GM Bold Strider's PFS 00-23 Tide of Morning (1-5) (Inactive)

Game Master rpblue

Map is HERE!

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Dark Archive

Half-orc Growling Blade 11 | HP: 91/91 | DISRUPTIVE & SPELLBREAKER | AC: 25 | T: 16 | FF: 23 | CMD: 29 | Fort: +11 | Ref: +15 | Will: +12 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4 | SM: -1 | Speed 30 ft.
Tracked resources:
Bardic Performances: 24/25 ; Spells: 0 - 6 ; 1st - 6/6 ; 2nd - 5/5 ; 3rd - 25/4 ; 4th - 2/2 ; Weapon's Spell (Arcane Bond): 1/1

Thanks again for running it, Bold Strider! :)

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