DM Nations Dead Suns

Game Master SalaciousCrumb

Roll20 Maps

Starship Combat cheat sheet



XP: 4350/6000 Currently Level 3

Blacklock: SP7/7 HP10/10 RP1/1
Creds: 314
Ammo: 18/20

Breaker: SP4/7 HP9/9 RP4/4
Creds: 467
Ammo: 60/60

Buzzsaw: SP7/7 HP12/12 RP3/3
Creds: 357

Digdig: HP10/10

Gryggax SP 12/12 HP 14/14 RP 5/5 l Spells 3/3 l
Creds: 381
Ammo 20/20

Kasha: SP5/5 HP10/10 RP4/4
Creds: 422
Ammo: 20/20

Xond:SP0/8 HP9/9 RP4/4
Creds: 376
Ammo: 30/30

351 to 400 of 594 << first < prev | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | next > last >>

Tossing envelope fragments this way and that "Ambassador of Absolom...out of says..." Blacklock reads the letter out loud.

The letter that Blacklock reads aloud states:

Greetings, my name is Gevalarsk Nor and I am the Ambassador to Absalom from Eox. I am requesting a meeting with you as soon as possible to discuss the matter of the ‘drift rock’ in dispute. I have a situation that I think may be beneficial to us both. Please come to the embassy located in the Ring at your earliest convenience so we can discuss the matter.

Gevalarsk Nor
Ambassador of Eox

Male LN Shirren Mystic Ace Empath 3 l Per +11; Init +3 l F2, R4, W7 l EAC: 16 KAC:17 l SP 18/18 HP 21/21 RP 6/6 l Spells 6/6 l Ammo 20/20, 99/100

Taking a pause to reflect on what this could possibly mean, Gryggax does not speak at first. After some thought, he asks of the crew, "Do you think that it might be a trap?"

Culture to see what he knows of the Ambassador: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Communalism reroll Culture: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Does Gryggax know anything at all about this Ambassador?

Android Technomancer 3 | SP 21/21, HP 19/19, RP 4/4 | EAC 16, KAC 17, vs. Maneuver 24 | Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3 | Init +7 | Perception +0; low-light vision, darkvision

Physical Science for Eox: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
Life Science for Denizens of Eox: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

"Indeed, this Gevalarsk could be involved with Astral. We should take time to do some research about them, and make sure this isn't a trap."


SVs Fort +4/ Ref +5/ Will +2; +2 to saves vs. poison, spells | Speed 20 Init +2 Per +7 DV 60 | SP 21 | HP 24 | RP 3 EAC 17 KAC 19; +4 KAC vs. trip and bullrush

Boris shutters at the mention of Eox. "Damned right its a trap. Ya can't trust any Eoxian...those lifeless fiends don't have souls. Whatever they offer us, they're gonna take far more."

Boris paces back and forth muttering to himself, "I ain't going back. Ain't gonna happen. Not going back."

Tapping his fingers as if mathematically calculating "Woah...wait a minute...'gevelarsk nor' rearranges to Rok'n that a coincidence? I think I know about this guy..."

Culture: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18



Elebrian civilisation arose and flourished on Eox, then a verdant world, long before the Gap. The ancient elebrians were gifted in both the magical and technological arts. In their hubris, they went to war with the neighbouring planets Damiar and Iovo, then known as the Twins, whose residents refused to acknowledge their supremacy. Their most powerful weapon, capable of destroying planets, shattered the Twins into the asteroid belt now called the Diaspora, but also destroyed most of Eox's atmosphere and irradiated the entire planet. A few thousand elebrians survived the cataclysm in sealed underground bunkers, but the extent of the devastation made it clear that rebuilding was impossible. Elebrian leaders decided to turn to necromancy, transforming themselves and most survivors into undead in order to survive on their now-inhospitable homeworld; they became known as the first bone sages. Since then, undead elebrians have far outnumbered living ones on Eox.
In 7 AG, the bone sages launched the Magefire Assault on Absalom Station. The undead fleet was halted and defeated by the station's powerful defences.[3]
Five years after Veskarium incursions into the Pact Worlds system (then known as the Golarion system) in 36 AG, the Eoxians were the first to sign the Absalom Pact, a system-wide defense and governance pact. Not all elebrians supported this decision; a portion of the Eoxian military went rogue, creating the officially disowned Corpse Fleet. There is no doubt that the elebrians were instrumental in defending the system from the Veskarium and later the Swarm.


Elebrians have traditionally had quick wits and a natural desire to accumulate both knowledge and power. They are driven to tasks that provide either a valued insight or a significant advantage.[1]
Politically, Eox is divided into individual fiefdoms. In each fiefdom, a bone sage is the absolute ruler over thousands of vassals, intelligent or monstrous. While the bone sages constantly bicker among themselves, they present a powerful unified front to the rest of the Pact Worlds. Except for the bone sages, who are almost all elebrian necrovites, social standing isn't tied to an individual's undead type, though usually only the powerful types have the intelligence and drive to own their own businesses or climb the social ladder. The small population of living elebrians are often considered second-class citizens, relegated to settlements with breathable air and radiation shielding.[6]
In most elebrian necropoleis, the laws are simple and designed primarily to ensure the ruling class is not bothered or threatened. Minor violations are likely to be overlooked as long as they do not create significant trouble.[6]
The undead elebrians know that they won't age or weaken, there's no concept of retirement, and an elebrian knows they'll remain capable of doing a task that they can do now. The undead elebrian population is stable, with no births, no deaths from natural causes, and enough new corpses to replace destroyed undead. The only fear of an elebrian is having some supernatural hunger go unsatisfied, driving them to desperation and eventual madness.


Elebrians are the dominant intelligent race of Eox. Most elebrians turned to undeath when the backlash from a superweapon decimated their world, and few living elebrians survive to the present day.


Gryggax remembers reading a newer publication in the Lorespire archives that explained the recent push in the oligarchy of Eox to establish better diplomatic relationships with the rest of the Pact Worlds and Gevalarsk Nor was chosen because he was well-known for his diplomatic skills and he possessed great interest in establishing stronger relationships, including economic ties with rest of the Pact Worlds.

Once you decide if you accept his invitation or not, then we can proceed either to the meeting or to somewhere else.

Blacklock takes a seat in a comfy couch there in hotel lounge, pulling out a fine white handkerchief and polishing his spiffy new SP Thunderstriker deep in thought "Everyone's crazy about this drift rock, eh? I suppose he's calculated that we've sympathized with Hardscrabble...why else contact us?" after a time "I say we meet the rotter, hear his offer at least."

Male LN Shirren Mystic Ace Empath 3 l Per +11; Init +3 l F2, R4, W7 l EAC: 16 KAC:17 l SP 18/18 HP 21/21 RP 6/6 l Spells 6/6 l Ammo 20/20, 99/100

"I will go with you Mr. Blacklock, in the short time that we have worked together, I feel a strange connection to you and the rest of our crew," the shirren states as simply as possible before offering up his personal opinion on the matter, " But, please let us exercise caution as I feel that Mr. Mulligan's concerns about the Elebrians seem alarmingly valid to me. As an empath, I can sense real concern in his reluctance to go."

Gryggax is in, but he has a feeling that this may be a trap of some sort.

Android Technomancer 3 | SP 21/21, HP 19/19, RP 4/4 | EAC 16, KAC 17, vs. Maneuver 24 | Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3 | Init +7 | Perception +0; low-light vision, darkvision

"It might not be terrible to at least hear the Ambassador out. There is little doubt that Eox's fleet was instrumental in protecting the Pact Worlds from invasion by the Veskarium and later the Swarm. Still, the fact that most Eoxians are some form of undead and their leaders have heavily practiced necromancy means that some caution must be maintained. I propose that we take the time to do some research and see if the Ambassador is connected to either Astral or the Hardscrabble to determine the degree of caution needed."

Turning to Boris, he says, "You seem to have some experience with Eoxians before. Would you care to share with us?"


SVs Fort +4/ Ref +5/ Will +2; +2 to saves vs. poison, spells | Speed 20 Init +2 Per +7 DV 60 | SP 21 | HP 24 | RP 3 EAC 17 KAC 19; +4 KAC vs. trip and bullrush

"Aye, I have had some experience with Eoxians before. It is a tale of sorrow and woe. I'll spare yeh the whole saga and just say that I was an unwilling contestant on one of their damnable game shows. A cruel piece of "entertainment" by the name of "Meat Blender." I survived only through the divine intervention of the Triune; but I had to do unspeakable things to earn my life and freedom. All so that some Eoxians could make a few credits and get a few laughs."

Boris is quivering with rage but manages to calm himself after a few forceful deep breaths. "I suppose we need to hear the ghoul out but I think it would be best if I wasn't doing any of the talkin'. And heed my warning, if we do decide to work for 'em, just remember what we need to watch our backs, cause they won't have no qualms about sticking a knife in it if they can find a way to profit from it."

Once the new SFS agents taxi to the beautiful Parkside neighborhood, they easily pass through security thanks to the surveillance cams recognize them coming in.

The stoic human woman led the way quietly to the Ambassador's office at a brisk pace.

The Elebrian being has an elongated cranium and a stately manner. He is clearly undead-his skeletal countenance displays no scrap of flesh, and an eerie light burns in his otherwise empty eye sockets. He presents a mindful manner when greeting the new recruits. "Thank you for meeting me. I am certain that you are aware of the recent interest in the prospecting ship, the Acreon, and the asteroid being referred to as the 'Drift Rock.; I also believe that you have been acquainted with the dispute between Astral Extractions and the Hardscrabble Collective over both the ship and the asteroid. Both parties are currently awaiting legal arbitration, but the wheels of justice often turn quite slowly. As a result, I have offered my services as a mediator in hopes of finding a solution that is equitable to both factions.
"The first step in this , of course, is learning the specifics of the opposing claims. Reports of your recent endeavors in dealing with some of Absalom's Stations most notorious gangs have led me to believe that you might be useful in this undertaking as well. You're somewhat new to the station, you seem to possess a wide range of unique skills and abilities, and you certainly appear capable. In short, you are perfectly positioned as a neutral third party that could cut through the red tape surrounding this issue and get to the heart of the matter. To be perfectly clear, I would like to hire you, to go to the Acreon, find out what precisely has happened to the crew, and ascertain the value of its asteroid cargo as well as determine if this 'Drift Rock' is as mysterious as the media makes it out to be."

Blacklock thinks for a moment Alright..this thing wants to fly me away from the station, might be a good way to let the Downsider's heat die. Besides, I'd like to see this rock for myself... "You and everyone in the system seems to want to get that intel. Send us into the hornets nest, is it? How fast is your ship?"


SVs Fort +4/ Ref +5/ Will +2; +2 to saves vs. poison, spells | Speed 20 Init +2 Per +7 DV 60 | SP 21 | HP 24 | RP 3 EAC 17 KAC 19; +4 KAC vs. trip and bullrush

Boris has trouble looking the elebrian in the eyes and stares at his boots while talking.

"Why do they call it the 'Drift Rock'? Does it got somethin' to do with drift travel?"

Ambassador Nor is patient and kind with the Starfinders, listening intently to their questions and trying to provide the most precise answers as possible.

”I have secured a station security transport by the call sign Hippocampus . I have used my own personal resources to upgrade the armor and weapons of the ship. It is fast, and can hold its own for a transport,” Gevalarsk responds to Blacklock with an air of confidence about his transport. Looking at Boris, he kindly replies, “I cannot remember who dubbed the asteroid with the moniker ‘Drift Rock’, but it seems to be pummeled into our consciousness daily by the media. We don’t know for sure what value the asteroid possesses, but a missing crew certainly sparks a wildfire of rumors.”

Male LN Shirren Mystic Ace Empath 3 l Per +11; Init +3 l F2, R4, W7 l EAC: 16 KAC:17 l SP 18/18 HP 21/21 RP 6/6 l Spells 6/6 l Ammo 20/20, 99/100

Carefully considering the Elebrian's words and demeanor, Gryggax studies Ambassador Nor before asking his burning question.

"Sir, if I may ask, I am so curious as to why the Ambassador of Eox would get involved in a dispute that doesn't seem to involve the business of his duties. Is there something else that we need to know? Why are you so interested in this 'Drift Rock'?"

Smirking "I'm sorry did you say 'transport'? You wanna send us to one of the hottest spots in the galaxy in some kind of modified cargo runner? Next I suppose you'll tell us our payment is a crate of ripe Castrovellian fruit?" he throws his hands up "Where's the insurance, man?"


SVs Fort +4/ Ref +5/ Will +2; +2 to saves vs. poison, spells | Speed 20 Init +2 Per +7 DV 60 | SP 21 | HP 24 | RP 3 EAC 17 KAC 19; +4 KAC vs. trip and bullrush

"I'm gonna need to take a look at the ship before we go out. Make sure everything was set up to standards. I'm sure your people did a good enough job, but I share Blacklock's paranoia about flying around in an unfamiliar ship; especially one that's been retrofitted for something outside its original purpose."

"I suppose we might as well head out. Don't care to be working for an elebrian bloke, but a job's a job, I guess. Let's just remember to keep our guards up."

Future Engineering check: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

Android Technomancer 3 | SP 21/21, HP 19/19, RP 4/4 | EAC 16, KAC 17, vs. Maneuver 24 | Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3 | Init +7 | Perception +0; low-light vision, darkvision

Alpha-83 nods and says, "Boris, I shall assist you in running diagnostics on the starship. It is best to be safe about this. Blacklock, I must point out that it is a station security transport - it is probably a step above the standard transport. Depending on the resources expended by the Ambassador, it may be several steps above the standard."

Aid Future engineering check: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

+2 for Boris.

Gryggax’s question was expected and Nor had hoped not to go there. ”I have 800 credits for each of you, should you return. As for my interest in the matter, as a skilled diplomat wishing to bring the people of Eox into a better light, this is why I would help both sides come to an agreement. However, on a more personal note, the Acreon happens to contain a piece of cargo belonging to the people of Eox. I was excited to finally secure that for them, yet here I am. I would consider it a personal favor if you would bring it back to me. It is clearly marked and shouldn’t be too hard to find. I am offering an additional 500 credits for its safe return,” the Ambassador adds.

“The name of the transport is the Hippocampus . It is station property with some generous upgrades donated by me. Here are the statistics for the ship, you will find that it is not your average transport, but disguised as a transport draws less attention, wouldn’t you agree?” Nor hands a holo disc with the information about the ship to Boris.

Hippocampus stats:

Speed: 6 Manueverability: perfect
AC 14; TL 14
HP 35 CT 7
Shields Basic 20; 5 on all sides
Forward attack: light laser cannon 2d4
Turret Attack: coilgun
Micron Ultra
Mk 3 armor, mk3 defenses, mk1 triode computer
Cargo hold, guest quarters, lifeboats
Mods +1 any check once per round, +2 computers, +3 piloting
Complement 1-4

”The ship is currently docked in the security section of the docking bays, but you will have clearance to depart and arrive there.”

Chuckling, Blacklock seems to be turning around as he skims the datasheet "Charming one'll see that coilgun coming, hehe. Alright, looks like we may have something here after all. I'm in as well."


SVs Fort +4/ Ref +5/ Will +2; +2 to saves vs. poison, spells | Speed 20 Init +2 Per +7 DV 60 | SP 21 | HP 24 | RP 3 EAC 17 KAC 19; +4 KAC vs. trip and bullrush

"I don't suppose yer gonna tell us what's in that special cargo of yers, are you?"

Boris uploads the specs on the ship and looks them over.
" looks pretty maneuverable for a troop transport. I'd 'ave preferred something a bit more sturdy myself. First hit with a laser cannon and those shields are going down. And only two guns... We're gonna have to be careful with this one."

Android Technomancer 3 | SP 21/21, HP 19/19, RP 4/4 | EAC 16, KAC 17, vs. Maneuver 24 | Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3 | Init +7 | Perception +0; low-light vision, darkvision

"We will have to be careful, then. Evasive flying should be beneficial for us - not being what we appear to be should help, as well. The Drift Rock and the Acreon have been towed to be close to Absalom Station, so we shouldn't have to travel far, yes?"

Male LN Shirren Mystic Ace Empath 3 l Per +11; Init +3 l F2, R4, W7 l EAC: 16 KAC:17 l SP 18/18 HP 21/21 RP 6/6 l Spells 6/6 l Ammo 20/20, 99/100

The pondering shirren pauses before replying to Ambassador Nor with a body posture that indicates willingness, but not total trust.

"Fair enough. I accept your offer. I trust you can understand our slight reluctance to jump on a transport and whisk off to a ship with a mysteriously vanishing crew."

”Excellent. The cargo you are to retrieve is very personal in nature, so I would rather not reveal that here. The Hippocampus is pre-programmed to take you to the Acreon which is currently quarantined not too far past the reach of the Armada. I can assure you that the transport can more than hold its own and will serve as a good vehicle to bring you safely to the Drift Rock. You will want to head to the security bays in the far arm and meet Lieutenant Danforth to embark. Good luck, don’t hesitate to signal me if there is anything that I can aid you with.”

On the way to security sector

En route to the security bays, Blacklock receives an incoming signal on his comm from a Kasathan woman named Jandiss Vel. ”I am Jandiss Vel with Astral Extractions Corp. I have recently received word of your excursion to the [i]Acreon[i] and would like to meet with your delegation.”

Feigning interference "*cccczz* ...hello? *cccz* say again? You're breaking up...boost power to your signal..."

Bluff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

Switching the mic off momentarily "S@#@, its Astral. They want to talk to us...I told them to boost their signal, maybe we can trace it!"

Engineering or Computers, same mod: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

Android Technomancer 3 | SP 21/21, HP 19/19, RP 4/4 | EAC 16, KAC 17, vs. Maneuver 24 | Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3 | Init +7 | Perception +0; low-light vision, darkvision

Upon hearing word of Astral Extractions trying to contact them, Alpha-83 gets out his computer and begins working to trace the call with it.

Computers: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

Male LN Shirren Mystic Ace Empath 3 l Per +11; Init +3 l F2, R4, W7 l EAC: 16 KAC:17 l SP 18/18 HP 21/21 RP 6/6 l Spells 6/6 l Ammo 20/20, 99/100

Earlier, in Nor's office. Sense motive check using Empathy, to see if he is on the up and up.

Sense motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

Sense Motive on Jandiss using Empathy.

sense motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

The shirred seems to pause and ponder the call from Astral.

Gryggax gathers nothing but genuine concern from Nor regarding both his property and his willingness to arbitrate this difficult matter.

Gryggax also doesn’t get a good feel as to why Astral Extractions is wanting to contact you.

The signal is coming from Astral HQ located in the eye of the station.

In the meantime, Boris receives a call on his comm from a human named Otal Serissi. Otal is a human male, but reaches out to Boris in his native tongue.


”Hello Boris, I am hoping to appeal to you on behalf of Hardscrabble. Duravor was like a brother to me. I know that you and your crew are headed to the Acreon. I am inviting you to my ship, the Dust Runner, to present the Collective’s side of the interpretation of the contract. I am hoping that you and your crew will help us protect our independence from corporate bullies like Astral Extractions. My ship is not far from the security bays.”

Scratching the back of his head "Er...Astral HQ you say...I suppose that makes sense. I'll agree to meet with them but on our terms, right? A nice fancy restaurant with tons of people...sit them down and see what happens under the table kind of thing."

If no one objects he sets up the meeting at an expensive restaurant on the station.

"Alright, we'll meet but you gotta come to and fancy clothes. No place for any bioaugmented behemoths, understand? Also, you'll be getting the bill..." he explains.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Android Technomancer 3 | SP 21/21, HP 19/19, RP 4/4 | EAC 16, KAC 17, vs. Maneuver 24 | Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3 | Init +7 | Perception +0; low-light vision, darkvision

Alpha-83 looks at Blacklock after his request and asks, "Does this mean we will have to acquire fancy clothes? I must confess, I've never really considered such garb as essential."


SVs Fort +4/ Ref +5/ Will +2; +2 to saves vs. poison, spells | Speed 20 Init +2 Per +7 DV 60 | SP 21 | HP 24 | RP 3 EAC 17 KAC 19; +4 KAC vs. trip and bullrush

Boris is eager to talk to Otal in his native tongue and agrees to meet with him.

"I gotta let ya' know, I think Astral Extractions gonna be reachin' out to one of my crew. We gotta get a consensus as a team; but if was up to me alone, I'd prefer helping you guys out over them scrazzy suits. I'll do my best though to get 'em on your side."

Boris calls Breaker up shortly after the call.

To Breaker:
"Hey, I just got a call from the Hardscrabble. They want us to help them out with their claim to the 'Rock'. My sympathies are always gonna be with the workin' man and I'm gettin' the impression yours might be too. I'm not sure Blacklock cares about much more than the who will pay the most and I just don't know the shirren well enough to make a guess. Do you got any thoughts on what we should do?"

Android Technomancer 3 | SP 21/21, HP 19/19, RP 4/4 | EAC 16, KAC 17, vs. Maneuver 24 | Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3 | Init +7 | Perception +0; low-light vision, darkvision

I thought we were all together as a group as this is happening?


SVs Fort +4/ Ref +5/ Will +2; +2 to saves vs. poison, spells | Speed 20 Init +2 Per +7 DV 60 | SP 21 | HP 24 | RP 3 EAC 17 KAC 19; +4 KAC vs. trip and bullrush

Boris got a phone call. I assumed that it was probably private.

The group is all together when the comms are signaled. You have to decide as a group what you want to do about it.

Ms. Vel agrees to the meeting at a restaurant called the Estrella de Corazon, an upscale fusion restaurant with a six-month waiting period for the swankiest of station residents. Of course, your group will be seated right away and she can meet you there in twenty minutes.

Otal will meet at your convenience but hopefully as soon as you are able.

The recruits are standing outside the Eox Embassy in a plaza waiting on a station transport.

Perception DC 25:

You notice in the distance that same hooded figure staring at you from before your visit to the Fusion Queen. Whoever it is about 100 yards away looking through binoculars.

At Breaker's question " could borrow the holoskin." he opens a little port hole in the forearm of his prosthetic and engages a little latch. Suddenly, Blacklock is enshrouded in the blackest of black tuxedos, crispest curtails, and most extraordinary cuff-links you've ever seen. A passing appraiser might put the price of the whole getup (obviously an import) at 100,000 credits.

Just as quickly, the hologram deconstructs itself like a waterfall spilling into nothingness. "Care to try?"

Android Technomancer 3 | SP 21/21, HP 19/19, RP 4/4 | EAC 16, KAC 17, vs. Maneuver 24 | Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3 | Init +7 | Perception +0; low-light vision, darkvision

Considering Boris's call, Alpha-83 says, "Perhaps we should split up. Boris and I will go meet with Otal, and you and Gryggax can meet with Ms. Vel. We can hear both cases, and then make our own decision about what to do. That would also save us the most amount of time."


SVs Fort +4/ Ref +5/ Will +2; +2 to saves vs. poison, spells | Speed 20 Init +2 Per +7 DV 60 | SP 21 | HP 24 | RP 3 EAC 17 KAC 19; +4 KAC vs. trip and bullrush

"I don't think we'll be in any danger of betrayal from either of these groups, so I say it might be a good idea to talk to them separately. Hear both their cases."

Boris gets ready to head off to see the Hardscrabblers.

Male LN Shirren Mystic Ace Empath 3 l Per +11; Init +3 l F2, R4, W7 l EAC: 16 KAC:17 l SP 18/18 HP 21/21 RP 6/6 l Spells 6/6 l Ammo 20/20, 99/100

I would be happy to accompany Mr. Blacklock, but what if I am not allowed inside? , the shirren contemplates being discriminated against at such an upscale establishment. I could remain ouside to keep watch and feed you information telepathically.

Male LN Shirren Mystic Ace Empath 3 l Per +11; Init +3 l F2, R4, W7 l EAC: 16 KAC:17 l SP 18/18 HP 21/21 RP 6/6 l Spells 6/6 l Ammo 20/20, 99/100

Forgot to roll perception check.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24



SVs Fort +4/ Ref +5/ Will +2; +2 to saves vs. poison, spells | Speed 20 Init +2 Per +7 DV 60 | SP 21 | HP 24 | RP 3 EAC 17 KAC 19; +4 KAC vs. trip and bullrush

"Ah'm sure if ya dressed up they wouldn't bat an eye. I could probably use a nice church suit meself."

You probably would be fine if you just picked up some formal clothes.

I'm fine splitting up to grab the info from both contacts like Breaker suggested

If no one cares for the holoskin he uses it on himself to form the most excellent of attire before heading inside.

Gryggax manages to find a clothier that adequately prepares him for the meeting at the Estrella de Corazon. He and Blacklock are seated at a table immediately passing by the frowning faces and glaring stares of those guests putting their time in waiting in the lobby.

Ms. Vel cuts straight to the point, ”Gentleman, nice to meet you. I am Jandiss Vel, Vice President of Marketing Division at Astral Extractions Corporation. I have been instructed to show you a promotional holo of the work we do and go over the fine details of the contract, but I would rather not waste our time. Order whatever you wish, it is on us.”

After quickly ordering a cocktail, Ms. Vel returns to her proposal, “Here is where we stand. We hired Hardscrabble to pilot our vessel The Acreon, to prospect new mining possibilities within the Pact Worlds. They understood this and when they returned with this ‘Drift Rock’ as they refer to it, they should have known that it becomes our possession. Now they have our ship tied up in quarantine while we hemorrhage credits on the deal. They are tying this up with red tape. They will eventually have to relinquish the ship and its contents to us. We try and help the little guy and this is how we are repaid. I have called you here in hopes that as the third party arbitrars your findings will conclude that we are right in our claim. If so, perhaps we can develop a long and prosperous working relationship with your crew in the future. What do you say?”

Boris and Breaker make their way towards bay 73, where a shuttle takes them to the Armada. Otal has the Dust Runner stationed there for now. The ship is a working tramp freighter that has definitely seen better days, but the odd human captain is very proud of his ship and just as excited to have you as his guests aboard it.

”Welcome to the Dust Runner gentleman, I am Captain Otal Serissi, senior member of the Hardscrabble Collective. Won’t you come in and join me for a drink and some of the finest dining that a mining vessel could offer?”

Blacklock orders the Pact Worlds special, a sampling of the finest delicacies from each of the Pact Worlds members. He washes it off with a bottle of 100 year old wine. Snapping a large spherical vegetable off the end of a branch like food (?) he questions "Well, without seeing their contract who knows. But of course anything can happen on the other side of the's gotta make quick judgement calls, pick his allies fast." he chews the veggie with his mouth open a moment before "Sometimes a man's decision might fall to pragmatism, other times his heart. You're offering us a job later if we side with you? You think that's enough to sway my heart? I got a big one..." he chews loudly some more, which is extra irritating considering his exquisite attire. He is obviously mocking the place.

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