Diremerc's Ruins of the Azlant (Inactive)

Game Master DireMerc

loot list

Town map (Talmandor's Bounty)


A1->Dock -> Cleared
A3->Provisions building ->cleared
A4->Tool storage ->cleared
A5->Smithy ->cleared
A6->Chapel -> Haunted
A7->Large home ->cleared
A8->Pallisade gate -> Cleared
A9->Governor's house -> cleared
A10->government building ->cleared
A11-> Soldier barracks -> cleared
A12->colony square ->cleared
A13->Planted lands(crops)
A14->Main street
A15->Crop patches
A16->another garden
A17->plum trees
A18-> Levin farm

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male Human Fighter 1
HP 12/40; AC 22; T13; FF20; F5 R 3 W 5; Ini +3; Perc+7

Bastien looks carefully left and right, checking for more clues to the thrower.
PErc: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Male Aquatic Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldtitch Scoundrel) 4: HP 35/35; AC 16/20; T14; FF16; F3 R 8 W 2, +2 vs enchantments; Ini +4; Perc+ 10

Seeing Quelth trying to open the altar Deranthil takes a look.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

[b[Nope. Doesn't open. [/b]

Druid (Kraken Caller) 1: HP 10/10: AC 21/12/19: Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +5: Init +2: Perception +7: Blur 1/1

On his turn if unharmed.

With a growl of frustration Quelth kicks the altar with all his might attempting to either tip it over or simply smash it.

Str: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

wizard HP: 36/36| AC: 13 T:13 FF:10|CMD:14 Fort: +4 Ref:+6 Will+6| Init: +7 Perception:+5 Lowlight, darkvision

Casting detect magic, perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Vinnicks eyes glow a vibrant lavender again. as he utters the draconic phrase Arcaniss Ocuir!

Quelth manages to break a hole in the side of the altar revealing it is in fact hollow inside. A powerful stench emanates from inside.
Make a fort save dc 11 or be sickened if next to the altar.

The spirit haunting the place finally reveals itself hovering over the altar it appears as a translucent decomposing corpses.
Everyone must make a dc12 will save or be affected by cause fear.

M Human Oracle-4 | HP:30/32 | AC17, T10, FF17 | F+2 R+1 W+4 (+7charm/compul) | CMB+6 CMD16/20 | Init+3, Percep+7 | Effects:

will: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
"Ah, yes, definitely haunted."

male Human Fighter 1
HP 12/40; AC 22; T13; FF20; F5 R 3 W 5; Ini +3; Perc+7

Will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Not really used to the undeath, Bastien is shaking with fear.

Druid (Kraken Caller) 1: HP 10/10: AC 21/12/19: Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +5: Init +2: Perception +7: Blur 1/1

Stomach lurching at the vile aroma, Quelth staggers back terror gripping his heart. Slith is made of sterner stuff and looks on contemptuously.

Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Will: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Slith Will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

Male Aquatic Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldtitch Scoundrel) 4: HP 35/35; AC 16/20; T14; FF16; F3 R 8 W 2, +2 vs enchantments; Ini +4; Perc+ 10

will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

Deranthil looks with curiosity at the spirit. Glancing into the altar he asks the spirt Is your body entombed within this altar?

M Undine (Amphibious, Chelaxian) Bard (Archaeologist) 4 [HP: 12/33 | AC:16 | T:12 | FF:14 | CMB:+4 | CMD:16 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+6 | Will:+7 | Init:+3 | Perc:+11 (Darkvision) | Spd 30 (Swim 30)]

Fort: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 Um, wow.

IIRC, Cause Fear makes you Frightened, so I think anybody who misses the save should run away.

Terrified by the sight of the translucent decomposing corpses, Jordy runs for the door.

Jordy is correct anyone who fails the save would run right out of the church.

The ghostly forms replies to Derantil by using telepathy to hurl a bench at him.attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 162d6 ⇒ (3, 6) = 9

He doesn't communicate either fight or flee

Male Aquatic Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldtitch Scoundrel) 4: HP 35/35; AC 16/20; T14; FF16; F3 R 8 W 2, +2 vs enchantments; Ini +4; Perc+ 10

Darenthal avoids the bench, but not by much. What is this thing and how do we fight it? He steps back 5', pulls his crossbow and fires a bolt.

Light Crossbow: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 131d8 ⇒ 7

the crossbow bolt flies right trough the creature and hits the wall behind him apparently causing it no discomfort.

Anyone got knowledge religion?

M Undine (Amphibious, Chelaxian) Bard (Archaeologist) 4 [HP: 12/33 | AC:16 | T:12 | FF:14 | CMB:+4 | CMD:16 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+6 | Will:+7 | Init:+3 | Perc:+11 (Darkvision) | Spd 30 (Swim 30)]

No, but Jordy can make untrained Knowledge checks at +1. If he wasn't fleeing in terror.

male Human Fighter 1
HP 12/40; AC 22; T13; FF20; F5 R 3 W 5; Ini +3; Perc+7

Bastien runs runs runs.

wizard HP: 36/36| AC: 13 T:13 FF:10|CMD:14 Fort: +4 Ref:+6 Will+6| Init: +7 Perception:+5 Lowlight, darkvision

will: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
know. Relegion: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

This pompus little brat.

I would prefer it if you didn't get more dirt on my clothes, you should also clean the place up. It smells.

?? who is vinnick talking too? the ghost?

Vinnick recognizes the creature as a poltergeist an incorporeal undead.


A poltergeist is an angry spirit that forms from the soul of a creature that, for whatever reason, becomes unable to leave the site of its death. Sometimes, this might be due to an unfinished task—other times, it might be due to a powerful necromantic effect. Desecrating a grave site by building a structure over the body below is the most common method of accidentally creating a poltergeist. The poltergeist experiences great trauma over its condition; this trauma twists its psyche to evil and fosters an overall hatred of the living expressed in outbursts of rage. A poltergeist is bound to a specific place, usually a building, room, or recognizable area (a section of a cemetery, a stretch of lonely road, and so on). This place typically corresponds to its place of death or the resting place of its mortal remains.

Druid (Kraken Caller) 1: HP 10/10: AC 21/12/19: Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +5: Init +2: Perception +7: Blur 1/1

Quelth races out of the church while Slith watches on bemused.

What is the duration?

1d4+1 rounds I think 3 people failed so

Jordy fear: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Quelth fear: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

bastien fear: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

M Human Oracle-4 | HP:30/32 | AC17, T10, FF17 | F+2 R+1 W+4 (+7charm/compul) | CMB+6 CMD16/20 | Init+3, Percep+7 | Effects:

I suppose I could damage that thing with a healing spell, but I'd have to find it first... and actually get close enough to touch it. Diomedes shakes his head and walks out of the church. "Yeah, I'm gonna wait on the priests to bless this place. Maybe they can get rid of it." As he walks by Vinnick, he asks, "If we give, what I assume is a body based on that reeking smell, a proper burial, will this thing go away?"

Unable to defeat the poltergeist you retreat for now and it doesn't pursue you.

Were do you want to go next?

M Undine (Amphibious, Chelaxian) Bard (Archaeologist) 4 [HP: 12/33 | AC:16 | T:12 | FF:14 | CMB:+4 | CMD:16 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+6 | Will:+7 | Init:+3 | Perc:+11 (Darkvision) | Spd 30 (Swim 30)]

Is there a map of the town? I guess the next closest building.

After running for nearly half a minute, Jordy finally comes to his senses. He walks back to the group, shaking his head. "I've rarely come across anything so frightening as that thing. I suppose we'll avoid that one for now." He gestured at the neighboring building.

"This one next?"

Male Aquatic Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldtitch Scoundrel) 4: HP 35/35; AC 16/20; T14; FF16; F3 R 8 W 2, +2 vs enchantments; Ini +4; Perc+ 10

Exiting the building before another bench can be thrown at him Deranthil catches up with Jordy. Agreed. Now that you have calmed down a little, what do you think it was?

Next closest place would be A7 added map and index to at the top of the campaign for easy reference.

This long, rectangular building appears to be a home, though larger than many beyond the palisade to the south. It has three windows, all covered with wooden shutters, and a single door facing northwest, which is unbarred and slightly ajar.

Simple wooden furniture is in disarray throughout this residence. Tables and chairs are knocked over and pushed aside, though none appear willfully broken. Articles of clothing and household items are scattered across the floor as if they were examined briefly and discarded. A large pallet bed is visible in a separate room through an open interior door. A third room with no windows is next to the bedroom but is completely empty.

M Human Oracle-4 | HP:30/32 | AC17, T10, FF17 | F+2 R+1 W+4 (+7charm/compul) | CMB+6 CMD16/20 | Init+3, Percep+7 | Effects:

"Kind of looks like the place was ransacked," Diomedes notes, poking around. "Looks like someone was looking for something."

You look around for anything that stand out and find a a gold wedding band left sitting on a windowsill. “My dearest Livvy” is engraved on the ring’s interior. There are no other direct clues as to who lived here, but there is only one “Livvy” listed on the town charter and she is listed as the wife of Father Adran Felton.

male Human Fighter 1
HP 12/40; AC 22; T13; FF20; F5 R 3 W 5; Ini +3; Perc+7

"Well, who would leave it´s wedding band behind.
This is very very strange!"

Recovered from the fear, Bastien feels a bit ashamed falling so easely to the panic.

Male Aquatic Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldtitch Scoundrel) 4: HP 35/35; AC 16/20; T14; FF16; F3 R 8 W 2, +2 vs enchantments; Ini +4; Perc+ 10

I just had a strange thought. Deranthil pipes. What if Livvy is the wife of the priest from the haunted church we just left. That haunt could be Father Adran Felton and this ring could calm him. Crazy, right?

M Undine (Amphibious, Chelaxian) Bard (Archaeologist) 4 [HP: 12/33 | AC:16 | T:12 | FF:14 | CMB:+4 | CMD:16 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+6 | Will:+7 | Init:+3 | Perc:+11 (Darkvision) | Spd 30 (Swim 30)]
Deranthil wrote:
Exiting the building before another bench can be thrown at him Deranthil catches up with Jordy. Agreed. Now that you have calmed down a little, what do you think it was?

Jordy shrugs. "A ghost? That body was clearly murdered and stuffed in there. They've got to be angry about that." He shakes his head. "And we had to break it open- somebody built that altar to put a body in? That's an insane level of murderousness." If murderourness wasn't a word before, it was now.

"Somebody's going to have to figure out who that body belongs to and who could have built that altar." He looked around at the abandoned town. "Eventually." He sighs. "We'll add it to the list of mysteries."


Deranthil wrote:
I just had a strange thought. Deranthil pipes. What if Livvy is the wife of the priest from the haunted church we just left. That haunt could be Father Adran Felton and this ring could calm him. Crazy, right?

"Was it a man's body? I ran out of there before I could see." Jordy shrugs. "It couldn't hurt to try." He clears his throat, a wry smile on his lips. "Unless the wedding ring is haunted, too." His tone said he was joking, but maybe it was only half a joke after their experience in the chapel.

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Male Aquatic Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldtitch Scoundrel) 4: HP 35/35; AC 16/20; T14; FF16; F3 R 8 W 2, +2 vs enchantments; Ini +4; Perc+ 10

Was hoping you would roll you knowledge religion Jordy.

Well it could hurt. That thing threw a bench at me.

M Human Oracle-4 | HP:30/32 | AC17, T10, FF17 | F+2 R+1 W+4 (+7charm/compul) | CMB+6 CMD16/20 | Init+3, Percep+7 | Effects:

"True, but we could try anyway."

M Undine (Amphibious, Chelaxian) Bard (Archaeologist) 4 [HP: 12/33 | AC:16 | T:12 | FF:14 | CMB:+4 | CMD:16 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+6 | Will:+7 | Init:+3 | Perc:+11 (Darkvision) | Spd 30 (Swim 30)]

Hahaha. Right. Let's see how much the dice gods hate me today.

Kn:Religion: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19 Hey, a decent roll! Surprise surprise! DM, can Jordy ID the poltergeist with some pertinent information?

Jordy nodded. "We'll just have to keep on our toes. We don't all have to go in, either. It could just be one or two of us to take in the ring and see how it reacts."

You would know what was in the spoiler tab from before under poltergeist. and all the info about incorporeal undead and how to hurt them

Male Aquatic Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldtitch Scoundrel) 4: HP 35/35; AC 16/20; T14; FF16; F3 R 8 W 2, +2 vs enchantments; Ini +4; Perc+ 10

After Jordy explains Deranthil offers Well that might mean that we need to bury the body to put the thing to rest. But also we might need to avenge his death or something, right? I doubt its the ring but I am willing to try bringing it in to the altar to see if everyone thinks that is a good idea. He considers for a moment and adds If its incorporeal that means we need magic weapons to harm it. No one has one of those, right?

Druid (Kraken Caller) 1: HP 10/10: AC 21/12/19: Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +5: Init +2: Perception +7: Blur 1/1

Embarrassed by his fright Quelth is quiet for a time, but suggests, "Best to leave it and see if we can find any other clues I reckon. Maybe we could toss the wedding band in tied to some string? See if it reacts to it? Then yank it back if it don't because, you know, gold. Mother sad story if you are right, which seems likely."

M Undine (Amphibious, Chelaxian) Bard (Archaeologist) 4 [HP: 12/33 | AC:16 | T:12 | FF:14 | CMB:+4 | CMD:16 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+6 | Will:+7 | Init:+3 | Perc:+11 (Darkvision) | Spd 30 (Swim 30)]

Jordy shrugs. "We can just move on and deal with it later. It's not going anywhere and it won't leave the church. And there could be more clues to find, you're right. We just need to make sure we don't forget before the ship lands. In fact, if we're going to move on first, let me write on the doors of the church to warn people not to go in."

Male Aquatic Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldtitch Scoundrel) 4: HP 35/35; AC 16/20; T14; FF16; F3 R 8 W 2, +2 vs enchantments; Ini +4; Perc+ 10

A good idea. Yes. Lets move on. We may later be better equipped with weapons or knowledge to deal with the, what was it again?

M Undine (Amphibious, Chelaxian) Bard (Archaeologist) 4 [HP: 12/33 | AC:16 | T:12 | FF:14 | CMB:+4 | CMD:16 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+6 | Will:+7 | Init:+3 | Perc:+11 (Darkvision) | Spd 30 (Swim 30)]

"Poltergeist. Just give me a moment." Jordy took a piece of chalk out of his belt pouch and stepped up to the church doors. After closing them he wrote in big letters "DANGER INSIDE. DO NOT ENTER." That done, he went back to the group and pointed at the closest building they hadn't already entered. "This one next?"

You decide to leave the church alone for now and move on to the smithy.

This L-shaped building is constructed of mud bricks on a wooden frame. The western portion is of the structure is enclosed by four walls. This section has a single open window on the south side, with a canvas curtain hung across the opening. The single entrance is a wooden door, standing slightly ajar, on the southern end of the eastern face of the building. A ten-foot extension connects to the building on the east side. This extension has only a northern wall and is otherwise just a roof sheltering the space below, which is open to the outside. Underneath this cover is a forge with an exhaust flue directly above it, a worktable covered in metal scraps, a small tub of black water, and a partially sheltered anvil.

Male Aquatic Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldtitch Scoundrel) 4: HP 35/35; AC 16/20; T14; FF16; F3 R 8 W 2, +2 vs enchantments; Ini +4; Perc+ 10

Deranthil detects magic as he searches the smithy.

Deranthil detects several magical auras inside the building.

perc: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

He goes inside looking for the source when something tried to jab him with a spear from above.
attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 111d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Another one hiding behind the forge trows a dagger at him.
attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 241d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Getting a better look at the creatures they resemble goblins but they are covered in fur and have tails. They seems particularly agile as the one above is hanging upside down from a beam holding on with his feet and tail and seems perfectly comfortable like that

The one above shouts "OUT! OUT! Ghosthater has claimed this place it's treasures are ours now"

Male Aquatic Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldtitch Scoundrel) 4: HP 35/35; AC 16/20; T14; FF16; F3 R 8 W 2, +2 vs enchantments; Ini +4; Perc+ 10

The spear misses but the dagger hits. Roll again to confirm the threat.

Hey! Ouch! Deranthil yells as he reaches for his newly found wand.

Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

confirm crit: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Monkey-goblin init 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

Male Aquatic Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldtitch Scoundrel) 4: HP 35/35; AC 16/20; T14; FF16; F3 R 8 W 2, +2 vs enchantments; Ini +4; Perc+ 10

By stepping back 5' in the right direction can I get both creatures in the wand's cone? If so, consider them color sprayed. I fear the DC is only an 11 though. Is that right?

male Human Fighter 1
HP 12/40; AC 22; T13; FF20; F5 R 3 W 5; Ini +3; Perc+7

ini: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

You could get one or the other. If you step back then the one who trew the dagger is just out of range while if you stay put you can get the one with the dagger but not the one directly above you. I will make a map when I get home I'm at work at the moment.

Male Aquatic Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldtitch Scoundrel) 4: HP 35/35; AC 16/20; T14; FF16; F3 R 8 W 2, +2 vs enchantments; Ini +4; Perc+ 10

Hmm. Since I am pretty sure Wands do not provoke, perhaps I do not need to step back...

M Human Oracle-4 | HP:30/32 | AC17, T10, FF17 | F+2 R+1 W+4 (+7charm/compul) | CMB+6 CMD16/20 | Init+3, Percep+7 | Effects:

init: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

There isn't a map provided for this battle so I made one. Had to modify the layout a little bit cause I used a base map I found online that was a bit different but it saves me a bit of work...made this in paint with a whole lot of copy pasting lol

combat map

male Human Fighter 1
HP 12/40; AC 22; T13; FF20; F5 R 3 W 5; Ini +3; Perc+7

Bastien will move in and attack the closest enemy.
Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 161d10 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

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