Eternal Horizons - Gameplay Thread 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Jacob DeCourcey

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Female looking Tiefling [Devil Blooded] [outsider (native)] Cleric (LAW)

That would be way cool

THP: 1/6; HP 43/43; NL 4; AC 18, t 12, ff 16; Fort +9/Ref +7/Will +3; CMD 18; Perception +7

Yay go team! Since they all came out of the tower I say we go nuclear. I plan on using all my limited use abilities here because we can just rest after. I gotta say this is super awesome GM_Jacob. Never played in a sandbox type game before but this is making me want Pathfinder Online to come out really bad.

THP: 1/6; HP 43/43; NL 4; AC 18, t 12, ff 16; Fort +9/Ref +7/Will +3; CMD 18; Perception +7

I told one of my friends about this game. He made a character and posted in the recruitment. We can pick him up next time we go back to town.

Female looking Tiefling [Devil Blooded] [outsider (native)] Cleric (LAW)

I do not mean to be a pain Gaius but your last post in game play could have gone here in Discussion, (b you should know better hehe)

So taking in the fact I mixed up my up from down, But yes Me bad as it is I have changed my action, just to note i will not be nuking a fellow player so that bot left gobo looks like he may fry, if they are not going to run north back to the tower then lets see if we can make them yield now, what ya think

THP: 1/6; HP 43/43; NL 4; AC 18, t 12, ff 16; Fort +9/Ref +7/Will +3; CMD 18; Perception +7

I put in in the game thread because it was pertinent to the combat. Without names on the little circles I just wanted to make sure you knew which one was Sniff.

Yeah, the sooner they yield the better. I'm not sure how GM_Jacob wants to handle intimidate checks, but he seems to be pretty common sense rather than exactly perfect 'rules as written' so far w/ diplomacy and intimidate. If Rosa scares them all into quitting now all the better.

Gaius already shouted that they should lay down and surrender, and one already has. He's just gonna keep gunning for the hobgoblin who appears to be their leader (I also don't want Sniff to die). If he goes down I think the rest will surrender. I don't know who is going to be left to give Mierra her glorious death though. Lol.

Indeed, Gaius, I am much more "common sense," than RAW. Especially when it comes to "social" skills. A really great or miserable roll will certainly help or hurt your cause, but my main interactions are built on the actual dialogue.

THP: 1/6; HP 43/43; NL 4; AC 18, t 12, ff 16; Fort +9/Ref +7/Will +3; CMD 18; Perception +7

Looks like we won this one folks! Three cheers for us. Now the bad news is that we are only going to net an additional one or two goblins for our forces. Hopefully the burning hobgoblin will come over to our side. In any case, we should start planning our next move. I was thinking we go talk with Gurg. He is close by geographically and maybe he would be willing to join us, or we could kill him and take his stuff. Or we could hire him to kill Tensen, depending on how much gold is in the tower.

The only other leads I'm aware of at this point is the abandoned house on the island in the river, and the Kobold tracks 1 day out of town.

Female looking Tiefling [Devil Blooded] [outsider (native)] Cleric (LAW)

I would say before we do that we need to
do part two of the plan

P1 End this battle.
P2 loot and see what we have + get info on tower.
P3 Check out troops, heal fix them,
T1 get them moving to the tower
T2 get them into the tower
T3 set it up as our base of operations in the tower.
T4 Rest and get spells back...
T5 find out if there is any other badness around that my seek to take our tower wile we are away.
T6 Pay and keep our troops happy.

then happy to head off on another plan.

THP: 1/6; HP 43/43; NL 4; AC 18, t 12, ff 16; Fort +9/Ref +7/Will +3; CMD 18; Perception +7

Well, of course. I agree that must all be done, but we can handle that in character. I guess we could long-term plan in character too, but I like to plan here and in character.

Hash out the details here, and then have a brief in character convo to make us look all confident and knowledgeable. Plus our characters may or may not really trust each other yet etc.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Wizard / Level 1

If we are totally going for tower Amar surely will have his share of dips there: there is nothing more perfect than a tower which can be defended quite perfectly / well against others due to his: profession (wizard) plus desire to experiment (spells, monsters, alchemical skills) and this with the evil team and really furthering his goal pushes him towards lawful evil (although I see this to be happening around post 3000-4000 due to progression)

Nevertheless, (the rampage of text above set aside for a while) I would see that if we are the team EVIL we should recruit all the EVIL around in our forces but... there is just so many troubles I can see with this and will take a lot of post to start reasoning it. Up to you but will just give couple points

1. Hierarchy (I believe .> stronger one is the boss)
2. maintain (evil chars, monsters... sure will be hard when there will be conspiracies so what will be the candy here for them?)
3. prevent Goody Goody teams killing our mobs / us / interfering plans etc
4. Other evil "organisations" which might exist (i.e drow society, vampire clan etc (these are just examples but trying to reflect to Evil org vs Evil org))

THP: 1/6; HP 43/43; NL 4; AC 18, t 12, ff 16; Fort +9/Ref +7/Will +3; CMD 18; Perception +7

Nothing worth doing ist einfach mein Fruend. However these are all good points. In evil world, might definitely makes right.

We're gonna have to go step by step with keeping the troops happy. There need to be at least three points of control,
1) Rewards to the useful ones
2) Allow them to indulge their evilness, in a directed fashion
3) If all else fails, a horrible evil public death to anyone who doesn't do as we say.

As long as we put gold, food and equipment on the table with one hand, while a giant spikey devil mace is held behind our back with the other, I think we can maintain control. Tyranny only fails when it expands to it's maximum range, and then begins devouring itself internally. As long as there are enemies for us to conquer we should be able to handle the occasional internal dispute. I'm much more worried about mixing races and language barriers and such.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Wizard / Level 1

Hm... I would say that if we get up a organisation here then we could make Sniff our puppet :)

Would be hilarious from front: The mightiest guy in the wasted lands is goblin in control of different creatures... just that we pull the string behind :) Or just discuss with Sniff (although we will have to remind sniff really harshly about who really hold the strings)

But so far I agree with idea. Gifts with one hands and Death by other. I would say that if there is not anything worth while for us, give them to goblins (Sniff) to distribute to his troops: 1. To raise morale and assure that we really are in the same side 2. boost our troops 3. have some better defenses BUT 4. we should stick to his skull really early who are the real bosses here. He betrays-> we kill

THP: 1/6; HP 43/43; NL 4; AC 18, t 12, ff 16; Fort +9/Ref +7/Will +3; CMD 18; Perception +7

Agreed. Taking the tower cost a lot though, I hope we can hold it. We're down to 11 Goblins, Sniff and a Hobgoblin. Off for the night, check back tomorrow.

Female looking Tiefling [Devil Blooded] [outsider (native)] Cleric (LAW)

Its and odd one every you guys say is right, but we also have help, in this world the gods can be of use to us. Rosa has no interest in ruling here, or becoming the head power of magic around. Its the goals of the hell's that matter to her, forming a place of law where souls are bound to the hell's. so I think we can have a really good concord. Bodys for Gaius, Minds for Amar and souls for Rosa. Would love to see a tower of lawfull evil Mages here under a lawfull evil king.

THP: 1/6; HP 43/43; NL 4; AC 18, t 12, ff 16; Fort +9/Ref +7/Will +3; CMD 18; Perception +7

Gaius in interested in forming a hell-like kingdom on earth. Where each piece knows its place, and there is a strict hierarchy and rewards system enforced by unimaginable cruelty and violence. He will eventually declare himself king, Rosa High Priestess and Amar Archmage. But I think those titles are a little ostentatious for 1st level toons. Maybe once we hit 5th level.

THP: 1/6; HP 43/43; NL 4; AC 18, t 12, ff 16; Fort +9/Ref +7/Will +3; CMD 18; Perception +7

@Rosa - Yeah, Gaius is a bowman. But he's not really that min-maxed and he definitely hasn't come into his own yet. He doesn't even have a longbow yet. So have mocking internal dialogue all you want. We'll see who's killing more people @ level 5 or 6. :P

Female looking Tiefling [Devil Blooded] [outsider (native)] Cleric (LAW)

@Gaius, Not mocking that's what Rosa would think, your her hope to get a nice evil kingdom going here and as yet all seen so far is you running around shooting a few arrows and lots of pompous pronouncements and remember her fellow hell mate just lost her life. You have got to do more than show up when the fights almost over and fly off a few shots. Time to get stuck in B.

PS. (ill be back end next week)

Sorry, all, I’ll be away for the rest of this day. I wasn’t expecting to be out of the house for the whole day. I only have time to post this right quick. I’ll definitely be back on tonight, though. We’ll get all caught up, then.

THP: 1/6; HP 43/43; NL 4; AC 18, t 12, ff 16; Fort +9/Ref +7/Will +3; CMD 18; Perception +7

@ Rosa/Amar - Please buy me a longbow, I forgot to put it on the list. Also, make sure you don't leave town without picking up Elisiaone's character. I told him that you were headed to town, he should post in the tavern soon hopefully.

Female looking Tiefling [Devil Blooded] [outsider (native)] Cleric (LAW)

will do one half-ling longbow coming up :)

THP: 1/6; HP 43/43; NL 4; AC 18, t 12, ff 16; Fort +9/Ref +7/Will +3; CMD 18; Perception +7

....medium sized please.

THP: 1/6; HP 43/43; NL 4; AC 18, t 12, ff 16; Fort +9/Ref +7/Will +3; CMD 18; Perception +7

Frick is totally new to PBP, so we gotta go easy on him. Might take him a while to get the hang of it.

No problem. I'm playing in another game right now where I'm literally the only person who bolds his speech. Everyone else just uses quotes, or sometime not even. I can handle it.

THP: 1/6; HP 43/43; NL 4; AC 18, t 12, ff 16; Fort +9/Ref +7/Will +3; CMD 18; Perception +7

We are friends in real life, so I'll give him some pointers along the way.

Female looking Tiefling [Devil Blooded] [outsider (native)] Cleric (LAW)

I know both Giaus and Frick in RL we all live in the same City, but I travel a lot so do not see then often.

Liberty's Edge

HP: 96/119, Rage 4/9, Bloodrage 11/16
AC 26, T 14, FF 26 // Fort +13 (+16), Ref +10 Will +2 // CMD 31 (32 vs overrun))

Frick had to go out of country for a few days for visa issues. He'll be back later.

Female looking Tiefling [Devil Blooded] [outsider (native)] Cleric (LAW)

Ill take over from him

Hey, folks, I'm going to be only semi-available for the next week. I'll try really hard to get in at least one post a day, but I have to aks for patience on the days I can't. Thanks.

I have to apologize to everyone. What was intended to be a week's hiatus has developed into more than that, and my priorities have developed quite a bit as well. I won't be able to participate in these games for a while yet. A may be back later on, but I don't want to promise what I don't know. For now, I'll say that I am on leave for an unknown amount of time. Thank you all for playing with me. I've enjoyed your company very much.

Female looking Tiefling [Devil Blooded] [outsider (native)] Cleric (LAW)

I understand GM_Jacob it was fun wile it lasted, RL is like that.
Could you deactivate the thread until you come back, that way we can see when it pops up in active games.

All the best.

THP: 1/6; HP 43/43; NL 4; AC 18, t 12, ff 16; Fort +9/Ref +7/Will +3; CMD 18; Perception +7

Awww. I was worried this might happen. This game was really great Jacob. Thanks a lot, if you ever start it back up PM me please!

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