GM Burglar's 4-06 The Green Market (Inactive)

Game Master mechaedd

new camp

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Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Monk 6 | 32/51 HP / AC:(25) 21 / T: 20/ FF:(22)18 / Fort: +8(10) / Ref: +8(10) / Will: +10(12) / CMD: 28(30) / Init: +2 / Perc: +16(18)/ SM: +9

"That tree got a hold of me once. Any magics you can provide would be helpful."

Healing Hex: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

"Thank you Lady Zeeva."

Sovereign Court

Barbarian Invulnerable Rager/7; HP: 82/82 (96/96); AC: 24 (23 Rage), DR: 3; F: 9, R: 8, W: 4; Perc: +9; Init: +2
Caradeum Genwyllian wrote:

Caradeum moves over to Varg and taps him with a wand. "You may feel a little dirty after this, but it only last a moment."

Infernal Healing

How much healing does the wand do?

Healing Hex: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Thank you, Zeeva.

Male Bear Burglar 1

Ambient notes for those with Detect Magic:
The entire building as having new, lingering conjuration/transmutation/enchantment auras, which were not detected before.

Spellcraft DC 20 & Detect Magic:
This and by proxy these new effects were not caused by a magic item (as they are one multiaura and there's no item that has that many auras without being Universal.)

Knowledge (Religion) DC 20 & Detect Magic:
This is the aftermath of a haunt. Feel free to already know or read the haunt rules for more info, but the laymans terms for those are "Something bad happened here and this stuff will keep happening until someone fixes the age-old problem."

Luisila wrote:
"Know them?"

Zeeva shakes her head, "No, not personally. I hope he can portray to his leadership why they shouldn't come back, though. Whomever was saying all that Shoanti stuff was pretty clear..." Narris nods his head, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I severely doubt that anyone wants a haunted building, especially after that thing up north. I can assure you, I'm going to be as firm as possible about the fact they don't want to even bother unless they want a tree planting them in the dirt."

Shan wrote:
I cast Detect Druids

You detect no Druids, any all discernable traffic headed out when combat broke out.

Varg wrote:
Infernal healing?

It gives Fast Healing 1 for a minute, so 10. You also feel and detect as Evil during the ten rounds.

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Grand Lodge

AC(23)19/Touch18/Flat14/CMD27||HP53[53]|Fort:+6;Ref:+8;Will:+7(+2 for encha/compul)|Percept.+14|Init.+9 Elf Wizard (Wood Mage) 6 Fighter (Lore Warden) 1 Eld. Knt 2

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33

Religion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

"I sense a lingering magic in this area, one not produced by the myriad magic items or spells that have been cast....strange."

Silver Crusade

Male Human Cleric/10 HPS 54/73 (+NL 10) AC 16(19)/touch 10/FF 16 CMD 15 Fort+8/Ref+3/Will+12 init +2/Per.+18/Sense motive +7

Brachus heads over to the captured humans while he cast's guidance on himself at Luisilla's suggestion

"Well hello, You wouldn't know anything about what has been going on you'd be willing to share with me do you? It might be helpful for you to talk to me about anything you think might be who send you here and why for starters. I'm a rather nice guy..but you've seen what my companions did to that moving forrest out there..I'd rather think you'd be better of staying on our friendly side..don't you agree? Besides...if some more off this produce or flowers start to attack...wouldn't you rather be with us then on your own?"

Diplomacy (take 10 using the guidance) for 10+13+1 = 24

Grand Lodge

Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 24, T 15, F 19 | CMB +13, CMD 28 (29 grapple) | F +21, R +16, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +28, SM +7 | Speed 30 ft | 5/5 Channels | 9/9 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none

CLW Shan: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
CLW Varg: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Luisila taps Shan and Varg with her CLW wand, before replacing it in her wrist sheath. She then re-tensions its spring. The priestess then *casts* detect magic.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Knowledge (Religion) + Guidance: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Inspiration suddenly strikes Luisila as she remembers studying similar events during her theological classes related to performing exorcisms.

“This is likely the aftermath of a haunt. Something bad must have happened here and will continue to do so until we fix the problem’s root cause.”

Luisila frowns. “We heard Shoanti chanting, right? Zeeva, any idea what might be going on? Are there any stories of what was here before the Green Market was established? Are there any places in the market that are a bit … well, off?”

She waits patiently for Brachus’ interrogation to end before saying. “Bray, maybe we should keep our channels for battling the haunt?”

Male Bear Burglar 1
Brachus wrote:

Narris dusts off his damaged suit, standing to respond to the Cleric. "Uh, I do understand, sir. That threat is why I didn't book at the chance while you wrestled with the living fauna. Besides, I wanted to ensure proper reparations were made before I get on the next ship back to my cottage in Nirmathas." (referring to the wand and other loot taken from him) "After I explain to the local coins in the area why this place is unacceptable for further acquisition, of course. I'm a far better talker than I am a combatant." He thinks to himself, "If I remember the dossier correctly, I believe they were trying to acquire this place because its economy never wanes. But other than giving you what I assume is a fake name from my briefing and the act of convincing them this place should be called the Ghost Market, I'm afraid I have nothing else for you." Though he's burned his dossier this morning (like a good agent), he makes the offer that if him and his 2 goons are released without involving the guard, Narris will implore local Aspis management to not attempt to acquire this land. If that fails, he will spread word in the Aspis worker pool to NOT take jobs here, since A) Protection has been increased tenfold and B)Sometimes Trees Come to Life and Kill You. "That'd hobble any attempt in the future, but I'm pretty convincing, so I doubt I'll even need the plan B." Cool Facts: I know his Diplomacy DC and stance factors of existence, thanks to the Shadow Lodge Faction Mission! Though even though you didn't even beat the 25 base, he DOES know the benefit of not being killed and thus is being entirely honest in his offer.

Luisila wrote:
Haunt stuff!

Zeeva responds, "From what you seem to have deciphered, you know more than I do. All I have contribute here is that they were saying stuff like 'This is Shoanti land,' 'You will bring no war here', and 'My people will be avenged.'" She ponders, looking around, "I know a Shoanti shaman, Telmayne Fire-Eyes. On the rare occasion she's in the city, she's said to me she feels some kind of connection to her people here. She lives out in the Skaldwood, only a few minutes' walk from the east gate." Zeeva gives a description and directions, which allows Brachus to make a revelation; He met her during information gathering, likely while she was on one of her rare trips into town. (and right around where I killed the English language "Brachus learns he find one of the few"?) Telmayne is young for a shaman, and her tall, athletic appearance makes it quite surprising that she's a shaman. She is shaved bald in the custom of many of her people and wears a scarlet bandanna tied around her head to protect it from the sun.

For a little technical scope on haunts, haunts work in four stages: "Dormant," "Activating," "Active," and "Cooldown." Dormant is self-explanatory, Activating is the stage where you guys got Perception checks to hear the chanting and act in a surprise round (if you weren't already in combat), Active is usually an instantaneous amount of time (though haunts are weird and unique; this one's active phase was "When the plants are forming into bads") and it is now in Cooldown. Cooldown is a state where the haunt will not happen for a predetermined amount of time. Positive Energy's main function is to suppresses it during the Activating phase to force it to jump to Cooldown (and may have use in the Active phase is longer than instantaneous, such as here.) A standard cooldown phase is usually no shorter than 1 day (though you guys didn't succeed the ID roll when it first manifested, so you're not sure how long or short this one is.)

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Sovereign Court

Barbarian Invulnerable Rager/7; HP: 82/82 (96/96); AC: 24 (23 Rage), DR: 3; F: 9, R: 8, W: 4; Perc: +9; Init: +2

I have a very useful Boon that I can use here, if anyone thinks we need more out of the Aspis Agent? It appears that he has given us all he could, but I could make him reroll a D20 - was it a roll for him to get to the DC 25?

Nemesis of the Aspis:
Nemesis of the Aspis: You are an expert at sabatoging the aspis Consortium's nefarious schemes. During any sceanario in which you encounter the Aspis Consortium, you may, as an immediate action, force an enemy Aspis agent to reroll a single d20 and take the worse result. once you have used this boon, cross it off the chronicle sheet.

Male Bear Burglar 1

This is just Bracus' T10 not bring high enough for a superfluous roll; the diplo is unneeded to get him to persuade the local group to stop (since he wants off this job while still alive anyways.) The diplo DC for anyone who injured him lethally is as if he is hostile (25+Narris' Cha), but that is only needed for Ol' Grandmaster Torch's "make me a new friend" faction mission.

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Sovereign Court

Barbarian Invulnerable Rager/7; HP: 82/82 (96/96); AC: 24 (23 Rage), DR: 3; F: 9, R: 8, W: 4; Perc: +9; Init: +2

No need to waste the boon now then, thanks.

Liberty's Edge

(8) Female Half-Elf Bard 4 / Lore Warden 4 | HP 57/59 | AC 26* | T 15 | FF 21 | Fort +7 | Ref +9 | Will +7 (+2 vs. ench) | CMD 26 | Init +3 | Perc +6 | SM +8 | BP: 14/14

Linnea nods at everything being said. "Well, I'm satisfied with this guy's pleading and promises. Should we go meet with Telmayne?"

Sovereign Court

Barbarian Invulnerable Rager/7; HP: 82/82 (96/96); AC: 24 (23 Rage), DR: 3; F: 9, R: 8, W: 4; Perc: +9; Init: +2

I'm thinkin' we should, but what about the chances of those things coming back while we're gone. Can we do something to make them stay away?

Grand Lodge

Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 24, T 15, F 19 | CMB +13, CMD 28 (29 grapple) | F +21, R +16, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +28, SM +7 | Speed 30 ft | 5/5 Channels | 9/9 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none

"Agreed. Let's go and see Bray's shaman."

Luisila considers Cleaver's concerns. "As we have no way of knowing when the haunt will manifest again, I think we should move as quickly as we can. I don't think leaving someone here to guard Zeeva is a good idea."

The priestess looks about the Green Market. "As there's no customers anyway, maybe you and Nimeeta should come with us, Zeeva? It might be safer."

Aid Another Diplomacy + Guidance: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Silver Crusade

Male Human Cleric/10 HPS 54/73 (+NL 10) AC 16(19)/touch 10/FF 16 CMD 15 Fort+8/Ref+3/Will+12 init +2/Per.+18/Sense motive +7

Brachus nods

"Let's go. As Luisila has indicated, it might be better for you to stick with us for now."

In case diplomacy is needed to bring Zeeva and Nimeeta along as Luisila is asking

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 13 + 2 + 1 = 26 (Casting guidance and using it, with the aid included)

Male Bear Burglar 1

Zeeva shakes her head, "You guys go ahead; I'm going to send word to the carpenter's union that some overtime opportunities has come up and get all the repairs set up. Besides, if anything happens while I'm gone, I'm 100% liable..." She looks at the broken fence and pile of destroyed produce, "... and I feel like this quarter miiiiiiight be a little less profitable than before, even without any lawyer fees..." She trails off a little, "Though you're welcome to stick around here for that. The mere utterance of 'time-and-a-half' guarantees the job will be done in an hour or two. Plenty of sunlight left, too."

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Grand Lodge

Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 24, T 15, F 19 | CMB +13, CMD 28 (29 grapple) | F +21, R +16, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +28, SM +7 | Speed 30 ft | 5/5 Channels | 9/9 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none

Luisila pulls a cucumber out of the fallen Shambling Mound and tosses it to Linnea.

"Well, this is a dilly of a pickle ... Do we stay or do we go."

She inclines her head to the side and thinks while the others speak.

"I say it's worth the risk to go and see Telmayne right now. Sounds like Zeeva will be busy organising tradesmen anyway, so now is probably the time - though we should hurry."

Silver Crusade

Male Human Cleric/10 HPS 54/73 (+NL 10) AC 16(19)/touch 10/FF 16 CMD 15 Fort+8/Ref+3/Will+12 init +2/Per.+18/Sense motive +7

Brachus hurries along with the others.

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Monk 6 | 32/51 HP / AC:(25) 21 / T: 20/ FF:(22)18 / Fort: +8(10) / Ref: +8(10) / Will: +10(12) / CMD: 28(30) / Init: +2 / Perc: +16(18)/ SM: +9

"I agree to see Telmayne now. We can always exorcise the spirits later since this is not a common occurrence. I hope we can get to the bottom of this."

Grand Lodge

AC(23)19/Touch18/Flat14/CMD27||HP53[53]|Fort:+6;Ref:+8;Will:+7(+2 for encha/compul)|Percept.+14|Init.+9 Elf Wizard (Wood Mage) 6 Fighter (Lore Warden) 1 Eld. Knt 2

Caradeum nods in agreement.

Male Bear Burglar 1

The party leaves Zeeva to her management role and makes their way out to the Skaldwood. As a sizably-large cluster of dead trees, it houses a number winding paths that each lead to clearings of encampments that have become small settlements that are separate from yet protected by the city by right of an ancient treaty between the Crimson Throne and the Shoanti. Thanks to directions from Zeeva, finding the camp that houses the Fire-Eyes camp is no difficult matter.

Upon arriving, the party is met by an initial scouting party of Shoanti individuals with klars and earthbreakers. One asks in slightly piecemeal Taldane while keeping a wary eye on all, "Why are you in the Skaldwoods?" At the inquiry of Telmayne, he waves for you to follow him deeper into the camp, but keeps an eye on everyone just in case.

In a central hut made of burnt clay bricks awaits the woman from earlier inquiry; Telmayne Fire-Eyes.
She is young for a shaman, with a tall, athletic appearance. She is shaved bald in the custom of many of her people, wears a scarlet bandanna tied around her head to protect it from the sun, and seems pretty indifferent to seeing outsiders in her house (which is an improvement to those outside.) She waves the guards who brought you to the house back to their posts and speaks. "Ah, Korvosans, I recall meeting a few of you before and speaking with one of Foxglove woman and her market. What is it that you need now?" As a note, a bluff or diplomacy is going applicable.

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Liberty's Edge

(8) Female Half-Elf Bard 4 / Lore Warden 4 | HP 57/59 | AC 26* | T 15 | FF 21 | Fort +7 | Ref +9 | Will +7 (+2 vs. ench) | CMD 26 | Init +3 | Perc +6 | SM +8 | BP: 14/14

Linnea steps forward, choosing her words carefully. "Madame Talmayne, indeed we are Korvosans. Well, perhaps not our wise dwarven friend here... but we have come on behalf of Lady Foxglove. See, the thing is, we were attacked by a sentient tree and shrubbery. It's nothing that's out of the ordinary for us, but when we scanned the area afterwards all sorts of magical auras were present - it was insane - impossible to figure out! So, Lady Foxglove pointed us in your direction - telling us that you are the wisest person to help us fix the problem - take care of whatever magics are happening. I'm sure, well, I'm sure there would be some reward available."

Bluff: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (10) + 16 = 26

I'll be honest, I'm a little unclear on what was going on, so I made up a lot of stuff, hence the bluffing.

Grand Lodge

Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 24, T 15, F 19 | CMB +13, CMD 28 (29 grapple) | F +21, R +16, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +28, SM +7 | Speed 30 ft | 5/5 Channels | 9/9 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none

“Well … we are only visitors to the Shoanti homeland that the Chelaxians named Korvosa. Indeed, we believe there may be spirits of your ancestors not at peace at a location on the South Shore.”

Luisila continues sincerely, “Frankly we’re at a loss at how to deal with the situation, and thought we’d seek a wiser mind to help us lay the troubled spirit to rest.”

Let’s hope she doesn’t want a shrubbery in return for her help.

Aid Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Male Bear Burglar 1

The shaman keeps her indifferent demeanor during the speech, though gains a bit of a more wary look upon the contradictory information. She focuses as Luisila talks of the information she learned earlier about the history of the Green Market. "You already know much of the land, but your motives remain as unclear as your origins. Do you only desire rid the land of Shoanti influence even further or are your means of a more pure intent? You say you are from one place, but another says the opposite, like depicting the dawn as sunset."

She begins to move about her home, gathering some dead logs and branches that are neatly piled in an area. "I suppose I could tell you some of the history and stories of my people," she says, continuing in Taldane. "Maybe it would help you. Maybe it would not. The telling is free-but answer me this: After my people were driven from our lands, why should I help you?"

Rolls above will carry as this is an aid-able one-check thing (though the contrary information was amusing).

-Posted with Wayfinder

Sovereign Court

Barbarian Invulnerable Rager/7; HP: 82/82 (96/96); AC: 24 (23 Rage), DR: 3; F: 9, R: 8, W: 4; Perc: +9; Init: +2

I am no help here.

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Monk 6 | 32/51 HP / AC:(25) 21 / T: 20/ FF:(22)18 / Fort: +8(10) / Ref: +8(10) / Will: +10(12) / CMD: 28(30) / Init: +2 / Perc: +16(18)/ SM: +9

"If it is your people's spirits that remained in the market, your assistance will be two fold. Primarly, you will be able to prevent any further injuries, or even worse deaths, this manifestations can inflict upon the innocent public.

"More importantly, you will help your own people's spirits move on. Currently they are unable to pass through the Veil. They are restless and only desire eternal peace. If you can help us continue on their journey, you will honor your ancestors."

Grand Lodge

AC(23)19/Touch18/Flat14/CMD27||HP53[53]|Fort:+6;Ref:+8;Will:+7(+2 for encha/compul)|Percept.+14|Init.+9 Elf Wizard (Wood Mage) 6 Fighter (Lore Warden) 1 Eld. Knt 2

Caradeum nods and tries to aid in the conversation. "My friend here thought he heard shamanic chanting before the spirits manifested. It would seem likely that there are powerful nature shamans among the Shoanti?"

Diplo Aid: 1d20 ⇒ 5

Silver Crusade

Male Human Cleric/10 HPS 54/73 (+NL 10) AC 16(19)/touch 10/FF 16 CMD 15 Fort+8/Ref+3/Will+12 init +2/Per.+18/Sense motive +7

Not sure if diplomacy can be used to aid Linneas bluff in this case.. if it can I'll aid her..otherwise using diplomacy on my own for 10+13+1+2 (using guidance if possible and counting Luisilla's aid) for a 26

"I think it would be in everyone's best interest for people around here to not see the Shoanti as a bad being associated with something that haunts the market can't be good for the general feelings around here."

Male Bear Burglar 1

In theory, I'm counting both Diplo and Bluff as "two simultaneous attempts", since either by this point has passed, barring the happenstance you horribly maim the context of speech (which is why I'm fishing for dialogue.)

She speaks generally first, "While I do not bear violent, outward malice towards the populace of that city, I can only imagine troubles they have beset themselves. And yet I feel no pity. I believe them to have earned these trials. Their ancestors came to ours with snapdragons as in the flower, meaning hope for the future and entrenched cloaked daggers within their  trusting backs. They burned our homes, chased us to desolate wastelands, and built their hideous castle of gargoyles upon our holy lands."

She looks to Brachus as she continues, " Further, only by old decree from the 'kindest' of their kings do we have this once-bountiful land in close proximity to our old holy sites. The opinions of those who believe this dead forest is some sort of acceptable compromise for us mean very little, for they do not understand our plight, as I believe you the same." She continues to speak without anger, but pointedness, "It is not our influence that is foreign or bad, it is theirs'. This act sounds as one vengeance, but were your families burned alive in your huts before you, would you not act about in rebellion?"

She loses no tone as she addresses Shan's points, "The innocent, as you claim them to be, are inheritors of this future, as are we. The sins of the past leave scars, and we all bear that pain. Just look around you; we do not lavish in markets or bear the land that was rightfully ours. We bear the wounds of eras gone past from when our people were willing to share this land to when we began to regret that decision."

She turns to look out a hole in the hut into the deadwood, "I have yet to entirely believe your motive; are you trying to mend the past, or are you simply looking to bury us once more? I wish I could help blindly if it is a thing of benefit to our ancestors, but I count myself amongst our jaded people."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

AC(23)19/Touch18/Flat14/CMD27||HP53[53]|Fort:+6;Ref:+8;Will:+7(+2 for encha/compul)|Percept.+14|Init.+9 Elf Wizard (Wood Mage) 6 Fighter (Lore Warden) 1 Eld. Knt 2

Caradeum thinks for a moment, then says. "Truthfully we are here to accomplish a task set upon us by our superiors. But, if there is an opportunity to set right, a past wrong, one of which, until now, we were unaware of, then we will do what we can to make things right." Pausing to take a breath, he says. "Can you tell us what needs to be done to right these past wrongs?"

Grand Lodge

Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 24, T 15, F 19 | CMB +13, CMD 28 (29 grapple) | F +21, R +16, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +28, SM +7 | Speed 30 ft | 5/5 Channels | 9/9 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none
Waaaay too young to be this jaded wrote:
“This act sounds as one vengeance, but were your families burned alive in your huts before you, would you not act about in rebellion?"

Someone could sure use some Savored Sting in her life …

Though Luisila actually says, “We are strangers to YOUR land and ignorant to the suffering of your people – that is true. Though it is also true that none of us here love Imperial Cheliax and what its Hellsworn Queen represents, I will not pretend that makes us potential friends or allies.”

She continues in an even tone. “You doubt our motives about wanting to bring peace to your own ancestors as my Dwarven friend has explained, though I think you believe us about a restless Shoanti spirit haunting the South Shore.”

Luisila looks confused. “Why is that? Is it because we look Korvosan even though we all hail from other parts of the Inner Sea? Ms Joculus originates from Andoran. Caradeum and Shan Pangu from the far North. Huscarl Stollufsen hails from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings and I am a native of Absalom.”

Sorry, Brachus. Not sure where you’re from. ;)

“Surely that can’t be the reason. I am sure you would not want to be treated a certain way because of the way you look. Is not the wellbeing of one of your own more important than bringing pain to ones you perceive to be enemies (when in reality we are not)?”

Male Bear Burglar 1

"My intent is not to see the Chelish die. My goal is to see that everyone learn the importance of our past. Far too many live without consequence, taking what they want, and not looking to what they will be giving to or taking from future generations." She finishes collecting some of the firewood pile. "It is an important lesson to carry with you, as it is a key factor in the cause of your predicament."

She gestures for everyone to follow her outside, to a fire pit and for to sit around it. " I know the Green Market. The reason behind its name is far more than you know." She sets the fire in the mundane of way as she continues. "There was once a great shaman who dedicated himself to unity and peace among the Shoanti quahs. The Chelish invaders executed him centuries ago, and buried his shrine to remove any memory of the peace he once preached."

She stands, having finished building the fire. "The shaman was known as Galdron Greenheart, a name he adopted when he set aside the warlike ways of our quah. History recounts that he was moved by an ancient legend that spoke of unity between the clans to lay down his weapons and provide a place of peace where all Shoanti were welcome. Without weapons, however, he could not defend himself against the Chelish invaders who saw him as a potential threat for his ability to inspire and unite his people."

The wood pops and burns a greenish flame, a byproduct of the poor condition of the trees from which it was harvested. The shaman looks to the flame, "Galdron Greenheart's shrine was located near where the Green Market now stands-likely buried beneath the current marketplace." She looks to the sun for a moment as she continues. "I have felt his spirit there even today, though it would take no small act of violence to disturb a man of his demeanor to the brink of murder. Only by calming him can you restore balance in the Green Market. Locate his shrine and place upon it a Shoanti symbol of peace; seven broken klar blades in the shape of a star is traditional among my people."

She looks to the group directly, "When you uncover his shrine, Galdron will likely lash out at you as he did before. If he manifests with fire, he has forgotten that he left the Sklar-Quah, the Sun People. He wanted to be of all quahs and none-the Green Heart. You see, he left this world a man of peace, not a man of war. Your best hope might be to make him remember that. Remind him what he has given this generation."

"The lesson here I wish to impart upon you all is that all decisions will have consequences in the future, sometimes bigger in scope than one may see. Decisions like giving to the homeless and downtrodden, choosing to remain silent in a discussion, or killing a man in self-defense." She paces around the fire, "The downtrodden may be grateful and turn his life around, the silence may withhold truths painful to some, and further atrocities may have been prevented." She stops as she circles in front of the group, "The opposite may also be true. The homeless may grow utterly dependent on charity and decide living off of others is better than trying to enhance their life, a circumstance may arise where one's comments may have prevented a bad outcome, or the assaulter may have been simply fighting for their life or perhaps to protect the lives of others. Their family, if they have one, will now have to suffer the loss."

"There is no way to know how these things will play out, but to dwell on pondering them too long is a decision of its own; one that may be its own worst option. Just know everything you do has consequence, be it for better or worse, even if you do not see the results in your lifetime." She turns to go back to her housing though she's still talk-to-able at this point, "That is all I have to say to your query, outsiders. If even one of you reconsiders an action given its possible consequences, then I have done good for the world today."

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Liberty's Edge

(8) Female Half-Elf Bard 4 / Lore Warden 4 | HP 57/59 | AC 26* | T 15 | FF 21 | Fort +7 | Ref +9 | Will +7 (+2 vs. ench) | CMD 26 | Init +3 | Perc +6 | SM +8 | BP: 14/14

Linnea listens to the shaman. "Thank you for sharing your wisdom, Madame Talmayne. We will take your words to heart. Lady Foxglove only wishes for peace to return to the Green Market, and our goal is to help her." Linnea gives Talmayne a brief bow. "Now, where can we obtain a Shoanti symbol of peace?"

Male Bear Burglar 1

"I have seven klars that are beyond repair. Their blades will suffice." She responds, asking another Shoanti something in their native tongue. He returns from a hut with seven tops of large lizard heads that have a single blade protruding from the mouth. They look fragile and broken, though the blades are intact. "Break the blades from these and place them in a circle, point to end upon his shrine. That is the symbol."

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Sovereign Court

Barbarian Invulnerable Rager/7; HP: 82/82 (96/96); AC: 24 (23 Rage), DR: 3; F: 9, R: 8, W: 4; Perc: +9; Init: +2

Let me get this straight. We place the symbol, and that thing we just defeated is coming back, and we want that to happen?

Male Bear Burglar 1

"While I know not exactly what you fought, but if it was not a man, then what you fought was one can consider a scouting party to a chieftain or soldiers to a general." She looks to Varg to answer his query, "If your aim is to convince him of his wrongdoing by either methodology, then this is the method I would speak with him. Then, if he does not listen, he is within physical grasp."

The fire continues to burn a green, though has died down a little from the initial lighting, "This symbol was always to be used as a precursor to visiting the Green Heart in his home; to show that the visitor has placed no quah above another with intent of peace. The party presenting the blades would then enter his shrine to speak with him. I believe that if this is presented to him in death, you will go meet with him in his home, though much different as I'm sure it is."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 24, T 15, F 19 | CMB +13, CMD 28 (29 grapple) | F +21, R +16, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +28, SM +7 | Speed 30 ft | 5/5 Channels | 9/9 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none

“Yah, I think that’s the best way to lay Galdron Greenheart’s spirit to rest, Cleaver. Many thanks, Shaman Talmayne. I think it’s time to see how Zeeva’s getting on back at the Green Market.”

Once the party makes its way back through the crowded streets of the city, Luisila recalls the preaching of the Shoanti spiritualist.

Preachy chick wrote:
"The lesson here I wish to impart upon you all is that all decisions will have consequences in the future, sometimes bigger in scope than one may see.”

While a general believer in cause and effect: Dude annoys CleaverDude loses his head ...

Luisila is fundamentally a person of faith – devoting her life to a triple-concept embodied by her beloved goddess.

“Honestly, just thinking about all that What If ..? stuff, you could disappear up your own … ASS! YEAH, YOU! MOVE THAT MULE AND CART!! PATHFINDERS COMING THROUGH ON IMPORTANT BUSINESS!

Grand Lodge

AC(23)19/Touch18/Flat14/CMD27||HP53[53]|Fort:+6;Ref:+8;Will:+7(+2 for encha/compul)|Percept.+14|Init.+9 Elf Wizard (Wood Mage) 6 Fighter (Lore Warden) 1 Eld. Knt 2

Until you descibed laying them point to end, I was thinking seven broken blades in a circle sounded an awful lot like a sihedron.

Caradeum listens thoughtfully. Having nothing more to inquire about, he follows after the party, as they head back to the market.

"I have very little in regards to fighting ghosts. Should we stop off to purchase supplies. I assume it will take some....persuading before this ghost listens to us."

Male Bear Burglar 1
Caradeum Genwyllian wrote:
Until you descibed laying them point to end, I was thinking seven broken blades in a circle sounded an awful lot like a sihedron.

Err, you're right; it IS star-shaped. And the connection is definitely there (and a faction mission from days gone past!)

Errata to dialogue: The shape is star-shaped. Circles are a more pleasant shape to the DM, but are inaccurate to text. Mea culpa. Assumptions may be made, questions may still be asked to the shaman, History's may be rolled specifically on this topic, etc.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Liberty's Edge

(8) Female Half-Elf Bard 4 / Lore Warden 4 | HP 57/59 | AC 26* | T 15 | FF 21 | Fort +7 | Ref +9 | Will +7 (+2 vs. ench) | CMD 26 | Init +3 | Perc +6 | SM +8 | BP: 14/14

Knowledge (History): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

"Hey, wait a minute, I think I remember hearing something about all this..."

Silver Crusade

Male Human Cleric/10 HPS 54/73 (+NL 10) AC 16(19)/touch 10/FF 16 CMD 15 Fort+8/Ref+3/Will+12 init +2/Per.+18/Sense motive +7

Brachus listens carefully to the instructions being given. And when we are done will make sure he thanks the woman for her assistance.

Male Bear Burglar 1

Timey-wimey stuff! You can do stuff in "talking to the shaman" or "at the Green Market" times!

DC 25 Religion or Planes:
This 7-pointed star is definitely tied to the Runelords somehow, but you're also aware is not something that is commonly-known fact.

If Telmayne is confronted / inquired about the Runelords, Lissala, and the Sidehedron similarities, Telmayne is reluctant to discuss such things. "The goddess of the Azghat was not gentle, but she played a role, however indirectly, with the formation of the quah-jothka. These matters are easily misunderstood and taken out of context, and best left to those of a mature faith. If you have pieced this together yourself, however, I believe you have a right to know." She explains how the Azghat (the Shoanti word for Runelord) organized the Shoanti quahs by purpose and talent, based on Lissalan tenets. Yet the Shoanti never, to Telmayne's knowledge, venerated Lissala themselves. Telmayne volunteers that every great city of the Azghat had temples to the goddess of runes, but the greatest of them was lost under the sea-far east of where Riddleport is today. "That is our connection to this star." Obtaining this information satisfies the Silver Crusade faction mission, earning Silver Crusade faction PCs 1 Prestige Point. And with that, she has no more relevant information. Hooray, continuity!

When the group returns to the Green Market, they find the market already mostly repaired, despite it only having been roughly a half-hour since their departure (maybe closer to 45-60 minutes if you went shopping for bonus gear.) The market bustles in the afternoon with customers that seem unaware that if they were here less than an hour ago, they might be dead. A dirt-caked Zeeva darts from the tree area where she was helping a team of contractors build a fence and greets them. "Hey, you're back! Learn anything about the... situation? There's been nothing but fortune on this end; work's going by pretty fast."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Monk 6 | 32/51 HP / AC:(25) 21 / T: 20/ FF:(22)18 / Fort: +8(10) / Ref: +8(10) / Will: +10(12) / CMD: 28(30) / Init: +2 / Perc: +16(18)/ SM: +9

As the makes their way back to town, Shan shoulders up to Varg.

"So we are going to talk first, axe later."

Shan gives a smile and a brow raise of approval to Linnea, queen of puns.

Liberty's Edge

(8) Female Half-Elf Bard 4 / Lore Warden 4 | HP 57/59 | AC 26* | T 15 | FF 21 | Fort +7 | Ref +9 | Will +7 (+2 vs. ench) | CMD 26 | Init +3 | Perc +6 | SM +8 | BP: 14/14

Knowledge (Planes): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

"Huh-huh. You ever notice how weird the word plane is? It's so plain..."

Linnea's thoughts are clearly not on the task at hand.

Grand Lodge

Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 24, T 15, F 19 | CMB +13, CMD 28 (29 grapple) | F +21, R +16, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +28, SM +7 | Speed 30 ft | 5/5 Channels | 9/9 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none

“There is nothing plain about you, dear Lin.”

Knowledge (Religion) + Guidance: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 1 = 8

Luisila has a suggestion. “If events play out along the lines Lady Talmayne indicated, Gaudron Greenheart is likely to first manifest as green fire. I could purchase a scroll of communal protection from energy (fire) for 700gp that would protect us all for about ten minutes.”

“We would each need to put in 117 gold sails to make that work. Do you think that’s worthwhile?”

Luisila continues talkin' tactics. “Once Gaudron’s done with being a Sklar-quah elder again, we can remind him he transcended above allegiance to a single quah to become a man of peace. Hopefully that works.”

Male Bear Burglar 1

Zeeva whispers closely to Luisila, "Wait, I'm out of the loop here. Who needs to be talked to? Is this some kind of guerilla tactics nature terrorist kind of thing thing? How are we supposed to negotiate?" Zeeva makes motions for everyone to go into her office for discussion.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

Male Human Cleric/10 HPS 54/73 (+NL 10) AC 16(19)/touch 10/FF 16 CMD 15 Fort+8/Ref+3/Will+12 init +2/Per.+18/Sense motive +7

"Good idea about the protection against fire Luisila, but no need to get a scroll of it. I have a communal resistance spell prepared."

At lvl 7 that's resist 20, should be decent enough I think

Sovereign Court

Barbarian Invulnerable Rager/7; HP: 82/82 (96/96); AC: 24 (23 Rage), DR: 3; F: 9, R: 8, W: 4; Perc: +9; Init: +2

I'm in, Lu. Just tell me my share.

Grand Lodge

Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 24, T 15, F 19 | CMB +13, CMD 28 (29 grapple) | F +21, R +16, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +28, SM +7 | Speed 30 ft | 5/5 Channels | 9/9 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none

"Well Zeeva, in life the Shoanti haunt was a respected elder who believed in peaceful resistance to the Chelaxian invaders. Unfortunately, something seems to have changed his outlook. We'll find out what that is and hopefully lay his spirit to rest."

Zeeva Foxglove wrote:
"How are we supposed to negotiate?"

Luisila *winks* "Very carefully."

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Monk 6 | 32/51 HP / AC:(25) 21 / T: 20/ FF:(22)18 / Fort: +8(10) / Ref: +8(10) / Will: +10(12) / CMD: 28(30) / Init: +2 / Perc: +16(18)/ SM: +9

"There are seven pieces and seven of us. Shall we bring them together in unity as a sign of piece. To circle the square as they say."

Silver Crusade

Male Human Cleric/10 HPS 54/73 (+NL 10) AC 16(19)/touch 10/FF 16 CMD 15 Fort+8/Ref+3/Will+12 init +2/Per.+18/Sense motive +7

Brachus nods at Shan

"Seems like a good idea to do it"

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