GM Jiggy's The Order of the Griffon (5e) (Inactive)

Game Master Jiggy

Current location: Koriszegy Keep
The Final Day
Theme music: Battle Against a True Hero

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LG Dwarf Fighter 7 | AC 22 | HP 35/87 | Perc +1 | S+8/D+1/Co+7/I+1/W+1/C+0 Insp: [Y], 2Wind[Y] Surge[N] Superiority Die[3/5] Hit Die [3/7] Positive Conditions: | Negative Conditions:


Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

Dot - need to fix the formating of the profile - will do in 24 hrs

Male Human Cleric of Njord 7 | AC22 | HP 24/52 | Perc. +8 | Insight +8 | S+3/D+1/Cn+5/I+1/W+8/Ch+1 | Spells: 1st (0/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (1/3), 4th (0/1) | Wrath 4/5 | HD 7/7 | Divinity 0/2 | Insp: [0] |

Present and accounted for.

You had hoped that the state room of Lord Korrigan would offer respite from the blazing afternoon sun, but today's heat seems to seep into every building in Radlebb Keep, sparing not even the mayor. On the other hand, if personal comfort were your primary concern, you wouldn't have answered the call for volunteers to deal with rumors of monsters.

Lord Korrigan has spent the last few minutes explaining that there have been rumors among the citizenry of monsters in the woods, evil necromancers wandering the lands, and so forth. Wiping his brow with a handkerchief, Korrigan continues:

"Now, granted, there have lately been some sightings of the walking dead in the wilderness, but that's not entirely unheard of, and certainly isn't any kind of ill portent in itself. The problem is, fear is getting a hold of the people, and sightings of the occasional skeleton are spawning rumors of abominations in the woods and monsters spewing forth from this or that old ruin."

Lord Korrigan rolls his eyes, then says, "This is all nonsense of course, but the citizenry has gotten so panicky that there's been increased criminal activity, and people don't feel safe. It seems every other day there's another break-in or arrest."

Reaching under his desk, Korrigan produces a small wooden box, and opens it to reveal several rows of tightly-packed gold pieces. "I will pay you well to rid me of this problem. This is your first payment: five hundred gold. Your job is to dispel the rumors, so first talk to the citizens to get an idea of exactly what you'll need to investigate in order to put the people's minds at ease. Then go and find some proof that there's nothing to fear, and at that time I will pay the balance of your contract."

Lord Korrigan leans back in his chair, fanning himself with some papers. "Any questions?"

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

Halsere mopped at his face as well, using the cuff of his shirt.

So, Lord mayor, the first order is business is for us to find out the source of rumours and what the people are afraid of, then reassure the people and persuade them that all is well? Strangely enough, this is something I think suits my skillset rather well. Will we have a small fund to draw on in advance? To buy a few rounds at the local waterholes? Ten or Twenty gold coins would suffice I think.

Persaude: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

LG Dwarf Fighter 7 | AC 22 | HP 35/87 | Perc +1 | S+8/D+1/Co+7/I+1/W+1/C+0 Insp: [Y], 2Wind[Y] Surge[N] Superiority Die[3/5] Hit Die [3/7] Positive Conditions: | Negative Conditions:

A blocky dwarf with copper-red hair stands up from where she was sitting, her hair is braided into a long ponytail reaching well past her waist. By no means would she be considered pretty but she is definitely brawn.

"I'm Thyra Fireforge, it be a pleasure to meet ya,"

She bows before the lord mayor and her fellow adventures

"Lord Mayor, it'rr be our pleasure to help save this city. The people's safety should be our first concern."

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

Remiss of me to introduce myself Madam. It seems we'll be working with each other - Halsere of the Cloak. Professional investigator. He gives the dwarf a courtly nod.

And yes, it will be a pleasure to help Kelvin. Whatever I can do to help the Duchy will be an honor.

Male Human Cleric of Njord 7 | AC22 | HP 24/52 | Perc. +8 | Insight +8 | S+3/D+1/Cn+5/I+1/W+8/Ch+1 | Spells: 1st (0/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (1/3), 4th (0/1) | Wrath 4/5 | HD 7/7 | Divinity 0/2 | Insp: [0] |

Pietro drools a bit over the sight of the gold coins, knowing that his own coin purse lies fallow at the moment.

"I accept this challenge, Lord Mayor." Turning to Halsere, he remarks, "You seem more skilled with words than I. Lead the way, and I'll lend my skills in return when we find need of them."

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

Well said but I still trust that you will be of assistance - I'm sure we will work well together, besides it takes all sorts to investigate among the common people.

If anybody has questions for Lord Korrigan before you get moving, feel free to ask. Otherwise, where would you like to start? Radlebb Keep has a tavern, a temple, an armory/smithy, an Order of the Griffon chapter house, and a magic shop. Additionally, you could canvas the residences, just going down the street knocking on doors.

LG Dwarf Fighter 7 | AC 22 | HP 35/87 | Perc +1 | S+8/D+1/Co+7/I+1/W+1/C+0 Insp: [Y], 2Wind[Y] Surge[N] Superiority Die[3/5] Hit Die [3/7] Positive Conditions: | Negative Conditions:

"Lord Mayor, the attacks, they in a certain part of town? Do you know who the victims are?"

She draws out her holy symbol of Torm and kisses it, "By Torm we must protect the people first, Let's talk to tha victims, surely they can tell us who attacked them."

"Not usually what I'd call 'attacks'," answers Lord Korrigan, "But there's been an uptick in back-alley muggings and the like, and even some night-time looting of local businesses. In fact, there's a little dry goods shop down the street that reported an overnight breaking-and-entering incident just this morning."

LG Dwarf Fighter 7 | AC 22 | HP 35/87 | Perc +1 | S+8/D+1/Co+7/I+1/W+1/C+0 Insp: [Y], 2Wind[Y] Surge[N] Superiority Die[3/5] Hit Die [3/7] Positive Conditions: | Negative Conditions:

Thyra paces around the room after receiving this information,

"Good of place as any to start. Let's make sure the shop owner is safe and look fer some clues."

Turning to the rest of the group to ask them their thoughts on this,

"We could start there and then ask the townsfolk around if they saw anything suspicious? How's that sound?"

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Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

Perfect - I didn't really consider an underworld issue, I just thought it would be more petty crime but I think there may be something more serious and pervasive here on a second look. Lets start with the shop and then ask the other merchants, then the townsfolk.

You approach the shop that Lord Korrigan indicated. There are planks nailed in place over broken windows, and a crude sign on the door reads "CLOSED". However, you can hear people moving around inside.

Knock politely? Call to the occupants? Spy through the windows? Break down the door? Something else?

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

Hello in there! I know you are closed but we are hoping to ask you a few questions... maybe even help with the clean up?, Halsere knocks on the boards.

Male Human Cleric of Njord 7 | AC22 | HP 24/52 | Perc. +8 | Insight +8 | S+3/D+1/Cn+5/I+1/W+8/Ch+1 | Spells: 1st (0/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (1/3), 4th (0/1) | Wrath 4/5 | HD 7/7 | Divinity 0/2 | Insp: [0] |

"We're here on behalf of Lord Korrigan, and we're here to help!"

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

Oh no, Halsere groans inwardly. 'We're from the Government, and we're here to help' - either its gonna scare them or boost their expectations sky high... still honesty may help. He's got a straight manner of talking that may win some hearts and minds, he thinks.

LG Dwarf Fighter 7 | AC 22 | HP 35/87 | Perc +1 | S+8/D+1/Co+7/I+1/W+1/C+0 Insp: [Y], 2Wind[Y] Surge[N] Superiority Die[3/5] Hit Die [3/7] Positive Conditions: | Negative Conditions:

"Please, there's nothin' ta fear, we are looking into the break-in,"

Thyra walks up to the storefront and tries to peer inside through the slats

perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

Honestly, we mean no harm - we just want to ask you a few questions

Here goes nothing..

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

You've nothing more to lose it seems

As you speak and knock, the noise of movement inside stops abruptly. Thyra peeks into the window, and sees the up-close face of an occupant who had the same idea, much to the surprise of both parties.

The door opens just a few inches, revealing a nervous-looking human man in his late thirties. He begins to speak, saying, "I'm sorry, but the store is cl—"

He stops mid-sentence, surveying the group of you curiously. You can almost hear the gears turning in his head: you're armed, but not making threats or wearing uniforms, so...

"Oh! You're the group Korrigan hired to... Come in, come in, quickly!"

He ushers you into the shop, then cranes his neck to see if anyone in the street was watching before shutting the door quickly.

In the room with you are what appear to be a human family: the man who let you in, a woman about the same age, and a teenage boy. They look like they were in the middle of cleaning; the boy is holding a broom, and there are a few old crates full of broken pieces of junk. Broken shelves hang off of the walls, and even the wooden countertop seems damaged.

All eyes turn to your group, widening as they regard you. The woman speaks up:

"You're the heroes that are going to help us, aren't you? You're going to fight the evil that's growing in this land?"

The entire family has a look of last-hope expectancy on their faces.

LG Dwarf Fighter 7 | AC 22 | HP 35/87 | Perc +1 | S+8/D+1/Co+7/I+1/W+1/C+0 Insp: [Y], 2Wind[Y] Surge[N] Superiority Die[3/5] Hit Die [3/7] Positive Conditions: | Negative Conditions:

Thyra bows before the family and introduces herself

"Thyra Foreforge at yer service. Aye, we were hired by the Lord Mayor to look into tha problems plaguing ya town,"

Looking around at the family and the disheveled state of the store

"What can ya tell us about what happened here?"

Female Ranger/Summoner 4 - HP: 44/44 | AC 20/21 | T 15 | FF 16 | F: +8 | R: +10 | W: +7/9 | CMD 18 | Init +4(+2 deed)/(+2 FT) | Percep +8/10 | 20ft
Pn: 3/3; SNA: 6/6

Still holding the crumpled parchment from the post, Spidre stood in the Mayor's office, by all sights oblivious to the heat. His labored breathing, whether from the heat or some sense of anticipation, was made all the more audible as it fell against his wooden mask. He listened to the others discuss, conversations of where to start and what mattered most, but he himself had no words. As the party headed off, eager to claim a prince's ransom, Spidre followed silently.


At the dry goods shop, Spidre waited for the others to gain entrance. He stood squarely in front of the door with his arms to his sides. When the door opened and the man let the group in, he strode calmly inside, slowly surveying the situation. He stood awkwardly in the middle of the shop while the others talked around him.

The man gives a resigned shrug. "Thieves in the night," he says. "Getting to be more and more common these days. It's not bad enough that there are monsters roaming the wilds and the wolves are back, but now it's not even safe within the walls. Robbers run free, and anyone who tries to question the town guard about it ends up as the ones getting arrested!"

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

This is very interesting - The guards seem to be doing the arresting of those who complain right? Who was arrested and when?

The wife speaks up:

"Nobody we know personally, thank heavens," she says, "But there are customers who don't come in anymore and someone mentions they were arrested, that kind of thing. Me and some other ladies, we decided to bring some muffins to the jail to try and lift their spirits, but the town guard wouldn't let us, and threatened to arrest us too."

Looking a bit shaken, she rubs her eyes, then continues, "Sometimes... Sometimes you hear about someone going to the guardhouse to ask about something, but never coming back, and then there's a bulletin saying they were caught robbing someone and got arrested, but nobody gets to go see... It... It makes you wonder..."

She bites her lip, and her son puts a comforting arm around her.

Suddenly, the husband perks up. "Wait a second, you lot were hired by Korrigan himself, right? That'd sure make it hard for them to pull something with you; maybe you should pay a visit to the guardhouse?"

LG Dwarf Fighter 7 | AC 22 | HP 35/87 | Perc +1 | S+8/D+1/Co+7/I+1/W+1/C+0 Insp: [Y], 2Wind[Y] Surge[N] Superiority Die[3/5] Hit Die [3/7] Positive Conditions: | Negative Conditions:

Thyra paces back and forth, almost bumping in Spidre standing in the middle of the room.

"This is troublin' to hear. Tha guards should protect the people not frighten them. It may be worth investigatin'."

Looking around the room at the devastation wrought "Can we look around? Might be a clue or two still?"

perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Male Human Cleric of Njord 7 | AC22 | HP 24/52 | Perc. +8 | Insight +8 | S+3/D+1/Cn+5/I+1/W+8/Ch+1 | Spells: 1st (0/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (1/3), 4th (0/1) | Wrath 4/5 | HD 7/7 | Divinity 0/2 | Insp: [0] |

Insight: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 Is she telling the truth?

"My thoughts exactly, m'lady. It sounds like Korrigan has lost control of his own men. Perhaps we should go set them straight."

Anyone who wants to look for "clues" (perhaps with some guidance on what kinds of things you're curious to find?) can try an Investigation check.

EDIT: Yes, you'd say these folks are being sincere.

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

Halsere makes a detailed sweep of the shop, looking for points in break in, disturbed items (what were the thieves targeting) and anything else he can get.

Investigation 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Anything in particular stolen? Goods or just coin and if it was just coin, where did you stash the lockbox for it?

@Pietro and Thyra:
The husband nods. "Aye, we used to be able to look to the town guard for protection and safety, but not anymore. It seems like something's changed, like their loyalty is no longer to the city. Between them, the thieves' guild, and the wolves and monsters; it seems the only people left to be trusted are the Order of the Griffon. If you get in over your head, I would definitely suggest visiting the Hall of the Griffon here in town."

A thorough investigation of the shop reveals that this family has indeed been spending the entire day cleaning, leaving little of interest to be found. The front windows were smashed, as is a small window in the door (most likely to allow someone to reach in and unlock it). The goods that were stolen seem mostly random, as does the list of things that were pointlessly smashed during the robbery.


INT (History) DC 10, regarding the Order of the Griffon:

This is an independent organization primarily composed of clerics and paladins, though their ranks include many other sorts of righteous folk as well. They don't get involved in politics, but have been known to intervene against blatant evil in dark times of the past. They have chapter houses both here in Radlebb Keep and in the distant city of Kelvin.

With nothing left to glean from this shop, you revert to your other plan of confronting the town guard. The family wishes you luck (and asks you not to mention their names), and a long walk later you've arrived at the guardhouse.

When you enter, you see four male humans, all wearing uniforms over suits of studded leather armor, and with matching shields and shortswords stowed on their backs and belts (except one, who has no armor/shield/sword, but has a wand and a dagger on his belt). They look up at you, and one of them stands and, with annoyance dripping from his voice, says, "May I help you?"

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Female Ranger/Summoner 4 - HP: 44/44 | AC 20/21 | T 15 | FF 16 | F: +8 | R: +10 | W: +7/9 | CMD 18 | Init +4(+2 deed)/(+2 FT) | Percep +8/10 | 20ft
Pn: 3/3; SNA: 6/6

History: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Spidre nods slowly at the mention of the Order, turning to survey the property. He picks up some broken trinkets with what could either be curiosity or distaste, then drops them back into their respective piles and boxes. He then exits and proceeds to the guardhouse without particular haste.


At the guardhouse, the conversation has already started. Spidre turns his mask towards the guard and back to Thyra, who by this point it seems obvious will have something sufficiently blunt to say. He then whirls to face the ground, an indignant grunt hardly muffled by the wooden mask giving no hints about his underlying thoughts.
"Monsters take many shapes..."

LG Dwarf Fighter 7 | AC 22 | HP 35/87 | Perc +1 | S+8/D+1/Co+7/I+1/W+1/C+0 Insp: [Y], 2Wind[Y] Surge[N] Superiority Die[3/5] Hit Die [3/7] Positive Conditions: | Negative Conditions:

During the walk over to the guard house, Thyra tries to ask her new companions their thoughts on this trouble matter with the guards. "What do you lot think about this business with tha guards? I don't like it, if there is corruption in their ranks surely we must stomp it out."


Arriving at the guard house, Thyra takes in the languid state of the guards and frowns.

"Yer better be able ta help us. We're hired by the Lord Mayor to investigate the recent crimes in town." Striding up the guard that stood up, stopping a few feet away to get a better look at the man "Some of the folks are saying you guards are arresting people on made up charges!"

Insight to determine if he is particularly hostile: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

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The rest of the guards stand up abruptly, and the one doing the speaking bristles.

"How dare y-" he begins, then stops, surveying the group. Looking like something just dawned on him, he says, "Ah, you must be the braaave heroes here to get rid of 'monsters'."

He chuckles a bit, then draws his sword and points it at you as casually as a professor might point at a chalkboard. "Maybe you are the monsters. Maybe you're here to sow trouble, and destroy Radlebb Keep. Maybe we're about to save Radlebb Keep and Lord Korrigan from the charlatans he just hired."

The others draw their weapons and shields!

Halsere: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Pietro: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Spidre: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Thyra: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Guards: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

4d4 ⇒ (3, 4, 4, 2) = 13

One of the guards tries to stab Spidre!
Shortsword: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5, Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
He's thrown off by the masked elf's impassive calm, and misses badly!

The other two sword-wielders both come after Thyra!
Shortsword: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4, Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Shortsword: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22, Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
One sloppy blow is easily dodged, but the other sinks in deep between plates of her armor!

The last guard, standing behind the table at which they had all been sitting, points his hand and sends a bolt of fire across the room toward Pietro!
Fire Bolt: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6, Fire Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 4
The spell whizzes right past Pietro's head, impacting on the wall with a harmless puff of smoke!

Party up! Don't worry too much about your exact initiative order; consider yourselves "grouped". And if you're curious, these guards do NOT appear to be looking to merely apprehend you.

Male Human Cleric of Njord 7 | AC22 | HP 24/52 | Perc. +8 | Insight +8 | S+3/D+1/Cn+5/I+1/W+8/Ch+1 | Spells: 1st (0/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (1/3), 4th (0/1) | Wrath 4/5 | HD 7/7 | Divinity 0/2 | Insp: [0] |

Pietro draws his maul and lunges at the nearest guard.

Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 6) + 3 = 12
Crit: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10 22 Total

Female Ranger/Summoner 4 - HP: 44/44 | AC 20/21 | T 15 | FF 16 | F: +8 | R: +10 | W: +7/9 | CMD 18 | Init +4(+2 deed)/(+2 FT) | Percep +8/10 | 20ft
Pn: 3/3; SNA: 6/6

Spidre's unfeeling mask glared back at the guard who dared to take such a poorly aimed stab. He looked the guard up and down before a blade suddenly whistled through the air before him.
Short sword: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8, Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
But apparently the flourish was meant more as a counter-threat than a legitimate assault. Spidre's other hand was already resting on the hilt of another weapon as he began to circle his opponent.

LG Dwarf Fighter 7 | AC 22 | HP 35/87 | Perc +1 | S+8/D+1/Co+7/I+1/W+1/C+0 Insp: [Y], 2Wind[Y] Surge[N] Superiority Die[3/5] Hit Die [3/7] Positive Conditions: | Negative Conditions:

"Spidre, If ya can, stand beside me, I'll be able to cover ya with me shield!"

Thyra will draw her Battleaxe and make an attack against the guard that stabbed her.

Battleaxe:: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25, damage:: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

"Stand down, guards, what ya are doin' is against the law"

If Spidre does choose to stand next to, or any of my allies for that matter, I can use my reaction to interpose my shield between my ally and the attacker to cause the attacker to have disadvantage versus that attack

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Thyra, don't forget to update your HP in that stat line.

Pietro sends a guard skidding across the floor, dead! Spidre swings and misses, while Thyra makes a strong retaliation against the guard who stabbed her!

Halsere's up, then it's back to the guards.

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

Halsere cast sleep on the enemy wizard. He isn't terribly interested in getting the guards in the radius

Sleep 5d8 ⇒ (5, 3, 4, 6, 1) = 19 HPs of creatures sleeping

1st-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet
Components: V, S, M (a pinch o f fine sand, rose petals,
or a cricket)
Duration: 1 minute
This spell sends creatures into a magical slumber. Roll 5d8; the total is how many hit points o f creatures this spell can affect. Creatures within 20 feet of a point you choose within range are affected in ascending order of their current hit points (ignoring unconscious creatures).
Starting with the creature that has the lowest current hit points, each creature affected by this spell falls unconscious until the spell ends, the sleeper takes damage, or someone uses an action to shake or slap the sleeper awake. Subtract each creature’s hit points from the total before moving on to the creature with the next lowest hit points. A creature’s hit points must be equal to or less than the remaining total for that creature to be affected.

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

Hopefully I'll get the wizard and one of the guards

Thyra's injured opponent and the spellcaster both collapse into a magical slumber!

The remaining guard reaches over and kicks his sleeping comrade, who wakes, stands and (with a sort of embarrassed look on his face) goes back to trying to stab Thyra!

Shortsword: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10, Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
But he's still groggy, and misses!

Party up!

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

Yay! Wizard is still down :)

Firebolt on the injured man as he stands 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 for 1d10 ⇒ 5.

Joy :(

LG Dwarf Fighter 7 | AC 22 | HP 35/87 | Perc +1 | S+8/D+1/Co+7/I+1/W+1/C+0 Insp: [Y], 2Wind[Y] Surge[N] Superiority Die[3/5] Hit Die [3/7] Positive Conditions: | Negative Conditions:

Thyra braces herself and readies an attack should they attack her or one of her allies that is close enough for her to reach.

readied attack battleaxe: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24 damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

"Stand down, Guards! Before further bloodshed"

Female Ranger/Summoner 4 - HP: 44/44 | AC 20/21 | T 15 | FF 16 | F: +8 | R: +10 | W: +7/9 | CMD 18 | Init +4(+2 deed)/(+2 FT) | Percep +8/10 | 20ft
Pn: 3/3; SNA: 6/6

Spidre draws his second blade and whirls the two through the air at his careless opponent.
Shortsword TWF: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21, Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Shortsword TWF: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9, Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Male Human Cleric of Njord 7 | AC22 | HP 24/52 | Perc. +8 | Insight +8 | S+3/D+1/Cn+5/I+1/W+8/Ch+1 | Spells: 1st (0/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (1/3), 4th (0/1) | Wrath 4/5 | HD 7/7 | Divinity 0/2 | Insp: [0] |

Pietro eyes the crushed body of the guard he struck down. "Witness what aggression pays. Stay your blades, and you may yet lead a quiet life in the Lord's dungeon. Otherwise, I'll spare no pity for pirates."

Readied maul: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Readied damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (2, 1) + 3 = 6
Crit damage: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6

Halsere launches a spell, but misses!

Spidre wounds his opponent, while Thyra and Pietro offer a chance for a ceasefire!

The two guards (not counting the sleeping mage in the back) look desperate, and one of them yells, "Cap, get in here! Hurry!"

Both of them then try to take another swing and are each pulverized by reactive strikes from Thyra and Pietro!

A door in the back of the room opens, and out steps a confused- and alarmed-looking Captain, flanked by... a pair of goblins?! The captain notices the sleeping mage and shakes him awake, while the two goblins draw and throw daggers with an eager bloodlust in their eyes!

2d4 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6 Targets are Pietro and Thyra.

Dagger vs Pietro: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10, Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Dagger vs Thyra: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19, Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

The dagger aimed at Pietro clatters against the wall, but the other goes deep into Thyra's gut, and she collapses!

Party up! The original three melee guards are all down, the caster has been awakened (but it's past his turn so he's still on the ground behind the table) and he's joined by the captain of the guard and two goblins.

LG Dwarf Fighter 7 | AC 22 | HP 35/87 | Perc +1 | S+8/D+1/Co+7/I+1/W+1/C+0 Insp: [Y], 2Wind[Y] Surge[N] Superiority Die[3/5] Hit Die [3/7] Positive Conditions: | Negative Conditions:

Thyra gurgles as the knife punches through her armor with a squishy thunk.


death saving throw: 1d20 ⇒ 2

oof, that makes my first failed death save

Male Human Cleric of Njord 7 | AC22 | HP 24/52 | Perc. +8 | Insight +8 | S+3/D+1/Cn+5/I+1/W+8/Ch+1 | Spells: 1st (0/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (1/3), 4th (0/1) | Wrath 4/5 | HD 7/7 | Divinity 0/2 | Insp: [0] |

Pietro rushes the goblin that targeted him.

Maul: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 1) + 3 = 5

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

Halsere incinerates the mage as he awakens
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 for 1d10 ⇒ 6

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Discussion thread created.

Day 1 weather:
3d10 ⇒ (5, 4, 1) = 10

Once you've made your profile, copy/paste the following in to the classes/levels line of said profile:

Class 1 | AC XX | HP XX/XX | Perc +X | S+X/D+X/C+X/I+X/W+X/C+X | Spells: 1st (2/2) | HD 1/1 | Insp: [ ]

Fill in the appropriate information in that line. Obviously, if you don't have spells, remove that part. Once you start gaining limited-use abilities like Channel Divinity or (if you become a Battle Master) Superiority Dice, I'll want that in there too.

Once you've got that in place, feel free to go ahead and dot the Gameplay thread.


Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

Is this Golarion or Mystara or Genericland?

I think it might technically be Mystara, but I know nothing of that setting, so it's gonna be a bit more like Genericland. If this conversion goes well, though, I might find places to enrich the setting-immersion for future groups, so in a sense you could all think of yourselves as pioneers. ;D

Male Human Cleric of Njord 7 | AC22 | HP 24/52 | Perc. +8 | Insight +8 | S+3/D+1/Cn+5/I+1/W+8/Ch+1 | Spells: 1st (0/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (1/3), 4th (0/1) | Wrath 4/5 | HD 7/7 | Divinity 0/2 | Insp: [0] |

Reporting for duty.

Remember to copy/paste, please-and-thank-you.

Here's a bit of relevant geographical knowledge that all your PCs would have:

The adventure begins in Radlebb Keep, a medium-sized walled city. To the north is a large and dense forest, and to the west is a mountain range that runs roughly north-south. A road extends southward from Radlebb Keep, then loops down under the southern tip of said mountains before coming back up northeast toward the ruins of Koriszegy Crypt, which lies between the mountains and the western coast.

At the point where this road passes the southern tip of the mountains, another road branches off to go further south, then turns east and (roughly) follows the southern coast to eventually reach Specularum, a substantially larger walled city, which is situated near the mouth of a large river. Were you to cut through the wilderness rather than taking the road, Specularum would be roughly east-southeast from Radlebb Keep (a substantially shorter but more dangerous journey than taking the road).

If you were to follow the river inland from Specularum, you would head mostly north (and slightly east) and pass through a less-dense area of forest. Eventually, a large bridge offers a crossing over the river, giving access to another city on the eastern side of the river. This city is called Kelvin, is walled like the others, and is of a size somewhere between that of Radlebb Keep and Specularum.

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

Ahh - it IS Mystara. Love the setting!

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Alright, let's talk about Inspiration.

I discussed this idea a little in the Recruitment thread, but here it is again:

Rather than try to keep track of all of your traits/ideals/bonds/flaws so that I can award Inspiration by the normal method (which I find cumbersome as a GM), I'm going to tie inspiration to good posting habits.

If you scroll up, you'll see some information regarding your current location, the weather, and so forth. Among that is your name, followed by something that's supposed to be an empty "meter". Each day that you post in Gameplay, you'll get a point toward filling that meter. When it's full, you'll gain Inspiration and the meter will be emptied, ready to fill up again. Note that I won't restart the meter until I see that you've marked your Inspiration in your stat line under your name.

Thus, if you post consistently, you'll gain Inspiration every 12 days. (I might change this number if this proves to be too fast/slow in relation to the pace of gameplay.)

Now, that's the baseline. Particularly good roleplaying or otherwise awesome posts can gain bonus points, getting you Inspiration sooner. Also, awesomeness might be rewarded in other ways, such as restored Hit Dice or extra treasure.

Anyway, I think that's it for housekeeping. I should have the first real Gameplay post up soon(ish).

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

I love this idea... I'll steal it.

Edit: Spells are now at the bottom of the character profile

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

Amazing first mission! I love it. Fits my character very well. Investigation AND persuasion both! Lets hope the dice don't flub out on me like they did just now.

Female Ranger/Summoner 4 - HP: 44/44 | AC 20/21 | T 15 | FF 16 | F: +8 | R: +10 | W: +7/9 | CMD 18 | Init +4(+2 deed)/(+2 FT) | Percep +8/10 | 20ft
Pn: 3/3; SNA: 6/6

I just want to say I'm here, but sick today. Reading makes me feel... iffy. Catch up tomorrow.

-Posted with Wayfinder

LG Dwarf Fighter 7 | AC 22 | HP 35/87 | Perc +1 | S+8/D+1/Co+7/I+1/W+1/C+0 Insp: [Y], 2Wind[Y] Surge[N] Superiority Die[3/5] Hit Die [3/7] Positive Conditions: | Negative Conditions:

Both in character and out of character, I wasn't necessarily expecting the guards to attack us!

Sorry about that team, I hope you guys aren't irritated by my brash/blunt manner of play.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Ranger/Summoner 4 - HP: 44/44 | AC 20/21 | T 15 | FF 16 | F: +8 | R: +10 | W: +7/9 | CMD 18 | Init +4(+2 deed)/(+2 FT) | Percep +8/10 | 20ft
Pn: 3/3; SNA: 6/6

In-character, I was hoping that would happen. Out of character, some information might have been nice first. Not really your fault, though a bard you aren't.

As for Spidre, he'd better get it together if he ever wants his revenge. Can't even cut down a lowly guard? Pah!

-Posted with Wayfinder

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

This is something I was hoping would NOT happen. I was hoping to get more time before just waltzing into the guard post

We are outsiders and the guards will claim we attacked them. If we kill them all, we look like murderers.

The ONLY hope we have right now of not being screwed is to find people in jail who will colaborrate the story of corrupt guards

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance
GM Jiggy wrote:

@Pietro and Thyra:

The husband nods. "Aye, we used to be able to look to the town guard for protection and safety, but not anymore. It seems like something's changed, like their loyalty is no longer to the city. Between them, the thieves' guild, and the wolves and monsters; it seems the only people left to be trusted are the Order of the Griffon. If you get in over your head, I would definitely suggest visiting the Hall of the Griffon here in town."

We may need to call on the guys to bail us out of trouble :(

Male Human Cleric of Njord 7 | AC22 | HP 24/52 | Perc. +8 | Insight +8 | S+3/D+1/Cn+5/I+1/W+8/Ch+1 | Spells: 1st (0/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (1/3), 4th (0/1) | Wrath 4/5 | HD 7/7 | Divinity 0/2 | Insp: [0] |
Halsere Chael-Oren wrote:

If we kill them all, we look like murderers.


Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

I think a casualty or two is acceptable if we can take SOME prisoners.

We are going to need a Zone of Truth spell here and some good luck to get us out of this crap. Hoping we can find some of the people jailed for speaking out to help us out of this mess by collaborating.

Ideally I would have worked best from the thieves guild angle - no one would weep if we went nuts in there and we could keep a few prisoners for questioning to prove the corruption or even if there was a link. Still lets see if we come through this in one piece before we worry about anything else.

LG Dwarf Fighter 7 | AC 22 | HP 35/87 | Perc +1 | S+8/D+1/Co+7/I+1/W+1/C+0 Insp: [Y], 2Wind[Y] Surge[N] Superiority Die[3/5] Hit Die [3/7] Positive Conditions: | Negative Conditions:

Sorry Halsere, in the future I'll try and let you take the lead in the future!

These guards were particularly hasty to be hostile though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Almost suspiciously so, eh? ;)

By the way, after watching our pacing thus far, I've decided to shorten Inspiration from a 12pt track to a 7pt track. Might make further adjustments later.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Cleric of Njord 7 | AC22 | HP 24/52 | Perc. +8 | Insight +8 | S+3/D+1/Cn+5/I+1/W+8/Ch+1 | Spells: 1st (0/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (1/3), 4th (0/1) | Wrath 4/5 | HD 7/7 | Divinity 0/2 | Insp: [0] |


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Female Ranger/Summoner 4 - HP: 44/44 | AC 20/21 | T 15 | FF 16 | F: +8 | R: +10 | W: +7/9 | CMD 18 | Init +4(+2 deed)/(+2 FT) | Percep +8/10 | 20ft
Pn: 3/3; SNA: 6/6

Can someone tell the cleric to save some fighting for the fighters?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Note that there's no such thing as negative hit points in 5e; the counter stops at 0HP.

LG Dwarf Fighter 7 | AC 22 | HP 35/87 | Perc +1 | S+8/D+1/Co+7/I+1/W+1/C+0 Insp: [Y], 2Wind[Y] Surge[N] Superiority Die[3/5] Hit Die [3/7] Positive Conditions: | Negative Conditions:

Oh, okay the way I read it was I should still track it just in case I take damage but upon further and better reading, If I take damage while at 0 and that damage is more than my Hitpoints than I instantly die.

I'll adjust it here in a second to reflect my current 0 Hitpoint status.

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Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

Assuming we live? Goblin bodies may make our case easier.

Pietro Elitov wrote:

Looks like you borrowed some karma that you're paying back now. ;)

Halsere Chael-Oren wrote:
Assuming we live?

Pfft, you guys have got this.


Mkay, since we're having our first near-death experience, let's make sure we're all on the same page on some things.

First, unlike in Pathfinder, a dying character doesn't tick their way one point at a time toward their negative CON before dying. Three strikes and you're dead. Thus, tending to a dying ally is a far more urgent issue than it is in Pathfinder, so keep that in mind when deciding on your actions.

Second, part of the reason I clump initiative in PbP (not the whole reason, but part of it) is exactly this situation. Since Thyra had the highest initiative in the group, running strict initiative would basically cheat her out of a round of potential aid. That's dumb; high initiative shouldn't bite you in the butt if you happen to be the one who goes down. Therefore, how I run it is if someone successfully intervenes in the same "block" of initiative that the dying character would have rolled their third failure, the character is saved.

Third, I don't know whether 5E has specific rules for using the Medicine skill to stabilize a dying character (I haven't seen it if it does), but I do know that you need not be prevented by the lack of a healer's kit. In 5E, what the healer's kit does is let you AUTOMATICALLY stabilize a character; no check required. Therefore, it seems to me that even without a kit, you can use your action to ATTEMPT to stabilize a dying character with a WIS(Medicine) check. I'm gonna set the DC at 10.

Hopefully we won't be in this position too frequently, but there it is, just in case. :)

Female Ranger/Summoner 4 - HP: 44/44 | AC 20/21 | T 15 | FF 16 | F: +8 | R: +10 | W: +7/9 | CMD 18 | Init +4(+2 deed)/(+2 FT) | Percep +8/10 | 20ft
Pn: 3/3; SNA: 6/6

If I kill the injured goblin with the first strike, can I direct the second at the other goblin?

Spidre wrote:
If I kill the injured goblin with the first strike, can I direct the second at the other goblin?

Yep, you can pick targets as you go. Heck, you could even put your move in between the attacks. (This is even true when you get multiple attacks in a single action, starting at 5th level.)

LG Dwarf Fighter 7 | AC 22 | HP 35/87 | Perc +1 | S+8/D+1/Co+7/I+1/W+1/C+0 Insp: [Y], 2Wind[Y] Surge[N] Superiority Die[3/5] Hit Die [3/7] Positive Conditions: | Negative Conditions:

In the basic rules pdf under stabilizing a creature it lists a DC 10 wisdom medicine check to stabilize a creature. They are still at 0 hp but not in danger of death unless they take more damage.

So your intuition was correct :). I was just getting ready to use my second wind when I went down!

FYI everybody, I've got in-laws visiting for the weekend, so posting from me might be spotty between now and Monday.

Male Human Cleric of Njord 7 | AC22 | HP 24/52 | Perc. +8 | Insight +8 | S+3/D+1/Cn+5/I+1/W+8/Ch+1 | Spells: 1st (0/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (1/3), 4th (0/1) | Wrath 4/5 | HD 7/7 | Divinity 0/2 | Insp: [0] |

Whoops, I forgot I was the healer!

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

Never seen a nat 20 be disregarded before. I was at least expecting a 'go to guard XYZ to report', but fair enough.

I didn't disregard it; it earned you the very important piece of information that the guards have absolutely nothing to fear from being reported to the proper authorities. (Dun dun DUUUUUNNNN!!!!)

Grand Lodge

I got it - it was thoroughly depressing.

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

Glad I didnt take the Friends cantrip. It is complete rubbish.

Interrogation via spells are possible as well. Anyone take Thaumatury? Combined with Minor image we could do all sorts of things to scare the crap out of the guards we interrogate and hopefully get advantage to our rolls.

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

I can do comprehend languages as a ritual which means I don't need spell slots to cast it if no one can speak goblin and they refuse to speak common... though my bet is they do - they'd have to speak some to interact with the guards. At worst case I can UNDERSTAND but not speak the language.

Grand Lodge

Thyra Fireforge are you sure your character is complete? It seems to lack a background as a result 2 more skills. Acolyte or Soldier background would both suit.

LG Dwarf Fighter 7 | AC 22 | HP 35/87 | Perc +1 | S+8/D+1/Co+7/I+1/W+1/C+0 Insp: [Y], 2Wind[Y] Surge[N] Superiority Die[3/5] Hit Die [3/7] Positive Conditions: | Negative Conditions:

I was just investigating that as a matter of fact and I think you are correct.

My understanding at first of how background skills worked was that it added Religion and Insight to my list of skills I could gain proficiency in as a Fighter. Not that they are free skills!

I have adjusted my character sheet to add Survival, a skill I chose from the fighter list and Insight the other bonus skill from my background, acolyte!

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

It looks like I am the 'Face' character... Gawds preserve us.

LG Dwarf Fighter 7 | AC 22 | HP 35/87 | Perc +1 | S+8/D+1/Co+7/I+1/W+1/C+0 Insp: [Y], 2Wind[Y] Surge[N] Superiority Die[3/5] Hit Die [3/7] Positive Conditions: | Negative Conditions:

We are a particularly un-charismatic party for what it counts. I have the second highest Charisma with a 10.

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Female Ranger/Summoner 4 - HP: 44/44 | AC 20/21 | T 15 | FF 16 | F: +8 | R: +10 | W: +7/9 | CMD 18 | Init +4(+2 deed)/(+2 FT) | Percep +8/10 | 20ft
Pn: 3/3; SNA: 6/6

I can face. Really guys, let me.

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

I wish we had also hired a bard or a paladin. They are great at 'face' work.

And on that note. I vote we collect some guard uniforms for disguises.

We may be able to have a run at the theives guild though I'd ideally like a full rest first.

Phew, big post today. Let me know if you're lost or anything needs clarification.

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Oh, also, you'll be leveling up to 2nd overnight when you rest. :D

Male Human Cleric of Njord 7 | AC22 | HP 24/52 | Perc. +8 | Insight +8 | S+3/D+1/Cn+5/I+1/W+8/Ch+1 | Spells: 1st (0/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (1/3), 4th (0/1) | Wrath 4/5 | HD 7/7 | Divinity 0/2 | Insp: [0] |

I did mean to mention: Are we doing a faster XP track? We only got to level 3 in the last game, and I'd like to see more levels. But it looks like we're going with event-based leveling?

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

going to dip a level of rogue... all that spy work finally coming together and clicking.

I get the following: Light armor, one skill from the class’s skill list (perception), thieves’ tools.

I will take Expertise in Perception and Persuasion

I gain 5hps + con and Sneak attack (1d6)

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance

I wouldn't mind a 5th PC as I think it lessens the load and buffers for drop outs but its the GM call. Halsere will also take the role of party rogue though it will be without stealth focus etc

Pietro Elitov wrote:
I did mean to mention: Are we doing a faster XP track? We only got to level 3 in the last game, and I'd like to see more levels. But it looks like we're going with event-based leveling?

Yes, event-based leveling. Also, I anticipate higher levels (and faster) than my last campaign. Mostly to keep you from dying as I try to keep the feel of the source material. :/

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