GM Endless Forms' PFS 03-08 Among the Gods (3-7) (Inactive)

Game Master Mike Tuholski

A tier 3-7 PFS scenario played at the 3-4 subtier. up the mountain!

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge

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The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge

You are in the Taldan capital of Oppara, a teeming metropolis where decadence overshadows the decline of a once-great empire. You find yourselves in the Pathfinder Society lodge—a modest building disguised as a bait and tackle shop—before the local venture-captain, an aging man named Muesello.

“Greetings, and welcome to Oppara. Thank you for coming on such short notice. We have recently received reports that an item of extreme antiquity has been found. The late Lord Tulwin of Oppara is—was—the patriarch of a clamoring host of children, and none of them were believed to care much for the miser. Toward the end of his life, he supposedly poured all of what was to be their inheritance into the acquisition of an item of extreme value—an Azlanti scepter recovered by a Taldan Army of Exploration centuries ago. Such was his disdain for his offspring that he arranged for his body and most valuable belongings—the scepter among them—to be spirited away within an hour of his passing so the ‘vultures’ couldn’t squabble over his treasures. The scepter was believed lost to time, until now.

“Our reports suggest that the scepter and the late Lord Tulwin lie entombed somewhere on Antios’s Crown. I need you to find the scepter and return it to me here in Oppara. If it truly is as powerful as the rumors suggest, then it must be brought to the Grand Lodge for safekeeping. You are among the few to whom we have given this information, and we expect it to remain secret. The last thing I need is a bunch of squabbling lordlings crowding Antios’s Crown with hired tomb raiders!

“You will know the tomb by the crest of House Tulwin. Look for a winged boar and the scepter should be nearby. When you are ready, we will transport you to the base of Mount Antios via magical means. Admittedly, it would be more expedient to send you directly to the summit, but sadly, no one here has a great enough familiarity with the area to do so without significant risk. Besides, with all the wards, shields, and other magical protections placed upon, in, and around the tombs of so many self-important, paranoid Taldans, who knows what sort of interference would be wrought!”

Scarab Sages

Human Pistolero Gunslinger 6 / Alchemist 2 | HP 64/64 | AC 25 [F 17 T 19] | CMD 28 | F+11 R+16 W+6 | Init +10| Perc +11/+16 | Grit 2/4

A tall weathered man with a thin dour face stands near the back wall. His long coat is dingy, his hair matching. He's either recently returned from a journey, or just not that interested in personal grooming. Behind him, leaning against the wall among a few of the shop's fishing poles, is a well-made glaive with a cold iron blade. He spends most of the briefing cleaning a finely-crafted firearm. At one point he draws aside his coat to holster the weapon, revealing a gleaming chain shirt beneath along with an array of throwing blades. Observant people also notice tattoos peeking out above his collar and from his sleeves.

He's quiet after Muesello is done speaking, and takes a moment to consider where he's being sent.

knowledge (geography): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
knowledge (local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

A tall, athletically-built elf strides purposefully into the room. The hilt of a finely-crafted Elven Curveblade sticks up over his left shoulder. He walks near to the position of the diur faced man up against the wall. He listens intently to the words of Muesello, and he glances over at Maps as he holsters the revolver and smiles as he says,

Still a sharpshooter with that thing, Maps?

He looks back to Muesello.

So, do we need to do any climbing up that peak?

Scarab Sages

Male Half-Orc Cleric 5 HP 38/38 | AC22 T9 F20 CMD12 | F+6 R+1 W+10 | Init-1 | Perc/SM +5 | Darkvision 90'

As the group gathers, the basically unarmed, but well-armored, Half-Orc takes the time to introduce himself. "I am Chuurock bin Ausk, simple priest of Pharasma. I believe it is important that we know and remember the lives of our predecessors. This helps them rest easier and it helps us avoid their mistakes."

Once the meeting starts, he simply nods as Venture-Captain Muesello tells the tale.

"So, we'll find the sceptre where pigs fly?"

As Filios asks his question, Chuurock shrugs. "Whether he thinks we will need it or not, having the gear to do so is better than wanting it."


Any additional information about Lord Tulwin, the Azlanti Sceptre, the tombs, etc?
Knowledge (History): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Filios nods in the direction of the Half-Orc.

Well met Chuurock. I am Filios, and this here is Maps.

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf [AC: 22(26MA); ff 19; T:21] HP=75/75 F +11/R+10/W+15 CMD 31 (32 grapple) Ki 12/12 Monk (Zen Archer)/8 Perc +18/stone +20 Darkvision 60' per strike 8/8 40' move

The weathered dwarf listens patiently, eating a sandwich wrapped in a cornhusk. The pungent aroma of Varisian spices fill the room, as the dwarf eats his thick, meaty sandwich with enthusiasm. The dwarf has a sturdy bow with the name of a master bowyer engraved on the top part.

He looks at human with the firearm with just a little curiosity. "Seen them things--well at least the longer ones. They call me Jory."

He looks at the half-orc with a little suspicion. "Are you one of them Chelaxian clerics or one of the divine clerics?"

Jory says 'Chelaxian clerics' with a grimace and the latter part of the statement with a smile. You surmise Jory has not met many clerics, and is quite uninformed about them.

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Hey Redcap, good to see ya.

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf [AC: 22(26MA); ff 19; T:21] HP=75/75 F +11/R+10/W+15 CMD 31 (32 grapple) Ki 12/12 Monk (Zen Archer)/8 Perc +18/stone +20 Darkvision 60' per strike 8/8 40' move

Jory gives Filios a nod: "You know your trade Filios. Want a sandwich?"

Jory opens a pouch and draws out another sandwich wrapped in a cornhusk. It appears he has an ample supply of spicy sandwiches.

Jory also takes out a wand with a pictogram of a chain shirt on a tag attached to it on a leather thong. "Would anyone know how to make this work?"

Jory is holding a wand of mage armor

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge

This is a relatively little-known story and artifact, hence the secrecy surrounding the mission and hence none of you know much more than Muesello has provided.

Maps is sure that the heights encountered on the journey could cause breathing problems to those who are not acclimated to such thin air.

Muesello says, "Well, there is a path along your route, but it is ill-used. Climbing equipment might be helpful and, as Chuurock has said, it is better to have it just in case."

Grand Lodge

AC26/Touch18/Flat22/CMD28||HP80[80]|Fort:+6;Ref:+13(+16 vs traps);Will:+10|Percept+20(trapspotter)|Init+4 Human Bard(Archaeologist) 11

A tall man with Chelaxian features stands quietly in the back listening. As Muesello finishes speaking, he introduces himself to the party. Well met, I'm Flinders Offendurr. I have worked with Maps before, but I think I have heard the names of most of the rest the party around the Lodge. Honored to be apart of the party. He flashes a smile and turns his attention back to the Venture-Captain. Do we have a moment to pick up any last minute equipment?

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge

"Oh, certainly. Pick up anything you need in town and when you're ready to go I'll send for my agent who will be in charge of teleporting you to the base."

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Yes, Flinders, I definitely think we need a climbing kit and something for the heights.

Scarab Sages

Human Pistolero Gunslinger 6 / Alchemist 2 | HP 64/64 | AC 25 [F 17 T 19] | CMD 28 | F+11 R+16 W+6 | Init +10| Perc +11/+16 | Grit 2/4

Maps answers most conversation directed his way with as few syllables as possible.

"Aye... Mmm... Hmm... 'Spose... Mage." The last directed towards Jory's wand with a shrug.

He does offer more regarding the mountain.

"Hard to breathe at that altitude. Might need restoration magic."

Anyone know of any alternative methods to deal with fatigue from high altitude?

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge

Bottle of Air, but that's expensive. Air Bubble doesn't last long enough. I don't really have any suggestions but maybe someone else does.

Scarab Sages

Male Half-Orc Cleric 5 HP 38/38 | AC22 T9 F20 CMD12 | F+6 R+1 W+10 | Init-1 | Perc/SM +5 | Darkvision 90'

As the sandwich dwarf asks after Chuurock's qualifications, the half-orc grunts. "Chelxain clerics? I do not worship devils or demons. I worship the guardian of the dead and the past. I celebrate the memory of those who have gone before us, even as I work to preserve, or rediscover, our memory of them. The Pathfinder Society provides me plenty of opportunity on that point."

As the wand is waved about: "Sorry, no, I can't help you with that."

The discussion about altitude problems causes Chuurock's brow to furrow. "I don't know. I'll have to consider and seek some assistance about whether I can find help on that point."

The Exchange

Male Human Barbarian 1/Bard 2 - HP: 30/30, - AC: 18/T: 12/FF: 16, - R:12/12, L:4/6 F: +4/R: +5/W: +4 - CMB: +5 - CMD: 17 - Perception: +7, Sense Motive +1

A tall, handsome man with good hair and a charming smile leans against a table and tries to make eye contact with everyone. "Sorry friend, but I've not a clue as to the mysteries of that wand of yours." Leonel offers in a tone that almost suggests he had, in fact, helped the dwarf.
"Heights? Cold? Sounds rather dreadful. And a tomb you say? Frankly I don't know why tombs are kept at all; they have that nasty habit of housing dead that seem to enjoy awakening. Nothing a fine sword can't handle though, I'm sure!" Leonel says cheerfully while patting a huge sheath protruding from behind him.

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf [AC: 22(26MA); ff 19; T:21] HP=75/75 F +11/R+10/W+15 CMD 31 (32 grapple) Ki 12/12 Monk (Zen Archer)/8 Perc +18/stone +20 Darkvision 60' per strike 8/8 40' move

Jpry puts away his wand with disappointment.
"Well, let's buy some climbing kits. I still have my cold weather gear from my Frostfur Adventures, but you all might want to grab some or some of those scrolls of elemental protection."

Upon hearing Chuurock's explanation: "Those are values any good dwarf already has. You must have tons of dwarves in your order! We'll get along fine. Here is my other wand of healing if you need it. The Chelaxian cleric had little healing and drained it quite a bit--his magic power could only heal the walking dead and harm the living. So guess what healed an entire party."

Jory hands the cleric a wand with pictogram of a bandage on a tag attached to it with a leather thong.

His face shows a frown as he reminisces. "And a barbarian that ran ahead and tripped every trap in the place when I paused to search. I am still amazed I got those rookies back without losing one."

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Aye, Jory, I will purchase a Climber's Kit as soon as we leave the meeting. I too am good with cold weather clothing.

Climber's Kit is 80 GP. I bought one, and it is on my profile. We should probably be ok if one other party member has one or buys one.

Scarab Sages

Male Half-Orc Cleric 5 HP 38/38 | AC22 T9 F20 CMD12 | F+6 R+1 W+10 | Init-1 | Perc/SM +5 | Darkvision 90'

I found two things Chuurock can use to off-set Fatigue: Lesser Restoration and Surmount Affliction. Both are Level 2 Cleric Spells. Surmount Affliction can clear the EFFECTS of any 1 of 10 conditions (including Fatigue) for a number of ROUNDS. Lesser Restoration is a fairly potent cure-all, ELIMINATING Fatigue & reducing Exhaustion to Fatigue is an irregularly used aspect of the spell, I think. Chuurock's only got the ability to prepare 2 of these a day.

Scrolls would be 150 GP, Potions 300 GP, and a wand would be 4,500 GP. We might well just suffer through the Fatigue instead . . .. Maybe consider it a challenge?

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge

Yes, the problem is that lesser restoration will get rid of it for a while. . . until you need to make your next save. And the save after that. And the save after that. I think it's one of those things that (at this level at least) you just have to suffer through. Until someone can afford a bottle of air (which I remember is around 7000+ gp).

Scarab Sages

Human Pistolero Gunslinger 6 / Alchemist 2 | HP 64/64 | AC 25 [F 17 T 19] | CMD 28 | F+11 R+16 W+6 | Init +10| Perc +11/+16 | Grit 2/4

A couple doses of allnight and a scroll of lesser restoration are worth the cost. Since we aren't in a huge rush to get there Maps might even be able to craft a few allnight doses to save costs. Also, for spells like lesser restoration and endure elements, it is much more cost effective to buy scrolls and have a caster use them on you.

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge

Feel free to make retroactive purchases/actions.

When everyone is ready, the party is teleported to the foot of Mount Antios. The mountain is breathtakingly tall and rarely traveled.

Survival checks please. Aid in however you see fit.

It looks like the first day will not be terribly cold or high in altitude (i.e. save your spells and consumables until you get higher on the mountain).

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Filios will cerainly don his cold weather outfit.

Survival to Aid: 1d20 ⇒ 11

Scarab Sages

Male Half-Orc Cleric 5 HP 38/38 | AC22 T9 F20 CMD12 | F+6 R+1 W+10 | Init-1 | Perc/SM +5 | Darkvision 90'

Chuurock will also don his cold weather gear (so that the player doesn't have to remember that it is cold later).

Aid another's Survival check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19 Not that I have any idea off-hand who our trained survivalist is . . ..

Grand Lodge

AC26/Touch18/Flat22/CMD28||HP80[80]|Fort:+6;Ref:+13(+16 vs traps);Will:+10|Percept+20(trapspotter)|Init+4 Human Bard(Archaeologist) 11

Survival Aid: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

Scarab Sages

Human Pistolero Gunslinger 6 / Alchemist 2 | HP 64/64 | AC 25 [F 17 T 19] | CMD 28 | F+11 R+16 W+6 | Init +10| Perc +11/+16 | Grit 2/4

I think Maps is our survivalist. He's got a +6 bonus and will take 10 for 16.

The Exchange

Male Human Barbarian 1/Bard 2 - HP: 30/30, - AC: 18/T: 12/FF: 16, - R:12/12, L:4/6 F: +4/R: +5/W: +4 - CMB: +5 - CMD: 17 - Perception: +7, Sense Motive +1

Leonel puts on his cold weather gear and pulls out his climbing kit. "Well then, let's be about it. Is everyone ready?"
Survival (aid): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf [AC: 22(26MA); ff 19; T:21] HP=75/75 F +11/R+10/W+15 CMD 31 (32 grapple) Ki 12/12 Monk (Zen Archer)/8 Perc +18/stone +20 Darkvision 60' per strike 8/8 40' move

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13 surv

Jory puts on his warm clothes and sings in an offkey voice "It's beginning to look a lot like...."
insert politically incorrect holiday

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge

The party puts their heads together and is able to map out a clear path up the mountain. In fact, this first day of climbing the trail is clear of snow and ice, although the scree litters the gradual slope more often as the party ascends. The temperature is cool but not terribly cold yet.

About four hours into your climb, you come to sharp turn int he trial where a sheer cliff directly abuts the edge of the path as it hugs the twisting mountain face. The sun glares off the speckled stone of the mountain, unobstructed by clouds or plants more dense than low mountain scrub. A rockslide ahead covers much of the natural pathway, narrowing the trail to less than two arm spans wide. Opposite the rockslide, a sheer drop falls away, giving a clear view of the mountainside below and the vast Tandak Plains to the west and south.

Grand Lodge

AC26/Touch18/Flat22/CMD28||HP80[80]|Fort:+6;Ref:+13(+16 vs traps);Will:+10|Percept+20(trapspotter)|Init+4 Human Bard(Archaeologist) 11

Doesn't that look inviting... Flinders remarks, studying the way ahead. Any ideas or just go for it?

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf [AC: 22(26MA); ff 19; T:21] HP=75/75 F +11/R+10/W+15 CMD 31 (32 grapple) Ki 12/12 Monk (Zen Archer)/8 Perc +18/stone +20 Darkvision 60' per strike 8/8 40' move

Jory shakes his head:
"Time to use pitons with loops and rope to secure a way across."

He adds: "Good time for our climbing kit."

Scarab Sages

Human Pistolero Gunslinger 6 / Alchemist 2 | HP 64/64 | AC 25 [F 17 T 19] | CMD 28 | F+11 R+16 W+6 | Init +10| Perc +11/+16 | Grit 2/4

Maps studies the area ahead, looking for dangers. In his past a loose rock could be just as dangerous as a dragon.

Knowledge engineering: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Knowledge geography: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Knowledge nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Scarab Sages

Male Half-Orc Cleric 5 HP 38/38 | AC22 T9 F20 CMD12 | F+6 R+1 W+10 | Init-1 | Perc/SM +5 | Darkvision 90'

"Pitons and rope sound really good to me right now. That narrow a passage and that sheer a drop have a very mortal appearance . . .."

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Filios takes out his climbing kit.

Alrighty then, let us tie ourselves off and work our way around the impediment, shall we.

Taking the lead in the endeavor, Filios begins to negotiate the small ledge while inserting pitons as he goes for the others to use to tie themselves off as they follow.

Climb: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge

The party spends some time readying their climbing equipment, tying themselves off so as not to fall over the cliff.

Marching order please.

Scarab Sages

Human Pistolero Gunslinger 6 / Alchemist 2 | HP 64/64 | AC 25 [F 17 T 19] | CMD 28 | F+11 R+16 W+6 | Init +10| Perc +11/+16 | Grit 2/4

Maps will be near the front, possibly in the lead unless someone else insists on it.

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

I would gladly cede the lead to Maps, but I had the climbing Kit, so I thought that I would start it off in this instance. I have no problem following right behind Maps.

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf [AC: 22(26MA); ff 19; T:21] HP=75/75 F +11/R+10/W+15 CMD 31 (32 grapple) Ki 12/12 Monk (Zen Archer)/8 Perc +18/stone +20 Darkvision 60' per strike 8/8 40' move

Jory will go third.

Grand Lodge

AC26/Touch18/Flat22/CMD28||HP80[80]|Fort:+6;Ref:+13(+16 vs traps);Will:+10|Percept+20(trapspotter)|Init+4 Human Bard(Archaeologist) 11

Flinders will follow Jory. He has a climbing kit as well.

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf [AC: 22(26MA); ff 19; T:21] HP=75/75 F +11/R+10/W+15 CMD 31 (32 grapple) Ki 12/12 Monk (Zen Archer)/8 Perc +18/stone +20 Darkvision 60' per strike 8/8 40' move

Jory has +6 climb and will take 10 if possible.

Jory slings his bow to use both hands when his turn comes.

The Exchange

Male Human Barbarian 1/Bard 2 - HP: 30/30, - AC: 18/T: 12/FF: 16, - R:12/12, L:4/6 F: +4/R: +5/W: +4 - CMB: +5 - CMD: 17 - Perception: +7, Sense Motive +1

I'll bring up the rear. I have a climbing kit as well, but I'd be happy to let someone else use it if need be.
NOTE: I can cast Feather Fall @CL2 up to 3/day. I'm not sure it would make a difference at this height, but if so, I'll be ready for it.

Scarab Sages

Male Half-Orc Cleric 5 HP 38/38 | AC22 T9 F20 CMD12 | F+6 R+1 W+10 | Init-1 | Perc/SM +5 | Darkvision 90'

The half-orc looks visibly nervous as he tries to work his way around the rock slide on, what to so many others, would be considered a wide path.

Apparently in the next-to-last position in the group

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge

Sorry for the uncharacteristically slow posting this week; I had a terribly busy week with school work. Posting should resume to normal now.

So: Maps, Filios, Jory, Flinders, Chuurock, Leonel

The party readies their climbing kits, using ropes and pitons to anchor themselves to the cliff before carefully walking along the narrow ledge.

Suddenly the ground lets out beneath Maps and Filios and both fall into a pit lined with spikes.

falling damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5
spike attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
number of spikes: 1d4 ⇒ 1
damage of each spike: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
DC 20 Ref to avoid.

Anyone who falls in the pit is also simultaneously covered in a fluid that burst out of waterskins rigged to explode upon triggering the pit trap.

DC 15 KN (nature) or Survival:
The colored liquid seems to be a potent mixture of various animal humors, probably meant to attract predators to the area.

Meanwhile, an axe swings down from somewhere up above, heading straight at the two people next in line (Jory and Flinders unless Maps or Filios made their save to avoid the pit and are still standing above).

swinging axe attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

spike attack crit confirm: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
damage of each spike: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0 really know how to return with a vengeance! LOL

Ref: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

As the ground gives way, Filios is able to maintain his balance and not fall into the pit. However, an Axe swings down and barely connects with the rogue as he dances to the side on the slight ledge.

Filios takes 2 Damage. Am I able to disable the traps?

Disable Device: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

Grand Lodge

AC26/Touch18/Flat22/CMD28||HP80[80]|Fort:+6;Ref:+13(+16 vs traps);Will:+10|Percept+20(trapspotter)|Init+4 Human Bard(Archaeologist) 11

KN: nature: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

Be alert, the bags contain fluids consisting of animal viscera. It's probably going to attract predators! Flinders says as he narrowly avoids the trap by using Jory as a shield. That was quite an involved trap!

Scarab Sages

Human Pistolero Gunslinger 6 / Alchemist 2 | HP 64/64 | AC 25 [F 17 T 19] | CMD 28 | F+11 R+16 W+6 | Init +10| Perc +11/+16 | Grit 2/4

Reflex: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Maps springs away from the edge of the pit, then takes the axe meant for Filios. Grunting from the pain he nods agreement to Flinder's assessment of the bag of "bait" and looks around for whatever it was meant to attract.

The Exchange

Male Human Barbarian 1/Bard 2 - HP: 30/30, - AC: 18/T: 12/FF: 16, - R:12/12, L:4/6 F: +4/R: +5/W: +4 - CMB: +5 - CMD: 17 - Perception: +7, Sense Motive +1

"Is everyone alright?" Leonel calls out from the back of the line, trying to see.

Scarab Sages

Human Pistolero Gunslinger 6 / Alchemist 2 | HP 64/64 | AC 25 [F 17 T 19] | CMD 28 | F+11 R+16 W+6 | Init +10| Perc +11/+16 | Grit 2/4

"Aye." Maps growls, examining where the axe grazed for a moment before dismissing it as a flesh wound. "Not alone up here."

Perception for whatever: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf [AC: 22(26MA); ff 19; T:21] HP=75/75 F +11/R+10/W+15 CMD 31 (32 grapple) Ki 12/12 Monk (Zen Archer)/8 Perc +18/stone +20 Darkvision 60' per strike 8/8 40' move

"Nasty surprise. Seen drow traps like this. Can you put this out of commission? "

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

I am trying...

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