GM Arkwright's Theatre of the Mind (Inactive)

Game Master Arkwright

Where we're going, we'll need tunnels.

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Among your small town, you were the strongest, the wisest, the swiftest, the most loved. A single tie bound you disparate people all together- a love of the theatre. Your performances were a shining light in the region. Now you have all been taken by a shadowy drow noble on a journey deep, deep underground to play for your most dangerous audience ever- High Ilvarandin. Survive, escape or rule; the choice is yours. On with the show.

Welcome to Theatre of the Mind, a blossoming campaign idea I have. It's developed to the point where I'd like to run it as a PBP. I will say upfront that I have not completely written or detailed every part of this campaign. I would like to run this PBP as a way of developing it, writing new bits as we progress through and noting character reactions to learn and improve future run-throughs.

Theatre of the Mind will involve a party of 4 PCs being captured by Drow and taken deep underground to High Ilvarandin, city of the abominations known as Intellect Devourers, where they will be required to put on plays to entertain their brainy patrons. From this I envisage several possibilities such as the PCs engineering an escape, destroying or ruling the city by joining one of several present factions, or setting up a new theatrical college to train promising Devourer actors. I'd like to leave the choice of which up to the group. For themes I'd go definite on Horror, Adventure and Comedy, with Survival and Intruigue as possibilities. I intend to play the Devourers... differently than traditionally done.

Build Rules & Recruitment:
Any alignment
23 point-buy
Level 6
Core races
Any Paizo + Path of War + my homebrew; other homebrew considered
Two traits, one can be any relevant campaign trait, no drawbacks
Standard WBL
Max HP for all levels
Aside from putting points in Profession: Actor and the like, it would be nice if your class abilities somehow interacted with your stage performance. Obviously easier for casting classes, but I leave it to your system-mastery.

I will be recruiting 4 PCs. I will end recruitment as soon as I have 4 good applications.
I will require a minimum of three lines of backstory, a line and a half of personality, and a line of description. Please make those lines content-rich rather than poor.
It'd be nice to develop a little group backstory, but that can probably be developed best once playes are chosen.
I may have missed some things, ask questions if you have them.

Risks and Avoidance:
I feel it would be irresponsible of me to start this game without, from the start, naming a few risks and how I plan to avoid them.
Things will get too NSFW Intellect Devourers are by their nature creatures with interests in sex and torture. I plan to mention these things, but not dwell on them; indeed, it will be the purpose of the PCs to introduce more cerebral pleasures to the devourers.
The game will die early Aside from the normal PBP mortality rate, I am starting the game without a complete campaign and an intention to 'make it up as I go'. All I can say is that I have a decent record of keeping up with games I GM, and believe I can avoid this risk.
The PCs will lose agency Part of this campaign is going to be capturing a group of relatively low-level PCs and throwing them into a feeding-ground of high CR monsters and NPCs. There is a risk that doing this will cause the PCs to feel as if they never get to do anything, as if my NPCs are more likely DMPCs, as if nothing they do matters. I hope to avoid this by giving the party a fair bit of autonomy within certain boundaries. The party will be allowed free reign throughout Ilvarandin, subject to a few 'go to this spot and CR 15 monsters will eat your face' restrictions. The party will be given a number of side-quests to pursue independently.

dotting, i have an idea just need to work on it

How will pets be handled in this?

Brought along; bonus points if they can act.

I'm incredibly interested, though not sure what concept I want to go with yet...

I am interested and have a few ideas but limited access at work right now. I will post more later. One question, drow from what world?

I just had an idea for an Occultist that focuses on illusions. He is a Kabuki actor/warrior. His items will be ancient props and costume pieces.

I've wanted to play a violinist for some time, but sadly pathfinder has very little mechanical support for that... :/

This defiantly sounds interesting! I would love to try for a Wizard, focusing in transmutations. Being able to change ones appearance through various spells could be fun.

Did you mean 23 or 25 point buy? I want a monkey for the familiar because monkeys are awesome and useful. How do you feel about crafters.

Oyzar that is what bards are for!

Sadly both singing and dancing (and speeches) have much better support than violins. I want to make a character that works both mechanically and flavorwise... I might look into the path of war stuff, though the only thing there is dancing (again) afaik...

I have seen some support for violins in some seafaring 3PP products. I can not remember if I am mainly thinking of Freeport or Razor Coast.

you could have the violin for flavor and then sing. Maybe even dance. I will reference Lindsey Sterling

23, I'm feeling contrarian.

Nathan, Drow from Golarion Darklands; can't find much written for them though so most of 3.5 should apply.

Are you ok with a crafter character, wizards do tend to be good at them but I know some GMs just don't like them

It'd allow me to make the deep underground more realistic by restricting access to large magic item markets, so sure.

What country are these people taken from?

Undecided. Either write your backstories so as to apply to any country, or vote for a country and choose one as a group.

Or I could pick a few cool ones and roll a dice, up to you.

I would prefer to have a stated location, it helps me flesh out my character. I am familiar with Taldor so that is my vote but anywhere works form me

What is the posting requirement?

Deaths, well I guess there's no need to have everyone be from the same town; you could just meet up monthly/etc for your theater hobby. Thus I'm going to say that the group was taken from Absalom, and can be from any country adjacent to the Inner Sea. You are of course welcome to be born elsewhere and have ended up setting up a life near the Inner Sea.

Mottied, minimum 1/day, 1/2days on weekends.

Hey Arkwright! How do you feel about a Halfling Rogue (Pet Trainer)/Bard (Daredevil)? The Pet Trainer archetype is 3PP.

Little guy doing flips off an elk that's also doing tricks, while a giant vulture swoops in to catch him. & other such ridiculousness.

EDIT: Probably start with the elk and a raven, picking up a dire bat within the underdark later, rather than entering with the vulture. That fits my mental image of a raven perched on the elk's antlers with the Halfling astride (after level 10 or so the elk will be large & the dire bat can hang from its horns). The pet trainer can juggle knives & things with the raven, which may again try to steal things during the performance & times.

Maybe more dangerous animals would be cooler, but I like the above depiction; comedy as the primary performance, with some musical talent as well. The daredevil & his pets would all be acrobats of a sort. Mounted combat, of course, while still focusing on combat maneuvers/tricks with the whip.

Hmm sure.

I am fine with everyone being from the same place I was just curious.

Also as a crafter do I get to use them to reduce the price of the stuff I have to pay for or just buy my things at cost? I am perfectly fine with either one.

Would the Glamorforge archetype be alright. It is 3pp but I rather like the flavor of it.

If you like. Seems pretty poor power-wise though.

Bah, you posted while I was editing. And I am ok with a little reducing in my power. The only thing it takes from me is the Universalist abilities so I can deal.

Pre-game crafting, eh? I'll allow you to spend half your WBL in pre-game crafting.

Cool. Now I just have to figure out some of the things I want. Thank you :)

How're we all going?

How do you feel about me spending a portion of my money on scrolls to by extra spells? And are you going to make me roll for them?

Isn't that what people ordinarily do? Why would you need to roll for it if you can take 10?

just checking. I have yet to get to play a wizard.
also how is there Beast Shape, Monstrous Physique, Elemental Body, and the Dragon ones but no spell to assume the form of humanoid critters like trolls and giants! How would you feel about a homebrew spell to let me do so?

Giant Form

Drat! I suppose that is what I get for not looking that high in the spells. Ok I will save it for later then. Work has kept me rather exhausted but I should be done this weekend.

I've got the bare bones of the character. It's coming together, slowly. Sorry. I'll finish him up this weekend - I've been wanting to get the pet trainer into a game for some time now, & this looks like a really fun story, so my interest is still strong

EDIT: Also claim work as an excuse - I'm picking up a bunch of OT through January. While I can post from work, character building is more involved; I work at a University & we're extra busy with a Jan start.

Good to have two interested, I hope we can get two more. If you know anyone who'd be interested, give them a point to this game if you would.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I know this might be a bit of a stretch, but do you think a paladin of Shelyn would fit in? Or is there another deity of beauty and art that is neutral good in this setting?

If this sounds possible to you, can you tell me how strict you tend to be about paladin code issues? As a paladin of a neutral good deity, I would be LG in alignment, but definitely emphasizing the good. I would also be willing to sometimes look the other way when party members do something against my code, because my code is about how I behave, not how I expect everyone else to behave.

I should probably note that this desire is partly motivated by my PFS paladin of Shelyn. I'm frustrated with her because PFS doesn't seem to allow the depth I want.

A paladin of beauty and art would be lovely contrast for the horror, ugliness and yet unearthly beauty deep underneath.

I've no issue with paladins of non-LG gods. While I do like alignment and keep track of it, I've never yet mandated that a player change theirs, and I doubt you'll be the first. Your code idea sounds straight out of Bodhi's guide to the Paladin and sounds very legit.

Here's Redelia's character. Details will be filled in later tonight, hopefully.

I'm having trouble building my character because I don't know if I will need to be mostly a tank, healer, or both. No one has yet suggested a cleric, so I think that I am building to maximize my healing ability, while keeping decent melee damage ability.

Can you suggest which mercies are most likely to be useful in the Darklands?

Well, personal observation, but building to heal others in Pathfinder doesn't tend to work very well. Build around Lay on Hands for yourself definitely, but for everyone else, just pick up a Wand of Cure Light Wounds and you should be fine. I'd suggest some middleground between tank and damage.

Shaken is decent to remove in case you come across an enemy based around building it up to frightened; staggered is more common than dazed in my experience.

OK, Kessa's description and background are done, and the mechanics are almost done. She still needs gear and traits. I also will reformat the mechanics, because pcgen did not give them in a very readable format.

Are you OK with me not choosing my second favored class yet? That way, if I choose to multiclass later, I can take that other class as a favored class.

Also, I just realized that in the kind of situation you have described, my character will have no access to the atonement spell, so falling is permanent. I'm OK with that, as long as you're not planning on playing gotcha.


Eh clerics will be rare but not extinct, Really, don't worry about falling.

I am still very interested in playing. This game sound like a lot of fun. Work has been busy so my free time is limited. I am still wanting the crafter utility mage.

Sorry if I'm sounding paranoid. I think I've just read a few too many of the crazy paladin threads.

By the way, nice to see you again, Deaths Adorable Apprentice. You may remember my not accepted character, Garri Leaflock, the goblin cleric of Sarenrae.

I just want to let you know that I am thinking intently about submitting a character for this. Expect something soon!


Kessa, I like the background. I suggest when eveyrone is chosen, you add a line or two about being friends witht he group/one other player in particular.

Gerri! I wanted to keep you!

Death's Adorable Apprentice: Are you planning to take the craft wands feat? I was going to buy several wands of spells I can cast, and if I understand the rules correctly, if you make the wand and I provide the spell, this works. I would of course pay the cost of materials also. In particular, I was thinking of cure light wounds and lesser restoration.

OK, Kessa is done, until the final selection of players. If chosen, she will adapt her background slightly to know at least one of the other chosen characters, and will also purchase or help craft a few wands or scrolls.

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