Blades of honor- warriors of terra

Game Master rorek55

d20 maps!

tome of battle sword skills

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...............Attempting to Solve Problem.............
Problem Found-
Invalid command input
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..........Problem Solved-
Removing invalid command.
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GM ticket

All of the 10,000 players signed on to Blades of Honor at launch went through this horrifying experience. Watching in awe and horror as there logout command was removed. At first, many thought it was a joke the admins were playing on the players. Soon though, After the GM entered Many realized that this was no joke...

Greeting Fellow Gamers! I bid you welcome to BoH, Our new home. As many of you have noticed the log-out command has been removed from the system. This was intentional. There will be no log outs. This is your world now, I, your god but fear not, I am a fair one, and will not tamper with the self sustaining system I have implemented, I will merely watch, and enjoy your progress through the 150 levels of this world. Oh, I should mention one last thing, if you die in this world. You die in the other. Let the games begin!


It has been Several months after the horrifying events of the launch day. so far, the players have only gotten to the 5th level. Already, reported death tolls number near 1000, with 75% occurring during the chaos of the first month after launch. A odd way of life has emerged from this, with many people beginning to live almost normal lives in the game world, as fishermen, farmers, blacksmiths, merchants and so on. As of now, there are four different views, and so, four different factions. With support from several prominent guilds in each.

Up first, There is the Assault team faction.
The members of this faction and the guilds therein are fully dedicated to beating the game, and getting home. They fight continuously taking little time to enjoy the game, much less other aspects of it. When not sleeping they spend there time grinding, mapping or searching for boss doors. They view those who sit back and enjoy the game with mild disgust. Why wouldn't they want to get back as soon as possible? Why should they not help? But, there are those within the faction that believe they fight not just for themselves, but for all the players of BoH. That there fighting at the front allows those others to live almost normal lives, while keeping hope to one day return to the world they came from.

The most prominent guilds within the Assault faction are.
The Knights of a new Dawn-
Lead by General Derick Rose, Paladin and exemplar of the people. The knights of a new Dawn are always at the forefront, fighting to get the people of BoH back home. Or keeping order in the streets an patrolling the wilds to find any Player killers or brigands.

Blades of the Desert Wind -
Lead by Pasha Aribar Muhammad- a two-handed fighter with much invested personally in returning to the normal world. The members of this guild are paid well, and worked more. They never leave the front until they must sleep. They would even sacrifice the lives of those who cannot fight to get home.

Order of the Blood Rose
Lead by the mysterious and elusive Maia Youchi, a ninja of great renown whos motives are as unknown as the GMs. They come and go like shadows, when a boss room is found, they appear from the night, though they are quite welcome. The members of this guild are few, and rarely move in towns, its is a rare and strange sight to see a member of the OotBR.

The White Ravens
Lead by the Charismatic Aia Furuki, She is a strange one in that she seeks to aid all the people of BoH, Though they are known for helping the poor and suffering at the expense of the wealthy, home to rogues and duelists alike. They take great pride in there tactics and code. They are numerous, and, like the Knights of a new Dawn, help keep the peace among the lands.

Second, we have the Craftsmen
The members of this faction seek to make the best of there new lives. They occasionally will seek out, and even fight A floor boss. Though most seem content to live out there day to day lives working on there new crafts. They have no real opinions on any other players, but most look up to the assault team to one day get them home, and so usually aid them as they can.

Guilds of prominence withing the Craftsmen
The Working Hand
Lead by a hard working and rough but fair man, James Rossburg.
Field workers, fishermen, woodcutters, farmers. These men seek to merely live a life within this world, not letting a day go to waste.

Diamonds in the Rust
Guild of merchants and traders, lead by a real world CEO, Issac Renten.
The members of this guild seek to become rich and wealthy in BoH beyond all other things, though some of the members here are attempting to break off, with a mind set of aiding the poorer players.

Third, and perhaps the most peculiar, are the Renegades.
These players, for whatever reason, have decided they are willing to fight to STAY in the BoH world, whether they believe they have nothing left in the other world, Wish to run from problems in the Real world, or just simply believe that BoH is much more exciting than the real world and worth staying. They are ever at odds with the Assault team, While open conflict has been avoided so far, tensions rise every day...

Prominent guilds within the Renegades.
The Wolfen
Lead by Arrack Sven, A man who has lost everything in the real world, but has gain power, fame and friends within BoH. He will stop at nothing to protect what he deems his new life. These players feel they have everything to lose should BoH be beaten. They either hated there life in the real world or had problems they did not want to deal with there.

Blades of Night
The blades of night are lead by a man named Akio Ryuu, They seek only to retain there new found power in this world. Many of the members of this guild are either those who feel more at home in a world full of adventure and fighting or those who are crippled, or socially inept in the real world. They feel they have been given a chance to change in this world and that should it end, there second life will as well.

Starlight Dynasty
Lead by James Johnson, the members of this guild are those who welcome the new power and strength they have gained in this world. They will stop at nothing to become the dominating power of this world and to keep the game from ever being beaten.

The last faction, is small, and hated by all the others. These are the player killers, the PvPers, those who feel they have the rights to kill because its a game. These players have either went insane from the reality of what has happened, convinced themselves that the GM lied about death, or merely embraced there sociopath nature. There are only 2 known guilds formed within this faction, but others surely exist, and little is known about the 2 other than there leaders.

The Grinning Skulls
Lead by Mistuhide Kaiba, The grinning skulls are an assassin guild, they kill for money and profit, not pleasure, though it would be a lie to say some of there ranks did not enjoy there dark business.

The Blades of Twilight
Murders, sociopaths, and all the rest. This guild has no real leader, but the most feared man in the game can sometimes rally them together. Waru Emotei Tokugawa. Nothing is known of him except that his skills and strength is almost unmatched by any but the guild leaders of the assault faction.

Well, these are the things that have come from the last 5 months, what have you been doing? What will you be doing? Have you joined a guild? A faction? are you going it alone or with a small knit group? Has your guild weathered the wear of time and the split opinions? If so, have you joined a faction? Or are you a stand alone? What have you been fighting for? This if the game Blades of Honor, this is your new world. What will your story entail?

The names of the Main cities in each of the floors are respectively,
Mirridan heights- starting area
Town of jewels- desert Biome
Luskan Port
Twilight City

Note: feel free to adlive status, and other things such as buildings, names etc. Even some events of smaller scales. Like, you can tell your story, you have just about free reign with it, maybe your guild grew semi powerful, you kept solo, or joined one of the other guilds etc. There is no pressure to post asap. Go your pace and feel free too PM each other or discuss in the discussion thread if you so wish as I realize its a bit of a jump. I just put this here to set the setting. Just don't get to crazy with it. Also, if anyone has any idea names for areas/dungeons feel free to let them be known, I would appreciate the help in naming things... lol.

Male Tiefling (Shackleborn) Picture Dreadnaught 5; HP 65/65, AC 17/T 10/ FF 17; Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +3; CMB +7, CMD 17; Per +9, Init +2; Spd 20.;

The maw-thing lay twisted, its heaving and quivering form bleeding out in the frosty morn. Faint traceries of blood flecked the snow and the creature's expiration, signaled by wisps of exhaled air, was not long in coming.

Khode stamped his feet and beat the snow and blood off Sabre. He was thankful for another day in the bladelands. For whatever reason, both Mitsuhide Kaiba and Waru Emotei Tokugawa wanted him dead. That was fine with him. He'd seen their minions capitulate and melt before his adamant strikes, and he would continue to keep ahead of them. Fortress Awn stood waiting on the far horizon, and within lay the prize few dared seek - the Command Stone. Whatever it was Khode had no idea, nor any real reason to quest for it, save that it was supposedly of great interest to the town dark men that wanted him dead.

In his dreams he struggled within a whirling chaos of bright lights and dark spaces, as if his very essence were a cipher, and he but an expression of…something. Perhaps the Command Stone would unveil its secrets, and also, his own…

Lantern Lodge

Female Elf | Picture | Ninja 5 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | HP 50/50 | F +3 R +9 W +3 | Init +8 | Perc +9 (Darkvision 60')

A voice is heard behind Khode.
"Hi Khode! How have you been lately?"
A small gnome carpenter is there, a grin in his face.

Stats: HP 84/84; AC 20, touch 13, Flat Footed 17; CMD 24; Fort +8, Reflex +&, Will +5; Perception +13; Initiative 4

Five months and already 1000 players have died. I often ask myself why? What's the point. It's the. I feel the hand clasping my own and look over to see my why. The Invisible Blade Eira. My wife in both this world and the real world. We had a life it might have been meager but it was ours. We've still go promises to keep a family to stet and I'll be damned if I let some guy with a god complex take that away.

Zero thinks to himself as he sits at the table in tier guild head quarters. They may not be as big as some of the other Guilds in the Assault Faction but they were gaining fame.

Female Human Titan Mauler 5

Talori clanks into the headquarters, clad in her usual full plate. Her massive sword, newly dubbed Raven's Claw, hangs on her back. "Hey, Zero. How goes the hunt today?" Since that g~*-d+#ned sadistic mother@#!$ing admin pulled the IRL and In-game appearance swap on some poor unlucky players-including the barbarian-Talori looked like a complete pansy. Beautiful, curly orange red hair, porcelain face... The rest of the guild laughed about it. It gave them solace in an otherwise bleak situation. That didn't impede her combat prowess, though. She was still a total !@#kicker.

"The assassin guilds were stirring up trouble in Luskan Port again. Apparently, some idiot hired both of them for the same mark. Splitting them up was tough, especially since Luskan, for some stupid event, wasn't safe-zoned at the time. Something to do with pirates or some @#!$ like that. Nearly pulled off the sleep-PK before I got there. I chased them off, though. Argus would've had fun there."

This is Talori's new image.

Lantern Lodge

Female Elf | Picture | Ninja 5 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | HP 50/50 | F +3 R +9 W +3 | Init +8 | Perc +9 (Darkvision 60')

Moving up the conversation as Khode is not around...
"It's me! Shadow! Remember, I like being in disguise! I have been doing some quests over here, with one group or the other. I also got another guild request from the Order of the Blood Rose, nice guys, but I turned down again, even if I told them I am available to help anytime. I am also trying to make more friends at The Working Hand, so I can become a provider of materials for them. I have been leveling OK, making friends left and right. Contact, you know, that is the key. And opportunity. Be in the right place at the right time. So right now I am looking for work, in case you know something. And you? How have you been?"

Male Tiefling (Shackleborn) Picture Dreadnaught 5; HP 65/65, AC 17/T 10/ FF 17; Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +3; CMB +7, CMD 17; Per +9, Init +2; Spd 20.;

Khode is startled by the gnome carpenter until it resolves into the one he knows only as "Shadow". She does not work for them, at least not yet. He squints at her mention of these arcane terms - "levelling". Perhaps it is a grounding technique.

"Well met Shadow! Khode claps his weathered hands in the morning air. "As ever, it is a good day to die, but perhaps an even better day on which to live to see tomorrow!" Khode grins, his open countenance in sharp counterpoint to his fell purpose.

"I trek to Fortress Awn, to seek the fabled Command Stone, though in truth both fortress and stone may be but the same fable or a ruse to entice me yonder. Our good friends the Playing Killers still wish me dead. Care to accompany me? Or hast thou heard of some better sport?"

TO anyone that checks the message boards semi-regularly in towns.
you would notice several topics that peek your interests

1. Apparently, a guild noone has heard of is claiming to have found the dungeon the boss door on floor 5 is in. Most are disregarding them for the moment, though some may take interest
To those that care, We believe we have found the dungeon in which the boss resides, we lost two members mapping it out last week with little progress to show for it. It is far to dangerous for us to continue, please someone help.
- The Nyan Kats
2. There are rumors of a band of players hunting the roads leaving Mirridan Heights.
there are reports of brigands robning travllers leaving or going to mirridan heights, so far only one casualty has been reported but we fear what my come. so far the upper guilds maintaining order have there hands full with other matters and have not turned there attention to this issue as of yet. If some other guild brave enough to look into this would. We would pay for your services, we prefer to capture these men alive.
-Mirridan town guard
3. There is to be a tournament held within the twilight city for all to enter, either solo or parties of 3. There will also be guild battles where groups of up to 5 may participate in the tournament, all combatants must be from the same guild. The two types of combats are not exclusive, you may participate In both. There is rumoured to be a grand prize for the winner(s) of each, tailor selected for them by the GM.

Male Dwarf Zen archer monk 1 HP9/9 AC16/16/14 Init:+2 Perception:+8(+10stonecunning), Fort:+4Ref+5Will+6(+3vs spell/SLA/Psn)

*sigh* ya know what? screw it, I'm just going to leave the 5 month period of time alone and keep it as flashback material for future if we need it. I'm going to save describing my characters IC appearance until I get some futher info from Rorek. Also hello dangling plot hook to make friends with the slightly mad inquisitor and his ninja pal, I'm just gonna pull on that right there hope ya don't mind.
Also, I'm kinda sad I started typing this before I saw Roreks post. hunting down fools in the forest around Mirrian sounds just up Argus's alley and Talori is going to be chomping at the bit to hit up the tournament.

A tawny owl flutters in the window of the Black ravens guild hall strutting casually across the Eira's desk, upsetting paperwork and generally making a mess of the meticulously organized space. It hoots once before glancing around the room, judging all with its deep weathered eyes, seeing all. The it barfs up a mouse.
Tied to the creatures leg appears to be a Vox crystal.

Damn it Mallory I'm not a chair, get the #$%^off me you chunky moose.
No if anything being your older brother means I get to be even meaner to you than normal people and punch other people for doing the same. No one gets to torment my little sister but me!

Ah crap the crystals recording...

Right, so the Town of jewels is a $%^&in'crap heap. Sand gets everywhere, near nightly dust storms and absolutely everything down to the smallest plant would like to kill you. The people who chose to live here are crazy motha#$%@ers.
Add in the fact that private messaging doesn't work going into or out of this place and it gets stupid dangerous fast.
Still don't get why you had to send me down here, just cuz I pointed out you and Talori were starting to synchronize on EVERYTHING does- OW! damnit Mal! Look! But- Damnit...
So apparently I need to apologize now unless I would like to lose an ear, So i'm sorry that I am a blunt moron stink brain and I'm going to let Mallory join the black ra- Yeah, Mal? that's still not happening.
I'll be right back.
*sigh* right so now that I've roped my sister into being good for a while (a muffled noise of indignation) I'm going to get back to what I was going to say.

So hows life on the home front, White ravens still leaning on you to change the guilds name or become part of them? You manage to get any more members or are those same white ravens poaching still?

You were right so you know, this place is chock full with contacts for the assassins and other *##hats. the lack of PM rights in here makes it a paradise for folks like that, case in point I stumbled across a couple of them earlier.
When Mal decided to beat them up for great justice ,spoilers she didn't get far, and ran out into the desert I kicked their #@$es and we had a chat.
Apparently there's some big prize that the Tokugawa, that murdering *#$%bag who leads the Blades of twilight wants. They are planning to siege some dungeon called Adamant Fortress Awn.
They really want whatever is in there as they contracted the Grinning skulls to help.
They also seem to be after some $#@$sucker named -Khode-, never heard the name so I can only imagine hes a scrub.
anyway Adamant Fortress Awn is on the fourth level past the Razor swamp and on the highest incline of Sorrow hill. Can't miss it with all the corpses hanging from the trees.
*$%în' forth floor and its damn goth theme. Bet the entire damned fortress is gonna be full of sparkling vampires or some bull*#$% like that.
I'm going to be up on the fourth floor after I go to Mirridian heights to get my uncle to watch Mal for a while. I'll send a message once I'm up there and will scout the surroundings of this dungeon.
I'll let you know if this is the sort of place we have a chance to take on as i imagine Little Lion girl still wants to kill something as the week isn't done yet.
Stay strong Zero, them crazy $%^&#es will get marginally better soon.
Ah crap she got out of the ropes. *thump* *crash*

After activating the crystal sags to the ground and turns dark.

sorry, I thought I replied but it ate my PM 0.o all characters look like there real life personas, with minor tweaks depending on class and any IRL disabilities of the players.

Female Human Titan Mauler 5

Talori laughs at Argus' message, chock full of swears as usual. "Speaking of siblings, I found my foster brother a couple hours ago. Ever since the appearance change, it's been pretty easy to find everybody. Sure, he may not be the nicest guy, but... Alright, he was in juvie for a while for assault... and larceny... and a bunch of other stuff... but still, he's family, and we need to shore up our ranks."

Suddenly, a barrage of arrows comes from the guild entrance. "HahahahahHAHAha! If I can take out the famous Talori the Wyrmslayer, ohboyohboyohboy, the Blades will let me in for sure!" Talori sighs.

"Or, this game could be the perfect opportunity for Kaefor to unleash his inner psychopath. Hold on a second, I'll take care of him." At Zero's alarmed looks, Talori sighs. "Considering how often I have to deal with all of the murder guild's hired blades because of how many of their members I brought in, I added a specific crystal to the Claw that if I activate it, as soon as somebody reaches 0 HP with it, they get immobilized for 10 minutes, as well as allowing me to loot them for valuables. Get the Knights on a PM, Zero, and give 'em coords as well. I should be able to end this quick." A red aura flickers around Talori, and she dashes through the hallway.

Arrow: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 5

The arrow finds a chink in Talori's armor. Oh well.

BONECRUSHER!: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
Raven's Claw: 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (4, 2, 1) + 11 = 18
BONECRUSHER BONECRUSH!: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 1, 4) = 16
Punishing Stance Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Kaefor's Fort Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Kaefor's HP bar goes down. By a lot. He spits, and draws his sword.

AoO: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (6) + 17 = 23
Damage: 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (5, 3, 3) + 11 = 22
Rabid Wolf Strike: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 5) = 8
Punishing Stance Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Talori's sword cuts open Kaefor. Kaefor then takes a feeble swing at Talori.

Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4

After the g@~#!@ned foster brother hits her again, Talori decides that she has had enough. She nimbly hops back and lops some fire at the interloper.

Dragonfire Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Dragonfire Damage: 6d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 6, 5, 4, 2) = 24

The guy drops to the floor in a twitching heap.

As shadow talks with Khode, who seemingly has forgotten about there meeting in the beta several blow darts strike them.

blowdart: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
blowdart: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

For effect, will make your saves for you! attacks vs touch ac
khodefort: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
shadowfort: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Khode suddenly freezes up and falls to the ground unable to move but shadow manages to take an antidote before the poison takes effect as 5 shadowy cloaked figures wearing the symbol of the Grinning skulls emerge form nearby shadows.

Stand aside girl, You are not our mark. Collateral damage is unprofessional, but if you get in our way we won't hesitate to kill you as well.

as he speaks the others draw there weapons, one even using a chained kama.

Shadow merely draws her blades and takes a stance over Khode

Hmph, very well.

the assassins circle around Shadow.

ninjanitiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
leader: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

for simplicity, we will do initiative as groups. enemy group, PC group, and the boss/leader gets his own. shadow gets first move.

Male Tiefling (Shackleborn) Picture Dreadnaught 5; HP 65/65, AC 17/T 10/ FF 17; Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +3; CMB +7, CMD 17; Per +9, Init +2; Spd 20.;

Nice work GM! - but Khode did recognise Shadow...

Khode wrote:
...until it resolves into the one he knows only as "Shadow".

Lantern Lodge

Female Elf | Picture | Ninja 5 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | HP 50/50 | F +3 R +9 W +3 | Init +8 | Perc +9 (Darkvision 60')
GM_Rorek wrote:

Khode suddenly freezes up and falls to the ground unable to move but shadow manages to take an antidote before the poison takes effect as 5 shadowy cloaked figures wearing the symbol of the Grinning skulls emerge form nearby shadows.

Stand aside girl, You are not our mark. Collateral damage is unprofessional, but if you get in our way we won't hesitate to kill you as well.

Shadow smile at Khode's "joke" about the PKs. She knows how bad that have targeted Khode in the past, and tells herself she wont allow them to get away with murder, if she can prevent it.

"Well, those guys want us all dead, right? They just aim at you because you seem taller than me. So a command stone, eh? What is that for? I was in route to find the "Nyan Kats" and see if I can help them map that dungeon they say they found the level 5 boss in. As you know, stealth is one of my strong suits."
In that moment several darts hits them both, and Shadow manages to drink an antidote before the paralysis affects her.
The assassins ask her to stand aside. She imagines herself disappearing, invisible, and running away, not looking back, not wanting to know what happened. No one would know. No one could blame her.
Except her. She would know. She would blame herself.
Time to be fast.
She smiles.
"So this is a work? How much is he worth?"
She grabs him with one hand...
"He doesn't seem like much... So, what is the price on his head? Who pays?"
Bluff Roll: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
Remember she is disguised as a Gnome carpenter. No weapons on sight.
What she is really doing is trying to get information from the Grinning skulls, and on other side to check the weight of Khode. If he weights less than 108 lbs. soaking wet, she would be able to carry him around within Medium encumbrance.
Let's say that was her move action...
Is there a way out, that she can run away? Or a way with only one enemy?
How much does Khode weights?
Do she has another antidote at hand? (BTW, thanks for the one Shadow "had")
I hope I can get answered before deciding to fight or flight (carrying Khode), within her same turn.

whats the DC on the disguise check? also, khode would probably weigh alot... you could certainly run, they wouldn't chase you, though running with khode would require, at the very least, a check of sorts as I am not to worried on encumbrance, but carrying someone with armor on and the like that doesn't fit in your inventory is a different issue. Also, as far as saves are considered, I think I may run it as if you make the save, you had a "antidote" handy in time. At least until I price out the cost for an item of that nature would be.

sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Who pays? Obviously its our client, as for the price, much more than you would have I am sure. He responds, as you bide your time and weigh options.

As for the assassins, you see a duel wielder using 2 kukris, one with a double chained kama, a katana wielder, what seems to be a knife thrower, and one wielding a scythe (leader)

assuming taking a 20 on the disguise check?

lackeyperception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
leaderperception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

Lantern Lodge

Female Elf | Picture | Ninja 5 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | HP 50/50 | F +3 R +9 W +3 | Init +8 | Perc +9 (Darkvision 60')

Got it!
The Disguise check with the Cap of Human Guise (+10) is +17, so if she takes 20 it would be a DC of 37.

After the Grinning skulls answer, the small gnome carpenter incredibly grabs Khode, and disappears.
I am imagining that as Khode is unconscious, and Shadow is carrying him, he will disappear when she becomes invisible with her Vanishing Trick... if not, well, he will take the place of her shield in this get away :P
- Vanishing Trick (Su) (UC 16): As a swift action you can disappear for 5 rounds. This ability functions as invisibility and uses up 1 ki point.
Then she, as standard action, she makes a run for it, trying to avoid them and getting away as fast as she is able.
She has STR 16, and the Run Feat, which rolls would you like? Stealth? Constitution? Dumb luck?

gonna have to say no on the khode going invisible, as vanishing trick is self and like invisibility, only affects one target. though argument could be made for the gear on khode going invisible. , khode is conscious but unable to move. aaaaannndddd, give me a strength check, and an acrobatics check. as khode alone without his gear probably would "weigh" at least a bit more than 108lbs.

Male Tiefling (Shackleborn) Picture Dreadnaught 5; HP 65/65, AC 17/T 10/ FF 17; Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +3; CMB +7, CMD 17; Per +9, Init +2; Spd 20.;

GM_Rorek wrote:
sorry, I thought I replied but it ate my PM

Is this with regard to my PM Rorek? I sent you one, but you haven't replied yet...

Male Tiefling (Shackleborn) Picture Dreadnaught 5; HP 65/65, AC 17/T 10/ FF 17; Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +3; CMB +7, CMD 17; Per +9, Init +2; Spd 20.;

Save yourself Shadow!!! You owe Khode nothing...

Lantern Lodge

Female Elf | Picture | Ninja 5 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | HP 50/50 | F +3 R +9 W +3 | Init +8 | Perc +9 (Darkvision 60')

Strength Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Acrobatics Check: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25
She has STR 16, so can carry 153 lbs as medium load, and 230 as Heavy load (I think that last would be the case). About the Acrobatics she has a +4 to avoid AoO (Belt of Tumble), and +4 to jump (Run feat). Run Feat also allow her to keep her AC while running, and running at x4 speed (instead of x3) in heavy load.
About saving herself... yes, she is thinking that all the while she risk her skin for Khode... but keeps doing it.

Male Tiefling (Shackleborn) Picture Dreadnaught 5; HP 65/65, AC 17/T 10/ FF 17; Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +3; CMB +7, CMD 17; Per +9, Init +2; Spd 20.;

And such is the stuff of heroes...Khode would likely do the same...

Male Dwarf Zen archer monk 1 HP9/9 AC16/16/14 Init:+2 Perception:+8(+10stonecunning), Fort:+4Ref+5Will+6(+3vs spell/SLA/Psn)

In this case being unconscious would Khode not count as an object being helpless and such? if so then when our ninja swipes him he becomes part of the pile on her person and is affected by the trick. But it should be fairly easy to avoid strikes as an invisible person, worst thing that would happen is them nailing Khode as you run down the mountain. With the run feat, even heavily encumbered you ought to be able to out run them.
As for Khode. Counting his physique presented I'm estimating his weight between 115-130 pounds. hes lithe but heavily muscled. he is carrying 33 pounds of gear between his weapons and armor. So somewhere beween 148-163 pounds in total.
Also, I don't plan to interfere unless you guys decide to "See" Argus on account of most folks not expecting people to travel by tree. and mostly looking down, not up.

Mallory hadn't been exactly pleases with the idea of getting left behind again until Argus had explained the terrain that awaited. The hill of sorrows was a track of rolling land that rose to a peak where the fortress stood. Surround the fortress was the razor swamp a muck filled trench three miles wide with only one reliable path through it. Taking the path was to leave you open to every form of ambush, But going through the swamp meant you had to deal with the Blade lizards, bomber birds and serpent leaches. Describing the horrible sliding movement of the leaches had done the trick to get Mallory off going there for a long time.

With a flash Argus is on the fourth floor a trade to a local getting him a teleport crystal bound for the razor swamp, ten minutes to move through the trees in that place. fortunate he could or the terrain of the area would reduce him to a fraction of that.
"Man I hate swamps, stupid blade lizards everywhere. Argus states this and jumps into a tree as a darkly scaled crocodile lunges out of the swamp missing his boots by inches "Ha! #$%#in thought so you pea brained scaled turkey!"
Argus begins bounding toward his goal, the heavily wooded forest surrounding the dungeon Adamant Fortress Awn while tapping out a message to his allies.

<Zero> Hey this is argus, I'm on the fourth level about to take a look around on this Adamant Fortress Awn place. I'll get back to you soon with more info, the NPCs in town didn't want to give up any quest details on account of my terrible social stats. See if you can find out something if you happen to get up here.

As you sprint away suddenly several of the assassins are caught by surprise but there leader manages to shout
After Them! Just as you turn invisible, unfortunately, your passenger does not and he gets a nice view of the assassins now chasing after you.

at first the awkwardness of carrying Khode unbalances you and you are almost run down but you manage to duck the chain and slowly begin to outpace your pursuers. You hear and see a few shuriken buzz around you and poor old khode takes a couple hits. Eventually you begin to lose sight of all the pursuers save one lackey with the double chained kama and the leader. Unfortunately as you near the road several more assassins appear cutting off your escape.

Hah, we never underestimate our quarry.

Just when you feel hope disappear, your assailants are beset on by ninja wearing pure white clothing bar a blood red rose set on there right shoulder and you hear a familiar voice.

We meet yet again shadow You see Maia Youchi jump down from a tree.
It seems our paths are destined to always meet. We apologize for not helping sooner, but we wanted to wait until the rest of this group was flushed out.

the scythe wielding assassin curses
Blast, we almost had them. Fall back!

and with a blast of smoke he is gone.

as things settle down Maia speaks to shadow again.
It was a foolish thing you did, attempting to save this man, the Grinning Skulls are not to be trifled with alone. But I am glad you did it.....
We have been hunting this bands leader for several weeks now, but even now he manages to elude us.

A white robed ninja politely interupts the conversation
milady, we captured 3 of them this time, the others escaped, we took no losses

Maia smiles calmly
good, then this world is that much safer for it. Shadow, Thank you for your help in apprehending these men, and I one again extend the invitation to join our guild, you need to answer now, just know you, and your friend there will always be welcomed should you wish to join. Know too, we are watching.

She goes to leave with prisoners in tow.

Lantern Lodge

Female Elf | Picture | Ninja 5 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | HP 50/50 | F +3 R +9 W +3 | Init +8 | Perc +9 (Darkvision 60')

Shadow falls on her knees, reappears and smiles to Maia.
"I owe you one, sister. Anything, anywhere, whenever you call. Thanks."
She lays next to Khode.
"Moan if you are hurt..."
She grabs his hand in hers, while trying to get her breath back.

Male Tiefling (Shackleborn) Picture Dreadnaught 5; HP 65/65, AC 17/T 10/ FF 17; Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +3; CMB +7, CMD 17; Per +9, Init +2; Spd 20.;

"Gaaaaah" answers Khode weakly, though you are unsure if it is due to the paralysis or the pain...

Stats: HP 86/86; AC 24, touch 22, Flat Footed 12; CMD 24; Fort +11, Reflex +12, Will +10; Perception +12; Initiative +7

ok the "pea brained scaled turkey" totally made our night. Could not stop laughing. :)

She places a comforting hand on the broody Zero. "Everything is going to be fine my love." And as a way to cheer him up continues with "Besides, we sent Argus out. I feel bad for anyone who tries to f*** with him! He is as pleasant as a rusty nail in the eye.." From behind she can hear the familiar sound of Talori's voice. "I swear I am going to cook that damn owl if it messes with my papers again" she thought as she poured herself a glass of useless virtual wine.

Eira gives Talori a big grin, "Well kiddo, we are about to find out what Argus has to say. hopefully all went well." She gives a small chuckle. The crystal began to rise and suspend in air, hovering gracefully as it emanated a soft blue aura that shifted into a gold light when activated. Upon hearing Argus' message Eira cracked a huge smile and started laughing non stop. "Ah! colorful as always our dear Argus!"

She takes another long sip while watching Talori beat her brother, "Well Talori may be young and cutesy but that girl doesn't take anyone's $#¡¶" she straightens herself up and a more serious expression begins to shape her face. "Now make sure you get ready for our confirmation from Argus. Talori, you may get a chance to do what you do best, kick some a$$!"

As suddenly as they had appeared, maia and the order of the blood rose ninjas disappeared almost fading into the twilight. Though you can't help but think, you could have made a better exit. Paralysis would be wearing off by now as well

As you make it to the bottom of the small incline to the fortress cathedral, you take note of the late medieval torture cages hanging from the trees with skeletons laying about in them. There are even some free handing mummified corpses hung on the seemingly dead trees. Whoever made this level was clearly overly fond of Gothic style horror. Half way up you notice a small fire and the sounds of battle, Then see some players engaged in combat with what seems to be one of the very trees in the area as well as skeletons wielding weapons! A quick Hud overlook shows that there is only one player higher than level 2 in the group. You realize they are surely overmatched but have somehow managed to hold on. As you get closer there names appear over head as well as the guild tags under them. -Nyan Kats-

Stats: HP 84/84; AC 20, touch 13, Flat Footed 17; CMD 24; Fort +8, Reflex +&, Will +5; Perception +13; Initiative 4

Zero leans against Eira and breathes in deep and releases the breath slow. He lets his doubts and worries freeze over as he takes on his persona as the Sub-Knight Commander of the Night Ravens "Sub-Zero".

During Argus' message the migraine named Aia Furuki settles behind Zero's right eye he had just finished explaining to her again that they weren't going to change the name of their guild just because they were similar, nor were they going to join. Next time he might just send Argus to talk to her instead. After Talori finishes with her brother Zero stands with his wife.

"All right you heard the Commander if you've got any items you need get them now because if the Blades want something we sure as hell can't let them have it."

Some time later

<Argus> Got it we'll be heading there soon. Talori will be there to back you up. Eira and me will find out about this Adamant Fortress Awn. Oh and Eira says please don't get arrested for public indecency again. Something about orphans needing counseling now.

Male Dwarf Zen archer monk 1 HP9/9 AC16/16/14 Init:+2 Perception:+8(+10stonecunning), Fort:+4Ref+5Will+6(+3vs spell/SLA/Psn)

If this puts me within 200ft of them I full attack aiming for the skeletons closest. (one of my traits lets me ignore the first range penalty with longbows) I want to hit whatever is currently threatening them to allow them to withdraw. If it will not then I will use my current move action to get close enough for this to be the the case. Then I'll start raining death on them.
Also, damn, I had hoped to get to Khode and Shadow quick enough to comment on their disheveled appearance.

Argus slams into the next tree, leaping a wrought iron cage before swinging upward onto a hefty branch. His HUD giving him information on the creatures in front of him.
Oi! You kids with the crappy guild name! Argus's voice booms out of the tree he stands on with no issue. Get the hell over here and away from those boney $#%$s! The dragon helmeted man steadies his bow and Launches a barrage of arrows. The quiver he reaches into having blunted heads
Oh yeah, blunted ammunition, suckas!


Immediate threat: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
Perfect strike : 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Immediate threat: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
Damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Crit confirm: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
Damage: 2d8 + 16 ⇒ (6, 8) + 16 = 30
Immediate threat: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Male Tiefling (Shackleborn) Picture Dreadnaught 5; HP 65/65, AC 17/T 10/ FF 17; Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +3; CMB +7, CMD 17; Per +9, Init +2; Spd 20.;

Are we anywhere near the Fortress? I can't get Roll20 at the mo...

GM, I'm just going to assume you're fine with Khode seeing as you haven't replied to my PM... ;)

You drop 3 skeletons straight away, opening a route towards you for the players to run through. All but one make it through. The highest leveled player keeps stand, holding the living tree at bay for his fellows to escape. However now he is cut off as more and more skeletons burst from the ground you see him get struck several times.

sorry yes its fine. Also everyone starts out at 50% exp.

Male Dwarf Zen archer monk 1 HP9/9 AC16/16/14 Init:+2 Perception:+8(+10stonecunning), Fort:+4Ref+5Will+6(+3vs spell/SLA/Psn)

Swift- sudden leap
Move- draw out teleport crystal
Free action- drop an item -teleport crystal
Free action- draw an arrow
Standard action, shoot an arrow. activate perfect strike as part of the shot.
Damage from an 80ft fall is 8 damage. Lands on feet, due to boots of the cat.
End turn standing on the ground about 70-ish feet from where I jumped out of the trees in a fighting stance with the Nyan Kats behind me.
Tanglefoot arrow 20gp
Teleport crystal 100gp
calling someone a farmer $#@%ed sheep?

"Of all the recalcitrant suicidal ideas you want to go toe to toe with a f*$&ing REAPER TREE!?" Argus fuels his anger into an absolutely jaw dropping leap, Throwing a teleport crustal into the air as he lands, drawing one arrow and aiming. "Well not today you arrogant $#%$wit! You get to face the full wrath of your friends for your suicidal actions because no one is dying on my watch!"
Argus retrieves an arrow with a burlap flower for a head, the weapon oozing a slight trail of sap. The crystal revolves once before Argus sights and releases.

SUDDEN LEAP: 1d20 + 44 ⇒ (13) + 44 = 57
ARROW: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
PERFECT ARROW: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

With a flash of steam the weapon flies true from Argus's weapon, striking the thrown teleport crystal as it begins falling to earth. The arrow catches the crystal on an edge before blowing straight into players shoulder the normally nonlethal shaft of the Tanglefoot arrow punching through the sap and forcing the crystal active. The player vanishes in a cloud of particles and argus turns to look at the astonished gaggle behind him
"The #$%# are you staring at you booger drippin wide eyed farmer #$%$ed sheep? You awake, because if you are I need you to kindly-" argus states with false kindness, before drawing in breath "RUN LIKE YOUR #$%în' LEGS ARE ON FIRE!"

He turns his head back to the tree and its skeletal minions. "Now, I'm waiting you motherless half-breed of a shrubbery and a turnip!" He taunts, fists raised and ready in a defensive stance. "Come get some!"

Lantern Lodge

Female Elf | Picture | Ninja 5 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | HP 50/50 | F +3 R +9 W +3 | Init +8 | Perc +9 (Darkvision 60')

Shadow checks on Khode and helps him recover.
"Maybe I should lend you my Cap of Human Guise... You are quite the popular fellow..."
The goblin carpenter changes, in a second, to a Halfling barmaid.
"So, fancy going to look for the level 5 boss? I couldn't be more dangerous than taking a stroll on the forest for you."

Male Dwarf Samurai (Sword Saint) 6

Didn't realize you had opened up the gameplay. Stupid lack of internet connection...

Hornfell snorts awake, tumbling out of bed to hit the hardwood floor. The first thing that he noticed was that he overslept, followed by the dull ache that was coursing through his head. With a muttered curse, he stretches his limbs and begins his daily routine. Washing his face and strapping on his armor, he banishes the grim thoughts lurking in the back of his mind.

The only way we get out of here is to do the best we can, he admonishes himself, And that isn't going to happen if we fall into our own despair.

He walks down to the main tavern, ordering himself a late brunch and keeping a sharp eye out for friendly faces, all the while turning down invitations to join guilds from whoever approaches him. He'd be damned if he didn't grab his food before he started the day's business.

And besides, he wanted to keep a low profile. High level players tend to attract a lot of attention.

After finishing his meal, Hornfell decides to meander about the town, looking for quests and other players he can muck about the world with.

@ Argus, as the last player leaves the clearing near the fortress the living tree resets and returns to its dormant spot and the skeletons seemingly reburrow underneath the earth. You stand above the low leveled guild as they look up to you.

you.. you killed him! You killed him! One begins to shout hysterically.

Stats: HP 84/84; AC 20, touch 13, Flat Footed 17; CMD 24; Fort +8, Reflex +&, Will +5; Perception +13; Initiative 4

If they are low level...what level are they were only 5?!?!0_o

Male Dwarf Zen archer monk 1 HP9/9 AC16/16/14 Init:+2 Perception:+8(+10stonecunning), Fort:+4Ref+5Will+6(+3vs spell/SLA/Psn)

Two, and they are against what looks to be a Treant a CR8.

"Shut the #$%# up you wet necked sack of crap!" Argus stomps directly up to the hysterical player "I don't have time to save your a@@ and coddle your f#!+ing a@@ at the same time but,
I can tell you that your friend isn't dead you @#$%in' sheep.
He glares into the kids eyes
"If I had wanted to kill you I would have just let your get murdered by the #$%#ing tree!"

Male Dwarf Samurai (Sword Saint) 6

Hornfell notices the poster warning of players hunting the <Meridian Heights> roads. He grimaces before walking out of of the town, determination on his face. By God, if those players wanted a hunt, then he was going to give them the hunt of their lives...without killing them, of course.

His footsteps take him out of the town and he begins to walk along the road, keeping a careful eye in the treeline for either monsters or players...but sometimes its hard to tell the difference between the two at this point.

Perception: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 2 + 1 = 6


Well, if, if he had died to the tree, you wouldn't be able to loot him! The man stammers still, Besides, he, he disappeared like everyone else does when they are killed when you shot him! Now he is gonna kill us! The man is clearly scared half insane, a few others are looking more skeptical at the accusations, but still seem wary.

ohh I do love social encounters...

you walk along not seeing much of anything, eventually you come to a small grouping of trees, apparently a game made rest spot. You figure you could do with a small rest and lunch, unfortunately, you take a dirt path back to a springs and manages trip over something

Reflex save please good sir!

you also notice several men jump out of the woods, all bearing orange player indicators.

Male Dwarf Samurai (Sword Saint) 6

Ref. Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

...That doesn't look too good. How many players?

5 Human Ninja, HP: 48/48, AC: 20/16/15, SV: 5/10/2, INIT: +7, CMB: +5, CMD: 20, Ki 5 ATT: Adamantine Kukrigama +6 (1d4+2/18-20), Perc +7, Know: Arcane +4, Acrobatics +13, Stealth +18

A young Chinese girl walks slowly down the main road of Merridan Heights. The high slits of her red cheongsam expose significantly more leg than most would consider appropriate and far more than ever found in computer generated clothing.

"Aeeyaa, trust me to follow that wángbādàn! He supposed to try attack me and instead he run when two gobrins come out. Now wōnang fèi has five beat one back in town and I out here hunting PK alone."

"D*mn, it was stupid of me to follow that offspring of a woman who's affection is for sale. He was supposed to try to attack me, but ran instead, as soon as two goblins attacked us. Now that loser is no doubt back in town m*st*rb*t*ng while I am on this road hunting alone for player killers."

Turning to the wood beside the road, she shouts, "That's right! Rast time I trust Gāolì bàng zǐ! Better if I at reast bring niángniangqiāng!"

"That's right! This is the last time I trust some corncob korean! Better if I at least bring a effeminate twink, at least they would be Chinese!"

Her anger sated, Meilin continues down the road, watching the sun's approach to the horizon carefully.

erm... well then. the dice gods love you...

As you trip over into a net that then flies up to hang from a limb 4 players jump out of the woods grinning and laughing.

hey look, he fell into it! I can't believe it! Boss will like this, he seems to have some nice stuff too!

they begin to move towards you, almost right under the hanging net. most have sheathed there weapons but one keeps his drawn.

Female Human Titan Mauler 5

Talori gives a wild smile and she cracks her fists. "Kaefor was a good warmup. I say that we go and take whatever the Blades are after, and crunch their skulls! Nonlethally, of course."

Talori's face takes a more serious cast as she says "The Blades are becoming a serious problem. I bet that they are behind the recent banditry as well. None of the other guilds are gonna go after them, seeing that they're afraid of what they might do. The Knights are the only ones who might be able to do it, maybe the Order, but because they're big, they have to deal with traitors in their own ranks. Let's face it: we are among the only guilds-small enough, yet powerful enough to take the Blades on-able to go after 'em. And we're the only ones who are willing to do it. As co-Commander of the Ravens, I say that our first order of business is to take down the scumbag degenerates known as the Blades of Twilight, as well as stymieing all of their endeavors. And, who knows-maybe, if we do it, Aia will quit bothering us." Talori opens up the guild's storage vault and takes a few crystals: 3 of 2nd Grade (CSW) and 1 of first grade (CCW), as well as a good heap of minor ones (CLW). "Alright guys, I'm off to rendevous with Argus. PM me about my suggested course of action." Talori tosses a teleporter in the air, and she dematerializes, and rematerializes next to Argus.

"What's up, Argus?" the exuberant barbarian asks as she draws the Claw.

5 Human Ninja, HP: 48/48, AC: 20/16/15, SV: 5/10/2, INIT: +7, CMB: +5, CMD: 20, Ki 5 ATT: Adamantine Kukrigama +6 (1d4+2/18-20), Perc +7, Know: Arcane +4, Acrobatics +13, Stealth +18

Disclaimer: Meilin is horribly racist...against pretty much everyone. She is also a screaming stereotype of the Chinese dragon lady. I've translated what she says in Chinglish for everyone else's amusement, although you should only take the actual Chinese expressions in game if your character speaks that language or if you want to ask her what they mean.

Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4

Her sheet is here.

If you find Meilin offensive, please know that she's written in a comical light. If you find that offensive, there isn't really anything I can do about it.

Male Dwarf Zen archer monk 1 HP9/9 AC16/16/14 Init:+2 Perception:+8(+10stonecunning), Fort:+4Ref+5Will+6(+3vs spell/SLA/Psn)

I'm fairly sure we need to figure out what these teleport crystals can do soon. Far as i'm imagining them is that they work like the old spells from TES3 Morrow wind Mark and Recall. they normally work as teleports to town but if someone goes somewhere they can mark that crystal as a teleport for that particular place.

Argus makes a steam kettle whistle as he sighs. His rolling eyes harder to see with a dragons skull blocking his face.
"Alright, so obviously you are either brain dead, a gerbil wearing a mask or a farmer #$%#ed sheep just like I called you earlier." He grunts pointing above him to the crystal floating over his head. "Is this red you piss poor excuse for a human?" Argus asks in a calming tone "Perhaps you should choose to become a #$%în' farmer as you clearly can't think and a brain dead excuse for a player DOES NOT need to be hitting up dungeons" He snorts and accesses his menu pulling up the PM option typing in a message as he finishes his conversation
"Or did you lose all your capacity for thought from picking your nose and finding that last brain cell you didn't lose when your #$%$# of a mother must of mistook you for garbage disposal with all the #$%^you seem to be spewing now?" Finishing his message he turns back to them
"Or did you not consider checking my story by oh i don't know PMING your $%^*in' friend you braindead #$%^sicles?"

On hearing the tell tale blur Argus brings up his bow before spotting Talori's name marker. "I'm fine, the hell are you doing here Talori? I thought I said I was going to scout first.
Second, Meet the residents of bonehead Island, Ugg, Chugg, Zugg and Doug. They are members of the Nyan Kats, I just saved their glorious idiot leader and they don't have enough brain cells to figure out PMing would be a great way to find out if their friend is fine."

<Zero> Hey, not my fault the orphans walked into a #$%în' bathhouse. Also, I found these Nyan kat idiots getting reamed by a reaper tree. There should be a moron standing in the middle of the 4rth floor town with a stupid look on his face and about four pounds of glue stuck to him. Ask him some questions and maybe we can get more answers. the rest of their crew is with me, I'm bringing them back to town now.

Lantern Lodge

Female Elf | Picture | Ninja 5 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | HP 50/50 | F +3 R +9 W +3 | Init +8 | Perc +9 (Darkvision 60')

Are we near where Hornfell is? Can we help him?

Male Dwarf Zen archer monk 1 HP9/9 AC16/16/14 Init:+2 Perception:+8(+10stonecunning), Fort:+4Ref+5Will+6(+3vs spell/SLA/Psn)

you are on the 4rth floor, hes on the 1st. I wouldn't worry though as our two new players need a place to slide into and that sounds like an excellent place to put them. Khode is going to want to chase after his quest and you seem to be friends with him now. Hopefully you two meet up with us soon and we can raid this stupid place.

as you stomp your way down the road you hear a commotion and some laughter, you aren't able to make out many words but you do here something about Off him and loot. Its coming from down a dirt path not far to your right.

Lantern Lodge

Female Elf | Picture | Ninja 5 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | HP 50/50 | F +3 R +9 W +3 | Init +8 | Perc +9 (Darkvision 60')

Well, I am friends with Hornfell too. But you are right. Good luck to him.

5 Human Ninja, HP: 48/48, AC: 20/16/15, SV: 5/10/2, INIT: +7, CMB: +5, CMD: 20, Ki 5 ATT: Adamantine Kukrigama +6 (1d4+2/18-20), Perc +7, Know: Arcane +4, Acrobatics +13, Stealth +18

"Ayaeio. Sound rike ruck maybe go my way and I make some root now after all. Ret's be sneaky then.."

D*mmnnn. Sounds like luck is going to go my way and I will find some victims after all. I should be cautious and use stealth in this situation."

Meilin slips off the road and enters the treeline. Reaching over her back, she draws a pair of kukri joined in the middle by a red silk cord. She crouches low, utilizing the skill she learned in the real world of southeastern China.

Stealth: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (11) + 18 = 29

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