DM Bigrin's Second Darkness (Inactive)

Game Master bigrin42

A foul omen looms in the sky over the scoundrel city of Riddleport, an ominous shadow that defies the light. Is it a curse laid millennia ago by forgotten mages? Does it forewarn against the return of some terrible foe? Or does it portend a terrible

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The First Daughter smiled at Anklebiter's words.

"I have not real desire for more allies in this endeavor. In fact, it would be best if none know of our true purpose but those in this room. And yet, your words intrigue me. Indeed they do. as for who my allies are in this House, they are many, and yet not all. The fact that you speak of trust is yet another sign that you are not what you appear, for no drow would speak such."

"Politics are redolent with small betrayals, and House politics even more so than otherwise. Still, my support is enough that no one in the House would actively and openly betray either purpose nor means. BUt, know this. House Azrinae has been a thorn in our flesh for centuries, and there is not one member of this House that would not put forth every effort to see them laid low."

"How do your disguises work? Can they be undone? I realize this seems like two different questions, but in fact they stem from the same concern. Namely, what are the consequences of a sudden reversal of your exterior forms? what happens to our plans if, say, your disguises expire in the middle of your task?"

"Our disguises work by using the appearance of a drow that has been closely observed and studied. They can be undone, but we do not plan to undo them during this task. Will you help us leave the city after the task is complete?" technically, the drow corpses were closely observed and studied before we assumed their likeness :)

Alicavness' eyes lit with triumph as Kelendra finally admitted what the First Daughter had suspected all along. She leaned forward, teeth flashing in what was probably the first true smile of the encounter.

"That is very interesting. I would be inclined to speak on this more at another time. But, let's continue to get to know each other, shall we? And yes, my dear. If you and your companions successfully help me bring House Azrinae low, then I will most assuredly help you leave from the city, safe and unharmed."

"Why did you come to House Vonnarc? Was this House chosen for a specific reason? Or was it mere chance that brought you here?"

Sort of drow/half-elf (Chelaxian) female HP 68, AC 22/16/18, F +10*, R +6*, W +12*, Init +7, Per +16 Inquisitor 8

"We were brought to the House by one of its servants. Whether that was pure chance or not, I cannot say," Calla replies.

"If we agree to a deal, how will you help us get to our target, or bring her to us?"

"It will be arranged. I am not yet sure how best to accomplish it, but will make a determination in a few days, I am sure."

"What is your purpose here? You have already stated that it isn't assassination, and by your disguises I am certain that you are not here as part of normal drow House politics. So, what brings you to infiltrate my House at random?"

Male Drow Wizard 8 (Abjurer); Init +2; Darkvision 120 ft,; Perception +5; AC 19 (touch 15, flatfooted 15; +4 armour, +2 Dex., +1 natural, +2 deflection), SR 19, hp 37/57; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +8

"Opportunism. We hoped that here, we might gather information and inroads to get at Azrinae.
Where is the head of Azrinae now?"

"Hmm...I see. And does this information you seek have anything to do with the House Azrinae project to pull great stones from the Deep to bring darkness to the surface world once more?"

"Wait a moment, I get ahead of myself. Most of House Azrinae is away from the city at the moment, preparing for the next phase of their great plan."

HP 43/72, AC 20/13/18, F +8, R +11, W +3, Init +2, Per +12 (+14 traps)

"Hold a moment, that does not answer our question," Quevven replies. "House Azinrae's head may be part of that most, or she may not. If you do not know where she is at, then say as much."

"My apologies, I thought I was being clear. To my best knowledge, the head of House Azrinae is with the rest of her family, at the staging area of the next phase of their plan. I currently have agents trying to ascertain the exact location of that right now, though I do know that they are not anywhere in or in the near area of this city."

Male Drow Wizard 8 (Abjurer); Init +2; Darkvision 120 ft,; Perception +5; AC 19 (touch 15, flatfooted 15; +4 armour, +2 Dex., +1 natural, +2 deflection), SR 19, hp 37/57; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +8

"It does, indeed, have to do with that," Anklebiter replies, as he regards Alicavness over steepled fingers. "What was it that House Vonnarc contributed to the Azrinae plan?"

Male Elf Rogue 1 (AC 18, Saves Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6 HP 6 out of 15?)

He listens intently curious, trying to make note of how exposed the rival house is

The First Daughter pursed her lips at Anklebiter's question, obviously not prepared to answer it fully. Her hand moved towards of the artifacts on her desk, then moved away without touching it.

"That is an interesting question. Interesting, indeed. House Vonnarc, as you have probably gathered in your weeks with us, is home to the premier arcanists of Zirnakaynin. None can rival our mastery of the magical arts, not even House Azrinae. Azrinae purchased our participation in their plans, as they did with every major House in the city, and some of the minor houses as well. In addition to soldiers and supplies to support the attack on Celwynvian, our House is responsible for the changes to the elf gates that allowed us access to that cursed city of leaves and light."

As she said the words, "elf gates", Alicavniss bent her head subtly in the direction of the portal in the corner of the room.

"What, specifically, and in great detail, are you looking for regarding the Azrinae plot, and what do you plan to do with that information?"

Male Drow Wizard 8 (Abjurer); Init +2; Darkvision 120 ft,; Perception +5; AC 19 (touch 15, flatfooted 15; +4 armour, +2 Dex., +1 natural, +2 deflection), SR 19, hp 37/57; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +8

"We plan to find out how they are planning to complete their scheme. We plan to find out what kind of research material they have. And we intend to destroy it all," Anklebiter says, steel in his voice. "No one should have the power to hurl down rocks out of the Dark Tapestry, save the gods. I say this not out of religious considerations, but practical ones. Such actions disturb forces which should not be meddled with, and Golarion could become a target to far worse than Azrinae and all the demons worshipped in Zirnakaynin."

The Goblin-become-Drow's eyes flash red.

"But now it is you who is being coy, is it not? Tell me exactly how you are altering the elfgates. Or, if you feel I am not intellectually capable of perceiving your information, please feel free to write it down."

"No. That has nothing to do with our mutual arrangements. Feel free to ask another question, though."

Male Drow Wizard 8 (Abjurer); Init +2; Darkvision 120 ft,; Perception +5; AC 19 (touch 15, flatfooted 15; +4 armour, +2 Dex., +1 natural, +2 deflection), SR 19, hp 37/57; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +8

"Will you give me Undamesta?" Anklebiter asks, his eyes narrowing to slits. "I believe she could do with a little.... corrective therapy. She is too fond of her pleasures; it is interfering with her efficiency as a minor administrator."

Can anyone else think of a better question? ^^;

"A slavemother should be vicious, and prone to excesses in discipline. It makes her effective and keeps the slaves and lesser servants in line. You ask if I will give her to you? I say that if things go as I plan, with your assistance, then you will have the leverage to demand almost anything you like of me, and wrest it from me by main force if I choose not to give it freely. Yes, young one, I will give you Undamesta, if that is what you desire...after our work is complete."

"Now then, I believe I have learned enough. You are not drow, and your desire to seek the Azrinae secrets and uncover the plot that threatens your world goes hand in hand with my desire to see House Azrinae's power base crumbled. What you seek will surely take time to uncover, though we already know the tip of the stalactite. But, I am confident that my agents will uncover what it is that you seek, and where the Azrinae are planning their next moves."

"In the meantime, I have a diversion that you would be particularly well-suited to. In the city, on the plateau of Arshyrvhar near the Pale Market, lies an unseemly den of debauchees known as 'Venom's Kiss'. The place is a charnel house, and I regret that even my pwn students are not immune to its temptations from time to time. One of my most promising apprentices has proven himself quite susceptible."

"As a show of good faith, while I oversee the collection of the answers you seek, I would ask that you go to the Venom's Kiss, seek out the owner, a petty mercenary who calls himself Orvignato, and see that his corruptions never foul another soul. Do this for me, and I promise that by the time you return I will have more information for you."

"There is a passphrase for entry - the current one is "Sh'blu sent me". I am told that the passphrase changes often, so you may want to make haste is you wish to use that as a means of entry."

She slid a handful of token across the desk towards you. "These badges will identify you to any in the House as my personal agents. They will allow you free access to most of the House, and keep you from being detained by any except the greater nobles of the House. They will not protect you from abuses to House members," she looked anklebiter in the eye, "and nor should they be shown to any outside the House."

"Oh, and do me a favor. Orvignato surely keeps detailed records of his business. If you find anything in his office after you have dealt with him, please bring it back here to me. The foul creature has ensnared so many with his drugs and blackmail, and I would like to personally ensure that none of his victims were left to squirm on the hook of another just like him."

HP 43/72, AC 20/13/18, F +8, R +11, W +3, Init +2, Per +12 (+14 traps)

"Excellent," Quevven said, slipping one of the tokens into an interior pouch sewn into his cloak. "What sort of skill set does Orvignato possess, beyond his pharmaceutical knowledge?"

Sort of drow/half-elf (Chelaxian) female HP 68, AC 22/16/18, F +10*, R +6*, W +12*, Init +7, Per +16 Inquisitor 8

Calla nods, a thin smile crossing her drow lips.

Once others are done here, she'll go collect her gear and prepare for action.

"Are we ready then, or do we have anything we want or need to do before dealing with this Orvignato?"

Male Drow Wizard 8 (Abjurer); Init +2; Darkvision 120 ft,; Perception +5; AC 19 (touch 15, flatfooted 15; +4 armour, +2 Dex., +1 natural, +2 deflection), SR 19, hp 37/57; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +8

"One thing," Anklebiter says before the group departs Alicavness' "office". "While we are waiting for information on the Azrinae, I ask you to open your laboratory resources up to me. Even if you do not trust me to craft graven guardians in your house, I can spend my time crafting homunculi and other equipment for the upcoming task. And if possible, I would prefer to do so without your little brother bleating at me to salve his own ego."

After -- but only once the group is outside House Vonnarc....

"We must be aware at all times that she will look for every opportunity to betray us," Arca says, his voice tight. "And do not say her name; no telling whether she is scrying on us right now."

"Let us make haste, as she suggested, any extra time spent in these caverns will just increase our risk." and I want to see the Stars in the night sky again

Male Elf Rogue 1 (AC 18, Saves Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6 HP 6 out of 15?)

Once they are done, he is sure to reclaim his weapon

He found that entire event odious.

"Orvignato is a bloated fekbeast, but once he was one of the best fighters in all of Zirnakaynan. I would expect that he also has plenty of muscle to his call."

"As for the laboratory, once you have returned successfully from your side trip to the Venom's Kiss, with Orvignato's papers in hand, I will have someone set aside one of the second level laboratories for your personal use...with only minor oversight. I promise you, that idiot Neskeir will not be a problem for you."

Sort of drow/half-elf (Chelaxian) female HP 68, AC 22/16/18, F +10*, R +6*, W +12*, Init +7, Per +16 Inquisitor 8

Back in our quarters.

"Do we want to try to come up with a plan that we'll fail to follow? Who knows if they'll allow us to enter fully armed?"

"Hummph!" Kel melodramatically pouts as Calla points to the lack of cohesion in former plans. "Yes, I still have my stupid succubus outfit from the Gold Goblin and NO, that's not a good idea for entering a den of debauchery and then not following the plan."

that's totally a good plan!

Male Drow Wizard 8 (Abjurer); Init +2; Darkvision 120 ft,; Perception +5; AC 19 (touch 15, flatfooted 15; +4 armour, +2 Dex., +1 natural, +2 deflection), SR 19, hp 37/57; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +8

"I can make one person invisible. Provided the Venom's Kiss is not equipped with people who can see through such illusions as those Driders did, that should give us an edge. I also studied the Slow-spell. Should the target have legbreakers on call, I might be able to weaken them sufficiently to give us all an advantage. Finally, I have the Limp Lash prepared. Since we're expected to rescue paperwork, I assume opening with a fireball and fire sneezes would be.... unwise, but I can help flank the target," Arca lists in short order.

Homunculus Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +3; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 size); hp 11; Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +1

Magpie comes crawling out of Arca's collar and salutes the party, as if to tell them she is available for espionage.

Sort of drow/half-elf (Chelaxian) female HP 68, AC 22/16/18, F +10*, R +6*, W +12*, Init +7, Per +16 Inquisitor 8

"I can also make us invisible, but if they can tell we're there, that will certainly reveal our intentions."

Male Drow Wizard 8 (Abjurer); Init +2; Darkvision 120 ft,; Perception +5; AC 19 (touch 15, flatfooted 15; +4 armour, +2 Dex., +1 natural, +2 deflection), SR 19, hp 37/57; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +8

"My spell is a bit more robust than that," Arca says with a quick smile. "Under its cover, you can kill as much as you like, and the spell will not end. And of course I have prepared some summoning spells, to provide us with additional backup."

Sort of drow/half-elf (Chelaxian) female HP 68, AC 22/16/18, F +10*, R +6*, W +12*, Init +7, Per +16 Inquisitor 8

"Yes, but if they are able to see invisible creatures, the mere fact we are trying to enter in such a state will give away what we plan to do... If they are able to conceal their knowledge, they'll gain the advantage of surprise."

Male Drow Wizard 8 (Abjurer); Init +2; Darkvision 120 ft,; Perception +5; AC 19 (touch 15, flatfooted 15; +4 armour, +2 Dex., +1 natural, +2 deflection), SR 19, hp 37/57; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +8

"True.... Well, this is all the magic I have available for today...."

Spell list:
0 - Detect magic, Mending, Prestidigitation, Ray of frost
1 - Ear-piercing scream, Mage armour, Magic Missile x 3, Shield*
2 - Fire sneeze x2, Limp lash, Mirror image, Protection from arrows*
3 - Dispel magic*, Fireball, Slow, Summon monster III x2
4 - Black tentacles, Extended magic circle against evil*, Greater invisibility, Summon monster IV

HP 43/72, AC 20/13/18, F +8, R +11, W +3, Init +2, Per +12 (+14 traps)

"Cold iron!", Quevven interjects. "We've struggled against too many damn demons shrugging off our mortal weaponry. Before we step outside the relative safety of House Vonnarc, those of us who place our trust in weapons pick up some cold iron blades and arrows, like mine." He pulls the dagger strapped to his belt in emphasis, displaying the dark metal in the eerie artificial light.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Drow Wizard 8 (Abjurer); Init +2; Darkvision 120 ft,; Perception +5; AC 19 (touch 15, flatfooted 15; +4 armour, +2 Dex., +1 natural, +2 deflection), SR 19, hp 37/57; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +8

"Once we have that lab, I'll turn any cold iron that isn't masterwork yet into just that. I have just the spell. I'll use it on that accursed javelin as well."

Male Elf Rogue 1 (AC 18, Saves Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6 HP 6 out of 15?)

"Second the cold iron," He nods at Quevven's suggestion.

At the mention of 'accursed' Javelin he looks offended for a moment, then considers the track record of the thing, "okay, point made there too."

first daughter wrote:
"Orvignato is a bloated fekbeast, but once he was one of the best fighters in all of Zirnakaynan. I would expect that he also has plenty of muscle to his call."

"It can't be easy to get at him, and won't get easier once we do. How are we to approach the Venom's Kiss?"

Sort of drow/half-elf (Chelaxian) female HP 68, AC 22/16/18, F +10*, R +6*, W +12*, Init +7, Per +16 Inquisitor 8

"We have the password. I think our best bet would simply be to enter that way, perhaps seek a meeting with Orvignato and then lay waste to the place."

Male Drow Wizard 8 (Abjurer); Init +2; Darkvision 120 ft,; Perception +5; AC 19 (touch 15, flatfooted 15; +4 armour, +2 Dex., +1 natural, +2 deflection), SR 19, hp 37/57; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +8

"Let's see if we can find some food along the way," Arca suggests. "I didn't dare eat any of what our new 'friend' was serving, and the smell was driving me mad with hunger."

Kelendra wrote:

"It can't be easy to get at him, and won't get easier once we do. How are we to approach the Venom's Kiss?"

"I have given you the information I have at hand. How you accomplish the task is up to you. Storm the place, buy your way in, seek entry as patrons, you know best what your skills are. I simply expect you to use those skills for my purpose while I use mine for yours."

HP 43/72, AC 20/13/18, F +8, R +11, W +3, Init +2, Per +12 (+14 traps)

I think all of this was happening in our quarters, DM. Do we suddenly have an intruder?!? OO;

I thought that since Kelendra quoted the First Daughter that that specific comment was when you were still with her. Kind of a "flex time" post. If not, ignore

HP 43/72, AC 20/13/18, F +8, R +11, W +3, Init +2, Per +12 (+14 traps)

That may be true as well. Hadn't thought of that. IGNORE ME!

I should have specified, but did intend for that to be conversation amongst the party, to prompt a plan for getting to the combat rather than just planning materials for the actual combat

"Fighting Orvignato will be a challenge, but surely he has offended more than one house with the Venom's Kiss. If it was easy to approach him, then we wouldn't be having this conversation, in a drow society he would be dealt with already. Our challenge will be finding the right approach that doesn't put us at a severe disadvantage when we confront Orvignato."

Male Drow Wizard 8 (Abjurer); Init +2; Darkvision 120 ft,; Perception +5; AC 19 (touch 15, flatfooted 15; +4 armour, +2 Dex., +1 natural, +2 deflection), SR 19, hp 37/57; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +8

"Still, the Venom's Kiss is a place of business. If we pretend to be customers, we can get in the door. If we pretend to be Merchants willing to buy or sell narcotics at a good price, we should be able to get eyes on Orvignato. And once we have him in our sights, we can make him bleed."

Male Elf Rogue 1 (AC 18, Saves Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6 HP 6 out of 15?)

"I dislike breaking hospitality, but in this case, it's not his home, it's his place of business and poisons the blood and mind. Less guilt there."

Sort of drow/half-elf (Chelaxian) female HP 68, AC 22/16/18, F +10*, R +6*, W +12*, Init +7, Per +16 Inquisitor 8

"I like the idea of trying to be merchants," Calla says, her mouth twisting as her expression doesn't reflect her words. "If we can get in for a meeting with Orvignato, that should put us in good position to make our move. We could also act as if we were turncoats, hired to move against him -- perhaps by Azinrae -- but willing to betray our supposed masters for a better bid."

It took some time to formulate your plans for the assault on the Venom's Kiss and her master, Orvignato. Finally, with the thought of going in guise of merchants, you gear up and set out. Having only the vaguest of notions where the Venom's Kiss was from First Daughter Alicavness, you made your way to the Pale market, and there asked some surreptitious questions.

When you approached, the Kiss was obvious. Arching blades formed a crown around crimson domed heights of a two-story structure. It was a gaudy, glistening festhall and the sounds of debauchery from within seemed to make it every bit as bad as the First Daughter made it out to be. Arcane flames covered its surface, making silver runes and symbols flash with profane intent. It was bordered on all sides with reliefs of naked drow dancers, male and female both, performing lurid acts on each other. A single metal-clad door with two narrow sliding windows - one at eye level, and the other lower down - seemed to be the only entrance.

Outside the door stood two burly drow, obviously bouncers, arms crossed but weapons at their sides.

Sort of drow/half-elf (Chelaxian) female HP 68, AC 22/16/18, F +10*, R +6*, W +12*, Init +7, Per +16 Inquisitor 8

"Gaudy," Calla mutters to her companions as they approach.

As she approaches the guards, she tells them, "We wish entry, to discuss business inside."

HP 43/72, AC 20/13/18, F +8, R +11, W +3, Init +2, Per +12 (+14 traps)

"And that's putting it lightly, sister," Quevven replies, standing silently with his hand resting on the hilt of his rapier as Calumny demands entry.

Male Drow Wizard 8 (Abjurer); Init +2; Darkvision 120 ft,; Perception +5; AC 19 (touch 15, flatfooted 15; +4 armour, +2 Dex., +1 natural, +2 deflection), SR 19, hp 37/57; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +8

"Just to be sure we're all on the same page, here," Arca drawls at the guards, "Sh'blu sent me. So be a good pair of fellows and let us in, would you?"

"Forgive my overly excited companions, they get this way when near your building. Please, we would like to discuss business with the owner of this establishment."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22

Th bouncers had their hackles up, and hands were straying to their weapons until Anklebiter said the pass phrase. One of them motioned to the door and said "Tell it to the keeper. And you do not have to be so rude about it. We are a fully legitimate business operating under license from the ruling council."

Knocking on the door and repeating the pass phrase to the doorkeeper gains you entry. A choking, acrid haze fills the noisy taproom, forming oddly intangible auras around the lanterns. In alcoved booths, pillow-strewn corners, at tables, and along a long polished bar, drow of all social status in varying states of undress avail themselves to decadences too numerous and perverse to list. Atop two large tables, a pair of dancers - male and female - gyrated to the music, their naked bodies oiled and apparently available for any passing hand. From a second floor balcony - accessible by a flight of sparkling metal stairs - comes a chorus of pleasure- and pain-filled shrieks.

The keeper takes one look at you and says "Weapons can be stored on that rack right there. Nothing larger than a dagger gets inside. Do not worry about your weapons. no one would be stupid enough to try and take something that is not theirs. The Boss sees to that."

Here's the map

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