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Along with Septa, Ambrose, Shortstone, Owlbear, Slippery and Badger all recieve one lash with the Cat O Nine Tails for not meeting Captain. Plugg's standards.
damage to Septa from the lash: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Most of the crew are exhausted from the days work.
There is no socializing in the evening, the crew unannimously choosing for extra rest.
As Septa heads below, he suddenly notices the setting sun. It's in the wrong place in the sky. If the Man's Promise was heading to Port Peril, to rondevous with the Wormwood, as Capt Harrigan announced, the ship would be heading Southerly.
Instead Man's Promise is heading roughly due East, toward the Mwangi Expanse.
Knowledge Local DC 17

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Upon hearing of the Easterly course, Fishgits Ambrose comments. That he knows the stormwracked islands. "I would think we are headed to Blood Cove,or nearbouts, a port on the Mwangi Expanse. I don't much to interest Plugg in Blood Cove, but on a island to west is Rickety Squibs, a secret dry dock that specializes in aSquibing, altering ships so they have a different appearance. Do you think he intends to squib Man's Promise? For what purpose?"
Later everyone gets to sleep early.
On waking Septa sees the sun rising in a blood red sky, and two Sea Terms nesting in the upper spar.
Survival DC 15

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With his wounds from the lash healed before goinung to bed, Septa manages a decent amount of rest and refreshed his prayer.
After the below deck conversation with his friends, Septa heads up to the dexck to great the third morning on Man's Promise.
Septa is assigned repairing knot work, splicing lines and cooling the lines after repair.
First Mate Scourge keeps a constant attentive eye on Septa.
For the first time since being Sganghaied, Septa finds himself working with Sandara and Cog.
Work diligantly, sneak of to another part of the boat or shirk your duties and get extra rest?
DC12 Profession(Sailor) or Strength to do job well; DC 12 CON to avoid exhaustion
Cog has profession(sailor) +4; strength +3; con +2
Sandara has profession(sailor) +8; strength +1; con +0

Septa |

"Ah I wanted to work in the bilge to work my muscles!"
I don't see an advantage to doing anything except looking for the weapons locker and how its guarded and protected. So they will cover for me during a extended potty break while I Will sneak to another part of the boat.
Septa: Prof (Sailor): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
Con: 1d20 ⇒ 7
If Cog or Sandra are tired the others will cover for them so they can shirk to rest, otherwise:
Cog: Prof (sailor): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Con: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Sandra: Prof (sailor): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Con: 1d20 ⇒ 6

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The storm rages, only increasing as night falls. Septa, along with almost all of the crew, is sent aloft into the rigging, moving along wet spars, furling and unfurling sails,following the captains shouted orders as he desperately tries to drive the ship out of the storm.
After sixteen hours, the storm has increaded to a gail,the fight continues against the storm, but crew are sent below to grab a meal of hardtack and catch two hours sleep. Around 2am, Septa and three others sre sent below.
Septa sleeps fitfully but awakens with a start at the sound of the ships bell being rung. A muffled cry, damped by the storm and two decks, "Action! Repel boarders!"
Septa sees two of the crew in their hammocks,oblivious to the alarm in sleep. The third lies as the base of the stairs, cutlasd in hand, but glassy eyed, rigid in magical paralysis.

Septa |

"ACTION! REPEL BOARDERS!! Septa yells while jumping out of his bunk and grabbing his equipment. He will knock into each of them while heading to the base of stairs. Attempting to stay out of line of sight and come up along the edge of the hatch.
A quick look around the edge: Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Icicle at anything he sees that is not his crew and within 30' range: Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18, Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
He will look quickly behind him to see if the other two are awake and access for his next action.

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The two other crewmembers are up and out of the bunk. Septa, peering around tje hatchway sees a strange humanoid with scaly skin, like a fish, lying dead on the gun deck landing. From topside comes the sounds of fighting, swords clashing, a pistol shot, and a loud electrical CRACK that shakes the whole ship.

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Peering topside, Septa sees two of the humanoids, armed with tridents, guarding the top of the hatch. Ten feet behind them another humanoid, armed with a staff of coral, is chanting in gesturing toward the aftdeck. On the far gun wall, six more humanoids, each carrying a large bundle over their shoulders, prepare to slip over the side. Without getting in range of the tridents, Septa can not see the rest of the deck, but he can hear the sounds of fighting, including a pistol shot.
The trident wielders see Septa but are not making any move down the stairs or to throw the tridents. Instead the stand there, ready to Repel any cjarge.

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Damage from Ice Missile: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Concentration Check for Staff Wielder: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Damage from Call Lightning: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 1) = 6
The ice dart leaps from Septa's hand, striking the humanoid with the coral staff. Instinctively flinching, the staff wielder loses control of the magical force being formed with his free hand; in response a lighting bolt, from the storm clouds, strikes the main mast charring it a bit but doing no serious damage, but missing the intended target on the Aft Deck completely.
In the flash of the lightning, for a brief instant, Septa can see that the humanoids are not like the scaly fish like humanoid he saw on the stairs below. The humanoids here are small, almost goblin-like, but lack any legs, instead walking upon a mass of tenticles.
Roll Knowledge Dungeoneering to identify these creatures
Septa can also see that the six figures at the far gunwall are similar, and the three large bundles they are carrying tied and unmoving crewmates!
The flash fades and the creatures on the far side fade into the blur of rain and darkness.
A shot rings out from the Aft Deck, dropping one of the creatures. Two of the creatures push the crew member over the side and jump in. The other three continue to struggle with their two crew members. There is a flurry of crossbow bolts fired at the three, but with the weather conditions none of the bolts hit.
The caster looks to be trying to regain control of his spell, while the two humanoids at the top of the stairs remain, waiting for you to step into range so they can stick you with their tridents.

Septa |

Septa will go Total Defense and head up the stairs. AC=22
"Follow me those who would save their crewmates."

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The aquatic humanoids lunge at Septa as he comes up the stairs...
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
...but Septa dances between their thrusts.
Fipps Chumlet charges up after him, swinging a cutless.
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
...and misses with a wild swing.
Kipper, still on he staircase,throws a dagger...
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
...striking one of the trident wielders.
Now on the deck, Septa can see a fight raging on the aft deck as well as in the rigging. This round though, dozens of the humanoids begin retreatinh into the ocean.
The humanoid with the staff scuttles on his tentacles and jumps overboard.
All of the humanoids on the far side dive into the water with another crewmate, lwaving one crewmate tied up on the deck.
Septa turns to face the two trident wielders, who dont seem ready to flee.

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Septa's deeply wounds the humanoid previously injured by Kippers dagger and the humanoid collapses.
As Septa moves toward the bound Cook's Mate Rosie Cursewell, the other humanoid follows Septa and attacks from behind....
humanoid to hit with Trident: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
...but the trident passes over his shoulder.
Fipps and Kipper move up behind the humanoid and attack with cutlasses...
Fipps to hit: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 2 = 11
Kipper to hit: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 3 + 2 = 24
Kipper damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
...Kipper gains a flanking position and drives his cutlass through the creatures back.
Septa looks about and sees that the enemy has fled the ship back into the ocean. Above the gale which had raged for three days dissipates within minutes, suggesting that it was of magical origin.
The crew begin coming down from the rigging and the ships surgeon begins using his healing skill to bandage the wounds of the crew. Six of the goblin-octopus creatures plus two of the fish-like humanoids were killed, and while the majority of the crew are injured none of the crew were killed.
Questions? Actions?

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The healing surge was sorely needed and does a lot more good than
Sawbone's bandages and poultices.
Septa meets up with Cog, as crew members discuss the battle. Its apparent from the quickly clearing skies that the storm was somehow summoned by those creatures.
Cog reports that they seemef quiye adapt at climbing to the masts and yardarms; their sucketed tentacles grabbing a strong hold even on wet wood.
Others report that oft tripped crewmembers with their tentacled causong some tofall to the deck.
After listening to the Captain question Cursewell it is quickly determine what they wete after. They seized all of the female crew, escaping with all but Cursewell.
Upon hearing this Septa looks about and confirms what he suspected. Sandara os not on board. She has been taken.

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Knowledge Dungeoneering roll please
While Septa thinking,the first bank has several crewmembers home barrels up from the hold onto deck. The first thing shows the captain that the barrels have been tampered with. The water barrels have been broken allowing almost all the water to leak out. The one barrel of hard tack when opened is found to contain thousands of small tentacled creature no bigger than thumbnail each; all of the food is contaminated.
the captain announces that's a terrible shame far and female roommates. But there's nothing to do about that. Wecwill be making for land to gather water in provisions carpenters get to working on these water barrels repairing them septa and cog dump this hardtack over the side.
as the crew gets to work the ship turns and headed north west. After about 15 minutes septa Spy something in the water. Snagging it with a book book he sees that at some point. Sandaras boot. She must have come this way.

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the ships suddenly jars as it runs up on a reef. After thirty minutes of activity Captain Plugged announces "All hands! Wr are stuck fast and hulled though the bilge pump is keeping ahead of the leak. Everyone over the side to rig a sail as a patch. You...YOU....Septa.. Take the ships boat and fetch water from that island eastward. Chart calls it Bone wrack Island and the chart shows it plenty big enough for fresh water. It will take a day and a half for repairs, and we will be leaving at the first high tide after to make for kara..I mean Port Peril. Port Peril, just like Captain Harrington ordered. In any case, be back in forty eight hours or you will be left, marooned here."

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Captain Plugged denies Septa s request to bring along more people, but Cog and Owlbear get the cutter loaded with two empty barrels and Septa footlocker.
The cutter is a large rowed vessel It can seat six people, including three rowers and a tills man. A mast and sail are folded and lashed in the bottom.
Septa remembers hearing about a Chelish scouting vessel, the Internus, which ran aground on Bone wrack Island when the Captains shock Marines, several ghouls, turned on the crew. A few of the crew escaped to tell the tale. That is all Septa knows.
The water here is crystal clear and Septa can see the ring of coral reef that surrounds the island, varying between five and twenty five feet below the surface. The reef cause the waves to break into a heavy surf; within the reef the island is surrounded by treacherous currents. The island lies about 400 yards to the East of the ship.

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Looking back one last time for his friends, he expects this might be the last time.
Are these the only water barrels and is this the only launch?
One last time Septa asks for asks for assistance.
"Captain, these are the only water barrels and the only launch, do you rally want to lose these in case I fall and break my head open like a melon? You have to swim to the island, through the deadly monsters like the giant crab, find me and then do the job. All the while thirsting for water. I'll do what you say, but I could use some assistance, I know you don't like me but there is a ship to run."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
What type of beach is there for Septa to aim at?
Attempting to look at island land marks so he can maybe move around and not get lost.

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Septa immediately recognizes that strong current will be difficult to handle the craft, especially for a craft designed for a larger crew.
DC12 Profession(sailor) check to keep the boat from being pushed in the wrong direction, possible onto the reef or rocks
The island is sizable, longer in the east west direction than in the north south direction. The west end of the island is dominated by a solitary, rocky Mountain peak, which drops directly into the ocean. The entire western coast is a solid cliff face, the surf beating rocks at its base.
Septa has a choice. Attempt to brave the surf and scale the cliff. Follow the southern coast eastward. Or follow the northern coast eastward.

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As he rows Eastward, Septa sees the coast remains rocky and turns south eastward, towards a promontory to the southeast. Beyond that, the coast turns back northeast but sight of that portion of the coast is blocked by the promontory cliff.
To the south of South by South West, Septa sees the rotting hulk of a shipwreck leaning, stuck of the coral reef. Septa s path will take him between the shipwreck and the island.
The treacherous current continues. please make another profession sailor check at DC12 to retain control over the boat.

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Septa makes good time, as he passes under the cliffs of the promontory. Substances that wave action has carved overhangs and caves at the base of the promontory. Beyond the promontory the coast turns northeast and then late then curving to the east northeast. From the promontory the land quickly slopes down to the sea with the rocky portions becoming smaller and more gradual to eventually opening to a long broad sandy beach. Be on the beach septic and see that the north side of the island is covered by jungle.

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Septa looks around at his surroundings and tries to aim the boat to some bit of hiding area that he might see and find some shade to look the island from where he is:
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
He banks his boat on the sand near where he thinks is best.
Profession: Sailor: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16

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septa travels Northward, the spine of mountains Westward to his left, a broad beach stretching Eastward and Northeast ward to his right. After about 1000 feet, Septa approaches a grass area at the edge of the jungle.
Septa sees that what he mistook at first for tall elephant grass, he realizes it is actually an overgrown field of maize. The crops have gone wild, creating a high barrier wafting gently in the breeze.

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To the west, the Highlands rise steeply, so steeply that technical climbing would be required. Up high on the escarpment, Septa can see a footpath that meanders with switchbacks, reaching the jungle about 3000 feet to the North.
Septa stands on the south edge of an abandoned maize field, the plants reaching above his head and blocking vision both to the north and the immediate east and west.
To the south, East and North East the beach extends.