GM Dak's Game Day - PFS First Steps Part 1 (Inactive)

Game Master Dakcenturi


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CotCT | HR | MM | RoA | RotRL1 | SD | SS1 | SS2 | WftC_1 | WftC_2 |


Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric

Many thanks! Can't wait to get started!

CotCT | HR | MM | RoA | RotRL1 | SD | SS1 | SS2 | WftC_1 | WftC_2 |

Updated the campaign page with details.

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc 107151 Ranger 1 | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | HP 13/13 | F +4 R +3 W +0 | Init +1 | Perc +5

Checking in! Should have my PC finished tonight.

Dark Archive

Female Chelish/Varisian Human (HP 14/14; AC 13; T11; FF 12; F 1; R 5; W 4; Perc +3; Init +2)


Silver Crusade

Male Human Warpriest 5 | HP 30/38 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | F +5 R +3 W +7 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | Blessings 5/5 | Fervor 2/5 | Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/5

Hi this is my first time playing this cleric. He's a battle cleric, not a healbot, but he'll be able to get some healing done too on occasion. I'm waiting on a chronicle from a pregen to apply before friday, hopefully.

CotCT | HR | MM | RoA | RotRL1 | SD | SS1 | SS2 | WftC_1 | WftC_2 |

Hey all, welcome! Wanted to ask you all a quick question. I generally use Roll20 for tactical maps, but I can setup a Google Doc instead if that works better for people. Please let me know if there is any preference.

Note this is only for when we get into battles, etc so you can see placement and the like. The actual rolls for combat and everything else is still done via PbP here in the forums.

Dark Archive

Female Chelish/Varisian Human (HP 14/14; AC 13; T11; FF 12; F 1; R 5; W 4; Perc +3; Init +2)

I prefer google because I can at least view that when I am at work. I mostly check the boards from my phone.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric
GM Dak wrote:

Hey all, welcome! Wanted to ask you all a quick question. I generally use Roll20 for tactical maps, but I can setup a Google Doc instead if that works better for people. Please let me know if there is any preference.

Note this is only for when we get into battles, etc so you can see placement and the like. The actual rolls for combat and everything else is still done via PbP here in the forums.

No preference, but I'm a Roll20 subscriber if you *really* want Fog of War.

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc 107151 Ranger 1 | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | HP 13/13 | F +4 R +3 W +0 | Init +1 | Perc +5

No preference for me, though I'm not a Roll20 subscriber.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric
Furios Mal wrote:
No preference for me, though I'm not a Roll20 subscriber.

You don't need to be to become a member; I subscribe because I run quite a few scenarios on there for some local friends, and the extra features (and supporting their application) is worth the price.

You can set multiple GMs for a table, which means someone could *technically* piggy-back and use those features.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Shoanti) : 13871-7 | Fighter /1 | AC: 17 T: 13 FF: 14 | HP 12 / 12 | F/R/W: +5/+3/+0 | Init +3 | Per +0

Checking In.

This will be my first PbP experience, so I have no preference on roll20 vs google.

Edit: I'll also have this alias in better shape shortly.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Warpriest 5 | HP 30/38 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | F +5 R +3 W +7 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | Blessings 5/5 | Fervor 2/5 | Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/5

So, are we starting today?

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc 107151 Ranger 1 | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | HP 13/13 | F +4 R +3 W +0 | Init +1 | Perc +5

My PC is ready to go.

CotCT | HR | MM | RoA | RotRL1 | SD | SS1 | SS2 | WftC_1 | WftC_2 |

Just putting the intial post up so it is ready to go.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Warpriest 5 | HP 30/38 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | F +5 R +3 W +7 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | Blessings 5/5 | Fervor 2/5 | Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/5

Have we lost some players?

CotCT | HR | MM | RoA | RotRL1 | SD | SS1 | SS2 | WftC_1 | WftC_2 |

Seems we may be missing two. Hopefully they will catch up today.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric

I'd welcome a party of six, but an experienced table of 4 can knock it out ...

As long as a certain halfling doesn't have his way

Silver Crusade

Male Human Warpriest 5 | HP 30/38 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | F +5 R +3 W +7 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | Blessings 5/5 | Fervor 2/5 | Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/5

Why is it always the evil folks who are portrayed as being into BDSM? Once in a while I'd like to see a St. Andrew's cross in a paladin's bedroom.

Dark Archive

Female Chelish/Varisian Human (HP 14/14; AC 13; T11; FF 12; F 1; R 5; W 4; Perc +3; Init +2)

Don't forget we can easily have more allies at a moments notice with a certain spell.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric

Kasei, you can make a knowledge check untrained, but the max you can get is a 10. A 10 is good enough to ID just about any common creature (5 + CR of creature).

Also, I think "Pathfinder School" teaches everyone the basics... please correct me if I'm wrong Dak, but I think any Pathfinder could ID this as an Imp/Demon.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Warpriest 5 | HP 30/38 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | F +5 R +3 W +7 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | Blessings 5/5 | Fervor 2/5 | Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/5

It's a devil, actually, and I'm sure the paracountess would be very annoyed at any suggestion she would have a demon as a servant.

I tried an untrained check but I don't think it did the job.

Dark Archive

Female Human Oracle () 1/ Sorceror (Crossblooded Draconic/Stormborn) 3 | HP: 21 /28| AC: 14(22)/14/11|Init: +3| Perc: +4| Fort: +2 | Ref: +3| Will: +4| CMB: +3| CMD: 16| Q.Staff: +3;1d6+3| Ray:+3|
Acro: +3| Appraise:+1| Bluff:+7| Climb:+2| Diplo: +7| Fly:+6| Inti: +7| K.(Arc/Nat): +6| K.(His/Pla/Reli): +5| Linguis: +2| Ride:+6| S.M:+0| Spell:+5| Stealth: +3| Survial:+5| Swim:+6|UMD: +7|

Damm Am I late?

CotCT | HR | MM | RoA | RotRL1 | SD | SS1 | SS2 | WftC_1 | WftC_2 |

@Kala We've started but jump in they are just starting their first mission. You can show up late :)

@JLeeBly You would likely recognize it as some demonic creature but wouldn't know exactlly what or any of it's weaknesses etc.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric

I'll be going dark around 5:00 PM EST this evening (Friday) and won't be regularly active again until Sunday night. I'm an administrator for a local convention and will be a bit predisposed until I get back home.

The GM has been give standing orders for my character to run as an NPC, but please feel free to recommend skill checks appropriate for Priddy (don't make him do anything TOO honorable).

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric

Sheet = Improvised Net? = Ranged Touch?

Silver Crusade

Male Human Warpriest 5 | HP 30/38 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | F +5 R +3 W +7 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | Blessings 5/5 | Fervor 2/5 | Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/5

Maybe, but it's a big bed, the sheet's going to be about 10x10, I'm thinking tossing it out flat over a 10x10 square could reveal whether the imp is in that area as it comes down. I noted Kasei's movement to the bed to grab the sheet.

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc 107151 Ranger 1 | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | HP 13/13 | F +4 R +3 W +0 | Init +1 | Perc +5

Just a heads up I'm in the process of moving my posting my bit erratic until Monday. If needed bot my PC.

CotCT | HR | MM | RoA | RotRL1 | SD | SS1 | SS2 | WftC_1 | WftC_2 |


Sorry for any delay, some things came up in my personal life rather unexpectedly which has pulled me away from the PC for the last several days. Should be back to normal posting sometime next week, hopefully Monday.

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc 107151 Ranger 1 | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | HP 13/13 | F +4 R +3 W +0 | Init +1 | Perc +5

Sorry all comcast messed up the work order at the new house. I'll be back online Monday.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric
GM Dak wrote:


Sorry for any delay, some things came up in my personal life rather unexpectedly which has pulled me away from the PC for the last several days. Should be back to normal posting sometime next week, hopefully Monday.

Sincerely hope everything's okay with you and yours.

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc 107151 Ranger 1 | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | HP 13/13 | F +4 R +3 W +0 | Init +1 | Perc +5

I'm back now!

Dark Archive

Female Human Oracle () 1/ Sorceror (Crossblooded Draconic/Stormborn) 3 | HP: 21 /28| AC: 14(22)/14/11|Init: +3| Perc: +4| Fort: +2 | Ref: +3| Will: +4| CMB: +3| CMD: 16| Q.Staff: +3;1d6+3| Ray:+3|
Acro: +3| Appraise:+1| Bluff:+7| Climb:+2| Diplo: +7| Fly:+6| Inti: +7| K.(Arc/Nat): +6| K.(His/Pla/Reli): +5| Linguis: +2| Ride:+6| S.M:+0| Spell:+5| Stealth: +3| Survial:+5| Swim:+6|UMD: +7|

We hanging now? Or are we waiting for someone to post?

Kala be buffing her finger nails now.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Warpriest 5 | HP 30/38 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | F +5 R +3 W +7 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | Blessings 5/5 | Fervor 2/5 | Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/5

waiting for the GM to get back I think.

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc 107151 Ranger 1 | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | HP 13/13 | F +4 R +3 W +0 | Init +1 | Perc +5

Still here!

Dark Archive

Female Chelish/Varisian Human (HP 14/14; AC 13; T11; FF 12; F 1; R 5; W 4; Perc +3; Init +2)


Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric

Present. :P

CotCT | HR | MM | RoA | RotRL1 | SD | SS1 | SS2 | WftC_1 | WftC_2 |

Sorry all for the delay. Things are a bit hectic in my life right now but things are settling back down so I am back!

Silver Crusade

Male Human Warpriest 5 | HP 30/38 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | F +5 R +3 W +7 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | Blessings 5/5 | Fervor 2/5 | Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/5

Updated the map with the squares that Kasei is targeting with the sheet-toss.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric

My lack of PbP experience is about to show...

Will this scenario be reported on the day of completion, or the day of initiation?

I ask because #5-08: The Confirmation will be releasing November 27th and technically replacing FS Part 1...

Silver Crusade

Male Human Warpriest 5 | HP 30/38 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | F +5 R +3 W +7 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | Blessings 5/5 | Fervor 2/5 | Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/5

When scenarios are retired, there's generally a grace period during which they can still be completed by PbP. That happened with FS parts 2 and 3, for instance.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric
Kuwabara Kasei wrote:
When scenarios are retired, there's generally a grace period during which they can still be completed by PbP. That happened with FS parts 2 and 3, for instance.

Thanks for the clarification. Much appreciated. :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric


Silver Crusade

Male Human Warpriest 5 | HP 30/38 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | F +5 R +3 W +7 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | Blessings 5/5 | Fervor 2/5 | Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/5

*taps the microphone* is this thing on?

CotCT | HR | MM | RoA | RotRL1 | SD | SS1 | SS2 | WftC_1 | WftC_2 |

All sorry for the delay. Some craziness going on in the real world has kept me away from the PC.

Not to go into too much detail but I got laid off from work and have been scrambling to get everything in order and look for a new job. In addition I got extremely sick and paid a visit to the ER. Today is the first day I'm starting to feel a bit back to normal.

I apologize for the delay and really want to continue things but for the foreseable future my posting may be a bit eradict until I get my life back in order. I will try my best to at least post every other day but I wanted to let you all know what is going on in case I go missing for a little bit longer. I hope everyone is willing to stick through the rough waters and again I'm sorry for slowing things down.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Warpriest 5 | HP 30/38 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | F +5 R +3 W +7 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | Blessings 5/5 | Fervor 2/5 | Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/5

I understand!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric

Been there brother. Hoping everything pans out okay for ya. :)

Dark Archive

Female Chelish/Varisian Human (HP 14/14; AC 13; T11; FF 12; F 1; R 5; W 4; Perc +3; Init +2)

take your time.

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc 107151 Ranger 1 | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | HP 13/13 | F +4 R +3 W +0 | Init +1 | Perc +5

Get well and hope your job search goes well.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Warpriest 5 | HP 30/38 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | F +5 R +3 W +7 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | Blessings 5/5 | Fervor 2/5 | Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/5

Just checking in, is gameplay likely to resume shortly?

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