Eldbale's The Dragon's Demand

Game Master Brominate

The Dragon's Demand module, starting at level 1
Loot Sheet
Maps & Stats
Player Handouts and Current Quests
Belhaim Locations/Prominent NPC's

The Wizard's Estate - Basement
The Wizard's Estate - First Floor
The Wizard's Estate - 2nd Floor

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Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

I definitely think I've been playing more lawful neutral... I'll have that changed.

I'm hoping to have some time in the morning for a shopping post.

Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

I've got 1gp from character creation, so the entertainer's garb, usually 3gp, is marked in the loot sheet as costing 2.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Human Cleric of Ragathiel, 3 NG, HP 27/27, AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18, Init +2, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!

Sorry, I was traveling (and forgot to tell you) and then became ill (and couldn't tell you). But I'm back now, and (mostly) well! ;)

Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4


Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

Anyone object to me buying the chainmail? It is like a third of the loot...

It'll be the end of Sheridan's shopping spree.

Yantri Ironshield | Dwarf Gunslinger 2 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | HP: 22/22 | Grit: 3/3 | AC: 17 (14 T, 13 FF) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +4 R: +6 W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Ammo: 17 Cartridges

That seems like a fine investment, I have no objection.

On my end I'd like to upgrade my musket for 300 and then spend another probably 90 on 15 more alchemical cartridges one of the reasons I put down the musket so much this first crawl is that I've got pretty limited ammo at this point.) Sounds like Stone's looking to upgrade his armor as well and pick up some holy water? As well as possibly Sheaorlis (and I'm fine if he's spending funds from the group already.) I think that we can handle all that with room to spare at this point. We might collectively want either a couple of potions of healing (Kane's was pretty important for Stone this last bit) or possibly a wand that both Stone and Sheaorlis could use (as well as Sheridan in pinch.)

I don't feel bad letting you all know what specific items are available here. If you are interested in something specific, let me know and I'll ask the townspeople if one of these is available. ;)

Also, I currently know how many charges the two wands listed here have, but I haven't decided if I'm going to reveal that information or not.

Specific Magic Items For Sale

House of Abadar

+1 light crossbow, +2 longsword, scroll of restoration (3), wand of cure moderate wounds (? charges)

Shrine of the Seven Roses

deep red sphere ioun stone, goggles of minute seeing, wand of lesser restoration (? charges)

Sensina Hides

+1 studded leather armor

Delbin's Devices

+1 frost short sword, golembane scarab, ring of minor acid resistance

Chance Smithy

+1 bashing heavy steel shield

So I was in a car accident on Friday morning and got out of hospital yesterday. May not be able to post as frequently during recovery. I’ll hopefully be back with you soon.

Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

Goodness, that's the second DM this week. Take your time. I hope you get well soon.

Yantri Ironshield | Dwarf Gunslinger 2 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | HP: 22/22 | Grit: 3/3 | AC: 17 (14 T, 13 FF) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +4 R: +6 W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Ammo: 17 Cartridges

Yikes! Glad to hear that you're back home, but certainly don't push things on the account of this game. Your recover is much more important! Good luck and we'll keep you in our thoughts!

Human Cleric of Ragathiel, 3 NG, HP 27/27, AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18, Init +2, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7

Get better soon.

I’m doing well, but still recovering. Walking a little every day.
Lascerated spleen
4 spine fractures (L1-L4, I think they’re called transfer processes. I can walk, my back just hurts like crap)
Contusions on my lungs
Contusions to my left flank
Abrasion behind left shoulder
A few minor cuts along hairline and right hand.

Honestly I look much better than I feel, as the majority of the damage is internal.

Car was totaled and I’m not allowed to work until after my follow up appointment at Vandy. (Which is the 28th! Sorry, that frustrates me).

Tomorrow I plan to get back to some gameplay. Thank you all for your thoughts/prayers and patience as I recover

Yantri Ironshield | Dwarf Gunslinger 2 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | HP: 22/22 | Grit: 3/3 | AC: 17 (14 T, 13 FF) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +4 R: +6 W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Ammo: 17 Cartridges

That sounds awful, but I'm glad to hear that you're recovering! For the game, if you're feeling up to it we'll take an update, but we completely understand if you need to wait a bit longer. Don't let this be an extra source of stress; you've already got plenty.

Human Cleric of Ragathiel, 3 NG, HP 27/27, AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18, Init +2, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7

Holy cripes man! That sounds horrible.

Sorry for my absence. I was busy over the weekend and today is Day 1 of a new system at work. I've been on my feet all day. I won't be at a desk nearly as much (for the time being) so my early and mid-day posting habits will probably change.

Alright, I'm gonna actually read the gameplay posts now!

Human Cleric of Ragathiel, 3 NG, HP 27/27, AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18, Init +2, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7

Whooo hoo!

Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

Good to have you back.

A question for you all, because I honestly don't know.

Should the majority of the enemies you fight, in particular the ones you wouldn't be able to get any intel out of, simply die when their hp runs out?

Or should I allow them to fall unconscious first?

I'd probably only go through the effort of rolling to see if they regain consciousness if they were important or if it made for interesting gameplay.

Let me know your thoughts!

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Yantri Ironshield | Dwarf Gunslinger 2 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | HP: 22/22 | Grit: 3/3 | AC: 17 (14 T, 13 FF) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +4 R: +6 W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Ammo: 17 Cartridges

I'm inclined to leave them unconscious rather than dead. At least for sentient enemies. Especially in this bit where we're trying to get them to move on out rather than kill them. Were this a more typical murderhobo party then death would be simpler, but I think we're more nuanced than that (I hope at least.)

Now I'm imagining various DnD parties going around murdering hobos. ...typical!

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Yantri Ironshield | Dwarf Gunslinger 2 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | HP: 22/22 | Grit: 3/3 | AC: 17 (14 T, 13 FF) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +4 R: +6 W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Ammo: 17 Cartridges

Well, the term comes more from a wandering band of driftless adventurers who go around "solving" problems by killing everything they encounter. They're the hobos doing the murdering, not a party who murders hobos.

Fortunately for y'all, I'm not fond of either of those scenario. Neither hobos which murder everything, nor adventures who murder every hobo, make for good gameplay.

Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?

Sorry for the delay everyone!

Life got rather stressful for a minute there. It's less stressful (for the moment) but still super busy.

Short version is that operations where I work has had an overhaul that keeps me busy all day. For the foreseeable future, my main posting times will be in the evening rather than throughout the day.

Also, my wife and I are pregnant (well, she's pregnant...I just look pregnant) with our second, and he's due in a few weeks. So when not at work, I'm mostly trying to get everything ready for his arrival.

That said, this is my commitment to make at least one post every day. Thank you all for your patience and continued interest!

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Human Cleric of Ragathiel, 3 NG, HP 27/27, AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18, Init +2, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7

I got on a real computer today and tried to adjust the stat sheet. I hope it worked. By stat tracker I thought you meant the header by our avatar picture. Please let me know if it worked. I clicked "keep" and it looked good on my end.

Also, congrats on your coming second child! Two kids isn't twice the work, its more like three of four times harder at times, but the loke also multiplies. I get great pleasure out of watching the siblings playing together. I have two girls so reading a book and listening to them playing make believe with all of their made up plots, sound effects and voices and constant giggling is like music to my ears and some of my happiest memories.

Real life gets in the way a lot, but keep going, it gets better and better for a long time.

Sorry for missing my turn at posting.

It's all good, especially since I keep failing to post!

Speaking of which:

Sorry again, everybody! I came down with the flu on Thursday and have been trying to recuperate while also ensuring my pregnant wife and 3yr old daughter don't get sick! I'm on the mend though!

Human Cleric of Ragathiel, 3 NG, HP 27/27, AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18, Init +2, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7

Did reallife swallow us up?

Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

Sheridan is stuck between a lake and a small hole.

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Half-orc Inquisitor 3 HP 8/22 AC 16 Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5

Congrats GM on your second child. It was about time something good was headed your way.

Human Cleric of Ragathiel, 3 NG, HP 27/27, AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18, Init +2, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7

looking at the March 18th post from the DM I think Yantri and Sheridan can make a move and an action to attempt to capture, attack or whatnot the fleeing kobolds.

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Sorry for the delay everyone!

My son was born Friday at 1:09 PM, weighing 7 lbs 15 oz and 20 inches long.

We spent some time in the NICU because he had some fluid in his lungs. But he's doing well now and We were all able to go home Monday.

And, as some of you understand, I have had literally zero opportunities to post anything. ^_^

I returned to work today, which means I can actually make posts again!

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Human Cleric of Ragathiel, 3 NG, HP 27/27, AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18, Init +2, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7

Congrats man! I am still here. I am glad to hear your little bean is home. Such busy and such memorable days and they are gone too fast. Except for the changing the diapers part. =)

Urchin Stone wrote:
Congrats man! I am still here. I am glad to hear your little bean is home. Such busy and such memorable days and they are gone too fast. Except for the changing the diapers part. =)

Since our first was a girl, diapers were pretty easy. Now it's always a race against the clock, where you get peed on if you lose!

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Human Cleric of Ragathiel, 3 NG, HP 27/27, AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18, Init +2, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7

heh heh, look up the PeePee Tipee. You might need one.

Is everyone still here? I apologize for some of my inconsistencies, but it also feels like I haven't heard from anyone in awhile.

Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

For my part, we're headed into a scenario where we are in a lot of danger with very little information. This wouldn't be an issue with a more optimal party of murderhobos, but means and motivations aren't lining up for Sheridan.

Sheridan Driftwood wrote:
For my part, we're headed into a scenario where we are in a lot of danger with very little information. This wouldn't be an issue with a more optimal party of murderhobos, but means and motivations aren't lining up for Sheridan.

I suppose I was hoping that accepting the quest to clear out the kobolds by any means necessary would be the motivation. If the party chooses to abandon this quest on the basis of new information or too high a danger...well, I might can work with that.

I'm glad to know, Sheridan, that you're at least still here.

Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

I'm wondering if we can flood them out, but that's not something Sheridan would suggest.

Completely OOC information:

Honestly, no. Everyone's too spread out. And... for the sake of the players... you'd have much more room to fight inside than outside. Not that killing them all is the only means of getting rid of them.

You might even find a potential ally inside...

Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

Due to some changes in schedule and habits, I'm going to have to withdraw from this game. I'm just not on this site as often as I used to be.

I've had fun playing so far, and I'm sorry this has come so suddenly, and after a long gap in contact.

Edit: on the bright side, I'm spending more time on my second book.

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Sad to lose you, Sheridan, but thank you so much for your letting us experience the mind that created such an interesting character, making fun and creative gameplay choices!

I feel partially responsible for the way this game kinda felt dead for a bit, maybe still does. We've had some unfortunate luck with the sudden halt in posts from Ngai, and then Kane had family health things going on (I recently reached out to him to see how he was doing and to let him know he still has a place in this game if he's playing still).

I've reached out to Yantri but have not received a response. I don't want this table to die, so I'm open to suggestions from the players.

Stone and Sheaorlis, I have a couple different thoughts...
My second table took the other entrance to this lair. If they agree, we could plug the two of you into that campaign. y'all would meet up at some point. Perhaps the baroness asked two groups to handle this problem. We would finish the campaign as a party of 6.

Or we can recruit new players for the campaign. Party of 4 or 5

Or you each create new characters yourselves. Play dual roles. Party of 4.

What are your thoughts and ideas?

if sheridan could have an unnatural fear of dinosaurs, then we may have an out. Obviously it would have to be specific since he's not frightened a bit by the kobolds.

Human Cleric of Ragathiel, 3 NG, HP 27/27, AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18, Init +2, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7

I say let the Inquisitor and I keep going. Then we meet the other functional group and join up with it. The recruit process is often long and just leads to another round of drop outs. If your other table is stable and posting on the regular that sounds like a quick and easy merge. Also, If the DM only has one table to worry about we will get further along and maybe posting will be more regular.

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Human Cleric of Ragathiel, 3 NG, HP 27/27, AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18, Init +2, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7


I will really miss you and your character. I wish I had your writing ability. Good luck with your book. Will it be one that we are likely to hear about?


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Half-orc Inquisitor 3 HP 8/22 AC 16 Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5

First of all, sorry for the slow posting the past few days. We've just finished celebrating Easter for the second time this year.

Sheridan it's been fun playing with you. Thanks for letting us know, there are so many people quitting these games without a word. Good luck with your book!

GM, I think your suggestion of merging the two groups is a wise one, if the members from the other "table" are willing to adopt two more characters. It's a good thing we've made about the same progress in the campaign.

As Stone mentioned the recruitment and character creation process can be a bit slow.

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[Sheets] [Map]
Urchin Stone wrote:
Will it be one that we are likely to hear about?

Not likely. I sold about 30 copies of my first book, Arcana Aeternum. (also comes in paperback) I've heard sales pick up around book 3. ;)

Thank you all for your kind words.

The other campaign's verdict:

They're okay with you joining, "so long as [you] post pretty regularly."

I should mention that the other table is a campaign of 3 players, 4 characters.

So the pace has been pretty nice because there's only 3 players to wait on (and me, of course).

The only concern the players had was regarding the pace.

But since we won't have to worry about waiting forever on players that have vanished, I'm not worried at all!

If you're curious, the party consists of::

-Human Oracle (possessed) 1 / Barbarian 1
When he's in combat, he only speaks infernal(or demonic?). Your PC's will react great to that!

-Elf Rogue 1 / Witch 1
Wears a grey wooden mask. Doesn't talk very much.

-Human Alchemist 2
Can only be described as Sunshine. Talkative sunshine!

-Human Unchained Rogue (knife-master) 2 (alch and rogue are same player)
Hard to describe. Perhaps Capt. Hook from Once Upon a Time, but with two hands.


I think I'm going to do essentially what Stone recommended:

You and the other table will continue venturing separately. But in the same universe. If you meander through areas they've already been (or vice versa), my descriptions will reflect that. If/when your paths intersect, I'll add you to my other table and all posts will be under that.

Half-orc Inquisitor 3 HP 8/22 AC 16 Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5

I cannot promise that I'll be able to post every day but I'll do my best in keeping with the flow.

The party sure looks interesting, I think divine casters would integrate well in terms of party composition.

GM how would you handle merging the reputation and opinion of the different factions?

Sheaorlis son of Huuth wrote:

I cannot promise that I'll be able to post every day but I'll do my best in keeping with the flow.

The party sure looks interesting, I think divine casters would integrate well in terms of party composition.

GM how would you handle merging the reputation and opinion of the different factions?

I'll compare who in Belhaim each party has met. I'll either use the reputation "furthest (in either direction) from indifferent"

Or go with the reputation closest to Helpful, when there's a discrepancy between the two parties' reputations.

If it's not too much work for me, I'll rely on individual opinions, depending on which members are present in a given situation.

(Honestly, I'm usually in favor of using whatever makes the most compelling story... but I don't want to make things too chaotic.

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