GM Fraust's Age of Worms (Inactive)

Game Master Fraust

This campaign takes the series of modules which take place in and around Falcon's Hollow, a small logging community in Andoran's Darkmoon Vale, and meshes them into Paizo's Age of Worms adventure path from Dungeon.

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Dark Archive

DM Fraust:
Right now I am leaning toward the Magus and with the lack of Arcane Casters he might fit in nicely. From what I have read about Falcon's Hollow in Guide To the Darkmoon Vale, Magus's Family could have been from some area south of Falcon's Hollow. It works with the creature bandits. He will be a wandering defender.

DM Fraust:
Looks like Zor-Karnan is worshiping Achaekek when he is evil;when he is good,he follows the teachings of Erastil.

Is it alright for him to TRULY have split personalities? (This means being two different alignments..and maybe even losing Red Mantis abilities when he turns good)

Also,since I am playing a Red Mantis Assassin,who get spells,can I play a ninja refluffed as the Red Mantis Assassin? (They both get spell-like abilities)

Lilith Fluff:

For some reason, I write better in a text field than in Word. Too many distractions if I just leave the darn window open.

Naturally, Lilith does not recall if she was born in Isarn, only that the Galtian capital is the only city she has ever known. Blind, and many whispered behind their hands, cursed as well, Lilith has always walked on the fringes of society. In Isarn, those fringes scarcely left the blood spattered streets. At any moment, a successful revolution could find the supporters in positions of power, for a day, or a week, perhaps even months. They would meet Madame Margery in the end, if they were lucky. Else, they might be placed in some dank corner of the Monolith, driven to madness, and compelled to served their peers to the new government.

The political and social climate of Isarn was perhaps the single greatest influence on Lilith's progress. In a chaotic environment, with the influence of merchants and the market itself rising and falling with various advisers and the very value of the coin, Lilith assumed the only trade with guaranteed stability to feed herself, prostitution. The currency Lilith was paid in, however, was secrets. A radiant beauty with clouded eyes, many assumed that she could see nothing, and as such was quite safe to indulge with, and so long as Lilith maintained a general air of complacency she was accounted simple as well.

What minor intrigues Lilith sold, at first, were of relatively minor consequence as she intelligently and methodically tested the market for such information. Lilith recognized that more often than not, a particular customer would purchase these amusing facts, and never once did Lilith hear what words passed from her lips into his ear on the streets. Her advances towards this man were spurned quite efficiently, quickening her desire to learn more about him. After a shoddily arranged rendezvous, Lilith blushes to recall her lunacy now, she followed her contact back to his den and discovered his true nature. The stary cloak she summoned to aide her ability to meld with the shadows was as child's play, unable to fool the sharp eyes of his subordinates, who trained their crossbows upon her from a distance she could not see.

Lilith's patron, a priest she would later learn, informed her of each of her mistakes, the very first and gravest of overestimating her abilities. Her faith in Calistria he judged was her greatest failing, as the Mistress of Whores was hardly suited for inspiring progression from what he described was a pitiful state. He described how he had recognized early on that she withheld more than she spoke, and had liberally weaved his magics upon her to determine the content of her thoughts when they spoke on several occasions. Lilith's will was weak, but she was not without talent, he mused, and smiled as he brushed a stray tendril of hair back from her clouded eyes.

"Your talents are wasted in this city, my pet," he hummed, and at that moment Lilith understood that he was not her contact at all, but simply masquerading as the young man. "You will never achieve anything scratching upon the surface of this rotting corpse. Join me, align yourself with my brothers and sisters, and you can become great!"

Hmm, now that I think on it, I may consider making Lilith a pure cleric of Norberger, with the Trickery and Knowledge domains. It would eliminate the curse, of course, but she would be infinitely more powerful and better at her function. Of course, then she would also radiate evil until level 3... but, essentially, the only part of the fluff that will change is the blindness part. I'd have to write that out, but she would still be from Galt originally, and she'd still be a bit older (as clerics are harder to train in general). Let me know what you think of "Lilith" thus far.

Also, yeah, I know, kinda selfish and/or convenient to be "in the know" about the priest in this way. If it makes you uncomfy I could change that as well, and just have her be part of a group of whores that were recruited by the lesser contact to be part of the greater group that was sent down there.

DM Fraust:

Nevermind on the cleric of Norberger idea. Husband clued me in to the very horrible drawbacks of doing so, like killing PCs to sacrifice them to my god to maintain my status, which... is not the sort of disruption I was looking to give. Having access to disguise self and detect thoughts with the trickery and knowledge domains simply is not worth PC killing consequences. Also channeling negative energy is really hard to pull off, and "Lilith's" stats would just be... wonky to make her even remotely flavorful if I went cleric.

Swift Rick Fluff:
If Rick had any home before the road, he does not much care to remember at the time. He is pretty sure it is a city in Galt, but being on the move as a child, as his parents had a guillotine with their name on it, he never really learned where that somewhere was. At the age of 9, this madness caught up to them, and his parents were killed. Rick found himself in the care of a band of traveling minstrels, who saw the child's grace and natural talent for showmanship. Their leader, a bard named Gerard, more or less raised him as his prodigy, filling him with urban survival skills, the art of a bard, and the urge to do MORE in this life.

But after a brush with a particularly obtuse noble, who somehow over-identified with a jape, and had half the troupe killed, Rick found himself on the road at the age of 15, using his skills to con people at card games, as well as pickpocketing. He tends to try to not prostitute his musical skills for money, as he desires to keep at least his art pure in a sense. Having little to no respect for his "betters" he fleeced mark after mark, building up a small fortune, which he used to equip himself for when he had to stand up for himself, not wanting to ever be caught off guard like his mentors.

As the prosperous settlements became more and more aware of his efforts, Rick decided to flee Galt entirely, and lay low for a while, while figuring out what to do next. That landed him in a crummy nowhere called Falcon's Hollow, where his criminal record seemed almost paltry compared to what was going on. Having lived there for almost three months, he found a strange kinship with the broken and destitute, using his music to raise spirits at the local watering holes, keeping his thieving and conman games to a minimum, playing fair games, unless he found a mark that provided him with incentive and deserved to have their purse lightened.

More on Rick; personality, behavior etc.:
Rick does not always have the best judgment, and he believes in the Shelynite dogma that there is beauty in most people, if you only chip away the dirt and manage to drag it out for others to see.

He is optimistic almost to a fault, even being orphaned at a young age, and having lost friends, he understands that "sh*t happens" and sees no point in stewing over things that are long past. Learn from your mistakes and make the best of it, what you lose today, you can win tomorrow. (I also loathe the notion of having amazing Charisma and be a brooding and tormented douche. Brooding IMO = crap charisma, because you are broken inside, and consumed by a weakness)

That does not mean he is not passionate about changing what CAN be changed. He will defend the weak, stand to his last if a true friend is on the line, and can't stand to see callous injustice performed in front of his eyes.

In Falcon's Hollow, he is likely already somewhat known for his musical talent, which he insists on NOT receiving any monetary pay for. If someone wants to buy him a drink however, he is rarely one to turn one down. He is nothing if not adaptable, and provides the "good folk" with the manner of tunes and stories they enjoy, be it a heroic prose set to a sombre note at the wake of a Iomedaean, to the raunchiest tales of zoophilia at the dankest of pleasure pits where loggers are getting laid for a fistful of coppers.

When engaging his marks, he usually relies on Spellsong to combine Perform (Oratory) to conceal a charm person spell, to make the mark susceptible to his wiles. Then proceed to fleece the sap, and part as friends, at least until the charm spell wears off. He does not know much about stealth, and when he is caught, he mostly enjoys the chase, favoring rooftops and other inaccessible places, where his athletic skills give him an advantage. Or, if he is unable to flee in such a manner, duck into an alley, and create an illusion of a dead end.

These flight tactics are not because he cannot fight. In fact, he is rather competent when it comes down to it. But for the most part, he chooses to not fight, as such things usually leads to bloodshed, and while fleecing someone for his gold is a crime, it is not as big a deal as leaving a corpse in an alley. When he HAS to fight, Rick favors his whip if he is able to keep his distance, supporting allies with a few inspiring words before engaging enemies himself.

As he gains levels, he will focus on growing increasingly better at combat, while maintaining social skills, as the campaign calls for a lot of fighting.

Hu5tru wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Elaborating what she said:
I am the husband in question. What I meant by this is that a cleric is more than anyone required to follow a god's dogma and taboos. The god of murder and lies =/= party cohesion. I have exclusively had very bad experiences with people following Norgorber on any dedicated level. In-fighting, backstabbing, secrets and more that is hard to deal with when you have to trust someone with your life in the face of the horrors that adventurers face every day.

Norgorber is bad news. No two ways about it. An evil god is a manifest source of human suffering, thriving and given might by the darkest parts of our souls, seeking to further the basest, cruelest and most disgusting sides of their followers, to spread their influence.

And since he is the stand-in for Vecna, and the campaign features him, the likelyhood for conflict is... immense.

Paying him homage out of fear is one thing, as even good characters pay homage to the god that holds power over their course of action. Like in Forgotten Realms, sailors give homage to the Chaotic Evil goddess of the sea, so she won't take their ship. One that deals in secrets, lies and thievery will give lip service to Norgorber, as he is the one that governs such things. But a cleric is his will manifest. His dark, twisted malice given flesh. And even if you are neutral, you are still spreading the influence of purest evil.

Stopping in real quick like before class.

The concern for party cohesion is very understandable. I agree with a lot of what you're saying, especially in the context of a PbP, where you're dealing largely with strangers. I've played in campaigns where people were evil, and where party conflict was not only allowed, but encouraged (spent years playing vampire and shadowrun with a group of fairly messed up individuals). The times it worked out the least was always with newer people who weren't part of the original friendship (some ended up friends later on, some didn't). So yeah, with a PbP I'd much rather people not go to into serial killer mode.

My understanding of Norgorber is that he almost has three seperate personalities, with each having some influence on the others, but they would still be distinct. In Skinsaw Murders for example, the Seven worshiped him as the Skinsaw man and focused on the murder/death aspect, with little regard for poison, and only as much regard for secrets/trickery as was needed to continue with the murders without getting caught. The aspect that I'm using to represent Vecna is the Reaper of Reputations, so Secrets and the economics of information will be the focal point, with murder only being necessary when the use of knowledge (blackmail) provide unaffective or the risk is too great (does one really believe blackmail will work on a paladin, for example). I think a cleric of the Reaper would not feel compelled to cause problems through murder, though the distance and betrayal may very well cause just as many problems.

Either way, I'm more interested in seeing how an oracle plays out, and it sounds like you (Hu5tru) are more interested in playing an oracle. I think the class fits better for what you're describing too.

Don't have much more time to write, but the last group of spoilers read very well. What I'm going to work on next (after getting a few town rumors up on the profile and finish up the dominant churches info) is to go through each applicant, compile all they've said about their character, and give a detailed critique/responce/question post. Recruitment is still open, so new people should feel more than welcome to come in and drop a concept. I just want to get started on getting everyone's pieces together in my head.

This is Zor-Karnan.I haven't posted all the crunch yet,however.

Dark Archive

The rest of Kazimier is up and edited.

Here's my thoughts on background for a character concept. :)


Growing up on the streets in a city like Alkenstar, Vergian had no idea what the next day was going to bring. He didn't know his family, and he had to fight for every bit of food he ate. The daily struggle met it end on the day he managed to steal some fresh food from a blacksmith's family. While he was devouring his treasure, several other thugs surrounded him to take it. He began fighting, but the numbers were a bit much and he felt blow after blow. Just before he passed out, he saw the woman blacksmith fire a shot from a gun into the ground next to the leader's head. Without hesitation, the gang fled, leaving the smith to kneel beside Vergian and check on the young man.

When he awoke, amazingly it was to a new life. The smith hadn't held it against Vergian for taking the food, only admonished him that if he'd asked the smith would have given him that and more. Feeling guilty, Vergian asked to stay to help the man out with chores for a few days. In the end, Vergian stayed for years. Over the time, he learned about smithing and metals as well as how to construct the guns that made Alkenstar a place for business. However, not only did the smith teach him to make the weapons, she taught him to use them. The entire relationship made Vergian feel like he actually did have a mother, and the feeling of mother to son also was the feeling of the smith to Vergian.

The family feeling ended as abruptly as it began however when the smith left to meet an associate in the city of Olfden. The smith was to meet several associates to investigate a series of attacks on caravans nearby. As the woman had been doing the same previously, Vergian didn't think much of it. When he was awoken by the feeling of tragedy his mind changed. Unsure of what he was feeling, he spent days in a bit of a mood. When a package was delivered to him from the smith, he knew what put him in a mood. The package contained a letter and a journal partially covered in blood. The last entry in the journal was talking about an ambush on the smith's arrival in Falcon's Hollow. The entry was ended in the hand of someone else, with notations of the inn where the event occurred at and the name of the bartender who apparently retrieved the journal after the smith met her demise in the ambush.

Leaving the business in the hands of others, Vergian began his journey to Olfden. There, he spoke with several people who remembered his 'mother' and also the strange individuals asking after her once she left for Falcon's Hollow. Something though told him that it wasn't going to be a simple journey...


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

DM Fraust:
I won't put more down yet on Quintus' dealings with the local clergy, but I have a few more thoughts on his background and personality. Despite his strength and physical prowess, Quintus is by nature a gentle man; he is quite capable with the scimitar, but before his fall from grace he preferred the aspects of the goddess dealing with healing and sunlight. He was marked early on in his apprenticeship as one who would go far in the clergy (25 point character in a non-elite world :-P), and this gnaws at him as well. His time in Falcon's Hollow has made him a harder and coarser man, and he knows it and resents more thing that drives him to the pipe. He'll use fists or a club in a fight (and heal the same people he knocked down), but he's still a priest at heart, and won't ever draw his scimitar unless it's against the truly unrepentant.

It seems the DM's dissapeared. ):

Shadow Lodge

Just sounds busy to me.

Yep, not gone, just dealing with company from out of state and catching up on some homework. Weekends are hard for me to get online too. Monday I'll be back at full speed with at least the vast majority of stuff I've been promising, if not all of it and then some.

I think we've all been there. :) No rush.

Here are some questions I have for people...everyone will be getting one of these, though I haven't gotten through everyone's concepts just yet.


This character is very well put together, and I like the open endedness of his background. If you have something in mind for what happened to his “mother” I’ll happily incorporate it in the adventures, but if you’re good with handing the pen over to me, I have plenty of ideas on where to go with it from here.
Originally from Alkenstar, did you say how long he has been in the Hollows? Knowing what you know of the setting and your character, what is one or two goals your character has/will have(there is the obvious “what happened to his mother”, which would lead to others, but is there anything else not so obvious?)?

Swift Rick:

I think this character is exactly what this campaign needs. There are a number of darker/border line personalities and Rick is perfect to act as an element of contrast. I think someone more uplifting would come across as trying too hard, and anything less and he would be down in the gutter with his companions.
Also, expect to come across a few previous marks as things progress. This won’t always be in the form of someone looking for blood (though there will be those), but could be someone looking to hire you for a bit of espionage, or someone looking to recruit you for some organization or another.
Originally from Galt, but home is definitely the road…came to the Hollows not quite three months ago right? What are some goals that you have for this character(doesn’t have to be something he is planning on accomplishing right now, or even anything he knows about now. Just want an idea of what you want him to accomplish during the campaign beyond kill monsters/take stuff/advance published plot)? What does he think of Falcon’s Hollow, and how badly does he want to get out/fix it/whatever?


I’m very much digging Lillith. If I remember right, this was only a place holder name? Also, was there ever a final word on what brothel she worked for? There’s the Emporium, Midnight Salute, and another (the name escapes me right now, but if you’re familiar with Falcon’s Hollow it’s the one ran by the half orc with a fake nose. In short, he is the most exploitive/abusive/scary pimp in the hollows, specializing in picking young women relying on male family members working in the mines/cut-yards who are past their prime (father is getting older and can’t pull in as much as he used to…brother got hurt and had to take too much time to heal up, and now bills are adding up).
So, she originates from Galt, did you say how long she has been in the Hollows? Knowing what you know of the setting and your character, can you give me a goal or two that she is/would be working toward (this doesn’t have to be something she is currently working toward, or something she even knows about at the start of the game)? Does she want out of the Hollows, and if so, why(might be obvious, but humor me)?


I was a little leary when I first saw the name, but having talked with you a bit and read the background you wrote, I’m very much looking forward to seeing this character in game. Here’s a couple questions for me to better understand things…Mother or father was the elf, or were they both half elves? Only ever lived in the Hollows then, or has he tried to get out in the past? What are some goals you see this character having (doesn’t have to be something the character wants right now, or even really know about as of yet)? Does he want out of the Hollows, and if so why(this last part can be as simple as “it sucks!” but should be more than that)?


I will try to flesh out some of the personalities involved in the church of the Dawnflower. I like this character a lot, as he’s definitely flawed, though you’ve written in a very realistic scenario of him not being happy where he’s at, pulling himself out of the gutter, and falling back in. It doesn’t feel like an inevitable cycle, so much as an actual story, where the viewer/reader is left wanting to know how it ends. I’ll make sure to detail some of the drug lounge/opium dens a bit too.
Originally from Taldan, and came into town four or five years ago correct? Is he looking to get out of the Hollows, or is he more concerned with straightening it (and himself) up first/instead? What sorts of goals do you have for this character (cleaning up doesn’t have to be among them, the character might want to, but you might want him to always be battling his addiction, up to you. What I’m looking for are things you actually want him to accomplish during this campaign, beyond the published adventures themselves.)?

Here is some information on the churches I didn't get to last time, with the Temple of Iomedae still to go (it's officially as well as physically part of the garrison outside of the Hollows, so it might wait until I write something up on that location, especially as no one has shown an interested in that church/deity).

Church of Sarenrae
Located next to the Closed Market (called in stockades in my previous description by mistake), this church was built just over a year ago by a small band of Sarenrae followers who arrived in Falcon’s Hollow and saw a miserable den of sin and corruption. They are the newest and smallest church in the area, and are fighting an uphill battle from two fronts. Located so close to the Closed Market many of the common man types that populate the Hollows have reason to keep their distance,viewing the Closed Market as a symbol of the Lumber Consortium’s crushing heel on their lives. The powers that be in the Hollows view the Dawnflower as a group of self-righteous meddlers, and potential tool to direct at political enemies.

Church of Milani
Viewed as either a spreading madness, growing cancer, or boiling pot, the church of Milani in the Hollows is universally feared. Originating as a small group of individuals so lost and desperate they fell to the words of a radical cleric, preaching the only hope left in this world was through sacrifice of one’s own flesh and blood. In just a few years they have grown into a massive congregation of the destitute and disabled trash of Falcon’s Hollow’s society, the lost children in a town of villains and victims.

Sisterhood of Pharasma
A reclaimed tomb in the Hollow’s boneyard houses just over two score devotees to the goddess of death, Pharasma. Though they speak with outsiders rarely, they have made it known that the previously lucrative activity of harvesting bodies from the boneyard and selling them to disreputable medical students from Ptolus, or those with an interest in the necromantic arts, is at its end. Though the mayor of Falcon’s Hollow has no love for the sisterhood, he does appreciate the lack of a need to dedicate men to keeping an eye on the boneyard.

Still to come...more individual spoilered questions....more locations....and some more rumors....

Anyone have any questions? Did I forget anything?

DM Fraust:
DM Fraust: Age of Worms wrote:
Originally from Galt, but home is definitely the road…came to the Hollows not quite three months ago right? What are some goals that you have for this character(doesn’t have to be something he is planning on accomplishing right now, or even anything he knows about now. Just want an idea of what you want him to accomplish during the campaign beyond kill monsters/take stuff/advance published plot)? What does he think of Falcon’s Hollow, and how badly does he want to get out/fix it/whatever?

I imagine 3 months, give or take. Enough for him to learn the lay of the land, but too short to give just cause for knowing the deeper and darker secrets.

I don't have a "plan" as it stands, which is half the point of him, as he is the "think of his feet" kind of person, who is kinda root-less. So I guess I would like to see him challenged on various levels, and throughout it find something to attach himself to. Very classic 2e bard in many ways, full of wonder, quick of wit.

His view of Falcon's Hollow is pretty much the same one would have of an abused dog. It is violent, it growls at you, and will probably bite you if you are not careful. But somewhere deep inside, there is likely something, manifest by the people's innate ability to look after each other in their strange way, that might redeem it. There are times he recognize this as naivety, but he cannot shake this optimism.

DM Fraust:

Ah yeah, for now Lilith is a place holder name. It's far too biblical for my tastes, even if it is something that a Jezebel might be called.

Lilith, due to her blindness and CHA 18 would likely be working at the Emporium. She does not have male relations to extort, and even if she were to pose as a part of a family, that's just someone who can expose her as a fraud later on unless they're kept happy.

Lilith has likely been in Falcon's Hollow for about 3-6 months, long enough to be "comfortable" in her new environment, but not fully knowledgeable, despite her skills. Slowly working her way into the establishment, so to speak.

A long game goal would likely to be in a place of power in the town, to drive the greed and benefit from it herself. She has no real desire to leave Falcon's Hallow. Sure, places like Absalom, Oppara or Katapesh would likely pay more, but they wouldn't be nearly as exciting, and their politics is much more likely to cause her bodily harm. All the chaos om Falcon's Hallow is good cover for her to work. And she can take things being rough. With the gambling and the money to be made, at least people ain't killin' each other over something as intangible as a correct ideology or political party.

DM Fraust:
DM Fraust: Age of Worms wrote:

This character is very well put together, and I like the open endedness of his background. If you have something in mind for what happened to his “mother” I’ll happily incorporate it in the adventures, but if you’re good with handing the pen over to me, I have plenty of ideas on where to go with it from here.
Originally from Alkenstar, did you say how long he has been in the Hollows? Knowing what you know of the setting and your character, what is one or two goals your character has/will have(there is the obvious “what happened to his mother”, which would lead to others, but is there anything else not so obvious?)?

I am fine with you taking the pen and running with Vergian's story. :)

I see him as having been in the Hollows for a couple of weeks at least. He's gotten familiar with the area and people, but that's about it. One of the things his mother taught him is that beyond all else, knowledge is power. He spends slot of his time in the tavern and among the worker, understanding how things are seen from the average person perspective.

When he has an opportunity, he will hire out his Engineering knowledge to help however he can.

I see his funds running low, so he's definitely on the lookout for sources of income. :)

Scarab Sages

DM Fraust:

My mother was human, so the elven blood must have come from my father. No one really knows who he was, the business being what it is.

Personally: my driving goal in life up until a month ago was simply to prove to everyone else that I was nobodies whipping boy. That I was the one in control of my own life. That I had the right to say no.

While I've been around town my entire life, I've always been spat upon and bullied. As a bastard half-blood, as the orphaned son of a whore, and as an overly pretty boy living in a whorehouse. Outside a few of the older whores, I've never known anything but contempt, hatred, and lust. Those few beacons of sympathy, if not actualy compassion, are what kept me centered.

With the advent of the Church of Milani, things have only gotten worse. The sect has hit the whorehouses and I've already lost some of the few I would call friend to its spreading cancer. It was in desperation sparked by the cult of Milani reaching out to me that I sought escapte via the wolf spirit bound in the graveyard. A spirit I've been aware of since childhood but always avoided.

With my merging, my outlook has somewhat altered. I now have the strength I sought, but have not yet chosen to reveal it. Secrets are powerful things and I choose to guard mine for now.

I am a wolf hiding in a mans clothes. I watch. I wait. The dying will start soon. Perhaps I will help, perhaps I will try to prevent it. Perhaps I will simply watch from the shadows as events unfold, a silent witness.

The world beyond the town and the graveyard is a mystery to me. I've never before considered it as within my grasp. I always assumed I would simply die the dame death all my kind do.

I know now that death is not my fate, at least not soon. I will travel beyond the limits of this town. It is only a matter of when.

Those withing the Midnight Salute have already begun to notice a change in me, confidence where before I had none. A sureness about my actions that I lacked before. Nobody suspects the reason, that I am not as I once was, but it is only a matter of time. For now, I continue working in the Midnight Salute. Waiting and watching for something I know is coming.

I would like to put my hat in with Rolus Brime, Elven rogue who is a bandit trying to help his crew. Also he uses a eastern weapon the 3 section staff ,but I explain why in his background if you still wish him to change it out just let me know. Alright everything you need should be in his alias let me know if you have any questions.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

DM Fraust:
Correct on the history. At this point he's not looking to leave the Hollows, even if he pulls himself together. Although he hasn't really thought it through, at some level he realizes that the usual approach taken by Sarenrae's clerics doesn't work for these people, but they still need help. He himself has no conscious long-term plans. What I'd like to try to do with the character is put him into a situation where he *has* to pull himself together--if only in the short term--in order to help a lot of people and serve his goddess. Right now, though, I'm not sure how I want his personal story to develop--whether he can ultimately forgive himself, or if he's going to be fighting his guilt the rest of his life. That depends on how the character actually plays in practice. I like redemption stories, so that's how I'm leaning, but I know that in practice this sort of thing never really goes away.

Rolus Brime:

Very interesting background. Not to sound like an elitist, but the writing is a little rough in spots, but nothing too bad, and the creativity makes up for it. I like the tie in to Hollow’s Last Hope, you’re familiar with that adventure then? The goal of clearing his bandits is pretty cool, I like it when people create their own goals/story arcs on top of what exists in the adventure. Were you thinking of eventually taking a leadership role in the gang? If so I can work that in to the campaign, and would be adequately represented by the leadership feat.

A good non-Darkmoon forest would be Arthel (sp?), just to the south. Darkmoon wood was once part of Arthel, but rampant logging split the two many years ago.

So Rolus has been in the area as a whole for a while, with the bandits (which operate near Falcon’s Hollow?) for a year or two, correct? The capture of his fellow bandits would have been just a few days ago then? K…what is Rolus general opinion of Falcon’s Hollow, as in would this be a place he would want to stay at (becoming part of the general corruption crime and misery, or would he want to put some effort to making it a better place and bring down some of the powers that be?), or would it be a place he wants to steer clear of? Being someone who lives in the area but not exactly in town, consider having something of a relationship with the Bronzewood Lodge (either positive or negative is fine, it’s just likely you’ve come across members previously, if you have any questions about them feel free to ask).
The three section staff is something I’ve gone back and forth on a bit. Ultimately I decided I’ll allow it as an exotic weapon, but not martial. I really like your explanation of why he has it, but looking at it from a purely mechanical view, I don’t think it’s equal to a martial weapon. I’m curious though, on how you were proficient with it even as a martial weapon? Or were you not?


The idea of split personalities is intriguing, though I’m basically going to leave things up to you on that. As in what would trigger a personality switch anyways. Game mechanics that rely on alignment will be active while the legal alignment is dominant, and inactive when not. You’ll detect as the dominant alignment, though there will be traces of the passive alignment, which may or may not cause confusion/problems, pending who’s doing the detecting.


This is the character you’re leaning more towards? If so, that works. I like this one a lot, and I think the group could use another…if not good guy, call it a less-bad guy. Background is good, ad leaves a lot for me to work with. Where were you thinking he was originally from, or would you prefer to leave it as somewhere south, and let me find a spot that works? I’m thinking Ptolus, as it has plenty of minor nobles, so fits…but it’s somewhere the group will be heading later on, and would therefore give Kaz the opportunity to return to his father’s estates and settle the score.

Beyond gaining revenge, are there any other goals you have for Kaz to work toward as the campaign progresses? Also, what does he think of Falcon’s Hollow? Does the corruption and exploitation (of people as well as the environment) bother him? Do you think he would have any connection with any of the groups you know about so far(either currently, or in the future)?

Tippy, I still have you to get to, that'll be tomorrow.

Pixel Cube, are you still around and interested?
Anyone I miss besides Tippy and Pixel?

Shadow Lodge

I am still about and interested. I was planning on having my full background done by WED night/THUR morning. With a little crunch I have worked out added.

I'm still interested.

DM Fraust:
I'm Glad you enjoyed Rolus's story; I thought it was a cool idea myself. I have had experience before with this campaign, but my group fell through early on, so most of it is new to me. I did have a thought of taking the leadership of the gang after he cleared their name. Though I didn’t even think of taking the leadership feat, but that's a great idea.

His views are the same as his gang's when it comes to the Hollow, a lot of money being made there and they are all wondering how they could get a cut. They've stayed away from being a group inside the city in fear of the Lumber Consortium guards remembering there faces, but if they had a in to the city like there new leader becoming a hero of the town. The group would move in and try to become a type of crime syndicate that tries to help the workers over the fat cat's running the show.

I took the Martial weapon proficiency feat to be able to wield the 3-section-staff.

I don't know much about the Bronzewood Lodge could you explain them or tell me where to find out about them, then I can answer that question hehe. I hope this answers your questions, and let me know if you have anymore of them.

I'm still in.

The Exchange

*rain drums outside the mouth of the odd cave entrance*

Valius sits wet and cold just inside the entrance and huddles with his arms wrapped around him to keep warm. The storm was quick and caught him unawares as he hunted in the hills west of Falcon's Hollow. And now he was cold and hungry his sling lay at his feet where he threw it down in disgust.

The "cave" was really some sort of mine or cairn that was never truly finished. The entrance was an odd square shaped opening with swirling patterns cut into the stone. Those patterns continued on the smooth walls just inside but the cave only went about ten feet deep before it stopped in a rough wall. Apparently unfinished by whoever set out to carve it.

And there was nothing inside to eat or burn to try and get warm, so Valius sat in misery thinking how did his life come to this...

...he came back from the River Foam to find his mother crying, and soon he was crying with her. His father was found dead behind Venelle's shop in Falcon's Hollow. Two days later Valius woke to find his mother gone and from then his life would never be the same.

Valius remembers very little of the months after that day, they were so chaotic and he only remembers crying every night before falling asleep hungry, and hiding in the forest and hills from Pharasmaian nuns and searching lumberjacks during the day.

Finally both nun and lumberjack gave up the searching and Valius was allowed to live in the forest in peace. When he felt lonely or hunting was particular poor he would find a lumberjack camp to spend a few days at running chores for a meal or a copper. He was nicked named "Twig" for his long thin limbs and thin bony frame.

Always wanting to fend for himself Valius would go hunting along the hills and the edges of Darkmoon Wood. He became adapt at stalking and developed a natural agility through practice with his sling. But today there was little food to be found and the rain coming in didn't help.

*sniff* *sniff*

Valius snuffled as his nose started to run and caught the whiff of something pugnant. He looked around and saw only flat walls and small stones on the floor... wait. Moving towards the wall he noticed a dark coloration on the floor. As he approached the smell grew worse and could only be a dead carcass, but all that he saw was the spot on the floor near the wall, that might be dried blood, but where was the body?

Valius looked around and noticed a small hole about waist high. He plucked a finger at the hole and found it to be some sort of switch, and suddenly the wall in front of him shot up into the ceiling.

Jumping back in fright Valius watched as the body of a man, dead probably a week, fell at his feet. Ready to run out into the storm Valius stopped short when the crossbow on the man's back caught his eye.

Two days later...

Valius stood behind Venelle's shop all of the dead man's gear in a sack at his feet and the handsomely crafted darkwood crossbow in his hands. He looked down at the spot where the body of his father was found, tears welling in his eyes.

"I'm getting away from here. Once I sell all this I'm taking the money and heading to Ptolus and a better..." he started to say a little choked up.

"And then what? Go from being an urchin here for being one there?" a female voice said from behind him.

Valius turned to see the half-elf Venelle standing watching him, her arms crossed before her. "There's some old odd saying about. Having a copper today only feeds you today. But learn to feed yourself and never need a copper again."

She eyes the weapon in Valius's hands approvingly. "I can teach you to use that and you would never need worry about going hungry again."

Valius wiped at his eyes. "I would like that." And for the next five years Valius never went hungry again. But Falcon's Hollow was always a sore spot with the young man. The painful memories of losing his parents and the years after spent alone made him wish to leave everyday. He never had enough money to buy a horse or book passage and then one day he had an idea...

... If another cairn in the hills held spoils like the one he discovered when he was younger maybe he could find a treasure big enough to pay for his leaving Falcon's Hollow behind.

For the past six months Valius has been wandering the hills east of the town searching empty cairn sites and abandoned mine buildings. He is even thinking of heading to Droskar's Crucible if he doesn't find what he's looking for soon.

I'm sorry to say this, but I'm not going to be able to go through with the campaign. Midterms were last week, and I thought I was doing well...but acording to what I just looked at online, I'm failing everything but one class, and I'm not exactly taking hard classes this semester. Very sorry guys (and gal), if/when I resurect this/get things straightened out, I'll bumb this topic back to the top.

Thanks for not just letting us hang :)

I'm sure we all understand and harbor no I'll feelings because of it :)

I know I for one will be awaiting an opportunity to visit the Hollow in the future :)

Shadow Lodge

Good Luck with the grades. We will be around.

No problemo. Real life comes first.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What everyone else said--thanks for letting us know, and good luck getting through the semester.

Good luck!

Dark Archive

Real Life comes first, Good Luck with the classes. Thanks for letting us know.

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