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Stepping outside of the gate and looking into distance Amar could see wilderness spreading far away. Looking at the others and fitting the hood more comfortably around his while covering his face with shadows So, we off directly to the direction of our target or see around a bit?

Mierra Jayde |

Mierra readies herself for the journey as she steps out to the front of the group. She places both hands upon her Urumi's and looks aout at the wilderness in front of her.
"I say we go as straight as we can to our target, but if we notice anything we should avoid, we should go around"

Gaius Vekkhar |

"Alright, listen up people! Our target is Bawldok Greenham, a bugbear wanted for larceny, murder and being a general all 'round sumab*tch. We head straight west into goblin territory. The bounty is 100 crowns live, 50 crowns dead. A pitifully small reward to be sure, but every Hand needs its work."
He turns to look at the wizard, "You ought to keep your eyes peeled for any rare herbs. That man inside, Trope, said they're out there.
He pauses for a moment, before continuing, "Those goodie-goodies may already be out there on his trail. I suggest we press on forced march for the first day and night, we have the advantage there in that everyone has darkvision 'cept Amar. We can rest during the morning of the second day and then continue on. If the goodie's beat us there, we'll be right behind 'em and they'll have softened up the opposition. If we beat them there, we can see about negotiating with my lesser kin or setting up a superior tactical position. Finally, if Bawldok ends up dead, I say we press on westward to the river and try to find that old mansion that Trope mentioned. Might turn the whole trip from a bust to a success. Any questions?"
DM, can we get an explanation of the hex system you'll be using? Mierra, you saw the stuff I bought you in the discussion thread right?
Edit:Do any of you have enough gold for a pair of manacles and a lock? Or some acid flasks. Kinda pricey, but that's all I can think of that we might need and don't already have. Rosa seemed to have some paper handy already.

Mierra Jayde |

Mierra listens to the explanation and nods. "Sounds like a fair plan, and if no one has any objections I will lead out front. I prefer a straight up fight if we run into anything."
Mierra places the grappling hook, bear trap and collapsable pole inside her pack and straps across her back. She makes one final check on her weapons.
"Alright, lets get this started" And she begins to head west at an even pace.
And with that post I am out for the night to go to bed, I will see you again in 8 hours.

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Nodding and thinking of the situation Agreed... I will not use any of my spells to show the path and trust you to guide me. Attracting unwanted attention is the least we want during night. Regarding the capturing of this bugbear as evil smile appears to Amar face I may contribute to capture... making it easy to trap him and get away
Looking at the distance he nods to Gaius and regarding herbs, indeed. Rare herbs are quite wanted resource here and even I would need some of them for my own spells without even speaking of other multiple ways to use them
EDIT: I will take a look-> will start to count my gold but since my average is 75g and 50g is already gone for 2 scrolls... will make sure thought

Gaius Vekkhar |

Unless Rosa has some serious objections, which we can roleplay while walking, I guess we set out.
"I was going to suggest the same, Mierra." Gaius says. "Perhaps, Amar you next. The ladies can protect you, and make sure you can see at night. I'll follow Rosa at a couple paces, give me room to work my bow." Without waiting any longer Gaius sets off behind Mierra at a forced march pace.

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Hm.. I agree. It is better for me to be surrounded and protected from both sides by fighters. Never to be too careful or simple... in this kind of business it would be stupidity to assume something else just because your partners are opposite sex and for last time, tightens the ropes and check everything is okey. Deciding that it was sufficient Amar follows Mierra

Gaius Vekkhar |

So we travel as far as we can, forced marching for the first day and night. Our eventual goal is the "X" seven hexes to the west. Rosa and Mierra are tied at +3 for the best survival scores in the group. Our movement will be based off 20' a round since Mierra and Rosa both move at that rate.

GM_Jacob |

OK, as soon as I get a survival check, I will begin your journey. To whoever gives me that suvival check, please include 7 survival checks - one for each square you wish to travel through. You will move at a rate of 1 hex every 3 hours. Just to clarify, if you want to make a forced march, you will all need to make a CON check every hour beyond 8, and the DC will start at 10 and increase by 2 every hour beyond 9.

Rosa Luminass |

sorry guys missed this I was over at OP Thinking ??? is every one Douuu!
Rosa looks on as the group talk
then to
"Armr you stay by my side in the dark, if you can not see you best follow me, they others may need to fight, out in the wilds if your right cast light at night, every thing with sharp teeth that's not us will know where dinner is." Rosa winks.
She starts to talk behind Mierra at an even pace, To Gaius as she passed she says,
"You do not need restraints you just strike out his eyes and blind him, they said just alive, not alive and whole"
with that she walks on.

Rosa Luminass |

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23 Survival check 1
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 Survival check 2
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 Survival check 3
Ill do three GM just in case for the areas we pass let me know if you need me to do more, we could do with some rolling spot checks from the team as well, I take it the GM will ask us when needed. Also Rosa will be taking nots (In Infernel) and making a map, Note book one, Trip one, GAius could you post the roots "NW->N->NE->" etc so we have it down
GM said
Here is a clarification of the hex exploration rules:
1 Hex is 5 miles from side to side.
You may choose to pass through a hex, taking however long it should take for your party to travel at whatever rate you choose. There will be a chance, depending on the terrain, for you to notice any landmarks.
Or, you may choose to fully explore a hex, ensuring that you will find anything that may be there. Exploring a hex takes 1 day.
There are random encounters, more likely if you search the hex, but they will not generally affect the speed at which you traverse a hex.
Also, you can get lost, so have your navigator give me a survival check for each hex you intend to travel through.
The most effective way to explore, RL time-wise, is to give me a few hexes worth of movement at once. For example, starting from the tavern, you might choose to go NW, searching every hex until you find something. Or, you might say, we travel NW 3 hexes, then take stock of where we are.

Gaius Vekkhar |

I say we don't bother to search on the way out since time is of the essence. If we capture him quickly we can explore on the way back.
The route will be SW->NW->SW->NW->SW->NW->SW because we can't go straight east or west on a hex map. However our destination is roughly directly west of our starting position, about 35 miles or so if each hex is five miles across.

GM_Jacob |

Within an hour of entering the hilly forest, you stumble upon the unmistakable tracks of several kobolds travelling NWW.
Assuming you continue on...
After a few more hours, Rosa realizes that the party is not travelling quite the direction they had intended. Quickly righting their course, the party continues on towards their original destination, losing almost no time in the process.
In case you couldn't tell, I took some liberties with the rules on getting lost so that we weren't perpetually bogged down in a mire of survival checks. Although, the way you got lost meant that you really didn't lose any time. Lucky.
Here is the map of what you have done. It has been 8 hours, so if you continue, you will be making a forced march.

Rosa Luminass |

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 Survival check 4
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20 Survival check 5
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 Survival check 6
keeping the map going, time was will darkness kick in around 4 hours from now -> 12 hour day 12 night or 18 hour day and 8 hour night GM

Gaius Vekkhar |

Yeah, especially at first level. I don't want to forced march past 11 hours, or Rosa's 4th survival check.
Con check 1 DC 101d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Con check 2 DC 121d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Con check 3 DC 141d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
After 11 hours of slogging through the forest, everyone is most likely exhausted. Gaius certainly is. He calls out to the others in the small column, "Alright, that's enough for now. Lets get some shut eye and continue on after dark." It's 6 or 7 in the evening at this point by my count Without waiting for a reply, he sits down on a nearby surface and begins to gulp water and devour some rations.

Gaius Vekkhar |

Yeah, watches of course but I should prolly wait for the others to decide how to handle it. I didn't actually spend gold on food, because I didn't know how you want to do it. But, I think we stated we would have gotten enough food for a week somewhere. Gaius would have anyway.
"I can take second watch. No spells to prepare or nuthin'." Gaius says between mouthfuls.

Rosa Luminass |

We need our Mage to cast Alarm of he has such a spell, if not its a long night and 3 hour of guard duty each, Ill take 1st, could I ask what the local climate is like, we talk cold, hot, wet dry etc GM
As the others rest Rosa stand and starts look out, walking around from time to time, looking out into the night, she has a whistle in her mouth for danger, its on a thread around her neck, in her hands a large great sword, now and then she casts detect magic out it to the darkness.

Gaius Vekkhar |

"Amar should take first watch, as he wont be able to see once it becomes dark. Unless I miss my mark, you're a bit more alert than Mierra. Which would make you best candidate for third watch, Rosa."
Amar has no darkvision, most dangerous things will probably be out later and Rosa has highest perception check. Gaius has the second highest so he should grab second. Mierra could help on any shift.

Rosa Luminass |

good point Gaius your leadership skills are shinning throw
Rosa takes the twin out of her backpack and threads it around the camp some 10 feet out she then places the end of the twin her bed roll, after that she lays on her bed roll and places her Geartword on her chest, she stops moving looking up at the sky eyes open.

Gaius Vekkhar |

"Wake me in a few hours." Gaius says to Amar before rolling out his bedroll a few feet from Rosa. He settles down with his shortbow strung and layed across his chest. His bag full of rope and gear serves as a rough pillow. After a couple minutes he can be heard snoring quietly.

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Con Check 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Con Check 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Con Check 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Nodding to Gaius and appreciating the thinking of him although what Gaius said made sense in logical way Rosa, that is a good idea but the problem with spells are their limited time related directly to their makers power. If I were to make the spell now, I would just exhaust my powers for almost nothing but lasting only for 2 hour... I can try after some time later in the upcoming days. I believe that when I have more experience behind my back and I have been able to exercise with them, I could make them last for whole night and even permanently
With that said Amar distance himself little bit more from the others and try to finds a higher ground place nearby to sit and to see surrounding area more easily

Rosa Luminass |

Rosa nods her head as she makes her bed
Arcane magic is your realm Master Furzen, you know best how you use such things, I will use a more piratical system I have used in the past.
with that she finds her twine and starts to lay it out.
The sun is out so taking my Son to a park for a wile, and indulge my hobby of Photography, will be back soon, GM I hand my PC over to you for if things head hectic here, seems to be a Post storm right now :)

Mierra Jayde |

Con check 1 DC 10 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Con check 2 DC 12 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Con check 3 DC 14 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Mierra nods her assent, "Last watch is fine by me, gives me a chance to watch the moon rise as we walk" She smiles with all of her teeth, appearing to snarl.
She takes out the bedroll from within her pack and stretches out on top of it. She begins to doze off and sleeps for what seems like minutes to her, before waking up and wondering if its time for her watch.

Rosa Luminass |

Con check 1 DC 10 1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 1 = 6
Con check 1 DC 12 1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 + 1 = 20
Con check 1 DC 14 1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 + 1 = 10
1d6 Nonlethal Damage + 8 Hours rest 2d6 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5
Well that's not good Rosa will use her heal skill and Infernal Healing spell the remove the 5 points of Nonlethal Damage
heal check 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
With the Failed heal check Infernal Healing means I get back 10HP in a 10 round min as she go's rest, if shes on second she should get her 2 hours to rest and get her device spells back (not that they are really spells in Pathfinder, and no guard duty for Rosa, she will be on her bed roll in a catatonic state with eyes open for 8 hours solid.

Gaius Vekkhar |

I suppose I need to take 1d6 nonlethal as well.
Nonlethal Damage1d6 ⇒ 6
Ouch. So now I'm gonna wake up with 5 nonlethal damage unless I can get a heal. Can I catch that cure light wounds before you go to sleep Rosa?

Rosa Luminass |

I Only have one and I forgot I was going to had her down with 1 Infernal Healing spell, I can do a heal check on you, but you will need to take 8 hours sleep as well to remove fatigue state. Ill have to drop Shield of faith and take Infernal Healing x2 for tomorrow
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Gaius Vekkhar |

We should all rest for a full eight hours, yeah. I guess I'll just be going into tomorrow half dead already ~_~. It means either no more forced marching or blowing a heal spell before we even get into combat.

Rosa Luminass |

well if the GM dos not have use jumped in the night lets be at it
Rosa awakens and stands her watch, then lays down again, before its day brake she awakens and go's to Mierra she says to her in Infernal
"The day is coming, wake the others then tell them to eat any food they need and drink their fill of water, Ill wake the little King and get him up and about"
Rosa gos to Gaius bed roll and prods his boot with her sword
Gaius, the day comes

Rosa Luminass |

with the new rules Rosa should be all right, as only role one was bad and she can heal that, I can heal Gaius this night so the two failed con roles will be sorted and us on full health, only I will be down a spell until spend an hour praying and Gaius fatigue until he had 8 hours sleep
Rosa spend her day leading the party throw the wilderness, that night she finds a small hollow to camp in.
"If need be we can make a campfire, the hollow will hid most of the light, if not we can find high ground but I would not risk it, We should take the same guard times, Amar ready yourself."
The then dos the same as the night before placing her twin down around the camp and linking it to the top of her bed roll. The Rosa lies down and gos still again.
Heal Check on Gaius 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Watch rota
Amar - 2 hours
Gaius - 0 hours (if needed if not we all do 2 hours)
Rosa - 3 Hours
Mierra - 3 hours

Mierra Jayde |

Mierra nods to Rosa having spent an uneventful night's watch, she goes over to where Amar is sleeping and shakes him awake. "Time to get going little magic friend"
She grabs her pack and slings it over her shoulder and makes sure her weapons are at the ready. She toss Amar a piece of iron ration from her bag and takes a quick sip of water from her waterbag.
She checks that everyone is ready and begins to lead them west besides Rosa. They make good time in the day and stop again once the sun begins to go down in the hollow.
"I'm not sure we need a fire, but I can make one if anyone requires. I will take last watch again if no one objects"
I'm still quite healthy and ready for action

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Little bit sleepy and stretching, not so much used to outside camping but... it was refreshing in odd way. Getting up and catching the ration tossed by Mierra Thank you and ate his ration fast.
Looking at the wilderness and wondering what will be coming in the next few days. Amar was not devoted or singleminded towards one goal or rather not trustful of others. That was how life worked out. However, here they had to trust each other and hope that if something happens then your companion would come and help. He would do what he have to. Even if his companions seemed to be evil... Ahaha, what that makes me then? I am not so much better than them, looking for my own needs. Shrugging and preparing then to take off with others

GM_Jacob |

Just to clarify, I believe everyone is at full health, no?
Waking up the morning of the third day, ready to move on to the spot marked on the map at the tavern.
After a few hours of searching, you come across a deep gully, about 100 yards long, 50 feet deep, and 30 feet wide, running north to south. The trees do not grow near the gully, with the forest starting about 40 feet back from the edges, save for one large tree growing right on the edge of the gully, with some roots hanging over.
Perception, please

Mierra Jayde |

Mierra stops as she reaches the edge of the forest, unsure if she should continue out into the open area surrounding the gully. She takes a long look around and across the open space.
Preception Check 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
She turns to the group and points to the north, "Something about this makes me uncomfortable. I think we should circle around to the north, making sure to stay within the cover of the forest"

Mierra Jayde |

Mierra ducks behind the cover of the forest and geatures for the team to also take cover. She points to her eyes and then points to the top of the tree. She removes a throwing dart from her arm holster and gets ready.
She looks back to the team and whispers, "Talk or attack?"

Gaius Vekkhar |

Woah. Just woke up, and now I'm confused. We left the tavern just past dawn on the first day. Then we traveled for 11 hours, thus the damage. 11 hours from dawn should be like dinner time (5-6PM) on the first day. Then we rested for eight hours, once, that puts us at (2-3 AM). We then set out for the remaining 9 hour trek. Which means we should be arriving at the gully at like 11 AM the second day. If we're going to rest twice then there was no need for the forced march and no need for damage in the first place.
I am not at full health, unless we rested twice or didn't forced march. I took 6 nonlethal, healed 1 (my level) for resting eight hours. If Rosa can cast a cure on me after the first 8 hour rest we took then I should be fine. If not I still have 5 nonlethal damage. Either way I'd rather have 5 nonlethal damage than waste another eight hours resting.
Perception check1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Edit: Seeing the two goblins up in the tree Gaius grunts and says. "Lemme talk with 'em first. But be ready to fight. I'll call out in common, if ye got ranged weapons, cover me." He walks out of the treeline with his bow drawn, and once he is within shouting distance of the goblins says "Dolu əmiuşağı! Bu gün tapa bilər?"
"Hail cousins! How does this fine day find you?"

Mierra Jayde |

Rosa did toss you a heal on the second day, I do believe, so we should all be at full and ready for action. Also I am heading to bed in the next few minuts, so if we attack, I toss my dart at one of the goblins, as its the second range increment, its at a -2, but since I get a +3, I will still take the shot. Jacob would you take that shot for me if we head into combat?
Mierra holds her dart ready to throw at the goblins in the tree, she whispers to Gaius "They're your cousins so to speak, you going to talk with them, or do we surprise them?"

GM_Jacob |

My apologies, Gaius, I misread Mierra's travel plans. You could definitely make it to the gully on the second leg of travel, albeit right at the end. It's your call, whether to rest right before the gully, thus enabling you to recover damage without using up someone's spell slot, or to continue on with 5 nonlethal. Oh, and there it is - I see you said you would rather continue on. So, this isn't the third day, but rather the second. Apologies, all.