...Storyteller... |
Savin - Lunar Space Elevator
"Gen, do you have any open info on a Masoto Tamahashi, and anything on the gossip circuit about him?"
"Also Gen, during that search, see if Nectar is one of the places he has been seen at."
Finding the information will be a networking test, the level of the favor you want to use will determine how much information you can get. (These rules are described on p.285 of the core rulebook)

...Storyteller... |
Taka Tamahashi - Luna - Shackle
Taka grins to himself. Good, you were paying attention. I wouldn't have accepted anything that wasn't goods or hard credits anyway. Even tough-to-trace transactions are traceable.
Taka pauses a moment, considering the offer. It was either a really good idea to accept, or a really bad one. He hadn't avoided capture for a decade by taking risks, but he also had proven himself good at slipping out of tight scrapes.
High level and closed. Great, it would be like sticking his hand in a nanoswarm hive. His father was still searching for him, though, to be honest, not as fervently in the past few years. And Go-Nin had remade the lost ground he had put them through, and then some, becoming quite a powerful post-Fall hypercorp. Knocking them back down a notch was very tempting.
Alright, I accept. Can you tell me where it is now?
"The system itself is located in Tsukomo. However, your means of access will be somewhat circuitous. Please standby, one of my associates should be joining you shortly."
The mysterious caller suddenly cuts the connection, leaving you alone in your room. You can still hear the muffled voices in the hallway, but now that the mesh is silent, you can make out something else, an almost buzzing sound, like bees trapped in a sack. It is not long before you discover the source of the sound, as millions of micro-bots pour from the ventilation grating above your bed and congeal into a roughly humanoid form. The newcomer greats you in a melodious, asexual voice:
"Hello Mr Tamahashi, forgive my intrusion but I was told you would be expecting me."

...Storyteller... |
Savin - Lunar Space Elevator
Since I want open information, I would use Networking(Media)50 with a f-rep of 60(lvl 4). What would be the lvl of the favor?
Networking(Media) = 1d100.
I would not find anything out with that roll.
Your initial queries come up with little more than you already know.
I'm just going to assume that it was a level 2 favor, since you wanted information that might not have been widely known, but wasn't secret. You can try again in about a day, or you can try and ask one of your other networks.

...Storyteller... |
Honest Fineal - Phobos
I'll set my muse to work researching the Maurice Kisomo(Researching 40): 1d100
You end up with a large amount of data, which takes you most of the next night to fully analyze.
Searching requires 2 rolls, 1 to find info and the other to analyze it:
Analysis: 1d100 ⇒ 71
You don't understand a lot of the data you have found, but it seems that the Maurice Kisomo is, as far as you can tell, a legitimate independent charter craft.
You still have 6 days before you wanted to leave.

...Storyteller... |
I will try my Networking(Automonists)80 = 1d100
@-rep=60, lvl 4 vs lvl 2=+20
I made it by 78.
Your contacts in the @-List are able to provide you with a wealth of information on Masoto Tamahashi. He is Senior Vice President of the Go-Nin group and essentially runs their operations on Luna and Earth's orbit, and is the oldest son Go-Nin's CEO Yomiro Tamahashi and the heir apparent. He has a younger sister and a younger brother, but there is almost no information on these two, which is surprising given Go-Nin's reputation for nepotism. Masoto makes frequent visits to Go-Nin facilities on Luna and in orbit (including Nectar, where New Nectar is home to Go-Nan's newest installation). He has developed something of a reputation as a playboy, frequenting the hottest clubs and the poshest restaurants with attractive companions both male and female. He does not seem to be involved with any of the dirtier aspects of the hyper-corp's business, and for the most part, the anarchist factions have left him alone.
If you have any specific questions, you can probably get at least a few answers.

...Storyteller... |
Oliver Kain - Earth Orbit - Habitat "Hotel California"
As the station is more or less cut off from anything, Oliver only has to gather his few belongings and wait for transport.
The transport arrives on schedule, and the ship's docking is announced throughout the ship, both through the mesh and on the antiquated public address system. This unusual event attracts many of the station's inhabitants, curious to see what this new arrival brings.
The airlock opens and a towering flexbot steps out, it scans the crowd for a few moments before stopping on you and motioning you forward with its' fractal appendages.
The crowd seems disappointed and jealous at this, you are sure many wish that they were in your shoes right now.
Stepping through the airlock, you enter the spartan confines of what appears to be a standard light courier. There are few furnishings and the designer seems to have had an undue fascination with the color white. As you are sizing up your surroundings, you hear the airlock close behind you. The flexbot points you towards a cluster of seats and restraint webbing and motions for you to strap in. As you do so, the flexbot breaks apart, splitting into almost a dozen individual units, which scurry into recessed cubbyholes like so many frightened mice. Once they are all secure, you feel the familiar acceleration of spaceflight.
The initial burn away from the station takes only a few minutes, and before long, the acceleration tapers off enough to allow movement around the cabin. Aside from the common area you are currently in, which contains seating and a kitchen facility as well as zero-g bedding for several persons, there is also a sealed hatch leading to what you assume is the ship's cockpit.

...Storyteller... |
Does he have any specific type of man or woman he is attracted to?
Your friends can't really answer this question, though they do know that the collection of men and women accompanying him has been quite diverse.
Does he go home with them or just party with them and drop them off?
The consensus is that he tends to pick up one (or more) people at a party of other function and they will accompany him for a few days before he moves on.

Savin |

Savin wrote:Does he go home with them or just party with them and drop them off?The consensus is that he tends to pick up one (or more) people at a party of other function and they will accompany him for a few days before he moves on.

Savin |

Savin wrote:Does he go home with them or just party with them and drop them off?The consensus is that he tends to pick up one (or more) people at a party of other function and they will accompany him for a few days before he moves on.

Taka |

Taka Tamahashi - Luna - Shackle
"The system itself is located in Tsukomo. However, your means of access will be somewhat circuitous. Please standby, one of my associates should be joining you shortly."
The mysterious caller suddenly cuts the connection, leaving you alone in your room. You can still hear the muffled voices in the hallway, but now that the mesh is silent, you can make out something else, an almost buzzing sound, like bees trapped in a sack. It is not long before you discover the source of the sound, as millions of micro-bots pour from the ventilation grating above your bed and congeal into a roughly humanoid form. The newcomer greats you in a melodious, asexual voice:
"Hello Mr Tamahashi, forgive my intrusion but I was told you would be expecting me."
Tsukomo, of cour.... Taka's thought is interrupted by the techno-swarm entering the room. "What the..." he jumps back towards the door, instinctual aiming his hand laser at the forming mass.
"Expecting you...yeah, I guess," he says, warily lowering his weapon. "Expecting you to come in through the vents, not so much. And maybe not so soon."
His anxiety soon gives way to curiosity as he looks over his new acquaintance. "Swarmanoid morph. Sweet," he says approvingly. "Call me Taka. You are...?"

Savin |

Savin wrote:Your contacts in the @-List are able to provide you with a wealth of information on Masoto Tamahashi. Masoto makes frequent visits to Go-Nin facilities on Luna and in orbit (including Nectar, where New Nectar is home to Go-Nan's newest installation). He has developed something of a reputation as a playboy, frequenting the hottest clubs and the poshest restaurants with attractive companions both male and female. He does not seem to be involved with any of the dirtier aspects of the hyper-corp's business, and for the most part, the anarchist factions have left him alone.I will try my Networking(Automonists)80 = 1d100
@-rep=60, lvl 4 vs lvl 2=+20
I made it by 78.
It doesn't matter in the end, but it is strange he is a target. I wonder why. I am not going to look into that, it is just intriguing.

...Storyteller... |
Savin - Lunar Space Elevator
It doesn't matter in the end, but it is strange he is a target. I wonder why. I am not going to look into that, it is just intriguing.
Yomiro Tamahashi is very hands-on in his management of these matters and leaves the day-to-day administration to his underlings.

...Storyteller... |
Taka Tamahashi - Luna - Shackle
Tsukomo, of cour.... Taka's thought is interrupted by the techno-swarm entering the room. "What the..." he jumps back towards the door, instinctual aiming his hand laser at the forming mass.
"Expecting you...yeah, I guess," he says, warily lowering his weapon. "Expecting you to come in through the vents, not so much. And maybe not so soon."
His anxiety soon gives way to curiosity as he looks over his new acquaintance. "Swarmanoid morph. Sweet," he says approvingly. "Call me Taka. You are...?"
"Nikolai will suffice, I have found that many habitats employ inefficient air filtration systems. As such, it provides a useful means of travel. However, since you cannot follow through the vents, we will have to take an alternate route. Are you ready?"

Taka |

"Nikolai will suffice, I have found that many habitats employ inefficient air filtration systems. As such, it provides a useful means of travel. However, since you cannot follow through the vents, we will have to take an alternate route. Are you ready?"
"Uh, yeah, sure, let's do it," Taka replies with a nod, shouldering his satchel.

Oliver Kain |

Oliver, looking much like any old cheap rundown case, awaits his ship surrounded by his gear. He has been here before, not this dock perhaps but waiting for a ship to take him to yet unknown place for a vague job of questionable legality. Most of those ended well, a few of them ended with some lack and now as always he wonders "was it like this, the trip that gave me that lack? the trip that ruined my rep and set some many people aginest me?"
But his thoughts are interrupted by Kal "The transport has arrived Oliver" the muse chimes in. As the Flexbot summons hims Oliver begins to gather his gear and follow the syth on to the very white, spartan and well maintained vessel
"Kel, find out what you can about this ship, name, registry and destination. And let me know when we arrive in Mesh range"
As the ship leaves the station Oliver looks around the cabin to see if anyone else is aboard the transport.

...Storyteller... |
Taka Tamahashi - Luna - Shackle
"Uh, yeah, sure, let's do it," Taka replies with a nod, shouldering his satchel.
Nikolai motions you to open the door, then disperses into a fine mist. As you step into the corridor, Nikolai forwards you a standard routing plan. You notice that the argument is over and both your neighbor and the newcomer are nowhere to be found, though a few crates still litter the hallway. The route-plan's enhanced reality cues lead you into the bowels of the habitat, where the vital machinery of survival are hidden away.
The air becomes warm and humid as you walk through the dirt-stained corridors, the drone of machinery seems to come from everywhere at once. You can barely make out Nikolai's dispersed form, if you didn't know he was there he would be all but invisible, this thought gives you pause. You turn into a cavernous room off the corridor you were following. Four giant metal tanks rise from the floor and a network of pipes runs above the grated floor, from somewhere you hear the his of steam. Out of nowhere a voice startles you to attention.
"Hey! what are you doing in here?"

...Storyteller... |
Oliver Kain - ?
Oliver, looking much like any old cheap rundown case, awaits his ship surrounded by his gear. He has been here before, not this dock perhaps but waiting for a ship to take him to yet unknown place for a vague job of questionable legality. Most of those ended well, a few of them ended with some lack and now as always he wonders "was it like this, the trip that gave me that lack? the trip that ruined my rep and set some many people aginest me?"
But his thoughts are interrupted by Kal "The transport has arrived Oliver" the muse chimes in. As the Flexbot summons hims Oliver begins to gather his gear and follow the syth on to the very white, spartan and well maintained vessel
"Kel, find out what you can about this ship, name, registry and destination. And let me know when we arrive in Mesh range"
As the ship leaves the station Oliver looks around the cabin to see if anyone else is aboard the transport.
Kel informs you that you are aboard the Amphitrite a courier vessel of fairly standard design. He also informs you that there is little else he can find on the ship's mesh, it is not weak or obsolescent, just strangely empty. You can see the bandwidth dedicated to ship functions, but other than that and the basic registry data there is nothing of interest though there is the sizable entertainment database you would expect of any vessel accustomed to long trips. Even once the hard acceleration is over, the flex-bots do not return and no one greets you, physically or otherwise. This type of setup is not unfamiliar, but it is surprisingly unsettling to be on this end of it for once.

Taka |

Taka Tamahashi - Luna - Shackle
Nikolai motions you to open the door, then disperses into a fine mist. As you step into the corridor, Nikolai forwards you a standard routing plan. You notice that the argument is over and both your neighbor and the newcomer are nowhere to be found, though a few crates still litter the hallway. The route-plan's enhanced reality cues lead you into the bowels of the habitat, where the vital machinery of survival are hidden away.
The air becomes warm and humid as you walk through the dirt-stained corridors, the drone of machinery seems to come from everywhere at once. You can barely make out Nikolai's dispersed form, if you didn't know he was there he would be all but invisible, this thought gives you pause. You turn into a cavernous room off the corridor you were following. Four giant metal tanks rise from the floor and a network of pipes runs above the grated floor, from somewhere you hear the his of steam. Out of nowhere a voice startles you to attention.
"Hey! what are you doing in here?"
Taka turns towards the voice. "Oh, uh yeah, hey. Looking for the way out? A little lost," he responds, readying for a fight if needed and wondering what Nikolai was going to do.
Deception check: 1d100 ⇒ 73 vs 35 and any mods.

...Storyteller... |
Taka Tamahashi - Luna - Shackle
Taka turns towards the voice. "Oh, uh yeah, hey. Looking for the way out? A little lost," he responds, readying for a fight if needed and wondering what Nikolai was going to do.
Deception check: 1d100 vs 35 and any mods.
You turn to see a solidly build worker pod wearing a suspicious expression, but upon hearing your explanation his face softens and answers you in a rough accent.
"Tryin' a shortcut eh? Not the first time its happened. Just go back into the corridor and turn left, there'll be signs pointing back to the hab-levels. Be careful though, 's dangerous down here."

Taka |

Taka Tamahashi - Luna - Shackle
You turn to see a solidly build worker pod wearing a suspicious expression, but upon hearing your explanation his face softens and answers you in a rough accent.
"Tryin' a shortcut eh? Not the first time its happened. Just go back into the corridor and turn left, there'll be signs pointing back to the hab-levels. Be careful though, 's dangerous down here."
"Thanks," Taka replies with a curt nod. He turns and heads down the corridor, taking the left and stopping. He quickly removes his shoes, putting them in his satchel, alters the color of his skin and clothing to match the walls and, taking his time, climbs up onto the walls and ceiling, using the grip pads on his hands and feet, slowly moving back into the room.
Okay, making a Climbing check with grip pads (+30) and moving slowly (taking the time, +10), so 1d100 ⇒ 9 vs Climbing 75.
Also using chameleon skin (+20), making an Infiltration check, 1d100 ⇒ 27 vs 65.

Oliver Kain |

Oliver seeing that the Amphitrite is empty save him and the crew, who have seemed to quarantined themselves, double checks his gear then looses himself in the Amphitrite's extensive entertainment grid as he has little else to do while out of rang of the mesh and in transit.
Not much else he can do here, no mesh other then the ships functions, nothing else for him to do but relax on the trip.

...Storyteller... |
Taka Tamahashi - Luna - Shackle
"Thanks," Taka replies with a curt nod. He turns and heads down the corridor, taking the left and stopping. He quickly removes his shoes, putting them in his satchel, alters the color of his skin and clothing to match the walls and, taking his time, climbs up onto the walls and ceiling, using the grip pads on his hands and feet, slowly moving back into the room.
Okay, making a Climbing check with grip pads (+30) and moving slowly (taking the time, +10), so 1d100 vs Climbing 75.
Also using chameleon skin (+20), making an Infiltration check, 1d100 vs 65.
You carefully pick your way across the mold covered ceiling, the helpful worker pod working obliviously below. Continuing down several more corridors, you finally make your way into a filth-covered locker-room that appears to have been abandoned for a long time. Lockers painted in faded olive line two of the walls and a line of shower-heads dot the third,but the room's defining feature is a large metal hatchway covered in pealing paint, which sits along at one end. The only light comes from a bold red indicator light on the hatch's control panel, giving the room an unnatural reddish tint.
Nikolai informs you in his buzzing tone:
"We are here."

...Storyteller... |
Savin - Lunar Space Elevator / Nectar
After a few hours, you feel a slight shift in the carriage's acceleration as the entire carriage abruptly changes direction and transfers onto the from the space elevator to the Lunar surface. A few minutes later you come to a halt and a klaxon signals your freedom to depart. Exiting the cramped confines of the travel compartment you find yourself in a well-maintained arrival station now crowded with your fellow passengers. You manage to squeeze your way through the crowd and into the arrival area, where a small group is waiting for the new arrivals. You notice you name among the cluster of signs and find that an imposing slitheroid has been awaiting your arrival. It notices you almost immediately and begins to snake its way towards you.

...Storyteller... |
Oliver Kain - ?
Oliver seeing that the Amphitrite is empty save him and the crew, who have seemed to quarantined themselves, double checks his gear then looses himself in the Amphitrite's extensive entertainment grid as he has little else to do while out of rang of the mesh and in transit.
Not much else he can do here, no mesh other then the ships functions, nothing else for him to do but relax on the trip.
The journey lasts several days, with the only perceptible activity being the inscrutable movements of the flex-bots throughout the cabin. Midway through the third day, Kel informs you that you are now within range of the lunar mesh and are presently in orbit. However, it is more than a day and a half before you feel the familiar jolts of reentry and arrive at what seems to be your destination. Kel informs you that you are in the city of Nectar on the Lunar surface.
Shortly thereafter, the flexbots reassemble themselves into a humanoid configuration and unseals the airlock for you. Stepping outside, you are grateful to be met by the fragrant air of a terrestrial habitat rather than the cold vacuum of space. Looking around you are not in the least bit surprised to find yourself in a cargo terminal rather than a zone for the unloading of legitimate passengers. With a soft hiss, the airlock shuts behind you. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a battered Slitheroid making its way towards you.

Taka |

Taka Tamahashi - Luna - Shackle
You carefully pick your way across the mold covered ceiling, the helpful worker pod working obliviously below. Continuing down several more corridors, you finally make your way into a filth-covered locker-room that appears to have been abandoned for a long time. Lockers painted in faded olive line two of the walls and a line of shower-heads dot the third,but the room's defining feature is a large metal hatchway covered in pealing paint, which sits along at one end. The only light comes from a bold red indicator light on the hatch's control panel, giving the room an unnatural reddish tint.
Nikolai informs you in his buzzing tone:
"We are here."
"Yeah, okay," Taka responds, looking at the hatch. "So, here where?"

...Storyteller... |
Honest Fineal - Phobos
The Maurice Kisomo's LLOTV arrives on schedule at one of the many private landing pads on Phobos. The ship looks like it has seen better days, but appears space-worthy enough. You are greeted by the LLOTV's pilot, a small, dark-skinned woman who smiles broadly and welcomes you aboard. The trip up to the Maurice Kisomo goes smoothly and once aboard you are introduced to the pilot and captain, a matronly older woman who bears a distinct resemblance to the one you met earlier. You cannot help but notice that they both share the name Kisomo. After the usual pleasantries, the captain hands you an encrypted tablet and goes off to attend to the ship.
Ann, the first woman, shows you about the ship, pointing out the quarters you will use during your voyage as well as the galley and the lavatory. Once she has acquainted you with the ship, she to leaves to attend to the ship. You are now alone in the sterile white cabin you have been assigned and have an opportunity to review the encrypted tablet.
Hello Mr Fineal,
We are pleased to have you as a member of our team and would like to take this opportunity to familiarize you with the task you will be engaged with during your time with us. Firstly, the clients interested in the device are the following: Cognite, Exotech, Gatekeeper, Jovian Republic, Planetary Consortium, Somatek, and Zbrny. Each group's initial bids are enclosed in this tablet for you reference, please take time to review each as each client has offered a variety of non-monetary perks and incentives that we have valued accordingly.
Secondly, we are now prepared to reveal that the item we are selling is a recovered pre-Fall datacore containing several unique XPs as well as full data-dumps on a number of events which occurred during the fall itself. The core itself has been authenticated by experts from each party, however, we consider it vital that the data not be released until a final sale is made.
Please compile a list of materials and information you will need for the negotiations and submit it as soon as you arrive so that we can have it ready when our guests get there.

Oliver Kain |

Great, Oliver thinks Luna. Oliver was still wanted on Luna and was none to keen to be headed toward it. Still a job was waiting.
Kal, load up Sara Witaker's ID. I think maybe she should take this trip don't you?
a Fine Idea sir the muse replied.
He mentally sends commands to his Morph and it starts to reconfigures, becoming taller and well formed, false breasts and female features start to form. Before long a very female steelmorph sits in his seat.
Once the ship docks, "Sara" gets off in the cargo bay, with "her" gear. She sees the synth, but is unsure if it is after the passenger from the ship. She tries to read what public info if any is loaded into its mesh and waits to see if someone is here to great "her"

...Storyteller... |
I will try again to use my Networking(media) = 50 +f-rep vs. lvl 2 favor = +20 = 70 1d100
Made it by 34.
If you are looking for seduction tips, you pretty much need to find someone who has done it themselves. However, you are able to get pretty good idea of the crowd that Masoto usually runs with, so you should be able to at least partially ingratiate yourself.

...Storyteller... |
Great, Oliver thinks Luna. Oliver was still wanted on Luna and was none to keen to be headed toward it. Still a job was waiting.
Kal, load up Sara Witaker's ID. I think maybe she should take this trip don't you?
a Fine Idea sir the muse replied.
He mentally sends commands to his Morph and it starts to reconfigures, becoming taller and well formed, false breasts and female features start to form. Before long a very female steelmorph sits in his seat.
Once the ship docks, "Sara" gets off in the cargo bay, with "her" gear. She sees the synth, but is unsure if it is after the passenger from the ship. She tries to read what public info if any is loaded into its mesh and waits to see if someone is here to great "her"
The slitheroid's name displays as Albert Smith, though before you can further explore its public information, it greets you.
"Hello 'Sara Witaker' I trust you had a pleasant trip."
You can hear the sarcasm in the synthmorph's voice when it mentions your assumed identity.

Honest Fineal |

Ann, the first woman, shows you about the ship, pointing out the quarters you will use during your voyage as well as the galley and the lavatory. Once she has acquainted you with the ship, she to leaves to attend to the ship. You are now alone in the sterile white cabin you have been assigned and have an opportunity to review the encrypted tablet.
** spoiler omitted **...
"Just some Fall memorabilia then. At least it should be some easy money. Don't like the customers much though. Let's see what they're willing to part with..." Fineal finishes his internal monologue and looks over what the various parties are offering.

...Storyteller... |
Taka Tamahashi - Luna - Shackle
"Yeah, okay," Taka responds, looking at the hatch. "So, here where?"
"This airlock leads outside the habitat, your transportation should be waiting shortly beyond. If my information is correct, one of these lockers will contain suitable apparel for the journey."

...Storyteller... |
Honest Fineal - Maurice Kisomo
"Just some Fall memorabilia then. At least it should be some easy money. Don't like the customers much though. Let's see what they're willing to part with..." Fineal finishes his internal monologue and looks over what the various parties are offering.
Based on the bids submitted, it appears that this is not just some piece of Fall memorabilia. From the synopsis provided, the current bids range from 10 to 25 million credits and the offers include one of the few surviving Monets, an antimatter fueled spacecraft, and several items you can't even guess at. Each item has been valued by your employer, and it given the variation in bids you can guess that the strategy so far has been to keep the bidders in the dark to drive up the price.

Savin |

Savin - Nectar
Savin wrote:I will go halfway and wait for him.The slitheroid approaches you and greets you in an artificial tone.
"Greetings, I have been instructed to convey you to the accommodations that have been prepared for you. Right this way please, may I take your bags?"
"Greetings, I will take my own bags, thanks anyway. Please lead the way."

Oliver Kain |

Smiling at the slitheroid, Sara nods "Yes, it was pleasantry uneventful. Very soothing really as it gave me time to catch up on some Vids I have been meaning to watch." She says grabbing her tot with her gear.
"I take it your here to escort me, yes?" she says pleasantly waiting for the slitheroid to reply.

...Storyteller... |
Savin - Nectar
"Greetings, I will take my own bags, thanks anyway. Please lead the way."
"Very well, this way please."
Your guide slithers away from the station and you follow it. Together, you make your way to the tram which connects the the elevator station with New and Old Nectar, where the slitheroid halts you at the platform for Old Nectar.
"Our 'facility' in the old city will provide a safe place for you to rest and recuperate from your journey. Orientation on your new assignment shall also be provided."
You can tell that your guide is wary of being overheard, you are certain it has made its explanation deliberately formulaic and formal to avert attention and suspicion. To others, you are just another corporate recruit just arriving on the surface.

...Storyteller... |
Oliver Kain - Nectar
"I take it your here to escort me, yes?" she says pleasantly waiting for the slitheroid to reply.
"Indeed, right this way."
The synthmorph swings around in order to reverse direction, and slides off without looking to see if you are following. As you follow it, you see automated loading bots approaching the Amphitrite, loading or unloading the ship to cover your covert arrival. Albert leads you off the landing pad and through the maze-like stacks of transhipment containers. In the distance you hear the grinding of machinery and the whistling of thrusters, the sounds of a bustling spaceport. After making your way through the containers for what seems like an eternity, you come to one of the dome's massive air-exchange towers. The tower's air scrubbers life-sustaining hum roars in your aural sensors as your guide slithers over to a heavy hatch at the base of the tower. Spinning the wheel on the center of the hatch, the synthmorph yanks open the hatch with an audible hiss. Inside you see a small antechamber where red lights illuminate a thin ladder which leads downward, to where you cannot see.
"We will use the ventilation ducts for the next leg of our journey. The trip should not inconvenience your present form."

Taka |

Taka Tamahashi - Luna - Shackle
"This airlock leads outside the habitat, your transportation should be waiting shortly beyond. If my information is correct, one of these lockers will contain suitable apparel for the journey."
Taka nods and begins looking through lockers for something to help with the airless vacuum of the lunar surface. Finding what he is looking for, he will don the suit, assuring it will work properly before making an attempt to open the hatch.