GM Klothar's Skull & Shackles SOLO Game

Game Master bsongy

**** Closed Game for One PC ****

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Male Human Cleric 4

"Of course, not a problem I won't say anything. I would have done the same thing."

"Lets head back and see what else the Bosun has for us."

"Can you restore yourself tomorrow?"

Carefully paddle back to the ship.

Yelling up the side of the ship, under the quarterdeck. "Ahoy, prepare and put down the carry sling, we got the Captains dinner."

Septa will help load the food and try to 'protect' Sandra from the heavy work.

Lantern Lodge

"Yes. It may take a few days, but I can get it done." replies Sanadara before stepping off the boat into the sea.

As soon as Septa is off the boat, she whispers "Besmara takes" and the boat returns to it's bicorne form, which Sandara places on her head.

After the long swim back to the ship...

As soon as Septa shouts out, the crew crowd the gunwhal looking over to see what Septa has caught.

Mr Pug looks over. "A bit worse for wear, I would say." he chuckles.

"If these crabs ain't fit for the Captan's table, I will....' he suddenly stops in mid sentence as the two reefclaws are lifted from the sea. A cheer goes out amoungst the crew at the sight of the beast. Mr. Pugg turns and walks away silently, as dozens of hands reach down and help Septa and Sandara up the rope ladder.

The ship heaves to as usual at night, and during the distribution of the rum ration a clammer suddenly comes from below. The cook comes up with four able bodies bearing two giant platters. "The Captain has proclaimed the reefclaws delicious eating but, seeing as one reefclaw was more than enough for his table, he has sent this reefclaw and the crabs for the crew to sup on!"

Another cheer goes up amoungst the crew.

ANy actions tonight?

Male Human Cleric 4

Septa smiles at the brief happiness on the ship and mocks tipping his hat to Sandra.

No actions this evening, want to sleep off the exhaustion of all the swimming and fighting.

In the morning after duties are handed out I want to see if I can work on 'Jack Scrimshaw' to our side of the camp.

Using Cultural Adaptation spell to assist.(My notes show him as indifferent)

Influence Jack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

Any exp for Reefclaws? Split with Sandra of course..

Lantern Lodge

I need to reference my notes at home before we proceed

Lantern Lodge

Jack, under the effects of a stomach full of crab and reefclaw, responds to Septa with a friendly smile and thumbs up.

Before heading to bed that night, Mr Pugg and an officer you have never seen before, bring a box to Septa. Mr Pugg walks off, ignoring Septa, but the other officer explains "The capn' enjoyed diner enough that he says 'give em is stuff back. 'e earned it.'" The officer gestures towards the box. "And this is from the Capn' too" handing Septa a boiled leather pottle. A tag on it reads "For Curing Wounds of a Moderate Nature"

You find your stuff, minus the things Sandara already got back for you, in the box

You head to bed, ending your 11th day on the ship.

decide what actions you would like to take on days 12 & 13 and I will hanbdle them with a single messgae

Lantern Lodge

400XP for Septa from the fight with the reefclaw

Male Human Cleric 4

DAY 12

Unfortunately, Septa already has all his gear, mostly traded for he masterwork handax and item found in the bilge. But he accepts the potion with grace and stores it away.

Knowing that 'Fishguts is indifferent, mostly to no contact and being stuck in the kitchen, Septa will approach him as a new friend and interested in how he cooked the Reefclaw and and asking about spices and how always missed the chance to learn to cook from is mother.

Diplomacy (Target# = 15+cha mod) : 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

During the evening, knowing that he should approach the riggers to have a more balanced group he will attempt to talk to "Barefoot", Samms Toppin. 'We all support each other, we don't do mutiny, but my healing is available in case you get hurt, food in case you miss a meal and watching each others back."

Diplomacy Unknown target# : 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

Male Human Cleric 4

DAY 13

It appears I was succesful enough with Fishguts, and not so much with Barefoot. Given the 24 hour rule I will continue to approach the riggers: "Narwhale" Tam Tate will be given the same type of sincere lines that I used with Barefoot, modified with the Cultural Adaptation spell I have bee adding in already:

Diplomacy Unknown target # : 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

That evening Septa will continue to work on Barefoot, unless her reaction was hostile or unfriendly. Then I will approach "Slippery" Syl Lonegan:

Diplomacy : 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

Lantern Lodge

On day 14, Septa comes up onto the deck to find everyone milling about.

An officer on the poop deck, a shrew faced women with and unkind expression, an expression that scrumshaw recognizes as Riaris Leone, the Wormwoods master of gun.

Her skin is darkened from countless days on deck under the sun, her nose with appearance of having been broken several times. Her right leg replaced with a wooden peg. She strikes Septa as the most foul tongue person he has ever met,her language makes even Flair Cursewell sound like a nun
Krine explains the importance of grappling hooks, but Septa doesn't understand much more than anyone who does not perform up to her standards will be sodomized with a grappling hook by Krine herself.

Without any further explanation, the jolly boat is launched and Septa is odered to the boat. The boat crew, having done this before, takes up position 40' from the wormwood.

Septa has to jump overboard, swim to the jolly boat,
Climb in, throw the grappling hook ( ac 5 -6 to hit)
Tie off the rope (move action) and climb up the rope.(,dc
15 climb)

Easy, right?

climb in,

Male Human Cleric 4

Septa takes off his armor, unhooks his shield and stashes them in focsle before heading into the water.

Steadying himself he pushes up and climbs up the side of the Jolly boat.
Climb: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10

He waits his turn, grabs a coiled rope and hook. Being sure to take into account the wind, throws it towards the Wormwood.

Throw Hook: 1d20 - 6 + 3 ⇒ (15) - 6 + 3 = 12

Septa tries to remember stories of people climbing ropes and attempts to emulate it and climbs up the rope using all four appendages.

Scramble: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18

Lantern Lodge

While Septa is climbing, four of the crew come to the gumwhales and begone throwing things at Septa.

AX while climbing?

Male Human Cleric 4

Go slower and safer while things are landing on me and go normal speed while they are 'reloading'.

Orders are to climb the rope not react to anything else.

Lantern Lodge

What is your ac while climbing?

Male Human Cleric 4

No armor on so its Dex alone. 12
I am assuming the items are non lethal or at least blunt.

Another Climb roll in case you need it

Climb: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17

Lantern Lodge

1d20 - 4 ⇒ (8) - 4 = 4
1d20 - 4 ⇒ (4) - 4 = 0
1d20 - 4 ⇒ (1) - 4 = -3

Septa males it to the ship.

The máster of guns sends crewmembers in turns.

The three bullies plus there new ex slaver friend throw rotten food, empty bottles and buckets of bilge water at each. Cursewell is mocked off the rope and must try again.

Before it is her turn though, the throwers must take thief turn. Do you throw at them?
Do you recruit anyone to help? The bullies are each ac 10. Standard deplomacy roll to recruit people to throw.

Lantern Lodge

Garbage is an improvised weapon. -4 to hit

Male Human Cleric 4

I think they know they are poor throwers (and probably poor climbers), but will throw once haphazard and attempt to clear the deck of items all during the rest of available time.

1d20 + 3 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 3 - 4 = 4

Septa will encourage Cursewell and continue to clear the deck of available ammo before and during her second try.

Lantern Lodge

There are too much garbage to get rid all of it.

Septa and aretta both make it aboard without getting hit.

Krine orders you two atop the gumwhales and gives both of you a canvas sack filled with rotten cabbages.

Let's see who is the best.

Aretta initiative. 1d20 ⇒ 5

Male Human Cleric 4

Initiative 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Lantern Lodge

Aretta moves forward.
climb dc10: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (17) + 0 = 17

And attacks
attack vs Septa flatfooted: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Sms misses

Aterrado flagelo flores os 10

Male Human Cleric 4

Septa throws a cabbage back Aretta.

Throw: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 Minus range

Lantern Lodge

Climb check for Septa,DC10: 1d20 ⇒ 17

Aretta tries to remain on the gunwhal...
1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14
...succeeds. and tries to hit Septa with a bag of rotten cabbages.

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

Lantern Lodge

make a DC10 climb check for Arretta hitting you with the bag of cabbages

make your attack vs Arretta, AC10

Male Human Cleric 4

Hold on: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Throw cabbage at Arretta: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Lantern Lodge

Arretta dodges the cabbage, tries to hit Septa with a thrown cabbage...
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14AC?
...then skids back and forth, trying to keep her balance...
1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8

Lantern Lodge

Arretta slips and falls into the water!!!!

if 14 hits Septa's AC, you need to make a DC climb check, else Septa won!

Male Human Cleric 4

Armor Class 12 due to dex, no armor (Its in the Forecastle)

Climb to hold on: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Lantern Lodge

Rolld d20 to see who hist the water first
Arretta's roll: 1d20 ⇒ 1

Lantern Lodge

with arretta rolling a one, anything but a one and you will win

Male Human Cleric 4

For the win: 1d20 ⇒ 10

Lantern Lodge

shortened version of previously lost message

Trine announces that Septa is the winner and will be her new Boarding Master. The crew help Septa climb up to the deck and Trine gives Master Septa a bandoleer & a masterwork cutlass, the symbols of rank on board the Wormwood. Septa is now the Boarding Master,
what would be termed a NCO or Midshipman in our world ,
aboard the Wormwood, on par with Master Scourge, but still below all of the Officers, such as Mr. Pugg. Master Scourge is the only other Master on the Wormwood.

Trine explains that Master Septa will still have to do his daily duties as a swab, but that Trine will have Master Septa work for her on some days. As Boarding Master, Master Septa will lead any boarding actions or shore parties, but Trine will pick who is in the party and will issue weapons from the weapons locker on the deck. Trine shows Master Septa where the locker is, but she will retain the only key.

Trine finishes by explaining that there will likely be boardings soon, for the Wormwood is entering Rahadoum waters where there should be many heavily laden merchant ships.

Trine finishes by emphasizing that Master Septa better be successful with any boarding action or the Captain will keelhaul Septa for so long "'ll have to offer cetacean r&m j*bs for a chance to catch a whale fart for something to breath."

Trine departs, the ship heaves to near a reef as usual, food is brought up in buckets, grog is distributed (and discarded), and Master Septa is offered congratulations from most of the crew. On the far side of the deck, Master Scourge scowls at Septa.

800XP for being promoted to Master

The bandoleer is worn over one shoulder and runs diagonally across the chest and back. It has small loops or pouches for holding eight objects the size of a flask or small dagger. Your bandoleer current contains seven empty pouches and a holster for a flintlock pistol 9but no pistol). You can use the "retrieve a stored item" action (which may be made as part of a move action)to take an item from a bandoleer. You may personalize your bandoleer as you wish.

The masterwork cutlass is a short, curved sword with a single sharp edge. Pirates favor cutlasses because the blade is sharp enough to cut through rigging (and enemy sailors) but is short enough to use in crowded shipboard melees. The weapon stats: finessable 1-handed Martial weapon for a medium creature, 1d6 damage, slashing, 18-20/x2 crit,5 pounds. It also has an oversized, robust bell guard that can be used for hand attacks. In this roll it serves as a finessable Light Simple weapon for a medium creature, 1d4, bludgeoning, 19-20/x2. As a Light weapon, the bell guard can be used in grapples without penalties, while attacks using the blade take the normal penalties. Finally the blade has a thicker portion which is not sharpened on the back side, allowing the blade to be safely carried in ones mouth. While carrying a cutlass in one's mouth, there are no penalties for tasks requiring two hands, such as climbing or acrobatics. It is a free action to switch a rapier from Mouth to Hand, or Hand to Mouth.

Now is a good time for questions for the GM, investigations and sneaking around at night, buying things from the quarter master, diplomacy rolls with the crew, Knowledge rolls about various topics, etc. You will have two days til the next action and Trine will have stuff for you to do both days (sharpening and cleaning ship's weaponry). I do not have the AP book with me at work, so I will not proceed beyond that, but feel free to do as much as you wish up to that point.

Lantern Lodge

[ooc} Cutlass: also, due to the bell guard it grant +2 to CMD vs disarm attempts against the wielder [/ooc]

Lantern Lodge

ignore comments about using bellguard in grapple; both blade and bellguard may be used in grapple

note -4 to grapple check if both hands are not free; having cutlass in mouth and nothing in hands qualifies for the "both hands free" condition

Male Human Cleric 4

Septa is totally surprised that he promoted like that. He pretends to not have seen the scowl and continues on like 'normal'.

Septa will use that evening to clean, fill and adjust his bandolier and figure out how to carry his Cutlass of rank and his rapier. He ends up with something similar to the samurai long and short sword arrangement.

I have updated my profile online regarding what I put in the bandolier

Talking to members of the close party. "Someones going to have to give me lessons on this item, I've never used one before."

Also "Can someone help me convince Ratline to become part of our group? Does anyone know him well enough to help?" Looking for a +2 assist

Day 15
Septa will not use his new rank to help attract Ratline, just use his normal patter assisted by whoever can help me, first thing in the morning.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 8 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 27 adding +2 for assist

In the evening Septa will attempt to talk Barefoot and convince him to become friends, its a all or nothing try at this point.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 8 + 1 + 2 = 23

Day 16

Septa will approach 'Badger' with his 'normal' patter, giving respect to the older woman.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 8 + 1 + 2 = 13

Pop out after dinner to talk to 'Fishguts' and attempt to move him to helpful. "What you do with some of the food is terrific, you need a better facility to really make better items don't you. I'll be sure to grab good things for you as I can during boarding when I go thru the galley."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 8 + 1 + 2 = 22

Lantern Lodge

Jack Scrimshaw attempts to show Master Septa how to handle the cutlass, Master Septa seems to intuitively understand how to conduct a bell guard strike but has made no progress with learning how to use the blade. "Ya' need a bit more of a fighter in ya if Ye goin' to learn to use the edge."

need martial weapon proficiency for blade, or you can use it with -4 non proficiency

Master Septa spends the 15th and 16th day onboard, cleaning and sharpening th in e weapons in the weapons locker. Sep

ta sees that the locker is neetly stowed, with everything in a rack or chest. It contains 20 clubs, 12 heavy crossbows, 20 cutlasses, 50 javelins, 12 shortspears, 20 grappling hooks each with 50' of rope, two chests each with 500 crossbow bolts, three chests each with 12 alchemist fire, a chest with four breast plates, one chest with four chain shirts, one chest with four bucklers, and one chest with 12 flintlock pistols, 12 powder horns, and 240 pistol shot. The locker is protected with a lock and a harpoon trap.

Riaris Krine is below on the gun deck, shifting the cannons into positions for use.

Lantern Lodge

At Master Septas request, Sandara goes with him to talk with the other crew.

Ratline, an ugly male halfling rigger missing three fingers, reacts very positively "I'm glad you, rather than Mr Puffs men, approached me first"

ratline from indiferent to friendly

Barefoot too is easily convinced. "Sides are bein' taken. That they are."

[ooc] barefoot from indifferent to friendly [ooc]

Lantern Lodge

Badger responds "A simpleton like tu'? Why do you rink dey gib you dat? Last tree man who held that sword died within three days of gettin it. Two on the decks of ships dry boarding. One who lived try Dan bordin but was beet to death cause the calm didn't like the ship held only balast. Sad a cursed sword an you a doomed man."

badger remains indifferent

When Septa heads to talk to Fishguts he finds him busy talking to Master Scourge and six others.

fishguts to indifferent

Lantern Lodge

Any shopping at quarter masters store?

Male Human Cleric 4

I have no money to spend.

Septa will make plans to talk to rat line and barefoot tomorrow.

Septa is peeved about Fishguts

Ready to move on.

Lantern Lodge

On the Morning of Day 17, Septa awakens and hits the deck to find Captain Harrigan standing on the poop deck, staring at the assembling crew, Mr Pugg by his side.

"Ship's creak. Sails luft. Crews whisper. It's as natural as anything in the world. One can try to fight against it, but it does no more good than shouting at an ill wind. Crews whisper. They have before Aroden suckled at his mama's tit, and they will be whispering when Groetus comes to snack upon the souls o' the godless. It's a fact of life."

"An experienced Captain, and I am more experienced than most, knows a few tricks to read these whispers and to interpret their oracle. You will whisper, it is your nature, and I listen to those whispers and I know what they mean.. I know more than even you."

There is a VERY long pause as the Captain looks into the eyes of each crew member.

"Every crew knows the punishment for mutiny. And the punishment for even speaking of mutiny. But an experienced Captain knows to cut out not just mutiny spoken of, but the mutinous whispers that never actually use the word."

He pauses again, then stares at Master Septa.

"There have been whispers! An I stand before you to say, Mr Pugg is my man. Go ahead, whisper. But do so knowing those would whispers against Mr Pugg, whispers against me." Raising his voice to a deep, threatening shout "There will be no helping the fool who is against me!!!!!!" still looking at Master Septa.

Bluff check for Captain Harrigan to send a threatening message to Master Septa: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (3) + 14 = 17

The other crewmembers turn towards Septa and are noticebly shaken by what the Captain had said.

see discusion for notes

The Captain turns and says something to Mr Pugg

DC17 Perception

Mr Pugg leans over the rail and shouts to Master Scourge "Assign the crew to their tasks!"

Master Scourge turns and, ignoring others standing closer, shouts "Master Septa, man the bilge!"

Septa is assigned to the bail and clean the bilge. Septa needs to make a DC12 strength check to complete the task to Master Scourge's satisfaction. Because of the heat and lack of ventilation in the bilge, Septa needs to make a DC10 constitution check to avoid being fatigued.

Septa has the option:
Work diligently: +4 on the strength check
Influence: try to influence someone, when you encounter them during his duties
Sneak: work on your duties, but when the oppotunity presents itself, sneak off to another area of the ship; explore or steal while there
Shop: work minimally at your duties, then skip off to the Quatermasters shop
Shirk: take -2 on the Strength check, but automatically make teh constitution check.

Male Human Cleric 4

Perception Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Septa smiles when assigned the task.

"Thank ee Master Scourge." Under his breath, "I get it again, thank Besmara." But loud enough for Scourge to hear if he wants

Lantern Lodge

Captain Harrigan said to Mr Pugg "I never believed that Master Septa was mutinous, but when the weapons went missing...right after he took over as Boarding Master...I couldn't ignore that. Perhaps we are both worng, but thank you Mr Pugg for bringing this to my attention."

Lantern Lodge

work option and rolls for duties in the bilge, please

Male Human Cleric 4

Since I am working alone I will have to work diligently.

Bilge Strength roll (DC12) 1d20 - 1 + 4 ⇒ (12) - 1 + 4 = 15

CON Check (DC10) 1d20 ⇒ 18

Lantern Lodge

Septa works diligently at his duties in the bilge, and the day passes quickly. Despite his best effort Master Scourge can find no fault in the condition of the bilge at the end of the day. Septa does find that his footlocker has been broken into and searched, but nothing was taken. Cog informs Septa that he saw the Captain and serveral officers down here.

Up on deck, unlike the weather from the previous two weeks, which was first stormy near the Shackles, then unbearably hot, the Wormwood is now further North and the weather is now temperate, cool and pleasant.

The Wormwood, as usual, is at anchor as the sun sets, but for the first time Septa sees a coastline to the South, rather than small islands or reefs, about two miles away.

Knowledge(local) DC20, Knowledge(geography) DC15 or Survival DC15 to identify your current location

Sandara tells Master Septa that Scourge was making a active effort to keep everyone away from the bilge and Septa.

Also, she mentions there was a lot of work on the gun deck today. The four cannons have been mounted in carriages, all on the starboard side. The entire crew was then ordered by the sailing master, Peppering Longfarthing, to redistribute ballast to the port side to balance the weight of the cannon. Master Gunner Krine, Gunner's Mate Kipper, Boatswain's Mate Patchsalt and Swab Fipps Chumlet will serve as the gun crew. Krine seems to be the only one who knows anything about gunpowder weapons; she does all of the loading and aiming, the others merely fire at her direction. Cabin Girl Caulky and Cook's Mate Cursewell have been ordered to serve as powder monkeys, fetching gunpowder from officer quarters, where the powder has been stored, to the gun deck. The guns are new to everyone and they are quite the topic of conversation tonight.

There is a "bloody hour". Fipps Chumlet recieves a single lash for standing behind a gun carriage, rather than to one side as he was instructed. Cursewell recieves three lashes for bringing a lit lamp onto the gun deck (AND while she was carrying powder).

Fipps Chumlet lash damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Cursewell lash damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Cursewell lash damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Cursewell lash damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3

Fipps hobbles off, while Cursewell collapses, unconcious.

With Curswell down, Fishguts serves buckets of fish and salt beef stew.

After bloody hour, Septa has a choice what to do.
Sleep: go to bed early to recover from fatigue or damage
Gamble:play a game of chance in effort to earn money
Entertain: attempt perform check to entertain the crew and build good will with them
Influence: try to make friends with a single NPC
Sneak: sneak into an area of the ship
Steal: attempt to open a locked door or locker and steal something
as always Septa may only do one of these actions

Septa can also use Diplomacy to try and convince NPCs to take actions on his behalf. It is a free action to asks a NPC to take an action

Lantern Lodge

Sanadara looks to Septa, to insure that he wants the group to dump their grog, yet again, providing cover for each other to hide the action.

Male Human Cleric 4

Healing Cursewell with Surge (leaving out Fipps): 2d6 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7

And later with a Cure Light Wounds 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Septa is untrained but will roll Survival to check location: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Hearing Sandra's concerns; Septa does a perception check to see if anyone is paying extra special attention tonight. "With the extra attention being paid to me I would thank anyone would try to get the goods on me.
Looking around: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

One way or another Septa will whisper "Dump it for you when you and everyone when have a chance, you will have it soon."

Septa stands with his mug in his hands, walks to the center of the floor.
Spills just a little down the side of the mug to show its full and quaffs it slowly, spilling a bit down his cheeks, giving time for everyone else to dump their rum. Then tips his cup upside down to show its empty.

Septa walks back, than says quietly but enough for those that really listen hard. "Remember the goods are in the Bosuns and Puggs quarters, hidden real good." And blinks the eye that no one but Sandra can see.
Bluff (for those listening): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Then real quietly, "Help me with Ratline please, before I get totally sodden."
Diplomacy for Sandra to help me : 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Convince Ratline to move to our group, showing the healing I did earlier and the randomness of the officers. "We are not mutinying, just protecting each other, you trust Jape to watch your back?"

Convince Ratline: 1d20 + 9 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 9 + 2 + 2 = 28
9 is normal skill bonus, +2 for Cultural Adaptation and 2 for Sandras assist

Lantern Lodge

Looking at the coast, Septa thinks it could be the coast of Rahadoum.

"Thank you, you're a kind b7%$@%$d Mistuh' Septa!" says Rosie Cursewell as she is healed and awaken by the healing. She joins your little group at the rear portside of the deck.

No one is paying special attention, and the grog dumping goes without incident.

FORT DC5 for effects of rum

Lantern Lodge

Ratline, looks over at Jaundiced Jape, then says "No, I don't trust him a bit. I don't intend to cross the Captain but count me a friend.

Ratline from Indifferent to Friendly

Male Human Cleric 4

Fortitude save for Rum: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

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