Consummate C's Reign of Winter (Inactive)

Game Master Holly G.

Reign of Winter

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Female Human GM/2 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 10 | Perception +0 | Sense Motive +5

This thread is for out-of-character discussion. Use the gameplay tab attached to this campaign for in-character discussion/comments. See this thread for formatting suggestions to improve your in-character commentary.

Character creation: 10 June
First session: 08 July

20 points for ability scores
Max hp at first level
Max gold per starting class
Min 4 + INT skill points/level
2 traits (campaign traits optional)

Suggested starting backgrounds:
You are a member of the Pathfinder Society sent to investigate the odd weather.
You have been sent by the government of Taldor to investigate the same.
You grew up in/around the village of Heldren in Taldor.

If you want to play a witch, especially a "winter witch," or someone from Irrisen, let me know so we can talk about how to make you background work well in the campaign.

Female Human GM/2 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 10 | Perception +0 | Sense Motive +5

Once you have decided on a character, create an alias with the name and put your basic character info in the "classes/levels" field. Something like: Race Class Lvx | HP: x/x | AC: x

Please also add your perception, trap finding, and sense motive modifiers as well!

Male . Race:Maybe later, my legs aren't up to it. Classes/Level: Graduated/Drywall, torpedo, line, pocket, and laser

Just checking in to let you know that I plan to be at all those sessions.

I'm probably sticking with the pyro-kineticist (who is currently a pathfinder, so that works). I'll get a proper alias set up once we're closer to starting.

Probably gonna bring my Half-Orc Bloodrager to play, finally.

Really up to folks what roles we need filled for my char. I have a swash a gunslinger, a monk, and a non blasts wizard in the deck. I love them all, but the gunslinger or the wiz would be my pref. Especially if not using the homebrew firearms rules.

Male Tiefling Fighter/7


Female Human GM/2 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 10 | Perception +0 | Sense Motive +5
Skizor wrote:
Really up to folks what roles we need filled for my char. I have a swash a gunslinger, a monk, and a non blasts wizard in the deck. I love them all, but the gunslinger or the wiz would be my pref. Especially if not using the homebrew firearms rules.

Trying to avoid homebrew rules; will have enough troubles making the 4 person AP work for 8, let alone adding new rules.

Male . Race:Maybe later, my legs aren't up to it. Classes/Level: Graduated/Drywall, torpedo, line, pocket, and laser

Kadance = Chris G.
Skizor = Chris Ski.
Mulligansley = Chris M.
Yue Se Fu = Cheyne?

Wow. Yue Se Fu was the kineticist name I was originally going to bring to the PFS game. I don't know why it won't update.

Female Human GM/2 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 10 | Perception +0 | Sense Motive +5

I don't know where he is looking; I see "Khakhanable." Been looking forward to your bloodrager!!

Male Tiefling Fighter/7

So I tried to create an alias with what info I have atm, but it seems like only my PFS character is present, I couldn't where to add, and the Profile section seems like a better fit. This is unless of course the profile section is that for the same PFS character alias.

I'm thinking Arcane Bloodline Primalist Metamagic Rager Bloodrager. Either Human or Half-Orc.

Male Tiefling Fighter/7

Also, Christy says she's going to play a Winter Witch.

Male Hungerseed Tiefling Unchained Barbarian 1


Female Human GM/2 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 10 | Perception +0 | Sense Motive +5
Mulligansley wrote:
So I tried to create an alias with what info I have atm, but it seems like only my PFS character is present, I couldn't where to add, and the Profile section seems like a better fit. This is unless of course the profile section is that for the same PFS character alias.

Go to "my account" and look about halfway down on the left for "messageboard alias"

Female Human GM/2 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 10 | Perception +0 | Sense Motive +5
Mulligansley wrote:
Also, Christy says she's going to play a Winter Witch.

Was she thinking to be from Irrisen? I suppose I can probably just ask her tomorrow, but do you think she might be willing to take on the back story of one of the NPCs featured in the first 2 books? Then I could just write out that NPC.

Male . Race:Maybe later, my legs aren't up to it. Classes/Level: Graduated/Drywall, torpedo, line, pocket, and laser

So, we have...
Winter Witch (has some healing), UNK
Wizard (I heard he's not a blaster type), UNK
Sorcerer, Sylvan (riding a mammoth), Halfling

Rogue, Tengu
Bloodrager, Half-orc
Ranger (Ranged attacker), Elf

I don't know if Kelly is even planning on playing.

I'll look into something with at least some healing for my character. Leaning toward druid right now.

Male . Race:Maybe later, my legs aren't up to it. Classes/Level: Graduated/Drywall, torpedo, line, pocket, and laser

For our Winter Witch, here's some suggestions:
The GM will allow the Scarred Witch Doctor archetype to stack with the Winter Witch archetype if you're interested in playing Half-Orc

The metamagic feats Rime Spell, Intensify Spell, and Reach Spell could be useful.

The trait Watershaping (available with the Adopted trait) would likely be good too.

Female Human GM/2 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 10 | Perception +0 | Sense Motive +5
kadance wrote:

So, we have...

Winter Witch (has some healing), UNK
Wizard (I heard he's not a blaster type), UNK
Sorcerer, Sylvan (riding a mammoth), Halfling

Rogue, Tengu
Bloodrager, Half-orc
Ranger (Ranged attacker), Elf

I don't know if Kelly is even planning on playing.

I'll look into something with at least some healing for my character. Leaning toward druid right now.

Play a druid. Caster party! You'll be fine.....!

Male Tiefling Fighter/7

So.. a good feat people may want to look at getting: Rugged Northerner. I know am at level 1 and I don't get many feats.

Prerequisites: Con 13, Survival 1 rank.

Benefit: You treat extreme cold conditions (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 442) as severe cold, and severe cold as cold weather conditions. You are not impacted at all by normal cold weather conditions. In addition, you do not become fatigued by frostbite or hypothermia.

Male . Race:Maybe later, my legs aren't up to it. Classes/Level: Graduated/Drywall, torpedo, line, pocket, and laser

Yeah, that could be a life saver. Of course, with a sorcerer, a wizard, and a druid (my current character concept), we may have enough Endure Elements to go around (note: the winter witch won't need it).

Female Human GM/2 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 10 | Perception +0 | Sense Motive +5

You guys, ruining all my murderous cold with your enduring of elements and whatnot...

I have arrived. *cheers from the crowd*

Male Tiefling Fighter/7

I'd REALLY like to not have to use my one of few feats early on with that, but I will if I have to.

I saw the class breakdown...if we need some more melee, I can go swash or monk. Let me know.

Male Tiefling Fighter/7

We "muggles" will be just fine. :)

Mulligansley wrote:
We "muggles" will be just fine. :)

alright, and duly noted.

Female Human GM/2 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 10 | Perception +0 | Sense Motive +5
Mulligansley wrote:
I'd REALLY like to not have to use my one of few feats early on with that, but I will if I have to.

I think the casters are telling you that you don't have to...

Female Human GM/2 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 10 | Perception +0 | Sense Motive +5
Mulligansley wrote:
We "muggles" will be just fine. :)

"We"? I think you are playing the only "muggle." The bloodrager is just a late bloomer.

Male . Race:Maybe later, my legs aren't up to it. Classes/Level: Graduated/Drywall, torpedo, line, pocket, and laser

Think of it like this: The area around the bad guys won't be too crowded since there's only three of us in melee (if David is still going for a ranged ranger).

Now, do we want a stegosaurus with us?

I was considering using treatmonk's switch hitter build, human. lmk what you think.

Male . Race:Maybe later, my legs aren't up to it. Classes/Level: Graduated/Drywall, torpedo, line, pocket, and laser

It's a very good way to play a ranger, though I don't know the last time he updated it, so there could be some options available not included in the guide. Treantmonk's a solid source of advice.

Female Human GM/2 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 10 | Perception +0 | Sense Motive +5
justadude wrote:
I was considering using treatmonk's switch hitter build, human. lmk what you think.

I was actually planning to suggest that to you if you decided to stick with Ranger. I had one generally following that plan for a couple levels until Chris TPK'd us! Was really good.

BAB - essentially the same as your lvl?

justadude wrote:
BAB - essentially the same as your lvl?

If you have a full BAB progression class, such as a fighter, or a monk, or a rogue, or a paladin or another martial based class. Others are 3/4 your level, or 1/2 your level.

Wizard concept updated: Tiefling Conjuration teleportation specialist. In Character intro will be up later tonight on the IC tab hopefully.

Female Human GM/2 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 10 | Perception +0 | Sense Motive +5
justadude wrote:
BAB - essentially the same as your lvl?

For your ranger, yes.

Female Human GM/2 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 10 | Perception +0 | Sense Motive +5

Let me know if you can't view the map.

Male Tiefling Fighter/7
Skizor wrote:
justadude wrote:
BAB - essentially the same as your lvl?
If you have a full BAB progression class, such as a fighter, or a monk, or a rogue, or a paladin or another martial based class. Others are 3/4 your level, or 1/2 your level.

Rogues are 3/4 BAB as well.

M Human Ranger (Wild Hunter) do I add my character to this business?

Grand Lodge

Male Samsaran Druid (Goliath) / 1

A single post in the gameplay thread (tabs at the top) will add you as a player.

The Exchange

Male Tiefling 7 | Fighter | HP: 76| AC: 24 | Percp: +8 | Acro: +15 |

So didn't the DM's info about the area tell us from the beginning that there was no inn? Maybe Chris was just role playing then. I couldn't tell if I missed something.

Female Human GM/2 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 10 | Perception +0 | Sense Motive +5

Yes, he was role-playing his arrival at Heldren. I also couldn't say if he actually read about the town or not. He might be waiting until he role-plays going to a place before reading about it.

The Exchange

Male Tiefling 7 | Fighter | HP: 76| AC: 24 | Percp: +8 | Acro: +15 |

I figure if you post it without specifying the target audience, then it's for public knowledge. Is that not the case?

The Exchange

Male Tiefling 7 | Fighter | HP: 76| AC: 24 | Percp: +8 | Acro: +15 |

I tried searching, but does Paizo Msg Boards only allow their own avatars? Can we not upload our own?

Female Human GM/2 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 10 | Perception +0 | Sense Motive +5
Hokkaido Goto wrote:
I tried searching, but does Paizo Msg Boards only allow their own avatars? Can we not upload our own?

No, you can't upload your own. This is the internet; if you think about that for a minute, you'll likely agree that's a good idea...

Female Human GM/2 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 10 | Perception +0 | Sense Motive +5
Hokkaido Goto wrote:
I figure if you post it without specifying the target audience, then it's for public knowledge. Is that not the case?

I suppose I could have held back the descriptions of places until someone went there, but I don't think it spoils anything. If someone rolls high enough to gather info, I would post it behind a spoiler. You could read it, but your character wouldn't know unless the character that made the check told him. Same as if it was said at the table, you know? I'd consider this basically the same as that.

Male . Race:Maybe later, my legs aren't up to it. Classes/Level: Graduated/Drywall, torpedo, line, pocket, and laser

Yeah, I've read about Heldren, but Ballu has never been there.

Male . Race:Maybe later, my legs aren't up to it. Classes/Level: Graduated/Drywall, torpedo, line, pocket, and laser
Taldor, Echoes of Glory wrote:

The Bearded: Taldor’s royalty and senatorial classes are know as “the bearded,” a term reflective of their protected legal status as the only males in Taldor who can legally grow beards (though this becomes less of an issue the farther you travel from Oppara).
(Chris's Note: Heldren is 200+ miles from Oppara, about as far as you can get and stay in Taldor)
Wearing a beard is a symbol of status, and the level of extravagance poured into a man’s beard is representative of his personal wealth and power. It’s not uncommon for Taldans to portray Abadar, Aroden, or Cayden Cailean with beards, as it is hard for them to imagine male gods not possessing enough power to earn the right to wear one. This is not to say that any may with a day’s worth of scruff is thrown in jail or onto a slave galley—intent is the key, and long cheek whiskers or a scraggly beard are clearly not attempts to rise above one’s station . It is only when a man of lower class starts to groom and oil his beard (particularly a goatee or chin-beard) in the manner of nobles that others start to take notice and guards are inclined to take action. Furthermore, foreign dignitaries, dwarves, and gnomes are all but exempt from this scrutiny, as Taldor is a human nation and the intent of the law is to keep the Taldan peasant class from putting on airs, not to alienate beard-wearing merchants and diplomats of other races or countries.

Also, here's a lovely map of Taldor. Heldren is located in the south, on the edge of the Border Wood: Taldor

The Exchange

Male Tiefling 7 | Fighter | HP: 76| AC: 24 | Percp: +8 | Acro: +15 |

Ok. Thanks for the clarification. I'll really only read the spoilers then if I roll and am suppose to know in character. I'd rather not have it somehow influence my decision making.

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