Savin |

Savin - Honky Tonk
The Honky Tonk is located in a fashionable section of New Nectar, which bustles with activity even as you arrive at the middle of the day. Heavy doors of rose-stained wood inlaid with brass mark the entrance, covered by long, old fashioned canopy of red canvas. Inside, the floor is carpeted crimson with gold medallions and recessed lighting casts a subdued yellow glow on the cherry paneling of the walls. The main area has two levels, connected by a wide central shaft, and there is a marble topped bar off to one side. Booths upholstered in red leather and curtained in crimson line the walls, while guéridons and simple wooden chairs fill the remainder of the space, with the sole exception of a low, black-painted stage set against the back wall. A few people are milling about as you enter, but only one looks up a you walk in. The tall, handsome man with nicely tanned skin strides over from the bar and extends a hand.
"I'm Ricardo, you must be Savin."
I will shake his hand.
"yes, I am Savin, it is good to meet you."

Savin |

Sara struggles with the thoughts swarming in her/his/their head
"Wha...Who ..are you?" she struggles to get out
Perception 1d100
Wil 1d100
A bit rusty on these rules does the +30 bump my score up making it 60 in place or 30 or what? I really need to reread that chapter
It would be a 60.

Taka |

Taka Tamahashi - Former Headquarters of Go-Nin Group
"Yes, here it is." Your erstwhile guide fishes through its pocket for a second to retrieve a small, square data-chit and extends it towards you. "Just upload this once you're done."
Taka takes the chit and looks it over with a curious eye. "I see. And what's on I this, I wonder?" she asks, knowing he wasn't likely to be answered, not that it mattered, he had a good idea.
He goes through the information flowing through the cable, downloading anything he might find useful before uploading the data on the chip.

...Storyteller... |
Sara struggles with the thoughts swarming in her/his/their head
"Wha...Who ..are you?" she struggles to get out
Perception 1d100
Wil 1d100
A bit rusty on these rules does the +30 bump my score up making it 60 in place or 30 or what? I really need to reread that chapter
Perception - Success by 45
WIL - Success by 15
Before the background can fully coalesce, the false reality retreats once more. As you fade back to the real world, you notice there is something wrong about this version of yourself. From the weathered look in his eyes and the bend of his gait, it seems that the world weighs heavy on the man. From what you see, you are fairly certain that this is not just some projection, but an actual version of yourself.
As you come back to reality, you are lying flat on your back, the slitheroid leaning over you.
"Is there a problem sir? You seem to have collapsed."

...Storyteller... |
"I'm Ricardo, you must be Savin."
I will shake his hand.
"yes, I am Savin, it is good to meet you."
Ricardo's grip is firm as you shake his hand, and you feel a musician's calluses on his palm and fingers. He swings one arm wide to encompass the empty club.
"Welcome to the Honky Tonk Savin, hope you like the place. Took me forever to get the acoustics right in here, working with old school materials is a right bastard. I listened to a few of your 'cordings already, but I'd like a live performance before we sign anything. Hope you don't mind."
Ricardo slips his well muscled arm around your waist and leads you toward the stage. You can see a single microphone, a device long since made obsolete, waiting for you there.
Sorry, I thought I had updated things for everyone, but I actually hadn't.

...Storyteller... |
Taka takes the chit and looks it over with a curious eye. "I see. And what's on I this, I wonder?" she asks, knowing he wasn't likely to be answered, not that it mattered, he had a good idea.
He goes through the information flowing through the cable, downloading anything he might find useful before uploading the data on the chip.
Since this is a secure system and you currently lack the proper permissions, you first have to hack in per the intrusion rules on page 254 of the core book. Physical access eliminates the need to bypass the firewall, but you still need to test Infosec vs. any active security.

Taka |

Since this is a secure system and you currently lack the proper permissions, you first have to hack in per the intrusion rules on page 254 of the core book. Physical access eliminates the need to bypass the firewall, but you still need to test Infosec vs. any active security.
I thought as much, but I didn't want to make any assumptions
Taka gets to work, attempting to hack the system...
1d100 ⇒ 28 vs Infosec 80 (90, if decrypted)

...Storyteller... |
Taka gets to work, attempting to hack the system...
1d100 vs Infosec 80 (90, if decrypted)
To his surprise, no data presently flows through the cable's steely core, instead, his probes into the network lead him deep into the secured computer system to which the cable is connected. Taka does not take long to recognize exactly where he is as familiar data-paths open up before him. He is home, the Tsukomo nexus, Go-Nin's corporate mainframe and the closely held repository of all the dirty little secrets your family has accumulated.