DM Kor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
8 Wizards enter... 1 Wizard leaves!
Since the rise of the first colleges of magic in the lands, there seemed to be a need to prove which school was more powerful and which wizards were the most clever. The annual Wizard's Duel was born from this desire to prove who is the ultimate magician in the realms.
I want to tinker around with an arena-based wizard's duel. Since 5th edition does not let you layer up spells like the past editions, I'm not sure how this would impact this classic type of duel. I have some ideas about how to make it more interesting, but I need a sandbox of Guinea pigs to play with... that's where all of you come in.
I would like 8 volunteers to battle it out in a pvp arena. There will be 2 matches:
Match 1: The first match will end, when 4 players are the first 4 players to accomplish an objective. The arena will then be reset.
Match 2: This will be a battle to the death. Characters will be fully rested / healed, between these 2 matches.
Match 1 Info: I will not be revealing specific details about the arena size, layout or objective, until the start of combat round 1. A unique challenge you face will be to determine whether to go for the objective outright, eliminate your competition, or make a dash for a random helpful potion.
Character Creation Info:
- Create a 10th level wizard.
- PHB Material Only. (This includes races, classes, backgrounds, feats and spells).
- Variant humans permitted.
- Ability Score Point Buy: 27 points.
- You start with the suggested starting gear for your background & class.
- HP's after level 1 are half HD + 1. (Since you are all wizards, that means 4 hp's + other relevant bonuses).
- Spells: You know 24 spells and 5 cantrips. (Of these 24 spells, 8 must be level 1 spells, and you must allot at least 2 other spells to each spell level above level 1).
- Bonus Spells: In addition to the spells as indicated above, you can record 1 extra spell from your arcane tradition school, per spell level into your spellbook.
- Counterspell - this spell does not function in the arena.
I have no idea about the level of interest for this game, so I will likely just go with the first 8 people that express interest. If for some reason there are a lot of people that express interest before I announce the end to the recruitment, then I will just roll randomly to pick players.
Posting-wise, you should be able to post at least once per day... but hopefully more. (Weekdays, I will only be able to check posts in the evenings -- I am in Western Canada MST/GMT-7 time zone).
All character actions will be declared either on the message thread or via personal message if secrecy is required (i.e. if you are invisible/hidden).
I will use Google Spreadsheet to show the combat map/grid. Players will need to refer to the grid coordinates they are moving to.
I am hoping to start in the next few days -- dependent on interest of course.
"There can only be one!"
DM Kor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Tally of Interested Players:
1. baticeer
2. TheOrcnextdoor
3. Radavel
4. Sylvanus
5. david barker
Additional Rules:
Spell Components - For components with a cost under 100 gp, you can just assume you have enough of them to get you through the duel. For components with a cost of 100 gp or over, you have 1 of each. These components will not be replenished between matches.
Ready Action - If on a turn, every character chooses to ready an action, you will all receive significant energy damage from the Tezlok Coil.
Tezlok Coil - This large golden coil which rises high above the arena floor, has swirls of all energy types constantly flowing around it. No one really knows when it might strike out with a bolt of energy, however its trigger seems to be related to inaction. (This will only be used to help keep the game moving. For now I only plan to use it if there is a turn in which there is no progressive game play (i.e. if everyone is invisible hiding and/or readying actions).
Familiars - Leave them at home as they are not welcome in the arena. This also applies to pets, mounts and henchmen.
Object-based components - If your spell requires that a physical object be present, note that you will be limited to only using items found within the arena (and there really won't be any random objects lying around). Specifically for necromancers, for your Animate Dead corpses you will need to "create" some corpses first.
DM Kor |
For new players to 5e, be sure you understand the concentration rules. So many spells are concentration based and I suspect for the reason there will be lots of people taking the War Caster feat.
In some respects the feat almost seems like a no-brainer for a wizard's duel so I was tempted to prohibit it, but I'd rather see how it plays out first.
DM Kor |
I have a question about character creation. Normally at levels 4 and 8 you get an additional ability point. Do we get those or are they built into the 27 points that you mentioned in the character creation section?
Good question. I have played so long with the optional feat selection, that I forgot it was an option.
At levels 4 and 8 you can choose either the Ability Score Improvement option (+2 to 1 score, or +1 to 2), or instead to take a Feat.
DM Kor |
May I use the gold from my background's starting equipment to purchase other items and bring them into the arena with me? (If it matters, I was going to buy a shortsword, since I am making an elf and they get that weapon proficiency.)
Sure, feel free to spend any of your starting gold on equipment.
DM Kor |
I'm sorry, I was confused. I thought this was a Pathfinder game not D&D. I am still interested, but my character creation might take a little more time because I need to formalize myself with the character creation again since I haven't played since 3.5 about 10 years ago.
Sure, no problem. On the plus side if you have played Pathfinder, you will find 5th edition very quick and easy to pick up -- and you will find the rules to be far lighter than Pathfinder. (I was a die-hard 3.5 and Pathfinder fan until 5th came around -- I haven't touch my Pathfinder books since.)
Since this is a Pathfinder site, I think to be respectful most people running 5th edition games, just but (5e) in the post title, and omit "D&D". I find these forums make it nice and easy to host pbp games, so that is why I am running a D&D game here. Plus I have spent thousands of dollars on Paizo products (not an exaggeration) so I have no qualms about running a D&D pbp on their site :)
DM Kor |
Small question, if I decide to use a subrace does the ability score increase of the subrace replace that of the normal race or add to it? For example if I chose a stone gnome would my ability score increase be Con +1 or Int +2 and Con +1?
It adds to it.
You get all the features of "gnome" plus you get the added features of "rock gnomes", including their ability increase.
Loup Blanc |
Skills don't work that way in 5E. You just have a number you're proficient with, and you add your proficiency bonus to checks when that skill applies. So if you're proficient in Arcana (as I expect most of us will be), you add your proficiency bonus (+4 for us) to Intelligence (or other ability) checks where Arcana applies, typically to know about spells or stuff.
Most characters get two or three skills from their class and two from their background, and some races give extras.
baticeer |
Feats are much less important to a character in 5e than they are in Pathfinder. They're technically considered an optional rule, and there are no feat trees or starting feats (unless you choose Variant Human for your race, in which case you get one feat at level 1).
Off the top of my head the other major rules difference that someone coming from 5e to PF would want to keep in mind (for our purposes) is that spell preparation is a bit different. You have spell slots and you prepare a certain number of spells, but you're not putting spells "into" the slots at preparation time. So if you have 2 fifth-level spell slots and you prepare both Fireball and Animate Dead one day, you can cast Fireball twice and not cast Animate Dead, or vice versa, if you want to. You just choose which spell you want to use at the moment of casting.
Umbungo |
![Golden Goblin Statue](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/c_golden_goblin_statue_fina.jpg)
If my maths is right, you're still looking for one more wizard. I know you didn't actually mention sticking to separate schools each, but just for fun (and to see how they all play differently) I'll go for one nobody's mentioned yet - the enchanter.
I think I've shot myself in the foot already with that choice, but hey, it'll be fun while I last...
DM Kor |
I know I'm acting like an annoying noob over here and I'm sorry,but I have one last question and then my character should be complete. Starting wealth, do we only have the 10 gp our background or is that in addition to the 4d4x10 gp we would normally have?
I actually forgot about the wealth by class table.
Now that I think about it though, this is a Wizard's duel and I would prefer people not load up on "tricks" like alchemical items and healing potions.
So accordingly, I'm going to scrap starting gold.
You are basically just a wizard walking into a dueling arena with your spell component pouch. No other gear with the exception of weapons and armor. You can start with any armor and any 2 weapons of your choice. (You will still need to be proficient with your weapons and armor to use them effectively). Ammunition-based weapons will have 20 rounds of ammunition. (However, in most cases your cantrips are probably better than any ranged weapons... or even melee weapons for that matter).
DM Kor |
Tally of Interested Players:
1. baticeer
2. TheOrcnextdoor
3. Radavel
4. Sylvanus
5. david barker
6. Loup Blanc
7. Theliah Strongarm
8. Umbungo
We have enough for a fine Wizard's Duel!
Right now we do have company in from out of town for 2 weeks, so I may be little limited in my posting time. Once we get started I want to ensure I have lots of time to give to keep things moving along.
If everyone can get their characters created by July 24th, that would be great.
If anyone does not have access to a Player's Handbook, send me a message. I have a link that can help out with most of the information you will need.