GM Bauers PFS 6-08 The Segang Expedition (Inactive)

Game Master mbauers

Current Map

Current Characters

Belkar Bitterleaf

(792 posts)
Sovereign Court Erevan Stormstride

Half-elf Fighter 3 / Monk 1 | HP 39/39 | AC 17 [21 mage armor]; Tch 17; FF 16 | F +7; R +7; W +5 | CMB+3; CMD 17 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4 | +1 Dueling Sword (adamantine): +9 (1d8+1/19-20) | Perc +10

played by PatheticWretch (438 posts)
Liberty's Edge Faellynn

Human Fighter/2 | Init +5 | Per +8| HP 12/22| AC 17, 14flat, 13touch | Fort +5 | Reflex +3 | Will +1 | BAB +2 | CMB +5 | CMD 18

played by Valjoen_KC (105 posts)
Thortona Fjortoft
Liberty's Edge Febida Stonehair

Female Dwarf Warpriest/1 | AC 20/11/19 | F+4, R+1, W+5 | Per +3, Init +3 | HP 14/14 | Blessings 4/4

played by SinBlade06 (96 posts)
GM Bauers

Gamer Please read the announcements!

played by mbauers (980 posts)
Sovereign Court Raman Sanjihartna

HP 18/18 :: AC 18 :: Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +7 :: Perception +5 Initiative +3

played by Eben al'Jol (145 posts)
Liberty's Edge Sahba Mandyra

F Human (Qadrian Keleshite) Sorcerer (Elemental: fire) 2 ~ AC 12 (t 12) (ff 10) | F+1, R+3, W+3 | CMD 12 | Init +4, Per +0 | HP 10/10

played by TomG (258 posts)
Grand Lodge Wilm Tsalion

halfling cavalier 1 HP 11/11 AC 20/T14/FF17 F3 R3 W0 Init 3 Per 2/4 stealth 6 cmb +2 cmd 15

played by Shalin (119 posts)