DM Bigrin's Second Darkness (Inactive)

Game Master bigrin42

A foul omen looms in the sky over the scoundrel city of Riddleport, an ominous shadow that defies the light. Is it a curse laid millennia ago by forgotten mages? Does it forewarn against the return of some terrible foe? Or does it portend a terrible

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half-elf Oracle 13 | HP 107 | AC 27/15/24 | F +8, R +9, W +11(+2) | init +3, Perception +8 | CMB +10, CMD 25

"Heck yea, we want that armor and weapon, probably worth more than all the liquor from this whole shipment."

Kelendra hops from the end of the moon light bridge to the ship, causing the bridge to vanish.

"I say we either drag the sods body back to Saul and let him throw it at his enemies for proof to leave his operation alone, or we dump it here in the harbor and be done with it."

"Or, if he's not dead yet, I could stabilize him and see if we can extract any information in trade for his life?"

Kelendra crouches near the man, Stabilize at the ready...

Male(HP:(198; DR 2(3 when raging);AC:22/12/22;F+17,R+8,W+9;Init +0;Per +15) Human (Ulfen) Barbarian 13

"Agreed that to the victors go the spoils. Frankly I'm for throwing his bleeding ass into the harbor, but... I admit to some bias. I leave that to the rest of you."

Male Goblin Wizard 13 (Abjurer); Init +2; Fly 40 ft.; Darkvision 60 ft,; Perception +5; AC 25 (touch 14, flatfooted 16; +2 Dex., +1 size, +1 natural, +4 armour, +4 shield, +3 deflection, hp 91; Fort +10;Ref +10;Will +13

"If he lives, he'll probably come back for us later," Anklebiter muses. "Then again, without his gear and with everyone knowing he was beaten by women and Goblins" - he winks at Kelendra - "he may have too many problems to mess with us again."

The little Goblin hurriedly drags Braddakar's weapons away from his body and hands them to Bruendor, then nods at Kelendra. "Do it if you're doing it, healer-girl."

half-elf Oracle 13 | HP 107 | AC 27/15/24 | F +8, R +9, W +11(+2) | init +3, Perception +8 | CMB +10, CMD 25

"Well, I won't bring him about with that armor still on, let's leave him exposed and if he's still alive after that we'll see if he wants to share a little information in exchange for the kindness of saving his life. Who knows, maybe if we promise to tell no one what happened here we can hire a new bouncer for the Golden Goblin."

Kelendra starts removing the torso piece of Barddakar's armor. If he is still alive after the torso piece is removed, then she'll cast Stabilize on him, if he isn't stabilized already.

removing a heavy torso piece is 2 minutes, but that is halved by help, so 1 minute, or 10 rounds to remove Braddakar's torso piece, assuming it is heavy armor.

Male(HP:(198; DR 2(3 when raging);AC:22/12/22;F+17,R+8,W+9;Init +0;Per +15) Human (Ulfen) Barbarian 13

Lefrik helps with the armor as well, and looks at the man's weapon wiping his blood from it

Half-Elf (Chelaxian) Female HP 109, AC 26/18/21, F +13*, R +11*, W +15*, Init +8, Per +22 Inquisitor 13

Calla watches silently as the rest work, not particularly concerned whether the guard dies or not, and quickly devotes an orison to her goddess.

Casting detect magic
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

HP 150/155, AC 26/13/24, F +14, R +15, W +6, Init +2, Per +16 (+19 traps)

Bruendor puts his sap away, then helps with removing Braddakar's armor as well. "I agree with Kel - we can't question a corpse. Braddakar's armor will help with offsetting the loss Saul will incur from the greenskin's careless use of his magic. However..." Bruendor removes one of Braddakar's gauntlets and heads back down the gangplank, over to where the crate of liquor had been dropped. "It's a shame that this one broke open during the fight,"" Bruendor says as he slips the gauntlet on his hand. "And we had to open the crate to see if anything was salvagable." He reaches in with his gauntleted hand to see if any of the bottles were unbroken - as well as to see if Saul was smuggling anything else in with the liquor.

The ex-guardsman of Korvosa was undoubtedly dead. The cruel eyes were distant and fixed, and the blood trickled ever more slowly from his wounds. As Kelendra, Anklebiter, and Lefrik strip the body of its weapons and armor Calla examines each piece. She finds that the cloak and shield have magical properties, though she is unable to identify exactly what those might be.

Other than the armor and weapons, the goblin finds a pouch with gold and gems inside, as well as a small vial of cloudy blue liquid that he recognizes as a curative potion.

In the crate of liquor, Bruendor finds the remnants of 10 bottles, and the smell of alcohol from the crate is nearly overpowering. There was one bottle that was untouched, and another with a crack in the neck, though it appeared to be in fine condition otherwise.

The dwarf also looked for the man he had rescued, only to find that in the commotion of Braddakar's final moments, and the subsequent looting, the man had crawled away. The docks are mostly quiet, though the Foamrunner's crew was giving loud discourse on the fight, and where Lefrik went wrong.


- banded mail
- mwk longsword
- +1 heavy steel shield
- cloak of resistance +1
- 238g in coins
- 4 gems
- potion of cure light wounds

Half-Elf (Chelaxian) Female HP 109, AC 26/18/21, F +13*, R +11*, W +15*, Init +8, Per +22 Inquisitor 13

"Leave the body here, let it be a warning what happens if you cross us."

Resisting the urge to yell at the Foamrunner's crew to shut up, she directs their helpers to grab the remaining crates, before looking down at her cut with a frown.

"Let's get back to the Goblin before anything else goes wrong," she says, delivering one last kick to the former guard's body.

Male Goblin Wizard 13 (Abjurer); Init +2; Fly 40 ft.; Darkvision 60 ft,; Perception +5; AC 25 (touch 14, flatfooted 16; +2 Dex., +1 size, +1 natural, +4 armour, +4 shield, +3 deflection, hp 91; Fort +10;Ref +10;Will +13

"May I have this?" Anklebiter asks as he holds up the potion. "It's handy, having healing potions."

He frowns at the body. "What about evidences?" he asks, then casts a dark glance at the Foamrunner's salty crew. "Traitors, them. They sold the cargo to the casino's enemy."

Male(HP:(198; DR 2(3 when raging);AC:22/12/22;F+17,R+8,W+9;Init +0;Per +15) Human (Ulfen) Barbarian 13

Lefrik eyes the Foamrunner's crew at their critique, and mutters, "As if they would last half as long against such a foe." But he nods to Calla's comment, "A good suggestion." Still weary and wounded, he nevertheless keeps his back straight and is ready to help transport the goods

half-elf Oracle 13 | HP 107 | AC 27/15/24 | F +8, R +9, W +11(+2) | init +3, Perception +8 | CMB +10, CMD 25

"Anklebiter has a good point, let's push this carcass over the side of the ship and let the waters claim it."

When that business is finished, the party makes their way back to the Golden Goblin with the remaining bottles.

HP 150/155, AC 26/13/24, F +14, R +15, W +6, Init +2, Per +16 (+19 traps)

Bruendor fished the two salvageable bottles from the broken crate, and put them in his pack. He grabbed the now empty crate and heaved it at the deck of the Foamrunner. "Keep this as a reminder! Zincher's coin is not worth the trouble it brings!"

Male Goblin Wizard 13 (Abjurer); Init +2; Fly 40 ft.; Darkvision 60 ft,; Perception +5; AC 25 (touch 14, flatfooted 16; +2 Dex., +1 size, +1 natural, +4 armour, +4 shield, +3 deflection, hp 91; Fort +10;Ref +10;Will +13

"Someone else better take the reins," Anklebiter says, pointing at the horse and cart. "Horses and Goblins don't mix so well."

A splash heralded the ultimate resting place of Braddakar Faje. Knowing the denizens of the harbour, it was unlikely that anything but cracked bones would be left of the ex-guardsman by nightfall. With care and not a little angry encouragement from Lefrik, you manage to get the cart and remaining liquor back to the golden goblin.

Saul, understandably upset at the loss of some of his expensive liquor, is nevertheless overjoyed to hear about Braddakar's fate. "I cannot tell you how many nights I lay awake, worrying that Clegg would send that man after me. You did me a service, in addition to the job I asked. Keep the arms and armor. To be honest, it's a fair compensation. And your reputations will only grow from here."

That last statement proved to be true. Armor vendors bid high to get the Korvosan armor to display in their shops. Folk on the street either inclined their heads in respect as you passed, or clumped together giving you dirty looks. Rumor was that Clegg Zincher put a price out on your heads, though no one seemed to agree on what amount that was.

In fact, it seemed that everyone was paying you a little more respect, including Saul Vancaskerin. The man has all but stopped asking you to work the Goblin, preferring to let you chip in where you will.

About a week or more will pass before the next event, which I could easily RP in a RL group, but is more difficult here. Everyone give me your actions for the flex time, as well as an idea what your character does while the Goblin is open, after it closes (clean up, bed, whatever), and during the day before the Goblin opens.

half-elf Oracle 13 | HP 107 | AC 27/15/24 | F +8, R +9, W +11(+2) | init +3, Perception +8 | CMB +10, CMD 25

Kelendra spends the week working to gather rumors among the patrons of the Golden Goblin, using her charm and the benefits of people's drinking habits to pick out the more sensitive bits of information.

When not at the Goblin, she'll seek out a scholar in the town and try to discuss the dark blotch hanging in the sky above Riddleport. She'll also find a brothel and pay some of the working girls to gather information for her from their clients on Zincher, Saul, and any other power players in the less-than-legal businesses and organizations of Riddleport

In her free time, she spends a little of the coin she's gathered to buy a few pieces of better armor and a buckler. It seems that working for Saul is a dangerous occupation.

Half-Elf (Chelaxian) Female HP 109, AC 26/18/21, F +13*, R +11*, W +15*, Init +8, Per +22 Inquisitor 13

Calla spends much of her free time relaxing at the Goblin, watching the patrons come and go. Occasionally she'll be stirred to action when one of them seems to behave in a way that requires some retribution, but mostly she just holds herself aloof, the sneer almost perpetually on her face.

Unless her companions approach her, she holds herself separate, though she'll grudgingly allow any of them to join her should they wish. She'll spend some time each day practicing her weapons play, and will go out each night to a Calistrian temple for prayers before bed. I'm assuming there'll be one in Riddleport, even if it's a whorehouse.

Male(HP:(198; DR 2(3 when raging);AC:22/12/22;F+17,R+8,W+9;Init +0;Per +15) Human (Ulfen) Barbarian 13

Lefrik spends time healing, unless given a bit of help by Kelendra when she has new spells to share. Nonetheless, he still chips in at the Goblin trying to keep reckless hotheads from causing trouble.

Any irony involved in that appears to elude him.

He drinks and wenches, but also plans to go shopping for slightly better armor. If he can get a good deal on some chainmail perhaps instead of just the shirt. Of course, while out and about he wears his new cloak proudly as a trophy of war.

half-elf Oracle 13 | HP 107 | AC 27/15/24 | F +8, R +9, W +11(+2) | init +3, Perception +8 | CMB +10, CMD 25

Kel will always use her spells to heal the party as a top priority. If I forget to post a healing or I'm slacking on it, just assume that she will and list it in your post. Kel would have spent all the spells needed to heal the party the following morning after the fight with Braddakar, and she would keep casting them each day as needed.

Over a week passes uneventfully, though your reputation on the street seems to balloon as Braddakar's armor goes up on auction at Evan's Smithy for over 500 gold pieces. As you focus your attention on your most prominent enemies, as well as Saul's background, you learn a number of things that are both enlightening and concerning.

Word on the street is that bosses Croat and Zincher are gunning for Saul, and by extension you. There are no real details, but there are rumors that an appeal has been made to the Overlord. That Zincher, in particular, wants Saul out of business, permanently.

As for Saul, a number of informants have made comments about him meeting with a cloaked figure in the boneyards. No one seems to know anything about the figure, but there are certainly plenty of rumors going around. It is Boss Croat, and Saul is trying to smooth things over. An assassin, and Saul is trying to have Zincher killed. A goblin, and Saul is coordinating a raid on Riddleport. A goblin, and Saul is buying off the tribe to leave Riddleport alone. Each rumor seems more ridiculous than the last.

Nothing in the Goblin itself turns out to be remotely suspicious or intriguing. Life as usual reigns in the Goblin, and the employees are happy that things are picking up again. The work is good, no one seems to be making trouble - largely due to the reputation of Saul's new "heroes" - and the cash is flowing freely.


That evening, after the Goblin closed for the night, everyone is worn out from a long night. The stakes were higher than usual at the tables that night, and a lot of light cheering and bickering was going on. The winners went home with a lot of gold, and the Goblin's take was much larger than usual. Saul looked especially cheerful as he invited Bruendor back to the counting room with him and Samaritha, to provide a little insurance, with Beyar and Hans both off duty.

The rest of the crew were scattered around the Goblin. Anklebiter and Kelendra were chatting with the kitchen staff, and trying to wheedle some small pastries out of Marie, the baker. Calla was leaning against a Golem table, picking a fingernail with a dagger, and watching, as usual. Lefrik was swilling back ale at the bar, nursing his still-sore ribs, and looking forward to bed.

No one was really expecting trouble when the first window crashed in. In fact, everyone turned towards the kitchen, thinking it was dropped dishes. Everyone but Anklebiter and Kelendra, who came running into the main hall. The other windows in the front shattered as well, and four thugs leaped in, weapons drawn, led by a huge-looking half-orc.


intiative rolls:
anklebiter 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
kelendra 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
bruendor 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
calla 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
lefrik 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7
thugs 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

Round 1 initiatives:
anklebiter 22
calla 21
thugs 16
kelendra 10
bruendor 8
lefrik 7

Here's the map.

Male Goblin Wizard 13 (Abjurer); Init +2; Fly 40 ft.; Darkvision 60 ft,; Perception +5; AC 25 (touch 14, flatfooted 16; +2 Dex., +1 size, +1 natural, +4 armour, +4 shield, +3 deflection, hp 91; Fort +10;Ref +10;Will +13

"Invaders!" Anklebiter screeches at the top of his voice. "Invaders! Rally the tribe -- er, I mean guards! Guards! To arms!"

The little Goblin scampers forward, drops a little blob of grease on the ground and gestures at the Half-Orc leading the attack. "Solum unctum!" he chants, and the familiar puddle of greasy slime appears underneath the attackers' leader.

Anklebiter moves to M13 and puts Grease under the Half-Orc. He also makes enough racket to hopefully bring all the guards to the main room.

Half-Elf (Chelaxian) Female HP 109, AC 26/18/21, F +13*, R +11*, W +15*, Init +8, Per +22 Inquisitor 13

Round 1
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +6
CMD 13
HP 9/9
Divine retribution (DC 13) 0/6; Judgments 1/1
Effects: Protection judgment (+1 AC)

A look of fury crosses Calla's face as the invaders enter, quickly replaced by a grim smile.

"Y'all came to the wrong place," Calla says. "This business is under Calistria's protection. Ah'd suggest leaving now, while you still can do so by yourself."

Calling on her goddess, she blindly flings the dagger toward the half-orc as she pulls her morningstar.

Dice rolls/mechanics:

Swift action: Pronounce judgment
Standard action: Fling dagger (apparently without actually looking at where it's meant to go) 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Move action: Pull morningstar


1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Anklebiter rushed forward and slid a pile of grease under the leader of the attackers. The Half-orc wobbled a bit, neatly avoiding Calla's thrown dagger in the process, but stayed on his feet. The various bouncers, guards, and dealers in the Goblin exploded into action; some charged the attackers, while other ran and hid.

For their part, the attackers rushed Calla as a mob, one catching her a vicious blow across the left thigh.

Calla takes 6 damage

Round 1-2:

kelendra 10
bruendor 8
lefrik 7

anklebiter 22
calla 21
thugs 16

Here's the map. The bald guys with beards are Goblin employees.

Male(HP:(198; DR 2(3 when raging);AC:22/12/22;F+17,R+8,W+9;Init +0;Per +15) Human (Ulfen) Barbarian 13

Lefrik is talking to one of the serving ladies, "Naturally I use a great axe. We ulfen are VERY skilled when it comes to swinging large objects about as many a lady can..."


"Invaders!" Anklebiter screeches at the top of his voice. "Invaders! Rally the tribe -- er, I mean guards! Guards! To arms!"


A look of fury crosses Calla's face as the invaders enter, quickly replaced by a grim smile.

"Y'all came to the wrong place," Calla says. "This business is under Calistria's protection. Ah'd suggest leaving now, while you still can do so by yourself."

"Excuse me, lovely lady. As they say, I think I hear my song being played." Lefrik grabs his axe and moves towards the mob assaulting Calla. He also makes notes of those 'guards' that are hiding with a sneer.

If I can go for a cleave I'd like to try, which would lower his AC by 2 till next round. If not, that's cool as well.

To hit: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
dmg if that hits: 1d12 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

If cleave allowed on next guy on Calla...
to hit: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
dmg if that hits: 1d12 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

half-elf Oracle 13 | HP 107 | AC 27/15/24 | F +8, R +9, W +11(+2) | init +3, Perception +8 | CMB +10, CMD 25

Round 1, HP 10/10, AC 18

Kelendra moves forward, trying to gain partial cover from the stage, and casts Bless to aid her party members.

(move to N13, Lefrik gets +1 to his attacks if he goes after Kel)

HP 150/155, AC 26/13/24, F +14, R +15, W +6, Init +2, Per +16 (+19 traps)

Bruendor eagerly accepted Saul's invitation to count the money, and not just because it had been a good night. Such an invitation meant that Saul trusted him enough to be let into the more secure areas of the Goblin, and that meant he could poke around and possibly find out what Saul was up to. Those rumors about Saul's meetings in the boneyard worried him. There was a saying back in Janderhoff: "Not everything that happens in graveyards is necromancy, but bring a priest just in case." Hopefully, Saul's plans weren't blasphemous - just some shade of illegal and immoral.

The dwarf was slightly concerned when he heard what sounded like plates crashing, but was too focused on his surroundings to recognize it for what it truly was. The greenskin's cry for aid brought him running though. As he pushed the door aside and saw the men ready to strike, he cursed in Dwarven and turned back to Saul, hissing orders. "Zincher's made his move! Stay here, we'll take care of his goons."

He bounded out of the counting room, drawing his blade as he went. "Alright, I'm tired of warning you fools. If violence is the only language this town speaks, then allow me to enunciate!"


Standard: Pull my rapier.
Move: Move to X10.

Male Goblin Wizard 13 (Abjurer); Init +2; Fly 40 ft.; Darkvision 60 ft,; Perception +5; AC 25 (touch 14, flatfooted 16; +2 Dex., +1 size, +1 natural, +4 armour, +4 shield, +3 deflection, hp 91; Fort +10;Ref +10;Will +13

"You back off our priestess-friend!" Anklebiter shrills, and he hurls a glob of acid at the Half-Orc.

One order of Acid Splash. Ranged touch attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16. Damage if successful: 1d3 ⇒ 1.

Kelendr and Bruendor closed in, A wave of blessing flowing from Kelendra, as Lefrik leaped towards the closest attacker. The barbarian's mighty blow struck the man's head from his shoulders, to go ruolling under a golem table. The gruesome ball rolled to a stop directly in front of a cowering croupier, who screamed in fright and fainted.

The guards and bouncers on your side lashed out with fists and clubs, but failed to do much more than distract the attackers. one went and got a knife in the throat for his trouble. The body left a pool of blood on the freshly swept floors of the Goblin. The rest of the thugs flailed at the defenders without so much as giving a scratch.


1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
1d8 ⇒ 1

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8


kelendra 10
bruendor 8
lefrik 7

anklebiter 22
calla 21
thugs 16

Here's the map. The bald guys with beards are Goblin employees.

half-elf Oracle 13 | HP 107 | AC 27/15/24 | F +8, R +9, W +11(+2) | init +3, Perception +8 | CMB +10, CMD 25

Round 2, HP 10/10, AC 18

Kelendra draws her crossbow and shoots at the thug who knifed the Goblin guard.

Light Crossbow at thug in S13: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 71d8 ⇒ 6

forgot my own bless, but it doesn't appear to matter anyways

HP 150/155, AC 26/13/24, F +14, R +15, W +6, Init +2, Per +16 (+19 traps)

Round 2

Bruendor grimaced as he closed in on the hired thug, exchanging a few sword strikes with him. One of the bouncers cried out as he fought the thug, distracting the assailant long enough to allow the dwarf to press his advantage.


Attack the guy at W11.
Current spell effects: Bless.
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Damage: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 1) + 2 = 4

Male(HP:(198; DR 2(3 when raging);AC:22/12/22;F+17,R+8,W+9;Init +0;Per +15) Human (Ulfen) Barbarian 13

Round 2
Lefrik simply focuses on the next closest invader, though he makes a note of the brave fellow who fell fighting to defend the goblin.
No cleave this time. with bless counted in...
to hit: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

if that hits then dmg is: 1d12 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Male Goblin Wizard 13 (Abjurer); Init +2; Fly 40 ft.; Darkvision 60 ft,; Perception +5; AC 25 (touch 14, flatfooted 16; +2 Dex., +1 size, +1 natural, +4 armour, +4 shield, +3 deflection, hp 91; Fort +10;Ref +10;Will +13

"Hoplon," Anklebiter murmurs. A shield-shaped blur flickers into life in front of the Goblin, and he creeps forward.

Anklebiter casts Shield and stealths (if possible) to N17. Stealth check: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30.

The sneaky goblin tried to use his best ability and hunched down to be blocked from view by the Golem tables. The distortion of air around him from his protective spell would have given him away, but everyone was too busy fighting to notice it

Anklebiter is hidden

Kelendra's bolt nearly took Bruendor's ear off, but he managed to strike his target a strong blow. His compatriot, a guard named Hans, knifed the thug, and sent another of the invaders to perdition.

Lefrik's mighty axe continued to claim its bounty as he hacked into the neck of one of the thugs pressing Calla. Blood spurted in a red mist as the man fell, coating the Chelaxian inquisitor as she lashed out at the half-orc. She landed a glancing blow, though not enough to stop the halc-orc from landing a vicious blow of his own.

Calla takes 5 damage


1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
1d8 ⇒ 3

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
confirm 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Round 3-4:

kelendra 10
bruendor 8
lefrik 7
anklebiter 22
calla 21
thugs 16

Here's the map.

half-elf Oracle 13 | HP 107 | AC 27/15/24 | F +8, R +9, W +11(+2) | init +3, Perception +8 | CMB +10, CMD 25

Round 3, HP 10/10, AC 18

Whoa, sorry Bruendor! Kel winces as her crossbow bolt goes whizzing past the dwarf's head. I better be careful with this thing until I have enough skill to shoot into combat.

Kelendra drops her crossbow, draws her morningstar, and moves into a combat position, providing a threat that hopefully helps Lefrik land a solid chop.

free action: drop weapon; move action: draw weapon; move action: move to P17 so Lefrik can get flanking from R19 if he wants to.

Male(HP:(198; DR 2(3 when raging);AC:22/12/22;F+17,R+8,W+9;Init +0;Per +15) Human (Ulfen) Barbarian 13

Seeing what Kelendra is doing, Lefrik smiles... The woman knows raiding tactics.

DM-Since she's been so kind, Lefrik will try to flank the foe. I'll let you add any bonsuses to his hit for that though in case there is some reason he wouldn't get them.

to hit: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
dmg if that hits: 1d12 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Half-Elf (Chelaxian) Female HP 109, AC 26/18/21, F +13*, R +11*, W +15*, Init +8, Per +22 Inquisitor 13

Just got back, but Calla's now unconscious (and apparently bleeding out with checks like that...

Stabilization check: 1d20 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 1 - 2 = 5

half-elf Oracle 13 | HP 107 | AC 27/15/24 | F +8, R +9, W +11(+2) | init +3, Perception +8 | CMB +10, CMD 25

oopps, didn't realize Calla was down, healing on the way!

Round 4, HP 10/10, AC 18

"Calla, I'm on my way!" Kelendra moves to a position next to her fallen comrade and casts Cure Light Wounds.

shift to O18, cast CLW on Calla: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

I'm going to update tonight, whether Anklebiter and Bruendor post or not. Don't forget, you don't have to wait for everyone else to post. i'll merge your posts together appropriately.

Kel, if seeing Calla fall would have changed your round 3 actions, feel free to heal Calla on Round 3. I didn't check her HP total when I posted the damages.

Male Goblin Wizard 13 (Abjurer); Init +2; Fly 40 ft.; Darkvision 60 ft,; Perception +5; AC 25 (touch 14, flatfooted 16; +2 Dex., +1 size, +1 natural, +4 armour, +4 shield, +3 deflection, hp 91; Fort +10;Ref +10;Will +13

I was at work...! ^^; Only just got home.

All unseen, Anklebiter concentrates and closes his eyes. His branded face works as if he is struggling with something, and at random intervals the markings are brought together by his frowns and grimaces, almost making sense.

Then the Goblin's red eyes open wide, and he whispers a single Word of Power. All the other adventurers within reach feel a sudden surge of confidence and safety.

Anklebiter activates his Protective Ward, providing a +1 to AC for all allies within reach, including the Golden Goblin's guards. (Triple word score for triple alliteration? ;) )

half-elf Oracle 13 | HP 107 | AC 27/15/24 | F +8, R +9, W +11(+2) | init +3, Perception +8 | CMB +10, CMD 25

I'll stay with the action sequence as posted as Lefrik already acted based on my round three move. Usually I will always heal a down or injured companion first.

triple word score, that's a tough play, maybe triple letter score, for an S that would be ... 3

HP 150/155, AC 26/13/24, F +14, R +15, W +6, Init +2, Per +16 (+19 traps)

Sorry, didn't have time to update from work today, and I've been lax on catching up on my games on Paizo today.

Round 3

Bruendor kicks at the man's carcass to remove his blade, and dashes over to the nearest thug that has broken into the Goblin.


Move: Move to U11.
Standard: Attack the bad guy in U12.

Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6


1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

In a flurry of activity, the large half-orc is taken down with a combined series of blows from Lefrik and Olbred, the bouncer. Kelendra leaned down to heal Calla, the Calistran Inquisitor sitting up and coughing as the healing magics took effect. Bruendor's blow laid out his opponent, who crashed into a card table, splintering the legs and bringing the table down.

From the back door, behind the kitchens, came a thudding pounding. The thuds sounded like wood on wood, and it was apparent someone was breaking in the scullery door. With a tearing crash, the door came down, and footsteps could be heard pouring into the kitchen.

Round 5-6:

kelendra 10
bruendor 8
lefrik 7
anklebiter 22
calla 21
thugs 16

Here's the map.

basically doing this as a continuation of the previous fight, since it is so close in time.

Male Goblin Wizard 13 (Abjurer); Init +2; Fly 40 ft.; Darkvision 60 ft,; Perception +5; AC 25 (touch 14, flatfooted 16; +2 Dex., +1 size, +1 natural, +4 armour, +4 shield, +3 deflection, hp 91; Fort +10;Ref +10;Will +13

"More invaders!" Anklebiter shrills, and he draws the wand he got at the group's first battle. "The kitchen staff!"

The little Goblin starts to lope towards the kitchen...

Anklebiter moves to I14 and stealths again: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31. He's ready to help, but he's not a melee combatant. :-\ He maintains the Protective Ward so anyone who comes within 10 feet of Anklebiter and is considered his ally will get a +1 to AC.

Male(HP:(198; DR 2(3 when raging);AC:22/12/22;F+17,R+8,W+9;Init +0;Per +15) Human (Ulfen) Barbarian 13

"Invasion is right!" Lefrik agrees with Anklebiter, "Someone is paying a lot of fools to die for coin. Calla, are you well enough to fight?" He asks her as she revives.

To Olbred, he nods, "Well fought. I'll mention it to our employer. Join me if you have friends on the Kitchen Staff."

With a rush to the door and switching his great axe to one hand With Fast move, I think he'll get to J9 Lefrik attempts to open the door with the other so all can get a better look at just what they are facing.

Website is wonky today. this is my second try. Let's hope it works.

Half-Elf (Chelaxian) Female HP 109, AC 26/18/21, F +13*, R +11*, W +15*, Init +8, Per +22 Inquisitor 13

"Of course I am," Calla snaps, not seeming to like Lefrik's attention and solicitousness.

The priestess stands up, pulling her bow from her shoulder and nocking an arrow, ready to shoot anything that comes through the door.

Free action to be a b~~@!, move action to stand, standard action to pull her bow and an arrow.

Male(HP:(198; DR 2(3 when raging);AC:22/12/22;F+17,R+8,W+9;Init +0;Per +15) Human (Ulfen) Barbarian 13

"Pff, I should have known," Lefrik mutters, "She's too shrewish to die."

Ok, I laughed at the "Free action to be a b*$*&," comment.

HP 150/155, AC 26/13/24, F +14, R +15, W +6, Init +2, Per +16 (+19 traps)

Round 4

As Lefrik raced towards the right-hand door, Bruendor dashed towards the left, slamming into it with his shoulder to knock it open, hopefully surprising anyone behind it.


Double-move to L7. Nothing much else I can do for now!


1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

From the kitchen came ahouts of "I bet he's upstairs! You two hold them off while I get Saul!" And the sound of feet pounding upstairs fades. Lefrik slams the half-opn kitchen door wide open and stares at two more thugs, one of whom has vaguely half-orc features. Bruendor in right behind him, slamming the other door open. Both men are immediately set upon by the thugs. the one fighting Lefrik missed, but the other caught Bruendor a crushing blow on the ribs.

Bruendor takes 7 damage

Round 6-7:

kelendra 10
bruendor 8
lefrik 7
anklebiter 22
calla 21
thugs 16

Here's the map.

Male Goblin Wizard 13 (Abjurer); Init +2; Fly 40 ft.; Darkvision 60 ft,; Perception +5; AC 25 (touch 14, flatfooted 16; +2 Dex., +1 size, +1 natural, +4 armour, +4 shield, +3 deflection, hp 91; Fort +10;Ref +10;Will +13

Anklebiter goes running, shouting at the top of his voice: "Someone get Saul!"

He ends his mad at Lefrik's side. Ducking down so he can sight past the Ulfen, Anklebiter unleashes his magic at the thug fighting him.

"Stilla Acida!"

Anklebiter moves to J10 and casts Acid Splash on the thug fighting his gigantic friend: ranged touch attack 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20, damage if it hits: 1d3 ⇒ 2. I would have gone to help Bruendor, but he's a square too far... On the upside, both Lefrik and Bruendor should be in range of the Protective Ward and get a +1 to AC.

half-elf Oracle 13 | HP 107 | AC 27/15/24 | F +8, R +9, W +11(+2) | init +3, Perception +8 | CMB +10, CMD 25

Round 5, HP 10/10, AC 18

Fearing the death of their employer, Kelendra runs full out to get upstairs and near Saul where she can protect him and provide healing if needed.

full run action to get upstairs where Saul is at, morningstar still in hand

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