprise. Conchobar comforts Rosie Cursewell as Septa's chains are attached to the ring on the main mast. The two bodies are droped in a heap at Septa's feet.
The officers all depart up the stairs to the poop deck, leaving only Master Scourge to watch over Septa.
After a few minutes the Captain approaches the railing of the poop deck, with the other officers gathered around. Fishguts, Cut Throat and Owlbear all having a decidedly grim look.
"Okay. Let's have it. What did ye' officers see." orders the Cap'n.
Longfarthing gives his account of what he saw and what Septa said. He shows the captain the daggers that were found. Stichman also speaks up and describes the wounds on the bodies, and that he guesses that they died just like Septa described.
The the Captain turns, looking at Septa, aks "Is that about it? You gat more to say?"

Septa |

"Captain, Officers and Crewmen of the Wormwood, thank you for listening. I will confirm what Officer Longfarthing and Stichman are the truth and I thank them for their honest witness.
Its well known that Jape did not like me, nor I him since I came on the Wormwood. But I have never done anything against him nor anyone else on this ship. Shivika is a different story, others can attest I have tried to reach out in a friendly way to her.
If I were to, with all of you witnessing take a weapon and attack Rosie and she struck me down and killed me, how would you judge her for defending her life?
The only difference is that I do not have a witness to the defense of my life, except my honest testimony.
Whatever judgement that the captain would give to Rosie is what I believe is appropriate for me.
What questions do you have for me Captain?"

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Captain Harrigan stares at Septa.
Slowly, very slowly, he steps down the stairs from the poop deck, never breaking eye contact with Septa.
He stops a mere foot in front of Septa and, leaning forward, says in a soft voice "I don't care."
Stepping back, he slowly turns and addresses the crew "I DON'T CARE!"
Looking back at Septa, he says "I care for me ship! I care because it gets me gold! I care if I have enough able hands to man it, because it gets me gold! I care if the crew does as I order, because I need them too to get me gold! But whether the crew love or hate me, whether I do right or wrong, or whether I be blessed or dammed and, most of all, what a snivlin' little worm like you have to say....I DON'T CARE!!!"
Turning back to the crew he says "My one rule, no killin'! An he broke dat rule! He feared them men in the bilge more than he feared me! THAT WAS A MISTAKE! Normal punishm't for murder is keelhaulin', but thats' too good for a double murduruh like him. MASTUH SCOURGE!!!"
"Yes sir!" replies Master Scourge.
"THREE DAYS IN THE BOX!!" screams the Captain, now a livid red and screaming at the top of his lungs "AND THEN WE KEELHAUL HIM!!"
Master Scourge unhooks Septa's chains from the mainmast and leads him towards a black,sheet iron box on the aft end of the deck near the poop castle.
As Septa is dragged towards the box, the Captain straightens his hair, and says in a cold, emotionless voice "I WILL get my gold, and I WILL get my due from you, one way or another."
As the lid of the box is secured, the Captain shouts "Mr Longfarthing, you know what to do with these two?" gesturing towards the corpses.
"Aye Capn' Already on it." as he and Slipstich drag the bodies past the iron box and into the officer's area.
Mister Plugg draws a circle around the box, ten feet distant on all sides, with a stick of chalk. "Keelhaulen for any I find inside the chaulk." he says to the crew.
Mister Plug looks through the slit in the box, smiles and whispers "You see, the Capn' knew what I was doin'. He just don't care as long as he thinks theres a profit in it for him."
Mister Plugg departs. Master Scourge watches over a sullen crew. As night falls, Septa's friends watch from a distance.
There is no singing on deck this night.

Septa |

*Well that makes up my mind.*
"Mr. Plugg, in your ass with barbed razor, you will get yours, Besmara and I will make it happen."
Septa plans on having 4 create water, 1 Endure elements and 2 purify food and drinks, delay pain, instant armor and martyrs margin available for tomorrow.
Sleep and Drink as I can. Catch bugs and scum and purify them for food.
It should make my time in the box somewhat more comfortable.

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During the evening hours the crew is divided into three group. The officers, below deck as usual, Septa's friends who gather on the starboard side and Master Scourge and his toadies, gathered opposite. The port side gathering is raucous with singing, while the starboard is quiet and morose. By midnight, the last of the crew have gone below and the officers post watch above on the poop deck.
That night Septa finds it's impossible to get to sleep. the small box prevents him from sitting up, and he can't fully lie down either. He finds no source of water, but does manage to make a fine meal of bugs that night though.
Septa is fatigued after no sleep that night.
The tedium of the night is finally broken by the ringing of the morning bell, breakfast and the assignment of duties to the other crew.
As the sun breaks above the horizon, the black, iron box quickly becomes first uncomfortably warm, then deadly hot. Being high summer, Septa will have sixteen hours before the sun sets.
Make a DC15 Fort check for the first hour in the box; Endure elements prevents need for check, but please post the duration of the spell.
Septa realizes that surviving the entire day in the box will be challenging.

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Septa does not find any place to store the water; It's like the holes at the edges and the lack of any container was planned to make this difficult. Septa does manage to drink his fill, wet his shirt and perhaps fill a scabbard with water.
During the day, the iron box becomes hot enough to cause burning damage, Septa finds though if he crouched in the center he can avoid touching the sides and the radiated heat is reduced to a tolerable by the endure elements spell.
That evening no one stands before the bloody mast, but the Captain announces Septa will be kept in the box for twelve more hours and keelhauled at dawn
There is a murmur through the crowd, bit no one says anything loudly.
After dinner is served to the rest of the crew (none for Septa), the grog is issued and the crew breaks up for entertainment. Counch, the bard sings a song "Don't give the Devil his due", with Septas other friends joining in on the corus. Septas spirits are strangely lifted.
+2 to any skill roll during the hour he sings
When it is time for the crew to head below, someone trips on the staircase. When everyone looks, Sandara channels healing, which makes Septa feel better even though he has taken no physical damage.
Later that night, Septa goes from being fatigued to being exhausted, from lack of sleep. He realizes that he certainly will be able to.pray for new spells in the morning. While futily contemplating this, he is suddenly feels a yawn coming from him
make perception DC21 and will DC12

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Septa doesn't see the caster but he is targeted with first a sleep spell, then a restful sleep spell and finally a cure light wounds. The extra healing is wasted on Septa, but despite the cramped conditions of the box, he gets effectively a full nights rest and awakens shortly before dawn to pray for spells.
That morning, as the crew arrives on deck for dawn assembly, Sandara performs a healing surge while passing Septa when Cog "accidentally" trips and distracts Master Scourge and the officers.
Before breakfast and duty assignments, the officers assemble above and Mister Plugg calls out to bring forth the prisoner for a Special Bloody Mast.
Now time in the hot box is usually eight, sixteen or twenty-three hours, with twenty-four hours generally considered a death sentence. 23 hours in the hot box is, as the clerics of Besmara say "thirty lashes with one set aside", which means to be tested or punished almost to ones limit, but not quite, since thirty-one lashes is generally considered to be lethal.
Septa emerges from his thirty-two hours in the hot box undamaged, with no fatigue, well fed and watered, just awaken from the best nights sleep he's had since he boarded the Wormwood.
Master Scourge, Mister Plugg, the Captain, the other officers and the rest of the crew are visibly shaken and amazed as Septa's surprising good condition.

Septa |

Septa will have two spells already running, first will be Delay Pain, and when he hears them approaching and
'jingling' the keys to the hot box Septa will cast Defending bone.
When Septa steps out of the box in seemingly good condition he will reach up and 'Jake Magpies' gull eaten skull will fly towards him and he will catch it in his hands.
Taking advantage of the awe, Septa will walk to the side of the ship where the equipment is set up to keelhaul him and cast Air Bubble while walking there.
Then will stand with his arms out, "Come on and bind me, get this over with, I am sure the Captain and Besmara have work for everyone today."
When his hands are bound he will look to drop the skull over the side, but it floats there waiting for Septa.
If it appears he might have time, he will also cast Resistance, but I suspect they will be to hot headed to start to allow this.

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As Septa holds up his hands to be bound, the door to Officer's country creaks and out steps the Sailing Master, Mister Longfarthing,...
...followed by Jape and Shavikah!
Both Jape and Shavikah move with mechanical but quick steps, keeping a constant distance from Mister Longfarthing, blank expressions on their faces, eyes devoid of pupils or white, now a uniform sickly, yellow custard color.
Holding two small bags up in his left hand, he turns his head to the pair following him and commands "Bind Septa's hands and prepare him for keelhaulin'!" Mister Longfarthing proceeds up the stairs to the poop deck, to stand along side the Captain.
Jape and Shavikah immediately react, breaking to a quick jog, Jape coming up to Septa and quickly binding his hands together with a length of rope, while Shavikah runs to the port side and brings the end for the rope that passes below the ship.
Jape and Shavikah seem as nimble as they ever were and, if anything, are even stronger than they ever were before.
Jape pays close attention to his work and insures that Speta is not going to get out of the bindings, then Shavikah ties a bowline through a bight in the middle of the bindings.
Make a DC15 perception
Jape and Shivikah man the opposite end of the rope, ready to pull.
The Captain says "Give the order! Nice and slow!"
Raising the two sacks again, Mister Longfarthing shouts to Jape and Shivikah "Keelhaul him, slowly!"
Septa feels the slack taken up, as Jape and Shivikah slowly pull on the rope.

Septa |

1: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
2: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
3: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
4: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
5: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
6: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
7: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
8: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
9: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
10: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
11: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
12: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Looks like I made #1, 7 and 11.
And number 10 if I got off Resistance.

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Septa is dragged downward, by his wrists, and aftward, by the motion of the ship.
1.Half damage: 1d3 ⇒ 2
2.: 1d3 ⇒ 1
3.: 1d3 ⇒ 1
As he turns head downward and is pulled up against the hull, the skull
wedges itself between Septa's shoulder and the ship, taking the damage from the barnacles upon itself.
4.: 1d3 ⇒ 3
5.: 1d3 ⇒ 2
6.: 1d3 ⇒ 1
7.Half Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1
As Septa makes the journey under the ship, and then begins heading towards the surface again, the skull takes blow after blow from the barnacles, pieces of the skull being knocked off each time.
8.: 1d3 ⇒ 2
9.: 1d3 ⇒ 1
10.: 1d3 ⇒ 3
As he nears the surface, the skull is finally pulverized into powder, Septa taking a small laceration.
Cumulative damage on Septa: 2HP
11. Half Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1
Cumulative damage on Septa: 3HP
12.: 1d3 ⇒ 2
Cumulative damage on Septa: 5HP
He breaks the surface of the water, Jape and Shivikah continue pulling, leading to Septa being hauled up into the air, over the gunwhales and standing on deck.
"Stop haulin'" shouts Longfarthing to Jape and Shivikah, who immediately stand motionless. Septa still bound and attached to the rope run through the blocks is free to stand on his feet and walk about.
"Hurrah!!" half of the crew cheer.
Mister Plugg glares at Septa. Longfarthing is obviously disappointed. The Captains cabin girl, a teenager, sticks her tongue out at Septa.
But the Captain, he has the visage of someone in a murderous rage.
"Strip him! Leave him nothing but a loin cloth! No holy symbols! No hidden daggers! No pouches of spell components! Nothing!!!!"
The Captain takes a long breath, composes himself "Think you escaped? Think that pox-ridden hore Besmara is looking after you? Well see. It'll be back in the box for you for 48 hours, with the lash each hour! And in two days we will keelhaul you again! And we'll keep keelhauling you each day until it takes! With no opportunity for piracy, you are the only bit of fun...."
"Sail ho!!!" comes the cry from the crows nest.
Instantly the Captain has forgotten Septa.
"What do you see?"
"One point boward of starboard. On the horizon. Two masted. Full rigged. Flying Rhahadoum colors." comes the answer from the crows nest.
The Captain turns to Mister Plugg "Run up the Jolly. Prepare for action." Then to Longfarthing "Get the prisoner below and into chains."
The crew is a beehive of activity, as Jape and Shivikah lead Septa below, with Longfarthing trailing behind giving orders. Septa is lead to the bilge and secured in one of the sets of manacles at the bow, and then left alone.

Septa |

As soon as Septa can stand he will walk to the Bosun and stand at attention.
"Ready for the days work Bosun."
Seeing the Captain getting pissed he faces him and prepares to respond, but seeing that he gets distracted holds his tongue.
With the confusion and excitement of the siting does Septa lose his items? It seems Septa was rushed down.
If he has his items he will channel energy to heal himself, for now waiting until the zombies are out of range.
Channel: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8
Then he will lay down and try to sleep more.

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Septa does fine and after a long time he manages to fall asleep.
When he awakens in the dark bilge, Septa notes that the ship is heeled over at a steep angle and the sound of the ocean rushing past the hull is louder; the Wormwood must be running with all of it's sail to be heeled over so far.
Septa has no interruptions this next day, but after his second sleep period, he awakes hungry and thirsty. After an hour or so awake, Mr Longfarthing, Jape and Shivikah open the hatch to the bilge and enter. Shivikah unlocks Septa's manacles, while Jape keeps a strong hand on his arm. Mr Longfarthing keeps far away, his hand ready to make some arcane gesture.
"The Captain would like to speak with you." says Mr Longfarthing as they lead Septa up.
On the deck Septa blinks at the comparatively bright light of the sun. It has been two days since the sail has been sighted, and in that time the Wormwood has approached within 100 yards of the Rahadoum ship; Septa can clearly make out the figures in white turbans and dark blue jackets.
Both ships are flying all of the canvas from the yardarms and Mister Plugg constantly shouts orders to keep the sails trimmed to their greatest efficiency. The entire crew seems exhausted. Sanadara cataches your eye and smiles, but she is quickly run up the rigging to tighten the topsail and there isn't any time for chating.
"Arrow" shouts Mister Plugg and the entire crew drops behind cover, as a flight of arrows fired from rahadoum archers peppers the deck. Most seemed to be aimed at the officers on the poop deck; Owlbear holds a oversized tower shield protecting the Captain, a half dozen arrows stuck into the shield.
"Mr Septa, you killed two of my crew, so I put you in the box and keelhauled you. But you don't seem much worse for wear!! My intention was to get my pound of flesh -- to keelhaul you until it took, properly. But the two you killed are even more spry than they ever have been and I am need of a Boarding Master."
"So do we agree that for two crimes, two punishments were met out, and you are ready to stand your duties? Arm yourself,..." gesturing towards the weapons locker, manned by Fishguts and Rosie Cursewell.
"...lead the assault on the Man's Promise under Kline's orders. Seize their treasure, capture prisoners and take her in prize. Agreed? Unless, of course, you WANT to get back down into the bilge and await what punishments I can think of for you."
Before Septa can answer, Captain Harrigan dumps Septa's foot locker over the poop deck rail, landing at his feet; it contains all of Septa's gear.
"And Septa, if you fail at taking her, fail at securing the treasure and cargo, or kill too many of the crew, don't bother coming back."

Septa |

Septa steps on the foot locker, securing it from the slewing ship.
"I agree to what you say, Captain. I won't do anything against you or the crew while taking the ship, you have my word." Points at the ship.
Can I chose my spells knowing i am boarding a ship or saving my life while being keelhauled?

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After re-equiping with his gear from teh footlocker, Septa hears the scream of Ship's Gunner Riaris Krine summoning him to Wormwood's poop deck.
"The Man's Promise's ship's wheel is on the aft deck, just below the sterncastle. You are going to grapple over, kill the guards on the sterncastle, and guard the ship's boats. Kill anyone who tries to get away on one of the boats. Don't move the wheel until the fighting's done, or you'll have to answer to me. Oh yeah, as we close, it's going to get foggy. Just stick to what I told you to do. Which two crew do you want with you?"
Once she hears your choices, she orders for each of your team to grab a single weapon from the ships armory, "...BUT NO ALCHEMIST FIRE!", and to stand by with boarding hooks.
The action will start with the two ships 120 feet apart. The Man's Promise is forward and slightly to the starboard of the Wormwood.

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Septa stands on the starboard side of the poop deck, which is expected to be on the same level as the Man's Promise aft deck.
Cog approaches and hands Septa a grappling hook with 50' of line attached. He brought one for himself and Sandara also.
Sandara Quinn arrives with a loaded flintlock pistol for each of your team, along with holsters and a weapons cord to insure that they can not be lost overboard. "Careful. I had Gunner Krine load and cock them already. I've never handled one before either, but they are easy to use, just aim and pull the trigger, and I've been told that they will punch through most any armor."
-4 To hit due to unfamiliarity, but they are a touch attack! 20' range increment. 1d8 damage. 20/x3 critical.

Septa |

Septa attaches the pistol to the bandolier and holsters the pistol.
"Let me know if you don't like this idea. We stay hidden from arrows till we are close enough. You cast your armor spell, when its go time you cast your mirror spell. I cast my summoning spell. Cog, stay hidden.
The Grig will get them to dance while we throw over our line and crawl across.
Sandra and I will keep us healed. We need to follow the instructions and keep our eyes open.
Anything to add?"

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Boarding of the Man's Promise
Round 1
The ships begin the round 120' apart, with the Man's Promise ahead and slightly to starboard.
Init please. You will be running all tree for your boarding team.
Mr Longfarthing, standing near you on the poop deck begins chanting, while clouds of fog rise up around Man's Promise obscuring sight of them. Strangely, Septa notes the normally stationary spell travels along with the Man's Promise; He realizes that spells can be cast with a "frame of reference" to a ship, allowing normally stationary spells to be used in naval combat.
The officers and the majority of the crew are gathered on the main deck.
Two ballista shots come out of the fog, successfully hitting the sails they were targeted at. It is obvious the attacks against the sails would eventually slow the Wormwood, but the Wormwood will draw alongside the Man's Promise long before the Wormwood's speed is reduced appreciably.
Narwhale and Toppin each fire an arrow, which disappear into the fog cloud. The result is unknown, but...
number of bolts fired back: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4
..the Rahadoumians blindly fire back with four heavy crossbow bolts..
miss chance 50% : 1d100 ⇒ 31
miss chance 50% : 1d100 ⇒ 12
miss chance 50% : 1d100 ⇒ 28
miss chance 50% : 1d100 ⇒ 64
to hit Narwhale: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
to hit Narwhale: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Damage to Narwhale: 1d10 ⇒ 1
to hit Toppin: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Damage to Toppin: 1d10 ⇒ 4
Both men yelp with pain as bolts find their mark, despite being crouched behind the railing. Stichman runs to Toppin and begins cleaning and bandaging his wounds.
Captain Harrigan, Mister Plugg and Master Scourge, the other officers and the crew not occupied with steering the ship, crouch behind the starboard railing waiting to start the boarding.
+2 AC and +1 REFLEX for partial cover from being crouched behind railing