You have been sent, by ship, to Taldor, on long-term assignment to Venture-Captain Hestia Themis in Cassomir. The reason for the assignment was a little vague... but apparently whatever was mentioned in some of her more recent reports, has raised some concern at the Grand Lodge, though apparently not in any major way and certainly not enough to let you in on what those concerns were.
Whatever the case, you were quickly assembled to provide support for Themis, with the expectation you would be working for her out of the Cassomir lodge for the immediate future, once you arrived.
It wasn't until you were preparing to board the ship to the mainland, that you learned that you were not going directly to Cassomir but instead were being dropped off in the small port town of Golsifar, south of the Taldan capital of Oppara, near the Qadiran border.
That news came on the wings of one of the Lodge's more enigmatic members, the druid agent known only as Osprey.
"Since Hestia doesn't need you straight away, you will be pulling a little double duty to start off." He told you, though it was hard to read whether he was amused or indifferent to the news.
"As some of you know, we have many allies outside of the Society, and do, on occasion, look to help them out should they ask." He nodded towards Marcus, "Baron Jacquo Dalsine, I believe you know him, has asked we check in on the son of a former Pathfinder... and so you shall."
"Iodan Railford was an agent in good standing before he retired to start a winery. When he died, his son inherited the property and the business. Hopefully, if Iodan's son has gotten himself into trouble somehow, helping him out will not only have Jacquo owing us a favor, but might make the kid open to another proposition of our own." A small smile worked its way onto his face, though you got the sense his concern was not for the son, but the proposition.
"So we're sending you to Railford first, a small hamlet just a few miles outside of Golsifar, named after Ioford himself." Osprey's head tilted slightly, as if listening to something only he could hear, before continuing. "Its location near the Qadiran border would make it a convenient place to set up a lodge of our own, without having to run all the way from Oppara. Muesello's been busy enough locally, so a waypoint lodge would be helpful for our operations. The winery will likely already have the buildings and infrastructure to make it a quick transition, should you be able to convince the son to agree. We can offer him protection and financing... and of course honor the work of his father, if nothing else... for the use of part of his winery as a lodge."
"You'll have to make your way to Cassomir from there, once you're done." He added, without any further instruction on how to do go about it. "Its beautiful Taldan wine country! Quite pleasant this time of year. Should be easy! Enjoy the walk and the weather!"
Before you could ask any more questions, his form shifted to that of a large sharp-eyed hawk, that took wing and flew off leaving you on the docks to board the ship to Taldor.
Note: Since these scenarios are from 8 years ago or so, Jacquo is not the head in more current seasons, but he was back then =) We're going all retro here!
You also know that is probably well over two hundred miles from Golsifar to Cassomir... a bit more than a 'quick walk'.
For those that care about such things! =)
All you could do was board the ship, sailing east... where you find yourselves now. The crew seem to believe you are near Golsifar, but despite Osprey's assurances, the weather has been cloudy and dark for the past couple of days, and you can barely see past the gunwales, much less make out any sight of land to confirm the sailor's assertions. The crew seem to believe this is quite normal for spring in Taldor.
Alrighty then! Game on!

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-Before boarding the ship-
The ifrit woman approaches the docks, scimitar at her hip and flaming hair that lights up her surroundings like a beacon. She wears a custom-fit plate mail that looks like it has been recently polished, and it's evident that it's a little bit on the risque side, since her neckline descends deep to show ample cleavage.
Resting on top of her chest, an amulet seems to be covered by a small pouch, almost as if her necklace was carrying something. Her eyes light up as she approaches the ship, as she sees the halfling woman, Midge.
"Oh my gosh! Midge! It's you, isn't it? Can't believe I encountered you here. Have you been assigned the Taldor mission too? I'm so excited to see it! They say it's magnificent - knights in shining armor, chivalrous heroes, handsome princes... I can't wait!"-Fifi says in excitement, spinning around in her own place like a child.
-During the voyage-
Fifi would like to propose a meeting of sorts during the voyage, inviting every Pathfinder on the ship to get to know each other better before they arrive to Taldor. She arranges a table for the group, and when they are all seated, pulls out a cylinder wrapped in beeswax cloth. As she unwraps it, she uncovers what seems to be pound cake layered with whipping cream and jelly, and starts handing out slices for everyone (no plates, just beeswax cloth).
"So, uhm...Who are you guys?"-she says, without much care to normal etiquette, nibbling at the cake.
@DM: Fifi always starts an adventure by buying everyone dessert. Do tell me what it'll cost me and I'll just take it out of my gold pieces

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Marcus grumbles as he boards the ship. "My ship was supposed to be ready by now... I despise travel in these barely seaworthy vessels!"
On one of Marcus's pending chronicles he will be getting his own ship. It'll be a while... and no, he doesn't know, nor will he know, how to sail.
Listening to Osprey's description of the mission Marcus smiles. "Hrmmm.... myess... family affairs can be quite... tricky. I shall endevour to handle it with the UTMOST of tact and discretion. As you may know I-"
At this point Osprey's transformation cuts him off.
"Hrmm.... how rude."
He turns and looks at his travelling companions. He straightens his back and straightens his fine cloak revealing a full and well polished set of Taldan ceremonial armor. Despite its ornate nature, it does appear to be fully functional. "I am Baronet Marcus Vulpares Fantailler, son of Marcus Vultulus Fantailler, heir to the Fantailler family estate."
He pauses, awaiting a look of recognition that most certainly does not come. His demeanor, attention to grooming, and attire certainly screams nobility at the very least.
"I just arrived from Ridonport, on assignment there..." He puffs up with pride. "A very successful assignment I might add... And I'm quite happy to be given the opportunity to serve both the Pathfinder Society and my home nation once again."
He tries to stifle a huge grin as he addresses Fifi. "I can assure you Madame, what you have heard is certainly the truth." In Marcus's mind at least...

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Not long after the ifrit woman and the Baron board the vessel, they are joined by a man who has a hard look about him. He has short cropped blonde hair and dark brown eyes. His body is lean and muscular and he carries himself with a quiet confidence. He has a grim expression on his face usually though when he (rarely) smiles his face is transformed. His weapons and gear are well cared for and kept close at hand, but otherwise unremarkable. Recently he gained a tattoo of a series of fractal patterns resembling ice crystals done in some sort of silvery white ink. The pattern starts with a large crystal on his chest over his heart, then spirals clockwise around running up to his right shoulder, the crystals getting smaller as they go, then going up the side of his neck, in front of his right ear before stopping on his temple, right at the hairline.
Grunting in greeting, "Name's Masym, And you are?" Regarding the offered dessert he gives the woman a nonplussed look. "A gift? Well, if you insist..." he does not move to eat the sweet cake.

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"A noble!? All the way from Ridonport?"-Fifi says without nothing a single thing about Ridonport.
"And a blonde -muscular- mysterious man?"-Fifi says holding her cheeks with her hands.
All the while, Fifi's hair seems to be dancing around according to her different moods. Right now, it seems to be low and red, with slight pinkish tint to it.
After a while of daydreaming, she recomposes herself-"Well, my name is Fifi. I'm also a noble too, actually! Just...from a more secluded place than Marcus. Anyways, I'm a servant of the Dawnflower, and I hope to shower Taldor with the Everlight's light and wisdom!"-the ifrit girl says with a gleam in her eyes, not realizing the worship of Sarenrae is banned.


This lead to anexing of land by the western revolters, and the eventual creation of the countries which are now modern day Cheliax, Andoran, Galt, and Isgar.
The war with Qadira would last for generations. Over a century later, Grand Prince Stavian I outlawed the Cult of the Dawnflower, stating Sarenrae’s followers opened the door for the Qadiran military and guided them on their marches through southern Taldor. Sarenrae's traditional ethnicity, recognized as Kelishite and her faith strongly rooted in Qadira, the connection was obvious. It was not a hard sell for an emperor struggling to unite a nation
In a matter of months, every temple to Sarenrae was either burned or torn down and the Dawnflower’s clerics and followers murdered or expelled, in a period known as the Great Purge of 4528.
After destroying all of her temples and places of worship, Stavian I made worshiping Sarenrae illegal in Taldor... uniting most of Taldan society against Sarenrae’s followers by showing them to be treasonous spies. Everyone had lost so much to the Qadiran armies that these facts were easy to hold on to. Facts taught and passed down for generations in Taldor, lest folks forget how many died to Qadiran blades and the Dawnflowers part in it.
Even today, some of the people in the uneducated rural areas begin to forget these lessons. But in the larger centers of culture and knowledge... Cassomir, Oppara, Zimar... they still remember (especially Zimar, who suffered the worst at Qadiran hands). In the larger populated areas, the Cult of the Dawnflower is still reviled, and her clerics and followers are beaten, expelled, or even killed, to this day.
This lead to anexing of land by the western revolters, and the eventual creation of the countries which are now modern day Cheliax, Andoran, Galt, and Isgar.
The war with Qadira would last for generations. Over a century later, Grand Prince Stavian I outlawed the Cult of the Dawnflower, convincing the populace that Sarenrae’s followers opened the door for the Qadiran military and guided them on their marches through southern Taldor and thus were responsible for all the atrocities that resulted.
The lower classes of Taldor, those hit the hardest by the century long war were eager for someone to blame. Sarenrae's traditional ethnicity, recognized as Kelishite with her faith strongly rooted in Qadira, made an easy target for an emperor struggling to unite a nation... and truth be told, the church of the Dawnflower was much more ruthless during those years of war... so it was not entirely undeserved.
In a matter of months, every temple to Sarenrae was either burned or torn down and the Dawnflower’s clerics and followers murdered or expelled, in a period known as the Great Purge of 4528.
After destroying all of her temples and places of worship, Stavian I made worshiping Sarenrae illegal in Taldor... uniting most of Taldan society against Sarenrae’s followers by propagandizing them as treasonous spies. Everyone had lost so much to the Qadiran armies, it was not a hard sell.
These have been the 'facts' taught and passed down for generations in Taldor. The certainty of the evils of Sarenrae now ingrained in the population so deep that rooting it out would likely take just as many generations again.
In practice, modern Taldor can barely keep control of its expansive frontier, much less monitor who their people are praying to. The worship of Sarenrae is far more public, if not entirely open, outside the larger cities of Cassomir, Oppara, or Zimar. But in those three cities (especially Zimar), the Cult of the Dawnflower is still reviled, and her clerics and followers are beaten, expelled, or even killed, to this day.

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Masym approaches the Nobleman and gives the man a firm handshake, "Greetings Marcus", deliberately leaving off the honorific, Just call me Masym. I am looking forward to working with you!"
Noblemen are noble in the own minds...this one needs to earn that title!
Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Gathering up the offered dessert from and carefully stowing it away in his pack he nods in thanks.
"I'll save this for later, if you don't mind Miss...Fifi." Masym's eyes widen as the woman's words cause him to realize something rather unpleasant, not to mention detrimental to their mission.
By the Witches teat...she has no clue...
As yet unaware of his effect upon her Masym leans closer to her and points at her holy symbol, "You had best keep this under yer...blouse. People in Taldor do NOT like the Dawnflower, OR their worshippers!"

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A pretty little halfling with brown hair, wide set eyes and a round face scampers up the gangplank and onto the ship. Her clothes look well-tailored, but practical, and her beaded jewelry looks to be of fine--but not expensive quality. One of her necklaces bears a charm of a sword with navy blue wings. She looks around to get her bearings, wearing a curious smile on her face.
At the sound of her name, Midge turns to see Fifi. "Well, look at you! You decided to stick around after all, hey? I wasn't sure you would, after that debacle in Absalom. I'm glad! You've got the makings of a fine Pathfinder." She smiles up at the ifrit. "I see you didn't take my suggestion about covering up the décolletage. One day you are gonna get more gore down that cleavage than you can clean up, and you'll be left with the smell of rot down there! I mean it." Midge waggles a finger at Fifi, then breaks into a laugh. "Come on, then. There'll be plenty of time for talk once were aboard. It's a bit of a ways to Taldor."
At the sight of Osprey, Midge grins. "Hello, Osprey! Nice to meet you! Wow, I am digging the tattoos. Way to work it, Sir."
Once the meeting's underway, Midge nods along, reacting with 'Ooh!'s and 'Hmm,'s whenever necessary.
"Do you have any idea why Baron Dalsine wanted us to check up on the son in the first -- Aaaaaaaand he's gone. Yup... Definitely gone." While watching the sky she shrugs. "Well, he sure is a theatrical fellow! He left out some important bits, like, you know, the name of the guy were going to check on, but hey, I'm sure it'll all work out..."
Despite her words, Midge doesnt seem bothered by Ospreys behaviour in the slightest.
Midge turns on her heel, grabs the edges of her cloak, and performs a little curtsy. "Hi there! I'm Midge! Midge Marrens! Honourary Sister of the Snowmask Tribe! It's a pleasure to meet all of you!"
Much to Marcus' surprise at the end of his introduction, Midge's smile widens. She snaps her fingers and points at him. "I've heard of you! I met a Pathfinder who was talking all about that mission in Ridonport. Tall woman. Long brown hair, white fur cloak! She introduced herself with, like, ten other titles. What's her name..." Midge scrunches up her nose in thought and taps a finger to her bottom lip. "LOVISSA! That was it! Lovissa of the line of Halenbane! Yeah! She told me all about you and your team. Wowee, that woman was one heck of a storyteller!" She holds out her hand to Marcus for a handshake. "It's a pleasure to meet you in the flesh!"
At the sight of Masym, Midge's little jaw drops the she smiles and strides right up to him. "I recognize those tattoos! Your a Snowmask, too! Well, I'll be!" She gestures for him to come closer. "Bring those beautiful tattoos down to my level, pal, I want to take a look!"
If Masym allows it: Midge pulls Masym's neck right down near her face. "Wow! Yours are so intricate!" She lets go of him and let's out an appreciative whistle. "Nearly all of mine faded. There's just a glittering eagle left, right over my heart. I'd show you, but I usually make a guy buy me dinner first." She gives Masym a cheeky wink, then let's out a melodic laugh.
At Fifi's Meet and Greet, Midge gives everyone a cheery little wave.
"Hey, guys! Good to see you, again." At the sight of the cake, Midge's tummy grumbles loudly. "What?! You did it again, Fifi? That's real nice of you!"
Midge happily takes a massive piece of cake and eats it. "Mmmff! Mffmmm! MMMMM!"
After swallowing she exclaims, "This is delicious!" Then she goes back to devouring the cake.
While she eats she watches the others chat. Noticing Masym isn't eating his, she leans over and whispers to him, "You going to eat that?
Noticing Fifi fawning over both of the men, Midge smiles fondly and shakes her head. "You know, Fifi's a really great dancer, Marcus. I bet she'd love to learn a local, courtly dance. Why don't you take her for a whirl?"
Midge looks at Fifi and waggles her eyebrows. "Wouldn't that be nice?"
With her effort at Matchmaking complete, Midge reaches over a sneaks another piece of cake for a job well done.

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Masym nods in greeting to the pretty halfling and does not bother showing the surprise on his face on seeing the similar tattoos mirrored on her face. He willingly allows her to examine his face, and returns the favor (if she will allow it). "Aye it was a long journey to make it to become a Snow Brother. I still have nightmares about it..." his face getting a haunted expression, "but the rest of my Brothers and Sisters...they saved my life."
Not willing to sour the mood he gives Midge a smile, handing her the still-fresh pound cake. "I don't have any dinner for you Midge but I hope this will do," he then gives her a wink of his own.

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At Midge's comment, Fifi responds-"Hehe, yeah. I think mother always said a friendship should start from the stomach and go right up to the heart."
When she hears Midge's suggestion, Fifi's hair lights up like a torch, almost reaching twice its size. Her eyes are wide open, with fiery heart replacing her pupils for a brief moment.
"W-W-W-W-W-What!? Midge, don't be silly! My dancing is nothing worth of note. I'm sure the gentleman has better things to do than to dance with a girl such as me..."-she says as she looks up into the roof, daydreaming again, her head tilted backwards at the thought of the two of them in a royal ball.
Fun fact: On Absalom, Fifi managed to work a giant organ (5 feet wide keys) all by herself by dancing ballet on the keys.

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Marcus seems delighted by the talk of dancing, but seems to utterly miss the intended point. "Dance is certain to attract the blessings of Shelyn before we embark on this journey. I myself practice the intricate footwork and grace of the blade... a dance in and of itself!"
He adopts a fencers pose, somewhat reminiscent of a cross between an Aldori Swordlord, a Shackles Swashbuckler, and a Dwarven Miner... the latter being most prominent. But you know what they say about Shelynites... they can find grace in anything...
"So how is Lovissa anyways? I wondered how well she was able to get along with the locals, being of foreign blood and style. I do hope she was able to make a friend or two there."
After performing what seemed to be a cross between a bokken kata, a fencing drill, and a few practice swings at cricket... again mostly the latter... he resheathes his blade and sits down. "Anyhow... as Masym says... you may want to keep the... hrmmm... inquisition of the Dawnflower thing rather low key... myesss. People around here still have a bitter taste in their mouth from the whole ordeal with Qadira... myessss..."

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A young human around 20 joined you during Osprey's description of the mission. Observing him more closely reveals that he is quite puny and doesn't really have an attractive physique.
Only wearing a loose cloak and very light Haramaki armor, it is clear that he is not a fighter.
The dirty backpack on his back, the worn boots and the ready crossbow at his belt on the other hand also show that he is prepared for the road.
Around his neck you see an amulet showing the holy symbol of Chaldira Zuzaristan. On his shoulder you see a tiny horned lizard that has dark black scales. In some areas the scales have a red coloring that curiously forms a pattern that resembles the holy symbol of Chaldira and glows slightly.
He silently listens to Osprey and stays silent after his departure.
"Hello fellow Pathfinders, my name is Kioshi Katsu and the young horned lizard on my shoulder is my friend Bahuush. I am very pleased to meet you as I believe that a team makes us Pathfinders strong. Bahuush and I were requested to accompany this mission to provide academic and arcane support should that be required."
* * * *
Initial conversations on the ship reveal that Kioshi Katsu is originally from Cheliax but grew up in Tian Xia. You also notice quite fast that his presence neither seems really pleasant nor really enjoyable but he is tolerable.
On the ship he keeps to himself and spends much of his time on deck reading and observing the environment and the people on board.
kn(history) vs. DC 14: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
kn(local) vs. DC 12: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
I do not know how my relationship to the other Pathfinders will further develop over time, but I know very well what a difficult road I have to walk to gain their trust. Taldor ... I was waiting to see how the Inner Sea politics are shaped and now this is my opportunity.

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After seeing Masym's head peer down into her bosom, Fifi recoils, her face flustered with a bright red blush. However, Masym's comment grounds her back to reality, and she looks in surprise at the man.
"Who wouldn't like the Dawnflower!? I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't plan on making them worship her or anything, but why would a nation ban the worship of such an amazingly radiant deity? Her bright hair like a beacon in the dark, her grace and mercy glowing with warmth like a mother's love..."-Fifi says while starry-eyed and daydreaming again.
She utters a brief prayer in a low voice-"My Everlight, how can someone despise you, of all deities? For you are sacred, kind and tender."
She looks visibly distraught, her worried face only emphasized by the wavering flame that sits atop her hair, much like a campfire going out in the cold.
However, she looks at Midge for a second. Remembering what she learned in Absalom, her flame steadies. "I'm not just a scared little girl any more. I need to do something about this."
While looking at the group, she says "I'll keep the amulet in my backpack, and pray in silence to my grossly incandescent mother. However, I will challenge these beliefs if given the opportunity and safety. I don't want to get anyone into trouble, but please understand how this makes me feel. The Everlight is all I have ever known, and it is because of her that I can even meet such wonderful people such as you guys."-she says with a teary-eyed smile.
Trying to keep her mind off of what has transpired, she cuts outs a piece of cake for Kioshi and a tiny piece for Bahuush.
With introductions and Fifi's acceptance of Taldan traditions, I'm ready to just fast-forward to our arrival on Taldor.

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I promise not all my posts are absurdly long... lol
Masym nods in greeting to the pretty halfling and does not bother showing the surprise on his face on seeing the similar tattoos mirrored on her face. He willingly allows her to examine his face, and returns the favor (if she will allow it). "Aye it was a long journey to make it to become a Snow Brother. I still have nightmares about it..." his face getting a haunted expression, "but the rest of my Brothers and Sisters...they saved my life."
Not willing to sour the mood he gives Midge a smile, handing her the still-fresh pound cake. "I don't have any dinner for you Midge but I hope this will do," he then gives her a wink of his own.
Midge's smile dims a little. "I'm sorry to hear your time among the Snowmask was so trying for you, Masym. My time there was considerably less... harrowing. Of course, I've never really let sorrow weigh me down, so maybe it's just me." She shrugs. "Still, bonds like that are rare. Maybe focusing on the good experiences you had up North can help you move past the bad ones, hey?"
As Masym gives her the cake and requests to see her tattoo--despite it's risqué location--Midge lets out a loud laugh. "Man, if we're playing chicken, I just lost!" She laughs again. "Alright, alright. Cake's not really dinner, but I'll let it slide this time!"
Midge turns away from the group, and pokes at her buttons for a while, clearly trying to figure out which ones she needs to undo to show off her tattoo, without just whipping her whole top open. Eventually she unbuttons two on her blouse, adjusts the gap it's made and turns to show Masym (and only Masym) her tattoo. Shining in a similar white, silvery ink to his own, Midge's heart is covered in a highly detailed eagle. It's crystalline eyes catch the light and sparkle brightly. It's oddly enthralling, and gives you the feeling the eagle can see you, despite being only a tattoo. While showing off her tattoo, Midge is careful not to flash her undergarments (or anything else) at Masym, which leaves part of the eagle -- the tips of it's wings and tail feathers -- hidden from view.
"Alright, take a look. Isn't it beautiful?" She smiles. "I wish the rest had stayed. It was this really neat feather pattern. Like... a cyclone or something. The eagle was in the centre of the storm."
When Masym's done giving her tattoo a gander, Midge does the two open buttons on her blouse back up.
When she hears Midge's suggestion, Fifi's hair lights up like a torch, almost reaching twice its size. Her eyes are wide open, with fiery heart replacing her pupils for a brief moment.
"W-W-W-W-W-What!? Midge, don't be silly! My dancing is nothing worth of note. I'm sure the gentleman has better things to do than to dance with a girl such as me..."-she says as she looks up into the roof, daydreaming again, her head tilted backwards at the thought of the two of them in a royal ball.
Midge tries to encourage Fifi, but she's already started eating her extra cake. "MMMMmf! Mmmmm! Ffffmmm!" She chews and swallows. "Nonsense, Fifi! You're a beautiful dancer."
Suddenly, Marcus is whipping around his sword. "Huh." Midge remarks. "Not exactly the kind of dancing I had in mind. Still. You should get in on that, Fifi! You're a great swordswoman, too."
"So how is Lovissa anyways? I wondered how well she was able to get along with the locals, being of foreign blood and style. I do hope she was able to make a friend or two there."
Midge lets out a laugh. "Bold as ever! Last I heard she was hand-picked for a diplomatic mission to Sargava. Something about the Ekujae elves. I can't recall the details. But, it certainly made her penpal upset. I know that shipwright from Ridonport was hoping she'd be stationed back in Taldor for a while." Midge waggles her eyebrows at Marcus and grins, clearly insinuating the shipwright was hoping for a visit of a personal nature from Lovissa.
As yet unaware of his effect upon her Masym leans closer to her and points at her holy symbol, "You had best keep this under yer...blouse. People in Taldor do NOT like the Dawnflower, OR their worshippers!"
Midge raises an eyebrow. "Really?" she asks. "I didn't know that." She shakes her head. "Such a shame. People spend so much time remembering old grudges and wars, that they get stuck in the past. Long after the battles over, they still have trouble moving on. I understand, I guess, but... The way forward's together. You know?"
She takes another bite of her cake.
"Hello fellow Pathfinders, my name is Kioshi Katsu and the young horned lizard on my shoulder is my friend Bahuush. I am very pleased to meet you as I believe that a team makes us Pathfinders strong. Bahuush and I were requested to accompany this mission to provide academic and arcane support should that be required."
Midge smiles brightly and sticks out a hand to the distant fellow. "Hey, pal. Welcome to the team! Have you been to Taldor before?" Then she stands up on her tip toes and offers an extended finger to the little lizard to shake. "And hello to you to, Bahuush."

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Man, these posts are getting long! So many interactions, such rich characters!
Fifi gives in to Midge's request, and accompanies Marcus on his sword-dancing.
Perform(dance): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
She, howevers, trips a lot and seems to be generally absent-minded. After the dance clearly ends, she just stands there, awkwardly running her hand down her cleaveage, drawing attention to the fiery angel wing birthmark the Everlight gave her when she was born.

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Midge smiles brightly and sticks out a hand to the distant fellow. "Hey, pal. Welcome to the team! Have you been to Taldor before?" Then she stands up on her tip toes and offers an extended finger to the little lizard to shake. "And hello to you to, Bahuush."
Kioshi is slightly surprised that Midge is greeting him so nicely and looks at her a bit confused and checks if somebody is behind him.
"You ... you mean me? Or do you mean my lizard?"
After seeing Midge really means him and separately greeted Bahuush he smiles and answers.
"Thanks! People usually talk to Bahuush first and me second ... well, although he cannot talk at all, you know?! To answer your question ... I traveled through Taldor a couple of times but to be honest I have not been at home anywhere in the last couple of years. So I know Taldor as well as any place except of home I assume. You all seem to be quite experienced with all the knowledge that you have about Taldor!"

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"Of course I mean you!" Midge replies with a chuckle. "You're not invisible, you know."
After Kioshi finishes talking Midge smiles. "You're welcome! But, as for knowledge of Taldor, you've got the wrong girl. I'm from Andoran. Never stepped foot in Taldor before. Not one toe!" She shakes her head and wiggles a hair bare foot for emphasis. Then, planting her foot back on the ground she continues, "I know of it, of course, and heard plenty of stories. But, stories are stories! Best not to rely on those."
With a nod of her head and a chipper grin she adds, "I'm going in without preconceptions. I find that's the best way to get to know a place, you know? Bias can blind."

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Technically, Andoran *was* Taldor once =) Does that count?
Sounds like someone's remembering the past instead of moving on with the future! lol

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"Hrmmmm... well... when the Qadiran army came marching through our sovereign lands, with the cult of the Dawnflower among its ranks... it left an impression... myessss. In a land where ones lineage is of the utmost importance, events that left such disruption in our family trees tend to be remembered."
He puts on an overly exaggerated smile.
"But do not worry Lady Vanaash, I am not one to hold such grudges."
Addressing Kioshi he gives a semblance of a nod of the head. "Katsu... a Tian or Minkaian name I presume? My father was a liason to the Minkian ambassador for a brief period of time."

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Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
"Huh! Well, ain't that a coincidence! You and Kioshi probably have plenty in common."

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Masym has the good grace not to blush too much as Midge shows him a bit more than he bargained for, but he does give her a smile. "Thank you Sister. It is a beautiful tattoo and I am glad you appreciate it...as well as the cake!"
Sense Motive DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
"Yeah that is unfortunate but we gotta deal with things as they are, not how we wish them to be!"

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Midge nods wisely. "Fair enough. My grandmother used to say, 'If wishes were fishes the world would be free.' " Midge lets out a chuckle. "I guess she wasn't very good with metaphors." She smiles fondly for a moment, then adds, "...Still. You've gotta dream big. It's the dreamers who change the world."


Ok, Londo will have to catch up =) Will assume he's laid up below decks, unused to the heaving seas! =)
You finally catch your first glimpse of the Taldan coast as you are almost ready to dock in the large port town of Golsifar. Apparently it was just as close as the crewman promised... but the ever-present fog seems to be doing its best to conceal even that sign of civilization. The rain that starts to fall can not seem to batter it down... only managing to obscure the sight even more. The sudden deluge does not let up either, and by the time you finally have land beneath your feet it is not even close to dry anymore... and neither are any of you. Only Fifi's fiery coif seems to penetrate the wet spring gloom, fighting a seemingly losing battle to provide a little color to the bleak damp landscape.
What locals you see seem just as dour as the weather, what few that remain outside all hurrying past to quickly finish whatever task they are about so they can get back under cover once again. The first few people you ask look at you with puzzled frowns when you ask about Railford, and the winery, but eventually you come across a sodden vendor, with a grizzled look, and a face weathered by a harsh life outdoors. He stands vigil over a small cart half-full of tubers of some sort, parked under a narrow eave, looking despondently at empty streets void of customers for his wares.
He points you towards the east side of town, claiming Railford was three or four miles off 'that direction', along the creek... though the later comes out more as 'crik'. He looks completely confused at any mention of a winery though.
"Ain't been no grape what grown that way for nigh on a decade at least." He mutters. "Not since the flood of aught three diverted the river and turned the whole place into a swamp."
"Nothin' but vagabonds and ne'er-do-wells out there nowadays." He adds, eyeing you all suspiciously, as if trying to determine which of those two things you are.
You will eventually find not so much a road, leading out of town to the east, as a muddy dirt track... well-traveled perhaps once, but now little more than the occasional gnarled tree marking where it once lead off towards the hamlet of Railford.
If you want to buy anything, Golsifar is the last settlement of any size you will see for a bit... (though only a large town itself.)

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It was finally time for Londo to make his return to Taldor. The boat ride was atrocious. Always the worst part of mercenary work and military living was the travel but boats were by far the worst.
Zarisha, at the moment just a voice in his head, was driving him mad with her constant negativity You know there is no place for you back in Taldor. You're wearing the sigil on the dawnflower on your head and you're half orc. You may as well be wearing a sign on your forehead that says you're here to kill everyone and rob them.
Some holy warriors had an angel on their shoulder. He had a nihilist who never could see the bright side of things. Oh please, you would die without me here to keep you focused
Still as he got back onto the boat and looked around at the land...he was home. Decadent decaying home. He would have to play his part in its restoration.
He eyes the other pathfinders. Dressed in a dull green crusader's armor from years and years prior and with a new bright red sash on his head, he cut a bit of a mismatched figure. His skin was wan and cracked and his hair a shock of gray. he came up just in time to hear the poncey noble talking like he knew about Qadira.
It's not so bad, Qadira. The Dawnflower has a message worth repeating. No matter how dark the night, there will always be a dawn. No matter how blackened the soul gets....there can be redemption. Truth comes from the trials we all endure. I am sorry you havent finished yours yet, but you will. Anyway....glad to be home. Haven't been here since the society recruited me after all that business with another old family line, the Alcasti family. I actually got knighted come to think of it. Not that that means much anymore. he tries not to be too gruff but he ends up unintentionally giving Marcus a wicked scowl.
You really believe that stuff now, Londo? Heaven changed you. Still, as long as we are on this pilgrimage this beats the old you. Barely had the will to wake up in the morning. You drink less too. I like that. You listen to me more when you don't drink.
He seems....uncomfortable near Fifi. She is so much more pure than he is. The dawnflower chose her from the beginning. She didn't start as a murderer like Londo. See? Told you you hadn't forgiven yourself Zarisha could be a real chore.
He mostly found the way Midge was already playing peacemaker to be soothing on his upset stomach and relaxed away from the others until the ship landed
Once he saw the state of the plantations and the foul weather they were experiencing the real feel of the Taldor backwater began to wash over the one time crusader.
I think Osprey may have been exaggerating about the beauty of the wine country around here....Midge and Fifi that food of yours might be the last fresh food we see for a little while. Too bad I was too sick to consume it. Londo tried to smile. He wished he had the easy way of a paladin, but instead his stomach was sour from the attempt. All of this do-gooding didn't come easy to him.
The master of the estate left the place in disrepair? But wasn't he a capable former agent? Or the son of one at least? Londo mused mostly to the group.
He found a nice sturdy walking stick - his joints weren't what they once were - and prepared to make the trip to see what he was sure was going to be an even more poncey and useless noble than Marcus.

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Kioshi is quite surprised about the information.
He smiles at the man.
"Sir, thank you for these information! May I ask if you know Jacquod Railford personally? And can you tell us more about these vagabonds that you are talking about?"

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Back at the meeting, Midge shook the half-orc's hand. "Hey, pal! Nice to meet you! Oh hey, you don't look so good. You feeling alright?"
After a moment she exclaims. "The sea doesn't agree with everyone. I'll fetch a bucket and help you to your bunk, just in case, alright?" With a chipper smile she adds, "No shame in resting while you can!"
As the rain starts to pour Midge pulls out her cloak and puts it on, pulling the hood down over her head. "I should've brought my rain boots!"
Midge smiles at the graumpy salesman. "Gee, thanks! I'll take a bag of tubers, please!" Once she has her food she hands the man five gold and waves goodbye.
She sticks the sopping tubers in her backpack and scampers down the road. As she walks she weaves and hops all over the place, doing her best to walk on patches of grass instead of through the puddles and mud. She obviously doesn't want to get her bare feet too dirty.
"Vagabonds and never-do-wells... Well, that's not promising! I hope the son's alright. Did we ever figure out his name?"


"Jack who?" The old-timer replies, with a scowl. "I ain't never been ta Railford, just know its off that way. Don't associate with those sorts." He does not appear to realize that the hamlet is named after an actual living person.
The former pathfinder's name was Iadon... his son's name, you do not know, as Osprey never mentioned it. The scenario seems to spell it a few different ways, so don't get confused if I spell it wrong from time to time =)
He eyes Kioshi even more warily when the man asks about the riff-raff. "Why would you care 'bout that kinda trouble?" He growls, looking around suddenly nervous, as he realizes he's alone on the street with six suspicious strangers. "No decent person would go traipsin' through no swamp. Occasional soldier from Zimar as well... been a few a those lot lurkin' about lately too."
Midges interest in his wares gets his attention immediately, talk of vagabonds from Railford momentarily forgotten. His mood suddenly brightens from dour to gruff as he quickly shoves a number of rough brown root vegetables in a small sack for her... though when she then hands him far more money than his entire stock is worth, including the cart, he can only stare at it with a look that waffles between confusion, shock, and panic.
egads! It was only a few coppers worth of potatoes! One gold would have been a windfall... five puts you firmly into the 'up to no good' category!
"I can't make change for this!" He exclaims, looking more worried than before.

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Nodding in greeting to the Half-Orc, "Nice to meet you Londo. I know the seas do not agree with everyone. Still we should not need to climb on a ship for a while."
Masym glances around him with a mixture of bemusement and disgust at the dismal surroundings, "Real vacation spot here I see...No wonder the Taldans are crazy!" He mutters quietly to himself.
When Midge offers her gold a look of alarm flashes on his face. Swiftly moving into position he scoops up the gold and replaces it with a couple of silver coins from his own pouch. "No need to draw any more attention to ourselves than we already have!" he whispers into her ear.
Masym will offer 2 silver pieces to the vendor.
"We will take all the tubers you have, and do you have any other foodstuffs?" He then takes one of the gold coins and waves it in front of him. "Any other folks you seen headed that way?"
Diplomcay: 1d20 ⇒ 6

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Midge laughs. "I don't want change, mister. Or to cause trouble. But if you've got a problem with generosity I'll keep my gold.
She takes her gold back from Masym, including the one he's waving in the guy's face.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
"Are you sure?" she asks the man. "I bet you could do something nice for your family or the town with it."

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Marcus sniggers at his compatriots obvious discomfort with the man. Finally he stands up tall to announce himself I really should have someone to do this job for me...
"Hrmmm.... now now Midge, we Taldans are a proud folk. Charity is not something we seek.... myesss."
He turns to the man. "I am Baronet Marcus Vulpares Fantailler, son of Marcus Vultulus Fantailler, heir to the Fantailler family estate."
Again, he waits for recognition... again none to be found.
"You know how things are, what was once a winery shall always be a winery in name, even if no must has been made in a century. Hrmph... No family would dare to forget its achievements."
He adopts a more relaxed posture and puts his hand on the man's shoulder. "Mmmm... now do not be taken aback by my friends here, they mean no insult. We are looking for an old acquaintance and it has been some time since I have visited these lands. It is not just potatoes Midge was hoping for, but a contact, a friend, an ally, someone to keep us up to date on... things we should be kept up to date on! Myesss...."
He does his best to conceal the fact that he feels compelled to wipe off his hand afterwards.
Diplomacy, aid Midge: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 My parade armor also grants an additional +1 to Diplomacy and Intimidate vs Taldans. Should I just assume everyone I speak with is Taldan until told otherwise or keep the note on my rolls?


Aye, you can assume they're all Taldan ... =)
The man looks thoroughly confused now, unsure what to make of these strangers... though its clear they're obviously up to no good! Marcus introducing himself as nobility throws him completely for a loop... suddenly he seems unsure what to do and very worried.
"I don't want no trouble." He growls, backing away slightly, trying not to meet anyone's eye.
Luckily, at that point, a second man comes hurrying up behind you, slightly out of breath.
"Marcus Fantailler?" The second man asks as he looks at the lot of you, trying to determine if he's found the right folks. "I thought I heard Marcus Fantailer?"
Eventually, his eyes light on Marcus, and he smiles in relief.
"Ah, there you are. Meant to catch you at the dock." He scowls briefly skyward. "But the damnable rain."
He reaches into a leather satchel hanging from his shoulder, and withdraws a small letter, complete with wax seal. "The Baron asked to deliver this personally."" He adds, as he hands it over.
His bag is obviously not impervious to the elements either, as one side of the letter is already quite damp.
With a slight bow, he then turns and hurries off into the rain, heading for shelter once more.
Suddenly you all find yourselves, at least for now, alone on the muddy street. Apparently the vendor took advantage of the momentary distraction, grabbed his cart and wheeled it off in a rush. Even now you see him fleeing around a corner down the next block.
Should you open it:
Loyal Subject of the Empire,
We are thankful indeed to have one of our own on this mission. When I sent word to the Society of Railford's plight, I had hoped they would send you.
I am aware the Pathfinders now seek to establish a lodge at there, a cause both just and worthy. Already, a number of candidates are apparently seeking the position of Venture-Captain should it come to fruition. All we ask is that we try to keep Taldor properties beneath the wings of its own people. Outsiders do not understand our plight and we desperately need to make sure we maintain control of our own destiny.
We need you to convince Becher to help force the Decemvirate’s decision. For Taldor.
Something as simple as a notation on the deed itself, passing it on to a fellow countryman, instead of the Pathfinders in general, should be enough.
One of your Venture-Captains, Dominicus Brell, a friend and ally of Becher's father, would be an ideal candidate. I'm sure Becher could be convinced to leave the property to a fellow Taldan Pathfinder far more easily... as such a decision would be honoring his father, and he'd likely find that more preferable as well.
I trust in your discretion in this matter.
For Emperor and Empire, Baron Jacquo Dalsine
This is actually the Taldan faction mission... which of course are not required anymore. But am including it here, if only to lay a little groundwork and background for things later on! Feel no obligation to do or share it, if you don't want =)

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Midge shrugs. "That's too bad. Could've got his kids an education." She slips her coins back into her coin purse.
Looking up at Marcus she asks, "What's it say?"

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Londo arches an eyebrow at the secret delivery.
Dont be jealous Londo they thrust that title on you. Nobility is pointless anyway, you know better than most that everyone still dies the same way and their accomplishments and knowledge all drains to nothing. Bet you don't feel jealous now do you
And indeed he didn't, though that didn't stop his face from going extremely sour at all this badgering of random peasants.
He said its a swamp up ahead.Could be bad news if we aren't prepared.
He walks off to find a bait and tackle shop and buys a fishing net and long pole that he can use to feel around for spots where the swamp may suddenly deepen into bog.

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Fifi seems to have not paid much attention to Londo during the voyage, thinking profoundly about what it means to hide part of her identity in fear and shame. However, as they land on Taldor, she seems to snap out of the trance that she was in.
Looking at the merchant, Fifi tries to interject, trying to greet him. However, she doesn't seem to catch a good moment to enter the conversation, specially because she is fearful they might discover her piety. As the merchant leaves and she has more time to relax, she starts looking at Londo, and notices the dawnflower sigil that he has. Her eyes light up once more, and her hair seems to rival the rain as best it can.
"Mister...Londo, was it? Are you a follower of the Everlight?"-she says like an excited girl running down the stairs for her gift."Your sigil, it's very pretty! I really like how it looks on you"-the ifrit says while blushing and looking aside.
"Anyways, I'm glad I can meet a fellow worshipper!"-she goes in for a hug and a smile, clinging to what she sees as a pillar in darkness.

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Marcus slowly reads the missive. He folds it back up, places it back into the envelop, and tucks it away in his pack. "Hrmmm... matters of state. Family matters. One and the same as it were... myesss. Also information to further reinforce my annoyance in the Grand Lodge's methods. They leave out such important details sometimes... myesss..."
Looking back at Londo and Fifi he raises an eyebrow. "Becher. Becher Railford in all likelyhood. Presuming he kept his father's name. Although on occasion there is reason to adopt the surname of another family member... but I do not expect that would be the case here."

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Masym shrugs in reply to the nobleman's revelation, "Becher eh? More than what we knew before," making sure his gear is secured he motions to the trail pointed out earlier, "Should we head out now? It's a short hike, yet not sure what the weather will hold...other than rain."


Unfortunately, Masym's words prove nothing less than prophetic.
Leaving Golsifar behind, you head east for what should indeed be a relatively short hike... and it does indeed rain the entire time.
The faint semblance of a trail never really gets much more distinct, and proves not that easy to follow, only a few faint markers on crudely scarred trees denoting the secluded route. Masym's sharp eyes are able to pick out the signs, though some of the rest of you have troubles spotting them, and wonder if you're on a trail at all.
About half an hour in, the rain lets up, if only for a moment, and you realize the trail has started to wind through what you can assume are the remnants of flooded vineyards. All around you, row upon row of of dead and dying grapevines thrust out of the soupy mire, only barely supported by rotting trellises. All of it choked out by pervasive briar patches, and heavy blankets of peat.
What must have once been fertile soil is now little more than fields of mud, the spring rains only making it worse. Though you've only been hiking for an hour, it seems like twice that, each step getting heavier and heavier as more and more mud cakes up on your boots, forcing you to stop frequently to try and clear it off. Whatever it was that redirected the river all those years ago, has really done a number of whatever used to grow here.
2d20 ⇒ (8, 18) = 26
Before long, the rain kicks back in, and your view once more closes in. Though it can't be much past midday, not much of the sun's light reaches through the thick heavily-laden clouds overhead. Everything darkens almost like night has come early, making the faint markers even harder to spot. The situation is not helped at all by the creepers and overgrowth casting strange twisting shadows everywhere.
Someone has lit a small campfire, barely visible through the rain and undergrowth.

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Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

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Londo stiffens up at Fifi's touch, his sour expression reluctantly and forcibly relaxing at the relaxing and positive vibrations. Yes, its Londo Greenbottle and...yes Fifi, I worship the Everlight. It didn't come easy though. I took part in the Third Crusade. But I took a trip to Qadira during the high holidays for a pathfinder mission and I really took to the high priestess there and well in light of the sheer cruelty of the cult of Roidira. The sash was actually a gift from her on the occasion of my conversion. It has some nice properties. It's warm to the touch and will keep me from falling from great heights, the warmth of the Dawn cushioning me.
She's too young, you old leche. She doesn't care about any of this. She was just being polite.
He blushes at the barb from Zarisha. Sorry, I am sure you didn't want to hear my whole story. He distances himself from the Ifrit for a little while but soon is
Londo takes a look at the surroundings as the weather beats him and the bog slows the groups progress Maybe these Taldane nobles could use the Everlight. This is a disaster and it's all this noble's fault.
Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (5) + 0 = 5

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Perception : 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

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Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8
"To blame a man for the weather about his manor is well... hrmm...."
He considers this for a moment. "...fair enough I suppose. He could have opted to establish a residence close to the sea."

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I can roll for my familiar! ;-)
Bahuush Perception : 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Bahuush suddenly sends an emotion to Kioshi to look around in a specific direction. Kioshi pauses and after a while of steering through Bahuush sees it too.
”Hey guys, Bahuush barely managed to make out a small flash of light perhaps fifty feet ahead. Someone has lit a small campfire, barely visible through the rain and undergrowth. Look!“

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Londo begins to contort a bit as Kioshi points out the light.
Very slowly a the visage of a barely visible woman whose very presence exudes an aura of sandess and misery. She wears the garb of a Qadiran peasant and twists into a spiral reminiscent of a downward void.
You finally let me out Londo....he is so rude. My name is Zarisha al-Sawaki. His partner on his pilgrimage for Truth....and apparently little more than a glorified spyglass.
Londo grunts Just stay invisible and scout it out Zarisha. I'll be with you.
Londo will get to within 100 ft of the campfire and then send her forward, incorporeal and invisible to scout the camp. As she gets there Londo projects himself into her to see what she sees, concentrating VERY hard to maintain the link between he and his partner.
Zarisha has darkvision, not that its dark just saying that thats her only special vision

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”Zarisha, It is a pleasure to meet you! Also my friend here Bahuush says his regards. In a more appropriate moment you definitely have to tell me the story of you and your interesting friend that is harbouring your soul! Let me cast a message spell so that we can communicate with each other!“
Kioshi casts a message spell and chooses himself, Londo and Zarisha.
30 min duration

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Masym prepares to head forth to scout the camplight but the appearance of the strange phantom stays his hand, for now.
"Good plan Londo...errr....Zarisha. I need to know who, where, and what...also watch yer back. many times bandits use these as lures to draw suckers to them," he cautions, moving silently with the phantomist, "I'll watch your back."
This be a good learning experience for them methinks. Makes my job easier anyway!

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Midge smiles widely up at the spirit. "Well, isn't that something! It's nice to meet you, Zarisha! I'm Midge! Good luck."
Midge seems completely undisturbed by the ghost.