Karla Teg |
Could Wulfram have healed Karla before departing?
Karla smiles at the dragon and says: "You truly are a powerhouse the likes I have never seen! Upon destroying the Legion, should we chance upon what was stolen from you, we shall return them to you promptly!"
She then turns her attention to the nexus, taking her time to move through the space, as though dancing, feeling the slight flow of magic around it as her movements interact with it.
Use Magical Devices: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (6) + 25 = 31

Wulfram Bartos |

Noticing that Karla was still hurt, Wulfram healed her.
Healing Hex (Karla), Frontier Healer: 2d8 + 10 + 9 ⇒ (6, 6) + 10 + 9 = 31

DM Brainiac |

You continue to stroke the moody dragon’s ego as Karla fiddles with the nexus. So long as you do so, Irigibel allows you to work unmolested. The sorceress succeeds in removing its alignment, weakening the defenders of the Onyx Citadel and buying you more time. The dragon bids you farewell and makes you promise once more to punish the Ironfang Legion
The Shard Nexus and Flow Nexus are both about the same distance away from your current location, about 30 miles. It’s your choice which to head to next.

Wulfram Bartos |

Considering their options, Wulfram said, "I don't know which nexus to go to next, so I'll flip a coin."
Coin flip (1=Shard Nexus, 2=Flow Nexus): 1d2 ⇒ 2
"Flow Nexus it is!"
From my reading of Wind Walk, It looks like we can continue on with the previously cast spell, changing form as desired up to the 17 hour duration.

DM Brainiac |

That is correct!
Transforming into clouds again, you zip through the vault heading west. After thirty minutes or so, you reach the Flow Nexus. A great hill rises above the bend in a river. Streams of quicksilver flow through the cerulean waters, glittering like diamonds and dappling the grassy hillside with sparkling patterns of light. A circular dais topped with an arrangement of stones and crystals stands at the hill’s peak. No guardians appear to be stationed here.

Rogar Befin |

Rogar quickly scouts around, trying to make sure that they are actually alone.
Perception: 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (14) + 28 = 42

Wulfram Bartos |

Wulfram said to his friends, "I can't see the Legion not guarding this place somehow. We just haven't figured out what the protection is yet." He flew up to get an aerial view of the hillside.
Perception: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (5) + 25 = 30
Wulfram would have cast Overland Flight at the beginning of the day; I may have neglected to state that.
Not getting too close to the node yet.

DM Brainiac |

Rogar’s sharp senses and affinity with earth allows him to notice the hillock itself is shifting slightly and pulsing with potential energy similar to what he uses to manifest his kinetic ability. The entire hill is a colossal being of elemental earth!

Wulfram Bartos |

Wulfram returned to the rest of the party and listened to Rogar's scouting report. "Hmmm...I wonder if I could fly in, grab the minerals on the dias, and make off with them?"
If necessary. Wulfram will fly back for a closer look, to determine what might be involved with his idea.

Rogar Befin |

Knowledge (dungeoneering): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
"Ye coul' try tha, but ah think tha we shoul' be standin' well clear o' ye if ye do tha'"

Wulfram Bartos |

How big is the dias and the display? Wulfram will cast Righteous Might before hand, if there's a chance that being bigger will help.
Wulfram said, "I should probably cast a faster fly spell to get me in and out faster."
Wulfram can meditate and fill his open 3rd lvl slot with Fly. Or Karla could cast it on him if she has a spell to spare.
When Karla bid him good luck, he replied, "Thanks, I'll need it!" He flew up to the level of the dias, maintaining a substantial distance. After making his final preparations, he flew towards the dias, and attempted to snatch the display from on top of the elemental!
Stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 Plus whatever bonus is applicable for being invisible.
Let me know what sort of check might be required. Barkskin might still be active (cast before we entered the dragon's lair). Fly speed will be 40 ft.

DM Brainiac |

The dais and display is about 5 feet tall. It would be a DC 25 Strength check to snatch the whole display away. Invisibility gives Wulfram +20 to Steath.
Perception: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (1) + 21 = 22
Despite Wulfram's lack of skill with stealth, the massive elemental doesn't notice his presence. Perhaps it is asleep! The shaman gets to within a few feet of the geomantic nexus, all too aware of the massive monster lurking just beneath his feet...

Eustoma Hadlefoot |

Eustoma stands watching the dais with nervousness. Please be ok. Please be ok. Don't drop the important thing on the elemental. That would be bad."

Wulfram Bartos |

OK, I guess Wulfram will try this once.
Wulfram flew in silently, and tried to steal the dias from the top of the elemental being.
Strength: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27 Woohoo!

DM Brainiac |

Wulfram rips the dais free of its moorings, disrupting the geomantic alignment. The massive elemental begins to stir, joggling its massive bulk, but the shaman quickly flies away to avoid its potentially deadly irritation. Soon enough, Wulfram is safe from danger! That’s two nexuses down and one to go!

Wulfram Bartos |

Wulfram flew some distance away and set the dias down. "Hopefully, that will stop this one from working. Everyone ready to move on to the last nexus?"
For the record, Wulfram cast Righteous Might for this nexus.

DM Brainiac |

Transforming into clouds once more, you continue on to the Shard Nexus. This nexus lies within a large quarry in the midst of a forest of blue-white crystal formations. Crystals sparkle within the cavern’s walls, creating a kaleidoscope of colors that dance throughout the cavern. A collection of cave paintings depicts squat, three-armed beasts polishing gemstones, which seem to float in the air. A circular dais in the quarry’s center, some thirty feet across, supports a standing circle of stones and glittering crystals.

Eustoma Hadlefoot |

"So pretty. I'm sure it's dangerous though. Karla do you know anything about these crystals? I could fly in and try to shatter the crystal or Rogar could try to shatter it, but that would be too easy." She puts her hand up to block out the glare of the crystals.

Wulfram Bartos |

Wulfram surveyed the scene, trying to figure out where the guardians might be. "I don't think I can just grab that and carry it off!", he commented.
Perception: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (2) + 25 = 27

DM Brainiac |

The crystal is the nexus. Destroying it would realign the geomantic power.
As you are surveying the scene, a half-dozen strange creatures suddenly pop up from the ground! These squat, symmetrical beasts have three arms, three eyes, three legs, and one huge mouth atop their heads!
"Hey, now! Ye lads and lasses stay away from our crystals!" the lead creature rumbles.

Karla Teg |
Karla waves at the creatures and says to them, keeping her distance and staying in the air: "Hello friends! Did you notice there is some issue with the crystals? Someone seems to have moved them and realigned them. We would like to help fix this issue. With your help, we could find a way to save the crystals so you could keep enjoying them."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (14) + 29 = 43

Wulfram Bartos |

Wulfram greeted the rock-like beings respectfully and added, "There are those who would take what they want from others without asking. This wouldn't be the first time that they have tampered with prized crystal collections!"
Diplomacy (aid): 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (11) + 22 = 33

DM Brainiac |

"Aye, ye speak of them hobgoblins and their snaky lass," the creature says. "She gave us lots of tasty gems in exchange for letting her fiddle with the crystals. She bade us to protect it from any outsiders trying to change it. Folks like ye, I suppose. But if ye make it worth our while, we may be tempted to look the other way while you fiddle with them as well."
The other creatures nod and murmur in agreement. "So, ye got any treasures ye be willing to part with?"
The creatures will let you manipulate the nexus in exchange for a bribe worth 60,000 gp, but if the bribe is in the form of gems or crystals, they'll accept half as much.

Rogar Befin |

While Rogar doesn't know as much, I think that Xorns need crystals for either reproduction or food, so a simple display likely wouldn't do it.

Wulfram Bartos |

Wulfram replied to the creature, "I think we can come to an agreement."
I'm OK with bribing them to avoid a fight; it's not like we have anything else to spend the money on. Do we have any gems or crystals?

DM Brainiac |

I don't think so. But you can give them a chunk of the treasure you found in the xiomorns' hall to pay for the bribe, including the hammer of seimsic assault, the adamantine drill, and most of the art objects.
You hand over several items of value to the xorns, and the leader nods in satisfaction. "Well traded, lads and lasses! Ye may do yer thing."
You disrupt the geomantic nexus's alignment in a similar manner as the previous two. The Ironfang Legion's defenses will be down now. The time has finally come to assault the Onyx Citadel and end this war, once and for all.

Wulfram Bartos |

After disrupting the nexus' connection with the Onyx Citidel, Wulfram said, "I think we should go in well-rested. We may not get a chance to take a break once we're inside."
I'm assuming that it's later on in the day at this point. I think it's prudent to begin the final assault at full power.

Eustoma Hadlefoot |

Eustoma smiles excitedly, "We can do this. Our land will be free soon!!"
"I think we should rest. I can hide our campsite, and I think we should be far away from the nexuses when we rest. We shouldn't make it easy for the Legion to find us."

Wulfram Bartos |

Wulfram nodded as he replied to Eustoma, "Yes, that would be wise; maybe fifteen or twenty miles from here."

DM Brainiac |

After resting and recovering, you approach the Onyx Citadel. Locating the fortification is easy: it stands atop a large island in the glimmering Argent Lake and is usually visible when scouting from clearings or the tops of giant mushrooms throughout the vault. Argent Lake is one of the largest natural features in the Vault of the Onyx Citadel; it’s nearly 30 miles across at its widest point and dotted with islands, and the valley’s two major rivers flow into it. The lake’s depths plunge nearly 500 feet down, but after the first 150 feet the lake bed is filled not with water, but with a thick layer of quicksilver. This taint lends the lake its name and also renders the lake’s waters poisonous.
Many strange creatures have adapted to living in the poisonous waters, making aquatic travel dangerous. So too are the skies around the citadel, as groups of ruby-winged gargoyles patrol the area in units of four.
A 50-foot-wide bridge of tourmaline stands over Argent Lake, connecting the lakeshore to the large island supporting the Onyx Citadel. An Ironfang camp on the island numbers thousands strong--hobgoblins, minotaurs, trolls, and the like. While individually, they are no match for you, their overwhelming numbers may prove daunting should you choose to confront them.

Karla Teg |
Karla hears the reports of those more adept at scouting and offers: "I think we all agree we should avoid all these pesky patrols. That leaves trying to teleport, use another swift way of travel, would wind walking work well for this? Or perhaps, and it could be in addition, make us look as part of the Legion. For example, we could look like one of those patrols, then look like some badass Hobgoblins once inside? There's always invisibility, but my guess is that the patrols won't be easily fooled."

Wulfram Bartos |

1st: Bless x2, Liberating Command, Remove Fear x2
2nd: Barkskin x2, Calm Emotions, Delay Poison, Resist Energy
3rd: Daylight, Dispel Magic, Fly, Magic Circle against Evil, Sleet Storm
4th: Blessing of Fervor x2, Fear, Freedom of Movement, Greater Magic Weapon
5th: Breath of Life, Overland Flight, Quickened Divine Favor, open slot
6th: Greater Dispel Magic, Mass Bear's Endurance, Mass Cure Moderate Wounds, open slot
7th: Heal, Waves of Ecstasy, open slot
8th: Stormbolts, Quickened Divine Power
9th: Winds of Vengeance
Wandering Spirit: Battle
Wandering Hexs: Battle Master (one extra AoO, weapon specialization longspear), Eyes of Battle
Wulfram meditated, preparing for the assault on the Onyx Citadel. If they were successful, they could finally end the war. If they failed: disaster.
When they looked over the approach to the citadel, he listened to Karla's words and replied, "Wind Walk would work. Just remember that it does take 30 seconds to solidify to solid form, and we would be vulnerable during the transition."

Rogar Befin |

"We coul' just wind walk ta a secluded place an' solidify withou' anyone seein us." Rogar points out, "An' ah could hold off any who might try ta attack in the meantime."

Wulfram Bartos |

Wulfram replied to Karla, "It will be hard for them to see us. They could conceivably hurt us while we are in vapor form, but we have to approach somehow.
"If you want, I suppose you could scout out a spot by flying while invisible, and report back to us."
If we decide to use the Wind Walk method, Wulfram will have to meditate and memorize it in his open 7th lvl spell slot.

Wulfram Bartos |

Wulfram thought for a bit. "Disguising us to look like a patrol seems like a good idea. I'm not sure of what their insignia will look like here, but I can at least make an educated guess."
Profession Soldier (to give advise on uniforms and insignia): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

Eustoma Hadlefoot |

"Can we make ourselves look like the guys from the Black Tower again? At least we've seen those uniforms up close." Eustoma looks excited to be this close to their goal.