Good Skills to put single rank into


Liberty's Edge

So I am playing an Order of the Cockatrice Cavalier for PFS, and I am dipping one level of rogue(thug) for the enhancement to my demoralization ability...I am a human, with an 8 Int, so I get 4 skill points normally, which I've been putting into Diplomacy, Intimidate, Ride, and Handle Animal.

My question is...I'm only planning on doing the one level of rogue, and I've got 4 extra skill points to work with, but rogue opens up almost everything as a class skill for me (except for most knowledges). What would people recommend as good skills to put just one point only in? Perception is a gimme...but are there any other skills that are worth having with just the 1 rank plus class bonus?

When in doubt, I generally go with the one that gives me the most bang for my buck. For example, you only get your relevant modifier to a skill after you have a rank in it, right? So if I have a Dex of 20 or a STR of 10, and I have a skill rank left, I'll be more likely to put it into DEX relevant skills, like Acrobatics, since that 1 rank is now getting me +3 from a class skill and +5 from my attribute for a net +9 after one rank, where as Swim would be a +3 class skill, so one rank in that is getting me a +4 bonus total.

I find generally if I have skills in something, I'll use it, so don't worry about how you're going to use acrobatics if it's not your shtick, you'll often find yourself solving the problems with what you have, rather than trying to have what you think will solve the problems.

Or Linguistics always helps, take a language so you can intimidate them no matter what they speak :)

Linguistics to pick another language, a Knowledge check to do untrained or take a 20 at (engineering, nobility might come useful at non-threatening times)...

but I'd honestly sink as many as I can in Perception.

Grand Lodge

You get extra skill points solid skill picks:
Swim 4+str-cap...if you end up with a 5+ then taking 10 usually auto passes.
Climb (see Swim)
Perception: this getting the +3 for trained is big. Cause sooner or later you will pump more points here. Once ride becomes +15 your pretty much auto passing the ride checks.
Use magic device: because even with a bad cha you still have hope. If you dumped cha your getting +1. But somehow I feel you didnt dump cha. So >+3 with a single point. Makes first level wands doable with a few skill investments. Consider favored class skill point as a mounted guy needs less HP since he either kills what he hits or ride by attacks.

I would advise Heal, Perception, Sense Motive and Use Magic Device. Your mount should be the one handling climb/swim for you, and any character that uses Diplomacy and Intimidate with any frequency should have Sense Motive to judge the quality of their work. A Cavalier with the ability to apply a good field dressing is just good RP material. If it helps stabilize someone or deal with caltrops, even better. Without being a class skill and no skill ranks to spare for boosting it, it won't be very useful, but it may lead to fun conversations at the table.

Grand Lodge

For PFS, one rank in Craft, Perform or Profession gives you a Day Job. A number of boons make it attractive to forego a Day Job check.

Not a fan of the dayjob check, especially with only one skill rank its an incredibly small amount of gold

Linguistics is good- the extra language is flavorful but the possibility of deciphering something is outstanding.

UMD is amazing in pfs, where you may get random monks handing you wands of mage armor.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

As long as it's a class skill I tend to put a single rank into the following two skills:

Can't you just put all 4 points into perception?

Climb/Swim/UMD, as others have said.

I've seen Profession:Sailor or Soldier come up more than once in PFS.

Scarab Sages

Proley wrote:
For example, you only get your relevant modifier to a skill after you have a rank in it, right?


You always gain your ability modifier on skills, you simple do not gain any skill ranks or the +3 class skill bonus on untrained skills, and you can only attempt low DC checks on some untrained skills.

Per the Skills section in the PRD:

Untrained: 1d20 + ability modifier + racial modifier
Trained: 1d20 + skill ranks + ability modifier + racial modifier
Trained Class Skill: 1d20 + skill ranks + ability modifier + racial modifier + 3

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Knowledge skills, Disable Device, Handle Animal, Use Magic Device and a few other skills are trained only. You can only roll for those skills if you have a rank in the skill.

I like to get Acrobatics up to at least a +0 after armor check penalty in case of Grease and similar issues. I either take only a single rank in UMD (for out of combat healing stick use) or try to get it up to the point where I can reliably make a DC20 check.

With a single rank in a skill you aren't likely to make the tough checks, but it greatly improves your chances of giving the +2 Aid Another bonus to someone else. Some of the knowledge and diplomacy checks can be quite difficult and a +2 really helps.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for the suggestions...I'm glad to see there's a diversity of opinions on the topic. Honestly, I hadn't thought of UMD, even one rank with my 12 Cha would give me a 25% chance of activating a wand. Sadly, Heal isn't on the Cavalier or Rogue skill list, because I like the idea of being able to do a field dressing and it actually seems to come up a lot in scenarios for things like identifying how a corpse died or helping a tortured prisoner recover from wounds.

I think I'll go with a rank in Sense Motive, Perception, Climb, and UMD, with plans on further pumping up Perception and UMD when I get the free points.

Grand Lodge

I would say the most band for the buck will be class skills you do not have yet. If at all possible you should throw 1 sp into each class skill you can as it gives you the free +3 as it is about equal to a feat each.

Unless you realy need the +1 for the level I would not put any of these 8 in Diplomacy, Intimidate, Ride, and Handle Animal and instead just buy 8 skill you do not have yet.

I would put Preception as the first on the list.

Scarab Sages

BretI wrote:

Knowledge skills, Disable Device, Handle Animal, Use Magic Device and a few other skills are trained only. You can only roll for those skills if you have a rank in the skill.

You can make untrained knowledge checks if the DC is 10 or under. This means you can aid another on any knowledge check untrained.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Imbicatus wrote:
BretI wrote:

Knowledge skills, Disable Device, Handle Animal, Use Magic Device and a few other skills are trained only. You can only roll for those skills if you have a rank in the skill.

You can make untrained knowledge checks if the DC is 10 or under. This means you can aid another on any knowledge check untrained.

Only if the task was something you could succeed in. In other words, something DC 10 or less.

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