DaWay's Ruby Phoenix Tournament (Inactive)

Game Master DaWay

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Lantern Lodge


The sorceress Hao Jin left an indelible mark upon the land of Tian Xia. Throughout her centuries-long life, Hao Jin—a devout follower of Abadar, god of contracts, wealth, and order—set out to amass her own First Vault, a collection of those items she deemed most perfect or
wondrous in all the world. Among the many Abadaran pacts and contracts that dictated Hao Jin’s life was her carefully contracted agreement with the temple of Abadar in Goka regarding the fate of her collection in the event of her eventual death. Fearful that her treasures would fall into the wrong hands or simply be lost to history, Hao Jin left strict instructions that were she not to set foot within the temple for 10 years and a day, on the 10 year anniversary of that occasion, an
epic competition of martial arts was to be held, overseen by the city’s Abadaran clergy; the winning team would be allowed to choose a single item as a prize for their victory. Not only would this prevent the collection from immediately being broken up, but it also ensured her life’s work would attain its own legendary immortality through
the prestige the contest would bring. During her lifetime, many who knew of her will attempted to end her life prematurely, and many succeeded. But Hao Jin had contingencies in place to such a degree that even her most cunning and careful would be assassins underestimated her ability to return from the dead. Each time an enemy killed her, she miraculously emerged unscathed days later, her red hair a shade more
vibrant than before her death. Her ability to overcome death and the resemblance her hair soon had to an animated, flickering flame earned Hao Jin the nickname Ruby Phoenix, and over the centuries of her life, many believed her to be truly immortal. Yet in 6891 ic (Imperial Calendar; 4391 ar), a recordkeeper at Goka’s Grand Bank of Abadar informed the archbanker that a decade and a day had passed since the Ruby Phoenix last visited the temple. The conditions of her will had been met. As no one had seen nor heard from the sorceress for several years, she was assumed to have finally met her end, and the preparations were made to conduct the first Ruby Phoenix Tournament 10 years later. That tournament also established the office of the Emissary, an Abadaran official appointed for life to run the proceedings. Each decennial since, the greatest champions from across Golarion have vied for the victors’ spot, and most contestants have competed honorably and passionately. A decade ago, however, the Ruby Phoenix Tournament was the subject of a terrible scandal that resulted in the first disqualification of a contestant in over a century.
The shamed competitor was the earth sorceress Wu Dizhen, who was caught callously and repeatedly cheating and had to be ejected from the contest. Among the most egregious of her crimes were employing her identical twin, Wu Jufeng, as a body double (which allowed her to leave
the island for healing and aid), using Wu Jufeng as outside aid during contests, and not sparing foes who forfeited bouts. Wu Dizhen’s crimes were discovered only moments prior to her entry into the final round of the contest, and her disqualification resulted in the automatic victory of her competitor, the Iomedaean paladin Marthysan the Righteous.

Lantern Lodge


You have arrived on Goka a couple of days ago and have contracted a "ferry" to take you over to the island Xielan. Where the thirty-first Ruby Phoenix is to be held. You have made your preparations over the past couple of days knowing that once on the island you will not be able to leave for any reason. The contest is being held over the next five days, and from previous matches you know you will be engaging in multiple matches, exhibition fights, as well as skill test for your martial proficiency.

The large ferry you are on is nothing but a fishing boat crowded with eager contestants, excited spectators, and the native fisherman earning their living.

aboard the ferry Kerumi would be sizing up the competition, he likes to know what he may be up against

A cursory glance at the almond skinned half-elf causing a raucous laugh in a circle of lesser aristocrats would suggest yet another mere spectator to the games. He carries no armor, no shield, not even the ceremonial dagger heavily inlayed with jewels several degrees sharper than its blade (which many have found to be quite the valued accessory) and yet he has the audacity to stand with his back to a group of sordid brigands while he carries on with the banker’s loveliest daughter. “Well perhaps the crowds would be so lucky as to see you participating in the next tournament,” he jests to their mountainous guard. ”No doubt you have the look of a champion about you, ser.” He winks to the stone-faced knight before leaning over to kiss the young woman’s hand and whispering gently ”I’ll be watching for you in the stadium , my love. Do promise me that you'll not forget our time together.”

Turning on the heel of his soft polished boots, the gentleman rogue starts back to the cluster of contestants he managed to surround himself with only a few nights prior all the while keeping a keen eye for any loose purse strings affixed to dim hosts in the overcrowded areas of the ferry. The family behind him was the last of many families he had set about schmoozing with when he arrived in Goka five days ago, surely their favor would prove beneficial when the contests begin. If not then he at least suffered the luxury of fine wines and gourmet meals over the better part of his time here. When the ferry overtakes an unexpected wave Treiden purposefully throws himself into chest of a simple looking thug he remembered from the preliminary trials, a sluggish fighter with the reflexes of a jar of honey. ”Dear sir, pardon my clumsiness. It would appear I’ve not yet earned my sea legs.” While he fumbles his hands over the man’s collar in attempt to recompose the already ruffled clothing, he attempts to slip a loose belt pouch into his own accommodating jacket sleeve. ”Again, sir, I stress to you my apologies. I wish you a fine fortune in the coming days, friend.”

Slight of Hand: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27 (pickpocket attempt *Should be DC 29. See edit below.)

When he finally returns from making his rounds across the boat he greets everyone in the group with an individual smile. ”So I gather that this tournament is indeed quite the ‘hoorah’ around here, wouldn’t you say?” he ask rhetorically in attempt to prod the stoic fighters into social graces. He tugs a heavy golden pocket watch from his vest by the chain and delicately buffs the face with the sleeve of his crimson stitched grey jacket before actually checking the time. ”My word! Can you believe we’ve been on this damned boat for only 20 minutes!? Any longer and I fear I may catch scurvy…”

Edit - Slight of hand should be a +17 instead of +15. Forgot to change my skills after switching archetypes. Sorry

Seated with his back to the side of the ferry, a monstrous looking man waits quietly, listening to the many goings on of the people around him. Perception 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (17) + 18 = 35 He spots the foppish man pick a large man in armors pocket and lift his coin purse. Smiling around his tusks, Li reaches over and scratches behind the ears of the very large black and white tiger resting next to him. Purring contentedly, the tiger opens an eye and looks around before returning to its rest.

The man wears a breastplate and greaves of black dragon hide, embossed with silvery runes of magical power, the large thick scale harder than the best steel. He carries only a single weapon, a scimitar of simple make but excellent quality. Across his brow he wears a black band of leather with more silvery runes written across it. The rest of his ensemble is made of black and red leather, various pieces embroidered and embossed with silvery runes. The clothing and gear seems to complement his bluish-grey skin and red eyes the color of fresh blood.

Lantern Lodge


A particularly friendly passenger approaches your group, assumed to be all seated together. She tips back her conical hat and in a sweet, cheerful voice says Hi! I'm Risha and extends a slender hand. Risha is dressed in the clothing of a Gokan fisherman, though the woman is ovciously Ativistani, with auburn hair and sharp Chelish features. She carries a large pack that is stuffed to the brim. I have so many questions, it's about time I met some competitors. What did you do before the tournament? How did you learn to fight? Oh, do you have a particular fighting style like crane, or maybe boar, what about monkey?

Li smiles around his tuskes and says I can do crane, boar, and monkey, among others.

Lantern Lodge


of course the druid can emulate the fighting styles of animals, *facepalm*

Oh really?!? squeeks Risha, What else can you do?

Kerumi looks at her with a stern gaze I am Kerumi of the Osahari school, I was taught there in my families traditional styles. The crane, the boar and the dragon. he looks her up and down, judging her potential abilities in a fight are you competing in the tournament as well?

Lantern Lodge


She looks at you and says in a sweet, matter-of-fact voice, I am

bowing his head slightly then, Risha, I wish you luck in the tournament and I look forward to seeing your abilities in martial combat

DaWay wrote:
of course the druid can emulate the fighting styles of animals, *facepalm*[ooc]

[ooc]I thought you'd like that lol.

The big Oni-spawn looks at the girl and says I can do a great many things. What is it you do? I must admit myself surprised...most people are uncomfortable at the sight of me, yet you are not.

Lantern Lodge


Risha replies, I've seen half-orcs before and scarier in Cheliax, but what are you most scared of in the tournament? Anything you don't want to do?

I am no half-orc. As far as what I am scared of...you do not think I would tell a potential opponent that do you? He says with another smile.

Lantern Lodge


Risha says coyly, with a spark in her eye as she runs a finger down your chest aww, not even for me?

@Treiden, thats fine you get his coin purse. I'm not really concerned about wealth since this will be a closed atmosphere and it being a one shot.

Li grins at the girl but as soon as she touches him, Shinzen lets loose a low rumbling growl at the girl and stands. I would advise playing your tricks on someone else girl. Shinzen does not take kindly to those touching me without permission. That said, he pats Shinzen on the head and says It is alright. I am in no danger fierce one.

Returning his gaze to Risha he says How about yourself, Risha? What do you fear?

Lantern Lodge


She looks at you and says, That will have to wait for the tournament, fierce one. She gives you a wink and turns Good luck to you and your team

If anyone else has anything they would like to interject and talk to Risha about feel free, but for the most part I am done tonight. I will try and post next after work tomorrow about 1630 EST.

Treiden stands aside while the others have their exchange with Risha, swinging his watch by the chain in a circular motion as he appreciates the subtlety of her sentences. When the opportunity presents itself he swiftly sweeps her hand into his and gifts it with a welcoming kiss. "Treiden Wallace, another talentented hopeful in the weeks coming events. You yourself seem quite infused with the rich cultures Goza has to offer. How long, if you don't mind my asking, have you been parted from your home in Cheliax?"

Knowledge(local): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16 (on Risha the Cheliaxan")

Lantern Lodge


Risha looks at the more attractive companion and playfully touches his chest Oh not to long, so how do you feel a fencer will fair in this competition?

Kerumi turns to Li Fu'Chao I do not trust that one, we must watch her and take note if she has any companions

Li keeps his eyes on Risha and says to Kerumi Agreed. She is either extremely dangerous or extremely foolish. In either case she is someone to watch.

Dark Archive

Tiefling Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 11

Nemeia suddenly interjects (where did she come from?), "I hope that a fencer can do well, as I have some facility at fencing myself. Where in Cheliax do you come from?"

Stealth to not be noticed until now: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (20) + 23 = 43
Sense motive on Risha: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31 (okay why am I only rolling 20's today?)

Lantern Lodge


DM rolls:
Risha Bluff1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

She states that she is originally from Egoria but has moved around since, as she talks to you she feels her pockets. She frantically starts looking in all her pockets and bags. She says that she seems to have misplaced some items. She looks up at you worried and says Good Luck in the tournament. And with that shes off.

You sense this is an obvious ruse and she is just trying to scout out the competition.

I hope that means you are getting all your 20's out of the way now

"Ah so you watched my exhibition in the preliminaries?" he says smiling as he allows her to continue on in her shameless way. "No doubt Turken the Wall felt a world less sturdy as I removed each button from his pettycoat from last to first with my rapier before forcing his surrender. Freeing his belt was just the cherry on the tart. As for the tournament, I feel confident in my own abilities. Why wouldn't I? Ha!"

Lantern Lodge


for those of you who are not used to the swaying of the ship can I get a fortitude roll.

I'd say it's been a while since Treiden has taken a good long boat ride so:

Fort: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Dark Archive

Tiefling Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 11

Nemeia trains for a lot of things, but doesn't spend a lot of time on ships.
Fort: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Fort: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16

Kerumi is used to the solid ground of his school

Fortitude save 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25

Li has traveled most extensively and as such has been on lots of boats.

Female Samsaran Bladebound Magus 11

Fort Save: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

Nalita is also an extensive traveler.

Nalita, having remained silent most of their journey, had stopped reading during the exchange with Risha and listened to the conversation. She thinks to herself, "I do believe I recall having a similar disposition at one point, I believe 4 lifetimes ago. A courteasn that time around."

A voice pops into her own head, coming from the sword at her side. "A time when I wasn't with you then. Plus I don't quite remember you that pretty." A fading laugh can be heard as Kuroi Tsubasa quiets in her mind.

With the young lady taking her leave, she puts away the book, a heavily biased and inaccurate history of Goka she had picked up for the trip, and rises to take in the view.

"It would seem our competition has already begun the battle." She says aloud, though to no one in particular.

Lantern Lodge


For all of those who did not make a FORT save of 20. Consider yourself sickened while you are on the boat. When I update later the boat journey will be ending.

Lantern Lodge


Or on second thought nauseated might work better thematically.

Kerumi politely, yet quickly, excuses himself muttering a prayer to the water kami from under his breath in the native tongue.

Lantern Lodge


You finally make it to port in New Harbor and the townsfolk shower you and the rest of the contestants in cherry blossoms. Celebrating as much as for the tournament and its competitors as for the prosperity it brings to the town. The crowd is interspersed with people bringing you a ceramic cup with a strong pungent liquor. It seems as though the prosession is leading to the center of town, where a crowded noodle house, Yon Loi's, serves as the hub of all activity in New Harbor.

Dark Archive

Tiefling Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 11

Losing herself in the crowd a few times, Nemeia ducks into some side streets to see what shops are located where, making sure she keeps up with the procession and is not missed.

Stealth: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (18) + 23 = 41
Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27

Treiden waits patiently for Risha to disappear from sight before he drapes himself over the railing next to Li and manages to hold in the poached snapper he had for breakfast for the duration of the trip.

When the ferry reaches New Harbor he frantically recomposes himself for the long awaiting crowd. All winks and smiles, the well-to-do Varisian accepts any and all gifts distributed to him by the good folks outside.

"Ah. To be able to use the public entrance again, and a welcoming party to boot! Today marks the first day in my long postponed return to fame.

Lantern Lodge


Nemeia there are numerous shops of the mundane variety in an open air market of sorts. It's mostly dead and empty stalls due to the arrival of the participants in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament.

Female Samsaran Bladebound Magus 11

As the boat arrives at port and the passengers prepare to unload, Nalita secures her belongings, making sure all are where they should be, arranged to deter the errant thief. "Keep on eye on my back, Kuroi Tsubasa." She sends through the link as she raises her parasol to shield herself from the sun.

Nalita walks with the procession through the town, maintaining her composure, attempting to stay towards the center of the group. When proferred a cup, she politely accepts it, but only sips abit as a gesture of politeness.

As she travels through the town, images flash through her head, half-forgotten images of what this town might once have been. "I have been her before. I remember not who I was, nor for what reason. But I have set foot upon this soil once before. For good or ill remains to be seen."

Kerumi gathers both himself and his possessions. He walks through the crowd, head held high in confidence. When offered a drink he well politely accept the mug, but holds on to it rather than drinking it until he's alone to dispose of the contents.

Lantern Lodge


As contestants arrive, townsfolk shower them with cherry blossoms and hand out ceramic cups filled with warm, pungent liquor. The crowd forms a reception that leads to the center of town, where a crowded noodle house, Yon Loi’s, serves as the hub of all activity in New Harbor. The noodle house is a large, open-air structure centered around a courtyard filled with long, shaded tables for commoners. Smaller round tables fill a roofed balcony surrounding the courtyard, from which wealthier patrons and the tournament elite may look over the establishment. The kitchen sits on the ground floor, behind a short partition.
The townsfolk help in seating and serving the newly arriving contestants. Each receives a complimentary bowl of salty noodle soup containing fish and vegetables. This gathering place will serve as your communal place of rest and relaxation for the next 5 days of the ruby phoenix tournament.

After making haste with his dinner and thanking the servers with a heavy tip, Kerumi stops one of the servers is there somewhere close by that I may practice in peace before the first match?

Li moves to a table and has some soup and orders some meat for Shinzen to dine on.

Kerumi. Be careful. These tournaments are rife with those who would seek to win by any means necessary. I would not put it past them to attempt to purge you from the competition while on your own. He let's his gaze linger a moment upon the man before returning to his meal.

"I would gladly accompany you on such an excursion my dear Kerumi but I find it most rude to ignore the bounty set before us," the half-elf interrupts between bites. We are but guests and entertainers to these marvelous peoples. Come. Shine a bit of that monomaniacal charm on your spectators and opponents and I assure you it will repay you in spades. Practice your art in the morning, opportunities to study and interact with the competition are a valuable commodity. It would be ill advised to discard them so... indiscriminately." Treiden crams an over-sized mouthful of noodles into his mouth and processes them at an underwhelming pace before going on to add, "I remind you, my friend, the audience is equally as dangerous as the challengers. Possibly more so, in a sense at least. Any time you have to woo these people could be regrettably wasted by your absence."

Female Samsaran Bladebound Magus 11

"Li is correct. Many things have changed over the lifetimes I've seen. The capacity for deceit amongst the races of this world is one that remains constant. We should attempt to pair off at least, watch each other's back."[b] She gives Treiden a coy smile. [b]"And not like you were watching Risha's."

Nalita finishes partaking of the meal provided and attempts small talk with some of the other competitor's, not only for the social aspect, but also as an attempt to learn more about the competition.

Gather Info (Diplomacy): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

After a moment of contemplation Kerumi looks at the rest of his companions and sits back down. Thank you, Li, for reminding me I am not necessarily in a room of honorable competitors. My worldly experience is not as great and varied as yours or Treiden's. And thank you, Treiden, for your insight into the intricacies of combating not only your opponent, but the audience as well. Many of my battles in similar circumstances were viewed by my peers alone and I would do well to remember I am in a very different world here. Kerumi orders another bowl of soup Please, Treiden, if you would be so kind as to share your experiences in these situations I would be very eager to learn from them.

Dark Archive

Tiefling Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 11

"Anyway, we should eat while we can. If there's one thing I've learned, it's not to pass up on a chance for a good meal, you never know when your next one will be."

Returning an unabashed grin to Natalia, ”Darling dear, I admire any with the courage and capacity to encourage good will on her adversaries. An eye on her backside is merely a welcomed bonus.”

Diplomacy (influence attitude): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Treiden defensively chews another large bite of noodles while he contemplates Kerumi's question. ”Well...*cough, clears throat* Excuse me. Well I suppose the best way to imagine this is as you the theatre though I doubt a man of your nature has ever gone out of their way to make time for such an event, not that I harbor any ill feeling on that, so consider it as you would in viewing your peers' sparing. Judging the way you carry yourself I would go as far to assume such exhibits were met by onlookers with the utmost respect and reservation; this will not be the case here.” Breaking to dab the corners of his mouth with his napkin and sip his pungent liquor. ”This tournament occurs but once every ten years. I need ask to but look around you to recognize that these people are ecstatic! The trials set before us are as much a treasure for them as the prize is for us if – no – WHEN we succeed. You want these people to know your name so that even the furthest from view will no who to cheer for even if they can't see precisely what is happening.” He drains his mug and rises to his feet in a single action then sets about mopping up the runoff with his napkin. He then straitens his jacket and plucks a few unsightly fibers from his cream colored leather vest. ”My friend if it pleases you, join me while I make my rounds and mingle with our hosts. I will introduce you to those I've already met and together may we break the hearts of newcomers.”

For the next few hours of crowd pleasing and conversing. This is just for character purposes (just like the pickpocket) so it doesn't matter if it has no real ingame effect.
Diplomacy (influence attitude): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Diplomacy (influence attitude): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Diplomacy (influence attitude): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Diplomacy (influence attitude): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Diplomacy (influence attitude): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Diplomacy (influence attitude): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Diplomacy (influence attitude): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Dark Archive

Tiefling Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 11

I am here to win, not to woo the crowd. I will undoubtedly receive attention during the tournament, but other than that I need to keep a low profile.

Skills to keep a low profile while making polite conversation:
Bluff: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (1) + 16 = 17
Stealth: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (4) + 25 = 29

Kerumi nods in approval at Treidan my silver tongue may not be as practiced as yours, but I am known to instill fear in the hearts of my opponents with not much more than my presence. Together we shall diminish the oppositions confidence in their own abilities and replace it with fear of our own strength. Kerumi then stands with Treidan and walls with him into the crowd

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