Skizor's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts (20 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


Vostok's char sheet is in chris's gmail. good luck vs. the dragon folks.

So, new Eiji, what bloodline did you take?

Awesome write up, madam GM

Noticing the new arrival, Vostok elbows his brother. To Eiji " Watch this. Walking towards the Lady, Vostok waves his hands and mutters Presto cleano! casting Prestigitation on some of the floor. Noticing that only an inch of the floor is now clean, he mutters to his right hand We'll have to work on that. He bows to the Lady and walks back over towards his brother.

Wizard concept updated: Tiefling Conjuration teleportation specialist. In Character intro will be up later tonight on the IC tab hopefully.

justadude wrote:
BAB - essentially the same as your lvl?

If you have a full BAB progression class, such as a fighter, or a monk, or a rogue, or a paladin or another martial based class. Others are 3/4 your level, or 1/2 your level.

Mulligansley wrote:
We "muggles" will be just fine. :)

alright, and duly noted.

I saw the class breakdown...if we need some more melee, I can go swash or monk. Let me know.

Really up to folks what roles we need filled for my char. I have a swash a gunslinger, a monk, and a non blasts wizard in the deck. I love them all, but the gunslinger or the wiz would be my pref. Especially if not using the homebrew firearms rules.