Dungeon Master S's "Curse of the Crimson Throne" (Inactive)

Game Master Chris Marsh

Completed Final Post

  • Grym
  • Sandor
  • Morkeleb
  • Gaius
  • Ferox
  • Odric

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    Male Dwarf Fighter 15 Urban Ranger 2 AC=32 (CMD base 37+ specials); T=16; FF=29; HP 183/183; Init+8; Per +22; +18F+14R+9W

    Ferox, I will cover your part of the wand w/o interest or favor of any kind in return, as long as the sails come back in a reasonable time. Sandor gets a mischevious grin that is sickening to behold, and his eyes light up in mirth But one would think that a famous Tellar of Abadar would 'ave some kind of professional income, or good credit with the bank to get a loan

    Sandor realises what he has said, and then his expression changes to a sheepish smile ok no interest or favors, but I couldn't resist me takin one little jab

    Not that I have looked at your sheet, but do you get a stipend from the bank for doing your job? or is that a straight profession roll?

    Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 for any information about the midlands. Gangs, Dangers, ect...

    Field Marshal. How has the midlands been affected by the mobs, are their any new developments in the area, or anyone who is a local leader there?

    this might change from any info back from Chris from the questions above

    Lads I agree, lets get moving and figure out stuff when we get there.

    A few things bother me:

    • She is scared, and will feel cornered so there is either fight or flight.
    • She has arcane arts, and that makes her unpredictable.
    • She is a good acrobat.

    Now about the fight or flight. Going off of past performances, I think she will choose flight, but since it is her home it makes it more of a toss up.

    Either way, I am sure she has a bolt hole out of her house, so a good reconnoiter will be paramount before we show up in force.

    I will say, that we will have to divide ourselves up a bit, if we cover the exits before we (I assume it will be Odric and I) assault the front, then if she doesn't flee the others can enter and join the fight.

    King of Korvosa
    Morkeleb the Mighty wrote:
    Preventing oen of us from becoming charmed will be far preferable to having to subdue the target until the magic runs its course.

    Odric eyes Gaius carefully as Morkeleb says this. He still has the occasional nightmare about the unconscious and tied Valay bleeding out on the floor with an ear-to-ear smile across his throat.

    Odric wonders if he might share a similar fate if he becomes charmed and subsequently subdued by one of the companions. While things between the half elf and human have been tense of late, Odric has a hard time believing Gaius would murder him in cold blood, but still... something about the pooling blood on the dungeon floor gives Odric pause.

    The giant of a man keeps his thoughts to himself. He knows they are unfair and irrational, but still they appear in his mind unbidden occasionally.

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)

    Grym ponders his comrades words as they walk. He nods at the wizard plan of keeping them safe from enchantment and sorcery.
    If we can get there early enough then checking around her home for escape routes is a good idea. We dont want her to rabbit, but both the Inquisitor and I are good at tracking down rabbits.

    Male Dwarf Fighter 15 Urban Ranger 2 AC=32 (CMD base 37+ specials); T=16; FF=29; HP 183/183; Init+8; Per +22; +18F+14R+9W

    Shall we at least buy a net 20G or snag net 30g on the way?

    Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Cleric 11; Trapspotter 22; Init: 5; AC: 31; T: 18; FF: 30; HP: 145/122; Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 11

    We talk first. It's in her best insterest to turn herself in. If we can all walk away with no blood spilt, we all win. Everyone gets paid. If there's no talking to her, Gaius smiles a wicked smile, I can use Calistria's gifts to seduce her. If she resists, I shoot her with a poison bolt, we wrap her in burlap and haul her back to Cressida. Failing that, Odric hits her with something heavy. And everyone gets paid.

    King of Korvosa

    Odric grunts in agreement. The rogue's logic is sound, although the fighter is of the opinion that the lady might prefer a more manly specimen... Odric unconsciously flexes his increasingly well-defined pectoral muscles a few times in an alternating fashion. As Odric's massive chest dances, he wonders at the beautiful nature of his hair for the third time this day.

    Good luck with the seduction Gaius. Odric says in all seriousness without of a hint of sarcasm.

    Male Dwarf Fighter 15 Urban Ranger 2 AC=32 (CMD base 37+ specials); T=16; FF=29; HP 183/183; Init+8; Per +22; +18F+14R+9W

    Get a bra brah

    King of Korvosa

    As best I can figure it is 6 Pharast.
    The fight with Valay happened the night of 27 Calistral, the morning of 28 Calistral we were given 7 days down time (28 Cal - 5 Phar) bringing it to 6 Pharast the day we were called to FM Kroft.

    Also, only Odric and Ferox have published birthdays as far as I can tell from combing through the character sheets and profiles.

    The months in Golarion correspond to our own, with each new year starting shortly after the solstice. Each month is etymologically tied to a specific god—residents of Golarion see the gods reflected in the changing of the seasons, and their names for the months reflect this.

    Abadius (January)
    Calistril (February)
    Pharast (March)
    Gozran (April)
    Desnus (May)
    Sarenith (June)
    Erastus (July)
    Arodus (August)
    Rova (September)
    Lamashan (October)
    Neth (November)
    Kuthona (December)

    Grand Lodge

    Venture-Lieutenant - NH | Proprietor of Castamir's Station

    The Field Marshall is anxious to get moving, but she answers carefully, "The Midlands are at peace.... for now. If you don't catch Trinia, I worry that it'll devolve. The Hellknights are keeping violence from breaking out, but I fear that we're headed towards a power struggle with them, and that scares me. The longer this drags out, the more momentous the struggle will be. Please, capture her. Quickly."

    Grand Lodge

    Venture-Lieutenant - NH | Proprietor of Castamir's Station

    ...Basic recon of Trinia's:

    An apartment building, 4 stories, and she's on the top floor. The apartments are 2 rooms, each with a window facing the street. There is one exit, the front door. A skilled acrobat has a good shot at gaining roof access via the window. Like most parts of Midlands, the neighboring buildings are rubbing up against each other.

    King of Korvosa

    maybe we can cast web in the room or something

    King of Korvosa

    I think we can rely on Trinia attempting an escape on the roof if Gaius' seduction and persuasion fails. We ought to try to limit her mobility on the roof with something. Anything we can do to shape the route she takes, into our arms or into a trap of some sort, will help limit the risk she escapes. I don't feel confident that we can successfully pursue a trained acrobat across the rooftops.

    Odric looks thoughtfully at Sandor.

    Could we rig some large wooden or wicker barriers that we could drop over her windows from the rooftops? We could leave on person up top to grab her if she tries to wriggle out the window, but with the egress to the roof blocked or limited we could probably count on her using the stairs where the larger part of our band could be lying in wait.

    The big fighter thinks back to his recent nights in the tavern and wonders if...

    Maybe I could try to recruit a small group of fellows from the town to help us corral her? Anyone think that could end poorly?

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)

    Can we gain access to the roof with out her knowing? Perhaps head up onto the roof of a nearby building. Several of us could wait up there.

    Male Human Wizard (Enchanter: Controller) 17 Init +6; AC=19; T=16; FF=17; HP 23 / 92

    Odric, I think keeping this as small an operation as possible will maximize our chances of success, for a number of reasons. One of which is, we have no idea what skills--if any--in this kind of work local barflies might have. The goal here is to *stop* a mob, not to make one!
    Also, don't forget that she has the magical capability to simply fall from height, so laying in wait on the roof would only work if we were able to actually capture her right away, and by surprise. I believe our best bet will be to prevent her from leaving the confines of the building--preferably, from leaving her rooms.
    Do we stand any reasonable chance of simply *convincing* her that we're trying to protect her, to give her a chance to tell her side? I believe that's what you have in mind, Gaius?

    King of Korvosa
    Morkeleb the Mighty wrote:
    Odric, I think keeping this as small an operation as possible will maximize our chances of success, for a number of reasons. One of which is, we have no idea what skills--if any--in this kind of work local barflies might have. The goal here is to *stop* a mob, not to make one!

    I was thinking of hiring 10 level 1 fighters, not rounding up barney, homer and moe.

    King of Korvosa

    Maybe string up nets around the building to catch her if she feather falls off the roof?

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)

    Here is Gryms thoughts. There are 3 avenues of escape from her apartment. The front door and two windows. We have Gaius make the initial entry. Odric and Sandor can be waiting nearby in the hall or stairwell if she goes ou the front door. The inquisitor and myself can be outside covering the two window exits. If she feather falls to the ground we pounce on her. If she tries to go up to the roof we can use arrows and bullets or just try to keep eyes on her.
    Grym still has little understanding of what Morkeleb can do and figures he will be where he can be the most effective.
    This obviously doesnt account for a secret door she might have.

    DM question
    How hard would it be to climb up to her windows?

    Male Dwarf Fighter 15 Urban Ranger 2 AC=32 (CMD base 37+ specials); T=16; FF=29; HP 183/183; Init+8; Per +22; +18F+14R+9W

    I agree Grym's plan. Simple nets will help slow her down if she bolts thru the windows, and the door is going through Odric, Gaius, and myself. There is no way your gonna have me up on a roof with full plate male, and my strong dwarf physique.

    Since this is a clandestine op, I do suppose we should have a good cover story of why we are there in case she has friends there. I could grab a suit of mw leather armor or chainmail and say that she has had it commissioned while she was still in good standing and we are delivering it, or Gaius could be a smitten noble and we are his security guard comming to help her in her time of need.

    Grand Lodge

    Venture-Lieutenant - NH | Proprietor of Castamir's Station

    Your typical building in the Midlands is a DC 15 Climb Check.

    Active Buffs:
    Per Diem:
    Spells 1st 6/6 | 2nd 6/6 | 3rd 0/6 | 4th 3/4 | 5th 3/3 Judgements 5/5 | Bane 15/15 | Dimesion Hop 150/150
    Male Human Inquisitor 15 | HP 108/120| AC 24 FF 19 Tch 17 | CMD 27 | F+13 R+12 W+13 | Perc +23 | Init +9

    What about tanglefoot bags? Can we use them to effectively gum up the windows, eliminating that avenue of escape? I've seen specialty arrows that can be fitted with them. At the very least, they might delay her long enough for one of you to subdue her.

    Male Human Wizard (Enchanter: Controller) 17 Init +6; AC=19; T=16; FF=17; HP 23 / 92

    That is an excellent suggestion, Inquisitor. If we can find such arrows, then they could be shot from the outside, before anyone even enters the apartment!

    And Grym, to assuage your curiosity, I intend to neutralize the bard's skills in charming magic. If the opportunity presents itself, I'll try to put her to sleep, making our job very easy--but my first priority will be to prevent her from enthralling anyone on our team.

    Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Cleric 11; Trapspotter 22; Init: 5; AC: 31; T: 18; FF: 30; HP: 145/122; Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 11

    I love that idea, Ferox. :) Tanglefoot Arrows.

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)

    The tanglefoot bags or arrows do sound like a good idea.
    Id be willing to attempt a climb up to her floor to pour some tanglefoot bags out over her window shutters to hamper her movement.

    King of Korvosa

    What happened to trying to talk to and or seduce her?

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)
    Odric the Stout wrote:
    What happened to trying to talk to and or seduce her?

    That is still the plan. We are just discussing backup plans.

    Male Dwarf Fighter 15 Urban Ranger 2 AC=32 (CMD base 37+ specials); T=16; FF=29; HP 183/183; Init+8; Per +22; +18F+14R+9W

    Ok LT, we need a 42 slide conop order

    Male Human Wizard (Enchanter: Controller) 17 Init +6; AC=19; T=16; FF=17; HP 23 / 92


    So, I believe we are looking at this for a rough plan: I can cast Message on all of us so we can communicate over distance. Ferrox and Grym, armed with tanglefoot arrows, wait outside the apartment, ready to shoot at Trinia's windows--this assumes we know which windows. Gaius goes up, with Sandor, Odric, and myself as backup--close by, but out of sight. Gaius first tries his seduction tactic. Failing that, we immediately alert Ferrox and Grym to block the windows; the rest of us subdue her and get her to the Field Marshal's operative, safe from the mob.
    What else? I assumed Grym would be on the outside team, in case immediate tracking was in order. And it seems reasonable that as many of us focus on Trinia as we can spare, because she's sure ot have surprises waiting--perhaps backup of her own?
    Does htis all sound workable to everyone? Can we procure these arrows you spoke of, Ferrox, and in short order?

    King of Korvosa

    I think Sandor's suggested gambit of "giving" Odric makes quotation marks with his fingers at this, her a custom made leather armor as a gift from someone in the palace who believes her to be innocent of the charges and deserving of better protection is a great idea.

    Odric shrugs.

    It has the benefits that it is believable, it might trigger enough greed to overcome her wariness and it gets Gaius entrance to the room. I don't want to tell him his Callistran business, but

    Odric adopts a passable and hilarious Gaius impersonation, Hey baby, let me help you into something a little LESS comfortable. Oh yeahhhhhhh...

    Bucho barks his appreciation.

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)

    Grym will have modified tanglefoot sling bullets, but otherwise agrees with the plan. The leather armor gift is also a good idea. If it fails no loss other than having to carry a bundle of leather along.

    When Bucho barks at Odric's antics, Grym figures he has a little too much energy. The ranger throws a rawhide fetch toy for him as they walk along. Forcing the dog to sprint back and forth for a while to burn off some of his extra energy. Can't have any barking while we are lying in wait.

    Male Human Wizard (Enchanter: Controller) 17 Init +6; AC=19; T=16; FF=17; HP 23 / 92
    Odric the Stand-Up wrote:
    Odric adopts a passable and hilarious Gaius impersonation, Hey baby, let me help you into something a little LESS comfortable. Oh yeahhhhhhh...

    Indeed. Might I suggest a different line: "Hey, this would look great on you--but even better on your bedroom floor!"

    Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Cleric 11; Trapspotter 22; Init: 5; AC: 31; T: 18; FF: 30; HP: 145/122; Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 11

    Gaius smiles in appreciation.

    When I said I'd use Calistria's gifts to seduce her, I was referring to charming magicks. I'll talk to her first, but can try to charm her if we're not getting anywhere or if she tries to enchant me first. And, for the record, I'd never share a bed with anyone who wasn't there of their own free will.

    Though if the initial conversation goes well... I don't have plans for this evening as of yet. :)

    Male Human Wizard (Enchanter: Controller) 17 Init +6; AC=19; T=16; FF=17; HP 23 / 92

    Well then, are we ready to move?

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)


    King of Korvosa

    Let's do this

    Active Buffs:
    Per Diem:
    Spells 1st 6/6 | 2nd 6/6 | 3rd 0/6 | 4th 3/4 | 5th 3/3 Judgements 5/5 | Bane 15/15 | Dimesion Hop 150/150
    Male Human Inquisitor 15 | HP 108/120| AC 24 FF 19 Tch 17 | CMD 27 | F+13 R+12 W+13 | Perc +23 | Init +9

    So, as we make out way to the Midlands, I'll need to check shops on the way to see if any carry the specialty arrows we need. If not, Grym and I will need to hope we can lob some tanglefoot bags up at the windows with some accuracy.

    Male Human Wizard (Enchanter: Controller) 17 Init +6; AC=19; T=16; FF=17; HP 23 / 92

    If there are no arrows . . .how about lobbing *down* from the roof?

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)
    Morkeleb the Mighty wrote:
    If there are no arrows . . .how about lobbing *down* from the roof?

    Someone on the roof might not be a bad idea. But we still need people on the ground. Ferox on the roof? Myself on the ground?

    Male Dwarf Fighter 15 Urban Ranger 2 AC=32 (CMD base 37+ specials); T=16; FF=29; HP 183/183; Init+8; Per +22; +18F+14R+9W

    Odric, Gaius, and myself can cover the ground and the front door. The rest should be roof.

    Grand Lodge

    Venture-Lieutenant - NH | Proprietor of Castamir's Station

    I'm back!

    I'll be writing up a Gencon summary soon, but for now. I'm ready to play. Enough with the planning, let's do this.

    Yes, if it exists in a Paizo book, then it is available for purchase so long as it's within the Gp limit for Korvosa.

    Active Buffs:
    Per Diem:
    Spells 1st 6/6 | 2nd 6/6 | 3rd 0/6 | 4th 3/4 | 5th 3/3 Judgements 5/5 | Bane 15/15 | Dimesion Hop 150/150
    Male Human Inquisitor 15 | HP 108/120| AC 24 FF 19 Tch 17 | CMD 27 | F+13 R+12 W+13 | Perc +23 | Init +9

    They're in the Elves of Golarion book.

    Kinda pricey. 20gp each. I'll snag two. That's how many windows we have to cover, right? I'll also snag some blunt arrows, so I won't kill her when shooting at her.

    Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Cleric 11; Trapspotter 22; Init: 5; AC: 31; T: 18; FF: 30; HP: 145/122; Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 11

    Gaius is ready to rock. Chris, I think you can pull the trigger on the narration.

    Gaius heads to Midlands, party in tow. Let's do a quick casing of the block around her apartment and then let's go in.

    King of Korvosa

    Odric mentally reviews the plan:
    He will lurk in the stairwell with Sandor.
    Bucho and Grym will ascend to the rooftops with Ferox and Morkeleb.
    Gaius will knock on the door with a beautiful suit of leather armor.

    In order to explain his presence, Gaius will suggest the leather armor is a gift from someone in the palace who is interested in protecting her from the potential for mob violence. It ought to stimulate her sense of self-preservation and perhaps excite avarice in her.

    Gaius will attempt a seduction. (Odric is of the opinion that his gigantic pectoral muscles and incredible hairdo would be more effective, but concedes the point that his massive and spectacular physique might intimidate the lady and precipitate flight.)

    If the seduction succeeds, the lurkers will be forced to endure the indignity of hearing Gaius ministering to the lady in his finest Callistran form.

    If the seduction fails, Gaius will attempt a magical means to persuade her to accompany him without any sexual escapades due to his incredible moral rectitude.
    Note: Do not classify Trinia as a "prisoner" within earshot of Gaius whilst he is armed.

    If seduction and magical means fail, and Trinia flees, Gaius whispers a warning to the roofies who gum up the windows with modified arrows or tanglefoot bags.

    If Trinia flees through the door, she collides with Sandor and Odric.

    Odric recalls the potential use of magical falling and decides it might be more useful to position himself outside the building at street level. He also decides to bring a costume in order to disguise Trinia, conscious or otherwise, on he trip to the Field Marshal.

    Is it rational to put Bucho on the roof? Odric asks helpfully. Perhaps positioning the Ranger and his faithful canine companion on the ground in order to track Trinia down in case she runs through the narrow alleys faster than I can run after her would be a better idea.

    In the event of a chase, the plan is to administer non-lethal blows to subdue her. Under only the most extreme circumstances will deadly force be employed, when the very survival of the party is at stake for example.

    Odric goes over the plan with his friends and asks, Have I got this about right?

    Grand Lodge

    Venture-Lieutenant - NH | Proprietor of Castamir's Station

    I need a stealth and Perception check from everyone. No need for us to wait, if ome person wants to snag the mods from Obsidianportal and post, i'll take over

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)

    Grym and Bucho will stay on the ground, watching the windows.

    Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
    Stealth 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

    Male Dwarf Fighter 15 Urban Ranger 2 AC=32 (CMD base 37+ specials); T=16; FF=29; HP 183/183; Init+8; Per +22; +18F+14R+9W

    Odric, we can keep Grym on the roof to track up there. If worse comes to worse then I can track on the ground till Grym catches up and takes over. Not sure how much of a blood hound Bucho is, but if she does escape, we can grab some clothing so bucho can get her scent.

    Perception:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
    Stealth: 1d20 - 4 ⇒ (8) - 4 = 4

    Active Buffs:
    Per Diem:
    Spells 1st 6/6 | 2nd 6/6 | 3rd 0/6 | 4th 3/4 | 5th 3/3 Judgements 5/5 | Bane 15/15 | Dimesion Hop 150/150
    Male Human Inquisitor 15 | HP 108/120| AC 24 FF 19 Tch 17 | CMD 27 | F+13 R+12 W+13 | Perc +23 | Init +9

    Ferox bows his head in a quick prayer to Abadar, asking for guidance and the will to see Justice carried out (casts Guidance for Perception check)

    Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
    Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

    Male Human Wizard (Enchanter: Controller) 17 Init +6; AC=19; T=16; FF=17; HP 23 / 92
    Odric wrote:
    Have I got this about right?

    With the exception that I would be better utilized on the same floor as Triana's apartments--close enough to get there if neede, but far enough to stay out of earshot and sight--I think that's about right.

    As we close on the building, I'll cast Message on everyone. We should be able to stay in communication with each other by whispering. This spell will last twenty minutes. Gaius, give me a code word or something if I need to get into the apartment to aid you--feel free to pick the word yourself, just tell em what it is!

    Stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
    Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 4

    Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Cleric 11; Trapspotter 22; Init: 5; AC: 31; T: 18; FF: 30; HP: 145/122; Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 11

    I think you're got it more or less right, Odric. I still think the leather armor is a strange idea, but I'll sell it.

    "Expendable" is the word, gents.

    Stealth:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
    Perception:1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22

    King of Korvosa

    1d20 ⇒ 5 perception
    1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22 stealth

    Leather armor was Sandor's plan I think... Why does Gaius need stealth? Makes more sense to walk up to the door and knock. sneaking up makes it suspicious and weird.

    King of Korvosa

    Odric is so sneaky, that he is completely oblivious to virtually everything around him.

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