Black Fang's Kingmaker (Inactive)

Game Master Justin Sluder

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Dark Archive

Kingmaker AP

1st level

25 point buy

Gestalt. Class levels must remain equalized. No double casting characters.

1 trait from the Kingmaker players guide plus 2 from the regular traits.

Approved Sources
any Paizo product with the Pathfinder name on it (with modifications if 3.5)
additional material on a case by case basis

Additional Rules
1 feat at every level
+1 increase to a single ability score at every even level (replaces standard.

Number of players: 4 - 8

Dark Archive

I might be interested. I'm thinking a female human paladin/sorcerer of Sarenrae. I'll try and work up some stats tonight and post them after I get off of work.

Dark Archive

A preliminary background and my ability scores.

LG female human Paladin/Sorcerer. As yet unnamed.

A young Paladin in her order. Not the brightest one around, but possessed of deep faith and a desire to do good and make a difference in the world.

Str 12, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 19

I am very interested! I'm thinking male human oracle. Will start work on it now.

Dark Archive

Brohm wrote:

A preliminary background and my ability scores.

LG female human Paladin/Sorcerer. As yet unnamed.

A young Paladin in her order. Not the brightest one around, but possessed of deep faith and a desire to do good and make a difference in the world.

Str 12, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 19

No objections, but notice I have not restricted alignments. If someone wants to play an evil character, they are welcome to do so.

Dark Archive

A note on evil characters.

If you want to play evil, feel free to do so.

Dark Archive

Long time lurker and never before played a pbp (but been playing RPG since 1985!). Any chance you want a newb?

Dark Archive

The Otyugh wrote:

Long time lurker and never before played a pbp (but been playing RPG since 1985!). Any chance you want a newb?

All are welcome.

Dark Archive

Justin Sluder wrote:

No objections, but notice I have not restricted alignments. If someone wants to play an evil character, they are welcome to do so.

Will that affect my powers and abilities as a Paladin?

Dark Archive

Justin Sluder wrote:
The Otyugh wrote:

Long time lurker and never before played a pbp (but been playing RPG since 1985!). Any chance you want a newb?

All are welcome.

Splendid! Well happy to fit in but rogue would be my choice. If accepted I shall make one tonight.

Dark Archive

Brohm wrote:
Justin Sluder wrote:
No objections, but notice I have not restricted alignments. If someone wants to play an evil character, they are welcome to do so.
Will that affect my powers and abilities as a Paladin?

Build the character you want to play. Character relationship will be handled in game.

I generally focus more on the good side of things when it comes to how I handle Paladins. And, you don't have to detect evil on everything within range. ;)

Dark Archive

It just dawned on me...

For those not familiar with the gestalt variant, click HERE.

I'm interested. Rolled up this Dwarven Cleric of Angradd (see alias) for another Kingmaker campaign that fell through. Will change the stats, lvl etc. to match your guidlines if accepted.

I'll choose this character I recently made. Just did the changed on him due to the point buy being 25 and not 20 and just finished off all the info on him.

He's a fighter using two-weapon fighting, using a longsword as his main hand weapon and a spiked gauntlet as his offhand weapon. His main focus of exploring the world is hunting down bounties and bringing in cash, but who knows perhaps the party may change his outlook on life :).

Chose the spiked Gauntlet just because it sounds cool to punch something hard in the face with your fist.

Edit: Just saw your post on Gestalt. Give me a sec and I'll modify him.

Dark Archive

Justin Sluder wrote:

Build the character you want to play. Character relationship will be handled in game.

I generally focus more on the good side of things when it comes to how I handle Paladins. And, you don't have to detect evil on everything within range. ;)

With an Intelligence of 9, she might not remember to detect evil on a blackguard holding a poster saying "I'm the villain!"


Oh, ho! I just noticed you included gestalt! Interesting. Then I will write up an oracle/cavalier.

This should be fun. :)

Dark Archive

Justin Sluder wrote:

It just dawned on me...

For those not familiar with the gestalt variant, click HERE.

Ok got it. Fighter/rogue for me then!

Dark Archive

I am thinking Human or half orc

stats str 16 dex 18 con 12 int 14 wis 10 cha 8 if half orc (looking to be more a small, runt of the litter type than a brute)...or

str 16 dex 18 con 12 int 13 wis 10 cha 10 if human - and yet to think of a concept.

Here he is. Pretty much finished with converting to your guidelines. Thanks for the consideration.

The Otyugh wrote:
Justin Sluder wrote:

It just dawned on me...

For those not familiar with the gestalt variant, click HERE.

Ok got it. Fighter/rogue for me then!

Bugger, you beat me to it :D

Well I decided to then go for a Fighter/Ranger meaning I can have really nasty bonuses in fighting and not to mention, track enemies to down and stealthily sneak around too. Anyway, For your consideration, Justin.

Oh we are going gestalt? I guess Cleric/Fighter then. I will change as appropriate.

Ok well I said Half orc or human but this is the basics of what I am going for. Polson is a half elf and for flavour if he can be a half dark elf that would be great. I have done his basic stats and as long as I am in and the concept fits with the party I shall take great pleasure in writing him up in full later.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Hrmm, just got an idea for an Iobarian or Shoanti Barbarian/Summoner. The Eidolon will be the 'ancestral spirit beast' for the character.

With the "no double casters" would that include "partial" casters like Ranger? I'd love to do my Cartographer as a Ranger/Bard.

Linkified preview...

Dark Archive

Polson Lacey wrote:
Ok well I said Half orc or human but this is the basics of what I am going for. Polson is a half elf and for flavour if he can be a half dark elf that would be great. I have done his basic stats and as long as I am in and the concept fits with the party I shall take great pleasure in writing him up in full later.

No low-light vision but gain Darkvision 60 ft.

Dark Archive

erian_7 wrote:

With the "no double casters" would that include "partial" casters like Ranger? I'd love to do my Cartographer as a Ranger/Bard.

Linkified preview...

d'oh! :headslap:

Just full casting classes are limited....

A ranger/bard would work.

Justin Sluder wrote:
Polson Lacey wrote:
Ok well I said Half orc or human but this is the basics of what I am going for. Polson is a half elf and for flavour if he can be a half dark elf that would be great. I have done his basic stats and as long as I am in and the concept fits with the party I shall take great pleasure in writing him up in full later.
No low-light vision but gain Darkvision 60 ft.


Sovereign Court

Assuming you will allow the Inquisitor from the Advanced Players Guide final Playtest, I would love to play and Inquisitor/Paladin. I'll roll one up unless I hear no on the Inquisitor.

Dark Archive

Xealot wrote:
Assuming you will allow the Inquisitor from the Advanced Players Guide final Playtest, I would love to play and Inquisitor/Paladin. I'll roll one up unless I hear no on the Inquisitor.


That makes 8 unless someone drops.

Sovereign Court

You rock...

I'm working on her now. I'll be a Aasimar from the Bestiary if allowed, or a Human if not.

Dark Archive

Finalized Rules unless I've missed something.

Kingmaker AP

1st level

25 point buy

Gestalt. Class levels must remain equalized. No double casting characters. Doubling up on partial caster (bard, paladin, etc) is allowed.

1 trait from the Kingmaker players guide plus 2 from the regular traits.

Approved Sources
any Paizo product with the Pathfinder name on it (with modifications if 3.5)
additional material on a case by case basis

Additional Rules
1 feat at every level
+1 increase to a single ability score at every even level (replaces standard.

Number of players: 4 - 8

List skills as such: Acrobatics +8 (+12 jumping) (1 ranks, +2 Dex, +2 feat, +3 [class skills only]; +4 jumping)

Include a list of all sources for your character.

PC's can be of any alignment.

Characters have the better of gold amounts for their two classes as listed below.
Alchemist 120 gp
Barbarian 180 gp
Bard 180 gp
Cavalier 240 gp
Cleric 240 gp
Druid 120 gp
Fighter 300 gp
Inquisitor 240 gp
Monk 60 gp
Oracle 240 gp
Paladin 300 gp
Ranger 300 gp
Rogue 240 gp
Sorcerer 120 gp
Summoner 120 gp
Witch 120 gp
Wizard 120 gp

Dark Archive

Xealot wrote:

You rock...

I'm working on her now. I'll be a Aasimar from the Bestiary if allowed, or a Human if not.

If you accept a -2 Con, it's allowed.

Sovereign Court

Justin Sluder wrote:
Xealot wrote:

You rock...

I'm working on her now. I'll be a Aasimar from the Bestiary if allowed, or a Human if not.

If you accept a -2 Con, it's allowed.

As you wish =)

Dark Archive

Xealot wrote:
Justin Sluder wrote:
Xealot wrote:

You rock...

I'm working on her now. I'll be a Aasimar from the Bestiary if allowed, or a Human if not.

If you accept a -2 Con, it's allowed.
As you wish =)

hehe, I didn't figure you'd be all that worried with a -2 Con with 25 points and going for an inq/pal combo.

Sovereign Court

Well my friend, you could say that you figured correct. I'm close to being done. Just another 30 minutes to an hour...

Ok well the stats seem done - got to work on my concept and background to fit my campaign trait and spend my gold :)

Everything is from the core rule book. Looking forward to starting!

Dark Archive

Angus Skulkhiem wrote:
Oh we are going gestalt? I guess Cleric/Fighter then. I will change as appropriate.

I could be missing something, but shouldn't your Will save be +5?

Dark Archive

The Otyugh wrote:

Long time lurker and never before played a pbp (but been playing RPG since 1985!). Any chance you want a newb?

That makes two of us but I have been playing RPG since 1990 xD, but I'm a NEWB in PBP

EDIT: Never mind this I read the all welcome part ^^ I hope I'm welcome too =)

Justin Sluder wrote:
Angus Skulkhiem wrote:
Oh we are going gestalt? I guess Cleric/Fighter then. I will change as appropriate.
I could be missing something, but shouldn't your Will save be +5?

Oops. yup. You are right. My original design, before I saw the gestalt post had an 18 wis and I over looked it when I changed the stats around. Sorry about that. Thanks for catching it.

Dark Archive

Deiros wrote:
The Otyugh wrote:

Long time lurker and never before played a pbp (but been playing RPG since 1985!). Any chance you want a newb?

That makes two of us but I have been playing RPG since 1990 xD, but I'm a NEWB in PBP

EDIT: Never mind this I read the all welcome part ^^ I hope I'm welcome too =)

I know I set the limit at 8, and we have that before you....but what the heck.

9 I should be able to handle online! Welcome aboard!

Dark Archive

I got some question, well I'm a new at this what did you expect ^^

1.- Were do I post my background or do I even need one?

2.- Are the Aasimar & Tiefling race playable (using the bastard trait to lower the level)?

3.- Any special consideration and things we CAN'T do so I won't have to find out the bad way while creating character?

4.- What's the deadline to hand one over?

Could we get a party roster? I'm picking skills and feats and it would be helpful to know what we have so far. Trying to mentally coordinate 16 different class features makes... head... hurt...

Dark Archive

Deiros wrote:

I got some question, well I'm a new at this what did you expect ^^

1.- Were do I post my background or do I even need one?

2.- Are the Aasimar & Tiefling race playable (using the bastard trait to lower the level)?

3.- Any special consideration and things we CAN'T do so I won't have to find out the bad way while creating character?

4.- What's the deadline to hand one over?

1 create an alias for the character you're going to play.

2 Aasimar and Tiefling are both available. Is there another Bastard trait other than the one in the Kingmaker Players Guide?

3 You can be evil if you want, just remember we have 2 paladins so far, so be evil at your own risk. ;)

4 Deadline can be Monday. I work 24 hours over the weekends so won't have much in the way of time to update things. If everyone's ready to role before the weekend, we can start then.

Dark Archive

Tanner Nielsen wrote:
I'm picking skills and feats and it would be helpful to know what we have so far. Trying to mentally coordinate 16 different class features makes... head... hurt...

Gestalt is awesome, isn't it. :D

Dark Archive

Tanner Nielsen wrote:
Could we get a party roster?

What we have so far:

Darkeyes777: LG female human paladin/sorcerer
Tanner Nielsen: oracle/cavalier
The Otyugh: Polson Lacey, N male half-drow fighter/rogue
Deepdweller: Angus Skulkhiem, LG male dwarf cleric of Angradd/fighter
overfiend_87: Gaelen "the Ironfist" Foesmiter, LN male human fighter/ranger
Draconas: barbarian/summoner
erian_7: Erian El'ranelen, NG male half-elf bard/ranger
Xealot: LG female aasimar inquisitor/paladin
Deiros: ?

Also, feel free to drop into the chat if you like. LINK

Sovereign Court

Constance Superne
Gestalt Paladin/Inquisitor

Character Sheet - Here

Born and raised in the town of Restov, Constance grew up with all the luxuries that should be afforded a child. While her celestial heritage, which has remained dormant for many generation in her families history, is readily apparent, most people assume she is just a normal person. Her parents sent her to a boarding school at the Church of Erastil. After years of training, Constance has received her commission as a holy warrior. She has decided that her first test should be to bring law and righteousness to the "Stolen Lands".

More background information can be added, but you did say "short".

Sources include:
Pathfinder Core Rulebook
Advanced Players Guide Final Playtest
Kingmakers Players Guide
Pathfinder Character Traits
Pathfinder Bestiary

Dark Archive

Yeah there is a Infernal Bastart trait in the Council of Thieves for the tiefling tho it could be used for an aasimar also and thanks for the answers ^^

Okay, Erian is done...

Erian El'ranelen

Dark Archive

Erian El'ranelen wrote:

Okay, Erian is done...

Erian El'ranelen

I assume your favored class is why you have +2 skill points? You only get one. Sorry.

Justin Sluder wrote:
Erian El'ranelen wrote:

Okay, Erian is done...

Erian El'ranelen

I assume your favored class is why you have +2 skill points? You only get one. Sorry.

No, actually that was just a miscount on my part when totaling up the skill points--fixed it!

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