GM FurtiveZoog |
OK, a serious point. As I was reading up on this scenario, it is obvious that the scenario has one potentially sensitive or objectionable point involving a possible suicide. So, at the risk of providing a small 'spoiler', I thought it was best not to spring it on someone, not knowing if some member of the group has experienced a suicide of a friend or family member, for example.
I'll leave it as is unless someone let's me know, and then it could be readily modified into something else.
As it happens, my wife's mother committed suicide, so I may be more aware of the sensitivity of this point than most. For me, personally, it is still mostly just an element of a story, but it could be a severe 'trigger' for another person.
GM FurtiveZoog |
Well, the Pearl of Power is nice, of course, since it allows you to refresh a spell at the level you are now, although you can buy 20 first level scrolls for that cost. But, you'll have it and use it your whole career.
I like the Wands, and it might be worth the 2 PP to just do it that way. I usually spend about 6 PP early on, though I am not sure if that is wise or not. A wand of protection from evil gives a good bonus to AC and saves, and the second chance to get out of a charm or compulsion could be handy.
On the other hand, I've a Wand of Protection from Evil with one character but, given the action economy, I haven't figured out how best to use it yet. With it only lasting 10 rounds, it isn't going to be a lasting buff that could be applied much ahead of time. If surprise wasn't important, you could do everyone in the group and still leave 4 rounds to break down the door and confront the monster before the spells start to expire.
A whetstone is a nice mini-buff and only costs 2 cp. :)
Storn |
Okay, Storn will buy a pearl of power, and blow 2 PP on a wand of ... bah, I'll go with protection from evil. Too good not to. And a few other goodies. Total shopping list:
Starting: 1507.85
Pearl of power -1000
Silver weapon blanch -5
Selling banded mail +125
Buying half plate -600
Finishing: 27.85
GM FurtiveZoog |
Hey Storn, Unless there is something I don't know about, your Cleric isn't proficient in half-plate. (It is confusing for us old-timers, since clerics used to get to wear everything.) If you are going that route for AC, it might be worth taking a level in fighter sometime, syncing with the Gorum angle. 'Course, Storn was always more the barbarian type. Hmm.
Storn |
Gah! I forgot about the medium armour thing. Nevermind, I'll fix that. And yeah, totally thinking 3.5
Storn is actually the recreation of a character I played like, eight years ago. And at that time he totally dipped a level into barbarian.
So in that case, Storn will trade in his illegal banded mail for a breastplate ;)
So if I don't buy the plate I'm up to 627.85 - and breastplate is 200. So at 427.85.
Herman Halfshanks |
Herman is here. Sorry, didn't know you had started already. I did not play him over the weekend, so he is still lvl 3.2 and ready for the bump to higher tier.
I will read the gameplay and get a post up today sometime.
Wuliem BrokenCrown |
I am thinking that Wuliem's best armor would be Mithral Breastplate,
using this:
Price 30 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This thick lubricant makes the joints of armor move more freely. Applying the ointment takes 1 minute and reduces your armor's armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of –1) for 8 hours.
GM FurtiveZoog |
One of my characters, with some details inspired by my wife, has the following 'to buy' list:
Allspice, 1 lb, 1 lb.
Canteen, 2 gp, 1 lb. (for coffee)
Cardamom, 2 gp, 1 lb.
Chocolate, 10 gp, 1 lb.
Cinnamon, 1 gp, 1 lb.
Cloves, 15 gp., 1 lb.
Coffee, 1 cp, 1/2 lb. (8 cp for 4 lb.)
Coffee Beans, 5 cp, 1 lb.
Coffee Pot, 3 gp, 4 lb.
Honey, 1 gp, 1 lb.
Mint, 5 sp, 1 lb.
Powdered Milk, 1 sp, 1 lb.
Sugar, 5 cp, 1 lb.
Tea, 4 cp, 1/2 lb.
Tea Ceremony Set, 25 gp, 5 lb.
Teapot, 1 sp, 1 lb.
Traveler's Anytool, 250 gp, 2 lb.
I'm thinking the Traveler's Anytool could make a coffee grinder. She'll be able to make tea, chai tea, coffee, lattes, mochas, spiced coffees, hot chocolate... Liquid Ice seems a bit too volatile or I could use it for ice and blending drinks. (She'd only carry around a portion of the ingredients at a time.)
Add in a Boardgame from Adventurer's Armory and we could have group boardgame nights. :-P
Turan the Wanderer |
In case you have a spare feat somewhere along the way you can always pick up armor expert via additional traits to reduce the Mithral Breastplate's ACP. Farg will prolly do that come level 5 or so. Then again he has feats to spare whereas Alchemists tend to have nicer things to expend discov.. eh feats on...
Hmmm what about a mithril frying pan...that'd be nice. Guaranteed no stick...
Hagan Silverseer |
Man, you guys have been busy! Sorry about the radio silence. I've been recovering from dental surgery. I got my last 3 wisdom teeth pulled. It's been a rough weekend.
Wuliem BrokenCrown |
Yes, sleight of hand is correct. Brain fart.
Also, does this mean that even non-damaging splash weapons still do his Int damage?
All alchemists gain the Throw Anything feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. An alchemist adds his Intelligence modifier to damage done with splash weapons, including the splash damage if any. This bonus damage is already included in the bomb class feature.
GM FurtiveZoog |
Hmm. It takes an hour to brew the mutagen. So, we'll say the service lasted an hour and it is 2 pm. Perhaps you could do that, though, while other people are investigating the meditation room, if they decide to do that first, or if they do whatever else. Or, people can just wait.
The sun sets at 7:30 pm and rises at 7:30 am.
Hagan Silverseer |
GM FurtiveZoog |
Hey, Hoping that everyone is having a nice Fathers' Day.
I'm terribly proud of a personalized mug I got for Father's Day. Seeing the (in my opinion) all-too-frequent mugs with "World's Greatest/Best/#1 Dad" on them, I always thought, "What would be the odds? C'mon, let's be practical." So, I thought of and dropped a hint for a mug with "Not the World's Worst Dad" on it, and my wife kindly obliged. :D
Dorian 'Grey' |
Happy Father's Day, Matt!
I haven't had the privilege.
I just worked!
Herman Halfshanks |
I suppose the world's worst dad broke his mug already....Glad you had a good day, I did to. My wife surprised me by GMing a PFS scenario that the whole family played. (her first time running, as she barely plays). It was fun and memorable.
GM FurtiveZoog |
Hi All, Thanks for the thoughts! I got myself a little out of my rhythm for a few days as Mrs. Zoog is on break from nursing school, but hopefully will get things going again tonight.
Herman, that sounds like an amazing day. :) Sadly, I am (so far) the only dork in the family, although my wife has expressed some interest in gaming and PbP - probably just to humor me.
Hagan, Sadly, I was a teenager when Fraggle Rock debuted, so, I missed out on that, but I might get a second chance as Little Zoog grows up.