GM Aria's Kingdom Come - The Stolen Lands (Inactive)

Game Master Hu5tru

Paizo's Kingmaker to ManOwaR! It's grind-a-licious.

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Kayla's eyes widen briefly, but she quickly returns her attention to cooking the food. "He has his reasons, I gather," she says. "If he does not wish me to examine him, I will abide by his decision. I know from experience that living in these lands forces a girl to keep her wits about her."

Male Human Universalist 2

Stanis seeks out Jhod, and asks if he would join them for dinner tonight, as he serves the patron of hunters, then retires to wherever he has set up shop to touch up on the map, and scribe down a scroll, having Notarius perched over the dinner table to relay when food is served.

Spellcraft:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19 Success. Scribing a lv1 spell only takes like 15 minutes, so I think he should have ample time.

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

As they ride out of the forest; Ali lets himself be lifted by Mordecai into the saddle. ”Thank you, ‘tis kind of ye. But I dinnae mean ta put ya out. I can walk; been doing it for years.” Ali rocks in the saddle uncertainly at the unfamiliar motion of the horse.

Upon reaching the trading post, Ali looks nervously around like a wild animal. The stares fix him to the spot as the strangers introduce and analyse. ’Well what do you expect? I’m a stranger in a familiar land.’ The bustle, even of the few people, unnerves Ali to begin with, but with the acceptance of youth he quickly adapts. Growing in confidence he steps out from behind the crowd.

Ali feels Kaylas’ eyes examining, and then vocally questioning. ”Yeah, a bit o’ a rubdown would be grand. The others said I should have a wash. I wouldn’t wanna disgrace your table by coming ta in this state.” Ali accepts the bath.

’Well I should ask her about these people who found me and she probably knows more about my health than I.’ ”Ya probably know moor about me ‘ealth than I. So a check-up’d be grand.” Ali says not being able to disguise the apprehension.

So, Ali wanders of for a bath, whilst the others start the meal.

Male Human Fighter/2

Mordecai eats gratefully of the food his hosts prepared for him and he makes idle conversation with Oleg and his wife between bites. After he is finished he helps clean his plate and then goes outside to speak with Kesten Garess to check up on the two redeemed-bandit's progress, the overall situation of the fort and asking whether or not there had been any sightings of more bandits.

Afterwards, he goes down to the courtyard again and draws his sword, moving it through complex maneuvers in his usual routine. He makes sure he has plenty of room around him, so that he is not in danger of hitting someone with his blade as he spins it about his body in a multitude of parries, blocking forms, slashes, thrusts and cuts.

Once finished, he sheaths the sword and goes up to his room in Oleg's, stripping out of his armor to his shirt, trousers and boots, then he walks back outside to wash his face and trim his stubble with a borrowed razor.

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

From out of the shadows "Good Form." Ali walks into the camp light, covered in a long shift. The long black hair cascading like a waterfall across his face.

"You must practice alot, to get that good." Ali says listening the the swift swishes of the blade. "The other young man, what's 'is name, speaks alot like you. Were you in the military together?"

"So, why are you here rather than 'Restov'. Come ta seek yo' fortune?"

Male Human Fighter/2

Mordecai jumps and he half raises the sword again then stops and sighs, placing the sword back down on the ground. For a blind lad, he was incredibly silent. Either that or Mordecai's ears were not so well fine tuned.

He nods to young Ali and continues trimming at his stubble to make himself appear more decent and human. "My thanks. I spent most of my younger days training alongside mercenaries. I picked up a fascination with swordplay and my commanding officer helped me learn many different styles of fighting to employ my blade in."

He finishes, his stubble now looking neater, and glances back at Ali again. "Tam, he's my brother. As far as why I'm here..." he breaks off with a small ashamed look and then wipes clean the borrowed razor. "It's nothing very important, so yes, fortune."

He then stoops and picks up his sheathed sword and slings it across his back. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath of the air, enjoying the scents and the cool breeze playing along his skin. He casts a curious look at Ali, wondering why the lad grew out his hair so long, then shrugged. No business of his really.

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

Ali wanders past Mordecai, with a friendly nod of his head. Inhaling deeply Ali just follows his nose to the rich smelling table full of food. Tapping upon the door frame of the building before entering; "Begging ya pardons, but I'm all washed up. I left the wa'a int' tub, in case anyone wanted to use it. 'Fraid it's a bit mank tho'." He says looking away slightly embarrassed. "Can i join you, good sirs, if i amy be so bold?"

After a perceptable nod from the people at the table, ALi rushes over. He nearly trips over the bench in his hurry to get there, but quick sits down. He bows his head and says a few inaudible words, his long black hair falling down over his face. Then he starts eating, ravenously, you virtually hear his stomach grumble. Moments later he has finished the meal, tho' when you look he has had less than half your portion.

"Sorry your Graces, I'm Ali, like Alistar. Pleased to meet ya."

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

Tam laughs and shares a glance with Kayla and then smiles over at Ali.

"It's ok Ali you don't have to hide that your a woman from us. No one is going to hurt you here. Were all your friends. But Im sure Kayla appreciates your enthusiasm about her food." He smiles reassuringly.

Kayla purses her lips and places her hands on the table. She does not look at Tam, but addresses Ali. "However you wish to refer to yourself, Ali, I will abide. I have faith that in your own time, you may wish to share your burden with us. Until then, know that you will find an eager friend in me."

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

"What" she squeaks as Alia's wooden spoon drops onto the plate like her heart at Tams' words. Her face openly shocked and her eyes get a watery sheen in embarrassment.

She backs away from the pair as they calmly talk to her, then she stays stock still trying assess the situation and escape routes without being able to see. 'I cannot deny it, if they try to prove that....They seem alright-ish.'

"What makes you say that?" she says defiantly. "I could b' a effeminate lad." she says trying to look masculine by putting her hands on her hips and slicking out her chest and jaw, thus utterly failing.

"I thank thee fo' ya kind words, they're touching." Alia says almost collapsing back down onto the bench, the effort of keeping a pretense exhausting her.

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

"So's ta change tack completely. Like ya said that your sick of the bandits and gonna hunt 'em out. Do you kno' where they are? Or just gonna wander hoping you bump inna 'em?" Ali asks. "'cause i may be blind but i'm not stupid."

After Ali wanders off to put her plate in the cleansing water, and seeks Kayla. "Thank you, it's just well....will you be my friend?" Ali looks towards the woman her white eyes open and an hopeful look upon her face.

"It is not a man's place to gossip, and lesser still a boy's," Kayla answers the first, a look of disapproval on her face as she flicks her hazel eyes in Tam's direction. She smiles at your inquiry, and touches your face softly at first, and then draws you into a warm embrace. "When you are ready to speak I will listen," she hums into your ear, then pulls back and pushes some hair back from your eyes. "Then we might decide where we will stand in relation to each other, hmm?"

Male Human Fighter/2

At that moment, Mordecai reenters and raises his hand in a greeting to those still eating. He takes a seat beside his brother, then glances at Kayla who is hugging Ali and Tam who seems a little taken by surprise. He blinks and then shrugs and lays his sword across the table and turns his eyes back to the young lad. "Everything all right lad?" he asks Ali, cocking his head slightly to the side.

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

"Err... yes Sir. I was just talking to everyone about tomorro' and going to find the bandits. I got a bit scared, do we know where they are?" Ali says pointedly looking in the direction of Tam.

Bluff (if required) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

Tam shrugs kind of put out by Kayla's comment and says nothing just digging onto his food but finds himself strangely not hungry now and just keeps quiet his ears burning slightly. He was glad of his long dark hair able to hide them at the moment.

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor of Calistria 1

James steps jauntily through the door, oddly absent longcoat. He seems quite cheery and his mussed hair is a slight hint as to why. He steps over to have a nice large plate of food and sits at the table. "So... how's our new little lady?" He asks, spooning food into his mouth. "I'd say I appreciate you leaving the bathwater, but Kest- I wasn't so keen on bathing in mud."

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

Ali whispers to Karla "Don't be so hard on Tam, he just appreciates honesty." Ali starts drying his wooden bowl, absent-mindedly looking around the room as the mussed and satiated Inquistor comes in.

At his gaffe Ali blushes heavily 'By the Gods, was my disguise that bad. Did i need to put some boy-parts down my britches.' "Errrm yes sorry about that, haven't had a wash in a proper tub for a while." 'Since my dad left, it was too much doing it myself. I hope Mordecai didn't hear that though.'

"So James you appear hungry," Ali says ladling another spoonful in James' bowl. "Were you practising? 'Cause i was admiring Mordecai's form earlier, when he was."

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor of Calistria 1

James reddens suddenly, it's an odd look on him, and then begins giggling. "Uh... sure... practicing. I was just doing some forms with my blade." His giggles turn into full on guffaws at this, and the inquisitor seems almost ready to fall off his chair.

Kesten arrives, shirt untucked, and places a heavy hand on James's shoulder before he collects a bowl of soup as well. He takes a seat across from James and immediately begins eating. A true mercenary, he has his priorities in order.

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

"Sorry, did i say summin' wrong. I hope you didn't hurt yesenth, but ye seem so capable." Ali pours some more refreshment out and then moves to the door.

"Anyway, i must be off for a kip. The cots in the shed free?" Ali asks before leaving.

Curling up into a tight ball, a knife unsheathed within reach Ali quickly falls into an exhausted sleep.

And so must, I... I take it our plans are to head out in the direction of the camp, in the morning?

Male Human Fighter/2

Mordecai blinks nonplus at James then gives the man a small disapproving frown. "Come now James, no need to call the lad a girl. Sure he's slight but that's no reason to debase him so." he crosses his arms at James' reason why he looked so disheveled and he shakes his head, rolling his eyes. He did not think it worth his time to bring up that James didn't carry any sort of bladed weapon on him that he had ever seen besides the whip, and that barely counted anyways.

He gives a small grimace at the silent exchange between Kesten and James and again shakes his head, glancing back at Tam with a look in his eyes only Tam would understand. He then rises and picks up his sword, nodding to all of them and walks out again.

He took a deep breath once outside and went over to the water barrel t splash his face with some of the cold water within, smoothing his hair back and retying the braid in the back. He looked down at his sword then up at the gates, then back down at his reflection in the water. After a while, he gives a long sigh and glances down at his sword again.

He shrugs and walks back behind the stables and draws the weapon again. He takes out a whetstone and begins stropping the keen blade to touch it up. Afterwards he stands up straight and resumes practicing but at a slower pace, losing himself in the bright steel.

Male Human Universalist 2

Having seen to his journal-keeping, cartography duties and spent working on his magic, Stanis comes in and helps himself to whatever is left. "Seems the kids have all had their fill." he hums to himself as he digs in, finally able to relax after completing his duties in full.

He looks to the remaining members of the chartered party "Tomorrow, we have to consider how we expand our mapping. So far, the bandits have not struck back, but they may still be on high alert. If we are to attack them, I need to know well in advance, as I need to prepare a different set of spells for that."

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor of Calistria 1

"It seems rather simple to me. We know they are at a ford, so we need to ride west, into the river, then follow it south until we can find them." James makes a slashing movement at his throat. "And end this bandit threat to our friends. Once and for all. Hit them by surprise, with Stannis's spell, perhaps myself and Tam attempting to silence any still-awake guards together. I'm sure I or Mordecai could hold them down and I'd imagine those knives will work fine for slitting throats. Half or more of our opposition down before we even open combat. Sounds good to me."

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

"Gentlemen maybe we should continue this venue of conversation outside where my brother would be of greater insight on this and perhaps we do not wish to disturb the nights of others." he pointedly looks to Kayla wondering how she was taking al this talk of battle and more importantly how she would think of him skulking about in the dark intent on killing someone.

Kalya inhales sharply, but shakes her head. "I am no blushing girl to be fawned over, Tam," she states. "I was aware of the risks before I came to this place. If I wished to remain in an environment where I was wholly ignorant of the decisions made on my behalf, I might have remained in Restov," she replies, her eyes flashing.

Kesten had looked up from his meal to spare James a smile, apparently approving of his zeal, but he looks to Kayla now, evaluating. "And what end do you believe you might affect, little one?" he says derisively, causing Kayla to blush and look away. He laughs and pounds the table. "Ha! Priestesses, so easy to unsettle!" he exclaims proudly. "I agree. Go south, slit throats, or hang. I'd join you, myself, but my place is here," he adds after a moment.

Sense Motive DC 20:

Kesten seems none too pleased with his idleness.

Barring any further discussion...

10 Pharast

In the morning the party, well rested and sated beside, gather their belongings and their horses and begin riding West towards the Narlmarshes. Fearing encountering enraged animals or worse, along the way, you discuss and agree upon James acting as a scout again once you enter the wood proper. This will cut your travel time slightly, (it will take a day and a half's riding to reach the river) but given that you know that there are bandits and worse in the wood, and you do not wish to alarm them or simply rush into one of the roving camps that Matis and Devin mentioned, you consider the added time worth the expenditure to approach these bandits cautiously.

GM Screen:

Stealth 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19
Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

During the evening, James, when you are on watch, you hear a stirring in the wood, and when you move to investigate, and some hushed whispering that sounds none too pleased, and then silence. There are no further encounters that evening.

10 Pharast

You wake in the morning, and after a breakfast set out again. You estimate that if you have no reason to stop this day, you will reach the river by nightfall, and you do. James, you recognize that camping on the river will be dangerous, as the nocturnal creatures of the wood will gather there to drink and you break camp a decent ways off. If you choose to bathe, you do so as a group, or at least as a trio, to watch each other. You eat your supper and bunk down among the wood, wondering if the fey presence that was so feared was in fact a hoax.

GM Screen:

Stealth 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35
Perception 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

There are no encounters this evening.

11 Pharast

When you wake in the morning, gentlemen, you find that your horses have been... altered. The lusty, only half broken stallions that you lifted from the bandits are now ponies whose fur is unnatural shades of purple, pink, blue and green, with contrasting yet coordinating hair...

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

After the first day of riding Ali will be on the look out for symbols of Tig or her people after the evening meal, Ali seeks out Stanis.

"Sir Stannis, i 'eard you were good with the words. Can you makes me some. Jus' a few bits o' paper with t' name 'Tig' on 'em. Nah i don't kno' 'ow its spelled."

Ali will leaves these notes along with a small crust of bread every time they stop for a meal.

Ali chooses not to bathe communally; "If ya does want us as a look-out; at least ya knows i won't be peeking as ya bathe." Ali says with a self-deprecating smile, making sure Mordecai is out of ear-shot.

Male Human Universalist 2

Looking at the horses, Stanis left eyebrow rises far out of sync with his right, and his jaw almost unhinging, paralyzed for almost a full minute before trying to discern the source of this by casting Detect Magic.

Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Producing a few sheets of paper in order to follow up on Ali's suggestion, Stanis gets an idea "Prankster fey like the same things as small children, mostly, I believe? If I make them a few amusing drawings as well, they might favor us rather than... augment our mounts."

Not having spent any spells from the last day, Stanis spends the hour he normally uses for spell preparation to make a few cartoon-like drawings, with light and mirthful themes, adding children rhymes about friendship and such as captions in sylvan in case the trickster fey are literate.

Craft (Calligraphy):1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

He hands the pages to Ali and scratches the back of his head "Hope this works. Otherwise, I am sure we could make decent coin on these ponies if a circus passes by." he jests

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

"Thanks." Ali says with a wry smile as Stannis rubs his head. 'Treating me like a kid, well...' Ali walks over to the horses making sure the tack is still secured and none of the buckles are loose. Then he starts leading the horses after the group grabs their belongings.

"So, some tricksters changed our steeds, maybe after we deal twith t' bandits, we can make a deal 'ith t' Fey folk. So shall we 'ead off." Ali says as the group follow the river hopefully towards the crossing where the bandit camp resides. With James leading the way.

Male Human Fighter/2

The warrior shakes his head disbelievingly at his companions, his fact skeptical. "Tricksters? How in the world can 'tricksters' change a horse into a multi-colored pony?"

Mordecai stares at the ponies in front of him before looking all around himself into the woods. "Now, where in the name of Cayden Calien's lost ale mug is my bloody horse?!" He stares sternly at Tam, trying to figure out a way he could have done this then shakes his head and striding off into the woods to look for his mount.

The sounds of him calling out "Horse! Where in the hell are you? Come on out...!"

SOrry GM Aria, tam and I got stuck with a LOAD of homework in geology, been sucking up a load of time.

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

"It's a kinda Magic. Well it will be grand. We don't need the horses & the bandits'll have some more. Ya know, stuff should belong the those who need it most." Ali says moving over to Mordecai reaching up on tip-toes to put a hand on his shoulder.

"But you should shush 'cause we're trying to be all sneaky like, ain't we & if ya shout all the bandits'll hear ya. Even with ya big blade ya cant stop them all."

Moving back to the sparkly ponies Ali grabs a bridle. "Don't really matter anyways, we cannae ride thee 'orses in the woods. Though gives us an idea. There camp'll be on stream bed so hows about i ride through it on pony they will be shocked and freaked out. It ain't as good a plan, but if sneaking up on 'em fails then could be a good distraction."

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

Tam quirks an eyebrow at Ali wondering how much experience the kid really had with these....prankster fey as Stannis described them.

Walking over he rubbed his hand through the fur of the now multicolored horses....errr ponies.

"So Stannis your a mage right? Are these different horses or know changed?" he wonders outloud.

After he hears his answer Tam shakes his head wondering on what else this world would show him. He then draws a dagger and walks over to James. He had avoided the half elf after the ummmm sight of Kesten and James but he dicided that h e should get over it and learn a little more of this stranger.

"Hey James, So where did you learn all these skills? You've been leading us through alot of the forest but you seem almost more used to the city than I am. So how far off you think we are from this camp? We are going to have try and sneak up on them at night just like a heads-up on when im going to have get ready."

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor of Calistria 1

James grins. "I learned these skills where you'd least approve Little Hawk, while training to be an agent of the Lady." He shrugs and mounts his now bright purple pony. "I was born and raised in cities, this is the first time I've led anyone anywhere outside of exercises. Suppose you think I'm doing a good job then?" He pets the pony's neck for a moment, then laughs. "I shall call her Ianthe. Think she'll like it. I do think it's a she now, and I imagine she's quite missing her dangles."

Fun Fact: That's Purple in Greek

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

Ali blushes at James joke. Trying to steer the conversation away, "So the Lady is your Goddess; rather than your Wife or Patron?"

As the walk along the river bank with James scouting; Ali moves towards Mordecai and puts a hand on his shoulder.
Initiating 'Life Link', until he moves out of medium range or Ali ends it as an immediate action. "So ya have seen action before, from what Sir Stannis says you have even since ya comes t' wilds." Ali pauses for breath as he moves carefully along the bank, with a surety that is unusual in the blind. "I ain't, i must tells ya. I'm a bit 'fraid. I aint no coward but...."

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor of Calistria 1

"Aye. The Lady in Yellow, the Savored Sting, Calistria. Goddess of Lust, Trickery and Vengeance." James makes the sign of Calistria as he speaks, then moves ahead to scout.

Male Human Universalist 2

Stanis blinks a few times as Tam asks him about the horses "I... I don't rightly know. I know of a spell to SUMMON horses, and potentially one that changes shapes of said horses, but not one that rejuvenates them to the pony stage and makes them so... chromatic." he shrugs "I think it the fey influence in these forests might be a tad underestimated. We would do well to not agitate them and make enemies of more than the cruelest ones that will seek to harm us no matter what we do."

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

Ali leans over to Tam and Mordecai. Lust, Trick'ry & Vengeance. Sure t' be that, thats a strange Goddess. The first leads to t' second then causes the third. Leastwise that's what i 'eard in t' books....err." Ali says shutting up trying not to show a lack of worldly knowledge to the city dwellers.

"So Stannis we should pro'ally talk to t' Fey 'fore we map around the woods. 'Haps get a treaty signed up or somethin'." Ali asks. "Tho' they cannae be all bad; as one led us to you guys." he starts a warm smile as they travell through the forest.

11 Pharast, Cont

GM Screen:

James Survival 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
James Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
James Stealth 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

vs Lookout Perceptions
1 1d20 ⇒ 1
2 1d20 ⇒ 6

Whether walking or riding your new magical ponies, with the thick of the wood, it takes the better part of the day to reach your destination. As the quality of the light seems to shift above you, the sun dipping in the sky to indicate the arrival of evening and you have yet to reach the camp, you begin to slow. James, you of the tracking and survival skill, you continue to soldier on ahead of the group, intent on finding these bandits.


Following the river, you come across this encampment. Moving stealthily through the cover provided around the surrounding trees, you circle about it, counting several members also moving about, hauling loot to the wagon, fighting amongst each other, and cooking their own suppers. It is clear that they are familiar with this place. Also important to note is the watchtowers of sorts, although crudely constructed, upon which two bandits stand the red multi-pointed stars sentry. The bandits appear no better or worse equipped than Matis and Devin were upon their arrival at Oleg's, save for one, the woman tenuously identified as Kressle who wears studded leather armor and carries two axes on her hips. When a fight breaks out among her men concerning the loot, she hurls one in their direction, causing them to scream and flee. As she rises, cursing like a sailor at them and stalks towards them, you are quite thankful that she is distracted. It does not appear to you as though any have seen you.

Male Human Fighter/2

Having finished rebuckling on his heavy armor, grumbling still off and on about his altered horse, Mordecai stays back with Tam and the rest, waiting for James to return with news. He has his sword out and keeps shifting from palm to palm restlessly, knowing the calm before the battle was sometimes almost worse than the actual confrontation.

He keeps glancing back and forth among his companions but keeps his eyes on Ali when the young lad touches his shoulder. He gives the young man a small smile and gives Ali a wink. "No worries lad, truth be told, I am always sort of frightened. It's what gives me my bravery I suppose. Being afraid of something only makes you more cautious and aware of the danger, and thus helps keep you alive. A coward is one who allows his fear to rule him, and thus harms his companions through his inaction."

He chucks the young boy under the chin in an elder-brotherly fashion, much in the same way he used to do with Tam.

He listens to Ali's and Stanis' assumptions on their horses and the idea of mapping the area, nodding reflectively upon each matter, casting his multi-hued pony a dubious glance now and then. He chuckles a littlemore when Ali leans over to speak to them of James' religion, having tuned most of what the man said out.

"Aye, a strange Goddess to worship, but through faith comes power, and all men deserve the chance to venerate the Deity of their choosing. I myself give homage to the God of Knights, Ragathiel, as well as a battle-praise to the War-God Gorum to give me the skill and strength to defend myself. I find that by interpreting a God's virtue in your own way through good intentions, one can better the world about him."

He puts a finger to his lips then and peers in the direction James vanished, gripping the hilt of his sword and squinting his eyes to try and catch a glimpse of the Inquisitor returning.

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

”Thanks, Mordecai. I will stand by you all.” Ali says his head turning around to face the group. Then he takes the reins of the light blue pony leading after James’ path.

When (If?) James comes back to the group. Ali leans against the pony; ”So are we waiting until dark? They’re loading up a cart, so are they breaking camp? If so, then that maybe a good time to detain them.”

Ali waits; ”So we wait? Can you take owt t’ far watchtower Stanis with your magicks? Or should we act like a scorpion and trap ‘em between 2 pincers. Though with our numbers splitting our forces is risky?”

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor of Calistria 1

James silently shows up back in camp, holding a finger to his mouth. "The encampment is ahead, along the river. Four men and a woman. Two men are in the trees, holding a watch, in concealed towers." He whispers, huddling close. "Tam, do you think you could climb the tower without being caught? If you can, or perhaps strike soundly from a distance, I can make you and your brother strike true with a blessing from the lady. As the watchmen drop Stannis can unleash his magic on the other three, since they're together." There is a flash of bright teeth in a predatory smile. "Any who are alive and awake at the end we can mop up between us. Should be fair easy to face two to three men instead of five."

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

Where on the map will we be coming from?

Tam nods silently but then looks up at the sun.

"You think we should wait till dark to try and make our move?" Tam asks everyone before considering James other part of the plan.

"Also I can take out one sentry but how will we deal with the other tower?" Tam asks critically before turning to Stannis.

"Stannis do you think you could draw a rough map based on the details James could give you? Just so we all know where to be when the heist...err..." Tam sneaks a quick glance up to his brother and then to Stannis. "Well you really didn't think I was the upstanding citizen now did you?" Tam flashes a smile before settling back on his heels as he waits fro everyone's answer.

If everything goes as planned should go as smooth as that heist on that banker's house...hopefully they won't have dogs....Stupid dogs...

Male Human Fighter/2

Mordecai presses a gauntlet to his head and sighs and shakes it, eyeing Tam with a stern look before shrugging and twirling his sword around his hand. "I'm not one to be sneaking around, I'm afraid I am a bit big for that sort of work. The plan makes sense to me, take out the sentries and then hit the rest hard and fast. That guiding spell sounds grand James, how long does it last?"

He looks through the thick foliage towards where James had noted a watchtower stood, confident in his brother's skill at sneaking to be able to take down the guardsman therein. "Either way...I am ready, although if we wait until dark, I will not be able to see very well."

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

"I think James is suggesting you git the far tower & Mordecai the near one. Then Stannis puts those in the camp ta sleep. Then we arrest em all and they repent their evil ways." Ali says.

Ali observes the others as they look at the map. "'Tis a good idea, & not that i doubt your skills but failing would put a mighty risk upon us all. Splitting the forces is dangerous, could we have a distraction or nay?"

I was thinking that a Sleep on one tower, whilst taking out the other with Tam or James could be better, for keeping us as a group. But Ryuko is right, a Sleep would be better trying to effect the whole camp. Now we could have the horses galloping through the stream to create a distraction? Maybe with Ali riding on it throwing off torches.

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

"Alright, we attack now. At night they might, have more sentries, they be more alert and some of t'other bandits may return to camp (from their raiding parties)." Ali states boldly.

"We sweep down from the north following the river. Then we split up & tether the 'orses." Just off the map. "Tam you say in the trees to the west and carefully approach (K3) We approach using t' tree cover & Stannis uses 'is Magiks on the guards." Between K1 & K4, to keep a look out for any ambushes, provided the tree cover is adequate.

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

Ali walks off to one side motioning Tam to follow, she senses as he approaches.

"Tam, 'salright if i call thee that? I want to 'pologise, about hiding who is was from yer. It were right to call me on it. I only hope you aren't in too much trouble from yer lass. Only your brother don't know and i think thats best. He seems a bit too chivalarous, he'd prolly make me stay home, or something."

"T'were talking to Mordecai whilst he practised, he said you were kin, brothers. 'e was in the Army, right. And you both left Brevoy together, but i could tell there were something he was leaving out..." Ali asks. 'Of course there is something he didn't tell me there always is. I shouldn' be so nosy but...'

"Anyway, i just want to let youse know, that we are all behind you." she gives him a chaste hug, feeling the connection between them grow. Initiate 'Life Link' with Tam instead of Mordecai.

GM Aria:
Bluff roll 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 Ali is unsure of her motives regarding Mordecai. She just doesn't want him to change how he's acting around her.

Male Human Universalist 2

Stanislaw sends out his familiar to scout above, hoping none of the bandits are so starved that they consider a 6oz bird viable fare. "Count the bandits and tell me what they use for weapons and armors." he commands it as it darts off, keeping himself far to the rear, grabbing some sand from his component pouch in preparation for the sleeping spell.

Sleep, sleep, sleep. Feel like a sorcerer :P

11 Pharast, Continued

GM Screen:

Notarious Stealth 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Bandits Perception 11d20 ⇒ 18
Bandits Perception 21d20 ⇒ 17
Bandits Perception 31d20 ⇒ 18

Stanis allows Notarius to fly ahead of you, to do a more accurate survey of the camp. He returns to your group about 200 feet north of the map. Through his bond, Stanis feels that Notarius has been spotted, and his anxiety. Whether or not the bandits can identify his thrush from any other bird, however is debatable.

Notarius reports that there are in fact seven (yes, that is correct 7) bandits in the camp. The bulk he sees are gathered around the fire, eating, and there are the two on the towers still.

As you approach, please roll your stealth checks and give me an idea where you would like your tokens (which you might identify by your choice of color) to be placed before combat begins.

Thank you for your patience, Gentlemen.

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

After sensing the others tying up the horses, Ali falls in behind them as they approach the bandit camp.

'Seven, of them. And that's only what the bird could see. This could go very wrong....but i must stand by these people, my friends. The bandits are a tick on the forest and the region. Draining it's life away, if only they had the self-respect and courage to work for themselves. To create rather than just take.' Ali thinks, before realising that any sound may betray her companions and send a black arrow of death winging it's way towards them.

Concentrating Ali reaches out her senses, though blind she can feel the thrum of living beings all around her. The trees, the squirrels, her companions and strongest of all Tam whom she has bound herself with unless death takes one. A silver cord stretches between the pair in her minds eye.

A step at a time, she moves over the roots of the trees. Towards pain, death or redemption....

Stealth (untrained) 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

If it's alright with everyone Ali will take X20.
Would a Grey/Silver colour be acceptable?

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor of Calistria 1

James crouches near invisibly in the bushes by Mordecai, hoping the man could end the threat of the bandit away from the main group easily, ready with his small target to imbue him with the accuracy of the Sting. "Wait until we see your brother or Stannis finishes the spell, or the alarm goes up. Then I'll cast so that you are sure to hit, and hit that fellow away from the main group." The half-elf whispers to Mordecai.

Stealth:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

James is beside Mordecai, so up to him where, but I think near AD17 would be good for us, and I'd like to be Yellow or Red. Plan as I see it is for Tam to sneak up on the guy at E11 with a sneak attack, Stannis lets off his spell on the main grouping near the camp, and James and Mordecai pick off the loner at Z15. Then everyone mops up any left standing.

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