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Cressida Kroft isn’t alone when the you arrive at her office— with her is a tall, rail-thin Shoanti man of 60 winters. He leans heavily on a walking stick, the polished femur of some giant beast crowned with a firepelt cougar’s skull. He wears a shirt decorated with countless jangling animal bones, many painstakingly scrawled with dozens of tiny symbols and glyphs. A bearskin cloak is draped about his bony shoulders, and warpaint in the shape of a skull decorates his face. The Shoanti’s eyes are milky as if he were blind, though you get the impression that he sees better than most men half his age. With him is a regal red-feathered razor crow named Eats-Eyes. He regards the you impassively while Cressida introduces him as Thousand Bones, a Way-Keeper for the Skoan-Quah, the Clan of the Skull. Cressida bids the you to sit,
"I want to thank you for the alacrity you've shown in capturing Trinia. The mob violence will hopefully subside. Unfortunately, damage has been done. Tensions between Korvosa and the Shoanti have existed since the city’s foundation some 300 years ago, when Chelish colonists attacked and defeated the Shoanti tribes who dwelt in the region destined to become the largest city in Varisia. Forced to retreat and relocate into the inhospitable Cinderlands northeast of Korvosa, the Shoanti persevered and even flourished, and many among them preach that the time to take back their ancestral homeland is nigh. Yet in Korvosa itself, the Shoanti seek a more peaceful accord. Led by a visionary shaman, the man you see before you, a large group of Shoanti have been in talks with the Korvosan government for years now, hoping to find a way their two people can coexist in peace... But during one of the riots, a boy named Gaekhen was killed in a misplaced attempt at vigilantism. Gaekhen was a grandson to Thousand Bones."b She then turns the floor over to Thousand Bones. The old shaman speaks with a deep voice, his words carefully chosen but delivered with a barely restrained anger.
"“My people have worked hard to understand yours, yet it seems each day we see new examples of how your people work just as hard to foster old hatreds. My grandson is dead, beaten to death by cowards in your city street. I do not blame you, yet still Gaekhen is dead, and my son and his kin are not so forgiving as I. They wish to return to the Skoan-Quah in the Cinderlands, to join with the Sklar-Quah and rally to war against Korvosa. This would be disastrous, for both our peoples. Amends must be made. “Our ways are not as yours. If a body does not go whole to the fires of the gods, the smoke of a warrior’s spirit cannot rise to the Great Sky. If I could send Gaekhen’s body to the Great Sky with honor and dignity, his father and brothers would listen to me and stay their wrath—the talks of peace between my people and yours can continue. But he was not just murdered. His body was taken from the scene of his death, sold by a peddler of corpses to a necromancer named Rolth, a criminal to both our people. I have spoken with the spirits, and they have revealed to me that Gaekhen’s body has been taken to a place below your boneyard, a place the spirits call the Dead Warrens. “With this knowledge, I could surely lead a group of my finest warriors into your boneyard to retrieve Gaekhen’s body, but this would be seen as an act of aggression by your people. No, it falls to you to make amends for what has been done. You must bring me Gaekhen’s body, lest we be forced to recover him ourselves. And although it pains my heart to say it—we will not be gentle if it comes to this.” Thousand Bones then rises, nods curtly to Cressida, and leaves the room to return to his people to await the delivery of his grandson’s body.
Cressida, "I apologize for his delivery, but he has a solid point and an honorable case. Someone tied to Korvosa needs to find the dead Shoanti’s body and return it to his people as a gesture of good will, or things will quickly go from bad to worse. Normally, I would contact the Church of Pharasma to organize an expedition into one of the warrens under the city graveyard, but the you have continually proven capable, and you are my first nomination for the problem. If the you can help, there’s also another 100 crown reward . I'd like you to begin immediately - though I know you've just expended resources in pursuit of Trinia, but I can certainly answer a few questions first."

Thorgrym the Tracker |

Grym stiffens at the mention of a necromancer. In the past zombies and skeletons were just scary stories, but after being nearly killed by skeletons the ranger feels different. They are an unholy abomination that have no place in the natural order of things. Grym grits his teeth and swallows his initial fear. An insane wizard under the city crafting undead with his hocus pocus powers needs to be stopped and brought to justice. Hopefully on the end of a blade.
The ranger nods in agreement, ready to go immediately. Perhaps with a stop by Sarunraes Temple for some extra holy water.

Odric the Stout |

Odric, to the party says, Perhaps one of the more persuasive among us might request a Shoanti cleric might accompany us into the crypts.
Odric looks at the bones and skull face paint and thinks perhaps Grym is right. Let us stock up on holy water and perhaps some dungeoneering supplies.
The fighter begins to get excited at the prospect of delving into the crypts beneath the city, undead or no.

Sandor Stouthammer |

Sandor also tenses at the mention of a necromancer after his last failure against unholy magiks, and hopes that Morkelb and Gaius can counter them.
He then thinks about what Cressida and Thousand Bones has said and trys to get a mental picture of what this recovery mission will entail.
I would like to check for my knowledge on the following: the Dead Warrens in general and any (in)famous happenings down there, Thousand Bones and the Shoanti, the Church of Pharasma, and Rolth possible allies and general necromancy in the city.
Knowlege Local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Dungeoneering: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Nobility: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
After I congitate for a minute and come up with what I might know, I then ask Cressida to fill in any blanks in my knowledge.......

Odric the Stout |

Odric in his excitement almost fails to recall that Thousand Bones just lost his grandson. While the fighter is ready and willing, in fact enthusiastic, for the adventure he realizes this man's grief must be colossal.
He composes himself and begins, Thousand Bones, I offer my condolences for you loss and I grieve the injustice visited upon your grandson's body. I commit to this job. I can't speak for my companions but I commit to recovering your grandson so he might join your ancestors with honor.
Odric appears to ponder a moment as the milky eyed shaman peers at him. Thousand Bones, you mentioned that a large group of your kinsman armed and attempting to penetrate the depths of the city might cause backlash among the citizenry against your people. Would one single Shoanti have the same effect within our company?
Odric continues, I don't foresee a reaction from the Korvosan populace, and I guarantee my personal protection for anyone you send with us if there is a threat. The problem is, we don't know your grandson. We may not be able to know which of the many bodies in the crypts is his.
With a worried look, Odric elaborates, Additionally, you see before you a party who recently faced the undead and triumphed only at great cost. With a Shoanti cleric at our side, it might be much easier to defeat this necromancer and the likely attendant undead. Please send a Shoanti cleric with us who knows your grandson so that we might recognize him and extract him from the grasp of this foul necromancer.
Odric looks to Sandor or one of the others for support.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Morkeleb the Mighty |

at the mention of a necromancer, Morkeleb makes a subtle, but clearly visible, facial expression of disgust. At the mention of the specific name "Rolth" . . . has Morkeleb heard of such a dude? Is he Acadamae?
After Thousand Bones leaves and discussion ensues, Morkeleb pipes in once. Anything--within reason--that prevents the city from descending into chaos is worthwhile. I will count in on this endeavour. Besides, taking down one who specializes in the gauche practice of necromancy will be its own reward. The word "necromancy" is spat out with clear disdain in this last statement.

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No, Thousand Bones leaves without an opportunity for discussion... unless of course you want to physically block his path. I'll assume you ask this of FM Kroft:
Kroft: "Sadly Odric, no. The Shoanti are a very.....different....kind of people. If you couldn't tell by his message, this problem needs to be handled 100% by Korvosa herself."
Morkeleb, it's a Knowledge (Local) to check for knowledge of "Rolth."

Odric the Stout |

At the mention of the specific name "Rolth" . . . has Morkeleb heard of such a dude? Is he Acadamae?
I know that dude... Go to Rolth's wikipedia entry.

Sandor Stouthammer |

Field Marshal from what I 'ere tha Dead Warrens be a bit of a maze if'n ya don't know where ya goin. Would ya by chance have access to decent maps of the area? Also ya say this Rolth is a known creatin do you know what area of tha Warrens does he claim for his own, or someone who might?
Morkelb I'm guessin that there are any number of reasons a necromancer be needin a dead body, but do you have any guess as to what he would be attempting with it? Do you know if he specialized in any form of necromancy? if'n there is even such a thing...

Morkeleb the Mighty |

I know not of this Rolth, he is either not of the Acadamae, or did not achieve enough fame for general knowledge. Truth be told, I've never involved myself in the circles of the darker arts--I find necromancy exceedingly distasteful, and too much of a blunt instrument to be worthy of my respect. Aside from the obvious reasons a necromancer would want a corpse, perhaps this Rolth has political aspirations. Perhaps he knows enough of the Shoanti culture to have predicted Thousand Bones' reaction and likely course of action.

Ferox Kerr |

With the city is such peril, I can do naught but help. I'll aid in any manner I can in retrieving the boy's body.
Field Marshall, did the boy have any distinguishing features? Anything that would help us identify his body?

Thorgrym the Tracker |

Grym goes to the nearest Temple of Sarenrae. He makes a sizable donation for three extra vials of holy water. (cost +50%)
If Gryms old mentor Aliah is there, he will speak to her and see if any adventuresome clerics want to assist in taking out a Necromancer.
diplomacy check, 1d20 ⇒ 12
After that, with (or with out) a cleric in tow, the ranger heads over to entrance of the Dead Warrens. Grym and Bucho scout around the area but don't go inside till his comrades show up.
perception check, 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

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Cressida: "“Thousand Bones described Gaekhen as about 18 years old with short brown hair and a distinctive scar from a firepelt’s claw on his left cheek. Furthermore, Gaekhen had several large and distinctive Shoanti tribal tattoos on his arms and torso—it’s unlikely that any other freshly-killed Shoanti are in the Dead Warrens today, so that should be a dead giveaway. I didn't want to say this in front of Thousand Bones, but we have the man who sold Gaekhen’s body to Rolth in custody: a simpleton named Elkaris. He spilled everything when we told him what was going on and how much trouble he was in—in any event, Elkaris says he delivered the body via wheelbarrow to a partially collapsed mausoleum deep in Potter’s Ward, near the southern edge. A toppled and headless statue of a sword-wielding gargoyle lay in the dirt near the mausoleum’s entrance—he was told to leave the body behind the gargoyle. This location matches where Thousand Bones believes the Shoanti burial grounds called the Dead Warrens used to be located, so that’s the best place to start the search.”
Grym, the priest nevertheless gives you 4 vials. He explains, however, that there are few clerics willing to venture out like that. Perhaps some name dropping *might* help... I would tell you before you spent Prestige if hiring a PC class works - I just have to look it up first.
Grym (again) You reconnoiter the area, and find the presence of a man’s tracks and a wheelbarrow trail. More interestingly, several smaller humanoid tracks, each bearing only four toes, clutter the site as well. These tracks lead into the mausoleum itself, where you find a poorly hidden secret trap door in the floor that leads down into the dark. It's a Knowledge (Nature) check to identify the tracks.

Thorgrym the Tracker |

Back at the temple, Grym graciously thanks the cleric for the extra holy water and promises to use it well.
The ranger curses his lack of nature knowledge as he studies the tracks. I can't make an untrained check right? However, Grym doesn't worry so much about what the tracks are, but he studies them and lets Bucho get the smell in his nose. He may not know what they are, but he is determined that he can track them.

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Knowledge checks can only be made untrained in a few specific instances:
1. The DC is <=10.
2. It's the Knowledge skill that relates to your favored enemy (though these tracks are obviously not human.

Thorgrym the Tracker |

So the whole party shows up after Grym does his initial scouting. Gauis checks the hidden trap door for traps, then we all head down below.
Grym and Bucho pick up the strange unidentified footprints and start tracking.
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
The ranger uses a sunrod for light, (though will accept a light spell on the pommel of his knife if anyone is offering). The ranger and his dog set off in the lead with Gaius close behind to assist with traps and the like.
Third position can go to one of the two warriors.
Fourth and fifth position should be Morkeleb and Ferox, able to cover the entire party with spell and arrow.
Rear guard can be Odric or Sandor, Ill let them fight it out.

Morkeleb the Mighty |

I am ready. It's unfortunate that I did not get the time to properly prepare to fight undead; those automotons are immune to most mind-affecting magic, which is my specialty. But I will still be useful in this fight.
Message spell all around, as well as light for anyoen who wants it. Staff is in one hand, Magic Missile wand in the other.

Odric the Stout |

Odric is clearly impatient to wade into battle, but realizes that the Undead are not to be trifled with. If taking up rear guard is required to get this thing moving, he will take rear guard. Odric hates the undead, and closes his eyes briefly, imagining The Eagle smashing skulls. He wants some.
Odric lines up at the back of the party and Sandor hears a huge wheezing sound. The dwarf turns to investigate only to nearly insert his bulbous nose in Odric's partially exposed crack. Between the warrior's knees an upside down crimson face, sweat streaming upwards into the eyes and hairline, peers intensely at Sandor's approach and croaks, Stretch out now, dwarf! You'll thank me later!
Odric springs up, arms and hands gesticulating wildly as he nearly loses his balance. The blood rushing back into his head nearly undoes him. With admirable efficiency, The big man turns the wild flailings of his arms from a mechanism ot retain balance into a spirited shoulder warm up.
The Eagle is swooping and diving alarmingly fast. Its sharpened beak coming within a finger's breadth of the ceiling and floor each time.
As Grym looks back to determine what the odd whistling sound is, he sees a sweat-soaked giant of a man spinning his body rapidly around and throwing his leg up on each revolution. The sight would be disturbing in the best of times, but Odric's armored war kilt seems to be disappointingly un-armored from one particular direction. The sunrod unfortunately illuminates the result of the fully raised leg all too well.
When he feels sufficiently warmed up, Odric cracks his neck, twists his trunk to crack his back and cracks his knuckles. A pained expression steals over his glistening, sweaty face. Odric grabs his right knee in his hands with his meaty fingers interlocking to pull his leg up. As the big man pulls up on the leg his biceps bunch and his face turns more and more red with effort and exertion.
Suddenly, a long and drawn out hiss issues forth. Bucho falls over. Sandor claws at his throat as the heavy gas steals all oxygen at his level. The others turn varied shades of green and grey. Odric grins sheepishly and announces, Ready.

Gaius Lirsiiv |

Gaius will scout ahead of the party, moving silently and hiding in shadows while keeping an eye out for traps. Of Odric is the only light source, he'll scout 20' ahead of Sandor, just on the edge of dim light before it fades into complete darkness.
Chris, how do you want to handle stealth and perception checks? Do you want me to make some rolls ahead of time or use an average result? What's going to be the least painless with the PbP format?

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That depends. Do you have the trapspotter talent?
Just post your modifiers when you go. I'll handle the rest.

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Got it. Map forthcoming!

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Exploration map is now up here.
There are no icons for the party as it doesn't really matter...yet.

Ferox Kerr |

Ferox follows the group down the stairs to the entrance of the large room.
Does Gaius report anything or are we proceeding in?

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There were obvious tracks leading into here, but the trail goes cold once inside. They seem to be pointed through the Southern exit. there are scratchy tracks between the main path and the bone heaps on both sides. They're too chaotic to gleam more information than that.
This area is also lit with torches. They're frequent enough in this room at least that the area is fully illuminated.

Gaius Lirsiiv |

Gaius motions the party forward and moves slowly towards the hole in the southern wall. He goes around the pillars to the eastern side, and will peer through the hole in the southern wall, but will stop and check the hole for traps and alarms while he waits for his companions.
Search (Perception):1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

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Ferox 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Gaius 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Grym 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Morkeleb 1d20 ⇒ 2
Odric 1d20 ⇒ 10
Sandor 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
...As you advance into the room and await the okay from Gaius, bones from both the West and East being to stir and converge into undead abominations. To the West form a half dozen human skeletons. To the East a large owlbear! They advance soundlessly with your destruction their only goal. Grym and Sandor may take a standard action before Round One begins as they catch the first stirrings of undead bones.
Ferox 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Gaius 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Grym 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Morkeleb 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Odric 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Sandor 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Battle Map gets an update at 1600 today.

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Here is the Battle map at the start of the Surprise Round.
Grym then Sandor can each take a standard action. Then begin round 1.
Skeleton Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Odric (24)
Grym (22)
Skeleton (17)
Morkeleb (15)
Ferox (14)
Gaius (14)
Sandor (6)

Odric the Stout |

As soon as I see the markers on the map I'll go. I agree with Mike, let's use plenty of strategery here and bring them to us. I have been forgetting Cleave, so I'm going to be looking for a chance to line up a couple of them. Gaius will need a flank for his sneak attack, anyone else have anything they need in order to make this work out for the best?
I think the smartest plan of attack is to focus our attacks on one at a time and attrit the enemy force. 7 mostly dead guys each do full damage, whereas 4 at full health to a lot less in the aggregate. Let's see if we can get through this fight with no near-death experiences.

Odric the Stout |

Odric groans. Damn. Skeletons.
With a sigh, he unlimbers The Eagle and takes up a position near Sandor. Odric heeds Morkeleb's advice, takes up a fighting stance beside the grizzled dwarf and prepares for battle. 1 square east of Sandor. Readied action to attack any enemy that comes within range.

Thorgrym the Tracker |

Grym steps one square north. He quickly unlimbers his sling and lodes a bullet. With grym determination he whirls the sling once around his head and launches a sling out toward the fearsome looking skeletal owlbear monstrosity.
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 and 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
The ranger curses his poor aim. He quickly begins reloading another bullet...

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The good news is, you can save your ammo. Without the Quickdraw feat taking out your sling is a move. Grym steps and draws in the surprise round. Sandor?

Thorgrym the Tracker |

Im gonna be a little busy tomorrow during the day. Im just gonna post my action now. I know its Sandors turn and then Odrics, then mine.
Grym lets fly with his sling bullet at the monstrous owlbear skeleton.
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19 for 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4