Kamaloo |

The wind howled down from the crags like wolves, ravenous and sharp-toothed, stirring the deep mist between the trees, and in the valley below, the villagers shuddered. "An ill wind," the whispers said. What foul tidings blew down from high above, where Castle Ravenloft perched upon the mountain, ominous and dark? No one in Barovia had to ask.
The devil Strahd stirred.
I'm planning to run Curse of Strahd in 5e as a PBEM (NOT PBP) based out of Yahoo Groups, with a support website for things like character portraits and a running story-format archive of the game. I'm running a number of other PBEMs with Pathfinder, but this will be my first 5e game. We'll start the game in the Forgotten Realms, on the Sword Coast, in Daggerford.
NOTE: It's a sandboxy kind of adventure, so there's a good chance of running into things not tailored to your level!
- Players with a strong grasp of writing, as I collect all the posts into a story for everyone.
- Dependability. If you can't show up to post regularly, please don't apply. I'd like people to be able to post daily on weekdays, at least.
- Players who are "engines" - they keep the game running by always pushing forward with actionable posts.
- Character concepts, NOT builds. Just race, class, description and background (no more than 5 reasonably short paragraphs max., please). The quality of the writing will be what sells your character, so don't sell it short!
- 3-5 players, for a party totaling 4-6. I have one spot reserved (a barbarian-druid).
- A RP-heavy game.
- Dedication. I've never given up on a game yet, and I don't plan to.
- We will be using standard point buy for abilities. I'll link the chosen players to a site with a 5e point buy calculator. It shouldn't matter for the concept, though.
- PHB/Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide races/classes only, no 3pp. I'm new to 5e, and I want to ease into DMing it. Note: No options that grant flight. Also available: Curse of Strahd options.
- Since we won't be on a board with a dice roller, I'll handle the dice rolls in the background.
- No evil alignments. Also no evil alignments masquerading as neutral alignments. I prefer to work with heroes.
I'll let the recruitment run until the end of the month, or thereabout. Let me know if you have any questions.

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I'm intrigued by this.
I'm quite good at this PbP stuff, but I've never PLEM before. How does that work? We post as normal, but it's in a Reply All email thread?
What's a Yahoo Group? I use mostly Google for all-things-internetz, and I can envision how a play by email would go on that, but I've not had contact with Yahoo for quite some time.

Kamaloo |

PBEM is essentially like PBP, except there's no dice roller and you get a notification of every post by email (unless you change your personal group settings to Digest or No Email).
Yahoo Groups is basically an email group exchange. We use the Yahoo Group because then you just reply to the group and everyone gets the posts, rather than having a mess with some people sometimes forgetting to Reply All. It also archives all the posts, though not in the story format I collate them into later. The group is also useful for storing maps and other files. You get an email address when you sign up, but you don't have to use it - you can have posts sent to any address you punch in.

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I guess the most obvious question is if one can sign up to a Yahoo group with a Gmail address? (This seems obvious, but I'm just making sure.)
Also, I'm going on vacation tomorrow, will be back Monday.
Also, not sure how familiar you are with this sight, but 5E has a solid but small following here...
and, any non-PbP medium can get support, but it may take some time, and at least an occasional bump.
Just so you're aware. =)

Loup Blanc |

Y'know, I've been doing almost exclusively PbP the last couple years, but I've done stuff on other types of forums and a couple PBEM-style things in the past. It's been interesting and fun and I'd be willing to give it another shot, especially if I can link a Yahoo Group to my main email. Let me check that out and I'll be back with a concept.

Kamaloo |

The Dread Pirate Hurley: The game will begin in the Forgotten Realms, so it might be best for everyone to be standard heroic types. That said, I'm open to it if someone wants to make a Vistani, or a resident of Barovia or environs, and meet up with the party later. I'd just require them to have a really good reason to stick together throughout the adventure. For tone, I'd say "fighting the encroaching darkness." It's going to be tough, but the PCs will represent hope.
Loup Blanc: You can indeed link the group to your main email - that's what I've done.

bookrat |

Character Submission:
Grey Jatan (Link to image)
LG Tiefling Monk (Open Hand archetype), Background: Haunted One.
Personality Trait: "I refuse to become a victim, and I will not allow others to be victimized."
Ideal: "I kill monsters to make the world a safer place, and to exorcise my own demons."
Bonds: "There's evil in me; I can feel it. It must never be set free."
Flaw: "I have certain rituals I must follow every day. I must not break them."
Trinket: A necklace formed of interlocked holy symbols from a dozen gods.
The boy looked up at the strange man. He looked scary, but his voice and eyes seemed kind. "How... What.." They boy's voice faltered.
It's ok, child. The man's voice was deep. "I know what you want to ask. It is ok. Ask."
The boy smiles sheepishly. "Okay, Sir. What are you?"
"I am a man, like you. But unlike you, I was betrayed by my own parents.
"I was born human. My parents were cultists, worshiping Demons in hopes to gain occultic power. They used me in a ritual as a blood sacrifice, infusing the spirit of a fiend into my soul. A Knight of the Order of the Chalice - an order of Paladin's devoted to fighting demonic incursions and demonic presence in or world - interrupted the ceremony and rescued me. They took him back to the Order to be raised by priests. It was there that I truly was raised, in those stone walls amongst the men in their shining armor and the priests in their robes. Amongst the horses and the hay and in the mud with the pigs. Or the pens with the chickens gathering eggs for the morning meals. I grew up in the keep of an Order of Paladin's devoted to a cause. I grew up amongst heroes.
"Those knights saved me from my own blood. Or so I've been told. It's the best story I've heard that explains what I am today.
"It was the summer of my fourteenth year when things started to change. It wasn't just my voice as it deepened, like yours will, but mine deepened much more than most men. It wasn't just the girls and how they started to look pretty, like they will for you, too. It wasn't just how my muscles grew, as they do with most young men that work and train as all the young men did in the Keep. And as you can see, mine grew much more than most.
"No, what changed first was my skin. In the beginning, I thought it was the summer tan coming in. But as it reddened, I feared it was burnt. Surely I hadn't spent so much time under the noon sky. The priests ordered me to indoor duties, but my skin continued to darken. I went from a boy as pale as a lily to a man with skin as red as a rose.
"It was then the Order told me what happened when I was an infant. The priests said that I must still be possessed by the demon my parent's summoned, or at least an echo of its fiendish spirit remained. They taught me some rituals to try to stop it and instructed me to perform them daily. I did. Religiously.
"At sixteen, I started training to become a member of the Order itself. To become a Paladin of the Order of the Chalice. It was my life's dream to join the Order, to save the innocent from the demons who did this to me, who perverted the minds of my parents. Yes - I forgave them - I do not believe that would have had their souls so corrupted if it weren't for the demonic influence on our world.
"Training took a year and a day, exactly. The final trials lasted 46 days. It was my last week. I wasn't top of the class, but I was not last, either. We were ...
"That's when the pain - well, it didn't start then. The headaches started during training, before the trials. But I was under such intense stress that I attributed it to the training. It didn't think it was related to the demon. It was that week that I discovered what was causing the headaches. It was that week that the horns erupted from my skull. Violently.
"My trials ended there. I failed. They told me that the horns were proof I hadn't been performing my rituals, and if I can't follow the daily rituals, then I don't have the conviction and dedication to become a paladin.
"But I did not. I did not miss a single day performing those rituals. I believed it kept the demons at bay. It kept them contained. It protected the world.
"Yes. I'm using a past tense. You're astute, boy.
"I left the keep, but I remained strong in spirit. A few months in the world, I met a hermit. He peered into my soul and saw that I was not possessed by a demon, but a devil. The reason the rituals did not work was because they were the wrong rituals. The Order was so obsessed with demons that they missed something so obvious. It made me realize that it's not demons that need to be fought, but all evil in any form it may come.
"Despite what the priests accused me of, I have remained dedicated. I have kept my conviction. I still perform my rituals every day - this time the proper ones.
"And I have dedicated myself to the Gods of Law and Goodness."
Grey pulls out a necklace, with interlocking holy symbols. He points to each one in turn.
"Chauntae - For her, I fight so life may grow.
Deneir - He has provided me with the written rituals needed to keep my inner devil at bay.
Eldath - Peace may not be for me, but my sacrifice hoed fully brings it to the innocent.
Helm - He has provided me with spiritual armor to protect me against the evil I fight.
Ilmater - For him I keep an open hand.
Kelemvor - For him, I give mercy to those who are virtuous and honorable, while serving punishment to the cowardly and capricious.
Lathander - The morning lord reminds me that evil comes in more forms than fiends. The undead must be fought against with equal vigor.
Meilikki - She reminds me that even though my path is different, I have allies in the forests.
Mystra - She gives me divine power through the weave.
Savras - The All-Seeing God foresees my fate and ensures I will be where I am needed and can do good.
Torm - He grants me the courage to continue on despite my history and my curse.
Tyr - The maimed one guides me in battle and converts this unworthy body into a vessel of war.
"And that, boy, is what I am. I am a man devoted to the gods, twisted by fiends, who sacrifices himself to protect the innocent and the weak against evil."

bookrat |

Interesting background, bookrat. I like the human-turned-into-tiefling story. Bonus points for not ignoring a tiefling's dark heritage. I'd like it if you could write a paragraph or two about his appearance, though - it says more than a picture, despite the saying.
I got caught up in writing the background that I forgot to write up a description. :)
1) I set it up so he believes this backstory, but that doesn't mean it's true. In one of these editions of D&D (or pathfinder), tieflings looked relatively human until they hit puberty, and I was playing off of that. In that case, it could very well be that he's pure-born tiefling, and he just doesn't know or believe it.
2) The original character concept was that he was a paladin turned monk, because he couldn't or wouldn't continue on the paladin path for some reason. But he still strongly believed in it, so the monk abilities would be reflavored as divine gifts instead of monk training. Sitting down and actually writing up this story really helped me flesh out who he is and what his personality would be.
Grey is a large man, standing at 6'5" and weighing 250 lbs. with large muscles. He had thick arms and legs with a barrel chest. Despite his size, he's quicker than one would assume. He wears a sturdy leather long coat, carrying a short sword underneath, attached to his belt. He wears no armor and simple loose fitting clothing underneath, with sturdy leather boots.
His skin is deep red in color, and his eyes a pure black with no iris or pupil. He has two horns, deep brown in color with rivulets of black, protruding from his forehead - thick and long, like a Bighorn Sheep. At their base, they extend from his temples to above the bridge of his nose, encompassing almost his entire forehead. They curve back along the top of his head, coming to points at the base of his skull on the back of his head.
His eyes display a combination of sadness and kindness when he looks upon people he believes to be victimized, and a hard determination when he sets himself to a battle. The nose is prominent and hooked, and does not display any sign of ever being broken. When he smiles, he tries not to show his teeth, as they are sharpened to a point and it can frighten people who are not accustomed to seeing such sights in civilized society.
Lastly, and more noticeable when he is not wearing his coat, is the thick red tail that displays his emotions more than anything else. It lashes about when he's perturbed or angry, it coils up around a leg when he's frightened, and it gently or lazily swishes when he's content or happy. It is often something he does not consciously control - although it could be when he focuses on it

Niyaga |

I’m keen to play although this will be my first PBEM (or PBP for that matter). I’ve only played table-top before although regularly and for a long time. I’m reliable and online all the time
My character is called Ascal Weaver and is a Human Wizard with the Folk Hero Background. I'm keeping it simple but hopefully classic- headed towards Conjurer in the future
No too sure how you want me to post on this thread but I have a background/backstory and character sheet (I'm not sure how to do the 'hide' 'show' in the coding)

GM Bookrat |

Niyaga: all formatting instructions you'll need for these games are shown below the box where you type.
Just below the submit/cancel/preview buttons and the pull down menu where you choose which alias to post as, you'll first see Paizo asking people for help keeping the forums a fun and friendly place along with a link to the guidelines. Next is a link to the FAQ.
And finally, "How to format your text" with a Show/Hide button. The show hide button uses the spoiler formatting.
Since you're brand new to this, I recommend reading this guide, followed by this guide.
Welcome to the boards!

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As the Teilfing finished his story, his companion approached the child and bent down. He gave the child a copper piece and ruffled the lad's hair with his right gauntlet, the one painted white for Torm's glorious name.
"So the lesson today, young master, is to not judge others by their appearance. It's a man's actions that tell the world what kind of a person he is. And 'tis our actions that are judged by Torm's heavy hand." The Warcleric's deep voice reverberated the words slightly, like a boulder slowly grinding to dust.
He stood up, his heavy armor clinking loudly. "We'd best be moving, Grey. Lord Borak the Despoiler may strike another village at any time."
The Warcleric walked on, hoping Grey never learned the truth behind the lies the Order of the Golden Lion told him.
Hello again! =)
The character submission from Atlas2112 is a human Cleric of War. He shares a backstory with Grey. As an acolyte of Torm, he socialized with the Order of the Golden Lions often, and met Grey when the two were in their mid-teens, and both of them preparing for their eventual trials and after the Tiefling's full transformation. He's never been put off by the Tiefling's appearance, and their friendship lead him to ask several of the high priests about his affliction...when his lessons on the biological nature of Tieflings was in contrast to the story of a possession that his friend was told.
Only after graduating to a full Brother of War, was he informed of full news of what the Order of the Golden Lions had said. He was given permission to travel with the Tiefling , in the hopes of keeping him on the path of the righteous.
I, uh, I haven't decided on a name yet. ^_^

bookrat |

Atlas and I are in a pbp game together. In the other game, our characters often bicker back and forth. :)
In this game, if we're both accepted, we'd like our characters to have been friends.
Atlas, you mentioned the Order of the Lion, and I mentioned the Order of the Chalice. I'm not too familiar with the different orders in FR - are they intertwined?
Either way, it'll be interesting to roleplay if Grey ever discovers that his friend is also "keeping an eye on him." I'm uncertain how he'd take it - calm acceptance of proper procedure, happiness that his friend is concerned, angry that they feel the need to babysit him (angry with who - the order or his friend?), or something else.
I'm also uncertain on Grey's attitude towards the Order. Does he hate them? Forgive them? Believe they lied? Believe they're misguided or simply mistaken? Does he still believe in their mission statement and simply practices it separate from the order itself?
Lots of unanswered questions. :)

Loup Blanc |

Alright, here's the background stuff for my submission concept. My written backstory is a little longer than five paragraphs, as well, but the in-character format is fun and I think gives more life to the concept than a third-person descriptor/summary. Let me know if you need anything more!
Background: Far Traveler
Why are You Here? Exile
Where are You From? The traveling Vistani caravans
Personality Trait: I express affection or contempt in ways that are often unfamiliar to others (signs of the Evil Eye and the like).
Ideal: Cunning. Though I may not know their ways, neither do they know mine, which can be to my advantage.
Bond: My freedom is my most precious possession. I'll never let anyone take it from me again.
Flaw: I have a weakness for the new intoxicants and other pleasures of this land.
"I don't belong here, you know. I'm not from here. I... my people, we travel. Long distances, you can't imagine how far we come and go. Selling our services, making our trade, all across existence. It's a good life. A pleasant life. All goes well, you live free, you enjoy yourself, you grow old and die happy. Heh. Not me.
"We come here, like I said, five years ago, although a tenday more than that to begin with, we arrived. Came to Neverwinter to start, big city, lots of people, lots of trade. Problem came when a lord of some kind leered at my sister, at our stall. I gave him the Evil Eye--not that I was any good with curses myself, mind, so it was no real harm done--but he didn't take kindly to it. So that night, when I go out drinking with some friends, I go out to an alley to take a leak and WHAM! Hit on the head, blacked out.
"I came to maybe a day later, locked up in a cell. The noble was there, gloating over me, all pomp and idiocy. He couldn't have known, nobody does, but he should have let me out. But when the pleading doesn't work, and I won't grovel and beg like a dog, then what can I do, I switch to cursing and spitting and more Evil Eyes, and that only makes the lord angrier. He says he'll make an example of me, people will talk about what he's doing for years to come. I beg and I plead and I shout but he won't let me go.
"Come a week goes by, I finally catch a break. I've been trying to loosen a stone in the cell the whole time, see, and finally out it comes. A couple good whacks and the lock falls off the door. I get out, I'm weak, I'm dizzy, I've barely eaten and drank all week long, but I run. I have to get back to my family, the caravan. I'm desperate, hoping they've stayed, but when I get there they've gone. They never knew where I went, they couldn't have known. And so the only thing there for me are guardsmen who arrest me when the noble finds out I've gone.
"Of course, after a couple days it comes out why the noble had me captured, and what he did, and they decide to let me go. Justice, they said. Heh. But by then, too late. I realized it the next evening, when there was finally enough mist--eh, the right conditions to try and get home. And I couldn't. I'd spent too long. The dizziness wasn't just hunger, it was the sickness.
"So, there I was. Free from the noble, but mortu. Living death, unable ever to rejoin my people. I wished then I'd rather be dukkar and killed at birth than live like this. But then I dragged myself up, started to do what I could to get by. I'm clever, I'm quick, I can charm when I need to. But five years...
"So, yes, I drink. It's good drink, different from what I had back home. I like it. But if you'll excuse me, I think it's time for some sleep now. Don't mind if I fall, they'll toss me out back. I put a blanket there just for times like this."

Niyaga |

Here is my submission
Ascal, Human Wizard
Ideals: Those with power must protect the weak
Bond: My tools are symbols of my past life and the teaching of my parents. I carry them so that I will never forget my roots
Flaws: Moody, absentminded- flawlessly memorising the orders and sequences of spells occupy my mind
Ascal was born in a village in the frontier lands (ie. Secomber) to a family of Weavers. His parents are loyal and stout folk, proudly going about their business of providing cloth to the people. Ascal shares his parents pragmatism but his heart fights the simple life and routine of the villagers. This opposition created a wilful and angry child, unsure of where to direct his energies. Regularly with his head in the clouds and as regularly in trouble for neglecting his chores, he rebels against the villager’s ways
A turning point in Ascal’s late teen years was the discovery of a dusty old spellbook in a hidden cellar underneath an abandoned house in the village. Keeping the tome a secret from his family, he steals time to study its pages. After months and then years poring over the book he begins to understand the glyphs and sigils in the pages. Over time he learns to speak the arcane script, discovering a natural ability for casting. He learns the cantrips, locked away in the cellar, still carefully guarding his secret. Ascal’s mind is awash with the arcane script he has memorised, and that within the book he does not properly understand yet.
Ascal’s life all changes the day an Orc raiding party tears into his village. Seeing his fellow villagers, members of the Militia, torn apart he looses firebolt after firebolt releasing the magical energy he has taught himself to harness into the Orcs and calling the Militia to him. More bewildered by Ascal’s transformation into a fire throwing, green eyed devil than the attack on the village, the Militia pauses. Screaming to bring the warriors to the battle the Militia finally rally and the raiding party is repelled
The village is left burning. In the aftermath Ascal finds his Mother and Father luckily alive.
During the reconstruction of the village, Ascal’s parents and the Village Elders tell Ascal that he must go forth and seek training for his magic in Waterdeep. ‘It is time to weave mana instead of yarn’
Sadly leaving his parents and the village folk behind, he wearily accepts this new and difficult responsibility. This new role as hero, traveller and student of the arcane arts. The simple village boy is thrust out of his settled life and on to an unknown fate

Kamaloo |

Submissions on Paizo so far:
karlprosek: barbarian/druid (pre-approved)
bookrat: Grey Jatan, tiefling monk
Niyaga: Ascal Weaver, human wizard
Atlas2112: human cleric of war (submission partially pending - description)
LoupBlanc: Nikomedus Mortu, human (Vistani) rogue
Submissions elsewhere so far:
If people feel strongly that they'd prefer to roll their own dice, I guess we could do it in the discussion thread here.

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Since we're not doing this on this site, I guess I can use one my favorite names.
Borther Attero Dominatus is a big man, with round biceps and a chest like a tree trunk. He wears his heavy coat of chain mail like a robe, enjoying how it clinks with every step, announcing his coming and the glory of Torm that he brings.
Often dour outside of combat, he has been known to react with gregariousness and humor when facing hordes of screaming evildoers.
I am also fine with all dice being rolled by the DM. I've often advocated for the DM rolling initiative, and I guess the argument can be extended to everything else.
I can see myself changing my mind on attack rolls, though. I get a kick writing the narrative on a hit or miss, and I can see this might take too much away from the player and put too big a burden on the DM, but we'll see.

Kamaloo |

Submissions on Paizo so far:
karlprosek: barbarian/druid (pre-approved)
bookrat: Grey Jatan, tiefling monk
Niyaga: Ascal Weaver, human wizard
Atlas2112: human cleric of war
LoupBlanc: Nikomedus Mortu, human (Vistani) rogue
Submissions elsewhere so far:
Jago Pulastra: half-elf or planetouched devotion paladin (submission pending)

Kamaloo |

Gah, I only just realized that I forgot to add Brother Attero's name to the list. Sorry about that.
Submissions on Paizo so far:
karlprosek: barbarian/druid (pre-approved)
bookrat: Grey Jatan, tiefling monk
Niyaga: Ascal Weaver, human wizard
Atlas2112: Brother Attero Dominatus, human cleric of war
LoupBlanc: Nikomedus Mortu, human (Vistani) rogue
Submissions elsewhere so far:
Jago Pulastra: Dante Hatalithil, half-elf devotion paladin

Kamaloo |

Submissions on Paizo so far:
karlprosek: barbarian/druid (pre-approved)
bookrat: Grey Jatan, tiefling monk
Niyaga: Ascal Weaver, human wizard
Atlas2112: Brother Attero Dominatus, human cleric of war
LoupBlanc: Nikomedus Mortu, human (Vistani) rogue
Dessarin the Deceived: Amida Godvessel, human warlock
Submissions elsewhere so far:
Jago Pulastra: Dante Hatalithil, half-elf devotion paladin

Kamaloo |

Okay, it doesn't look like we're likely to get more submissions, so I'll go ahead and post the characters picked here:
karlprosek: barbarian/druid (pre-approved)
bookrat: Grey Jatan, tiefling monk
Niyaga: Ascal Weaver, human wizard
Atlas2112: Brother Attero Dominatus, human cleric of war
LoupBlanc: Nikomedus Mortu, human (Vistani) rogue
Jago Pulastra: Dante Hatalithil, half-elf devotion paladin
The support site is here. Please use the character sheet on the group under Files. Please don't include any linked text, as it bloats the file at odd times. I'd appreciate it if you used Wordpad or Office Libre or the equivalent rather than MS Word or OpenOffice, as they tend to bork up the formatting.
Welcome to your doom! *lightning cracks and thunder peals*

Kamaloo |

I was just informed about this by PM - it's weird, I use this template on all my games and it works fine, but on this particular page it refuses to work with frames, so you have to open the link in a new window.
bookrat's link is good, too. Thanks, bookrat!
Your email addresses will show on the group, so you just have to join and that will be taken care of. You can send the rtf sheet to my address (I posted the first message on the group).

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Half-Elf -- reflavored 'Half-Fey' daughter of evil Dryad in the Moonwood with a Half-Elf slave (who later escaped with his baby daughter from the Dryad)
Rogue-1, then Paladin of Lathander for subsequent levels.
INT will be the highest Ability Score and, with the Sage Background, has tons of Skills -- heavy Knowledge Skills, plus Diplomacy and Bluff (Persuasion & Deceit)
Edit: I'll be tinkering with this a bit a bit but my PC will be a heavy Knowledge Skills & Bluff/Diplomacy roleplayer, extremely LG but using "fight-fire-with-fire" tactics with Deceit when encountering bad guys.

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A little longer than you asked but still brief....
The Moonwood is lovely; that is true. But it is also dark and it is also deep, and its many promises are kept: kept from escaping, kept from justice, kept from hope.
Among these is a lonely grove, a bower with a great Sycamore and its Dryad, Mistress Lolita. From her sanctuary she rules a court of lust and imprisonment, keeping both elves and men from escape, keeping them from justice, keeping them from hope.
For four years and four days one of these kept mortals was the darkly humorous, deeply cynical, Half-Elf, Jaques. Imprisoned and violated by the wicked Dryad, he conceived to her a daughter, Perdita Imogen.
Perdita Imogen was three when her father found his opportunity to escape; Mistess Lolita was busy with a new captive mortal and her wicked Quicklings, Grigs and Sprites were off tormenting some wandering Halflings. Jaques took his babe and fled for Silverymoon.
And the Moonwood was lovely and it was dark and it was deep.
Leaving Silverymoon behind after her father's death, Perdita Imogen heads to the Swordcoast to expand her knowledge, experience life and answer the call she's beginning to hear in her soul from Lathander.
She knows her life will be a grand experience of beauty and discovery.
That life is precious and resilient.
Full of hope and creativity.
And nothing can be as dark as her deep past.

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Oh confound, every other link on the "http://www.2ndcycle.com/RL/" page works for me, except the "Yahoo Group" link to submit the character. (I did read the Lone Wolf story, and that was very informative).
Can you throw up another link? Just to be sure?
Bookrat's link work's quite well though. =)
Is there an alternate way to get a character sheet to you? Can you email it to me?

bookrat |

Some points on the character sheet (also highlights the difference between PF and 5e):
Not all skills need to be listed. anything you're not proficient in is just an ability check. Since the proficiency bonus is universal, then being proficient means you're just adding your proficiency bonus (which is a flat +2 at this level). No need to list anything you're not proficient in.
The sheet does not have a spot for tool proficiencies. This is important, as some skills in PF have become tools in 5e, like Thieve's Tools for lock picking.
The sheet asks for touch AC and flat-footed AC. Neither of those exist in 5e.
The sheet does not ask for the background feature. This is an important part of characters as it provides a lot of narrative power to a character. For more information on the importance of Background features, see my profile and click the link, "How to Design Background Features."

Kamaloo |

Atlas2112: Your group membership has been approved. You should be able to access the group now. If you check out the Conversations, I've posted my email address there.
bookrat: Ah, it shows that I just took the template of my PF sheet and semi-converted it, haha. I have a lot to learn about 5e! I appreciate the tips. I'll add/remove those things on the sheet and repost it, but it's fine if you just want to give me the missing information, and I'll add it to the sheets I have.

Kamaloo |

bookrat: Hmm, there is a spot for the Background, it's just conflated with the actual background of the character.
The thing with the skills is just for my leaky memory about which skills exist - it's easier to have it on the sheet than to look it up every time. As for tool proficiencies, for now you can add them under the skills; I'll read up on them.
I've deleted the FF / Touch AC fields, and I'll re-upload the sheet soon.