StephNyan |

This is where you may discuss things out of character!
Could everyone post a stat bar line I've posted below in the 'race' section of his character's profile? (Or one of the other sections that'll make it appear below your character's name when you post in the Gameplay thread.) That way I can easily and quickly access the stats that are often used during the game.
F Human Swashbuckler (Picaroon)/1 (HP 13/13 | AC:13 | T:13 | FF:10 | CMB:1 | CMD:14 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+5 | Will:+0 | Init:+3 | Perc:+4 | Speed 30) PFS#: 115025-10

Mowque |

This is where you may discuss things out of character!
Could everyone post a stat bar line I've posted below in the 'race' section of his character's profile? (Or one of the other sections that'll make it appear below your character's name when you post in the Gameplay thread.) That way I can easily and quickly access the stats that are often used during the game.
F Human Swashbuckler (Picaroon)/1 (HP 13/13 | AC:13 | T:13 | FF:10 | CMB:1 | CMD:14 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+5 | Will:+0 | Init:+3 | Perc:+4 | Speed 30) PFS#: 115025-10
Done! Except how do I get a PFS# for Vicard? Otherwise, stat block updated!
Edit: We are a pretty soft and squishy party aren't we?

StephNyan |

You made an alias called "Vicard Inck", while you instead need a Pathfinder Society Character. If you check my characters you'll see there's a divide. Aliases are used for games that aren't part of PFS.
Go to "My Account" --> "Pathfinder Society". You'll be able to make a character for PFS at that location, and will be able to see its PFS number when you do.
There are indeed some soft and squishy bits in this party, but your number will compensate for that. Level 1 is usually the worst for squishy characters. Even if players drop later in the run, I expect you to have toughened up a bit then.

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You made an alias called "Vicard Inck", while you instead need a Pathfinder Society Character. If you check my characters you'll see there's a divide. Aliases are used for games that aren't part of PFS.
Go to "My Account" --> "Pathfinder Society". You'll be able to make a character for PFS at that location, and will be able to see its PFS number when you do.
There are indeed some soft and squishy bits in this party, but your number will compensate for that. Level 1 is usually the worst for squishy characters. Even if players drop later in the run, I expect you to have toughened up a bit then.
Thank you! Should be done now. Thanks for the assistance. I hope to make it up to you by being a good player!
Maybe we can pay a barbarian NPC to follow us around....
Look forward to playing! When do we actually start?

StephNyan |

You've got the "Investigator 1 (Sleuth)" part a bit double now. Check the end of your quick stats and you'll see it :P
And Vicard's PFS number would be 173415-1, as he's your 1st character. 173415 is your own number.
If you check the gameplay thread you'll see I've already made the first post. Your character's set to start, so feel free to make a post! I'll post the next part when everyone's introduced his character there, and has the quick stats ready.

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Yay! I've got the stat bar setup also :) Thanks for the invite!

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I will add my PFS number to my stat bar in a bit. Looking forward to the game! Also, with this many characters we don't really need to worry about being squishy.
I will get a post up shortly. Also, Mowque, you get to add a free 1d6 to any Knowledge, Linguistics, and Spellcraft? Check you make as long as you are trained in that skill due to Inspiration.

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I will get a post up shortly. Also, Mowque, you get to add a free 1d6 to any Knowledge, Linguistics, and Spellcraft? Check you make as long as you are trained in that skill due to Inspiration.
Ahh good point.
Here is the 1d6 I get for that knowledge local history: (I can't figure out how to edit a post).
Inspiration: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Edit: I also updated mundane equipment/
Thank you Gwendallyn

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Ok, hopefully I got the stat block updated correctly.
Update: Yep I think it worked.

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Am I allowed to say that Ery amused me with the poor guy's waste of a spell?
Sir, sir. Ery doesn't waste cantrips...they are all utilized for the exact reason they exists. Pres. is used for tea prep and cleaning. Obviously :P
Fiona is lacking an avatar. My sensibilities are wounded! She has no face...

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Fiona is lacking an avatar. My sensibilities are wounded! She has no face...
I don't know it almost seems appropriate for the character.
Poor girl seems list in mist and shadow, unknowable even to herself so far...Of course with my sense motive I could be getting played pretty easily. ;)

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Sorry Ery, missed your post calling out for me. Accident. Lost of posts happening before we get firmly started.
That's enthusiasm my good sir.
AS for Fiona, Tereza: Game on!

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Assuming my rolls go ok, I should be able to not only know where Torsen's Maw is, but also own a vacation home there. Considering I rolled a 24 on Knowledge Local about it!

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One can only hope. Now we laugh and giggle while we design plot around our selves for the ENDLESS gaming experience!

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Yeah, no...I have the least physical character out of us all...Gwen could likley break Ery's jaw and leave him face down in muck. It would end terribly for this guys...
To appease the Gwen-beast, I have crafted kirby: (>")> Love the kriby.

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In the Puddles, falling to the ground just might leave you drowned.
I just want to say, I love Absalom as a setting and am really happy to play (at least part) of a game here.

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I rolled the 24 knowledge local ;P You rolled 16. But one of us should at least know where to go ^^

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I rolled the 24 knowledge local ;P You rolled 16. But one of us should at least know where to go ^^
Ah, but I also rolled an extra 1d6 for super Investigator powers. I rolled it here because I couldn't edit the first post. But in any case, I think you are right.

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Very confused here! xD Too many posts I think...

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Very confused here! xD Too many posts I think...
Agreed, I'm not going to post again till the GM gets a word in edge-wise. Save his sanity.

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Just read everything after your last post. its what I do.

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Even then too much is happening :P Most of the games start with a lot of posts but I've never seen this many on a single day. Which of course is a positive thing!

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We can chalk it up to enthusiasm.

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I hope you'll come to forgive me.

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DM: I'd actually prefer Fiona not to have an avatar at the moment - I completely agree with Tereze with that representing the fact that she's not really on board at the moment (and no avatar seemed to represent that well enough). If anyone is interested, her character page has more information about her backstory and what led her to this state.
Other than that of course, please let me know if me roleplaying her disturbs the game or any of you more that you are willing to tolerate and I will adjust accordingly.

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If that's how you want to portray the internal struggle she is coping with, by all means, I think we'll be okay. Besides, you and I share many of the same abilities.

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Wow I feel like I ended up copying you Ery in combat...
I debated trying to talk through this, but I figured some of us may have just wanted to stick something at some point.
Oh and does anyone know how push pawns around in that Google doc on an iPad or iPhone?
It says that my browser is unsupported. Do we need to get the doc shared with us?

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I plan to turn Ery into a Dreamheart Necromancer. Charms and Necromancy with a little phantasmal illusion in there for funsies. We'll be fine.

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Google docs generally doesn't work on mobile phones or tables :( The map works for me but I am on a browser currently! If I am on a mobile device I generally ask the group to move me in the direction I wanted to go, with the reason of course. :P

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Ya I can edit the map from my laptop But I don't always bring my laptop with me, so I was trying to think ahead. Sounds like I'll have to do your method when on the road.

StephNyan |

@Fiona: I'm fine with your lack of an avatar, as long as you move your name around as your token.
PFS is very strict about the game's rules, because it's an organized play campaign. Players generally move from one GM to another, constantly playing different scenario's. To make this possible, every GM has to abide by the same rules. As such, I can't agree to the mechanics you suggested.
It's up to you if you want to skip turns based on a roleplay decision, but make sure you add something to the party's efforts. Maybe Fiona could stay in the background and use support or ranged tactics, once she gains at least a bit of confidence in herself?

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@Steph- I once had a game where one player, during a climatic battle scene, chose (instead of vaulting the wall of fire) to sit on the other side, get out a folding chair and melt some cheese to eat.
It was more then a trifle annoying.

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Wow. I hope that was in a very casual game.

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Wow. I hope that was in a very casual game.
It was, but is still ruined the mood. It didn't have the RP thing that Fiona is doing, I just couldn't resist telling that story. It is a funny one. It was my first GM attempt with a very established gaming group.

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And now we wait...wait for Gwen to smash face...Using her fists and boots.

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Can't wait to get into a fight with Urbar! :) This is the first time I officially use two weapon fighting.

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Hey Step, I forgot to ask this earlier. What are your thoughts on the Dan Bong in regards to using while grappling? The item provides a typeless +2 bonus to grapple checks; however, the grappling rules state that if you attempt a grapple maneuver check without both hands free you gain a -4 penalty.
My personal opinion is that the Dan Bong should be an exception to that rule due to the fact that it's made to be used for grappling. I know some GMs agree with my perspective and some say "Nope. Rules say -4 penalty regardless." So, what are your thoughts? I will abide by whatever ruling you decide on without complaint! :)

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A grappling based char. Gwen? They are fun but tricky to use. I used to play with a guy who had a Tetori monk build. It was crazy powerful but I remember him cursing alot and using flow charts.

StephNyan |

@Vicard: A while ago I started a character who was created/born the day the adventure started, and she had to figure out what her sword was for during the first combat. It was fun to roleplay her that way and it set the stage for the character, but I let her get the hang of it pretty quick so she wouldn't be dead weight.
I can see Fiona's reason for doing this at the start, because it makes for some good character development. I do expect her to become an asset as the scenario progresses.
That said, I did let a character of mine sit down and eat sweet rolls during combat several times. The first time we had to split up, and there was absolutely no way for me to help the other. So while he beat the enemies on his own, I was sitting in a cave a mile away and eating sweet rolls. The second time the other player wanted to see if he could beat an entire bandit camp on his own, so I stayed at the camp and ate sweet rolls. (All bandits died, by the way. His character's AC was way too high for the bandits.)
@Gwendallyn: Hmm, it's not the first item to seemingly contradict the rules. Though, to me, the description makes it obvious the dan bong was intended to be used for grappling. I won't give you the -4 penalty.
(After checking the actual weapon out, it seems even more obvious to me.)

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@Vicard - Yup! First one too. I read the grappling rules about 10 times before I decided to make this character, then I reread the rules again just to be safe. I also asked quite a few questions on the Messageboards for some assistance on grappling as I really knew nothing about it. It seems like a run thing to play with, but I also want to make Gwen by very versatile. So while I will focus on grappling with her, I do not want her to be a one-trick pony. I love the idea of Martial Versatility and the options it allows brawlers!
@Steph - Thanks for looking over that weapon for me! I completely agree with you about the dan bong being made specifically for grappling. Especially if you watch it in action, which I did to make sure I could see how it was intended to be used.

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Well crap. Sleep is silly. Okay. I figures i had target intersecring lines as appose to a square. Otherwise hell yeah. Get em all.

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@Vicard, @Steph: don't worry, I don't intend Fiona to stay like this for the entire campaign! As the previous PFS games I played on these boards were more like pick-up groups in MMORPG's with little character consistency between games, I figured having a longer game arc would be an opportunity to better develop a more-round character.